rv IMette; t Try a Gazette Wn n t Ad ID- i iic rapcr Read by Gaston People J Thofa All ? T"l '. r. ii nil I . - Thev Brlni' Results PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEKTUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. C. D. ATKINS, Editor. Devoted to the Protection of Home arid the Interests of the County $1.50 a Year In Advance. Hnftle Copy 5c. VOU XXVIII. GA8TONIA, N. C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2D, 1907. NO, 87 Gaston PROFESSIONAL CARDS GARLAND & JONES Attorneys and Counselors Over Torrence-MorrU Company.. Gastonia, N. 0. ... - S. B. SPARROW . ATTORNEY-AT7LAV DALLAS, N. C 0(llc upatalm over. Bank ot Dall J0HN 0. CARPENTER - r ATTORNEY-AT-tAW '', . DALLAS, N. C, '-Office over Bank of Dallas , DR. D. E. McCONNELL, DENTIST OAgTONIA, N, C. Office Flrt Floor. T. M. C. A. BW'i v . . Phone G9. 03. T. A. WILKINS V. -DENTIST - ,;OASTONIA ,N. C. Oifice in Adams JBuildinfe Phone 311 MRS. JOHN HALL TEACHER OF PIANO ' " " "' "' A'"' "'"V AND ORGAN. DR. P. A Pressly 'm DENTIST CLOVER, - -- - - - S. C. S. A. WOLFF DALLAS. N C. TEACHER OF PIANO AND VIOLIN. ? Wednesdays and Saturdays in ' Gastonia, N. C. Ml Offices ol Trust are better performed by a trust com pany than by an individual. It guards the interest entrusted to it with pprlect care, un iffected by personal interests or prejudices. The . Southern Securities 6, Trust Co. acts as, an executor of wills, trustee or admin istratotjof estates, guardian for minors or incompetent persons, transfer agent for corporatjons, re , ceiver in litigation, and in many other'capacities. In what capacity can it serve you? .,. j,, i ... - .I i ' Mortagee's Sale of Land. By xjrtttre of the power of a1e contained - $n a ceruin Mortjrw Deed, dated April ' IStb X907. and ieuistered in the office of Ott Kegister, of Deeds, of Ganton county, in ; Book NO. OS at page CS.defautt bavin been made in the payment of the debt secured thereby, I will sell . to, the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door InDallaa, N. C, at Noon, 1 on Wednesday, October 30th, 1907, all tha land contained in Blocks Nos. 26, 27. 2S. 29 in Section two (2) as laid down on plat or map maar oy . . Kirnuusun, surveyor, IU.J891. of the town of Bessemer City, and being the lands conveyed to C A. Davis, E.D. Bullard and C..E. Whitney by the Ormand Mining Company. J.J. Ormand, Morttraare. This September 21. 1907. ... 029c2t NOTICE. .North Carolina, I Gaston County. ty, NOTICE. "BY VIRTUS of a mortgage deed execu ted to the undersigned on September 7, 1905,U the Love Trust Co. by Albert Ervin and wife, the undersifrnad will sell for cash totbehig eat bidder at public outcry at the I . ....... vui.utu u. .., Is Day Decern "l907rt the' Hoar ol ' , v 11 O'clock, A. m. . : v the following - described real estate tying in the lownoi oastoni. N.t.,, and tuny i SSU COMPANY WT Jl ' - Beginning at stone on the north side of Fifth street, runn-ng 364 feet from Mati etta street, west corner of Aaron Clark's lot; runs north H west with Aaron Clark's .lot 18S.68 fert to the Rhyne line; thence , . i. OA 1 , : 1. . 1 r l J n a . feet to a stone on Khyne'a line and north , east corner of Monroe Crawford's let ; . thence south with Crawford's line Jfl 52 leet to astoneon nonn sine oi i-ii.ii irtei. i .i..! n.Hni r.fr4'. w- M I North ei 1-3 east so feet with Fifth street to I the beginning, registered in Book 55 of I Mortgage Deeds at page 284. beina in th town of Gastonia, N. C. and bring the I property npon which a store bonding is Albert Kmn. ikld to atisfy said rooreaee. ' ... Thia.the23rd Darol October. 1907. ; FN29clM . " Lova Tacrr Company.. rW PAPERS., five cents the w bundle at the Gazette office. DECEIPT Books 10 cents: blank IV note books . IS cents Publishing Co'a. . at Gazette tf. DIBBER Stamps, made while von i wan it we vjazeiie ruDiisnmg 2-line, 25 cents; J-line, 30 cents. ; tl - V OMAN'S SUPERIOR KERVE. The Women la the Wreck Radd Composed end Patient, v bat the Men Greatly Excited. (' ni Obwrrer. ?2iL .'; ' ' ." ' Speaking of men and wcoen suffering, Mr. Charles C, Ben bow. who was in the wreck Thursday night and was great a s s i a t a n c e in or uanizing a re s c u e force and aiding insetting the dead and injured out of the cars, re tnrned last night from New York ,. He has a badly marked and bruised nose and eye caused y .being thrown across the aisle of the sleeper, the shock coming just as be was disrobing to go to sleep. Mr. Benbow says that not a single worn in of those hurt . screamed or cried out while the men were uttering agonizing cries. While the work of rescue from the debris was in progress the ladies, . be says'-', were perfectly composed and patient while the men, were excited, hysterical, some pro fane and all intolerant of the necessarily tedious process of rL.! .t. ;i i. .u: extricating mem wiwiuui auui tional injury. He is profuse in admiration of the splendid nerve shown by Mrs. Mary Benton Davis, the Winston bride of few hours. She was completely covered by the telescoped seats, and while he was trying to get her out. one of the injured men began cursing for bjs wasting time there. With an oath the impatient man declared the woman was dead and attention should be paid to the living. The body all crushed between the seats, did appear to be life less, but when the assertion that she was dead was made, the motionless body gave several spasmodic jerks of a foot that was free. As soon as she was extricated and ber head placed to the window, she revived and her first question was. wOb,is mv husband killed? Where is mother? Where am I?" A glass of whiskey was poured down ber throat, and she did not forget to say "thank you" as she temporarily lost conscious ness. At the same time, the husband, who was but slightly hurt, was crazy with excitement, his chief concern naturally be ing for the welfare of his wife. But it was difficult to coutrol him, as well as those men more seriously hurt. A healthy man is a king in his own right; - an unhealthy man is an uuhappy slave. Bur dock Blood Bitters builds up sound health keeps vou well SherrilMittle. Invitations reading as follows were received in Gastonia Tues day: Mrs. snd Mrs. John J. Little requt st tbe pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter Madge to Mr. James Carl Sherrill Wednesday afternoon, October thirtieth nineteen hundred and seven at three o'clock At Home Wadesboro, North Corolina. Miss Little is k asantly re membered in Gastonia by a large circle of friends. She was far several years a member of the graded school faculty here. She was recenty the guest of Mrs P.R. Falls, having been one of the attendants at the Jones Smyre wedding; Death o! Dr. J. L. Beam. Dr, J. L. Beam," a prominent and popular physician of Crouse, who has been desperately ill at the Lincoln Hospital for several weeks with typhoid-pneumonia, died Friday afternoon at 4:30 and. was buiied Saturday after noon at Bethpage church, the services beini? Conducted bv the nncrnr kv. t. m .Knnn. a5. ted by theRev.- &r, B.'Clegg, of Crouse. - Dr. Beam was in his 39th j, ear and was a man of fine character and winning personal! ty.'A large crowd attended the funeral, i The pall-bearers were . t. . 1 : : 1 t : i nrVPT w ?n lYZ l ' f k vR-H1 D,w hp S;.Wr 8 a'1 J S Wise, R. W Petne, L,. A. Crowell and George H. Costner. Dr. Beam was brought to Juin luiu ousmwi ounuay, ocuicui lTj o . ber 1st. and the followinf? Thurs- A3V Ui ;- son a hrio-ht lad of , " nls JUUC 50D DrlV'lJI!,01 7 yearS was also brought to the hospital, suffering with pentoni- Us. The little fellow diecf on the th of October, and was buried without bis lather being told of bis death. . . . v The ; only - true constipation cure - must begin its ; soothing, healing -action when it enters the mouth. Hollister's Rocky Mountain ; T e festores"- the whole system to a healthy, nor mal condition. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. . . ; ' - ., Adams prug Co. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. , Cotton seed is bringing 24 cents on me local mat gee. - ' Mr Pat Smith left yesterday for ureenville, b. C, on business. Mr. J. V. Lonpr left yesterday for Kocie lim, p. c, on ousiuess. Mr." J.AV. Puckett was a bust ness visitor to . Charlotte yesterday, Mr. II. N. Garrison, of Besse mer City, wasin tlastonia yesterday. -Mr. W. L. C. Ktlltan, made a business trip to Blacksburg, S, C, last Saturday. Mr. Will II. Adams, ad man on The Charlotte Observer, spent bun day here with home folks. Mrs. Julia'Courts Holland, of Dallas, was anion cr yesterday's shop pers in Gastonia. ; Mr. P. B. Rankin, of the Y. MC A. - at the State University, made a short visit to his home in Mount Holly last week. Messrs. J. E. and R. L. Mc- Alister left yesterday for Blacks bur? to commence work on the new bank building; there. . Mrs. Lizzie Falls, of Kings Mountain, was the guest Saturday and Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. V. h. Long. &ae returned nome yesterday. Mr. Perrv Dover went to Grover yesterday on business and to see his brother's wife. Mrs. W. A Dover, who is quite ill with typhoid fever. He expects to return Friday. JudgeA Burwell, of Chatlotte, snent vesterdav here on business connected with the recent sale of the Whetstone Cotton Mill at Bessemer City Mr. J. T. R. Dameron. a well to- do farmer and a magistrate of Besse mer City, route one. was a business visitor in Gastonia yesterday. Miss Annie Lou Abell, of Lowryville, S C, is the guest of Mrs. J. D. B. McLean. She came to attend the Nichols-McLean wed ding to-morrow. Mr- John F. Davis returned Sun day night from Greensboro, whither he went Saturday to see his son, Mr. W. C. Davis, and Mrs. Davis, who are confined in St Leo's Hospital on account of injuries received in the wreck of No. 34 some days ago. The? are getting along as well as could be expected under the circum stances and it is hoped that they will recover rapidly from their wounds. Read our rematkable subscrip tion offer elsewhere in to day's pa per. You can get The Gazette four teen months for $1.50, if you are not now a subscriber. .We are pulling for 2.500 subscribers, so let us have vour name and$t.50 to-day. Ask for our 'clubbing offers with The New York World. tTogressive farmer and Taylor-Trotwood Magazine. The Gazette is under obligations to Mrs. Julia Courts Holland for a handsomely illustrated pamphlet rlc scriptive o.f Redlands, Cal., ar.d a wejl illustrated Sundav section The Los Angeles, Cal.", Times, which wete sent to her by a kinswoman who resides in Los Angeles. The editor has derived pleasure from looking over them. The publishers of The Gnzette would greatly appreciate it n our readers would call us up and give us any personal or social items of in terest thev may know of. We use our best efforts to get all the local news that is going, but the task would be greatly lightened through the kihdness of our readers in giying us information voluntarily. Uur phone is number 50. Mr .William H. Loug, who lives three trilles north of Bessemer City, on the Cherryville-Bessemer road, returned home yesterday after a visit to his sons, Messrs. Amos and William Long, in Gastonia. While here he arranged for a bisr familv reunion to be held at the old home place, where he resides, on Novem ber 16th, his seventieth birthday. Mr. Long is aoiative of Gaston and has resided in the county all of his life. Though three score years of ace he is still hale and hearty and looks many years younger. Iivery body is invited to attend this family reunion. . rincipai Besins. Prof. C. -A. Fellows, principal of the Kings Mountain graded schoul, tendered bis resignation to the school board last Wednes day night, gjving as his reason or resigning his inability to manage some of the boys. Prof. Fellows is a very quiet gentle man -and ; preferred to resign rather than to havVtrouole with pupils and parents. The school board is making strenuous ef forts to find a suitable teacher to fill the vacancy. The position pays $100 per month. Donnelly and Hatfield. Among the many fine dancers wth the Donnelly and-Hatf Magnificent Minstrels which ,, rriAatr jMruAr icf Donnelly and : Hatfield are here Friday, November 1st, the Brockaway Brothers must not be overlooked. These nimble foot' ed - terpsicboreau artists )ve a very clever number in the ftlin strel First Part which they exe cute with consummate grace and skill. Gov Bowen, .; known, , as ""that long, laqky Jellow.with the slow drag", does a dance in the first part, and Tommy Donnelly and . Nick Hufford throw the feet around in a most eccentric fashion. Dancing is also one of the feature i- of " The -. Geor Bines": the curtain descendi on the squad of darky recruits aa they are - enjoying an oid fash ioned ."Negro. ring aronnd.";. - J Subscribe for Ths Gazettk . v make ir Yourself. Says Many Persons Here Can Be , ' Made Happy Attain By Using This Home-Made Mixture. r There m omuch Rheumatism here in nnr neighborhood now that the following advice by an eminent authority, who write tor readers of a Urge Eastern daily paper, will be highly ap preciated by those who suffer: Get from any good pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one buuee Compound Kargon, three ounces of Com pound Syrup Sarsdparilla. Shake these' well in a bottle and take in teaspocnful doses after each meal and at bedtime; also drink plenty of good water; It is claimed that there are few victims of this dread ami torturous disease who will tail to find ready relief in this sim ple home-made mixture, and iu most cases a permanent cure is the result. This simple recipe is said to strengthen and clearf.se the eliui- inative tissues of. the Kidneys Mo that they can filter and strain from tbe blood and system the poisons,' acids and waste matter, which cause not only Rheuma tism, but numerous other dis eases. Jivery man or woman here who feels that their kidneys are not healthy and active, or who suffers horn any urinary trouble "vh4tever, should not hesitate to make tip this mixture, as it is certaiu to do much good, and may save you from much misery and sufferingSafter while. Our home druggists say tbey will either supply the ingredi ents or mix the prescription ready to take if our readers ask them. L'.--fhc4 ,. f.ia Ujmsr An cltl liHrfi.T tells of an esperlence r fcts Id mh!o- an. The flay van fog gy, and nioM nf Cw rrtevzr trnre Inflow lisu'iiTi? to lr.-o ev?ii;;c!i.-'.fs viir r.oiv !jo.:ii!)g a partkmiarir rorv.lti ga-pl iiiw-!ia;x lu tbe Mloon. Fuddenly nud without t!)t wllKUtest warning there was a terriae crash and the en tr!n Hf:ppe'1. Every one nr hcd.on ci'ok. The Moamer li.nl run l.itu .in Ict- 11 t ' !.. s:.l iht V :!. i ' il ;: ;.:!lic. '. :i ! I for I. li.-. : 1 :d 1 f tv.. Men 1:. TIn-.v ;' Sj-IN. :; t-i l'.i cv.'ii rt.i 1 Ut: th,' r;i'. j in, ;'',. 1 1 (I:c:; !l;v i-.ir.-ii'.l r: . : ..'.( .1 i'.ii:- V i'Jl I'll' t" I.".' K- I 'I.-:;- v'-f.- I::-; 11. ..I !l ,i.-. j'" t r: 'l V :!.'. t ! . ' i. '.. ! i'l! I:: ' ' . i a i re;. I -v T '1... .I.--.) in mi T t'.i.i o!;ici-s v.!u;i a striiiio'l u; to ilu- n-Vi' I'll- .ii'.leiin'n v. i. i rURS ;l!.'.l luiInUr:',. piudon."' cal l .li I;:-.; iiiu UU pep, " "eve n f !.''" And ill lilt f;"('i;iv:;l laiiKil 1''" t! ;u.:,i-l of paule was avt rlf l. Cou'd Mot R'sk It. A dealer li real !:? iv'.'.- ' slor..--4 Uliildle li'iod ii.;uv hii:' tit Ihs t Hce to try to nia!: a.n.: :."v: for the i)t:rch:i5'i'f a Inn: i- in J l it. "Vi',' ;an make a s:.iail .lyi.u'iit li:vn," Kin? said, "and" w.niM !;,n a :ii--;r;-r:,i fun nl:: for n p.vi.l .f c yo irs ti re furo the pn.', t;u ::t oT i!:e let' of the money. My dr.itjitors haw posi tions as ln!:!;pr;.cr.s In a lar;;i mer cantile establishment and can save enough out of their En!nrl to ciHt the payments iv; they Iieome due." The real estate mnu hpsltatwl. "I Ktiould want to l-o sure of you paying for the property In the-stipulated ttnic."hoFnhl. "I should feel like a criminal If I had to foreclose the mortgage nt any time anil yet buI nes3 Is business. I shall have to aoe your daughters." She brought them to hl othce the next day. "Madam," ho said, shaking his head, "you will hr.ve to glva me some ad ditional security. Your daughters are too handsome. They will marry and lose their jobs long before the five years are up." . B. K YOAKUM. Chairman of the board of direc- tor of -the Rock Island, who pre fers government to elate regula tion of fiilroad.":- -' - "" : BAEN BURNED. Mr. R. C. Ormand Loses Barn, .Live Stock v and Feed-0rllo Unknown. Mr. R. C. Ormand, who lives about one mile east of Bessemer City, had the misfortune Satur d;"tv night to los by fire his barn, three mules, three cows, one calf and a large amount of roughness. Nine baleb of cot ton which were stacked in the ham lot near the barn caught fiie but were saved, suffering duly si'i.ht (Umse. The t)ii'-i ol the fire is not known. Mr. Ormumt !nd fin ished milking aud feeding his stock just a short time before the Mimes were discovered He and Mrs. Ormand hud left home only a few minutes to go to the home of her father. Mr. Sin S'letley, about two miles away When some distance away they saw a light in the direction of their home but, thinking it was the woods afire, they proceed ed. Neighbors discovered the fire and saved the cotton but the barn, live stock and feed were all destroyed. It is not known whether Mr. Ormand carried any insurance. This is the fifth building Mr. Ormand has lost by fire within the past five or six years. He has lost two barns, two dwell wa lncs and a corn cno ine origin of the fire is shrouded in mystery. The flames originated in the loft in some hav. CLEVELAND CULLINGS Clevelaud Star. 25th. Prof John B. Carlvle of Wake Forest College was here this week visiting the loyal support ers of the College in the interest of the Endownment Fund. He expressed himself as being pleas ed with the result of the canvass thus far, and hopes to increase the fund $150,000 easily. The many frienis and admir ers of Rev. G. P. Bostick of this place who is recognized as one of the most effective workers iu the Mission field will be interest ed to learn of his approaching marriage. Tbe bride-elect is Miss Lena Stover, of Luray, Virginia. The date set Ibr,. the nuptials is November 26th Miss btover is a member ot one of the best families of the Old Dominion, a woman of the high est Christiau type, cultured and refined. She will be a most worthy help-meet to this conse crated minister in the great work he is accomplishing in far away China. Immediately after the ceremony they will come to Shelby aud spend Thanksgiving Day with the groom's aged pa rents, our esteemed friends, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E- Bostic. President Charles C. Blanton, of the First National Bank, spent Sunday in Kings Mountain at tending the Lutheran Synod. Judge Jas. L. Webb left Sunday afternoon for Lumberton, where he will preside this week over Superior Court for Robeson county. Sheriff A. B. Suttle is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Lelia Forbes, in Greenville, this State He expects to return about Tuesday next. Mr. and Mrs R. E. Carpenter spent Monday of this week in Cherryville where Mr. Carpenter has business in terests. Mr. and Mrs. W. J Reed have returned from ; pleasant visit to relatives at Long Shoals Mrs. Fred R, Morgan and little daughter, Miss Margaret.of Double Shoals, spent Thursday and Friday here with Mrs. Thos. Ewers. Missionary Service. The Sunday school and preach ing services were combined into one service Sunday at tbe Main Street Methodist church and a good congregation was present to hear Miss Delia Wright, a missionary ot t h e Woman's Board of the "M. E. Church, South, who is at home from Brazil on a vacation. M i s s Wright addressed her talk chief ly to the children of the Sunday school, but the information she gave was of great interest to all her hearers, old and young alike. She spoke first of the geography of Brazil and of the customs of the people, describing especially the life in the average Brazilian home. Passing then to the re ligious life of the people ' she told how thoroughly tbe whole population is dominated by the Roman catholic priesthood and bow densely superstitious the people are. Miss Wright showed by her talk how deeply; engross ed she is in the noble work of carrying enlightenment to dark ened lives and homes of these benighted people. She was given the best of attention and doubtless her address will result in a greatly increased interest in the cause of missions on the part of many who heard her. . We are prepared to extend our customers even accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If you havt no account with us we invite you to open onei : : : SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of if and compound the interest quarterly. ' : : : : : CITIZENS iNifli'm;.1) R. P. Rankin,' President Subscribe for THE GASTONIA GAZETTE. Fine Hasn't this cool weather reminded you that it is time to purchase that FUR you have been planning to have this winter? It's high time you were thinking seriously about it. You want the latest styles and the best fars, of course; that's the kind we keep New style scarf effects with muffs to match. Pi ices $1 00 to $50 00. See these by all means before you buy. LADIES' and CHILDEN'S coats, the latest styles and best materials. A splenMid assortment from which you cau select just what you want. Novelties Our line of ladies' novelties in linen effscts, drawn work, belts and bags is varied and complete this season. Don't fail to ask to see them when you visit our store. THE YEAGER MFG. CO Retail Department. GASTONIA, N. C. Subscribe for THE GA WEDDING PRESENTS FOR FALL BRIDES The demand for handsome Cut Glass and dainty STERL ING SILVER is growing larger with every season. We have a striking line of these goods and invite your in spection. We also have a complete line of Hand Painted China, Bric-a-Brac aud Art Goods, which will make an Elegant Present for the Fall Bride. Torrence-Morlris Co. Leading Jewelers & Opticians Expert Repairing Artistic Engraving SECOND CALL FOR TAXES Below will be found my list of appoint ments for the various points in the county for the purpose of collecting your taxes. As near as possible these appointments have been made to suit the convenience of the people, not mine. This Is my second round and I take this means of urging ail who have not paid their taxes to be on v hand promptly at the place and date named and settle their, taxes for the year 1907. Dont put this mat ter off. Your taxes are -due; that should be sufficient reason for paying promptly. - Carpenters Store Cherryville Hovis' Store Bessemer City Dilling Mill Bakers Mill -Dallas from T. E. Shuford Tax col ector, v ; Gostori county. jj II Yon Vapt Gaston Cennfy News SohscrlS far TH O?" ' II Yob Want Neat, Up-foDate A. G. Myers, Cashier. Furs STONIA GAZETTE. your meeting me and 9 to 12 2 to : 6 9 to 12 2 to 6 9 to 12 2 to 6 all day. o'clock Oct. 30th r . 3 1st . Nov . 1st ... . 4th. Ststloncry an ci-w frl-t i'. 1

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