w.T.Rankin July .1.07 Tlhi e ; :G asto el a" Gazette VOL, XXyiH GASTONIA, N. C, FRIDAYPECEIVlBER 6t I 907. NO. 98 PROFESSIONAL CAEDS . QA&jtib & JONES Attorneys and Counselors Om Torreace-Morria Company. ' i .' . ' Gastonja, N.- 0. -; S. B. SPAEBOW V ATTORNEY-'AT-LAW - DALLAS. N. 0. -Offlco Upstair over Bank oZ Dallas JOHN G. CARPENTER ATTORNET-AT-LAW DALLAS,! J. .! Office over Bank of Dallaa. DB. D. . HcCONNELL, DENTIST '. GASTONIA, N. C. " Offlco Ftrat Floor T. If. C. A, Blrt'g , Phone 69. . DR. T. A. WILKIN S DENTIST-" GABTONIA ,N. 0. - Office in Adams Building Phone 311 LIES. JOHN HALL TEACHER OF PIANO AND OEGAN. DR. P. A Pressly DENTIST CLOVER, - - S. C. tV vh -J Order Your Christmas Photographs At Once Delay will mean Disappointment no better Christ mas remembr-i ance can be found than a good photograph of a relative or friend. Frames Made to Order We haver the largest and best assortment of picture mould ings ever shown in Gastonia. Pictures Framed Promptly Phone 147 J. I. GREEN licasCo. . - - , - Sells Eveiytfaing for Less X X -v "V w we T1 1 ,t p. . Bey Means all day worry and trouble, hard tiresome work, unsatisfactory results. What's the use whe we can save you the bother? Phone 13 'v Snowf lake Steam Laundry. l I. 7 l' -r J IT II 1 1 9 V O ' rV4. honttCov&i,: eon beCC you SecU jU.atfoaetiw that you vutlnot fo abtiamed to a&k fiZenlUr &fim they eotwCj to fo into youk Scdhoom to take ojj thefothinftr. ememwh tooy mat wuk lamlCu 6je4doU oj thefo time in the Sed oom. Sut ij you f eome .td you not have to wend 4o vety nwm oj tmney p yet the $e$t &j ftk nituke tfok thoe Sedhoomb vpme and bee wAt how- food tmte thinjft ae. : . v fot.-ub htfy you ft enoy yotAr weep. .. . youH Pi, Williams Furniture Cov CRAlO A WILSON BUILDINO Jno H; WiHlams, Manager. Free GoodalSoW In Stock - " . .1 We can give you alj the Chinaware free. Brin your coupons at once LUCAS CO. NOTICE Of SUMMONS. North Carolina. 1 Snberior Court. Gaston County, i Before the C lerk. Ida Kozaelle and W. B. Rat ledge, administrator of the es tate of Ben Hoke, deceased, va. Blixa Hall and her hatband. Jot Hall. Irene SprinRa and her husband. Henry Springs. Omey Berry and her husband. Barry. Louisa McKane and her hatband. Albert McKane. Liuie afeCarthera and her husband. William McCarthern. Sam Khyne. Ed Johnson. May Johnson, Charlie Johnson. George Johnson and Ethel Johnson. Clara Martin, Sadie Martin. Martin. Martin. Ephraim Martin. Johnson. The defendants.' Irene Springs and her hatband, Henry Sptings. Omey Berry and her husband, Berry. Eph Martin Sam Rhyne. Oat Hoke. John Hoke. Liuie McCarthern, and her hatband. William McCarthern, will take notice that an action entitled as above ))ss been com aicnced in the Superior Court of Gaston County, North. Carolina, for the purpose, of selling 1 for partition among the plaintiff; and def - ndanta. that certain tract of land situated in South Point Township, . Gaston County.' . North Carolina, adjoining the lands of M..' H. Rhyne, Fred Armstrong and others, con taining about IS seres . mors or less, and which is fully described in the petition now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior. fprt of Gaston Coanty. North Carolina, and -in '.which -.said, defendants have ad interest: and said -defendants will farther take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County, at the eoui fce4-.irW M DaUae, Worth. Carolina, on the ' ? ' ' , cn y orfauary isvo. and answerer demur to the verified petition which is now on file therein or the relief demanded in said petition will be granted. Thia the.2(Kh. day of November, 1907. J3c7w . CCCoairwKA. Clerk Superior Court Gaston Coanty. COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as collector of the es tate of K. W. Hoffman, deceased, late of Gaston County, N. C this is to notify all persona having claima against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the . It day or November, I9US or this Notice will be plead in bar Of their recovery. All persons Indebted to aaM es tate will please make immediate payment. A. B. Hoffman. ., Collector. N. B. For greater convenience of parties having claims the same may be presented to Geo. W. Wilaon, Attoney. Gastonia. N. C. Mr. H. R. Elmore, of Bethesda, baa been confined to the house lor seven dava as the result of a strain received while doing" some heavy lifting, but ih now about recovered. American Perfumers can, p make Fine Perfumes. V .To be thoroughly con vinced try Wm. H. Brown A Bro. . new odor f - Pocahontas y For Sale by ; " f BOT TOftHENCfi ji ! CO. f