After All ia the place to get RELIABLE, UP-TO-DATE Clothing - Suits, Overcoats, Rain Coats, Boys and Children's Suits Underwear of All Kinds Shoes to fit every foot from the tiniest infant to the Footed Patagonian 3ig i S A i 4 Rubber Overshoes All Kinds Dress Goods, White Goods, .Hosiery all kinds, Shirts, Gloves, Neckwear. Ladies' Coats and Furs Oont fail to see our Bargain Counter. This Is a new thing, Jm-t started, and Is worth Inspecting. You will find on thl counter this week some matchless values In Under wear, Men's Suits, Ladies Underskirts, Hos iery, Neckwear etc. MORRIS BROS. Department Store GASTONIA. N. C. aW v S I . I MS --.- 5 ft- anted to ask fUs. honteiowh: W eon se you that you vtiM not Sc foiends when they eonie to go Into youk Sedkoom to take rojj y theih tfiXngS. teM too thatifoui Spends Cots oj theib time in the Sed loom. Sat i you eome to us vhcC not have to Sjjend So v&iy muefo of youk money td yet the Sest oj juk niUAe fob those SedoomS. WW tTKAr Wis WW tVOVf- CKHKb things afa. ' . . let us hefy you tfi . eiyjfoui' sleep. Williams Furniture Co. : CKAIQ 4 WILSON BUILDING Jno. H. VVilHofflsV Marter. THE -KEnVOUS -m.'. Hla Ceswslalnt and Hm the Noise Nwlsanee Wm Remedied, lit vu a aervous mi a, and be and Just moved Into a wm boarding boom. "Ud t there an way to stop those people across the street from having THE'HOT WATER CUHE." A" SEAT IN THE COS. Effaetlvsly Applied ty,an Australian I Celng to Settler- Wife, " " ' Wives of ,iunttar.H or farmers. In AUMtmlla art often toft eii dryly alone at lb fanubouae and art toon or leria thole rnal AsUem.! at & nVlnrk .r.rv i """J i ongr in couwiuriM nWulntT Ttey hb to gt about , tr,r!Tf rtl"! "! B?V' " 2orn too a day and to nara It pourad Into Uta collar at that ooaartblj boar." "I don't ao bow I can ran wall con trol too Mtxhbora." replied bla Und. Itij. "but I will act If aoytblnf can bo A boat tea dtja later the Daw board er bad occaaloo to thank bar for ber efforta. "I'm clad yoo aocceeded .In harlot that nolae atoppad,' be Mid. "It la a great relief to me. Bare the got their coal all In or do they bare It delivered at eonie other time J" tera wife who waa left to her own de- rlcea In thla way. while all the men of the atatton were niuetertnf rattle I buialueaa which on large upeu plulna taken weoka to complete. One aiorn- I tnf a party, of natlrea arrived and, finding ber alone, demanded food. threatening death If abe failed to bring It Oh, yea.' anawered the lady molly, peaking their own dialect. 'I feed yoo well rery , well uow master away. Yon come along a kitchen. ; Tow alt Anmn all thai unw whit mill.' I nt I yoo bodgory' tock-out' (splendid Tood. -Neither.- aald the landlady. -They I lB ' t,m " rt,i' b,'ck" dellrer It erery morning at ft o'clock. Juat the name aa oauaL" "Too don't meanwhy well, bow do they get It down without making any aoundf They dont It Bounds Juat the same. but yoo bare grown accnatomed to It" "I Ond It bard to believe that" "Fet your alarm clock at 5 for few mornings and satisfy yourself. I're rented that room before." New York Sun. SIX. SEVEN AND EIGHT. His His Horses. His Carriages and Reserve Fund. Townnend Percy, speculator and pro moter, who made and loat more than one fortune In the course of bio life. Ubcd to be fond of repeating some of his mother's witticisms art Is expense. generally brought about by bla extrar agancee during his periods of prosper Ity. Once Percy bad driven four In- baud for a year, when an unfortunate deal made It necessarr for him to reduce bla expenditures and aetl bla horsee, on which occasion abe aald to him: "Townaend, don't yoo think It would be better to drlro one borae four rears Instead of four horses one yearr Another time, when on the rerge of financial crash. Percy still owned considerable atable and rare no out ward sign of pecuniary embarrass ment His mother met sn old friend of the family about thla period, who con gratulated her on ber aon'a success In life. "I am glad that Townaend la do ing so well." aald the friend. "Tea. Indeed." remarked the old ladj. Townsend baa alx horses and aeren carrlaces and $8. "-Harper's Weekly. squatting round the kitchen, while the lady produced all the food ar a liable. Then abe Oiled all toe pots, kettles and billies abe could Ond and put tbets on to boll for tea. aa doubtless ber guests thought - whjle they gobbled and Jabbered, growing more and more upronrioua. Presently the water boll od, and then my lady her natural compassion alaln ' by : ber desperate need seized a quart pot In either band and daabed the boiling water along each . row .of naked figures. Thla ahe did again and again, ahrleklng. 'I girt yoo bodgory tuck-out." while the blacks yelled In pain and terror, tumbling orer each other to get out of the bouse. screaming that aba waa no white wom an at all but a dibble-dibble. Neither could tbey ever be Induced to return to that station. Inhabited, aa tbey were conrlncod. by a dangerous derIL" Chicago Newa. Parliament a Cestly Hener far englishmen, . ; Every Euglltthuian. who a not forto aate f nough to be a peer wants to be come -a a XL r. livery uiau. who bos aocceeded la'bualueaa or profeaalounl Itfe feels that a roertcd aeat In the commons la neceeanry to round out bla career. But many men of moderate meana axe deterred from pampering their anibltloue by the big expeuse on tailed. No salaries are paid. and. be sides supporting himself, ao M. P. Is called opon to meet heary drains apon bla pocketbook during bis entire term. at the moat moderate estimate the expenses of , a . campaign are $3,000. Ouco ehx-ted, the member mnst "nurse" bla constituents Clubs and charltlea are the greatest beneflclarlea of this nursing, but many Individuals come In for assistance also.. Not leas tbnn $3, 000 a year to required for thla Item,' which for a term of Ore years repre sents an outlay or 113,000. - All told, then, a proapectlr member faces an outlay or $20,000 In addition to bla living ex penaea, which la Lon don are far from- moderate when be maintains himself In keeping with tbe dlgulty of bis position. . ' 'Many of tbe commoners of course spend far more than the above amount And.' In addition to the cash outlay, some of them find tbelr Urea embitter ed by tbe worries and exactlona of tbelr positions. . , t. -A ... . Ttlotlier Will you Risk It? Your cliilil's life h dtar to you. AN'S r-NlCUMUMA QVRll in A!.. I. ..'('-.. the lift ii n tlUARANTliJJ aninet anvtliii'jf w lirre Hi i lion i at the bottom ol tli.seue, Cruup, C". . Pneumonia- one good rubbing wilh tlU j-u t ex ternal reruedv gives relief. liUV IT 10-1'AV. All dniggista. S and 50 cents. " . 3 BALLOONING. MISPLACED MONUMENTS. Except From time Immemorial there bad been a law In Applegate. County War wick. England, te tbe effect that the mayor had tbe best of everything Isk town, and, for Instance, should one aay be bad the best coat In the place he most add the words, "except the maj or." One day a stranger came to Apple gate and bad dinner there at the Inn. After paying bla bill he said to the landlord. "I've bad tbe best dinner In the country." The LandlorJ Except the mayor, The Stranger Except nothing! Aa a result tbe touriat-waa called be fore tbe "magistrate and fined 10 for his breaking of the lawa of tbe place. When the man had paid bla fine be looked around him and aald alowly, "I'm the biggest fool In town, except tbe mayorr-Harper'a Weekly. Helpless Figures, Soiled and Grimy, In 8 tens and Brenc. The ordinary run of statues, unless tbey are royal, bare only one real pleaaant and satisfactory day In their existence, and that to the day tbey are unveiled. If atone, on that day tbey are spotlessly clean. If bronse, tbey a' are nice and shiny. After that they are never clean or shiny again. It has to be tbe statue of a very, exalted per sonage for tbe soot to be scraped off and to hart Its face washed once a year. The average hero baa to bo sat isfied with being unveiled. After that no one takes any further tntereat In blm. Bnt It to most Instructive to ob serve tbe unholy skill with which the soot and other accldenta of the air will lodge on tbe top of a Tenerable bald bead and on the surface of what abould bo an Immaculate frock coat or a well fitting uniform. A Roman toga that has met with accldenta Is not balf so ridiculous as a bronse frock coat and Immaculate, bronze trousers that bare been the scene of disaster. Stand tpg' In front of the. statue ot A great atatesmaa, a man notably tidy In his dsy and a great worry to bla valet. I studied tbe undignified results of a family 'of sparrowa that bad set up housekeeping under bis elbow and thought bow Indignant be would be could be catch a glimpse of thla un seemly domestic arrangement airs. John Lane In Fortnightly Review. With an Experieneed Pilot In Charge ' Dangereua. ; Tbe uninitiated are Rrone to look up on the balloon as a sort. of country fair, attraction, whose principal Inter est Ilea In the risk tbe aeronaut lakes. .This to a mistake. " " ' Like tbe automobile, the balloon re- qulres an experienced pilot, and when sncb a one to In charge serious or fatal accldenta are never recorded. "Most balloon clubs require a!) ascensions to bo made under -a regularly licensed pilot, who receives bla certificate from tbe club only after baring demon strated hie fitness. Tbe pilot who to willing to go np only In favorable weather and to come down at the proper time need never endanger lives. lie knows he has only to open the valve and be can descend. ; BO has only to throw out a handful of sand, and be can prevent hla balloon from com ing down or can send It up. When be to ready to land be picks out a favor able spot ahead of blm. lets bis bal loon come gradually down near the ground, cuts loose the anchor which atops hi progress, then opens the valve agulu tf necessary. Wben the car touches the ground be tears out the' ripping atrip, and the balloon stretches out on the ground, a flat and empty bag.-F. P. Lahm. D. & A In Odting M agaxlne, . - WHAT HE -WENT AFTER. The Offioe Boy Cava (he Business Call ? er Borne Information. The big bell lu tbt city hall tower bad Just banged forth the noon hour. and tbe office buildings were emptying throngs of workers Into the streets to fill the lunchrooms. . In an elaborate office) seated In a large chulr, wltb bis feet comfortably resting on the edge of the manager's desk, was ' Plugay, tbe office boy of Janwortb & Co, brokers, aays Llppln cott's Magnclne. Ills besd was cocked on one side, and wltb evident relish be was puffing a bugs cigar which bis employer bad neglected to finish. Suddenly tbe door opened, and Mr. Whiff, a clleut of the firm, rushed In. Where's Ur. Junworthr be de manded excitedly.. - "What's thstr said I'lnpiy, slowly removing tbe cigar from the far corner of Ilia mouth.. , - - I want Mr. Janwortb right away. Where Is be 7" repeated Whiff. Jnst them tbe bell of a Ore engine clanged below, and Plugay leisurely rose and walked to the wludow. "Gee." be aald tbonghtfully. "people do git akeered O them Ore carta, all right all right Hv Turning around, be continued: "Boss ain't In. I'm rnnnln tb business Just now. Wsnt any qno- tatlona or"- ; " f No. you Idlotr yelled tbe client Where baa bo gone downs ta Irs T -. "Yep."-. - "Win be be back after lunch r. : "Naw." yawned the future . flraif that's what be went out after." EYESTONES. Raising Poultry. No matter when you start hi the poultry business, remember that yon should always start wltb tbe best If you have not enough money to buy many fowla buy only a pair and get tbe best you can and remember fur ther that next year'a produce may not even be as good as those you start with. It tnkee years of experience to master tbe art of raising One poultry, and It to only after we bave success fully studied tbe problem welt that we can successfully mate our fowls yesr arter year and show a constant Im provement st tbe end of each season. Begin in a small way and atudy every point and avoid tbe mlstakea that we once made. Don't expect $100 worth of poultry to bring you an income suf- Oclent for your family. No Investment will do that-Farmer. . Lost Her Prestige. A New York woman, not being eon- tent wltb the reputation abe enjoys of being one of tbe most beautiful women In ber state, baa literary aspirations. Recently sbe waa a guest at luncheon when tbe conversation drifted to books and plays. : Various discussions follow ed. . The beauty took part and express ed herself freely. But when sbe asked her listeners whether tbey considered Ibsen a psychological and patholog leal writer she hsnded out a stunner. A graveyard silence reigned until one girl, who was bolder than tbe rest, ask ed what pathological, meant Here to where the beauty lost liter ary prestige. o - " "I looked It np a few days ago,' sbe replied, "but I cannot remember just now what It meana." New York Times Simplicity. I ao believe In simplicity. It Is as tonishing aa well aa aad bow man trivial affairs even tbe wisest man thinks be must attend to even dar. now , singular ao affair, be thinks he most omit Wben tbe mathematician would solve a difficult-problem be flrst frees the equation of all Incumbrances and reduces It. to Its slmoleat terms. So simplify the problem of life, distin guish the necessary and tbe rest. Probe the earth to see where your main roots run. Tboreau. An Artemus Ward Story. When Artemus Ward waa at the height of bis fame he received a tele gram from Tom Magulre, then the leading amusement manager of tbe Pa clflc slope.' It asked Artemus. who waa then delivering bis funny lecture In New York, what be would take for fifty nlghbhln California. Tbe prompt and laconic response waa "Brandy and water." . Magulre somehow failed to' see tbe point and he wired Ward for an explanation. He got It In the ahape of a thirty word message ; costing $10.50. for rates were high In those days, which stated, that a diagram wonld be sent by ttti following malt Talking Golf. From the window abe saw blm com lug np tbe steps. . , "He comes!" sbe exclaimed Joyfully. There was a bit of Ice on the top aiep ror it was an early day In Junei. He struck It Then be struck each of tbe other steps In succession. "uearensr sbe cried. "He has foocled bis approach!" London Trib une. Beaides Being a Man. Little 8ammyvWbfa your father. Willie T Little Willie-He's a man. Little Sammy-Ob, I mean what does be do for. his bread and butter? Little Willie He's an artichoke and draws houses. London Express. Not Prepared. I I "What to a third of fifty-three and a third V asked ber friend, who waa add ing np ber weekly accounts. "If youll wait I'll run home and get my diploma and show you that I am a college graduate and a woman of mind.' she returned, ?but don't spring questions like tbst on me all of a sud- en."-New York Press. The Modem Plsy. "I want yon to write mo a play." -"What sort of a playT "Well, wo hare seventeen specialties. Get mo np enough stuff to wedge 'eas apart" Kansas City Journal ' Occupation to one great source of en joyment Jo man property occupied waa ever mtoerabtotL, E. Landoo. , T , , The Limit, Mrs. Wlggs Cook haa only broken one plate today, dear, Mr. wlggs That's better. How did that hanneat Mrs. Wlggs It waa the last one. Lon don Graphic ; i The Love of Nature. . A Japanese friend of mine lived in Paris fof year.. Waking "on a rwln ters morning, bo found that snow bad fallen in tbe night As a matter of course be took his way to tbe Bols do Boulogne to admire the beauty of the snow upon the trees, What was his astonishment wben with his compan ion, a compatriot be arrived In the Bols to find It entirely solitary and. deserted.' Tbe two Japanese paid their vows to beauty hi tbe whiteness and the stillness of the morning and at last beheld in tbe distance two other fig ores approaching. Tbey were com forted. : "We are not quite alone," tbey said to themselves. There were at least two other . "Jnst men" In that city of tbe indifferent and tbe blind. The figures drew nearer. Tbey also were Japanese. London Saturday Re The City of Roses, . Ispahan, Persia, Is known as tbe "city of roses," but a traveler says that the streets "are only altera, be tween two blgb mud walls, without a single window or opening to be seen merely here and there a low. narrow doorway, alwaya Impenetrably' closed. The ground Is thickly coated wltb dust the streets are rarely straight and nev er hare tbey got any name. The sense of ruin Is erery where here a wall Is falling down, there a palace to In ruins, a little farther a deserted mosque Is skirted. Such to Ispahan, which from baring at one time a pop ulation of 1,000,000 to now reduced to barely 100.000 Inhabitants." Ths Slow Train. A conductor on a certain train noted for Its slowness asked a hoary beaded, white bearded passenger for his ticket "I garo It to yon." saldT tbe old man. "I guess not" tbe conductor replied. "Where'd you get on?" ; "At Buxby'a Crossing." f "Why." the conductor cried, "there waan't anybody' got on at Buxby'a Crossing except one little boy." c L said the aged 'one, "was that little boyr-Lippiocotfa. r Cheesing a Husband. . A well known after dinner speaker In New . York aald the other day: "Choosing a husband Is like choosing 1 mnsbrooms. -If It to a mosbroom yon lire: if It te a toadstool you dle," WhattoEat . Mast Genuine 8peeimens Found In the ; Province of Astrakhan, --'..v:'"' The collection of eyesfooea U a dying Industry. In New York the prin cipal sources of supply are aallors- who touch the Baltic sea. and. as might be Imagined, tbe supply Is precarious. . Eyestones are analogous in some re spects to be soars, aa they are a con cretion found In the atomacb of the European crawfish. Moat of tbe genu ine eyes tones, crabs eyea. crabs tones or Laptin cancrorum. are procured In the , province of Astrakhan. In Euro pean Cussla. ; : ' "'.'." ' There appears to be fo-ue confusion regarding the nature of the eyestone. for some authorities. speak of it as a concretion in the stomach, of a certain crab and others as of s peculiar shell formation which to separated from the' crab at tbe time It abeds its shell. The so called crab's eyes are fonnd fully developed at the end of summer, as the crabs begin to shed tbelr shells. It to noted that these concretions are absorbed into tbe stomach of the crab during tbe abeddlng season and there pulrerfaced and absorbed, tbe dissolved calcareous substance being used.1t to supposed, for the formation of a new shell. Whett these calcareous shells are not normally developed and ab sorbed It to observed that tbe shedding process to Interrupted, and the crab dies on early death. American Drug gist . Two Remarkable Recoveries. A bride at whose wedding I bad been beat manjost her guard ring on her honeymoon on the Scarborough rocks. Sbe and ber bridegroom spent hours In vain search for It A year later, while sitting on tbe same rocks, she said to ber husband, "Why. thTS to the very . spot where we sat together last year when I lost ray ring." r "There It tor ho cried in answer, seeing It at the bot tom of a little pool In tbe rocks, where It bad been washed by a year's tide. - - A lady lost a Ting on the under ground, but did not discover ber loss nntil some time after she bad left the station. When sbe returned to report tbe loss an Inner circle train entered the station, and on the step of one of tbe carriages the ring was found. It was the carriage In which she trav-" eled, which bad just completed the .circle, T. P.'s Weekly. Humor For the Scotch. i -A very clever man made an unfor tunate remark , the -ether night in a . gathering which Included several na tives of Scotland, but all naturalized citizens of this-republic. It was the familiar skit that "It. requires a sur gical operation to get a Joke Into tbe head of a Scotchman." Nobody laugh ed. The solemn silence was broken by a Veteran ' from tbe highlands, who arose to say: fit to a fact beyond doubt that the Scotchman takes the average American Jobje very seriously. ' He ex amines It critically and ever so Cau tiously, and If he happens to discbrer anything In It that to witty or humor ous he toughs heartily ."-New .York Carriage gcd Waon IuJui(ry in the State. gigimiUf avBuuuiaiat - A census - bulletin jut issued ghowi ; that ht .carnage? and wafcotr raanuacUincK industry increased to a icatet extent iu North Carolina than in tiny other State in the :Uuiun duriuir tbe ears 1900 05 Only", five States show an increase of more than. million dollais in ibis bosineSs and North Carolina led with 1183 per cent In 1900 there were 157 ot these establish ments in North Carolina, havio? $800,683 in vested iu opilal and they turned out product to the valneof $1,055,292 In 1905 the nuinbiT ol factories had decreas ed to 125, but the capital slock had increased ta $2,010 457. and the value of the products reach ed a total of $2,304,065 ' The manufacture of family and pleas ure carriages is Jarcely reTTon- sible for. the increased figures, which the Gaiernmrnt hni (nr. rijhed. In 1900 there: were 9. tured in the State at the value w i.u,t nuuv 1 iu ijuj life.. number had increased to 25.157 ; and the value of the veat'a out-' out was $1 3f2 Tn - expression of an oihcial at tbe census bureau. Hie rjeoDle of North Carolina must be doini? a The Aches and Pains Will Disapv Woman is Followed : "zf:.- A woman's back has - manv , - . .1. . . acnes una Dams. i - - - Most times 'tla"1 lh - Irwfnjtve' v fault. ,r " . ; Backache isreally kidney ache; That's ; why :Dpan's Kidney Pills cure it. V-'pK: Many North Carolina women know this. . - : - .; TV r . -Read what one haa to any about Itt : Mrs. ; Nellie Benson Reeves. " of 218 North' Tryon Street, or- . gauiM hi me episcopal CDurcn, -. Charlotle, N. says:. I used Doan's Kidney -Pills and tbey . have' benefited me more than' . anything else I ever" tried. I obtained them at a drug store and used them for my back and' kidevs, which have caused me great trouble and misery for a nutnberof ears. The use of this remedy wonderfully benefit efl me." . " . - V ' . : For aale . by all dealers. Price SO Tenta. Fostcr-Mllburn C", Buffalo. ew York, soIcl agents for ' ine uniteo states. . Reaaembor the line-Doaa'a and take no ether. .. ' - 1 Wolfe Bros; for - Jewelry. . 7 Walch, Clock and Jewel ry repairing a specialty. Eyes Tested Glasses Properly. Fitted OeHfn In Use. YorkvUle (S. CJ JBaqaircr. The Greenwood Jonrnal , bas just ; installed- linotype ma il matt most make hla opportunity aa oft aa Had It Bacoa. For the first time in some weeks the fire department was cauea ont amraay mornin?. The fane rf the ' alarm enme, anq ine ureenwood lodex I small blaze in tbe borne of Mr. has one comin&r. The Gastonia I Arthur Henon near th Ami. Gazette has made a contract for Mill; .. Tbe fire was started bv machine and the Beaufort I the evnlncinn f an nil ttnv. in Gazette and Bamberg Herald I tbe cook room. Outside of are both giving the subject very I some; badly scorched walls , khe serious consideration. Mr. C B. Watson ' wife' Af won. Cyrus B. Watson, of Wi. ston, died Friday night. ; j . t t . damage was sugnu a ne - oc cupants of the boose and neigb dots had tbt blaze out before the fire company arrived on the scene. . . : Pertinent Question, ' Aa . Eaailsb Jaror once caked the Jodge after tbe verdict was re turned whether the fact that be differed from his eleven , brethren Justified tbelr knocking him dowB wltb a ebalr. ' Pleaaurea of Deserted London. ' JTo the few of us-who elect to remain In town dorlnc tbe dead season. life offers some attracttona. Entire free dom from social engagements comes as a boon and a- blessing, a welcome re laxation. A man eaq go where be likes and dress as be pleaaes. If he cboones to walk dowo Piccadilly In a foiling suit there U no one to ssy to blm nay.-London Tatler. : wr . Only Then. "Does your bnsband snore sleep, msdam T". " "Welt, doctor. I bare never noticed him snoring st any other time. "-Baltimore American - 4 It seems that tbe recent an nouncement in- some of tbe la bla I naDers that the Southern Rail. way bad resumed work - on its double-tracking wa premature.. A special from Thomasville tn TheRaleigh " Evening Times Stops itching! nstantly. Cores I quotes Mr. T. S. Bell, manager vu .KUl&alt IUCUUI, ICUCI, I ivt waut.viutuill, III1IUIU Doan's OjntmenfL At any drug store, f - . V NOTICE. . St. Mark's Episcopal c birch. Rev. W. H. Hardin. rector- Services first, third and fourth Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7.3CT p. m. Sunday-school at 9.43 a, m. every Sunday. Evening prayer and litany, Wednesday, 7:30 p. ra, A cordial welcome "Is ex contractors, . a saying that be does nok""" think there is any trntb in the. statement that dcnble tracking will be resumed soon. ' . Mr. Charles L,. Grlgg, the contractor, is preparing to build a three-room house for Mr. Ben Craig on Second stseet.. - DECEIPT Books 10 cents; blank v notebooks u cents at Gazette Putliatinj Co'a. U. VYULtfc DKUd. . ' OpDoalte Post-office Notice ol Sale of Crowders Mountain Cotton Mills. By virtne of a decreed tbe Superior" Ceo it of Gaston County. North Caroline. ' made at November term. 1907. in the action " 'herein pending wherein J. M. William a is - HaintiB and Crowders Monntain Cotton Mills and all its stockholders snd creditors " are defendants. I will sel, to the highest bidder, at public auction, on the preipis-a. mt P.-ialtn.hnrff n..tAn nnnv Nnrtli On.. olina. at noon, on i Monday, Jansary 20th, 108, all the real estate and tansible personal property of the Crowders-Monmain Cotton -Mills, consisting of about 208 3-4 acres of land, on which is sitnated a brick cotton , iuulam.fiametwateT-wheel, flume, fire pro tection, steam plant, ; dynamo, 1 two compartment warehouse. 1 brick store and adjoining building, waste benae, 38 cot- -tages. a stock of general merchandise, and the following machinery, via: One two beater breaker tapper; one single-beater finisher Upper; nine 40-inch Cards: twelve ' Delivery Frames; one Slabber. 68 spindles; two Intermediates. 174 spindles; five Fine ' Frames. 668 spindles: 19 Spinning Frames. - .. 3.952 spindles: 2 Spoolers. 1G0 spindles: 4 -Reels; 2 Draper Beamers: 121 Lowell Looms wi'h reed and harness; 1 Slasher; - . 1 Brash snd Folder; 1 presa; nnlleys, belt- 4V .haftinff. Immmm 1 t now in operation; together with any and all other visible. or tangible property now " owned by said company. .' , - Thia Cofoti,MiU can be seen and ex . amTher at anytime open application to tbe -nnderaigned or to tbe Superintendent in charge.. .. -r ... Terms of Sale: ne-third of the purchase price to be paid in cash on tbe e tifirma tion of the aale, and one-thire in six months ' and one-third in twelve months thereafter, the deferred payments to bear interest from confirmation, with privilege to purchaser to anticipate said payments: the .purchaser to .' deposit with the Receiver tbe sum of five thousand dollars on date of sale to guaran tee compliance with sbe terms thereof upon ' coofirmstioo by tbe Court, L'pmi confirma tion and payment of one-third of the price the property will be delivered to the pur chaser tin case he does not desire to pay alt cash; to be operated by him at bis owa -risk, but such purchaser will be reo. aired to keep sncb property insured in tbe sum for which it is now insured in the name of the -Receiver so as to fully project the psrtiea in interest from loea or damare. ' This the 27th day of Novrm ber, 1907. ." FJ17c8w. J. s. MArNtr, Receiver and Comn--iiorier. tended to all to attend. Tbe Ganette for finrt-cU.

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