'xt.4M 44. 4 4. ..Ti n. tm a. iiil I Read by Gaston Pce;!:s I 4. 4. 4VXAAA A-----"-- PUBLISHED. TWICE A VVOEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. C. D. ATICINS, Editor. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County, 1.30 a YcaMo Advance, t Ingle Copy gc. VOL. XXVIII. OAOTONIA, N. Cn TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1007. NO. 07 A . i 4 i.. I 4 4- A - 4- 4. 4 . l"i y a Cud's V n n t A cJ t They Crln Ccaulta t CnAZET-TE a -r A VLU -X rilOFECGIONAL-CARDS -C0NC2ESS IN SESSION. . JCLAD DAY AT COUNTY GOME, GARLAND &jJ0NE3 Attorneys and Counselors . Over Torrcncc-MorrU Company. Gastonia, N. 0 1 S. B. SPARROW - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ' DALLAS, N.O. V . Office upstairs over Bank of Dtliw JOHN 0. CARPENTER ' ; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW PALLAS, N.C., Office over Bank of Dallas ," DR. D.E. McCONNELL, DENTIST : -: OASTONIA, N. C. Office First Floor T. H. C A. 'BW'I - Phone 69,; ''".': DR. T, A.;WILKINS c ; ' DENTIST . ; OASTONIA . C. V Office in. Adams BiuVdinfe " , Phone 311 ,.' MRS, JOHN HALL ' TEACHER -OF PIANO ; AND "organ. r-X. .DR. P. A Pressly : DENTIST: CLOVER. , - s. c. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. ... 1 North Carolina, I Superior Court. " , ' Gaston ountr, Before the Clerk. ... " , ' O C Pryor and J. M. Mclntoah. , . v administrator of the estate of , - ' Bnpbemta Pryor, deceased. , - . - .- 'vr i-.-. !"',-;, - Mrs Sophia Shnford. Albert Sif- ' ford. Wiley Sifford. Mra. Ellen Sifford. Mr. Maggie Pryor, Lula Sifford. Julia Sifford. Lucy Sif- ' ' - - "ford, George Sifford. John Sifford. Pinkney Sifford. Mrs. W.K. Kd- wards and her husband Kd warOs, Mrs. Martha J. Hart and --'her husband Hart, ; Wiley ' Pryor, Asbury Pryor, Robert . Pryor. Luther Pryor. Will Pryor, V Hilton Thomas. Wiley Nance. - Frank glance, Mra. Julia Duger hart and her husband Duaer- hart. Mrs. Kuphemia Goodson and ber husband Goodson. - ijohn Nance. Bill Nance. Mra. Fanny Dugerhart and her hue- '-'band Dugerhart, J. C. ' Pryor, Douglas Harris. J. E. - Pryor. Mra. Anna Wilkins and ' " her husband Wilkins. Mm. Janie Epton and ber husband f " " Epton. Harnea Harris, Mra. , Beulab Kelson and her husband ,' , Nelson and S.W. Pryor. " ,' The defendants. J. C. Pryor. J. E. Pryor, Mrs. Anna Wilkins and her husband . Wilkinsr Mrs. Jauie Epton "and hei hoa- " band Epton. Hayaea Harris, Mrs. - Beulah Nelson and her husband Nel ' son, Douglas Harris, Hilton Thomas, S. W. k.. Pryos-Wtley Nance. Mra. ' auny Doger . '. . : . ' hart and her husband Dogerhart; John Nance, and Bill Nance will take notice that ' an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Gaston -County. North Carolina, for the purpose of selling for partitioti among i he plaintiff : and defendants, that certain tract of land ' """" situated in kiverbend Township, Gaston ; -k County, North Carolina; adjoining ' the ' lands of Johnson and Black and othera. containing 45 acre more or less, and known -. - as the Wiley Pryor lands, and more re . ceiitly known as the Kuphemia. Elisa and Polina Pryor lands, and which is fully -1. described in the petition nowonftte in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Gaston - " County, Korth Carolina, and in which aaid - defendants have an interest: and aaid de ' - fendanta will further take notice that they - ; are required to appear at the office of the v' " Clerk ol he Superior Court for Gaston County, North Carolina, at the Court House in Dallaa oh the - ; r - ," v......: 7th day if December. 1907, " and answer or demur to the verfied petition r which is now on file therein or the relief dc - j i manded in said petition will be granted. - v Thia October 3 1st, 1907. v i ' . - C.C. COSMWBLL. ' - Clerk So peri or Court of Gaston County... , Decbclmo. , -- --v- President'! Messige ( baiDa- Ilrered To-Diy LKda ! Boa ; loess Will ba Transtcteif first Week Cannon to ba Speaker . and Proceedings WU1 Eein Without Ortanizatlaa. ' Charlotte Observer, Dec. Sd. . , The opening; of the Sixtieth Congress promises to be the most important feature of the week. Many other , events of much interest, however. are scheduled. ferbaps the one in which the widest interest, is felt is a meeting . of the Republican national committee, which will be held - at Washington Decern ber 6tb While the principal business . will be to decide - upon a time and place to bold ; the next national convention of the party, it is said to be not unlike lv that the question of a candi date for president will be dis cussed.. ' -. Both houses of Congress will convene at 12 o'clock Monday and the session of Congress. which will be begun at that time. will continue indefinitely. Lit tie business will be . transacted during the first week of fbe ses sion, and both bouses will ad journ almost immediately on ae count of the death, durine-the Tecess, of members of each body The President's message will not be received in either House until Tuesday. This will con sume the greater part of the second day of the session, and Wednesday and Thursday will be gh'en tip largely to the intro duction of bills. v r a a a -The House will begin pro ceedmgs witnout . being organ; ized and the first real business will be the election of a Speak er, to which office Mr, Cannon has already been renominated bv the Republicans, ; and the election of other general officers of the House, 'Business of the House will then be largely sus pended, until committees can be appointed. Mr. Cannon hopes to complete this wort before the Christmas holidays, but will not yet undertake to say when it may be done. SESSION OF SENATE. The Senate ,is 8 continuing oodv and will proceed as it tnere bad been no interim. There will, however, be a large num ber of new members ..of that body, and it will be necessary tq reorganize the committees in or der to give the new men places on them and to nil the vacan- cies caused by retirement and death. .There will be an effort to bring about final adjournment some time in May to perm.it Senators and members to return to their homes before the nation al convention, which will prob ably be held in June. A demand tnat Congress pro vide for a more liberal expend iture of the revenues of the government : derived from com merce in improving the natural channels of trade and ' trans pOrtation will be made -at the annual three days' convention rivers and harbors congress, which will ' open in Washington December 4th. , No special pro: ject tor . river' and Harbor lm prove inents will be advocated or considered, it is said, a he body is expected to place itsf on record in, favor of a broad : and liberal policy: by the national government. - V : - ; School Children ol Dallaa Treat Coonly'a Unfortunate fa a Good Thankstitini Dinner A Sarprfsa MarriaXa Literary Society Entertaiaement Liye Newa Natea from Oaaton'a Capital. . - . Crrrespondence of The Oasatta. - ': Dallas, Nov. ' 30. The akies were dull and leaden op Thanks giving Day, the wind , whistled drearily through the leafless tress. and everything out-of-doors looked dismal and cheerless, but in doors by the ruddy cheer of fixes and in the pleasant family gatherings there was only good cheer and brightness. No where , . . , ... in iowu, nowever, was mere more brightness and gladness shown than could be seen on the faces of the school children 'as they assembled about nine o' clock to set out on their annual visit to the county home. This is a time-honored custom of the children in Dallas and when for a while, it appeared as if rain would prevent the cbil ren from going their disappointment was great. - With them they know what pleasure it gives to the old friends at the Home to see their bright sunny faces and to bear the child ish voices ' ringing through the long corridors. In a few more years these children will grow up, as others have done before them, more a the pity 1. and will then begin to excuse their in difference to giving pleasure to God's lonely ones by reasoning that some underserving one may be benefited, or such scenes have a saddening influnce. But there will always be the little children to take their place . and to give their presence and love with their guts tbey carry on these aoh- days. .-:( The gifts were simple but there was an . abundance of iruits. cakes; and candies for each in mate and then came the requests for music. Song after song was given and many "God bless you" was heard from the lips of the old folks. These inmates are well cared for by Mr. and Mis Clyde Craig who are most considerate and kind in their treatment, but even at the best it is a sad and lonely life with very few bright spots, and but little pleasure ta looaT forward to. City" Bertie Rankin. 10. Dialog" T h e Sewing Circle" Arielee Puett. , Ruth Mason. Lela Durham, Edna Sbn ford, Dora Rhodes. 1 1 . . Pantommie "Rock -.of Ages"-Iva Rudisill. pi.vti.. kf u'if-H School Girls. Anna Puett. Bertie Rankin, Marie Sasser. Ella Stowe. Lady Principal Jonuie Det ter. .- ' - The Minister's Wife-Madce White. ' . i ne unmson uud was . very pleasantly entertained last even ing by Miss Less Detter. An interesting contest in whichthe answers were the names of well known magazines, was tne prin cipal diversion ot the evening. and was enjoyed by all. Delic ious refreshments were served. ' Miss Mary Miller from 'the Presbyterian College in 'Char lotte is at home for the Thanks giving holidays. For a mild, easy action of the bowels, a single dose of Doan's Kegulets is enough Treatment cures habitual constipation. 25 cents a box. Ask your druggist tor toem. r RECIPE MIXED OFTEN.! NOTICE OP SUMMONS. Superior Court. North Carolina. : Gaston County. Before the Clerk. . - Ida Kostelle and WV B. Rut ledge, administrator of the es -. tateof Ben Hoke, deceased, . - . Elixa Hall and her husband, , , Joe Hall. Irene - Springs and -: ' " her" haabaoS,- Henry Springs. , . Omey Berry and her basband. x Berry, Louisa McKaneluid her husband. Albert McKane, ' Lixzie McCarthern and her j husband. William McCarthern. ' - Sam Khyne. Ed Johnson. May ' v Jenaon, Charlie Johnson. George Jihnson and , Ethel. -,. . Johnson. Clara Martin, -Sadie 4 srt in. Martin. Martin, - . Rphraim Martin, Johnson. - ' ' ' The defendants, Irene Springs and her husband. Henry Sptinga, Omey Berry and her husband, - Berry. Epk Martin Sam Khyne, Osa Hoke, - John Hoke. ' - Lizzie McCarthern. and- her husband, William McCarthern. ill take notice that an action entitled aa above haa been commenced in the Superior - Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, for the purpose -of selling for- partition among the plaintiff and def ndante. that certain Tact of land situated in South . Point Township. Gaston County. North Carolina, adjoining the lands of 'at. H. Rhyne, Fred Armstrong and othera, con taining about 15 acres more or leaa. and which is fully described in the oetitioa bow on file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County. North 'Carolina, and in which aaid defend-ata bare an interest: aad aaid defendanta will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the . Superior Court of Gaston County, at the court nousc tn tne town of Dallas. North Carolina, on the 4th day of January, tSOS, - and snsweror demur to the verified petition which is now on file therein or the relief demanded in said petition will be minted. This the 2Mb. day of November, 1907. J-Sc7w . C, C. COSNWELL. ' Cicrk Superior Court Gaston County. GOOD NEWS TO WOMEN. Father William's Indian Herb Tab lets, Natures Remedy ,is becominjrthe most popular Female Remedy in use. Pale, - weak. ' ; Nervous, Delicate Women sufferiaa from those weak- I oesses and diseases, peculiar to their1 sex, will find in Father William's Indian Tablets m wonderful TONIC and REGULATOR. It quiets the ! Nerves, puts-ea flesh, gives strength and elasticity to the step, brightens the eyes, clears the complexion and makes you well 'and strong again. Tea..or Tablets. 20 cents. : 4. Williams Afain Mlnorty Leajjer. - Washington, D. C, Nov. 30 To Representative Chas. -R; Thomas was delegated the honor -ndav of placing in nomination cn behalf of the Democrats cf the House 'the name " or John Sharp Williams for the sneaker- ship. Mr Williams, who comes from . North Carolina ancestry, Hesired that a Tar Heel present his name to ' the' Democratic Caucus. Mr. " Thomas made . a very happy rpeecb, forceful and Hi-cMvr He - was - frequently aoplanded and his deliverance wgn for him much credit. Prof. J. b: Carlyhr has raised $100,000 for the endowment' of Wake Forest College this year. He expect i to raise $12,000 this week. By so ding the. college will receive - 537,500 from the General Educaton Board. ' , At 11 o'clock Rev. Cornelius Miller conducted a Thanksgiving Sevice at a the Fresbytenan church. At the close of his ser mon Mr. Miller announced that a marriage was about to take place. ; Much to the surprise of the congregation a young couple who had entered the church dur ing the service stepped up to the altar. r They were Wm. H. Jor dan from Alabama, and Miss Mamie Gardner, of Gastonia The incident created quite an unexpected diverson for the con gregation! V Wednesday nigbt shortly before midnight a small cottage owned by MrS. Alice Mason Of Stanley, and occupied by Mr. Poteet, a photographer, was discovered to be afire. Mrs. Poteet," who bad been ill for some weeks, was carried to a neighbor's home The house was consumed in a short time, borne ; ot the per serial effects of the occupants were rescued. At the closing of the Graded School Wednesday a short pro gram relating to the observance of Thanksgiving was rendered by the pupils. The opening ad dress was made by Rev. Risin ger.. . - :SV;; . .; Tbe Glenn Literary Society composed of the girls from the fifth through the ninth grades will give an entertainement in the chapel next Friday evening at half past seven . o'clock. : for the benefit of the school library. A small admission fee will ' be charged, and all friends of the faculty and pupils are cordially invited to attend the entertain ment aud thus assist the mem bers ot this society in securing a larger and better library for tbe school; The program will be as follows: . . - ' 1. Chorus "You're as Wel come as the Flowers in May " 2. - Recitation Putting Rob ert to Bed" Eunice Rhyne 3. Song "I Give My Love to Dixie. y; c-- - 1 i 4. Pantoraine "Love Maud Costner, Olive Senter, Annie Rhyne. Katie Lee Lewis. Kath arine Mason.N Maggie Rudisill. Id McAllister,'- Bertie Rankin. 5. ' Recitation "On the Othtr Train Emma Lee Carpenter. 6. r Tables n 'Dreaminc,, Georgie Shelton. . ' 7. Cborns "The Quiltine Party." :- - ,w , . 8.: Pantomime "The L a s t Rose of Summer" Jonnie Det- 9, Recitation-The Holy LINCOLN LOCALS. Lincoln County News 29th. Mrs. JU J. Hunter is in Brsse mer City visiting relatives. Miss Hettie Sbrum spent a few days at High Shoals this week Miss Daisy Grace spent Thanksgiving at Gastonia with Miss Helen Benson. Mrs. Ed gar Love returned home Tues day, after spending a week with friends - at Gastonia Miss Madge White went to Gastouia Wednesday afternoon to spend Thanksgiving. Mr. Kemp B. Nixon left Tuesday afternoon tor Washington where he goes to take up bis duties as private secretary to Congressman E. Y Webb. Miss Mary Miller left yesterday to visit friends at Gas tonia and will return home via Charlotte, stopping there with friends. Miss Mary Tom Gattis spent Thanksgiving with her father, t Mr. W. H. Gattis, of Gastonia, and will visit friends at Yorkvilie, S. C, before re turning. Mr, Gus Haynes has the con tract for building the large cot ton warehouse at Maiden. Mr. W. D. King, of Denver, was in town Tuesday,' Mr. King is with the South & West em railroad and is located , with Rhine's Division, near. He re ports that the work on the road is being pushed vigorously. . Mr, Milton Kamsaur was in town Wednesday and paid the News a most welcome yisit. Mr. Ramsaur is a rugged veteran and was the first wounded con federate soldier to return to Lin coin county from tbe front. He was shot through tbe throat in the first days fight at Seven Pines. He was again shot through the body, just above tbe heart, at the battle of Cedar Creek, in the same battle in which General Dobson Ram saur was killed. DrniUlsts Hear Mocb Praia a for ' This Simple Home-made Mix 1 tore of Vegetable Ingredients. Some remarkable stories are being told about town and among tbe country people -coming, in of this simple home made mix tere curio g Rheumatisn and Kid ney trouble. Here is the recipe and directions for taking: Mix by shaking well in a bottle one half ounce Fluid Extract Dan- deliou. one ounce Compound Kargun, iluee ouuees Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Take as a dose one teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime. No change need be made in j your usual diet, but drink plenty of good water. This mixture, writes one au thority in a leading Philadelphia newspaper, has a peculiar tonic effect upon the kidneys to sift and strain from tbe blood tbe nnc acid and other poisonous waste matter, overcoming Rheu matism, r Bladder and Urinary troubles in a short while. A New York druggist who has had hundreds ot calls for these ingredients since the first announcement in tbe newspapers last October stated that the ?eople who once try it "swear by t," especially those who have Urinary and Kidney trouble and suffer with Rheumatism. The dmggistslin this neigbor- bood say tbey can supply tbe ingredients, which are easily mixed at home. There is said to be no better blood-cleansing agent or system tonic known, and certainly none more harm less or simple to use. Dinner lor Convicts. The county convicts stationed on the Union road where tbey are engaged in laying macadam fared sumptuously Thanksgiv ing Day. The good people of Union neighborhood banded to gether and gave them a dinner which they will not soon forget. All the good things of the sea son were there in abundance and each of the twenty-five or more prisoners ate to his full satisfac tion. The good people of the Union Community are as hos pitable a folk as can be found any where and tbey will no doubt be held in fond remember ance by the unfortunates for their deed of kindness. We are prepared to extend our customers ever accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If you have no account with as we invite yon to open one. ; : ; j SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 4 and compound the interest quarterly. : : : : : P. Rankin, President CITIZENS DA A. (i. Myers, Cashier. The Jamestown Exposition closed. Saturday. A statement issued by Director General Martin shows that the total at tendance was 2.800.00Q and the gate receipts amounted to $1,- 500,000. It is possible that the exposition . may be kept intact qunng the winter and reopened next spring. Exciting Runaway. An exciting runaway" took place Saturday morning on Main street when a team belonging to to Mr.. Lee Whitesides became frightened at the fire wagon and made a spirited dash from the Citizens Bank to the corner of Main and York streets. The team was standing unattended and got a good start before any effort could be made to stop them. At the York street corner the team dashed into a tree, breaking the tongue into several pieces, smashing the front of the wagon -and landing the mule on bis back in tbe road. The auimals had a mirculous escape, a. a m a neither oemg badly bruised or hurt. The wagon -contained a bale of c itton. "fr4fr,aV"aVaVaVT Does it Pay? What? To Carry Live Stock Insurance The letter reproduced below, seems to prove that it does. CAROLINA FRUIT COMPANY J. D. MOORE. Proprietor. Wholesale Fruit and Produce Gastonia, N. C, Nov. 14th, 1907. Southern Live Stock Insurance Co., 4 High Point, N. C. Gentlemen: Exactly one week ago we advised you of the death of our roan gelding "Fred", insured under policy No. 757; and forty-eight hours ago we filed claim against you for payment of said policy. We wete agreeably surprised to receive notice this morning from your Agents at Gas tonia, the Gastonia Insurance & Realty Co.. that they had a check from you in full payment of this claim. I thoroughly appreciate your prompt attention to this mat ter, and will say further that your Agents here are to be congratulated in representing such a reliable and business-like Company, Very truly yours, Jas. D. Moore. Mr. Moore's horse had been well cared for and driven bv an experienced horseman. He seemed to be in excellent health three or four hours previous to his death,' Let us submit you a proposition on your stock Don't put this matter off. We will be lad to talk this matter over with yon whether you Insure or not. Gastonia Insurance & Realty Co. 4-" The football championship of tbe bouth was won by tbe North Carolina A. & M. Col lege, Of Raleigh, Thanksgiving Day when tbe farmers defeated tne university of Virginia by a score of ten to four at Norfolk, Va. Tbe game was witnessed by twelve thousand people. , Farmers Attention! Store Your Cotton Seed. Until further notice we will take your cot ton seed on storage and allow you to close them but at any time between now and Febru ary 1, 1908, at the price we may be paying for - S at. ! a at , wagon seeo ac our mm ar. mac lime. j UNTIL DECEMBER 1 5, 1 907 : x 1 111. s. D.IU1 IS VEU AGAIN X . We offer 1,333 pounds of cotton seed meal In exchange for one ton of cotton seed de livered at our mill. D3c4t Gastonia Oil Mill. -av X THE NEW YORK WORLD Tbrice-a-vaak ZJitiaa. I Kaa4 Wherever tbe EegJIab - Laatfaafe la Spokea Noted Oregon Statesman Restored to Health - on Rent Eastern Trip. Hon. - Slimer B.' Herman, distin guished ata teem an and legislator ot ra-uana, Oregon, wn was recently on ma eastern uip, la among" uose atrong lT la fATor of U T. Cooper, la the dis cussion over Cooper and his medicines, wmut uaa ragea ror.ue pas year la eKlea rtslted by the young man on his edncatlTt campaigns, as he calls them. Cooper was explaining his new the ories ana medicines to Boston people aunnj me ureeonian s visit to that city, ana. in a recent Interview Mr. jiermaa sua: 7 trip tost accom plished more-for ms t-taa I ever be- nerea possible. - It has actually been mesas ot restoring . my- health. While la Boston I heard a mat deal about this man Cooper and his medi cines, ana ene morning I talked with a Boatoa banker who told me that be bad been relieved by Cooper's medi cines after tea years' hronle dyspep sia. For the past twenty years I have been a fearful sufferer with hrros dyspeprl. It has been so bad that It all bat forced las ta resa troa the eiVM. ' 1 was feeling wretche&j that morn. Ing, and I made op mr mind to tiy the medicine. I had seen leading phy sicians without number both East and West. : They had been unable to help me la the least, and I no more be lieved this Coopei medicine could hels me than It could bring a dead man back to life. I really dont know wby I bought 1C It was -like a drownlnar man clutching at a straw. TO make a Ion storr ahort ft fu- beea astonishingly' successful In mr ' l - Today I am' enJoyine a sound stomach and perfect- health for the . first time la twenty ream-1 tan Mt heartily without the slightest lnconre &tnce afterward. I have a fine appe tite, and Bleep welL I am ne lonrer ' moody and depressed, and my aerroas nese has entirely disappeared. . Anyrnaa who has chronic dyroetK sla owes it to bis family to try thia medicine." - - . la all our experience as Ursezteta. we hare nerer sn auyUilsg to sar ; pass the famous Cooper p repaxatlona. i rrgst-Tprrence Ca The ThriceHMreek World expects to be better pacer in 1907 than ever before. In the coarse ol the year the iaanea for the next great Presidential campaign will be fore ahadowed. and everybody will wish to keep I informed. The Thicc-a-Week Worldcom ins to you every other day, serves ail tbe purposes of e daily and la far cheaper.: - . The aewa service of thia paper is constant ty being increased aad it reports rally, ac curately and promptly every event of im portance anywhere in the world. Moreover, Ha political aewa ia impartial, striae you facta, not opinions aa4 wishes. . It haa foil I markets, splendid cartoons and interesting fiction by ataadard antbora. THB THRICB-A-WEBat WORLD'S ren lar subscription price ia only $1.00 per year and this pays for 156 papers. We oflcr thia aeqaaled newspaper and THB - GAS- TONIA GAZETTE together for one year for ai.oo. ...... The regnlar snbscriptioa price of the tw I papers ia f . 40. . ' Tale effw will k till Jaawary 1st. Send orders to Oaactte PnMlsklaS C. BOOKKEEPERS and business men who have constant calculations to make can obtain good unruled scratch pads, just the right size for the purpose, at The Gazette ofHce at B4 cents the pound." tf. COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified aa collector of the es tate of K. W. Hoffman, deceased, late of Gaston County, N. Cm thia is to notify all persona having claims against the estate of aaid deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the ? . ' . - t 1st day ef November. 1908 : or thia Notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to aaid es tate will please make immediate payment. Dated October 31at, 1907. - A. B. Hoffman. - x:.--- Collector. . Jf. B. For greater convenience of parties having claims tbe same may be presented to Geo. W. Wilson, Attooey. Gastonia. N. C - . .iMce ADMIMSTf ATO&S NOTICE. Having qualified aa administrators of P. S. Baker, deceased. late of Gaston County. North Carolina, thia ia to notify all persona having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the . rirst day ef JUvemkar. If CS. or thia notice will be plead in bar of th r recovery. Aad ail persona indebted to 1 estate are hereby reooested to sn.ke in---diate payment This tbe 25th Uy cl t c tober. 1907. - H T.FUITOH 1 and V Aoministt i!w. UP. Bagss. i Campbell and MtMiliaa. An LAND POSTED : Tbrce cents e 5 for 13 ce r, 12 ! -$1.25. AiJ.eii t-i : rub Co., Ca:-'

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