j.MMttHltllU'ittHMHA . - Gaston nt a 77 ir It -rrr ir ; -1 Try aGarettc Want Ad i They Urlnfi Results " J 4- ,. Tito Paper $ J Read by Gnton People J 4. t Thor All t PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. 1 4.4i.-44JJJ-W--' 0. D. ATKINS, Editor. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. $1.50 a Year In Advance, f In tie Copy Sc. VOL. XXVIII. CA8TONIA, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18. I907. NO. 84 mi ir iUv::Mli'.: A PROFESSIONAL CARDS ' GARLAND & JONES Attorneys and Counselors Over Torrence-Morrla Company. . ; Gastonia, JT 0. S. B. SPARROW , . ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW . . DALLAS, N. C. . Offlc upstair over , Bank Of . Dalla JOHN 0. CARPENTER ATTORNEY'AT.LAW r .DALLAS, N.C Office over Bank of Dallas. DR-D, E. McCONNELL, DENTIST ... - OASTONIA, N. C. Offic.rFlrat Floor Y. M..C. A. Blt . Phone 69. DB.T. A WILKINS - DENTIST ; GASTONIA tN. C. ; Office in Adams Building Phone 311 - . MRS. JOHN HALL TEACHER OF PIANO AND ORGAN. OR. P. A Pressly - DENTIST CLOVER, - - S. C. - S. A. WOLFF DALLAS. N. C. TEACHER OF PIANO AND VIOLIN, v Wednesdays and Saturdays in .GASTONIA, N. C. For Reference see tuning liStof Steinway ; PROF. J. M. MASSEY Piano tunlnjf" and Repairing' specialty; satisfaction guaranteed Phonek Gastonia, N. C. , All Offices o! Trust , are better performed by a trust 'com - pany than by an individual. It mini-it the. interests entrusted to it with perject ca-e, unaffected bytors " personal interests o prejudices. . - - The -Southern Securities & trust Co. acts as an executor of wills, trustee r or administrator of estates, guardian - for minors or incompetent perspns, transfer agent for corporations re y ceiver in litigation,;: and in many other capacities. In what capacity can it serve you? - - '; : , .. THE NEW - YORK . WORLD. Thrice-t-wetk Edition. -'r''v; ' ."" ; Read Wherever the English Language la Spokea The Thrtce-a-week World expects to be better paper in 190? than ever before. In the course oi the yearthe issues (or tbe next great Presidential camraign will be fore ' shadowed, and everybody will wish to keep r informed. The Thice-a-Week World.com- ins to 70a every other day. serves all the purposes of a daily and is far" cheaper. The news 'service of this paper is constant-. . ly being increased and it reports folly, afr ' carately mad promptly every event of im- portance anywhere in the world. Moreover, " Its political news is impartial, (riving you , facts, not opinions and wishes. It has full ; markets, splendid cartoons and Interesting fiction by standard aathors. . ' .... " THB THRICE-A-WEEi WORLD'S retro Isr subscription price is only $1.00 per yeai and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this uneauled " newspaper and Tim GAS TONIA GAZBTTB together for one year foi $2.00. ' ' ,- . '- The regular subscription price of the twe papers is $2.50. -.- ..--.:. - 'f'':r ' - This effer will be open till January 1st. . . Send order to Gazetta Publishing Co. The cornerstone, of the North Car : olina Grand Lodge Masonic Temple -' was laid at Raleigh Wednesday in the presence of thousands of masons : from all over th State; . - v Twenty business houses and resi liences in Jacksonville, Florida were destroyed - Tuesday ntght by fire which swept the southern portion of the city and inflicted a loss of S7S, 000.. - .. - -' . ; . . At Greensboro Weduesc! "fcg William Jennings Bn to an audience of 21 ' fair grounds. At tertained with a b. Saturday Morning 0 LOOK Don't Fail to Attend This Sale Nothing Like It Ever Held iu Gastonia .These Lots are to BE SOI D FOR THE HIGHEST DOLLAR Remember the date and hour, Saturday morning, Oct. 19th, 10 o'clock sharp Gastonia! I SYNOD OF TENNESSEE. Now in Session tt KinjCs Moan (tin Delegates from Three States Enrolled Present Of ficers Reflected for Another Year. Special to the Charlotte Observer. ( Kines . Mountain, Oct. 16. The ministers and delegates pi the Tennessee Synod have been arriving in Kings Mountain since Monday night. At i o'clock yesterday the Synod was form ally opened by a most inspiring sermon-by the presideujt, Rev. E. J. Sox, of Little Mountain, S. C. Following the sermon the holy communion was adminis tered, the members of St., Mat thew's congregation partaking with the members of Synod, The president then read bis report, which was a clarion call to greater church activity. Daring the year tbe death of one minister has occurred. Rev. N. Stirewalt, Luray, Va. Mr. Stirewalt was a faithful pastor and also the father of Rev. J. VV. Stirewalt, missionary of tbe Uni ted Synod, South. The Synod has lost two pas- by transfer Rev. W. P. Cline, to the S. C. Synod, and Rev. Prof, W. H. Little to the Southern Nova Scotia Synod aud one loss. Rev. D. A. Good man to the Missouri Synod. Three ministers have come in to the Synod Rev. W. A. Lutz, Statesville; Rev. P. D Risinger, Dallas, and Rev.- C. J. Sox, Statesville. ; The election of officers result ed in a re-election of the old of ficers for another term: 'Rev. E. Sox, president: Rev. C. K. Bell, secretary,, and Rev. Dr. R. A. Yoder, treasurer. . , Among the official visitors are: Rev. O. B. ."Shearous, . fraternal delegate from the South Carolina Synod, and Prof. J. Q. Crabtree, Salem, Va., superintendent of the Orphan Home of the United Synod of the South. ; . A' most gratifying feature comes :rom tne treasurer's report-that more than $26,000 passed through his hands as the beneficence of tbe Synod during the past year.' This breaks the record at "more, than treble any. previous year, .-v-'-' The address of last night was on the subject nf Christian edu cation and was delivered by -Rev. B D. Wessenger, of South Car- lina. : l The substantial, and " genial people of Kings Mountain are en tertaining the Synod royally. The! music oi the cnurcn service uas been specially prepared and is mosj beautifully and impressive- y rendered. The L u t h e r a n church of Kings Mountain . is a gem of beamy and the loyal peo ple are a happy unit in all their wo? k. Rev. C- K. Bell, the sec- f rctary of Synod, is the popular pastor. ; . A passenger train left the rails as was entering ,the statioa at ""sbary, , England, Tnesday -,or nineteen Arsons were :rtytiine injured. Ten . ere passenjerg. it At 1 0 O'clock Sharp FOR THE SIGN I ts to Your Interest To Be on Hand Promptly at 10 O'clock Saturday Morning Else you may miss a bargain in property which will Grow In Value Every Day insurance MB. ED HOFFMAN DEAD. Well-to-do Citizen of the County Dies of Typhoid Fever Buried Wednesday at Sandy Plains. Mr. Ed Hoffman, a well-to-do farmer and merchant of the Union neighborhood, died Tues day at his home from typhoid fever following an illness of 19 days. The funetal was held Wednesday at Sandy Plains Baptist church, Rev. G. A. Sparrow, pastor of Uuion Pres byterian church, conducting the services. Deceased was in the thirty-first year of his age. Mr. Hoffman is survived b his wife, who was Miss Mary Btiion, aud two children. He also leaves the following bi oth ers: Mr. Miles Hoffman, of Colorado, and Mr. Alonzo Hoff man, of Gaston county; two half-brothers, Mr. George Hoff man, of Georgia, aud Mr. Chailes Hoffman, of this county ; one sister, Mrs. Robert McGin nis, of the Union neighborhood. He is also survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hofftnau. The deceased con ducted a mercantile business near Sandy Plains and was also engaged in farming. He bad numerous friends in the county who regret to hear of his death. STOP THE STRENUOUS LIFE. Weakens the Tissues and Lessens Organic Vitality. The stress and strain of the strenuous life in both city and country tends towards stomach troubles. - Five people suffer to-day where one did ten years ago with sick headache, dizziness, flatulence, distress after eating, specks be fore the eyes, bloating, nervous ness, sleeplessness and the many other symptoms of indigestion. All who are suffering with stomach troubles.and that means at least two out of three in Gas tonia and other towus, should use Mi-o na - stomach tablets. Nothiug; elsejs as safe, c yet ef fective: -nothing else cm be so thoroughly relied upon to relieve all troubles from indigestion as Mi-o-na. : ' , .. . . It is not a mere digestive taken after the food is eaten, ; but a true touic, stimulant and strengthener for th; muscular walls of the stomach, increasing the flow of digestive fluids and putting the stomach into such condition that it does the work Nature expects of it. L v So reliable is - Mi-o-na in its curative action that J. H. Ken nedy & Co., with every 50-cent box they sell give a guaranfee to refund ;the money unless the remedy does all that is claimed for it. v 11-18. - Steven Priee, a white boy fell from a moving train near Greens boro Wednesday morning and was run over and killed by another, train which was passing. . .. One man was killed. six oersons dangerously injured and 25 others slightly hurt when an electric car went over a 20-foet enbaskment in Cincinnati, Ohio, Wednesday, ThS Gaau for first-class printing.. ACROSS MAIN mr. Mcdowell- resigns. Gastonia Man Who Recently Went to Concord Relinquishes Management of Bala Cotton Mills. ' The following from Wednes day's Concord Tribune will be of interest to many Gastoniaus: "A meeting of the directors of the Baia Cotton Mills was held in this city last Monday night, when tbe resignation of Mr J. H. McDowell was tender ed and accepted as general man ager of that concern. The res ignation of Mr, McDowell was voluntary, having decided to give up the duties devolving up on him out there. He has not yet decided what he will do or where he will go. "Mr. J. D. Boseman, an ex perienced cotton mill man of Burlington, has been given the position as general manager of the mill and is here now getting acquainted with the work and the people, making ready to take full charge when Mr. Mc Dowell leaves a few " weeks hence. Mr. Boseman is a man of family, and will occupy the home now occupied by his pre decessor at the Bala Mills." LUCIA LOCALS. Evangelist Edmundson Holds Successful Revival A Mar riage Farmers Holding Their Cotton for Better Prices. Correspondence of Tho Gasette. Lucia, Oct. 17. Evangelist Edmundson; of Raleigh, closed a ten days meeting yesterday at the new Baptist church at Lucia with twenty-three additions to the church, 14 baptised and nine by letter. Mr. Edmundson is one of North Carolina's greatest evangelists and did : some good preaching and work while here. We certainly enjoyed having him with . us. His daughter. Miss Kathleen, was with him to help with the singing. She has a sweet voice and did some beautiful singing. Mr, Will Pryor and Miss Btila Allen ,werec married Sundav a t 7:30 p. m Rev. W. M Borkg," the M. E. pastor, officiating. Mr. Bob Black has a fine boy and Mr. R B. Lee a fine girl. The farmers are very busy gathering in their-crops and preparing to sow their grain. There have been a few t corn huskings in the community. Cotton is dropping off. Our farmers are holding their cotton for better prices, r Case Continued. : : r The .damage suit of Charles R. Morrow against the Southern Railway for $25,000, which " was scheduled for - trial this week at Spartanburg, was continued till the next term of court - on -account of " the absence of the at- j torney-for the plaintiff. Messrs. i T. N, Williams, C. 5 M. Nolen, j Roe McLanghen and Mac Pear i sou. returned Wednesday, from Spartanburg, having gone down to testify in the case. Morrow, it will be remembered, lost both his legs in an accident here two or three years ago. & Realty Company STREET Saturday is Always a Busy Day And fur the convenience of those who.' are interested in this sale we have Arranged t Carriages take them to and from the property where the sale will be conducted. Call at our office and get transportation FAIR WEEK ATTRACTIONS. Great Big Treats Are in Store For Charlotte People and Visi tors. Correspondence of The Oasette. Charlotte. N. C, Oct. 17. Great big treats are in store for the people of Charlotte and visi tors of the fair next week. Miss Helen Byron in "Peggy From Paris" will be the attraction at the Academy of Music Monday night and Miss Florence Davis in "A Question of Husbands" the three nights following. Miss Davis is oue of the most ad mired actresses that visits Charlotte. She has in her per sonality a combination of effec tive forces. The announcement of her three nights engagement next week will be read with in terest throughout this section. The fair management will provide other attractions both in the city and at the grounds. As the time draws near the list of horses'tbat will participate in the races becomes more, attrac tive. Secretary Creswell and Manager W. S. Orr are attend ing the Greensboro and Raleigh faires securing fast horses and indications point to a complete and high-class bookiug of pacers, trotters and runners. The detailed exhibits of the fair in themselves will attract crowds and the greatest enthusi asm. The splendid portrayal of the county's resources by tbe exhibits of farmers, merchants aud manufacturing industries were never of such a variety as they will be this year. The people of Charlotte are prepar ing to accord the best possble entertainment for the thousands confidently expected. The only true constipation curfemust begin its soothing, healing action when it enters the mouth. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea restores the whole system to a healthy, nor mal condition. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Adams Drug- Co. Born To Mr, and Mrs. R. B. Bab ington on Thursday, October 10, a daughter. Death at Moont Holly. Mrs, A. F.Jones died at her home at Mount Holly Sunday evening at 7:15 o'clock after a two-months' illness of typhoid fever with . complications. Mrs.' Jones was about 45 years of age and was a most - excellent woman, who looked well to the ways of her household and show ed a heartfelt interest in the educationand , spiritual welfare of her boys, of whom there were six: Five of these and their fath er, survive her, in the home made so desolate by her absence. In the town and the church she will be sadly missed. The funeral was held from tbe - Methodist church near Lowesville and the interment, was made' in the graveyard there. . , ; : Tas Oasatt for first -class) printing. We are prepared to extend our customers every accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If you have no account with us we invite you to open one. : :" : SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits at tbe rate of 1 and compound the interest quarterly. : : : i R. P. Rankin, President Completeness Is the only word that adequately describes our stock in every department for the fall season of 1907 08. Our stock is larger, more complete and more varied than in any previous season since we have been in business in Gastonia. A look through our store will convince even the skeptical of the truth of this statement. The Newest Weaves in Dress Goods and accessories are here as well as all the newest things in Embroideries, Novelties, Trimmings, Rib bons, Millinery and Coats. We are prepared to take care of tbe trade on tailored garments in our custom department. Our made-to-otder garments have a reputation for fit and satisfaction of which we are proud. MILLINERY To see all the latest styles and shapes in Fall and Win ter beadwear you should visit our Millinery parlors. The prettiest and newest creations in this line to be found in Gastonia. THE YEAGER MFG. CO Retail Department. GASTONIA, N. C. Subscribe for THE GASTONIA GAZETTE. WEDDING PRESENTS FOR FALL BRIDES The demand for handsome Cut Glass and dainty STERL ING SILVER is growing larger with every season. We have a striking line of these goods and invite your in spection. We also have a complete line of Hand Painted China, Bric-a Brae and Art Good3, which will make an Elegant Present for the Fall Bride. Torrence-Morris Co. Leading Jewelers & Opticians Expert Repairing Artistic Engraving For Each a special were taken on amount wanted on either one is far below its actual value and good easy terms will be given. One 6-H. P. Boiler and Engine, just thoroughly over . hauled, mounted on strong new wheels, good condition guaranteed, runs like a new Sewing Machine. Price will be made satisfactory beyond a doubt. ' , . ... , : , ::' ". r One New Post Drill complete. The very thing for Black smiths or Farmers; hand power. Price $8.95. . ' One Second hand Brick-Machine, 30,000 a' day capacity. A great bargain a. $143.00. ' ' . One 8-H. P. 5-Passenger Cleveland . Automobile, al most new, in perfect running, order: a ride will convince you. Cost $1250 00; priceN$387.50. ; . V ; j ; ; One 7-1 1. P 2-Passenger Steam Automobile, with folding seat to carry two extra passengers. A dandy little machine in good running order. Price $189.50. ,. 1 - . .; Four 20-GaIIon Storage Pomps at less than cost of building, if taken before cold weather. v " " Call and see whether you wish to buy or not. 7 We are pleased to s how you around any way. Oef on Iron Wo:?Z : . B. FRANK NORRJS, PROP. A GEN. MC2. JSxtbscriba for THE CSTC::!.'. C A. (i. Myers, Cashier. hsM Sale bargain, as they debts, and the