4.4.-1.4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4-4.4. 4. Try aGaictte Wan t A d rrn " l-'.r. Ip'lpi j:T :, ' The Paper I 11 11 lp . R,4iTha"rAn0f'3 1 The Paper I They Bring Results' X4. PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. AAA 4 4, 4-.4.4.4U. 1 C. D. ATKINS, Editor. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. 91.50 a Year la Advance. 5lng!c Copy Sc. VOL. 'XXVIII. GAOTONIA, N, C, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2071907.'- no. on r A PROFESSIONAL 0ARD3 GARLAND & JONES Attorneys and Counselors , Orcr TonncsMorns Company. GastonU, N C. , Bargains in Harness s. b. sparrow ATTORNEY-AT-L AW f t : DALLAS, N. 0. Office uDstalre orer Bank of Dallas JOHN 0. CARPENTER ATTORNBY-AT-LAW ' .' -DALLAS, N. C, V,. Office over Bank of DalUa. DR. D. E. HcCONNELL, DENTIST GASTONIA, K C. Office rtnt Floor T. M. C A, BM'i . Phone 69. DR. T. A. WILKINS - D131JTIST GASTONJA N. C. Office in Adams Building Phone 311 MRS. JOHN HALL TEACHER OF PIANO AND ORGAN. That will Save You v Money: i Single Buggy Harness at $8.25 $9.50. $10.50, $11.25, $12.50, $14. 00. $16.00. .. Doable Buggy Harness at $14. 00, $15.00, $16.50, $18.00. Single Wagon Slip Harness at $4.00, $4.50, $5.00. Double wagon Harness com piete wun urmies, Mues and Collars at $18 00, $20.50, $21.50 $24 00, $25.00. All Harness made o the same Grade of Leath ... , mm e ' at a er. we win Keep up re pairs, for one year on a! Harness. Call X See our Stock Banner Harness any, Pheae 94 DR. P. A Pressly DENTIST CLOVER, - - Let DS I. Se Ce I NOTICE. do your Over . H. Stradley's Opposite Cralf and BuUdla. FInnle Goodwin, Sewing. Store. WUaoa Mr. North Carolina, I - Gaaton County, BY VIRTUS of a mortaiee deed execu ted to the undersigned on September 7. . 1905.to the Love Trust Co. by Albert Brvin " and wife, the undersigned will aen lor casn to the hurheat bidder at public outcry at the City Hall ia the Town of Gaston la, N, C. ', trt the - . 7la Day al Decamber. 1907 at tita Hoar al 11 O'clock, A. N, he following described real estate lying n the Town of Gastonia, N. C and fully ," dMcrihed as follows: Beginning- at a stone on the north aide of Fifth street, running 364 feet from Mari etta street, west corner of Aaron Clark'a vlnt: runs north X west with Aaron Clark'a lot 188.68 feet to the Khyne line; thence south 84 3-4 west with the Rhyne line, 49.68 feet to a stone on Khyne's line and nortn . east corner of Monroe" Crawford's lot: thence south with Crawford's line 191.52 feet to a atone on north aide of Fifth street. : south-east comer of Crawford's lot: thence - North 81 1-3 east 50 feet with Fifth street to ' the beginning, registered in Book 55 oi Mortzaare Deeds at oaare 284. being in the town of Gaatonia, N. C. and being the property upon which a atore building is attuated formerly occupied by the aaid Albert Brvin. - Sold to satisfy said mortgage. . Thla. the 23rd Day of October. 1907. FD3clM - Ijvk TatJST Company. ' a ' ' s'a a A . AS at at' Commissioner s dale ui Lena. By virture of ail order of the Superior Court of Gaston County. North Carolina. thia day made, in that Special Proceeding to sell land for partition entitled "William M. Smith and others va Ira J. .Smith and another". I will again offer for sale to the highest bidder at the Court House door in Dallas. N. C at noon. ' on Saturday, November 3 .th.I907, all that certain tract of land aituated in Crowdera Mountain Township. Gaston County. N. C adjoining the lands of S. E. For. Anthony and others, situated on Crowdera Creek, known as the William C. Beatty Lands, and which waa conveyed to : aaid Beatty by James Quinn by deed dated Febiuary 20th. 1860 and which ia record ed in aaid county in Deed Book No. 3 at page 133. aaid to contain 102 acrea. more or less. Said land will-be sold by the acre and a reserve made. It ia well timbered and aituated in a good community. ... Terms of sale: one half of the purchase price to be paid in cash and the balance on a credit of twelve months, deferred portion of the price to bear interest from date of aale until paid, title to and possession of aaid land reserved until the entire price ia paid, with privilege to the purchaser to pay all cash at any time- ' .... . I This being a resale the bidding will begin at 513,65 per acre. Thia October 29th. 1907. i : vw O. F. Mason. Commissions a. Wolfe Bros, for Jewelry. Watch, Clock and Jewel ry repairing a specialty. Eyes Tested and Glasses Properly Fitted W OIF E BROS. Oppoalte Post-office .-4: Thanksgiving Announcement After you've eaten your, tar key and taters. bwallowed your , cider and tipped , all the waiters I - Alter vou ve bolted your mince pie and 1' ennn OVU A Step 'round to tour: studio for your ' Thanksjlvlnf group ? And we will se there to serve you with oar best tkill at a modest price. Tern- ; pest or sunshine will make no difference, we're used to dark ays. ? ' ' : 'fhonel47 J. I. GREEN COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified aa collector of the es tate of B. W. Hoffman. : deceased, lste of Gaston County. N. C. thia is to notify all persona having claims against the estate of aid deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the s 1st oay er November, 190s or this Notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. uaiea uctooer jisi, iw, ,xv A. B. Hoffman, "" - ' -. ' " ' . Collector. N. B. For greater convenience of parties having claims the aame may be presented to Geo. W. Wilson, Attoney. Gastonia. N. C. : ADMINISTRATORS N0TIC& Having ouallfied aa adminiatrators of P. S. Baker, deceased, late of Gaston County, North Carolina, thia ia to notify all persona having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the nnderaigned on or before the - Flrat iy at RsvtBatr, 1908. or.thia notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. And all Deraona indebted to aaid i estate are hereby requested to make imme diate payment. Thia the 25th day of Oc tober, 1907. . ' : - H. T. FTJtTOW ) . , , and 'Administrators. L. P. Ban a. ) Campbell aad McMillan, Attorney- ' - -- - - l3cw V700D WANTED The Gazette W want two or tart e cords t good oak wood which we would ba flad to take on subscription. Ap ply at Gazette Office. tf ORGANS WON PRIZE; - . Hifh Point People - Prood ! Showlnf. " Special to Charlotte Observer. ' : Hieh Point, Nov. 6. The Hi eh ' Point organs took first prize at the Yadkiji Valley - Fair at Salisbury last week. This is especially complimentary when it ts known that they were in competition with five of the largest factories in the United States. Mr. W. G. Shipman, the able secretary and treasurer of the Hieh Point Piano and Otgan Company, is . dome', a splendid business, beginia&r with a small business a few years ago until now the company ships 300-organs a month. . . . For Sale Dy ; Rankin Furniture l Company. GASTONIA. N.C. V K29c5L TIME EXPIRES DEC. lit. ! -0 . 1 .... , . t Alter That Date Old School Books Cannot be Exchanged lor New. The following: letter from the State Superintendent of Public Insttuction to County Snperin tendent Hall will be of idterett to the patrons of public schools; ?To the 'County Superinted. Dear' Sir:By asreement with the publishers, the time for exchanging school books, which would have expired September!. 1907, was extended to December 1, 1907. . ' Old books cannot be exchanged for new books on the adopted list after December 1st. I write to urge you to let every teacher in your county know that the books must be exchan ged by that date, and to instruct every teacher to let every patron know this through the children of the school. Books that were On the previous Adopted list, and are now in. useable condition, can be exchanged for the books on the present list of adopted books adopted in place of the old books. The law requires the use of the books on the adopted list. Their adoption in all the tchools before December 1st is necessary in order to get she benefit of the exchange prices; and it should be rigidly enforcd immediately, because the law requires it, and because uni formity in the Course of study prescribed demands it. Please see that all teachers and all pat rons are notified through circular-letter from you and through your countv paper. "Now is the best time also to enforce the adoption in all your schools of the course of study contained in the bulletin sent out from my office, and to secure the proper gradation and classifica tion in all your public schools. If you need more copies of the bulletin containing the course of study write for them at once and they will be sent. See that a copy is -placed at once in tne bands of every teacher in your county. Very truly yours, J. Y. Joyner, Superintendent Public Instruc tion. ' For a mild, easy action of the bowels, a ; single dose of Doan's Regulets is enough. Treatment cures habitual constipation. 25 cents a box. Ask your druggist for them. V Barley-Bell. Mr. h. L. Hurley, a Gastonia boy who has been living at Marshall, Madison county for the past two years, was married the; 20 iast, his bride being Miss Pauline Ball, of Marshall. Mr. and Mrs.. Hurley are now here visiting his mother, Mrs. J. A. B. Hurley, east of town. He has accepted a position with the Gray Manufacturing Company and will assume bis new duties at an early date. SOMETHING .SHOULD BE DONE SOCIAL, The body bf J. Frank Holt, a well-known young . white man, was found badly mangled by the railroad tracks at Princeton Sat urday morning. The Coroner's jury decided that he 'was' killed by a passenger train. , The Oaaotte tor arst-daaa printing. What la Caualntf the Increaae of Catarrh la Gaatoala? In spite of the best efforts of medical men, catarrhal troubles are increasing not only in Gas tonia. but all over the country. -Catarrh is a germ disease, and to cure it germ life in the breath ing organs should be destroyed. and to do this no other treat ment has such positive and ben eficial action as HvomeL When the mucous membrane is irritated and raw and the tis sues weakened, there is an ideal lodging place -r for catarrhal germs. - ureatne iiyomei ana see how quickly it soothes the membranes, vitalizes the tissues and destroys all the disease germs, rendering catarrh no lon ger possible, v : : v There is no dangerous stom ach drugging when Hyomei is used ; no tablets or liquid mix tures destroying digestion. Breathed through ! the. neat pocket inhaler that comes with every Hyomei outfit, the healing balsams penetrate to" the roost remote: air cells of the throat, nose and longs, destroying the catarrhal germs so that quick recovery follows. v - J. H. Kennedy & Co. agree to refund the money, to any . pur chaser of .: Hyomei .who; docs not find that it does all that ir claim ed for it. The complete ontfit costs but 1.00. . 26 3. There are two attractive (.show window displays at J. M. lie us company's, une contains and improvisbed house in which a doll's tea party is in progress. The other contains a display of ladies goods with a wax figure in the centre, the Utter 'Occupying a position in the oval "end of a horn-shaped brown and leather Colored paper work which is very attractive. 1 Miss Ellen ' Blair Harvie atid Miss Lottie Blake have returned from Danville, Va., where they went to. attend the wedding of Miss Harvie's sister the follow ing account of which is from the Danville Register: "The marriage of Miss Sadie Rutherford Harvie - and Mr. Raymond Hall was solemnized Wednesday evening, at 9 o'clock at the Church of the Epiphany, Rev. J. Cleveland Hall, fnthr of the groom and rector of the church officiating. ' I ne beautiiul chancel was decorated in while and green Tall palms formed a background through which cleamed the soft light of numerous candles Vases of chrysanthemums were placed about the altar. The communion rail and choir stalls were draped in white and covered with ferns. As the first note of tue organ pealed forth, the vested choir entered, and marched down the center aisle singing the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin. They were followed by the ushers, then came the maid of honor, Miss Janie Meade Harvie, sister of the bride, gowned in pink a messaline and real lace, carrying pink chrysanthemums. The bride entered on the arm of her father, who gave her away. 'Her gown was a lace robe, made en Princess. The bride was met at the chancel steps by the groom, who with his best man, Mr. Edward B. Young, bad entered from the vestry. They proceeded to the altar wnere tne ceremony was performed, at the conclusion of which the choir, kneeling, sang. "O. Perfect Love." After the benediction the bridal party re tired in reverse order. Following - the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride, which was attended by relatives and a few intimate friends. The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. E Harvie, and is prominent in social circles. The groom is the only son of Rev. and Mrs. J. Cleveland Hall and is one of the leading young business men of the city. Mr. and Mrs. Hall left on- the midnight train for New York. On their return to the city they will reside at 115 Jefferson street. Miss Zelda Long will leave to-morrow for Greensboro to visit her sister, Miss Bertha Long, at the Greensboro Female College. Mr. R. L. Swan is able to be out after being confined to his home for the past two weens by illness. Rev. and Mrs. John W. Moore and two children. May , and John W. Jr.. are the guests of Mrs. Moore's 'mother. Mrs. L C. Eury, having come to Gastonia from Salisbury, where they at tended .conference. Mr. Moore was appointed to the pastorate at Hendersonville and will leave Friday for Lbat place. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Ben net, of Lowell, were in town yes terday on their return from Lin colnton, where they had been since Friday visiting Mrs. Ben nett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B.Armstrong. They made the the trip in a buggy. Mr. Ben nett will leave Thursday for Pineville, to which work he was appointed by the tecent conference. TWO GOOD SERMONS. ' MSBBBBBBaB f Ret. tit. Bain Preaches' Final : Sermon to Main Street Meth odist Congregation Before Go : lot to Charlolte Rer. John W. - Moore Delights Large Audi- lence.1 - . KRtv. E. L Bain, who bascora pleUd his four-years pastorate at Main Street Methodist chinch and who' was appointed iv the recent conference ut Salisbury to t h e pastorate of Ttinitv church at Charlotte, preached his final sermon to a large con gregation Suuday morning Be fore entering upon his discourse Mr. Bain made some very timely remarks regarding the work of the recent conference especially $Jth reference to the appoint ments and severely criticised The North Carolina Christian Advocate, the official organ of the conference, for its adverse criticisms of Bishop Morrison' administration ofr affairs with particular reference to bis ap nointmenta. Mr. Bain preached an excel lent sermon from Phillipians 3d chapter. 12th. 13th and 14th verses: "Not as though I had already attained, either were al ready perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended o Christ Jesus. Brethren, J count not myself to have apprehended bnt this one thing I do, forget ting those things which are be hind, and reaching forth unto those tbinp-s which are before. press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." The subject was handled in a most thought ful and instructive manner ana was heard with great interest by the congregation. Mr. Bain and family leave this afternoon for Charlotte where they will take up their residence Dunn? their tour years resi dence here they have made larp-e number of friends all o whom regret exceedingly their deDarture. In the evening Rev. Jonn W Woore. an old Gaston boy who is rising rapidly in the conference a a A a. preacnea to a large ana interest ed audience, taking as his text Psalms 6b':16: "Come and hear all ve that fear God. and I wil declare what he hath done for my soul." Witnessing for Christ was his theme and he handled it in a most pleasing and in structive manner. Mr Moore has been pastor of Walnut Street church, Greensboro, and was ap pointed at the recent conference to the pastorate of the church at Hendersonville. He is Here witn his family spending a few days with his wife's mother, Mrs. L. C. Eurv. The work of dies'lOS the foundation for the new annex to the Gaston Loan & Trust Co's building was begun yesterday morninp. Messrs J. E. & R L. McAllister have the contract for the brick work. The second annual show of the Gaston Poultry Association will be held December 31st and January 1st, 2d and 3d. It is not Irnnwn at vet inst where the CX hibition will take place but nego tiations for a building are ' now nenrlina. The show DromiseS 16 be bv far larger than the ; first one. Last year there were about 400 fowls on exhibition and tne managers of the show believe thev will have fully 1,200 this vear. - i -r-T-r We are prepared to extend our customers every accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If you . have no account with us we invite you to open one. : : ' : SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 4 and ' . " ' " compound the interest quarterly. : : : : : R. P. Rankin, President GITSHtlS QAUK A. C. Myers, Cashier. IIOkI MI MICTED WITH QUEER DISEASE . . v.-,...---."""".' Cooper Sa Internal Parasites Cause Much Suffering Everywhere. The following remarkabla statement waa racentlr made by JU. T. Cooper. It concern the preparation which has been ao widely discussed throughout the country during- the past year, and tiaa sold in such enormous quantities in leading- citlea: "It ia now a wall-kaown fact that whereTerXtaTe Introduced my Mew DiacoTery medicine, hundreds of peo ple hare brought internal parasites, or tapeworms, to me. Ia many cases these people did not know the nature f the parasite, arid were consequently extremely, nenroua until I explained tha matter to them. In some clUea so many hare had this experience that the public' renersily became Uarraed. "I take thla opportunity- of explala inr what these ereaturea are. and what I hare leaned about them ia the peat "Tapeworms are much more com mon than would be supposed. - X Tea tare to say that tea per cent of all chronia stomach trouble, er what ia known as m "rundown' condition, la nv99i by them. rAx lnflin-ltal may s&Ser fr years wlUi eoa-of these treat naraaltaa and not ha aware ct It. "Contrary to reneral belief, the ap petite la not greatly increased it only becomes Irregular. There la a general feeling of faintnesa, howerer. and a gnawing sensation ia the pit of the stomach. "Peonle afflicted with on of these parasites are nervous and depraasedrJ Their cuer sensation is one oi lan guor, and they tire very eaaHyT Lack of energy and ambition affect-ihe body, and the mind becomes dull andT'alug glsh. The memory becomes not ao good, and the eyesifiht. la generally poorer. - V - ' ' . "The New IXscoYeiy, ta freeing Hon- aca and bowels of all impuritJeA.seema to be fatal to these great wormaaaa almost immediately expels them from the system I wish to assure anyone who baa the experience Juat relate with my preparation, that there is no. cause for alarm in the matter, and that It will as a rule mean a speedy; restoration to good health." v. The Cooper medictnee-are a boon &st0canCmv ri3 t&ea. Yo8trTorresc Co. o Real Estate for Sale 6 lots on South Street, very desirable property just open ed up, in good neighborhood already built up with modern homes. 3 lots on Fourth Street. 3 lots on York St. on line of new macadam road, very desirable sites for $5,000.00 residences. 3 lots on Chester St. in excellent neighborhood. s ssafssifa)ai 3 All of the Above Lots are on Sewer, Electric and Telephone Lines. 1 six room house with four fire places, opposite Rev. P. W. Bradley's above Loray Mills, very cheap at $1,100.00. 1 corner lot on Laundry St. 100x140, close in, price $350.00. 3 lots on Dallas St. opposite M. L. Mauney's in splendid neighborhood. Nice five room cottages on cither side, per lot 50x218, $250.00. 2 lota on Rankin St. 59x200, each $150. 1 three room house on Main St., the biggest bargain in town, rents for $65.00 per year, only $500 00. 7 lots on Franklin Av. and Second St. opposite Avon Mills. 2 new four room cottages on Second St., excellent neigh borhood, very desirable for parties wanting a com fortable cottage, very cheap at $1,000.00 each. The best lot in Park Place, corner Marietta and Fourth Sts. - $450.00' This is a Partial Uit:M Property We Own, We bought.while property was cheapand handling real estate as a business, are not controlled by sentiment. We sell to make a small profit , and endeayor always to give our customers what they wantvK ' - Ask the people who have bought from us what they think of our methods. They are the ' best Customers we have. Come to us for any information you need in the real estate line and we shall be glad to give it to you. Gastonia Insurance &1 Realty Co. f '. - i - . .-A v. .'. V'--....: J; Farmers Attetltionl t Store Your Cottonirt Seed. Until f nrthsr nAttct we will taLe? vour cot. i ton seed on storage and allow you to close them ary wagon seed at our mill at that time i m out at any time between now nd Febru 1, 1908, at the prlce wt may' bp. 'pay Inji for UNTIKfDEeEHBEjR 15..1C07 We offer 1,333 pounds of cottonseed faesi In exchange for oner ton or cotton seed de livered at our riiiir.- " b3c 5 G&tonfa"Oilx Mill. i X

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