V;a Gc-jtoaia Qirctto. peesoital I.IENTIOII. Ca: V A nts.; ctta Want Ad? Fay. Try 'incl- Get Results. 'em " AJV'i'MiMiiniil 1 ' Inwrtcd ur..1-r tlil hi-nj Tl (m. ff ten rent line for iho ttiHi Imcrtlun nmi flv nli a lliw f"r onoli ii!.irtMini1 InfterUon. I'hom , N",' M. , - , - ' , lit (lip fttm 'il C-tt HI inn ki lt (hiirc.ji cr n' hiiOm of falir uiirr, Miitninnnn'.s rtr, t! o'ljivl of whu'li In to m.i' o. iii.im-y. A hrf( will u' l nisit for -raril of ilmnlif nnd oMtu l.! ).! Til -rail l IK? rntii A Him. An rlr chnrK Till mml wh? fipy It .tiar. 1n Uil Ofjlc. - " ' j . rjOURBuiltlinir for !. tt. v I'armers' Supply C9. MY HOUSE niid lot for tale on Yoikbtreit ,JA, C.Una- tf Favorite Grain Drills by John' N. Hanlia. Atrent, Oastonia, S. C. O29cl0t - .CARMKKS T for Kale BRICK for sale. Mail orders re ceive prompt Attention. . For prices nnd terms address Piedmont Urick Co., LowelK N.C. ' , tf. RK SURE an l see the larjre and beautiful assortment of Leather Couches - and .Chairs Furniture Co'a. at Williams MONF.Y fouud on Main street, r Loser can tret same by describ- intr and paying for, this ad at Gazette Office. ' ,. : .1 . . tf OOD WANTEIT-The , Gazette vantH two or thrte cords of ' rood oalc - wood which we would be glad to take on subscription. Ap ply at Gazette Office. tf FOR SALE Good covered delivery wagon, harness and horse. Horse . : gentle and suitable for family use , al.40. For full particulars apply to the Gazette Office. , KVV LOT Wicker Chairs, Iron and N niture Co'a . TF you wish extra copies of the M. 'dustnal Edition to send In to your friends send us the names and 15 cents for each copy and-we will mail , them at our expense. FARMERS We are prepared to store and insure your cotton, is . suing negotiable receipts. B. H. Parker & Co. - Nlc6t. WANTED To employ salesman with team to represent a well established marble and granite company. A good contract for the . right party. Apply to box 485, Spartanburg. S. C. Q25c2. A GOOD FARM for sale. The Robinson farm, located about 354 miles west of Gaston la. About 135 acres, 6 room dwelling, tenant house, barns, etc. Price to promptbuver, $5,400. Write at once to John E. IlAiTircocK, The Real Estate Man. Hickory, N. C, Nlp3. AS THE TIME has come when we must meet our obligations, we must ask you to pay us as cheerfully as we helped you by giving you the time agreed upon. Please arrange to make prompt payment Nov. 1st and oblige. Yours very truly, N5c4. ' . Craig & Wilson. ViyE VlSII to tTiank all our cus .V tomers in the county and else where for their past patronage and solicit a continuance of the same. s We need your business and we are prepared to take care of you better than ever when it comes to livery. , , John F, Davis & Son, . v Gastonia, N. C. tf FRIDAY, OCT. 25, 1907. Gastonia Produce Market r i aens.,..v.: : .... 1 ic . " ; irys ...... .. ; . . 15c. - Esres . 20c 'Butter w .......... 20c, Onions ....... , .....75c. Peas ; . ....... , $1.00. , Corn.. ....:..80c. Sweet Potatocs,..C.; S0e Cabbare ............. ............. 21 Country Hams ..,.. . 1.16c - Country Shoulders ....... 11 1-2 Homemade Molasses,....50 to 55c , v ' Cranberries...-.:..; !.',...... ..15c qt. ; ' ; Gastonia Cotton. i . These figures represent the prices Daid to wacons: ' ; Oct. 22d ' Good middling 11 Strict middling ......... Jllyi ,r. Middling , .. 11 r Cotton Seed , , , 27c v Cotton Receipts. 7. '-! September ...950 "bales. -Mr R R. Ray. of McAdcnville. a tusinoss visitor in Oa.nouia yesterday. . . -" Mr. S. M. Robinson, of Lowell, was a visitor to Gastonia yectetday. -Mr. rUKendrlck aud Mr. A. G Mers were among the number of tin .mnians who attended the Char lotte fair yeettrday. . v Ur. J. W. Mnllei, a will known inHtirhuce.tnan of Lincolnton, was a liuMiuss vitiiwrin Gastonia yeslcr i Mr Gforire A. Jenkina 'returned ycMtttduy from SUtesville. where lie pent thiee weeks, together ith mib. jenicins, at ine uorac ol tnc latter a mother, Mrs. Muuday. . Mr. Hugh Loug returned" Tues day hom a week s visit to relatives aud friends in South Carolina. -Mr. Charles Cavis and Mr. R. Hope lirtxon went to Charlotte Wed nesday night to witness "The Urn pirc" at the Academy of Music. ' Mr. C II. Wilmoth. of Charlotte, was' a business visitor in Gastonia Wednesday, Miss Nellie Roseman, of Lin colnton, was a visitor to Gastonia on Wednesday. . Rev. : R. W. Carson, of Gun town, Miss., is the guest for a few days of bis father on route one. He is en route to the Jamestown Ex position. Mr. Carson is a Gaston bov. As pastor of the A'. R. P. cnurcb. in uuntown Is very popular ana successiui. Mrs. L. J. Waldrop went to Bessemer City on Wednesday to visit her father.Mr. J. Hv Uurgin. Mrs. W. H. Hoffman ' cad' Miss Susie Hoffman were visitors to Char lotte yesterday, being guests at the Selwyn. - -vr - Mrs S. M. Chestnut, of Rogers ville,' Tenn., arrived Wednesday night to be the guest for a week of Mrs. Rufus M. Johnston. Mrs.Chest nut is pleasantly remembered by many Gastonians, having .visited Mrs. Jounstonjhere two years ago Mr. C. I. Loftin witnessed "The Umpire" at the Academy of Music, Charlotte, Wednesday night. Mrs. E. B. Brawlcy and little daughter, Miss Addie May, returned this morning to their home at Mooresville after a week s visit to the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs John F. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Ferry Dover are spending to day at the Charlotte fair. Mr. Dover spent Monday and Tuesday at Clover with his daugh ter, Mrs Addie Whisenant, who has been quite, ill. Her condition is much improved. Mr. J. Puelt Hoffman, of Dallas, is a visitor to the fair at Charlotte to-day. Mr. A. R. Anders is spending the day in Charlotte. Mr. R W. Carson went to Clover yesterday afternoon to be present at the closing services of the protracted meeting in the A. K. F. church. . Mr. C. H. Landenberger, presi dent of the Liberty Stove- Company, of Philadelphia, is a business visitor in Gastonia to-day. -Rev. W. Hr Reddish, Mr. aud Mrs. H. B. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. John C. Moore are attending the South Fork Baptist Association at Long Island , Catawba county. They will return to-morrow night. Mr. R. E; Johnson, of this coun ty, is at home a few days from Jeter, where he is' connected with the Jofay Lumber Company. He ex pects to return to his work Monday Mr. J. W, Tonev. of Columbia, S. C, supervising agent of the Singer bewmg Machine to , spent yester day in Gastonia on business. Messrs. J. B. Boyd and Tom Henry spent yesterday in Charlotte Mrs. F. W. Fink, of Charlotte, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Shelton. N02TII CABOMNA SYNOD. NinHy-Foarth Anajial Sessloo llel-J atlleodersonvllla-Larjie Attendance Reports oa the : Work! the Ytar. Tb Synod of North Carolina convened in its , ninety-foui tli annual aessiou in the Pteshy teriair church st. Hendcrsouvillle Tuesday nicht. Motc tbiin one huudreJ and fifty 1elegates were present nt the ui'tituic service. ine" cpenuiy strtinm was preached by W. ' U. Coppeilge, the returns: numerator. - Rev. CM. Hicham, of Statesville, was electee niodcutor and Rev C. K UocJjjui and Rev. J. W. LaC'erty were elected temporary clerks. . :'-, ' , v At the mornioir session on Wednesday tbe btandiue com uiitteea- were announced nnd a coinruumcatiou rccd from Union TeoloKtcal Seminary, , a New York, asking that the sum of $135,000 be raised by this Synod. Addresses J, were delivered ; by Kev. M.li. Sorter, JJ. L., ajreui of the " American Iiible Society, and Rev. S. L. Morris, D. D., secretary of . home missions. Rev. VV. D. Morton was ap pointed to write '"a memoir of Rev. Alfred II. Moment, D. D , he only minister of the synod who has died during the past year, several interesting: ad dresses were delivered at the evening: session, ana a report made Ehowjng:-that ' the synod has duiinjr the past year con tributed to the cause of fortigu missions the sum of $30,611. The morning: session of Thurs day was taken up with the re ports of various committees, after which the synod listened to a highly commended sermon by Rev. Milton R. Clark, of Greensboro. Rev. D. I. Craig was re-elected stated clerk and treasurer for a term of three years. 1 he next meeting 01 the synod will be held at Newborn. The pain in Ma's head is gone, She's as happy as can be, Her health is right, her temper bright, Since taking Hoilister's Rocky Mountain Tea at night. Adams Drug Co. V Paiaful Accident. Little Miss Christine Sloan, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Sloan, while playing at her home on voric street Monday aiter- noon, was struck in the face by a falling bar of iron and painful ly injured. While no permanent miury was done, she suffered considerable pain lrom tne ac cident, but is now recovering from the effects of it. A Mill Edition. V Mr. N. Palmer, a member Rev. J. Norton Atkins, of the Valle Crucis Associate Mission, Blowing Rock, was in Gastonia yes terday en route to WilKesboro. He was the guest while here of Rev. W.. H.Hardin. ' ?lr. John W. Lowry, "of was a visitor to Gastonia TOWN AND COUNTY. r Oastonifl Lodire No. 3G9 A. F Vl A HT ...ill An. ..! in tVio flmt . degree to-night. ' - - -; .Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Michael have moved into their .new cottage, on Third street, which has just been ' completed. .. ' ;.' - " Rev. Brady Stroup, of Leesville, R. C. who is snendine a few days in the '. county with home folks, will preach at , the .Gastonia Lutheran 1 church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock lor the pastor, Kev, joun tiau. -'The mortgagee's sale of certain J lots in Bessemer Citv. Wednes- which was to have taken- dace nt Dallas at noon last Wednesday 'has been postponed until - noon on Wednesday, October 30tb, - - y-The friends of Mr. J. Cv An thony, of route one, who recently suffered a stroke of paralysis as chronicled in a recent issue of The ' Gazette, will be glad to know that - he has recovered sufficiently to be ont. Yesterday - he was walking 'around some and has the use of the side that was affected by the stroke In the mayor's court yestctday morning Will Springs, colored, of Concord, was fined $2.50 and the ; costs lor being drunk and Frank r Brown, a white man of the' Avon, was finea a similar amount for being drank and disorderly, having abused members of bis family. l -Mr. w. M. l-roneDerger nas ma new double store building at Besse- mer City nearly completed. He ex pects to haye it in shape fof the oc cupants to get in next week. Counts Brothers, general merchants, will -occupy the corner store room and A. D. Dorsett, the furniture man, 11 ill occupy the other. It is a Ton- venient and attractive concrete-block " structure. Recently the postoffice has been moved into a aeat concrete block buildrcz on the north side of the railroad. Lowell, yesterday. Prof. J6e S. Wray and .Misses Carrie and Jane Morris, Mae Stuart J and Pearl Gallant left Wednesday for Asheville to attend the annual meeting of the State Primary Teach ers Association. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Moore," Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore and Miss Mattie Moore were visitors to Charlotte Wednes day,'. , . Among the Gastonia visitors to the fair at Charlotte Wedneday were Misess Essie Lindsay, true lhom asson and Irene Lougfiridge. . Messrs? J. Lean Adams, John H. Williams and S. S. Shuford were among the Gastonians who attended . t, :. ri,.j.u. tl' 1 lilt; 1 Ail ai vuai luiLC iiuuMuaf. Miss! Lnla Perrv. traveling rep resentative of the R. P. Andrews Paper Co., of Washington. D C, was in Gastonia on business-. Tnesr . Revand Mrs. J. II. Bennett, of Lowell, spent yesterday in Gastonia. Capt. John D. McConnell, f of McConnellsville, S. C,. stopped over yesterday lor, a short visit to nis son. Dr. D. E. McConnelf. being on his way to Davidson College to visit another son who is in school there. Cant McConnell served in the civil war aa rantain of Comoanv , Fifth South Carolina Volunteers. Mrs. R. Hope Bryson and Mrs. J. H. Workman scent several days this week in Charlotte, guests of Mrs. W. M. lackson. v , - and Mrs. V. K. Lonflt were the griests Wetlnesdav of Mr. and Mrs; W. A. Martin at the Selwyn in Char lotte. . v . of the staff of The Chattanooga (lennj iNews, is in uasionia for a few days collecting ma terial for a write-up of Gastonia and its cotton mills fota special mill edition which The News will issue at an early date. This special edition will con sist of 150,000 copies and will, it is understood, cover the field of Southern cotton mills. It will no doubt be of great in terest and benefit to the sections, towns and mills described. The News is one of Tennessee's leading afternoon newspaper! and enjoys a wide cnculation. To 0pn November 1st. y The Bessemer City Bank, which was organized and char tered several months agowith a capital of $10,000, will open for business on November Istv Mr. L. L. Jenkins, of Gastonia, is president aud Mr. J. J. Ormand, of Bessemer City, will be cash ier. This bank has elegant and modernly eqiuppcd quarters in the new Masonic building. Bes semer City -is a good business town and its citizens are to be congratulated on the addition of a bank to the town's business interests. A meeting of the stockholders will be held in the bauk's offices on October 31st. Those" osing Perfumes ' .' enjoy'a change ' v ' Ilave'yoa tried c -Wm. If. Brown & Bro. new odor' .- " ' - -'." Pocahontas? . ' .- . For Sale by ' " . FKOST TORRENCE A .CO Capt. Ormand Icjared. Capt. Meek .Ormand's many Gastonia friends a n d friends in the county will be pained to leafnLhat be sufferrf severe in juries in ; cnanoue- last, nigni. The following m regard to the accident is from this, morning's Observer: "Mr. B. M. Ormand, a freight conductor on the South ern Railway between Charlotte and Spartanburg, ! S. C, was painfully hurt by beiug thrown from his frightened horse against the front' of a moving street car on Morehead street last night aboutll'o'clock Capt. Ormand was riding horseback when . his steed beeame frightened and ran, throwing him. He sustained a number of , cashes m his bead, but beyond scalp wounds appears to be uninjured. He was im mediately . placed, on : a special street car and taken to the Pres byterian Hospital. , He was operated on there soon and at midnight was resting comfort able. None of the .wounds are believed to be serious." Stock has been subscribed for a new bank' at Statesville, to have a capital stock of $25,000. This is Statesville's third bank. KINGS MOUNTAIN ITEMS KiuMoun:ujUrld, 2nh. ' 'Mis. Lula 'Ferguson, wife of Mr, J. R- Ferenon of Kings Cier k section, diid at her hotnf, Thursday night after a lingering illness with typhoid fever. The remains were buried at. Bethle hem Friday, Mrs." Ferguson was a daughter of Mr V R Lowry,' and was alxjut 23" y ars of age. She H sin vived by hn l)i;b.v,il and , a.r 17 months olO datigbter, ..'': ;. A "marrfftetf t'ut pr-Aed r much surprise to innny friends of the contracting paKi.'f, tool- place at the borne of tb bride parent?, Mr., and Mrs. J," H01H iat ThfriMv afurnoon at 4 o'clock, whrn Miss Bessie Hotd, one of Kii'vS Mountain' mK excellent ifu'g ladies, became the 1'i !" ' Mr. J. L Led ford, 0 SS -t . Rtv. I). rOordoi- WasMiMti wai the (delating clergy an. Mr. Charlie McFalls. of Pine vine, and 'Miss Emma Lynn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lynn, of Philipsburg, were tn.tr ried Sunday afternoon.- The event occured at the home of the bride's parents and the bapp couple left on the even ing train for ; Pineville, which place tbev will make their home The ceremony was performed bv Magistrate K H. Garrett, in the presence of a number of friends The marriage of Mr. T. R. K Oates and Miss Myrtle Arro- wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Arrowood, was solemnize at the borne of the bride's pa rents Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the midst of a large number of friends of the con trading parties Rev. J. M Forbis, of Kings Mountain, per formed the ceremony. Mr. B P Cnpeuter, of Stan ley, and Mr. E. B. Briitan, oi Gastonia, were visitors here Sunday. Mr Clyde R. Hoey, of Shelbv, was among the visi tors in town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Carpenter spent Sunday in Gastonia with rela tives. Mrs. C. A Euiy, Missess Mary and Vera Randlcman, were among the visitors in Gas tonia yesterday. Mr. C. G Holler, of Gastonia, - spent Thursday in town on business. Mr. A. C. Stroup,-of Gastonia, was among the many delegates here last week attenaing the Synod. Dr. George Pressley, of Charlotte, came over Wednes day at the request of Dr. B R Hunter to see Mr. Albert Huffstetler, vho is verv low with typhoid pneumonia. Rev. J M. Forms was an important visitor in Bessemer City 1 ues day. Mrs. B. F. Carpenter and Miss Katie Carpenter, of Stanley, were the guests several days during the Synod of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Carpenter. Mr. - and Mrs. David Rudisill and Mr John Rudisill and family, of Cherryville, aud Mr. A. P. Rudi sill, of Dallas, were visitors here several days during the Synod and were gnests of Mr. A. R. Rudisill. Mr. W. B. Craig, of Gastonia, will come to Kings Mountaiu November 1st. and will open his office for work as a practical electrician. Mr. Craig has been in the business for some time and has much ex perience in electrical wiring. OPERA HOUSE One Night, Oct; 28. John Osmari Presents : Hclcne Reika .1 ' .' and ; -; ' ' , ' J. Ramond Barrett in The Power Cross 20 People 20 Sptclal Scenery Siat8 Now on Sale at Torrence's uruc store Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents. While all Edwin Clapp Shoes are of high quality and trustworthy, different models are needed for different feet. Have all the newest models and shapes. Shlney or plain $6.00 and $6.50 OPERA HOUSE - I n II t t pnttiNQON RRns une weeK une livuiliwvil vr w I Commencing Ddrgdllld III Monday NightOct.21 Harness Empire Stock Co. That will Save You Is Bristling With Good Values for You Bring usyoiir Feet Such Good Servants Dc serve Good Treatment That Our Shoes are shaped to fit your foot, built of solid leather, priced within the reach of all Let Us Prove It. Money Cheerfully Refunded on all s Purchases not Satisfactory J O Belle Co To Build, Mr. Ed F. Wilson has bought two lots on Fourth street from Mr. W. T. Rankin.- He will build at once a neat five-room cottage on one ot tnese, corner South and Fourth streels. Arrested for Theft. Officers Kendrick and Wil liams arrested Rankin Hayes, a young white man, at bis moth er's home on W. N. Davis' farm "south of town Wednesday night. Hayes, together with several I others, is wanted at Blacksburg on a charge of breaking -into a freight car and stealing mer chandise. Policeman Duncan, of Blacksburg, came up yester day morning and took Hayes to Gaffney, where he was placed in jail to await trial. Subscribe for Thh Gazette. Money Single Buggy Harness at $8.25, $9.50. $10.50, $11 25. $12.50, $14. 00. $16.00. Double Buggy Harness at $14. 00, $15 00, $16.50, $18.00. . Single Wagon Slip Harness at $4.00, $4 50, $5.00. Double Wagon Harness com plete with Bridles, Lines and Collars at $18.00, $20.50, $21.50, $24.00. $25.00. All Harness made of the same Grade of Leath- i er. we wm Keep ;up re pairs for one year on all Harness. Featuring MISS HELEN CARMEN LENTON New Play Every Night New Specialties Popular Prices I S -25 - 35 Seats Now on Sale at Torrence's Drug S tore. Call See our Stock The city Pressing Banner Harness Company. Club Phone 94 I. Subscribe Gazette for the Gastoniai Cleans, Dyes and Presses Suits and Ladies' Skirls. Let us do your Sewing. Over H. Stradley's Store. Opposite Craig and Wilson Bnlldlnf. First Meeting. The creditors of S. C. Whit aker, bankrupt, will hold their first meeting here to-morrow, at 10 o'clock. Referee D. B. Smith, of Charlotte, will preside at the meeting. Wolfe Bros.. for Jewelry. Watch, Clock and Jewel ry repairing a specialty. Eyes Tested I and Classes Properly Fitted WOLFE BROS. Opposite Post-office THE ( Difficulties Successful ' Child Portraiture is Mastered by Few. That the Green Studio has done this is evidenced by a large list of satisfied patrons a n d countless baby faces on exhibi tion at the Stu dio. ; : Child Portraiture Is Our Specialty Phone 147 J. I.GREEN. B3E5 Ga Reliable Goods storiia's Fast Growing Store ILEBOVDTZ Lowest Prices Special Bargains for Saturday and Monday A world of newness on every side. Our stores are jam full of the best bargains we've ever had. Brilliant display of Dress Goods, Millinery, Cloaks, Furs. Ready Made Skirts, Clothing, Shoes and Hats. ; In fact every thing kept in a first-class store. Space only allows us to quote a few prices, come, be- convinced that we give the best values for the least money. ' ; . . , - , : .Fleece lined Underwear for mdn, women and children 15c up. Ladies' Suiting beautiful patterns only 10c. Fine quality Voiles. Brilliantines and Serges actual 75c, LEBOVITZ price only 49c. . . ' G 1 b qi k s a ii d Furs irom.98c up to the $20.00 quahty at $lf.9S. Men's Suits and Over Coats from $3.98 np to the $20.00 kind equal to any Tailor Made Suits, LEBOVITZ price - only $14.98. Men's, Women's, and Childfen's Shoes 25c op. Wool Fascinators and Shawls and ready made Muslin Underwear at prices to please you. . Every Train Brings New Goods to LEBOVITZ DEPARTMENT STORE allimore Agents, May Manton Patterns JOc Czzl