f Try a Gazette Wont Ad They Drlnfi Results t 4- t The, Paper X Read by Gstton Pec;. '3 J - ThutVAll V !'ftt PUBLISHED JWICE A WEEKTUESDAYS; AtyD FRIDAYS.? U- r . J ,v E. D. ATKINS, Editor. Devoted to the Protection of Hone and the Interest of the County. : 51.50 1 Year la Advance : 5 Inftle Copy Sc. VOL. XXVIII. tpASTONiA,.N. Cm tuesdav, November ip. 1007. r..f"-'f f NO. 03 - .-., ,t m . i -"-- .- 1 . . j I . w J . I h , - 1 . J ' -,i ( : n A , nP. m h.' 11' l i-A -: ! .w '-'A 7- e nr nr; p-; i PE0FES3I0NAL CARDS OAKLAND & JONES ' Attorneys and Counselors , Ovtj Torrtnct-Morrii Compuy. v V Gastonia, N. 0. , S.B. SPARROV ATTORNEY-AT-LAW v DALLAS, N. C. - Offlc uDitalr Tr Bank of DkUm JOHN 0." CARPENTER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS, N. C, ' Office over Bank of Dallas.-- DR. D. E. McCONNELL, ; DENTIST GASTONIA, N. C. Offlc rint Floor T U. C. A. BW'i Phone 69. , DR. T. A. WILKINS . DENTIST GASTONIA N. 0. Office in Adams Buildinfe Phone 311 . MRS. JOHN HALL TEACHER OF - PIANO AND ORGAN. DR. P. A Pressly DENTIST CLOVER. ..... S. C. ' ' . ' . - NOTICE. BY VIRTUB oil mortgage deed eaeco- 1 ted to the nodentKoed on September 7, 1905.to the Love Trust Co. by Albert Ervin ' and wife, the nndereiKued will sell for cash to the hifrt.eat bidder at public outcry at the ' City Hall in the Town of Gastonia, N, C " on the 7th Oav el December. 1907 at the Hour ol , 11 O'clock. L the followins described reaf estate lyins in the Town ol Gastonia. N. C and fully . described as follows: Beainnins; at a stone on the north side of : Fifth street, running 3&i feet from Mari- etta street, west corner of Aaron Clark's ' lot: runs north X west with Aaron Clark's lot 188.68 feet to the Rhyne line: thence south 84 34 west with the Rhyne line, 49.68 feet to a stone on Rhyne's line and north - east corner of Monroe Crawford's lot: . thence south with Crawford's line 191.52 . feet to a stone on north side of Fifth street. - south-east corner of Crawford's lot; thence North 81 1-3 east SO feet with Fifth street to the beginning, registered in Book 55 of ' Mortgage Ueeds at page 284. being in the . town of Gastonia, N. C, and being the . property upon which a store building is situated formerly occupied by the said Albert Bnrin, Sold to satisfy said mortgage, This, the 23rd Day of October. 1907. FD3clM . Love Trust Company. Commissioner's Ssle ot Land. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Gaston County. North Carolina, this day made in the special proceeding to sell land for- partition entitled "K. M. - Berry ye. W. F. Berry and others." I will again expose to sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the Court House door in Dallas, N. C. at noon, . . an Saturday, November 30th, 1907. ' all that tract of land situated in South ; Point Township, in the connty and state aforesaid, adjoining the lands of J. W. Riddle. W. W.Wilson. J. M. Huffstetler, J. M. Nolen and others, containing 182 acres. more or less, known formerly as the Edwin M. Berry lands, and later as the Nancy J. Berry lands. Flats of this land may be seen at the -office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County. Terms of sale: One-half of the purchase money to be paid in cash and the balance on. a credit of sis months, deferred payment to bear interest from date of sale, and title reserved until the entire price is paid, with privilege to purchaser to oay all cash. There has been bid 915.75 per acre for - This October 30th. 1907. , 0. F. Mason. N22c4w. - s Commirsioner. Commissioner's Sale Of Land. r virture of an order of the Superior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, this day made, in that Special Proceeding to sell land for partition entitled "William M. Smith and others vs Ira J. Smith and another. I will again offer for sale to the highest bidder at the Court House door in Dallas. N. C, at noon. Saturday, November 3 th. 1907, all that certain tract of land situated in Crowders Mountain Township, Gaston County. N.C.. adjoining the lands of S. B. For-. Anthony and others, situated on Crowders Creek, known aa the William C. Beatty Lands, and which was conveyed to said Beatty by James On inn by deed dated February 20th-1860 and which is record ed in said county in Deed Book No. 3 at page 133, said to contain 102 acres, more or less Said land wi l be sold-by tbe acre and a resurvey made. - It is well timbered and situated in a good community.. . Terms of sale; one half of the purchase price to be osid in cash and the ba'ance on a credit ot twelve months, deferred portion of the price to bear interest from oste of sale until paid, title to and possesMou of . said land reserved nntUthe entire ptice is paid, with privilege to the purchaser to pay all cash at any time- This being a resale the bidding will begin tS13,65 per acre. This October 29th. 1907. .' O. F. Mason. Commission. N29clmo. . .- , ...... . NOTICE. St. Mark's Episcopal church, Rev; W. H. Hardin, rector Services first, third and fourth Sundays"at lj a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. every Sunday. Evening prayer and litany, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. A cordial welcome is ex tended to all to attend. . . r TWO ABLE SERMONS. r Rev. D. Vance Price Fills Palpi ol. Main Street Methodist Church Sunday. . .: In order that the conere? ation of Main Sttxct Cbarcb might not be without j rceular services on , account ot toe fact ; that the pastors are all in attendance; upon tbe sessions of the West em North Carolina Conference at Salisbury, tbe Committee on Devotions made a soecial bp pomtment lor Rev. D. Vance Price to come down from Salis bury - and preach at both tbe morning: and evening services Mr. ' Price was transferred to this Conference, several years ago irom tbe Holston Con ference, where he is very popu lar and has held good appoint mems, ana aaring toe past vear s . bas been pastor at Lenoir. ' He is a son of Rev. R. N. Price, an honored member of the Holston Conference, and a nephew of the late Senator Zeb Vance. At ' Dotn tne ; morning and evening- services there were large congregations present and the visiting preacher was heard with good attention and much interest. The theme of tbe morning sermon was tbe trans forming power of tbe gospel and its wonderful influence over tbe hearts and lives of men. Mr. Price is a forceful and convinc ing speaker ana nis sermon no doubt left a deep impression on the minds of his bearers. At the evening service the subject of tbe discourse was tbe Wit ness of tbe Spirit. Tbe exposi tion ot tne laminar text was thorough, though simple and direct. We can have, claimed tbe speaker, as nearly absolute knowledge in tbe piritual realm as we can in tne physical or in tellectual realms, and that is all that is necessary for the right conduct of our lives. For a mild,' easy action of the bowels, a single dose of Doan' Regulets is enough. Treatment cures habitual constipation. 25 cents a box. Ask your druggist for tbem. ... HARD YARN SPINNERS. Advise Careful and Conservative Management of Mills. Charlotte Observer. 15th. J . ; ". At .a meeting of the Hard Yarn Spinners' a Association. held in the Manufacturers' Club last night, the general conditions were carefully and seriously considered, and it adjourned af ter unanimously adopting the following resolution;' ; - "Resolved, That the present condition of the yarn market bas not been equaled in a number of years, and that these conditions warrant, not only the previously provided-for one-third curtail ment, but the most careful and conservative operation of all of our mills to the end that the greatest possible curtailment of production may be secured by the individual mills as may best meet their individual require ments, and the requirements of conditions - as outlined herein, even to the extent of an entire curtailment of production." The meeting was probably the most representative yet held - for purpose ol giving this matter consideration. In addition to the 750,000 spindles at the meet ing last week, there were, repre sented ; about 250.000 spindles last night, and tbe subject of curtailment was given' an ex haustive consideration.' s ' The general opinion seemed to ;,be that? frequent meetings should be held in the future in order that - the. -spinners could keep in close touch with 'each other.. They realize that tbey have' a battle to fight, and to win there must be a proper coalition j of forces and unity of action. It appears" to be practically certain, that all of the millswill stick to the proposition to cur tail. The proposition which confronts them is realized as be ing serous. Iney feel that the market will be relieved hy the first of the year, at which time the curtailment will cease unless conditions demand a continu ance. r - -. ' Serious Fire at Dae West. Charlotte Chronicle, ' - Due West, S, C, Nov. 16. Due West suffered a heavy loss by fire in the business locality list night. The general mer dandise goods of and the stores of Yung & McDill and Pressley Brothers were totally . destroyed and the-Mills Hotel ' and V the residence of ;R. C. Brownlee were barely saved by tbe hard work of the . citizens and the Erskine students. Insurance will cover one-eight of the loss: - .... , i. ... .1 I, , i ... . The Oasette for Arst-olaas printing. NEW, STATE ADDED. President Sfcns Proclamation I Ad ml titan Oklahoma ( .the ! Union. v 'i At r 10: 16 i Saturday morning President Roosevelt, in; tbe pres ence of a number of the- res idents of Oklahoma and a few Senators and t Congressmen sicned the proclamation admit ting the territories of Oklahoma and ; Indian Territory jointly as oqe, of the American States0Tbe document was signed by the President with a auill pen made from a featber of an American eagle and the. pen will be' pre sented to tbe historical society of tbe new State. Preparations had been made at Guthrie. Oklahoma, to fitly celebrate tbe event, and when the news of the signing was tel egtapbed ' to Guthrie.: the; eel ebration began. Gov. Charles N, Haskell was formally install eq as r (Jpvernor ol the; new State and the inauguration was followed bv a parade and a bar becue and a grand ball Saturday night. Tbe first official act of tbe new Governor was to order the coun tv attorney at Bartiettsville to take steps to prevent the Stand ard Oil Company from complet ing a natural gas pipe line across the line into Kansas, it being the policy of Oklahoma to pre' vent the exportation of gas. Oklahoma is the first State ad' mitted since 1896, when Utah came in.ro the Union. The new State bas an area of 70,430 square miles, which is greater than the area of all New England. A Caldwell.Riddle. A surprise wedding took place late Saturday afternoon at the residence of Rev. W. A Hafner, at Bowling Green, when Mr. Ed Ni Caldwell, of York countv, and Miss Robbie Riddle, daugh ter of Mr. W. J. Riddle,, were united in marriage by Mr. Haf ner, .It was .known that the young couple intended to marry soon but tbeir fneuds had no idea it was to take place so soon They went out presumably for a drive and. went to the minister's house where tbe knot was tied. They are spending a few days with relatives at ' and near Bowl ing,Green after which they will goto Mr.t Caldwell's home in York county to live. rThe groom is a well-to do tarmer pi, that county and the bride is a pop ular young lady of her com munity. I ain't feeling right to-day, Something "wron? I must say: Come to think of it, that's right I forgot ray Rocky Mountain Tea last night. , Adams Drug Co. Batted Three. ' There was considerable excite ment around the depot Saturday afternoon when Policeman Wil- iams used some heroic measures to arrest three negroes. He had to chase trainv.No. 41 going south as far fis the water tank but bagged bis game and landed Robert Austin, Ed Wilkinson and Grover Richardson in the ockup where they remained till Monday morning when . they were fined a penny and the cost each and went on their wav. Al most daily car loads of negroes pass through uastonia going southward to work on" railroad construction tor ' similar?' work! and-recently they have grown quite insoleut especially to, the p61ice ; officers, some bf whom are usually at the depot when trains pass. Just as No. 41 was pulling out Saturday afternoon a negro bn the rear end used some very- insolent' and. insulting Ian-1 guage; towards Policeman Wil- tams who' was standing near. he officer commanded him to pull the bell cord. He didn't respond, however, so :the officer i pulledfbi9 gun and commanded , another negro to pull the bell ; cord, bout this time the train b&au jQjlow.rip as Nd 41 had ! orders to sidetra ck for No 12, the former being late. Mr. Wil liams, accompanied by a curious crowd, followed closely after tbe tram ' and "when it ' stopped ar- rested three negroes.. and with the assistance, bi .Chief Carroll carried them tof the cirt prison where they remained 'until yes terday morning when their cases were disposed as indicated above. . . . Asheviiie now bas a city or dinance forbidding the smoking of cigarettes by minors, and .Im posing a fine of , jive, dollars io$ each offecse. .-f . ' . - ? X The Climax chair factory at Tbomasville wasompletelyde stroyed by fire Sunday afternoon for lhesecond.limcia. flvearivl The loss , u. About 415.000 with $5,200 insurance. 1 ASKS US TO PRINT IT. Well Known Authority Telia How To Prepare a Simple Mix tare To Overcome Dread 01s ease. -I .-' , V ' v a .a m to relieve tne worst torms o Rbeumatiam, take a teaspoonfu of the : following 1 mixture after each men and at bedtime. Fluid Extract Dandelion, one- half ounce; Compound Kargon one ounce;- Compound Svrup barsaparilla, three ounces. These harmless ingredients can be obtained from our home druggists, and are easily mixed by shaking them well in a bottle Relief is generally felt from the first few doses. i This prescription, states i well-known authority in a Cleve land morning paper, forces the clpgged-up, inactive ' kidneys to niter and strain from the blood the. poisonous . waste , matter and One acid, which causes Rbeu matism. - As Rheumatism .- is not only the most painful and torturous disease., buU dangerous to life, this simple, recipe will no doubt be greatly valued by many snf ferers here at v,ome, who should at once prepare the mixture to get this relief. ft is said that a person who would take this prescription reg marly. a cose or two daily, or even a few times a week, would never nave serious Kidney or m Urinary disorders or Rheum a tism. Cut this out and preserve it Good Rheumatism prescriptions which really relieve are scarce, indeed, and when you need it, you want . it , badly. Uur drug gists" here say they will either supply these ingredients or make tbe mixture ready to take, if acy of our readers prefer. a I "n Able to leave Hospital. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Davis will be glad to know that thev have so far recovered as to be able to leave St. Leo's Hospital at Greensboro, where they have been since October 17th. They left on Saturday' for Mrs. Davis' home in Winston Salem.' ' Mr? Davis came on to Gast6nia Sat urday night. - Subscribe forTttH Gazkttk, Death of Grier White. . Grier White, the 17-year-old son ol Mr. - and - Mrs. K. W. White, died at his home on West Airline street Saturday afternoon after ;an illness of. about nine weeks with typhoid 4 fever1 Pneumonia set in a day or sol be fore his death and made hiP re covery impossible. The funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at " Main Street Methodist church by Rev. E. L Bain who returned - from Salisbury fortbat purpose. The pall-bearers were the following of the deceased young man's friends and school-mates Mas ters Amos Mofrisu James' Bain, Carl Laughridge, James Camp bell, Robert Gray and George Rawlings. - The last sad rites were attended by a large congre gation wbo felt deep sympathy for the bereaved family. , The interment took place in Oak wood Cemetery. l j. ... v STOMACH IS OF New theory Mvimced try Young: Man bpreaaino uver I T. Cooper's theory concerning the Daman stomacn, wnicu Be cuima to prove with his now medicine, la being gives more respect ana comment every car. , - s. Cooper claims that 90 per cent. of all ill health Is due ta stomach trouble. yftva. laterrleved about his theory re cent'y, be said: "Stomach trouble Is tbe great curse ot the 20th century so far as the clvlllxed . races are con- Learned. Practically all of tho chronic -Ill health, ot this generation Is caused by abnormal stomachic conditions. In earlier days, when the human race was closer to nature, and men and women worked ail day out of doors, digging their frugal ezlstenee front th.eil, the tired, drMpyaatf-elck people that axe now so common, did not exist ,- "To be sure, there was sickness In those days, but It was of a virulent Character, and only temporary.' There was none of this half-flick, condition ail the time with which so many axe afflicted nowadays. "I know positively that every bit ot this throale CT health Is caused by stomach trout! a The hmnaa stomach In civilized pcrple today Is degenerate. It lacks tons aadstitength. - This weak ness has gradually come through a sedentary existence. I further know "that few peopTe can be cirw!th the Rgestrvf apparatus ta perfect anape.) Sb9 aola reason, for xnj gucoess is pe-4 YORK A1W ' YORKYILLE What's Dotal Anion bar Neifh - i bors Just Across the Line. Torkvllle Bnaulrer , 13th; , , Mrs. . G.- Carl Latimer, of Chester, came to Yorkville. this i brning to spend , a few , days with Mrs. W, C. Latimer.-rMiss Mjrtlc McCaiter, of Clover, No, 3, is spending a fw days with the familv of Mr. W. L Jackson, near Yoikville.-Mi ) Blanche Wilson, of Uiiioa, N'C, .has returned to her home, alter a weeks' visit to her friend, Miss .YJflUie R itteree of Bethany Fire broke cut in Mr. Cleve land Dunlap's cotton gin about three miles south of Yorkville Wednesday afternoon, and de stroyed aboutv 250 pounds of cotton before it cpuld be ex tinguished. ,,The fire had its origin from a hot box on the brush wheel. A negro named Alec Massey was committed to jail by Coroner Loutbian on Monday for killing another negro named Davtdson on Mr. W. S. Percival's place in Bethesda township. The difficulty was about a woman. Massey claims self-defense. The shooting was done with a shot gun. Mr. Oscar Williams Sadler of Bullock's Creek township, died suddenly at his home near RUirsville last Tuesday night. of heart disease The summons came while Mr. Sadler was sit ting by the fire, conversing to those around him in his usual pleasant manner. All at once he complained ot teeiing oaaiy. and fell to one side of his chair, expiring before those about bim could get him to bed. Tbe de ceased was born in Bethesda township about 65 years ago, and was married to Miss Mary Russell of Bullock's Creek town- cMn In 1R73 He is survived bv bis widow and one son, Mr. Richard Sadler, aged about 22 years. A private note from Mr. John G. Anderson, of Rock Hill, brings news of the death of Mr. George P. Holler, which occurea mi last Wednesday Irom pneu tnonia. He had been sick-only a week. Mr. Holler-was a son of Mr. and Mrs. L- Holler, and wav oorn in mis county auuui forty-two years ago. He grew to manhood near, Yorkville; but for the past twenty years has been with Mr. Anderson, first as a workman, then as supennten dent of the Rock HilH Buggy company, and for some years oast as superintendent of the Oakland Dairy farm. . "A better. Or truer toian," writes Mr. Andr son. "never lived." The deCeas ed was twice married, the first time to a Miss Love, who lived near Yorkville and the,second time to a Miss Long ol Kock Hill. He leaves awidow1 and seven children, the youngest an infant of six weeks. The funeral took place yesterday from Laurel street church, Rock Hill, the services being 'conducted by Rev. Mr..Gibson. the; pastor, assisted by Dr. W. B. Duncan and Rev. A. S. Rogers. A large concourse of friends was in at tendance. -Mr. .E. A. Hurley left yesterday for Marshall, Madison county, where he is engaged in .cotton mill work. rr SEAT HUr.lAH LIFE Is taiure wouniry cause . my ' New , DlscoTery tndlclna tones the stomach up to required strength In about six weeks' time. That is -why I have had more people come and thank me wherever I have Cue to Introduce my'inediclne, than X e had time to talk wlth-V A..k -Among th Immense numbers of peo ple who are now strong believers In Cooper's theory and m -iclne-ls Mrs. M. E. Delano, a prominent resident of the suburb ot Brooktme, Boston; Mass. -She says: "For several years I was broken in health, caused primarily by stomach and nerve trooWea. I gradu ally became worse, until recently I was compelled to go without solid food for days at a time-.- I had sour stomach, palpitation of 4be nerves of stomach and heart, dyspepsia, and extreme ner vousness. I suffered terribly with In somnia, and my liver, . bowels and whole retem rradualLr- became -ar ranged. I felt Instant relief the first day I began this Cooper medicine. I bow reel like a new being. Today I walked all over town, shopping something' I have not done for years, t "I sate this statement wholly from a sense of duty. I feel I owe it to anyone who might find relief and. renewed happiness aa I have done." The record made by the Cooper med icines U astonishing. We will tak pleasure ta discussing Tt"Wftt aByimexv vhtr-wiahae t9 know Frost-To rrroce ft Co. We are prepared to extend bur customers every accommodat lion and courtesy their business will warrant.'! if you have no account with us we invite you to open one. : : , SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -, We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 4 and compound the interest quarterly. i ; : j : OTIZEtlS R. P. Raokln, President mm WEDDING PRESENTS FOR FALL BRIDES The demand for handsome Cut Glass and dainty STERL ING SILVER is growing larger with every season. We have a striking line of these goods and invite your in spection. We also have a complete line of Hand Painted China, Bric-a-Brac and Art Goods, which will make an Elegant Present for the Fall Bride. Torrence-Morris Co, Leading Jewelers & Opticians Expert Repairing ArtIstIcEngravIng 99999S 8 " v war a m - k ion want uasion conniy Yea Want Neat, Up.to.Date 8.1 99999g999e90099999e0999990T999990999909999999990e9t WWr4 HI HHH l il t M l" Real Estate for if 4 : ' ' "' ""'t- 6 lots on South Street, very desirable property just ed up, in good neighborhood already built modern homes. 3 lots on Fourth Street. 3 lots on York St. on line of new macadam road, desirable sites for $5,000.00 residences. 3 lots on Chester St. in excellent neighborhood. All of the Above Lots are - " . ;.: , fe' .. r Sewer, Electric and Telepone Lines. 1 six room house with four fire places, opposite Rev. F. .. . W. Bradley's above Loray. Mills, very cheap at. $1,100.00. 1 corner lot on Laundty St. 100x140, close in, price $350.00.. A,te ,t :j .VT 3 lots on Dallas Stf opposite :it L. Mauney'i in splend neighborhood. Nice five room cottages on either side, per lot 50x218. $250..00.; r . . , 2 lots on Rankin St. 59x200, each $150. 1 three room house on Main St., tbe biggest bargain in town, rents for $65 00 per year, only $500 00. 7 lots on Franklin Av. and Second St. opposite Avon t - Millsf K ' 'J:3.il,.v 2 new four room cottages on Second St T excellent nefgbf , borhood, very desirable for parties . wanting., a fortable cottage, very cheap at $1,000 00 each The best lot id Park Place, Sts. $450.00' . -v .-.,... This is a Partial List of . . i ft. jfe 'it We bought while property was cheap and handling real r "estate as 4 business; are"U6t Controlled By IsehUmentr We sell to make a small profit' and endeavor always to give our customers what they want. . . " Ask the people who have bought from lis what theilKnk -t "' -; of our methods. They are the best ustolnerPwe I ! have. ''. ;' . Come taua.Ior. any information you joeed in the .real estate line and we shall 1 i Gastbnia Insurance r & Reclty fSn. A. G. Myers, Cashier. news subscribe lor The Gazette. . w Stationery see eswe Print It. open- up with very on com- corner Marietla'ind 'FoortH '"-1 ' ' .!r I II ., - -.- . - - rfTe i Property We 0?ht! i! - Uv, -.v i be glad to give it to you. i 1