, . . , t.t c ' . ! t r c .... ' : t: i r.:: ! c.. ::tL y thAr tu. Ac:.3 v. ill v. rrr.nt. If n 1 ::a n.:ct.:x;t v,l:!i t 2 i.svile you to c; . 1 one. : : V.'epy i.T..,.t ca. -.A".r c.0bit3 tt the r: 1; c ' 1 h ccmpourJ th: i-ATcit ct:'. .!. - ' : 1 : LA.! A 1 1 1 1 1 t ; 1 i t t r i J. ''. J. i.. ... a T T' l v I 1 ! , ev il e i t r i i, t 't ti t f 1 . i. - . in t e f.r hi. ,i ,v(i i-i . r 1 r, ;, i t : e j-;- e 1 .in t1.:. i. T . . i n 1 i, 1 V ' :l )i f y . t i i.'- t.ii l.e ia i .e -. : i l l v t j : ,1 f ..1 e- C t. .CO ' I.. I 11 : Cry, : f Crzr f ! Cf.'H 1 V.T.: 11 r - ' - " ' . i : -J A. .r f j " vr t.. c y ' ' r,U t! ; - .ten! A.tcr lAv? 1 A 1 your ' : -re pie - 2- ' ' ' "... T t, - t; :.T : r j c... t I. . .'. C. i l :: .... 4 ".- r .... i. v . ry, f . i t li . .'r. ud . 1 1 CLukitt. . ... -'y e-7j 'I.fr. rltcrAed the J. -c.'i:.; d. o. A . -- - -!'r. I!;:. 7. VA Llcore. t n - ..".t; ' A'- rrs. 'r J. r. D:'.; C2.1f ;?,'cf ' ' - r t i : " 1 cf I r, . A:r, .. C--.:.,,,J.c,aa';.l' 1 . .J. 1. Ill i.' - 1 r-3 ti-t : :r. :.-.. " r T --.is, is t'.: -Illy i:-rro i a.- ' -r- r r tL.- 1 c n t Ccltcii !; :, it I' - Ti. 1 t, r; :zfthe 7 1 : "T .;' -'-3 r "-rents, i i .15. ! iv. i.u - wU. iLi:J: II: "3, cf DaviJ f :, r - i !:-3 Lavcletts Ccl'.lns, c f L. : ', were tl.e uetts y c f I.iss.s Cjnthia and ! r. i'rant Al crnet!:y, c- ' r Lr C.i " cm a i:e . i, f: iu-2 I) 1 v.ith l.i? v-rtLti, lit. tzl !rs. V. C. ALcrrrthy. -! 'r. J. :i.TA.:rnJ Czvi -t:r, CA:.:.!e v.cr.t to CLrrl.li; : " - jrn Ifrs rilcr.Lj 1 3 L .at' :re crai days -.kit : r. Gcrr.-e II. f'.erer re t rrc I j r ' ' to YcikI.!j. L .a I ::. ' . cut t r3 TiLcr t'-up ::r f t:vcr:l ; t Ar t' t:r r :. ! ' ":r-":- :- rl.:r a .. . . . -. i. . . -. . r, . I. C. i,i'.ry. v , J". II. . - - (A 1 - 1 S V, ..4. 4 ' C;::- :--Al t- 1 - D. O A. C! -:!:v-';A ' ' ; , t ... I - . f.: t : ; ' , if I' 1 C iss r I. . t ! c . : . ; s- ' t : ! J. .; cf t C : , ' i ;. C t ; - : . InvitTi . is . i ; t i r l ti. :u- t' A HAtrict s:-iJ ! le held. : , : Ar. John VI t; . : v : vcrai err t- . . i .- .. .r? L- ! s Aese ere i it i.-.A.s cne feel . i 2 tie yc -.. fruit at i ; j cf tl.; year. T! e A--J Ctar wai ca-tln2r a . t tl.-.-.e a' out tuawbeni 3 in Nov:: Aer but the Star . AU Lave to "con-2 eaia," Juoe ap TAi i D;i:Acr, brother Hud- r "1 l-IA ,v's dit? . . ; j . : rVTLaCr:23 Lb?' The Eowery l lesion "Dread Li?z" 'rt Lich 1,000 men who are ct in the streets for t'.e ci;tt sre civea a breakfast ci lot ccl'ee aad rol!3 every . mora izz at cn o'clock, is oae of t!:e r- t r athctic sights ia all the villi, wid-2 world . LcrJsbtA.e L C.I l . r t.:- r-ri i' - i ia .a. f A -!e I. j t "t i . .;ti-C3 extenU3 far A ' iij A- .A, v A:''-for the cA: 'A1...3.. Dzr' : the last ' ' ' "ahf 1 civen to at: Icf lA.tCD.L -A.3 .men jr..! Leys, r :d cp to cAte ncsrly half 1. t i cf th 1 1 r-r.eless tr-,; : .1 thAr weary lr"::p rest fAIy i..t;rrj-1: i by tLA unique 1 AA lA.-A The first "cf thtse ErejAkAs ii civea -ou TLat ks civir "'.ir j, ?- 1 the last ca the f'A A" '! JA ter i-ornin?. .r t :. .1 - . ... i tLA ir ever 2JJ,CvJ meals and 10, C- Ic'irs to homeless men and boys 1 ' It is Ar thi jraad, iphilan-thrc-io vcik that we ask . your kind and practical co cperatinn. TLs 1. ..;:A; ss, fi;ndA ; aad dii t?art2ned '.despairingr. L::a ! and b 3' of Fav cry are net native New Ycrkers, but men c::d boys who vdthla a year, lived happily at tl s ci J Lor-cstead with father f -J t "r, f A peih--3-wife Tl.:y r.; : 1 trr -Ad here, arid i ia dr'p:.! z:td totheOldowery tlis'sioa, which, for--over .thirty years, 1 -1 been to the tnfortu rjsie, 1 3 the rescue cities cf old, a bavea of cnccnrsienert, rest and protection. Shall we turn them awav. It rests wUb the rood people" cf. this country . to t -zli 2 - this rucctioa, and ; raay God rt-cAuAy help yea ' to de c'h; it eriht. : John C Harl,' I htanclal hAcretsry, ! SZiCibls I A:::?,-Hew Ycik City.r ' TLa' AUtabaC'Ccttoa !:z facturinr. Association corapris ir :0,CC3.". :Af.!ts !cr tAzz t thief all th?yarn rAr- in that Tuer f ; . r -; :J rc;::"ticas Ay to l 2 cA.;t that-, they C...U CUiu.i I. i C-, ...... I. ;i t; 1 y-ra r- -.ikit r-;pr. t!.j t : ' f ... vA - cf i The .: thre A;o 'in-? t!:scr- 1 : . .;j is the 1 .t 1, s t it c e cf ovrrc.i; h...liz itioa. Mot !)-nrchf s of uAness in the T m'-'i . bun notoriously '..;; t cf capital. Thev have I. r.i'.t and t'rir;ll'd thi ir factories v. i.!ic.i:t cvtrc:u-if.liz?r! them, and have .Apev Ad lardv, : po-ihly to luutlv, c-t thf- ct-r-rr-t ?A?s cf r ' J A ip t'u-i:i s::p; A, with f.mds. V.'hile this b-s some drawbacks, at th; fame time they have turn ed their prchts into the industry a3 a rule and ' ars fairly well equipped from the financial star hpoint to face curtailment. Whit is true of the textile , in dustries nay be said of the iron and steel works, of the coal tr?de, end of the machine indus tries. .Tbcytoo.cenerally speak &Z, have beca doinj larre busi re3C3 modeiate capitalization. Tl ?re have been few recrani zatia:;s cf a financial character for which, additiooal securities issued, .although meantime the plants have been devebpinz their markets ' and jcxpbllinz their natural resources so as to turn their original outlays into income bearing properties. This cBa eral tendency ? has helped to strersthea" the financial charac ter cf mcst projects in this field. With all the drawbacks which monetary - strirency has im posed upca Southern business it has been fori-T ahead ia all l-illcz lines. . Frankly recoi t Air : it slimitations, it has wise lyt -rr-dback much of tbelarje prohts into its treasuries, . rather thaa sc.-'-ht ne w lines cf invest neat. Tcietter with all, these there has been a much larger expenditure in improving the Etannarda cf living and ; embrac ing personal comfort, v . - , These- conditions, fisting at the turn of the: road, ia a long period "of prosperity, find the South fairly c?pab!; ci mcctir: a charge , in cor V'.ii-s . with much' ,mcre .resc'.utiTi ar.J far better succes3 than ft any earlier period since the civil war. " Fror.t Torre'nce & Co. the enter 'ris ir.z Druists of Casionia fel such a large rm on "IllNDII'O," tLe new I.erve Tonit and ' Restorer) and bere it is so highly raised, that they now offer, to ruarantee it in every case tocureaufornis of Kidney Liiiorders.-.- -:-;vA ' .' - 'i hey pay for it if it does ; not give yon entire satisfaction. , :A .- i If you use it, it is their risk, t yours. A 50-cent box, r.lue table Extra Strength, $1.00, will put 'life ia a dead one. . Sent by mail under positive g-arantee.1 j- -3 : , Lc:tc:.. trc.t. - ;;a Will Hantz, a young white man about 20 years ci -agei had the misfortune W edaesday night , &i bout isidaight tolcse bia right footia an accident i which oCCar ed near Kings Mountain :.IIahi2 was beating a ride on a freight traia wnca be slipped and "fell, the wheels posing over b:3ripht leg just above: the ' ankleA He was placed in a box car and brr-"-htttf, Gastonia where Dr.. J. "I'Sloan.the railroad surgeonr dr::sed 1 Is ,'tvoncd. -Jle w.:3 t:ken to the Falls House arJ bi3 re' lives were ncthled. Youri I la: z i3 a son of I.'r. Robert II. II. --tz, 'who lives at Wares Hill cecr.Kirr3 ITcantaia.. .-.AA.-.A.- l.i r 1 1 i i ti ft ' ' til ' t ft ! it z t r X: X Mi To Crrr7T ivc CiccK Insurdncc The 1 AAr ' reproduced below, seems .'-y.tovrovt that it docs. ' LA: CAROLINA3 FriUIT COMPANY '..t,:;'J.'D.'ioq.":c,PrrieUf. , y ; A Wholes;!? FruSt end Produce V g . 1. : WyWr9: A GastOKIA, N. C. Nov. 14th; 1907. . y--ci.:, jsouiaern juive.oiocK. jlusuibhkc v-y 'y):f. r- Hi2h Point,' N.; C; v I A Gentlemen i": y''M t ' : 7 Exactly one week asro ' "cf oai roan gelding "Fred,! T" ;, .u rs ! .TCT. . 1 S... n . . n . . m t" I O n Pill m U (TW I T 1 V. 1 Villi ti. for payr-ieat cf said policy.' We weieegreeably surprised . t A had a check fron you ia full payment of thi3 claim. 1 , . ( -thoroughly appreciate your prompt attention to this mat- 2 . "ter, and will say further that your Agents here arej to be j 2 . .'congratulated ia representing such a reliable and busi- ..ness-Jike, (Company, ';!., , , '.'.' . " " 1 ...--".'' Very' truly yours, A;' ' .-.v'-'ir 1 -A 4; . Jas. D. IIOORE. - - ' J Mr. Idocre's horse had -been well, cared for and ' driven bv aa esr:nc"ced hcrsemaaA He set.cd to be ia excellent LeaUh thr:- or four hours previous to his death. , j X r- Let t:3 c-Lr A ; . i a prcpoiltfon on your clccU. j 5 ' Doo't tt I-: ' '-er off. . V wl'J be lad to taHt U.U , - matter over h!1!i yoa helper yoa Insure er not. : : X "! - ' i ' ' :. ' , - - ( ; '. . ; , G:ac:a !::::::c:a3 l: Rcc!tyACc. I X ' . : ' ' - h. f A v- $ Tt.t4.4 f4ti"ft ! i iU I 1 1 U ! x - . , -. x t Store ,Yc:ir Ccltoa; 300. : t Until further rctlscvc tc!:c yorr.ccU x t ton csc J cn ctcrcro c:: j cl!at7 yca'to dec 3 : then cut ct cny tl 2 I :lv, cca i.er rr.J Iru- X J cry I,IC::,ctt.2 riiccjvc r.cy L2 r- M ' - ; vcjsn cccJ c: c::r rA'lJct tt tlr.:; . . A" X Vc cfrcrJ,3C3 rc'jr.of ccttrnc:: 3 X 1 la cxc!:ss3 fcr'r.3 ton of cottcn ccc i':- $ li,.-- ' V "A DJc4t T'J A? CI Lr ', Fr v'-tu of ci nlrr ft t'-e Pur-"- r rni.UI C. 1 Cr-iiiiir, I i Caiu 1. 1 i r t .1- .on mtuied "V ... . 'a 1 P'ld (. n vs 1 ; n J. f tin 1 1 r". I wit p nil r "cr for aie t t e t ' ' r meCuuit 1 louse door ia v.r.jvt ,L- r 3tl" .!" 7, ;1 trct of l !.... I in C rf r. 1 I I.' '1 C ' ? t . .1. I 1 ( . e 1 i to r ' 1 ! I I r i i -' A. C. iij:::. 4ti ; we advised you of the death J insured under policy 'No. t. - 'TlaHv.Co.; that thev t e of i .. c.i!a I o pfr"ii 1 .nd dc suae-l on or t' 's f T"".)Vft. 7C, 1 I -li. s. r

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