ill !r.;to!:ia Cazetto. sl'EESONAL, MENTION. WANTS. GasettY Want Ads Pay. Try w 'cm And Get Results. Arlvertla.mrnta Inserted ' undVr th) hrnd at I ho rota or tun cents a Una fur (ho flrat InicilWin and Ave fnll a Una for fuch iiiUaeoueiit Insertion. , 1'hone Kn. Ml In the future The GaMte -will mdk a charua lor all notice or frtlra. aumwra. aiu.rtainmrnla. lc. ttte -object of wlik-h Ih to inuka nmnrv. A rlmrira will alnu I,, mail for. tarda of t hunks anil obllu arlra. jni rule is live or ma a una. ah I .. . . . autre ehr, will ha niaUa wban copy ta I Slie VlSltCd retativeS It. thtrt Affirm. I . S Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gaston,- oi lyoweli, were visitors to Gas tonia yesterday, : Mr. Earl Detter. of Besse me r City, was in the city a short wnue yesterday roornlnjr. -Mr W. Ks Wolfe returned last niftbt from a trip to Albe tnarle, his old home. ?' . ; Mrs. S. A. Kindley returned vcterday from Charlotte, where the FARMERS for ale -"vLD PAPERS five cent v bundle ot the Gazette office. .COURBuildinsr lots - (or sale. . 1 tf. farmers' Supply eo. GUTSALH beffins at; the Stanley Mercantile Company'- Oct. 17th. Favorite Grain Drills by John N. Hanna. Agent. Uastonia, N. C. -orJcIOt fZJfiT your winter supplies at bijr reduction in price- at tue stan- lev Mercantile Company a. - r10 LOT Vct druiffcets from $S - to J27.50.' elc Vxu, ruRa to I. match. ' VVilhama Furniture Co. ' TRICK for sale. . Mail orders re " D ceive - prompt attention. For prices and terms address Piedmont Brick Co., Lowell. N. C. tf BIG stock of shoes , at btf? reduc tions at Stanley Mercantile . company's . WOOD vv WANTED The Gazette wants two or. three cords of pood oak wood Avhich we would be glad to take on subscription. Ap- ." -ply at Gazetre Omce. tf I OST Lady's black leather hand- rnir, contammir money, hand kerchief and gold eye glasses. Finder please return to Gazette office. ,COR SALE Good covered delivery a wagon. harness and horse Horse gentle and suitable for family use also For full particulars apply to the Oazelte (Mice. e NOT ONLY one or two articles cut but our entire stoclc to go at big reductions. All we ask is come and see. Stanley Mercantile Cot IF vou wish extra copies of the In- dustrial Edition to send to your friends send us the names and 15 cents for each copy and we will mail them at our expense. CTANLEV MERCANTILE Com- at about pany sells overcoats half price. LOST-20-!' gold filled 17-jewel open-faced Elpin watch, Sunday night, Uct. btti, between McAden ville and Mount Holly. Suitable re ward for return to W. C. Grieg, Mount IMly, N. C, box 688, or The Gazette office Ol8p4 , e are prepared to i isure vour cotton, is suing negotiable receipts. B. H. Parker & Co. Nlc6t. lARMERS We store and ins Mr. C M. Dunn and Mr. B. P. S. Austin returned last week from the Jamestown Exposition. Misses Mina Lewis and May riarnson, oi me. roint section, were shoppers in town yesterday. Mr' J. Mr Crair. of York vine, route-eight, is a. business visitor to Gastoma to day. Mr. A. X. Bulwinkle. of Lianas, was a visitor in town this morning. , Sheriff Love, -of .Stanley county, was the guest last week of his kinsman, Mr. C. VV. Cbaney. Miss Maud Brown, a popular young lady of Concord, is ex pected to arrive to-night to visit Mrs. J. H. Separk. Mrs Emma Jenkins, book keeper for the Yeaeer Mfc. Co is confined to her home at Bel mont by illness. Mr. C Judson Huss went to Charlotte yesterday to hear Wil Ham Jennings Bryan, who spoke in the Auditorium last night Miss Margaret Hale, who is teaching school at Bessemer Citv, spent Saturday and Sunday with botnefolks at Belmont. Mr. A. M. Suggs, of Lowell route one, was a business visitor to Gastonia Friday and was a pleasant caller at The Gazette office Messrs. E. L. Hanna, of Smyrna, S. C, and O. L. Hoff man, of Yorkvule, S. C , route one, were in town on business Saturday Mr. Robert A. Ratchford. of the Point neighborhood, was in town yesterday to meet his daughter, Miss Shirley Ratch ford, who has been to the James town Exposition Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lewis and son, Mr. .John Lewis, and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Durham, of Dallas, left, this morning for the Jamestown Exposition. They spent last night in Gastonia TUESDAY, OCT. 15, 1907. M- Kutn Honmaii. cashier ai me ivjcas o. store, nas gone Prndiififl Mark-fit ' Baltimore, Md., to accompany I hpt cicfpr Mice Sflf rf T.ninlt, ..ens i"-i, , ,u t.,u tj,.i.:.. ti J i t i . i jTjjS 20c I ,lal ,M1 ucauueut. Butter 20c. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Shelton Onions 75c. spent Monday with Mrs. Chatles Peas $1.00. Rankiu at Mount Holly. Mrs. Corn : 80c. Rankin, who is Mrs. Shelton's Sweet Potatoes - 80c sister, has recently been quite Cabbage : .. 2 ill but is somewhat improved Country Hams 16c I now r . ci i i . ii i o I .VJUUU V UUUUtUCIS . . li I. i. 1 r w,. , . Ilouiemade Molasses .....50 to 55c . , , . , r n t, . . turned last night from Morgan I ti'horo r h o rrvonf fAa'Arnl 4 n r Gastonia Cotton. wjth homefolks. She went to These figures represent the prices see her brother, Mr. D. M. Hil a n , , . lift 1 r a paia to wagons: uct. uin uerDrana, ana tamuy, wno are Good middling ll.V in Morganton on a visit from Strict middling. .....UH Omaha. Neb. Middling 11 Cotton Seed . 27c Mr. A. A. Armstrong- and Cotton Receipts. Miss Blanche Martin, students Sectember 950 bales, at t toe boutlj Fork baptist In stitute at Maiden, were in Gas tnnia a slinrf wliil vpclcrHav cn nonce oi new Advertisements, route bark m Maiden fm.n iti. mont, where they spent. Sunday Lucas" Co. -Have some handsome With relatives prizes whiclrwill be exchanged for Octagon soap wrappers Thursday, Oct. 17th. " Gastonia Insurance & Realty Co. Give a cut of the property which they will sell at auction in North Gastonia Saturday, beginning at 10 o'clock. See page ad opposite. Stanley Mercantile Co., Stanley, N. C -Offer a great opportunity to the people of Stanley in a big clear ance sale which begins Thursday, the 17th. Swan-Slater Co. Buster Brown say3 you will trot better in new bar ness and that Swan-Slater has the harness; see prices. William Furniture Co. Little Housemaid says Mr. Lover likes a happy home; furniture helps make it; where to buy that 'furniture see what Little Housemaid says. J. M. Bclk Co. Say that -Ralstons need no breaking in, because read their ad on this page and see the reasons, good ones. Jno. F. Love, Inc. Has big lot ot ladies' ' coat suits and furs which have just arrived by express. The newest styles, at the three big de partment stores CIO AUCTION SUE. Lf ' McADENVILU MATTER. i i .. T . r ' I Corraaoondonca of Tha Oaaatta, Oasloola Insurance A Realty Co. Will pu( 199 Lots oo. Sale . la Norlb Gastonia Saturday A Suburb With Brliht Pros " pecti. : ' t " A big- auction sale M town lots will take place in North Gastonia A Saturday ; morning, beginning at 10 o'clock, when the Gastonia Insurance & Realtv Co. will put on the market 190 desirable town lots. These lots are contained in ten blocks and the . whole ." consists of sixty acrea ot land, which this com pany recently bought from Mr Mac Bradley." The sale will be cried by Capt. VV. I. Stowe, the veteran .auctioneer, , and there will no doubt be a large crowd on hand. v Those Interested in obtaining building lots desir ably located will find on the op posite page a plot showing the location of this property. The blocks range in size from three to nine- acres, which have been subdivided into lots 50x250 feet Streets have been opened through this property, part of which lies within the corporate limits of the town, and two outlets will be had through to the new Dallas macadam road, one being a belt road through the, Craig & Wilson faims and the other through Mr. Mac Bradlev's Drooertv. City water has already been run to this property and electric lights are accessible. The sale is being conducted by some people who are known to all Ga tonians. It will be a clean-cut sale, the lots going to the highest bona hae bidder. There will be no b - biddinir and fair dealing is as sured to all. This property lies well and, with the improvements already made, promises to be come a popular residence, sec tion of the town. The page ad vertisement in this issue gives full particulars regarding the sale and terms and interested parties will do well to read it. The Gastorjia Insurance '& Realty Co. last week sold to the Or tk Mills two houses and four lots on the. macadam road east of the mill. . This property formerly belonged to Mr. John II, Smith. McXdenvillci- N. (., Oct. 14 J. I. Hamraitt and wife left this morning to visit friends id Cooleemee. Mocksville and Winston. -They will be gone about a week.vW. II. Braswrll and wife, James M. Campbell, Mrs. Doc Roberts; Mis Daiv Hooper, Miss. Irene -: Hoopt-r, Mis. Carrie Lattiniore, John B Kusa and a. Y. Moore were among 'those Who wept ftom here to Gastonia Saturday. John .Browning's little grand daughter has been quite sick at his nome the past wetk S. R Nichols' little daughter Beatrice' is very sick. She has inalaiial fever. Hav Rankin's little child remains c.itically ill. It has been sick . nearly two months W. P. Cavin is still confine! to hi bid. His brother, from Mt. II -M- visited him yesterdav. Mrs. J Jin Walker and chi Artn ill PAntAm4t' ara nte!ltnr Mrs. Walker's parents. Mr and "AT BERKLEY S mis. vv. u. uiasweu. air. OPERA HOUSE 2 Nights" October 15 th and 16th To - Night "The Dice of Death" Tomorrow Nlfilit The pain in Ma's head is gone, She's as happy as can l e, Her health is right, her temper bright, Since taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea at nit?ht, Adams Drug Co. Mr. J. T. Wylie and Mr. William Wilson will leave this .evening for Chester, S. C , to attend the annual reunion of the Confederate veterans of Chester county,' which takes, place to morrow, Mr. Wylie was a mem ber of Company A. Sixth South J Carolina Regiment. He expects to return to Gastonia to-morrow. Parmer's Union Rally. TOWN AND COUNTY. .vl M A heavy frost this morniug. Overcoats and fires are aH the go. . ; The paving people expec to pet to . work on Main tlnn ' this week. Workmen are iiuy , putting - down curbing. "... Tlie new survey makes considerable '. alteration-in the grade of Main sijeei ai some points. A full ' house greeted the Edsall'Winthrope Company, at the opera house last night to witness" the stirring comedy Brother Against Brother This company will present "The Dice of Death" to-night a n d At Berkley's Crossing" to-morrow night; They give a good show and will "doubtless have good houses each night, '. ' . ' On Saturday, October f6th the local farmers' unions of the county are called to, meet at Ikssemer City for the purpose of holding a general union, rally and organizing a county union. There are 10 local unions in the county and several more are to be organized within the next few days. Mr. J. G. Armstrong, of Arkansas, a general organizer, is in the county and is meetin? witb good success in organizing the larmers. A strong force of visiting delegates from Cleve land county is expected to be present at Bessemer and a . local l,4inion will first ,be organized at IQ-7n n'flnrl' an1 of 11 n11, the executive session of the county unioji will be held. Cotton Reclipts. Receipts at the local platfoim up to 1:30 to day amounted to 68 bales. Total since last report 260 bales, Miss Sun- PryorAIIen. Mr. William Pryor and Beula Allen were married day at the home of Mr. N. A Mcintosh, the ceremony being performed by Rev. W. M. Bor ing. The wedding was some thing of a surprise to the many friends to this popular young couple. TOWN AND COUNTY Walker will move to Bessemer City this week James Walters t a a a one oi uastouia'g popuiji barbers, was visiting Oliver Moore yesterday Chas. S Smith and Hugh Pasour, form er residents of McAdenville but now of the Flint Mill, Gastonia. visited friends here Sunday. The tent meeting contines with good interest. Large numbers orpeople are hearing the Maness brothers and many are professing conversion. Col. R. L. Abernethy, wife, son and daughter attended the services yesterday. Mr. Abernethy spoke at 2.15 on "Man's Duty to his Country." The services at the Methodist church were well at tended and -were of more than ordinary interest in that eight new members were received in to membership. Six of these came by certificate and two on profession of faith. The singing school under the direction ot Mr. N. M. Cordell close! Friday night. The. ver dict oi an those, who came un der his instruction is that he tauyht one of the best schools ever conaucteu here. Any church in need of a first-class teacher would make no mistake in employing Mr. Cordell. His address is Lincotnton, R. F. D. No. 1. Master Basel McGhee has bem right sick for several days l)iit is improving-nicely now. Miss Mamie Ray, a student in .the Piesbyterian college, Char lotte, is visiting her parents. Mr. and . Mrs. R. R. Ray. J. P. Parker, our real estate man, has Ijeeii absent from town some weeks but has returned and taken up his work again. In the Old Testament we read of "Nimrod, the mighty hunter. McAdenville has a man who in some sense deserves to be given the same name. lhe man is J. W. Red wine and his game is "possum." He had nine on liand Saturday. They are plen tiful hereabouts. CROSSING" Great Line of Specialties Seats Now on Sale at Tprrence's Drug Store, Prices 15-2533. QUALITY Is the Cornerstone on which we have built the rep utation our SHOES now enjoy. Selected materials throughout put together by the highest class of shoemakers. This season we are showing the nobbiest models in ladies high graae tooiwear ever shown here; outton, con gress or lace. $1.75 to $5.00 ROBINSON BROS. Foot-Fitters. RUBBER Stamps, maae wnue you wait at the Gazette Publishing Co's. One-line stamp, 20 cents; 2-line, 25 cents: 3-line, 30 cents, tt Mr. Charles Grieg, left yes terday afternoon for RichbuTg, S. C, where he is building a residence. He took with him two roofers and a lather, The house is about ready for the plas terers. Mr. Gngg will return in a few days. The attention of our readers is directed to the advertisement on page four of the Stanley Mer cantile Company, at Stanley. They are advertising a big clearance sale which begins Thursday, the 17th. They have something interesting to tell you. Sheriff Shuford returned Sat urday from Treeland, near Lenoir, where he went after John McGinnis, who was want ed at Dallas for desertitig his wife, McGinnis was tried be fore a magistrate there yesterday and was taxed with the costs of the case and rcauired to pav his wife $5 a month. He return to ireeland to work. "Suffered day and night the torment of itching piles. Noth ing helped, me until I nsed Doan's Ointment. It cured me permanently." Hon. John R. Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. . . a a a cotton is not coming in on the local market as rapidly as it did at the first of the season. The farmers, it is believed, are going to hold the staple until the price advances. ; THE Difficulties of Successful Child Portraiture is M istered by Few. That the Green Studio has done this is evidenced by a large list of satisfied patrons and countless baby faces on exhibi tion at the Stu dio. Child Portraiture is Our Specialty , 'Phone 147 J. I.GREEN. f'y mm mix ii n ii mi, i NEED NO BREAKING IN Because Ralston foot-print lasts true to na ture models provide for sole fit as well as uoper fit and It Is only by combining the two that a perfect fitting shoe can be ob tained. They give you comfort without any sacrifice of style. Say "show me" to J. M. BELK CO. Jiiltv hottAc-tttaid Mm (md. m zr afi X X My II I tbT W. Jsl '.T?Jbw t Home Sweet Home 7? Fq TcZu ffffit will REJOLVD THATXOriE LUXURIES ARE WCESSIVS,MDVlCE VERSA EVERY NICE GARMENT S BOTH IT Should BE . WHo vozsntI .ENJOY GOOD CLOTHES. BJM , A HORSE fEL5 BETTER HARNESS BUSTER BROVV, The latest -fume hit' Wm. Ii. Drtfjb Bro's. .'" i popular "oaj) i-- PocahonlaSf Selling with great success. For Sale by FROST TORRENCE - A . CO, BELMONT BUDGET. Correspondence of The Gnietta. Belmont, N. C, Oct. 14, 1907 Miss Gertrude Stowe spent Saturday and Sunaay at home Mrs. h. E. Rankin and chil dren, of Loweil, visited Mrs. N. J. Armstrong Saturday and Sun day. Prof, and Mrs. F. P. Hall and little son, Frank, are visit ing the Exposition and other points this week- Mrs, Hall will spend a few weeks with friends and relatives at Norfolk. Mrs. Emma Jenkins has been ill at her home here for a week. Her friends hope to see her out again soon. Miss Maggie Hall came down from Bessemer City Friday night to spend Saturday and 'Sunday with homefolks. She returned to, Bessemer this morning.T-Mr.'Andy Armstrong, who is at South Fork Institute, Maiden came home Friday and returned to Maiden this morn ing. Mrs. J, P. Chandler Vent to Bessemer City . Saturday to join Mr. Chandler there. - They will make that their home "in the future. Prof. F. I. Jackson spent Saturday and" Sunday "at his home in Gastonia. Miss Bess Robinson also spent Sat urday and Sunday at her home near Gastonia. ; ' Subscribe for Tub Gazett?, ..... i i I i StLJL SVENJoYCaoD CLOTHES. EVEN I JrfVW U kh HORSE fL5 BETTER 5 fevSWNEw Harness orrKT co efTHi um mm cca. Do YOU NOT WUH NEW HARNESS FOR. YOUR SELF? YOU WILL TRoT BETTER IF YOl GET IT. WE CAN RIG YOU OUT FROM THE SKIN OUT. UNDERWEAR FOR HOSE SUIT OVERCOAT HAT $1.00 PER SUIT. $2.00 " $3.00 " .jo. up ; rt5q to $30.00 $5.00 TO$22.00 Jl .00 TO $5.00 SWAN-SLATER CO, ' (HEAD-TO-FOOT OUT-FITTERS FO MEN AND BOYS) ; 9S uw cove a nappu mtne ana uou Miew what CittCz houc maid don't uou? ui&Jieke ean I uct good femituke? a&k anySodfr Ider next yu&btion a&k ean I f&t tfilfood fahnttuhe at jfkL CovWbt hUee? abk tkote who ma know that hkieeb In ntv94 jyajyM alC look afokty 40 we dimjify oik you tp eome and teethe ftkieteon oa fontiue ab ma Cook at it. muM Piucfo Williams Furniture Co. CRAIG & WILSON BUILDING Jno. H.WiiIiamsf Manager. Cotton Mill Stock Wanted We have inquiry and cnatomera for the following Southern Cotton Mill stocks. . !axon Cotton Mill xtftck. (S.C.I Drayton Cotton Mill stock. S. C.) , Arcadia Lolton Miiutoci is. o Arr.rf- Cotton Mill stock (S. C J ' Woodsida Cotton Mill atock (S. CJ - . Kinir Mtn. Mfjt. Co. (N. C.) Woodlawn Mfs Co Cotton Mill stock -(NC) Lancaster. Com. Cotton Mill stock (S. C Hart.villr Cotton Mill stock (S. C Chiqaola CoXton Mill atock (S. C.) Woodruff Cotton Mill atock (S.C.) . Fairfield Cotton Mill atock (S. C J Trion Cotton Mill stock (Ga. Tnscnvora Cotton Mill stock (S. C.) ... Williamson Cotton Mill stock rS. C J Norris Cotton Mill stock (S. C. I Clover Cotton Mill atock (S.CJ -Lowell Cotton Mill atock (N CO ' Carvin. Coin., Cotton Mill stock (S.CJ. Monarch Cotton Mill stock (S C.) Lorav. Pref'd. Cotton MiU atock (S. CJ li yon want to by or aell Cotton Mill stocks please write as. . SOUTHERN SECURITIES I TRUST CO. 4. A. Glaaa, Pre. CM. Clean, Trees. Gastoku, , ; - N. C. The Oex.tte tor Orst-Clse prtaUns. -A. SOMETHING NEW Our new stock of Jewelry which has just been opened tip was select ed from, one of the largest jewelry houses in America and ererytliinz is in the latest style. Our prices are as low as can be made on the quality of goods. Come and let us show you. . W- are still tnaliiijf a specialty of repair work a id can d your work promptly. Cive . as a triaL WOLFE BROS. .... Oppeslte Pet-f EatMcribe for TITS C V

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