4. Try a Gazelle W ant A d ; They Brln Kesults J e AZET J The Paper $ I Read by Gaston Peojb ThDtVAII 1 PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. 4. i. E. D. ATKINS, Editor. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. $1.50 a Year In Advance, ';.! Ingle Copy 8c. VOL XXVIII. GASTONIA, N. C.t FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1907. NO. SO n n n- ON PROFESSIONAL CARDS GARLAND & JONES Attorneys and Counselors Orer Torrc'nce-Monla Company.'.;. 7 Gastonia, N. 0. 'v ; ; news; NOTES State 4 General S. B. SPARROW," ' - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ' DALLAS, N. 0. Offlc upstairs over Bank of DaWu JOHN CARPENTER r ATTO RNEY-AT-LAW v , ' DALLAS. N. C. J, Office over Bank el Dallas, .V; DR. D. E. McCONNELL, r . DENTIST ' . GASTONIA, N. C. Office Firat Floor T. M. C A. BlrV, Phone 69. , ; , DR. T. A. WILKIN S - DENTIST - . GASTONIA ,N. C. Office in Adams Building '' ' Phone 311 MRS, JOHN HALL TEACHER OF PIANO 4 . AND ORGAN. ; OR. P. A Pressly ' ' . DENTIST x CLOVER, 7 - - - . - S.C. S. A. WOLFF ? DALLAS. N. C. , TEACHER' OP PIANO AND VIOLIN. . .Wednesdays and Saturdays in GASTONIA N. C. . For Reference aeetiining- list of Stein-way PROF. J. M.MASSEY ' ..Piano tuning and Repairing- a specialty; satisfaction guaranteed Kls4 ' Castoaia. N. C. 9 (furrr!. All Offices tI Trust ; are better performed by a trust com : pany than by an individual. It guards the interest entrusted to it ' with perfect care, : unaffected by personal interests or prejudices. , The J Southern Securities 6 Trust Co. - acts as an executor of wills, trustee or administrator of estates, guardian for minors .or incompetent persons, transfer ajre'nt for corporations, re- - ceiver in litigation, and in many other capacities. . In what capacity ' can it serve yon? ' Mortagee's Sale of Land. By virtureof the power of sale contained in a certain Mortgage Deed, dated April 15th 1907. and registered in toe office of the Register - of Deeds, of Gaston county, in . Book No. 68 at page 65 .default bavin been made In the payment of the debt secured thereby, I will aell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court Houae door InOallaa, N.C.. atNon. nWedneaday, October 30th,1907, all the land contained in Block Noa. 26. '27. 28. 29 in Section two (2) aa laid down on plat or map made by R. Richardson, anrveyor, in 1891, of the town of Bessemer City, and being the lands conveyed to C. A. Davis. B. D. Bullard and C. R Whitney by the Ormand Mining Company. . A J.J. Okmanb. Mortgagee. This September 21, 1907. . 029021 It has been estimated that High Point 'manufacturers use 313.000,000 feet of lumber aunu- ally.,.-;.- ; .'.',.'-...;.,"' The Tuscarora Cotton Mill as aisconunnea night work in oraer 10 . permit its younger operatives to attend school. The .:. financial panic struck Pittsburg, Wednesday V and ref salted in Jhe failure of several large firms, including the West inghouse Electric Company. President Roosevelt arrived in Washington Wednesday . after noon after a trip - through -the South and a fourteen-day hunt in the canebrakes of Louisiana. 1 Ransom Godwin, a farmer of Johnston county, who killed his wife on August 7tb, committed suicide ; Tuesday by shooting himself. He had attempted to kill himself twice before. S P. Wade, of Winston-Salem, aged b years, was stricken with neari iauure ana xeu down an elevator shaft, near which he was standing Tuesday His neck was broken by the fall. M. A. Holcomb, a farmer of Footeville, Yadkin county, com m it ted suicide Monday evening by snooting himself with a shot gun. Financial troubles are sup posed to have caused toe deed Brakeman H. G. Leonard, who was responsible for the dis astrous wreck at Rudd last Thursday and who disappeared after the wreck, was located at his home in Spencer Monday. City Attorney John A. Mc Rae and Bowman Mcllbaney, of Fort Mill, S C.rwere robbed of $190 by pickpockets at the Sea board depot in Charlotte Wed nesday evening. cnina urove is to nave an overall factory with and author ized capital of $50,000 paid-up capital ot $10,000. ,The incorpo rates are P. A; Correll, C. 3. Miller, Mack L. Ritchie and others. The Triennial General Con vention of the Episcopal church, wnicu nas , been in session at Richmond, Va., for the past two or three weeks, adjourned Saturday, ice next session will beheld in Cincinnati. In the death Sunday at St. Leo's hospital, Greensboro, of John Lmeberry, of Randleman, the fearful wreck of Thursday night at Rudd claimed its fifth victim-. Five of the injured were able to leave the hospital for their homes. i. The congregation of the First Baptist church of Greensboro Sunday voted unanimously to extend a call to its pastorate to Rev.Dr.s John L. White, of Beaumont, Texas. Dr. White is a North Carolinian and was at one time pastor of the First church at Asheville. Tht stockholders of the Nor-, folk and- Southern- Railway in session at Norfolk Wednesday authorized a - bond issue of twenty-five - million dollars for the purchase, of rolling stock and other iinproveTnents to the system. , The trustees of the Stonewall Jackson Manual Training and Industrial ; ScbooT organned at Concord last week, electing Mr. J. P. Cook chairman. Members of igbt ; standing committees were appointed and applications for-the position of superintend ent are now being considered. The committee on location will visit each site offered personally . ; SOCIAL. ; - w-. '. . '' ,'. ; : The home of Mr. II. L. Sloan west of Charlotte was the scene of 'a 1 pretty home marriage Tuesday atternoon ' when bis third daughter, Miss I ri3,v be came the. bride of Mr. George Ernest Ford, of Lowell. , At the appointed hour, three thirty o'clock. Miss Daisy Sloan, sister of the bride, entered with Mi. J. C. Mullen of Charlotte: then came the .maid of honor, Miss Myrtle Sloan.' also a sister of the bride, with Mr. John" R. Rankin, of Cystoma, as best man, followed by the bride and groom. '- - ": .. . .. Rev. G F. Robertson, of -Steele Creek, officiated, using the ring ceremony. . - v. The bnde was attired in a lovely dress of white batiste and carried brides roses, lbe brides maid wore white chiffon, while the maid of - bonor'was becomingly gowned in blue .silk mull 1 : - The room was tastefully decorated with ivy, and ferns. The bride received many useful and handsome presents consist ing of silver, cut glass, etc Mr. and Mrs. Ford left immediately the ceremony for their future home at Lowell. . The following invitation has been issued ; Judge and Mrs. James Landrum Webb repuest the honor of your prese ce at the marriage of their daughter. Fay Lamar, to Mr. Oliver Max Gardner. on Wednesday, the sixth of November at twer e o'clock. , at the Hirst BnptUt Church. Shelby, Norttt Carolina. The bride-to be is not only a member of one of the leading families in the State, but is a most cultured and refined young ladyt Mr. Gardener, is a well known athlete and a promising young attorney of Shelby. YORK AND YORKVILLE COMPLETELY DISAPPEARS The only true constipation cure must begin its, soothing, healing action when it. enters the mouth. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea restores the whole system to a healthy, mal condition. 35 cents, or Tablets. Adams Drug- nor-Tea Born. To Mr. more, ot and Mrs. Wade Lowell route Co. El- one, Monday, October 21st, a daugh ter. . ; ,.f . , -- Heavy Weeks Mail. Mr. T. C. Smith, carrier of route one out of Gastonia, de livered 3,277 pieces of mail dur ing the nrst week in uctooer. Mr. Smith thinks this 'number ot pieces was , a record-breaker as far as any route in Gaston county is concerned. Has Good Opening. The kindergarten class, men tion of which has been made in these columns, was organized and began work Monday morn ing, i wenty-two children nave been enrolled up tcdate and the promoteis of the class are very much encouraged over the prom ising opening. ; Miss Julia .La- Far, of Charleston, S. C, is the teacher, i She has had experi ence in this line of work and the children are fortunate in being under her charge. The class meets at the home of Mrs. L A. States, near the; Central graded school building. VTl Shippintt Barries.; ' The Clinch Valley Barytes What's Dolnf Amoni oor Nelih bors Just Across the Line. ; Vorkviile K.noulrer, 22th. , ' Mr. J, N. Hardin, , who lives nea?Capcn Chapel, had the misfortim to lose his cotton boiHei.d carriage shed ,by fire SatuHay evening There is no clue as to how the Sre occured. A brand new, carriage . was de ttroyjd in the flames as well as a good bnggy. Two xbales-of cotton in the seed were destroy ed in addition to a quantity of peas and provender.- Mr. liar din carried a sina.l amount of in surance on the buildings, but the contents were uninsured. The net loss is about $325. Mr Hardin is a hard working young man, and the sympathy of the community is tendered him in bis trouble. ; - .'Robert Hedgepeth, a youn white man in the employ of the Southern Powercompany, was killed as the result of coming in contact with a live wire while working on the line just across the river from the India Hook plant last Sundae morning at 9 o'clock. It appears that young Hedgepeth had gone to the top of a thirty foot pole for the pur pose of making certain repairs. The current was supposed to have been cut off, but as to this it has not been practicable to get exact iuformation. A state ment is that a hafld rope was thrown to Mr. Hedgepeth and almost immediately afterwards he wa dead. It is supposed that a circuit was formed with the t-round through his body; but just how is not clear. Mr. Hedgepeth was a resident of the Newport neighborhood and was 26 or 27 years of age. There has been nO inquest... Mrs. Fanny Morrow, of Gas tonia, is visiting the family of Mr. D. T. Woods. Col. Leroy Spriugs.of Lancaster, was a pas senger on the Southern train that was wrecked near - Cireensboro, N. C , last Wednesday ; but his many friends will be glad to know that he escaped nnhurt Mr. J. H. Save,' of Sharon, has beeu iu Yorkville several times since bis recent severe ill ness as the result of a mosquito bite, and was here again yester day. The doctor fell off twenty five or thirty pounds during bis illness; but has gotten most of it back and is now getting along very nicely. He expects' to be his old self again within a few weeks more. Rev. W. C. Ewart conducted communion services at Pisgah last week, commenc ing on Friday. He leayes for Chester Friday to take part in the installation of Rev. C. E. McDonald as pastor of the Chester-Associate Reformed church. He will go from Chester to Winnsboro,- and Winnsboro to Edgmore, returning about Thursday of next week. -Information from Mr. J. Ed Leech, who has been in the hospital at Chester for about ten days, is to the effect that his condition is not encouraging. The physi cians first amputated the infect ed toe, and afterward, took off the foot. There is reason to fear, however that the poison had already made progress be yond the point of amputation and Mr. Leech's condition con tinues very serious. - E. T. Ponder left Aufusti. Ga.. Abont Ten Days Afo With a .Ticket to Cherryrllle, Bat Nothinid His Whereabouts is Known-Foul Play Is Suspect The following special irom Cberryville to Charlotte Obser ver of yesterday will be read with interest by mauy in' the county: "Mr. E. T. Ponder, frtnerl a re ident of this place who went to Augusta, Ga., dur nig tbtf tfU-graphers strike to to take a position with the Pos al Co.. left that citv on the 12ih of October in response to message saying that his wife htie was sick, He has nut ar rived here yet and nothing what ever has been heard relative to his whereabouts. "Mr. Conder was a member of the Pythian and Masonic orders of this place, and in reply to a message sent by Mr. J. F. Har relson on 20th he received a tel egram the following day from Augusta, saying that Mr. Con- ddr had several checks on his person and something like $100 in cash when he left that city. He also had a ticket over the Southern to this place. His disappearance is a complete mystery, but it is suspected that h e has met with foul play. Every effort possible is being made to find some trace of him NOTABLE MEDICAL DISCOVERY Or Special Value to Many Here la Gastonia. One of the most notable dis coveries and one that undoubt edly appeals more than anything else to m&ny people here in Gas tonia is the combination of stom ach remidies in the ,Mi-o-na treatment. This prescription has worked wonders, and there is now no excuse for anyone suf fering with indigestion or weak stomach. . It acts specifically upon the muscles of the stomach and bow els, stiengthening and stimulat ing them so that they readily take care of the food that is eaten. It also increases the fl6w of gastiic juices, thus getting from the food the nourishru that is necessary for healtf energy. The symptoms of mdigf are numerous, such as distress" after eating, flatulence, heart burn, sick headaches, dizziness and irritability. These are all dispelled by a few doses of Mi- o-na when the trouble is recent, but just as surely in long stand ing atrd chronic cases if the treatment is followed for a rea sonable length of time. So positive are the good ef fects following the use of Mi o na that the remedy is sold by J. H. Kennedy & Co. under an ab solute guarantee to refund the money if it should fail to cure. 25-1. CLEVELAND CULLINGS Ad and inspect it. NOTICE. North Carolina. -,., , , Gaston Coonty, - notice. - r - v - BY VIRTUE of a mortgage deed - execu ted to the undersigned on September 7, 1 905. to tne Love I rust Co. by Albert Hria and wife, the undersigned will aell for cash to the higi est bidder at public outcry at the ' City Hall in the Town of Gastonia, N, C. on the -. -y.';:, - -'.:-- . . 1st Day of December, 1907 al Ika Hsnr ! 11 O'clock, A. M, - ' . the following described teal estate tying in the Town of Gastonia. N. C ani iuUy described as follows - Beginning at a stone on the north aide of ; Fifth street, running 364 feet from Msrt- etta street, west corner of Aaron Clark's lot: rana north M west with Aaron Clark's lot 188.68 feet to the Khyne line; thence sooth 84 3-4 west with the Rhyne line. 49.68 feet to a stone on Rhyne'a line and north east corner of Monroe Crawford's lot; thence south with Crawford's line 191.52 feet to a stone on north aide of Fifth street. aouth-east corner of Crawford a Jot: tbence North 81 1-3 east 50 feet with Fifth street to the beginning, registered in Book 55 of Mortgage Deeds at page 284. being la the town of Gastonia, N. C and being the property npon which store building is .attiiated formerly occupied by the aaid Albert Ervin, . - , Sold to satisfy said mortgage. This, the 23rd Dsvof October. 1007. FN29clU Lots Tacsr Coxr-AXT. -.7 . OSCAII nAUMEESTEIN. . Owner of tie Manhattan Opera Tlotse ia New York, famous as Company, which ' is operating the Lawton mine at Crowders Mountain, has begun the ship ping of barytes, having shipped Ihree cars recently from Besse mer City. N The company, has erected ,: a shipping platform near the ' Gray .mill and will hereafter make Gastonia their shipping point. . Already - one car has been shipped from here and in a short time Capt. Vin cent." the manager, , expects to be shipping a car every day. The work of pumping the water from the mine was; finished yes terday, and this will make it possible to get out the ore much faster. - Mr.- E. H. ' Jones, of Honaker, Va., vice-president of the'eompany, arrived Wednes day and will spepd some time in this section, maki rig a tour of All . the company's property between this point and Blacks burg, S.C. ' Lnls Mill OHIcers. " The following is from Tues day's Charlotte Observer: "The directors of the Lola Mannfac- turing Company, V of Kings! Mountain,' met ' here yesterday and elected the following named officers: J. A.' Durham, presi dent C. Valaer, vice .president L R. Hsgood,- secretary and The Tar Heel Falls by Wayside. Charlotte Observer. "Greensboro, Oct. 21.The Twice-a-VVeek Tar Heel is to be discontinued and the affairs of the company will be adjusted at once and -the corporation dis solved. The plant will b ; sold at auction Saturday, November 2d, if not previously : by ''private sale.; ' This is the paper which was started two years ago by the Blackburn faction of the Re publican party and it has traveled over a rocky road. To Start Operation. - It is understood. that the gen tlemen who purchased the Whet stone Cotton Mill at Bessemer City Tuesday will put the fac tory into operation next 'week. It wa bid in by Mr, C. Judson Huss for a party - of mill , men composed of himself, Mr. R; F. Coble' and others.; Mr. Coble will V be in charge as . manager. When .work is resumed here Bessemer City will have five cot ton factories- in operation.-! Bes semer City is one of the best lit tle towns in this section of the State and, as a prominent man of the town remarked to the re porter who was there Wednesday,- it would be a great deal better business town than. it is if it were not rent by political fac tions, - which fact is ,to be de plored, ;- - .. - ' v Items ol interest From an joining Coonty. Cleveland Star. 22th. Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Lattiuiore, and children arrived last week from Lawndale and are now numbered among Shelby's per manent residents. They are stopping for the present with Judge and Mrs. T. D. Lattimore, After an absence of some ten ears .Mr and Mrs. Jethro A. Lattimore have returned to their old home near Cleveland Mills. They have been living in Colum bia, S. C, where Mr. Lattimore served for a number of years as an efficient member of the police force. .He returns to good old Cleveland for the purpose of en gaging in farming. , ; 'A: ' vr Mr. J. Hey ward Hull has re fumed from a visit to relatives in Lincolnton. Mrs. . Daro Bvers. of Rock v Hill, arrived Friday at Stice for a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.. C Brodus. Mrs. Brodus Lattimore and Miss Ellie Lattimore, charm ing residents of Lattimore, spent Friday here as guests of Mrs. A. M. Hamrick.Mr. Beattie Mor row of the local telephone ex change spent part of last week at Cherry ville, his old home. Dr. J. A. Hord, of Kings Moun tain, spent Friday in the city on business. Mr. John M. .Mag. ness, the versatile editor of the Cherryville Eagle, accompanied by .his good wife, visited rela tives here last .week. -Capt. James Tiddy, the "clever repre sentative of the Shelby Marble Works.- visited relatives, and friends in Cherryville last week.' The attractive Miss Oveida. Keeter, of Grover, was in 'the We are prepared to extend our customers every accotnmoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If you have no account with us we invite you to open one. : : : SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on sayings deposits at the rate of 4 and compound the interest Quarterly. ' : : : R. P. Rankin, President CITIZENS NaMBMBJl Llfll DAtlil A. G. Myers, Cashier. Completeness Is the only word that adequately describes our stock in every department for the fall season of 1907 08. Our stock is larger, more complete and more varied than in any previous season since we have been in business in Gastonia. A look through our store will convince even the skeptical of the truth of this statement. The Newest Weaves in Dress Goods and accessories are here as well as all the newest things in Embroideries, Novelties, Trimmings, Rib bons, Millinery and Coats. x We are prepared to take care of the trade on. tailored garments in our custom department Our made-to-otder garments have a reputation for fit and satisfaction of which we are proud. MILLINERY To see all the latest stvls nnrl hanra in Pall anrl Win ter head wear you should visit our Millinejy parlors. The prettiest and newest creations in this line to he found in Gastonia. . ' THE YEAGER MFG. CO Retail Department. GASTONIA, N. C. Subscribe for THE GASTONIA GAZETTE. ""-'"'?..., .v... FALL BRIDESr-- The demand for handsome Cut Glass and dainty STERL ING SILVER is growing larger with every season. We have a striking line of these goods and invite your in-, spection. ' . We also have a complete line of Hand Painted China, Bric-a-Brac and Art Goods, which will make an Elegant Present for the Fall Bride. , Torrence-Morris Co. Leading Jewelers & Opticians Expert Repairing Artistic Engraving SECOND CALL FOR TAXES Below will be found my list of appoint ments for the various points In the county for the purpose of collecting your taxes. As near as possible these appointments have been made to suit the convenience of the ,, people, not mine. This Is my second round ' and 1 take this means of urging all who have not: paid their taxes ,to,be on hand promptly at the place and. date named and settle their taxes for the year 1907. Don't put this mat ter off. Your taxes are due; that should be sufficient reason for your meetlngj'me and paying promptly. Mtn.' Island ; - Lucia ' ' ; Stanley v-v," ; Alexis.. Hardin J , ; . High Shoals Carpenters Store - Cherryville . Hovis' Store Bessemer City -Dilling Mill Bakers Mill L Dallas'-'.- -- '-- from t 9 to 12 o'clock Oct. 26th it 2 to 6 9 to 12 2 to 6 9 to 12 2 to 6 9 to 12 2 to 6 9 to 12 2 to 6 9 to 12 2 to 6 all. day ii . i .. ti ii i ii ' ' ii Nov. 2Sth 29th 1 1 30th ii . 3tst 1st Tax collector, i treasurer. The Lula Mill has o PArrns it t' cert the lrrpro-ano and promoter of i city Friday. y- iu.uw Epincieslst:ais. doing Subscribe ' for " the Gastoma f-r T:

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