t 4.A4.m.i.4.A.4...4..l4.m.Ai.4. f A -A. i ,Try a Gazette I Want Ad i They Bring Results I ' 1 4 Read by Gaston Pcoplo i Thot'a All PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. E. D. ATKINS, Editor.- Devoted to the Protection, of Home and the Interests of the County. $1.50 a Year In Advance. Ingle Copy Sc. VOL. XXVIII. gastonia; n. c, Friday, November i. 1007. NO. 88 PROFESSIONAL CARDS -GARLAND & JONES Attorneys and Counselors Onr Torrenc-MorTli company. Oastonia, N. 0. S. B. SPARROW " ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS, N. 0. Offlca upstair 0Tf Bank of Dallas JOHN 0. CARPENTER , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS. N. C, . " OflBce over Bank of Dallas. ; DR. D. E. McCONNELL, DENTIST . OASTONIA, N. 0. Offlo Pint Floor T. M. C. A. BlfV . Phono 69. " DR. T. A. WILKINS DENTIST OASTONIA ,N. C. Office in Adams Building Phone 311. . MRS. JOHN HALL TEACHER OF PIANO AND ORGAN. DR. P. A Pressly DENTIST CLOVER., - - - - S. C. s.A.woLrr . DALLASf N. C. TEACHER OF PIANO ' - AND VIOLIN; Wednesdays and Saturdays in Gastonia, N. C. NOTICE BY VIRTUE oft mortnee deed xecu- td to the undersigned on September 7. . 1M to the Love Trust Co. by Albert Brvin ' and wife, the undersigned will sell for cash to the hi- eit bidder at public outcry at the City Hall in the Town of Gastonta, N. C, on tfct .-. .- . . . lai Dav of December. 1907 al the Hoar ! I 11 O'clock. A. M. the following described real estate tying in the Town of Gaston ia. N. C and iully , riarrihil a. follows: Beginning at a stone on the north aide of Fifth street, running 364 feet from Mari etta street, west corner of Aaron Clark's lot: runs north X west with Aaron Clark's lot 188.68 feet to the Khyne line: thence . south 84 3-4 west with the Khyne line. 49.68 feet to a stone on Rhyne'a line and north east -corner of Monroe Crawford's lot; thence south with Crawford's' line 191.52 . feet to a stone on north side of Fifth street, south-east corner of Crawford's lot; thence North 81 1-3 east SO feet with Fifth street to the beginning, registered in Book 55 of -, Mortgage Deeds at page 284, being in the town of Gastonia., N. C. and being the property upon which a store building is situated formerly occupied . by the said Albert Brvin. Sold to satisfy said mortgage, This, the 23rd Dav of October. 1907. . FN29clM Lov TansT Company. Commissioner's Sale ol Land. ' Bv virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, this day made in the special proceeding to sell land for partition entitled E. M. Berry vs. W, F. Berry and others." I will ' again expose to sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the Court House door in Dallas. N. C., at noon. a Satarday. November 30th, 1907. all that tract of land situated in South Point Township, in the county and state aforesaid, -adjoining the lands of J. W. Riddle. W. W. Wilson. J. M. Huffstetler. J. M. Nolen and others, containing 182 acres. - more or less, known formerly as the Edwin M. Berry lands, and later as the Nancy J. Berry lands. - Plats of this land may be seen at the office of the Clerk , of the Superior Court of Gaston County. . Terms of sale: One-half of the purchase money to be paid in cash and the balance on a credit of six months, deferred payment ' to bear interest from date of sale, and title reserved nntil the entire price is paid, with privilege 'o purchaser to oay all cash.4 . There has been bid $15.75 per acre for : this land. This October 30th, 1907. O. F, Masok, t N22c4w. Commissioner. Commissioner's Sale 01 Land. By virture of an order, of the Superior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, this day made, in that Special Proceeding to sell land for partition entitled "William M. Smith and others va Ira J. Smith and another". I will again offer- for sale to the highest bidder at the Court House door ia Dallas. N. C at noon. a Saturday, November 3Cth.I907, all that certain tract of land situated iav Crowders " Mountain Township. Gaston County. N. C. adjoining the lands of S. B. For. Anthony and otnere, situated on Crowders Creek, known an the William C. Beatty Lands, and which was converted to said Bcatty by James Qnlnn by deed dated Febiaary 20th. 1860 and which ia record ed in said county in Deed Book No. 3 at page 133, aaid to contain 102 acres, more or 'less.. Said land wi;l be sold by the acre , and a resnrvey made. It is well timbered and situated ia a good community. - Terms of sale; one half of the purchase price to be paid ia cash and the ba ance oa . a credit of twelve month, deferred portion of the price to bear interest from date of sale until paid, title to and possession of said laad reserved until the entire price is paid, with privilege to the purchaser to pay all cash at any time- This being a resale the bidding will begin at SI 3.65 per acre ; This October 29th, 1907. " ; v . O. F. Mason, Commission a. N29clmo. . - PAPERS five cents the J bundle at the Gazette office. QPERA HOUSE Monday v Nov. 4 The Beautiful Southern The Sweetest Girl In Dixie. Prices 25-SO - 75 Scats now on sale at vTorrce's Drug S tore A few Dollars Spent for the Right Kind f of PHOTOGRAPHS Give b e 1 1 e i satisfaction than a - less -- amount spent for inferior work. GREEN Makes the Right Kind. Style,, Tele eance of finish and exquisite taste in - mount id?: mark bis work. Exami nation invited.' 'Studio'' upstairs over City Grocery - Phone 147 J. I. GREEN. The Power of Fit; Nothing Equals It. The best material will not atone for a bad fit. but a good fit will often redeem bad material. Our stock is now complete, all the Newest Foot-fitting "... ' .' ', i., . .: - - - Lasts arid Leathers. Here quality always goes with St. Ladies' Men's $1.75 to $5.00 $1.75 to $6.50 ROBINSON BROS. NOTICE. On or about December 1st oar office" will be moved to Cbarktte, in order to come in closer tonch with the cot ton mill interests of the entire South We offer for sale a house and lot on York Street, next to A. R. P. Church, size .73-13 feet front, by 250 feet, water works, lights etc., six rooms, price $5,750.00.... ; 1 - One house and lofon Love Street. eijrtit rooms,-water, lights, 82 4 feet front, 178 feet deep, servant house and stable, price $2,200 00. Ten and auartcr acres of land tyinsr Just east of Ayon mill, suitable tor cuttme no into inutv or more lots, or small truck farm, price $l,i 000 00. - : , -We also have about tea thousand dollars worth of eieht per cent first mortirazes off rood payine propertT, that we offer for sale. . SOUTHED SECURITIES t TRUST CO. A. GUaa, Pres. Gastonta. T - C. M. Cleaa. Trwaa. N. C. " Let ns do yoor Sewing . J : brer - : - : I. H. Stradleys Store. Osaalto Cral mm4 Wnaea , , BalMta. ' .t Finnic Goodwin, Mr. , PA VINO PBOQRCSSES. Finishing; Touches Beinf Pot on Block Between Sooth and York Streets Tho Operation ' Watched With Interest by - Many Random Notes Aboot the Work. ' The operation of layine bitn Iitbic pavincr is an interesting: one throughout and many Gas tonians have been watching the different processes the past week very closely. Since Mon day the sidewalks on each side of - Main-street between South and York streets, where the paving is being laid ' have been lined with interested spectators. The crowd has been steady. When one who has stood for sometime moves on to his busi ness or pleasure there is always somebody to step into bis place Nor is it altogether an idle curi osity that draws businessmen, ladies, boys and girls to watch this work. It is thoroughly in terestinf and, even if one asks no Questions, he is sure to learn something if he stops only for a few moments. Every phase and step of the work is dis cussed by the bystanders. From observation it is learned that there are five steps in the laying of the bitulithic pave ment afer the street has been graded and put into shape for it. First a bed of crushed stone about five inches thick is laid and rolled with the big 12-tou roller. These rock are ou an average about the size ot a guinea egg. Next a tnm coat of a tar preparation is poured over tnis oed, Dinamg tne rocks together and making the bed stable. The next layer is made of smaller crushed stone. sand and tar. mixed in a given proportion at the plant near tbl oil mill and put down while it is still hot and steaming. It is hauled in wagons, dumped on board platforms and put down by eight men who work rapidly to get it placed while it is. still hot. In making this prepara tion at the mixer all of the in gredients are tboroughlv heated before the mixing is done. Af ter it is placed and smoothed over by means ot a raice tne oig roller comes along and goes ovtr it several times, packing it do a d and leaving the surface pretty smooth. A thin coat of the tar preparation is then spread over this and on top of all fine gravel is spread by a unique dis tributor. The whole is then rolled thoroughly again and we have the finished bitulithic pave ment. System is everywhere in evi dence on the work. Every man has his plaoe and his work and ooks to it carefully. By watch ing the work and taking note of the clock-like- precision that prevades" every branch of this company's work tne averages business man can get a good esson in system and learn to ap preciate more fully its value. A visit to the p.ant near the Oil Mill where the composition a 1 1 r is mixed and made ready tor use on the street is worth while. The reporter found -it of interest to watch the work going on, though of course he did not un derstand the details or ramifica tions of the machinery and its work. Every man has his place there and looks after his own particular business. A cer tain portion of rock, sand, tar and whatever other ingredients are required, if any, is used and every load is tested and inspect ed before it . is sent away from the plant It is probable that the block between South and York streets will be completed . and opened for travel by to-morrow. While this is being finished the re mainder of k the , street, that is from South to Oakland avenue, is being graded and the curbing is being placed preparatory to paving. .It is understood that South street will also be paved from the cityhall to the first railroad track near the depot. This will enable people passing through on the trains to see that Gastonia has paved streets and will be a good - advertisement for the town. The work will re quire several weeks yet to com plete; the contract calls forits completion by December 1st and it will probably ' take all . the. time to get it finished. ' Work to Begin Monday., Work bta the foundation of the Dunn Manufacturing Company's plant near the Clara Mill will begin Monday. President C. B. Armstrong has the . plans and specifications all in hand, pie paratory to pushing the work to completion. .' Mr. J..E. McAllis ter has the contract for the brick work. Already several cottages have been built for operatives for this mill. . - - 7 ll h C il P I A T h I II V U V V 1 ia U 1 Mr. Charles Cavis returned Toes' av evening from Spartan burg, S. C, where be attended the marriage Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock of bis brother, Mr Sara L. C-tvis, and Miss Minnie Finch. The wedding was quiet home affair, the ceremony, which was performed at the bride's home, being witnessed only by relatives of the contract ing parties. Mr. and Mrs. Cavi. left Tuesday for a bridal trip to Jacksonville. Fla. The bnd and groom are both popular young people of Spartanburg and have a wide circle of friends. The faculty of Linwood Col lege will Rive a recital in the college auditorium Monday eveninc November fourth, at 8:30 o'clock. - Miss Lucy Wallace, who has charge of the music department, will give several piano solos Miss Wallace has been a mem ber of the Linwood faculty for two years, and is a pianist of marked talent Miss Eleanor Gourdin. teacher of voice, will make her first appearance before the public. She possesses t voice of unusual range and flex ibility and is sure to delight the audience. The college has been particu latlv fortunate in securing Miss Bessie Boyce as instructor in the departments of Expression and Stringed Instruments. She will give several selections on the violin and in this department she is by no means an amateur Her readings will include those of a serious and a lighter vein and cannot fail to give pleasure to those present. The public is most cordially invited to attend this recital. Complimentary to Miss Delia V. Wright, a missionary of the Methodist Church who is here visiting her sister, Mrs. J. T. Henry, the ladies -of the three missionary societies of Main Street Methodist church tender ed a reception in the Sunday school rooms Wednesday night, the hours being from 8. to 10 30 o'clock. In the receiving line were Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Bain, Miss Wright, Mrs. J. T. Henry, Miss Ida Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Morri3, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Dixon, Mrs. R. L. Swan and Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Shelton. There were about fiftv guests present. Cream and cake were served by the young ladies and several selections were rendered on the piano by Mrs. R. J. Sif- ford, to the delight of the guests. An interesting feature of the evening was a talk oy miss Wright on the social customs of the Brazilians. Miss Wright, who has been in Gastonta for the past three or four weeks, leaves to-day for a visit to her home in Anderson, S. C , whence she goes about Decern ber 1st to resume ner missionary work in Brazil. The principal social event in event u Gastonia this week was the mar riage Wednesday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. B. McLean, on Narrow Guage street, of Miss Margaret McLean and Mr. W. E. Nichols, of Ches ter, S. C. The wedding was a quiet home affair, the ceremony being witnessed only by relatives of the contracting parties. The parlor where the marriage vows were taken, was prettily decora ted in potted plants and autumn leaves. Before the entrance of the bridal party Miss Jobnsie Adams played t be Flower Song, rendering the wedding march as the party entered While the words were being said she play ed softly a selection appropriate to the occasion. Rev. R. C. Anderson, pastor of the First Presbyterian church," performed the ceremony which united the lives of these popular young peo ples The bride was becomingly attired In a handsome coat suit of ' brown. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party proceeded to the private car of President L. T. Nichols, of the C..& N-W. Railway,1 father of the groom, the car having been placed at the Franklin avenue crossing for them. The car was attached to the south-bound pas senger train a few minutes later and the young couple left for Chester where they will reside in the future. Mrs. L. T. Nich ols, mother of the groom, will tender them a reception one day next week. ' . ". '-.'v- -The bride is a beautiful and attractive yonng lady, and pos sesses many - personal charms which have won for her a1 large circle of friends, all of whom re gret that she will make her home elsewhere. The groom is a son of President Nichols, of the C, & N.-W. Railway, and holds "a responsible position in the company's offices at Chester. The hosts of friends of both bride and groom extend their heartiest goad wishes and con grattilations to them on this happy event. 1 The out-of-town guests at the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Nichols, Miss Ethel Nichols, Master Tom Nichols, of Chester; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abel, of Lwrj sville. S. C ; Miss Fannie Abel, Miss Mary Thompson, Mr. and Mrs R E. Lewis, Mr. Chas. Ab 1, of Chester," jnd Mrs. Ros i McLean nod cifrrm, of Rock Hill, S. C , and Mias Johnsu A1ams, who is attending Con verse College, Spmanburg, S C. Constipation, indigestion, drive away appetite and make you weak and sick. Hollistcrs Rocky Mountain Tea restores the ap petite, drives away disease, builds up the system. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Adams Drug- Co. LIKE AN OLD L0VC SONG. The Sweetest Girl in Dixie a True American Play, By a Southern Woman. Why is "The Sweetest Girl in Dixie" such an object of interest to the theatre manageis and the theatre patrons? Why was this play a sue cess last season when so many others failed? Why do managers ask for return dates and oner tlie choicest time and most liberal terms? Be cause when all is said "the play is the thine." Heart interest, a hackneyed term, but it ia the yily one that can explain the popularity of this piece. Truly it possesses that one touch of nature that makes the whole world kin and with its perfect blend ing of humor and pathos it is a fine example of realism in dramatic art. lt has been likened to a sweet violet blooming in a bed of holly hocks, a play with that quaint home ly pathos that winds around your heart like the strains of an old love song. Public interest has not been aroused by any spectacular or sensa tional "Exoloits" of the author, or by advertising any of the accidental "features"' by which various attrac tions have been given great vogue It is encouraging to note that the success of this play has been made along legitimate lines, appealing to the better side of the theatre goiny public, which proves beyond a doubt the merit of this piece, which was written by an American woman for American playgoers. This attraction is announced as the attraction at the opera house Nov. 4 and it will undoubtedly be greeted by a large and appreciative audience. Propnt-Peters. Mr. Canner Propst and Miss Mattie Peters were married Wednesday night at 7:45 o'clock at the Ozark Mill. The cere mony was performed by Rev. Edwin L. Bain, pastor of Main Street Methodist church. New Principal. The school commissioners of Kings Mountain have succeeded in securing the services of Prof. S. Honeycult, of Greenville, S. C-, as principal of the graded school to succeed Prof. Fellows, whose resignation was announc ed in our columns Tuesday.Prof. Honeycutt is a school man of much experience, having been for the past seven years a mem ber of the faculty of the Furman University Fitting School at Greenville Prof. Honeycutt came to Kings Mountain Mon day and took charge of the school at once. CHERRYVILLE CHAT. Terse News Notes from Gaston's Northernmost Town. Cherryrille Eagle. 30th. Augustus L Houser has pur chased the large stock of goods from W. C. Dellinger and will at an early date move to town and be ready to serve the public. , Mrs. S. P. Wilson, Miss Pearl Harrelson and Miss Dora Falls, the delegates from Cherry ville who attended the Primary Teachers' Union for North Car olina, which was held in Ashe- ville, returned home Saturday. O. S. Jones, of Shelby, was in our city last Thursday on busi ness. Miss Ellen Moss, who is staying with her- sister in Lin colnton, spent Sunday here. Floyd . Beam and Miss Clara Hottman spent Sunday nerevery pleasantly with friends at Dallas. Mr. Flay Bess, of Gastonia, was in town Thursday to spend the day with friends and went from here to attend the' Meek enburg ... Fair. Mrs. E. C Brown spent Sunday at Waco at the bedside of her grand-father. Jonas Baker, who is desperately sick. A. S. Newton moved his family here last week from Gas totaia. Mr. Newton is expected ater. We welcome this good amily in onr midst.". " We are prepared to extend our customers evtry accommoda ' tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If you have no account with us we invite you to open one. : : : SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of Kit and compound the interest quarterly. : : : CITIZENS R. P. Rankin, President JLawLsUsBaXJaXsULaCsL Fine Hasn't this cool weather reminded you that it is time to purchase that FUR you have been planning to have this winter? It's high time you were thinking seriously about it. You want the latest styles and the best furs, of course; that's the kind we keep. New style scarf effects with mnffs to mit.cV Prices $1.00 to $50 00. See these by all means bciu.e you buy. LADIES' and CHILDEN'S coats, the latest styles and best materials. A splendid assorttn;nt from which you can select iust what you want. Novelties Our line of ladies' novelties in linen effects, drawn work, belts and bags is varied and complete this season. Don't fail to ask to see them when you visit our store. THE YEAGER MFG. CO Retail Department. GASTONIA, N. C. WEDDING PRESENTS FOR FALL BRIDES The demand for handsome Cut Glass and dainty STERL ING SILVER is growinglarger with every season. . , t We have a striking line of these goods and invite your in spection. We also have a complete line of Hand Painted China,' Bric-a-Brac and Art Goods, which will make an Elegant" Present for the Fall Bride. Torrence-Morris Co. Leading Jewelers & Opticians Expert Repairing Artistic Engraving 4 4..M-f44--r-t--t What is Estate Worth? In The Event of Your Death, To day, What Condition Would Your Family Be Left In Financially? A death in the family always demands ready cash to "pay the funeral expenses and then too" the creditors of Mr.' Business Man have claims to present. You owe it to yourself and to your family to prepare for such an emergency. ' .. .. . ; - A few dollars invested in life insurance each year for a limited number of years will increase the value of your estate to not less than $1,000 00 the day your medical examination is favorably passed on ; To morrow you may not be able to pass the examination Better act today. We represent the Southern Life & Trust Co. ! of Greensboro, N. C, a'company having. ' " " $300,000.00 capital the best organization in the South, , excellent manage ment and one that has had the lowest death ratio in the . United States. All of these are of the greatest importance to the policyholder. . Our life insurance solicitor, Mr, W. B. Knight, shall deem it a' pleasure to call - and explain - our contracts. ;V";-iv"-, . - ; .v -, .Today ls the time, for action Tomorrow nay lever cce. Gastonia insurance & . Reel ty Cc. A. G. Myers, Cashier. IAt!K Furs ..- Your

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