-Ss TT TPV- 1 ' The Pnnrr 1 J Try. a Gazette t V n a-i t" A H 7 r ' '. Read by Gastoo People They Urlng Kesuils J JJL-y i II v Thot'i All PUBLISHED TW1CB A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. E. D. ATKINS, Editors Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. $I.0 a Year In Advance, t Ingle Copy fie. vol xxym. OA8TONIA, N. CH FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1007. NO. OO Gaze , c-. GASTON A V PROFESSIONAL CARDS v ; OARKAND & JONES Attorneys; and Counselors " Over Torrence-Morris Company., - , Gastonia, ; N. 0. X ' ,S. B. SPARROW ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW I; -V ;,DALLAS,N.O' - Office nostairs over Bank of Dallas JOHN 0. CARPENTER r - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T DALLAS. N.C- V - Office over Bank of Dallas. "' '''''' ' ' ' ' " '' DR. D. E. HcCONNELL, ; DENTIST . ' (fASTONIA, N; C. Offlce First Floor T. M. C. A. BM'i "- Phone 69. ; ; DR. T. A; WILKINS DENTIST " : GASTONIA ,N. 0. Office in Adams Building ,.. -; Phone 311 MRS. JOHN HALL TEACHER OF PIANO ' AND ORGAN. . DR. P. A Pressly DENTIST CLOVER, - - - - S. NOTICE. BY VIRTUE of a mortgage deed execu ted to the andersioned on September 7, 190S.to the Love Trust Co. by Albert Brvin and wife, tne undersigned will aell lor cash to tbe big-eat bidder at public outcry at the Citx Hall in the Town of Gastonia. N. C. . on tbe .. v-'. 7th Day af December, 1907 at the Hear al 110 clack, . H, . the following described real estate lying in the Towoot Gastonia. N.C.. and iully described as follows: . BeKinninsata atone on the north side of ' Fifth street, rnnnintr 3b4 feet from Mari etta street, west corner of Aaron Clark's lot: runs northK west with Aaron Clark's lot 188.68'. feet to the Khyne line: thence , south 84 3-4 west with the Rhyne line, 49.68 feet to a stone on Khyne's line and north' east corner of Monroe Crawford's lot; thence south with Crawford's line 191.52 feet to a stone on north side of Fifth street, south-east corner of Crawford's lot: thence North 81 1-3 east 50 feet with Fifth street to the beginning, registered in Book 55 of Mortgage Deeds at page 284. being in the town of Gastonia. N. C. and being tbe firooerty noon which a store building is aituated formerly occupied by the said Albert Brvin. , -v - Sold to afttisfy said mortgage. This, the 23rd Day of October. 1907. FD3clM . Lovb Tost Company. ' Commissioner's Sale ol Land. J By virtue of a decree of the Superior "Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, this day made in tbe special proceeding to ell land -for. partition entitled "B. M. Berry va. W. F. Berry and others" I will again expose to sale at public auction to the highest bidder -at tbe Court . House door in Dallas, N. C. at noon. - aa Saturday. Navember 30th, 1907, ' all that tract of land situated in South Point Township. In the county and state aforesaid, adjoining the lands of i- W, ' Riddle. W. W. Wilson. I. M. Huflstetler. J. . M Nolen and Others, containing 182 acres. more less, known formerly as the Edwin M. Berry lands, and later as the Nancy J. ' Berry lands. ' - ' Plats of this land may be seen at the - office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County. -- Terms of sale: -One-half of the purchase money to be paid in cash and the balance on a credit of six months, deferred payment . to bear interest from date of sale, and title v reserved until tbe entire price is paid, with privilege 'o purchaser to nay all cash. - There has been bid 115.75 per acre for ' this land. Thia October 30th, 1907." 9 O. F, Mason. N22c4w. v ...... ::- .Commissioner.' Commissioner's Sale 01 Land. By virture of an order of the' Superior Court of Gaston County. North Carolina. " this day made, in that Special Proceeding . to sell land for Partition entitled William M.Smith and others va Ira T. Smith and ' another". I will again offer for, aale to the ' highest bidder at the Court House door in Dallaa, N. C at noon. a Saturday, November 3 Ufa. 1907. all that certain tract of land situated in : Crowdera Mountain Township. Gaston , County. N. C. adjoining the lands of S. K. Foy, Anthony and others, situated on : Crowdera Creek, known as the William C. ' . Beatty Lands, and which was conveyed to aaid ueatty by james Untnn by deed dated . Pebiuary 20th. 1860 and which is record ed in said county in Deed Book No. 3 at page 133. mUd to contain 102 seres, more or : less Said land wt 1 be sold by the acre and a resurvey made.'' It fa well timbered and situated in a good community. - ' Terms of sale: -one half of the purchase - price to be paid in cash and the ba aoce on ' ' a credit of twelve months, deferred portion of the price to bear interest from date of sale antil paid, title to and posses ion. of - said land reserved nntil tbe entire pi ice is paidj- with privilege to the purchaser to tav all cash at anv time. Thia being (.resale the bidding will begin . at S 13.65 per acre. Thja October 29th. 1907. ' ' . - ''. O. SMasow.Commissionjb. K29clmo. NOTICE. .St. Markys Episcopal -church. Rev. w. H Hardin, ; rector j - Services first, third and fonrtli aundays at 11 a. and 7.60 p. m. bunday school at 9.45 a.' tn. every fcnnday., u,venmg prayer and litany, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.- A cordial welcome is ex tended to all to attend. HEVSjNOTES State & General Five men were killed Wednesday nijrht by the explosion of an enpine boiler at the LaBclle iron work at bteuoenvme, Ohio. .- . On November 17th the Southern Railway will begin rnnnlrjir traina into its magnificent new depot at Washington, which was - constructed I at a cost ot 7u,ow,ooo. Ernest Sheooard. aged 31. an iron moulder, was tearfully burned Mon i day in tbe Arieelo Iron Foundrv at Winston ana is-inougnc mar. ne it! 1 u f a. . . .w will die. Burglar entered three stores in MaysYiue. : Jones county. Monday night and cracked the safes with dynamite, securiuij more than $500 in moneys and otner valuables. Havinr only one 'arm and being; unable to swim. Kandoipn uizer. a yonng while man of Newbern, was drowned in the Nense river Wednes day. He fell into tbe water from a gasoline launch J. Wiley Shook, a well-known Re publican - politician and attorney, died Tuesday evening at the State hospital at Morranton, ' where he had been taken for treatment about a year ago. Because of a very apparent lack of interest on the part of the citizens oyorsyui tne commissioners ol that county decided Monday not to call for an election on the $300,000 bond issue ior good roads. ' Followinsr the example - of the banks in other cities of the State. the banks of Concord have agreed not to pay out more . than $50 per week in currency to any one de positor. 4 Louis Oterson. the 16-year-old son of a Wilmington mail carrier, was instantly killed 1n an elevator ac cident in that city-Monday. He was engaged as stock clerk and was takinsr a load of goods up when his head was in some way caught be' tween tbe carnage and the floor A special from Raleigh to The Charlotte News of Wednesday re ports the killing near the capital of a fine deer. It was discovered in a pasture with some cows, which were badly frightened because of its presence. ' Frank Ferrell. aeed 73. a well to-do citizen of Spray, fell from a train be tween Statesville and Elmwood Mon day nieht and was killed. In com pany with his wife and seven children he was en route to Oklohoma to live. It is presumed he fell while passing between the cars. Frederick Webber, secretary gen eral of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite Masons, Southern jurisdiction, died at his home in Washington ? Sunday night. : He was a thirty-third degree Mason. His body was taken to Louisville, Ky for burial. A NortbrCarolina Waterways As' sociation was oreamzed at Wilminjr ji tir;i ton Tuesday, with James H. Chad bourn, of Wilminirton. as president. The obiect of the oreranization is to promote the development of the waterways of the State and secure legislation to that end. The steamship Kron Prinzessin Cecilie arrived in New York Tuesday from Europe bearing S7,100.(XX) in eold to relieve the strained financial condition in New York, j The. Lusttania will follow closely with $10,000,000 and $14,000,000 is ex pected dunne the remainder ot tne week. ' G. H. Malkey. agent for the Southern Railway at Oreers. S. C. was arrested Wednesday dn a warrant chharging nim witn a shortage in his accounts. - He was discharged from his position several days ago. The -shortage is said to be less than thousand dollars. ; & A wedding of State-wide interest was solemnized in tbe cnurcn ot the Good Shepherd at Raleigh Wed nesday afternoon when Miss tuiza Simmons, daughter of United States Senator F. M. Simmons, became the bride of Mr. Graham Andrews, a son of First Vice President A. B. An drews, of the Southern Railway. Mrs. J. Lindsav Patterson, of Winston-Salem, has been notified that North Carolina has been award ed one of the two 1 silver medals given by the Jamestown Expo sition tor tne best historical exhibits. The exhibit was. largely arranged by the Daughters of the Ameriaa Revolution of the State, Mrs. Patterson beina chairman ol the committee having the work in charge. Keep Your Money Mortal. New York Times,. -The patriotic as well as tbe reasonable . thing to do under considerations like these is to pay your debts promptly, and with checks as far as possible, or with currency if you .choose. Any currency not needed - for actual use should be placed; in ban k, where its usefulness is multiplied. The boarder of bank reserves in times like these cannot quite defend himself from tbe charge of being an undesir able citizen, for he disadvantages others without benefiting himself..-.-; ., -'.- -.' - s Now is the time to stand .by yonr bank if you want your bank to stand by you -in pleasanter times. Keep up your balance, dt posit - v your unnecessary cur rency and show yourself a eood citizen. The velocity of bank circulation is almost as important as its volume, and no sensible man should in these times bobble a dollar in its movement. Tbs Oaaetta for ftrrt-claas prtnUnc 3 .0 SOCIAL Cards rcftdinfir as follows bave beeen issued: . ' Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Kinr will give in marriage their daughter, . uaui - - V ' . to v Mr. Hugh Long 4 on the evening of Tuesday, the . . .. . '-"twelfth . .... . - of November Nineteen hundred and seven at four o'clock, at their home, Elliott's, S. C. ' Tbe honor of your presence is .a.,?- requested.""" - - The bride-to be was formerly a resident ot uastonia, naving held a position as bookkeeper for quite a while with tbefSioeet oewiD? . - oiacoine . company. a. sne- win oe welcomed oacic to Gastonia by. the numerous friends she made while here. The groom-elect is ? the owner and editor of Tbe Gastonia News and has resided here for a num ber of years. He is well known over the county and has a large circle of friends who join The Gazette in extendi ne him all best wishes. Tbe following from the Wadesboro correspondence of The Charlotte Observer of Sun day will be read with interest by many Gastomans. Miss Little, the bride, having spent several years here: "A beautiful white and gold wedding was celebrated at the home of the bride Wednesday afternoon, October 30th, where a host of friends and relatives witnessed the culmination of the marriage of Miss Madge Little, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Little, to Mr. J. Carl dnerrui. oi uranite raus. ine large doable parlors were taste fully decorated with ivy, ferns and yellow chrysanthemums, made beautiful with the mellow light of many candles. "The guests were received by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Burns, Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Mann, Mrs. M. H. Curry and Mrs. J. G. Boylin. Just as the clock, struck three, Mrs. Eugene Little began the sweet strains oi the wedding march, and the Wades. boro Book Club, of which the bride was a favorite member, with Mrs. W. C. Val, Mrs. W. Little, Mrs. L. D. Robinson and Mrs.. Minnie Holland Curry, of Gastonia, formed a semi-circle around the improvised altar. Mrs. John D. Leak sang "Love Me and the World is Mine," and Mrs. H. W. Little in dulcet tones answered, "Believe." Then came Miss Marion Little and Rev. Thomas R. Wolfe, of Granite Falls: the groom and best man, Mr. W. T. Wbisuant, of Granite Ealls. Leaning on tbe arm of Miss Lora Little, the maid of honor, came tbe bride becomingly gowned in crepe de chine over white satin with baby Irish lace tnmtnings and inlaid yoke of baby Irish roses; with Veil of tulle and Venetian lace encircled by a crown of orange. blossoms, and carrying a shower boquet of bride's roses. "Revei. A. Smith pronounced the words and sealed, them with a ring, that joined heart to heart, life to life, till these lower ties are lost in that higher wedlock where . pure hearts are united around the great Central Heart of all. "Misses Marion and Lora Lit tle were beautifully attired in dainty white French. lawns, with lace trimmings, - yellow girdles. gloves and slippers, carrying yellow chrysanthemums. Immediately after tbe cere mony an elegant tnree-course luncheon was served, "The esteem and popularity of the bride was demonstrated by numerous and valuable presents, among them a chest of silver, bv the Little family, a silver bowl by the Book Club, and a set of china by. Mr.-and Mrs. C. M. Burns.. - - - "Amid showers of good wishes the happy couple left for points south the r bride never more beautitul and attractive than in a going-away suit of brown. - "The groom resides at Granite Falls and is a -young business man-of sterling worth, engaged in the manufacture of brick and lumber at Hickory and Granite Falls. The - bride is one of Vadesboro's most popula and cultured daughters and. was last year a member of tbe faculty of the Granite Falls graded school. Rev. Baylus Cade, one of the edi tors of the Piedmond Evangelist.pnb lished at Lincolnton, has been chos en financial agent Jor the "school which the. Kings - Mountain Baptist Association is ouuaing ai itouing Springs, Cleveland county. It is understood that Mr. Cade will , give up his work at Lincolnton and move to Shelby. Twenty-five thousand dollars will be expended in the con struction of of the school buildings. ,Tb Oaaaits tor Aret-elaas pristine. V A0AST0N GENIUS. Or. R. J. Morrison, el Cherry -, ville. Invents ' Clever P o a Card Slot Machine Which Wil be Manufactured by Cherry' yille Ceacern. Some weeks ago The Gazette chronicled the fact that Dr. R J. Morrison, of Cherryville, bad gone to Washington to look af ter securing a patent for a post card slot machine which be had invented. Tbe following from this week's Cherryville Eagle re garding tbe matter will be read with interest by many: .Tor tbe last few months out townsman and dentist. Dr. R. J Morrison, has been busily plan mug and making a rost Card Slot Machine, and recently ap plied to the United States Pat ent Office at Washington. D. C. for a patent. -He has visited the patent office with his attorney and thoroughly investigated this department of tbe patent office until they were confident that nothing ahead of his design had been applied for. "Dr. is a natural born genius and is successful at anything he undertakes. A company will probably be organized here and machinery purchased to make tbe machines and turn them out by the hundreds, giving Dr. Morrison a royalty on all ma' chines turned out. "The machine is so perfectly constructed-and' arranged that tbe owner ot the cards can give you any number of Cards he chooses for 5 cents. All the purchaser has to do is to drop a mckle in tbe slot and out will come the cards. "This is quite a novelty, it being the nrst of tue kind ever invented in the world, and will sell rapidly when put-on the market." Medical Men Meet. The Gaston County Medical Society held its regular monthly meeting for November in the city hall Wednesday afternoon. In addition to the transaction of routine business, Dr. D. A. Gar rison, of Bessemer City, read a paper on Medical Jurispru dence". . At the next meeting, I to be held the first Wednesday in December, the annual elec tion of officers will take place. The out-of-town physicians pres ent were Dr. D. A. Garrison, of Bessemer Citv; Dr. T. C. Quick ie, of Stanley Creek; Dr. J.J. Stewart and Dr. R. E. Rhyne, ot Mount Holly. Mr. Templeton Here. Postmaster R. S. Templeton, of Mooresville, is here this week investigating the particulars re garding tbe death of his son, Mr. O; K. Templeton, who was killed October 29th by coming in contact with a live wire on the Southern Power Company's line near Bessemef' City. He came Tuesday and will return home to-day. While here he is the guest of Mr. John F. Davis Wednesday he spent at Bessemer City, where he saw and talked to persons who knew the partic ulars regarding the young man's tragic death. It is understood that Mr. Templeton intends to ask damages from tbe Southern Power Company, for whom his son was working. A Carolina and North-Western freight . train ran over and killed Lawson Phillips, a white man about 50 years old, at Treland Wed nesday. YOUNG MAN Human Life Seems All Else Is. The- Immense success which has fol lowed U T. Cooper daring the past rear with his new preparation has ex ceeded anything of tne kind ever De fers witnessed in most ct tna leading cltlea where the young man has Intro duced tha medicine. Cooper Ha A novel theory. He believes that the hu man, atomach'la directly responsible tor most disease. To quote hla own vorda from an Interview upon hla ar rival In an eastern city: "The average nan or woman cannot be sick If the atomach la working properly. To be are, ther axe diseases of a vtrnlent nature, such, aa cancer, tabarculpala, diabetes, etc, which, are organic, and are sot traceable to tna soomacn, out. even fevers can, tn nine cases out of ten. be traced to -something taken Into the stomach. All ot thia half-sick, nervous oxhansttoa that , la ao'wv so common, la caused by the stomachic condition, and It la because kit rem edy vrlll and does regalat tho atoa-4 ach that X am meeting jrith sacb sno-J To nna the "matter sphi sound dt :. . TUESDAY'S ELECTION. tHSnSBBSMK . Repobllcan.Goyenora Elected , in ' "New , Jersey, Massachusetts. Kentucky Entire Democratic Ticket Won In Maryland and Mississippi Tom Johnson Be - elected Mayor ol Cleveland. " The latest Associate Press dis pitches show the following re sults of Tuesday's election: In Massachusetts Governor Guild, Republican, was elected by a plurality of 100,000. In Kentucky, returns from 110 out of 119 counties indicate the flection of Augustus E WiUon, Republican candidate for Gov ernor. 1 he Democrats wil! have a reduced majority in tbe legislature. In Rhode Island, James H, Higgins Democrat, defeated F. H. Jackson, Republican, t o r Governor by a close vote. The election of John Franklin Fort. Republican candidate for Governor of New Jersey, is con ceded by tne Democrats by a plurality of 7,000. The entire Democratic tickets were elected in botn Maryland and Mississippi. In Maryland this insures the election of two Demo crats as United States Senators. In Kings County, New York, E. T. Bartlett and Willard Bart- lett, nominated by both the Re publican and Democratic parties, defeated the the Independence League candidates for the co-irt f 'Appeals and the straight Democratic county ticket was elected. Mayor 1 nomas L. Johnson, Democrat, of Cleveland, Ohio was re-elected in pite oi tne national adminstration, which supported bis opponent Con gressman Theodore E, Burton. A Republican btate Treasurer was elected in Pennsylvania by a large majority. To Make Survey. Lincoln County News. Chairman of tbe Lincoln Board of County Commissioners T. F. Cline, and Mr. T. L. Bandv, will start out next Mon day, November 11th, to make a second survey for the purpose of establishing the line between incoln and Gaston counties. Died Suddenly. Mr Plato Sisk, au operative at tbe Loray mill, died at an early hour Wednesday morning at the home of his father-in-law, Mr. U. D. atacey, as tne result ot a hemorrhage of the lungs. He had been regularly at work in the mill and his death was en tirely unexpected. He was seized with the hemorrhage about five o clock Wednesday morning and died before a physi cian could reach him. Mr. Sisk had suffered with lung trouble which resulted from a bad attack of la grippe last winter, but dur ing the summer he bad spent sometime at his former home resting and had seemingly fully recovered his health. The de ceased is survived by his widow, the daughter of Mr. O. D Stacey, his parents, who reside near Cherryville, and three brothers who live at Lincolnton. The three brbthers came to Gas tonia Wednesday on being noti fied of his death and made ar rangements for the body to be taken to his old home near Cherryville, where the funeral and burial took place. Mr. Sisk was a young man of about 24 years of age, and bad only been married a little more than a year. HAS NEW THEORY Centered In Stomach. Secondary. gestlve apparatus that is doing Its fall duty, getting every particle ot vitality ont of all food by transferring It to the towels la a perfectly digested state this above all else brings health. . Mr. A. C. Brock, chef of tbe Brock Restaurant, Market District, Boston. Mass. who la a Btaanch believer In Mr. Cooper's theory and medicine, has this to aayr "I had chronlo in digestion for over three years, I suffered terribly, and lost about thirty ponnda. I was a physical wreck when I. started this Cooper medicine, a month or so agow Today I am as well a I ever was la my life I am no longer nerrons, my food doetj not distress mo In tne least; and I have a splendid appetite. I am gxming flesh very rapidly In fact, at the rate of a pound a day. I would not believe any medicine en -earth, could have done for me what thia ha done. It la a remarkable preparation! and Mr. Cooper deserves ail his auc cess.- " We recommend tne cooper prepare tion a being remaxkaM - ifTostrTorreaot ft Oo " We are prepared to extend our customers every accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If you have no account with us we invite you to open one. : ; : SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 4 and compound the interest quarterly. : : : : : CITIZENS P. Rankin, President imfll OAUK r Fine Hasn't this cool weather reminded you that it is time to purchase that FUR you have been planning to bave this winter? It's high time you were thinking seriously about it. You want tbe latest styles and the best fur, of course; that's the kind we keep. New style scarf effects with muffs to m.Vdi Prices $1.00 to $50 00. See these by all means before you buy. LADIES' and CHILDEN'S coats, the latest styles and best materials. A splendid assortment from which you can select just what you want. Novelties Our line of ladies' novelties in linen effects, drawn work, beits and bags is varied and complete this season. Don't fail to ask to see them when you visit our store. THE YEAGER MFG. CO , Retail Department. GASTONIA, N. C. WEDDING PRESENTS FOR FALL BRIPES The demand for handsome Cut Glass and dainty STERL ING SILVER is growing larger with every season. We have a striking line of these goods and invite your in spection. We also bave a complete line of Hand Painted China, Bric-a Brac and Art Goods, which will make an Elegant Present for the Fall Bride. Torrence-Morris Co. Leading Jewelers & Opticians Expert Repairing Artistic Engraving What is Estate Worth? In The Event of Your Death, To day, What Condition Would Your Family Be Left In Financially? A death in the family always demands ready cash to pay the funeral expenses and then too the creditors of Mr. Business Man have claims to present. You owe it to yourself and to your family to prepare fot such an emergency. A few dollars invested in life insurance each year for" a limited number of years will increase the valne of yonr estate to not less than $1,000.00 the day your medical examination is favorably passed ou. Tomorrow you may not be able to pass the examination Better act today. We represent the Southern Life & Trust Co. of Greensboro, N. C.,. a company having $300,000 capital the best organization In the South, excel lent management and one that has had the lowest "death ratio In the United States. .All of these art of the greatest Importance to the policyholder. - Our life Insurance solicitor Mr. W. B. Knight," shall deem it a pleasure to call and explain our contracts. I Today Is the time for ictloi-rTsmorrewcsy cever c:- Gastonia Insurance & Redly Co. lfttitiiniMiiiifmmtintinitWTvm ; A. G. Myers, Cashier. I Fil i Furs Your i