Uis 44.AiJ44. mmEm ' IG-'''K' 1 The Paper J PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-rTUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. C. D. ATKINS, Editor. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the-County. $1.50 a Year In Advance. : Ingle Copy Sc. VOL. XXVIII.! v . GASTONTA, N. C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1007. NO. 85 j , 44 U44444444444i. 4. i Try a Gazette . Wnnt Ad i t .They Urln Uesults J "J TQ. South fork Association .t. Kpv. J. A. Hovle will leave to-morrow afternoon to attend h sr;cion of the South For Baptist Association which meets tbi year at Long isiana in ca - tawba county He. will be ac comEanied by "the following -delegates from the Lorav Baptist V church: Messrs. L. J. Waldrop, K. C. Fisher and W.-H. Nolen Th nertri:ttirn ' will convene " Thursday morning and. continue t ' '. o7; j ... in session over uuuy, October Days. - II. H II arm an la Charlotte Observer. I hate the tawdry elsnior ol the streets ,,. The turfless highways through the marts . of trade " -Where sao"or Pretense at each corner ' ruerl : And walk in . fellowship where maa bu made , " : ' " in. Binr f1t; where every lofty dome " - Throws on $.be passing throng it sultry susde. ; ' beyond ita pomp and noisy crowded ways . 1-Um f mf fair October waila And lingers long the Autumn's enmaon ' day a. - . i Cp there, along the tangled lence-way ' are ' The burnished aplendor of the golden-rod Rinnm in sweet content lor aome fair god And there. toward yon laxy creeping stream The grassy hillsides riae and fall at eaae. - While black-ered Susans down the hedge. " Viewing the splendor of the Sumac trees Now alips the golden year from Autumn i. akieit Into the hands of Winter, but ita close l Finds still the love-light in your wistful eyea. - ... And leaves me well content. sAere'er-R : , goes. - '' Col. John Temple Graves, of At v lanta, Ga.. editor of the Georgian, ' has accepted the position of editor of Hearst a rsew xom American. PROFESSIONAL CAED3 - GARLAND & JONES Attorneys and Counselors - " Over Torrence-Morria Company. " .Gastonia, N. C." v , SB. SPARROW . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS, N. . Office upstairs oTcrBank of Dallas JOHN 0. CARPENTER ATTORNEYrAT-LAW DALLAS, N. C, Office over Bank of Dallas. DR. D. E. McCONNELL, '. . DENTIST GASTONIA, N. 0. Office First Floor T. M. C.A. BW'l . ; Phone 69. ; BR. T. A. WILKINS -DENTIST . GASTONIA ,N. C. Office in Adams Building ' , Phone 311 .MRS. JOHN HALL TEACHER OP PIANO : t- AND ORGAN, , i DR. P. A Prcssly Dentist; clover, s - s. c. S.A.WOLFF. DALLAS, N. C. . TEACHER OF PIANO AND VIOLIN. Wednesdays and Saturdays in . . " GASTONIA, N. C. For Reference-seemiing list of Steinway PROF.J.M.MASSEY ' . Piano tuning - And Repairing . specialty; satisfaction guaranteed phonek 1 Gastonia, N. C. All Offices ol Trust - are better performed by a trust com pany than by an -individual. It guards the interests entrusted to it with - perfect car unaffected by personal interests or prejudices. - V :'.Th . . '' -. -' Sontiern Securities & Trasf Co. acts as an executor of wills, tCstee , or administrator of estates; guardian for minors or incompetent persons, transfer agent for eorporatiqjSr re ceiver in litijration, and in many other capacities. In what capacity can it serve you? - S - ... ' " . ." Lticas - TXAS PROSPERITY. Good Crops and filth Prices Prevail in the Lone Star State Former Gaston Countian Writes Interesting ol Alfairs in the Far West. By -courtesy of Capt. W. I Stowe we are printing the fol lnwincr narapraohs from a Dri vate letter received bv him from his nephew, Mr. C. L. Sfowe, of Sherman, iexas. Mr. btowe is a native ot liaston, but nas made his home for many years in Texas, where be is meeting with ereat success in the bus- iness world: "Thanks to vour kind liberali ty I am auite well posted through vonr excellent oarjer. The Gas tonia Gazette, as to my old home county and its remarkably pro DTessi vev neorjie- Your wonder ful success with cotton mills is a valuable lesson to all the people of the soutn, especially so to p-rand. biff Texas. Your county of Gaston has more cotton mills than we have in all Texas. In all other roads of progress Texas not onlv surpasses vour Dart of Carolina but any part of Dixie and. It is worth notice when I read oral nrices bald for cotton in Gastonia, within an arm's throw of your manv spindles and looms, bow it is almost invanaoiy tne same paid Here on i tne same slates, and two-thirds of the cot ton" produced in North Texas .hit! Oklahoma is shinned through Galveston to Liverpool, Havre, Bremen and points in Kussia. "The vear 1907 will eo on record for its; high prices and lmitless demand for all kinds ot arm produce. This section has never known such conditions as now prevail. AU kinds ot live stocklioTSes, mules.hogs, sheep, chickeris.turkeys etc. ate "plumb out of sight". Cotton, cotton seed, hay and -all kinds of grain are going at skyscraping prices and even poor folks' living, such as yam potatoes and cow peas have got to making a bank account for many a farmer never before acquainted witnin ; tne oors of a bank. f "T am tnn stead v a Democrat to give Teddy, the Great' credit for bringing such prosperity to our dear Sunny South, but my old Presbyterian faith , gives thanks to the only power " both willing and able to reward hon est endeavor of mind and brawn; who alone controls the seasons, planting and harvest times." Harsh physics react, weaken the bowels, cause chronic con stipation. Doan's Regulets op erate easily, tone the stomach, cure constipation."' 25c. Ask your druggist for them. ' SOCIAL f ' The following is from the fotganton correspondence of The Charlotte Observer of Sun day: "Miss Lottie Ray, of Mc- Adenville. who is the very at tractive guest of Miss Adelaide Erwio, has been -the guest of honor at a number of delightful unctions during the past week. One of the most charming of these was a bridge party on Sat urday morning given by Miss MarvMoran; There were three tables cf bridge and aftertbe game a '"delicious "lunch, was served. Those playing were: Misses Ray, OJga Foster, - Elo- ise trwio, josepmne laxton, Linda Tillingbast, Kate Laxton, Eliza McKesson, Janie Pearson, Margaret DuBose, Atwood Hunt and Adelaide Erwin." J: ' .' : fTheJNew Peparment Store of Lucas The great under seller of high class, guaranteed goods Is still In the lead. - Store crowded all the time, VYe give coupons. We "sell the best Ladles' Cloaks and Dress 6ods. Oiir Ladies f SKpes are the Best on Earth Our 7: mens: Shoes-1 are g u a r a n teed. Underwear at prices that please the. entire trading public. It Pays to Trade With n c a We Sell Everything For Less. Biry.aia.iWiiitf!.UAusrymimi.grlr,imi SAVE THIS ANYWAY. Put this Simple Home Recipe .in Some Sale Place, For it May Come in Haody Some Day." Here is a simple home made mixture as given by an eminent authority - on.. Kidney diseases, who makes the statement in a New York, daily news paper, that it will relieve almost any case of kidney trouble if taken before the stage of Bnght's disease. He states that such symptoms as lame hack, pain in the . side, frequent desire to urinate, especially at night-; painful and discolored urination, are readily overcome. -.Here is the recipe; try it: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce;" Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Take a - teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. . A well-known druggist here in town is authoritytbat these in gredients are all harmless and easily mixed at home by shaking well in a bottle. This mixture has a peculiar healing and soothing-effect upon , the entire Kid ney and Urinary structure, and often overcomes the worst forms of Rheumatism in just a little while. - This mixture is said ' to remove all blood dis orders" and cure the Rheuma tism by forcing the Kidneys to filter and strain from the blood and system all uric acid and foul, decomposed waste matter, which cause these afflictions. Try it if you aren't well. Save the prescription. REV. MR. CALLAHAN'S WORK. A Faithful Preacher for 50. Years -A Methodist Knieranl of the Old School. Charlotte Observer. 17th. Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Callahan of Gastonia, who have been spending a few days in Charlotte returned home yesterday after noon. Mr. Callahan is pastor of the Ozark Methodist church in Gastonia and is closing his second year with that pastoral charge. He is one the older members of the Western North Carolina Conference and has given to his church 50 years of faithful service as an itinerant. He is a man of pure heart and Christian spirit, a " Methodist preacher of - the olden type. During all ot this half century of itineracy he has received his appointments from year to year without . any ; seeking f or place and without murmur at the thought or realization; of hard ship and sacrifice on any work to which he has been sent. Wonderfully gifted in language and in prayer as he is, there are scores of men and ; women to whom he bad ministered in the relation of pastor in North Caro lina, Virginia aud Tennessee, who will ever remember him and his faithful discharge of duty in the pulpit.in the family circle and fn the sick room and death chamber,' where he . has in so many instances ' given' comfort and spiritual help. Mr. Calla han is a well perserved man for bis age, find with care it seems likely that bis usefulness will be continued -for years ta come. His consistent life as a -Christ ian, and his cheerful spirit have been a blessing to many - with whom-he has come in contact, and these wish for him a- great lengthening of life., Subscribe 'for Teds Gazette. The e s o JUDGE LEWIS SAYS. That when he left Gastonia some eighteen months ago and went to Greensboro, his object and hope was to better his con nition: that he had not been in his new home more than three months when he saw his plans "run amuck," and his hopes all in vain: that he then turned his attention fn th Ktiidv ami nrap- tice of law under most favorable Circumstances; that, in pursu inr his studies and practice, hi had access to large libraries -and had the assistance and advice of the Honorable E. J. Justice who is one of the ablest and most - learned lawyers in the State and one of the biggest hearted, broadest minded and most unselfish men in the whole country a man "of the people and for the people," with a heart and a hand for all that is good, and leading a life con sistent and without reproach; that, upon the whole, he be lieves his going off to Greens boro and taking this special course and training has been beneficial both to himself and his family, and he hopes that irreater benefits than are now seen will result from it in the re maining vears of his pilenmage: that his reason for coming back just when he did, and opening his law office here, was that he concluded that he had more friends already made in Gaston than he could make any where else during the remaining years of his life; that he might have done better in Greensboro in a business way, it it had not been that a large number of those who were friendly to him there, supposed that he simply moved to Greensboro to live and enjoy what he had already made; that he regretted very much that any of his friends should have reached such a conclusion, but it seemed utterly impossible to get that idea out of their heads. The Judge says he has no desire to go back to Greensboro to live; that life is too strenuous in a city for him; that he would rather live in a log-cabin, on the hill near the spring, with his gun and his dog to keep him company, than to be compelled to Jive in a-'city and have to worry and fret from day to day in an; effort to secure a. fair share of the' business tbaf should come to a law-office; and that he is done with moving for a long time. ; The only true constipation cure must begin its soothing, healing action when it enters, the . mouth. Hollister's Rocky Mountain T e aJ restores the whole system to a healthy, r nor mal condition. 35 cents, -Tea or Tablets. Adams Drujr Co. Protracted Meeting. r Rev. W. F.' Watson, of Portsmouth,-Va., is to assist Rev. J. A. Hoyle in a protracted meet ing at the Loray Baptist church, beginning Sunday night Novem ber 3rd. The meeting will probably; continue about ten days.- Rev. .Mr. Watson was formerly pastor of the First Baptist church at this place. having scrved-in that capacity for five years or more, . and. his many - friendsand f ormer par ishoners will 'be glad to learn that he is to visit- Gastonia again. ; - ; . Judge John W. Aiken, president of the Georgia senate and prominent in the public life of the State, died at his tiome in Cartersville last Friday, aged O years. , Leader I BIG AUCTION SALE. Gastonia Insurance 4 Realty Company Sells 199 Lots in North Gastonia Good Crowd Attended Sale P r o p e r t y Brought Satisfactory Prices. Saturday was auction day in North Gastonia when the Gas tonia Insurance & Realty Co put on sale 190 choice lots, the whole tract amounting to 60 acres. The crowd was not very large but was composed of men who came for business. The sale was advertised to begin at 10 o'clock but it was 10:30 be fore the crowd had assembled and everything was in readiness It tequired just two hours to complete the sale, the entire 190 lots being sold. Mr. W. T. Rankin, president of the company, opened the sale by making a short talk in which he explained the terms of the sale, the location of the lots. etc. He put up a cash forfeit of $500 to go to the person who could establish the fact that there was any by-bi Jding for the company. It is. needless to state that the forfeit was not asked for by any one. Capt. W. I Stowe, the veteran auctioneer, cried the sale and did a good job of it.. While the prices at which the land went were con sidered reasonable enough, the companv was satisfied with the sale, inasmucn as it opens up a new surburban section of Gas tonia. That the prices were ex tremely reasonable is evidenced by the fact that some of the lots changed hands at a profit on the grounds and others have been sold since. Following is a list of the pur chases: G. W. Ragan, 10 lots; John E. McAllister, 5 lots; C. J. Huss, 5 lots; J. M. .Sloan, 20 lots; L. M. Rhyne, 10 lots; W. D. Ballard, 5 lots; M. W. Han na, 5 lots; C. L. Chandler, 20 lots; A. C. Stroupe, 15 lots; R. A. Ratchford, 7 lots; Craig & Wilson, 32 lots; A. M. Smyrer 20 lots: S. E. Mauney, 11 lots, P. R. Huffstetler, 25 lots. Wanted in Lenoir, Sheriff T. E. Shuford yester day effected the arrest of Kirk Butler, a young white man wan ted at Lenoir, together with two or three others, for disturbing religous worship. . The arrest was made at the passenger de pot where the young man, in company with his brother, Mr. Sam Butler, was waiting for a train to go to Richmond, Va. He was placed in the city lock up and was last night taken to the Dallas lail to await mstrc- tions from the officials at Lenoir. Butler had been successfully dodging the officers for . some days and was nabbed by Gaston's energetic sheriff just in the nick of time. - v ' One Doliceman was killed and sev eral-wounded in attempting; to quell a negro riot in New Orleans last Fri day night. ' . x; . v SULPHUR BATHS AT HOME. They He.I the Skla mu4 Take i Away Its Impurlltea, - Sulphur baths heal Skin Diaeasea. and five the body a wholesome alow. Now you -don't here to go off to a high-priced resort to set them. Pot a few.poonfuls of HAN COCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR in the hot water, and ymt get a twrfect Sulphur bath riant in your own home. AddIt HANCOCK'S LIQUID SUXrHUK to the affected parts, and Ecsema and other stubborn skin troubles are quickly cured. Dr. K. H. Thomas, of Valdoata. Ga. was cured of a Dsintal skra trouble, and ha praises it in the highest terms. Your drutr isf sells it. HANCOCK'S LIQUID St-LP H I. K OINT MENT is the best cure tor Sores. Pimples. Blsckhesds and all inflammation, r.ires soft, velvety skin. . . - TNorW We are prepared to extend our customers every accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If you have no account with us we invite you to open one. : : ' : SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of ifo and compound the interest quarterly. : : : : : CITIZENS mmmi R. P. Rankin, President e Completeness Is the only word that adequately describes our stock in every department for the fall season of 1907 08. Our stock is larger, more complete and more varied than in any previous season since we have been in business in Gastonia. A look through our store will convince even the skeptical of the ruth of this statement. The Newest Weaves in Dress Goods and accessories are here as well as all the newest things in Embroideries, Novelties, Trimmings, Rib bons, Millinery and Coats. We are prepared to take care of the trade on tailored garments in our custom department. Our made-to-ordtr garments have a reputation for fit and satisfaction of which we are proud. MILLINERY H Tn sp all the latpst 5tv1s ter headwear you should visit prettiest and newest creations Gastonia. THEYEAGERMFG. CO Retail Department. GASTONIA, N. C. Subscribe for THE GASTONIA GAZETTE. WEDDING PRESENTS FOR FALL BRIDES The demand for handsome Cut Glass and dainty STERL ING SILVER is growing larger with every season. We have a striking line of these goods and invite your in spection. We also have a complete line of Hand Painted China, Bric-a-Brac and Art Goods, which will make an Elegant Present for the Fall Bride. , Torrence-Morris Co. Leading Jewelers & Opticians Expert Repairing Artistic Engraving For Each a special bargain, as they were taken on debts, a n d the amount wanted on either one is far below its actual value and good easy terms will be given. One 6-H. P. Boiler- and Engine, just thoroughly over hauled, mounted on strong new wheels, good condition guaranteed, , runs like a new Sewing Machine. Price will be made satisfactory: beyond a doubt. One New Post Drill complete. The very thing for Black- ; smiths or Farmers; hand power. Price $8:95. - - ; One Second hand Brick-Machine, 30,000 a' day capacity.; A great bargain a $143.00. . One 8-H. P. 5-Passeriger Cleveland Automobile, al most new, in perfect running; order; a rHe "will convince you. Cost $1250.00; price $387.50. ;, One ; 7H. P. 2-Passenger Steam Automobile, with ' folding seat to carry two extra passengers. A dandy little machine in good running order, ;Pnce $189.50. r "A" ' '-'-'; v , Four 20-Gallon Storage building, if taken before cold weather. ; ; :;- . A Call and see whether you wish to buy or not. We are pleased to show you around any way. Gaston Iron Worl B. FRANK MORRIS, PROP. GEN. hCZ. SutscrifcofcrTHEGASTO:iX GA A. G. Myers, Cashier. and Rhanps in T?a11 anA Win. our Millinery parlors. The in this line to be found in . . ' , ; , , .; ' ; " - Pomps at less than cost of efle

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