Try a Gazette ii VJ j The Paper; Wont Ad a nil , v. Read by Oattoo People il-d They Bring Result nt ti 1 u i X That's All ' '4- . . . PUBLISHED TW1CB A WEEK-rTUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. E.D. ATKINS, Editor. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. ?l.50 a Year In ;Ad yart ce. 5lnfile Copy Sc. VOL. XXVIII. "OAOTONIA, N. C, PR! DAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1907. NO.D4 ... I VIII -- - ' . I I t I. II II II. . ' . -dk. J m M 1 ' mW a I II II -mW , . ? . mmm' mm mm m mm mm' mm m m t a . m i I PROFESSIONAL CARDS C0NDITICNS2AEE SOKiD. GARLAND ft JONES Attorneys and Counselors Orcr Torrence-Morrls Company. ' Gastonia, N. 0. ; i -". . S. B. SPARROW ATTORNEY-AT-LAW " DALLAS, N. 0. Office upstairs over Bank of Dallas JOHN i G. CARPENTER i ATTORNBY-AT-LAW DALLAS, N. C, Office over Bank of Dallas. DR. D. E. McCONNELL, DENTIST . GASTONIA, N. 0. ... Office First Floor T. If.. C. A. Blrt'f Phone 69. DR. T. A. WILKIN S DENTIST GASTONIA ,N. C. Office in Adams Building . Phone 311 MRS. JOHN HALL TEACHER OP PIANO AND ORGAN. DR. P. A Pressly DENTIST CLOVER, S. C. NOTICE. "North Carolina, I : Gaston County, f NOTlca. BY VIRTUB of a mortgage deed execu ted to the undersigned on September 7, the Love Trust Co. by Albert Ervin and wife, the undersigned will sell (or cash to the highest bidder at public outcry at the City Hall in the Town of Gastonia. N. C, on the 7ta Day ! December, 1907 al the Hoar at 11 O'clock. A. N. the' following described real estate lying in the Town of Gastonia, N. C. and lully described as follows: Beginning at a stone on the north side of Fifth street, running 364 feet from Mari etta street, west corner of Aaron Clark's lot: runs north X west with Aaron Clark's lot 188.63 feet to the Khyne line; thence south 84 3-4 west with the Rbyne line. 49.68 feet to a stone-on Rome's line and north . east corner of Monroe Crawford's lot"; thence south with Crawford's line 191.52 feet to a stone on north side of Fifth street, south-east corner of Crawford's lot: thence - North 81 1-3 east SO feet with Fifth street to the beginning, registered in Book 55 of Mortgage Deeds at page 284, being in the town of Gastonia, N. C, and being the property upon which a atore building is situated formerly occupied by the said Albeit Ervin. Sold to satisfy said mortgage. This, the 23rd Dbt of October. 1907. . FD3clM Lovs Trust Company. Commissioner's Sale ol Land. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Gaston County. North Carolina. i this day made in the special proceeding to i sell land for partition entitled "K. M. ; . Berry vs. W. F. Berry and others." I will i again expose to sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the Court House door in Dallas. N. C. at noon, ea Saturday, November 30th, 1907. tall that tract of land situated in South .Point Township, in the county and state mforesaid. adjoining the lands of J.' W. iRiddle. W.W.Wilson. J. M. Huffstetler. J. :M. Nolen and others, containing 182 acres, more or less, known formerly as the Edwin :M. Berry lands, and later as-lhe Nancy J. ".Berry lands. ' Plata of this land may be seen at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of ': Gastoa County. Terms of sale: -One-half of the purchase -money to be Paid in cash and the balance V -on a credit of aix months, deferred payment "to bear interest from date of sale, and title reserved until the entire price is paid, with privilege to purchaser to pay all cash. There has been bid S15.75 per acre for (this land. ' This October 30th. 1907. O. F. Mason, N22cw. Commissioner., - Commissioner's Sale 01 Land. "By virture of an order of the Superior , Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, this day made, in that Special Proceeding o sell land for partition entitled "William M. Smith and others vs Ira J. Smith arid another". I will again offer for sale to the ihighest bidder at the Court House door in Dallas. N. C. at noon. Saturday, November SCth.1907, 11 that-certain tract of land Situated in Crowders Mountain Township. ' Gaston County. N.C., adjoining the lands of S. B. For, Anthony and other, situated on crowaers Lreea. known aa the William C. 'Beatty Lands, and which waa conveyed to - aaid Beatty by James Quinn by deed dated . f eotaary zuin. isou ana wnica is re cor-; ea waia county in jjeea hook no. a at age 133, said to contain 102 acres, more or less Said land will be sold by the acre and a re survey made. . 1, ia well timbered and situated ia a good community. --. , . Terms of sale: one half of the purchase a credit of twelve month, deferred portion 01 me price 10 Dear mieresi irom naic 01 ale until paid, title to and possession of said land reserved until the entire price is ' paid, with privilege to the purchaser to nav all cash at anv timc- . This being a resale the bidding will begin - at i3.t5 per acre. - -. - Thia October 29th. 1907. - . O. P. MASoif.COMMissioirxa. I - NZ9C1BM. - , . - So Saya President Roosarell, Who Adrltaa tha People Not to Hoard Their Money Banks Ara Sound. . ,;o A Associated Press dispatch sent ont Sunday night from Washington carried ' the ! infor mation that Secretary of the Treasury- Cortelyoo had' an nouncea that, as a means of af fording relief to the financial situation; the Treasury would issue $50,000,000 of Panama bonds and, $100,000,000 in cer tificates of indebtedness. This course has the hearty approval of l President Roosevelt - who wrote as . follows to Secretary of the Treasury, bis letter con taining much sound - advice which would be profitable if heeded by the people: . - ., "The White House, "Washington. Nov. 17, 1907. "My Dear Mr, Cortelyou; "I nave considered youi- pro posal, I approve the issue of tbe fifty millions of Panama bonds, which will be immediate ly available as tbe basis for additional currency. I also ap prove tbe issue of $100,000,000, or so much as you may find necessary of $50 3 per cent, in terest bearing government notes. the proceeds of the sale of which can be at once deposited by you wbere tbe greatest need exists, and especially in .the West and South, where the crops have to be moved. I have assurance that tbe leaders of congress are considering . a . currency bill which will meet in permanent fashion tbe needs of the situation and which I believe will be passed at an early date after Congress convenes two weeks hence. "What is most needed jusWt present is that our citizens should realize how fundamental ly sound business conditions in this country are, and how ab surd it is to permit themselves to get into a panic and create a stringency by hoarding their savings instead of trusting per fectly sound banks. There is no particle of risk involved in letting business take its natural course, and the people can help themselves .and the country most by putting back into active circulation the money they are hoarding. The banks and trust companies are solvent. There is more currency in the country to-day than there wast a month ago, when the supply was ample, Fifty-five million dol lars in gold have been imported and the government' has de posited another $60,000,000. These are facts; and ' I appeal to tbe. public to co-operate with us in restor ing normal business condi tions. The government will see that the people do not suffer if only the people themselves will act in a normal way. Crops are good and business conditions are sound ;v and we should put the money we have into circula tion in order to meet the needs of our abounding prosperity. There is uo analogy at all with the way things were in 1893. On November 30th of that year, there was in the Treasury but $161,000,000 in gold. On. No vember 16th of this year there was in the Treasury $904,000, 000 of gold. Ten years ago the circulation per capita was $23. 23. It is now $33.23. The steps that yon now take, tbe ability of the, government to back them up, and the fact not a particle) ol risk t is v involved therein, give the fullest guaran tees of the sound condition of our people and -the sound condi tion of out Treasury. "All that ouf people havf to do how is .to go ahead with their normal busi ness in a normal fashion and the whole difficulty disappears; and this end will be - achieved at once if each man will act as be normally does act, and " as the real condition of the country's business fully warrants bis now acting. -: :s-'-"--, -V; Sincerely yours.x w "Theodore Roosevelt,." "Hon. George B. Cortklvotj, "Secretary of the Treasury... i ALABAMA; GOES fc2Y. F f Passat Prohibition Measure Both Housea ol LejUsIataro. Montgomery. Ala., Nov. 19 The Senate this afternoon ... pass ed tbe prohibition bill, 32 to- 2, Spragins and Hamner being tbe only members to vote against it The law becomes operative Jan nary 1, .1909, aq amendment to this effect having1 been adopted with one dissenting vote, before tha roll on (he passage of the bill was called When two car loads of Mobile women came to the city today to lobby acainst the prohibition bill, passed. by tbe 'House and pending in the Senate, they found- the - delegations - irom Montgomery. ' Selma ' and ' Bir mingham, who favor the prom bitten measure, had filled th Senate galleries until jiot a seat was left. It was a plan to crowd them out and carried. Little children stood in tbe lobbies and pinned ribbons on every one who came in. Tbe children were kept ' out of school to work against whiskey. Tbe vote on the bill was scheduled to be taken. WATCH TOUR TONGUE If Purrad aa Caatcd, It Is a Wara lot of Trouble t Coaae. When it is tbe morning after tbe night before, you do not have to look at your tongue to know that the stomach is upset. the head . is aching with a dull rhythm, and that all tbe world ooks black and dreary. It may have been lobster New- burehr Welsh rarebit or some other tasty dish that looked much better at night than tbe morning after. 'There is no need to look at the tongue thermome ter then for symptoms of trouble. You naturally go to your box of Mi-o-na stomach tablets, and with one of the little relievers bring ioy and gladness to the physical system. The real time to watch tbe tongue is all of the time. If it , coated with a wbite fur, or possibly with . dark . trimmings, even though tbe stomach does not tell you by the acute pains of indigestion that it needs help. yet the coating shows that you are getting into a bad way and that there is need of Mi-o-na. Mi-o-na is so positive, so sure, so reliable in its curative action upon the stomach that J. H. Kennedy & Co., tbe local agents. give an absolute guarantee with every 50-cent box they sell to re fund the money nnless the rem. edy gives absolute and complete satisfaction. 22-29 CONCORD IS SELECTED. Stonewall Jackson School Will Be Built in Cabarrus County Matter Decided Last Nitht. Special ta the CharlotteiObserver. Greensboro, Nov. 18. The committee appointed to select a site for the Stonewall . Jackson Manual and Training School met in the writing room of tbe Benbow Hotel to-night and unanimously accepted the pro position of Concord and Cabarrus county to locate the school near' Concord. ;The proposition con sisted ot a donation ot ill acres of laud and $1,000 ia cash. YOBS ANrf YORkVIIAE What'a Dote Amonl oar Neih bors Jost Acrosa tha Line. Vorkvilla Baanlrcr, ISth. -Mrs. B. A. Grant of Chester, is visiting beraon,"G."F, Gratit ur. and Mrs. j. a. uowen and Mr.'I. f Wj s Jpbnson, of ' York ville, and Mr. Walter M. Dun lap, of RockJiUl, left this morn. ing to be present at tbe Kesson McNecl marriage, at Moreanton N. C. to-morrow.The election for the issuance of $25,000. worth of municipal bonds for sewerage ana water purposes is to oe held tomorrow, ' Burglars entered the store df J. h- Williams & Co.. last night by climbing., over the transom over the back door and stole jewelry and other goods to tbe value of $40 or $50, possibly more. It has not yet been practicable to get a reasonably accurate esti mate as to lust " bow much was stolen. Chief o, Police Love and others are bunting for the thieves, and tbere is reason to believe that they will be run down. The remains of young Robert Hedgepeth, an employe of tbe Catawba Power company, who was killed while working on the company's line near tqe power bouse on October 20th. weredis interred at Concord church last Friday for the purpose of an in quest by Coroner Loutbian and a jury. The inquest was held at tne instance ot tbe young man's lather, represented by Messrs. Finley & Jennings, to facilitate a settlement with tbe company. There had been some suggestion that the young man might bave died of heart disease. and it was especially necessary to determine this question. The post mortem examination show ed that the condition of the young man's heart was perfect, and there seems to be no reason able probability that death was from any other cause than a powerful electric current. Mr. R. Bascom Kennedy, who has lived in Sharon neighbor hood for many years, and who was well known throughout western York and Yorkville, died laat Saturday while traveling on tbe road from Sharon towards Hickory Grove He left Sharon riding a mule and when found on tbe roadside some hours later he was in a dying condition.' He had strength to lift himself to a sitting position ; but diedbe fore he could be moved to more comfortable surroundings. Coroner Loutbian was summon ed to the scene; but after con sultation with responsible people, of the neighborhood best quali fied to appreciate the facts of the situation decided that the hold ing of an inquest was unnces- sary. it ts supposed that tbe poor fellow probably fell off bis mule, and death was tbe result of the exposure to tbe cold weather which was too much for his weakened physical condition. The deceased was a son of the late Nathaniel Porter Kennedy and was about 59 years of age.. He was never married. Four foreigners were killed and three injured in an explosion near Cheney,:! Wyomingflast Tuesday. They were thawing out dynamite for blasting. CLEVEiim; buLLiifas Items ol Interest Froni an Ad- ;oinIflf County. Cleveland Star. 15th. Mr.- Julin. Suttle spent" Sun day In Llncolntbif 'with friends. Rev. Thomas Dixon, Sr., of Fallston, was A pleasant Shelby visitor this week Clyde R. Hoey,-Esq., , , left Monday for Kaielgh, wbere be will .argue come important cases pending In", the Supreme Court. Mi. Tom Smith and bright little daughters of Lincolnton, were pleasant Shelby visitors last week Mr. and Mrs. C. C McBrayer, pbpular residents of Mooresboro, visited relatives here this week -Congressman E Y. Webb spent part of tbe week in Raleigh arguing, some important cases before the Supreme Court. Little Miss Mabel Mulhnax. of drover, is spending the week here with her : grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Gibson. ! Members of tbe Shelby Lodge of Odd Fellows had the time of their lives Wednesday night when they took the leading parts initiating fifty-two members of the Earl Lodge into the myster ies of Odd Fellowship, .This was tbe largest number of charter members ever initiated in any one lodge ;in the State. After the initiatory ceremonies and installation of officers were concluded an oyster feast was served which was greatly enjoyed. On Sunday afternoon, . the Death Angel, entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Nichols, of Earl, and robbed it of its brightest and most precious lit tle, jewel in the loss of their bright little ten year old son, Maxwell Nichols. The little fel- ow was stricken with appendi citis about a week belore bis death, and although all that could be done to relieve him marked the efforts of the attend ing physicians. . Tbe funeral services and interment were held Sunday, and the remains were aid to rest in the quiet ceme tery of New Hope Church. Mrs. Ida Suttle who lives on North Morgan street, just be yond the railroad bridge was awakened last Saturday morning about two o'clock by a noise as of some one tying to raise her bed-room window. " Living alone with here little children, she has been both mother and protector to them, and bad pro vided against - such a contin gency. Hearing the noise of the window being stealthily raised she grasped a conveniently load ed pistol, and as the ugly visage of a big, black burly negro came into r view, sue urea twice in rapid succession. Unfortunate v however, her aim was not true and she missed tbe scoun drel. who stood not upon order of going, but beat a precipitate retreat. She is being congratu ated upon her nerve and bra very, and expressed herseit as being ready to again protect herself from other midnight marauders. W. R. Boggs, Jr., formerly of Winston-Salem, . was murdered in Topia, Mexico, last Sunday night. No motive is known for the crime. - '1 T7 T7 I f We are prepared to extend our customers every accommoda ; tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If you have 1 1 no account with us we invite you to open one. : : : SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits at tbe rate of Af and compound the interest quarterly. : : : : : P. Rankin, President CITIZENS WTTlvsai,niTv, 'ayfBfcafcBBL DANK: A. G. Myers, Cashier. 44f4-r44--f--4--f-f-r4-v4--t-44 Farmers Attention! j Store Your Cotton Seed. I t Until further notice we will take your cot ton seed on storage and allow you to close J them out at any time between now and Febru t ary 1, 1908, at the price we may be paying for wagon seed at our mill at that time. I IINTII. nF.f F.MRF.R 1 10H7 T VLfmm. 1 O O r I M 11 1 I c wuci , ijuuiiusui cottonseed meat In exchange for one ton of cotton seed de livered at our mill. D3c4t Gastonia Oil Mill. X ii ion want Uaston County News Subscribe for The Caietta. II Yon Want Neat. Up-to-Date Stationery see us-we PrintltT sssses I Real Estate for Sale I St. Mark's Episcopal T church, Rev. W. H. Hardin, rector . Services first, third and fourth Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. . every Sunday. Evening prayer and Htauy, Wednesday, . 7:30 p. i Constipation, indigestion, (drive away appetite 'ana make yon weak and sick. Hollisters Rocky Mountain 'Tea restores'the ap petite, drives a w a y disease, builds up the system 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. - . . . . ' - - .... Adajna Orva Co. - The ninth annual convention ! of the Southern' States Associa tion ot Commissioners of Agri culture and other agricultural workers convened for'a three days session7 at Columbia. S. C, luesday. -Tbe matter- of a direct line of navigation from Europe to the. cotton belt States for immigration was one of the Southern train Wo. Jo was wrecked Wednesday morning at Doraville, a .small station just north of Atlanta. The engineer was badly injured : and'' several coaches damaged. Seventeen persons were injur ed Tuesday afternoon by a head on collision between two passen ger trains at the entrance to the new terminal tunnel in Wash ington City. ProY. Walter Tbomoson. crin- cipal of the Concord public schools, . has . been chosen -for principal of the Stonewall Jack son Manual Training School, which is to be located - at Con cord. v - - a ' " ; ids are being received-in great numbers, at the United States Treasury for the new issues of -Panama- bonds vand certificates " of " indebtedness.' Both; issues1 twill .'probably f be largely over subscribed. , rresident Kooseveit has in structed, that f no federal office holders from the Sonlh; shall t to the Republican national con- ventionpledged to vote for his nomination for - a-. third term. There is nothing said in the instructions,..- : : boweverr against their going uninstructed and voting as they pleaser-. J. M. ButIer,Vof Howellsville township, ne&r Xumberton, was instantly killed Tuesday after noon in a cotton gin." His coat was caught in the shafting.' and OVER TV0 TIIODSAHO) . VISITORS A DAY Cooper Explains Reason ; for Remarkable Average of Boston Callers. During I T. Cooper's racent star In Boston, it Is estimated that alzty fire thousand peopla talked with him and Durchasea mi meaicme. xnis la an arerage ot over two thousand a His aacoeas was so phenomenal ax to cause -universal comment both" by tha publlo and tha press. Thar moat be a reason for this. Here u ue reason alren Jn. his own words by Mr. Cooper when Interviewed -oa the" ub- Ject,Heaal(l:,v s ... i "Tha .unmeBsei aaniBersi beopie Bloomlngdale street, Chelsea, tllass. He ears: .. "For five years. I have sought . r 1 &1 tfw InIf ffoaHAfi arAmaah mkMa and dyspepsia, apendlne nearly all mt-) wages , with doctors and obtaining no results. I had, dull pains across my, back, radiating", to tha shoulders. ', ' I ' had splitting headaches which nothing seemed to cure. .There was gnawing.' and rumbling In my stomachi and bowels, I was troubled with Tertlw ajid dtainesa,! ! aavl -at times almoat arercoma bv drowalneflB.? ti?c . who are calling on me uv in fostoBr-r"! felt tired-and worn eftt all tha 4s nottunasaal. 1 haye hail thet samel time, my. sleep was not' refreshing.: experience for the past two years land I would get up, la the morning wherever f have gone. The reason fsi reeung' as. weary as when I went to 6 lots on South Street, very desirable property j'ust ed up, in good neighborhood already built modern homes. 3 lots on Fourth Street. 3 lots on York St. on line of new macadam road, desirable sites for $5,000.00 residences. 3 lots on Chester St. in excellent neighborhood. open- up with very a simple one. It is because my medi cine puts -the stomach lit good condi tion. .1 Tats .doer not-abend vnttsualj bnt it ia in fact the key to health. - The stomach. la.. the-jery.tnnndstUin ot life. . I attribute 90 per cent of an sickness direcUy to the stomach. i 'Neither animals nor men can re main weu wiia a poor tugeauve appa ratus, Few tan be sick with a diges tion la perfect condition. As a matter or fact, moat; men ana women xoaay are half-sick,. It la because eo much food and toe IltUs exercise hare grad ually forced the stomach lata a fcatt- alck cosdtttoa. My medicine gets the stomach back where it was, and that Is all thai Is necessary.' s.;i ::i Among Boston people whd are. bed. My appetite, waa TarlaMe raven-r oul at times, tbea- ftgaiB aaaaeated et; tha lighter food. - Sotnetizaas my faee' was pal e,-1 at ether times flashed. I was- aohsOpated ana oDloas, and tad ' catarrhal afacUoa la noee and throat,' which caused smej to hawk; and spltr a great deal, especially la the" morning, ', I heard so much ot the Cooper reme" dies that I decided to try tlscb After? taking tne bottle. A tapeworm CO feet long passed from my system. I felt better ahncst lmasBSjately. oin.-my3 troubles disappeared-as If y marie, - and my bvaroTenent was -rapid...!) now feel entirely wen, and eas honest-, ly recommend Jf r.! Cooper's medicine-' to anvtmar who saSsim aa I ldV?:i m- , . We; sell the Cooper medicines I All of the Above Lots are on --- Sewer, Electric andj Telephone Lines. 1 six room house with four fire places, opposite Rev. F. W. Bradley's above Loray Mills, very cheap at $1,100.00. 1 comer lot on Laundty St. 100x140, close in, price $350.00. 3 lots on Dallas St. opposite M. L. Mauney's in splendid neighborhood. Nice five room cottages on either side, per lot 50x218. $250.00. 2 lots on Rankin St. 59x200, each $150. 1 three room house on Main St., the biggest bargain in town, rents for $65.00 per year, only $500 00. 7 lots ou Franklin Av. and Second. St. opposite Avon Mills. 2 new four room cottages on Second St., excellent neigh - bor hood, very desirable for parties wanting . a com fortable cottage, very cheap at $1,000 00 each. The best lot in Park Place, corner Marietta and Fourth Sts. $450.00' This is a Partial List of Property We Own. X j W; bought while property was cheap . and handling real ' estate as a business, are not controlled by sentiment. , We sell to make a small profit and endeavor always to -give our customers what they want. ' m i:-.,' , Ask the people who have bought from us what they think , of our methods. They are tne best customers we X :.have. :- . ." JU-- - Come to us for any . information you need in the real i - ' estate line and we shall be glad to give it to you. r- . iii i 1 1 I 1 1 v i i . i ;-- fx -1 i;Castpnia: Insurchce '& RMlfyvCa?:j z tended to all to attend. " - - I important matters considered.: hi body was terribly mangled. staunch believers In Mr. Coo pert Irhlch alr somrsal thcom U Ur, tnsX V, Bjvwn. t 7lrrosvrorrnc co i illllllllHMHMHIHIIIUIHIMHIHIIIIIIHm I

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