r w . ... . Gaston i Try a Gazette I Want Ad J. Tliey Bring Results f j " .it n The Paper : I Read by Gaston Ptosis . Thof All i 11 Ull 1C PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. D. D. ATKINS, Editor. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. $1.60 a Year In Advance. : IrrIc Copy 3c. vol x&vw. OABTONIA, N.C TUESDAY, DECEMBER I0.I907. NO. OO a - v. "5 If";' -' .lit if- i a !. K i i 7 PROFESSIONAL CARDS GARLAND & J0NE3 Attorneys and Counselors . Over Torrence-Monls Company. Gastonia, N. C. ' .. S. B. SPARROW ' - ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS, N. C. Office upstairs over BankAof Dallas JOHN 0. CARPENTER , . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. DALLAS, N.C, Office over Bank of Dallas. ... DR. D. E. McOONNELL; DENTIST GASTONIA, N. G. Office First floor TrM. C. A. BW Phone 69. DR. T. A. WILKINS , - pENTIST ; -v GAS'fONIA ,N. C. , . Office in Adams Building Phone 311 Mahara'i Minstrels. Mahara's Minstrels, composed of 30 people, male and female, presents only the finest of en tertaiments by the best of select' ed artists and assembly of. sweet singing colored people in catchy music, light comedy, dancing'. t EASY TO MIX THIS. Prepare This Simple, Mixture :. at Iloma By ShakinC Inre- dlents Well ia a Bottle. What will appear' very inter ettiofir to many people' here is j CO-OPERATIVE FARM WORK. United Statea ' Department ol Alricolfara Will Take op Work in. Gaston Connty i! Farmers and Others Show SoIIlcient ,t1 the article taken from a New simple prescription, as forma music, beauttiui scenery cos tumes and light effects. Comedy that is clean, wholesome, perfect and delightfully ' pleasing. Not a dull moment, making in all a high class, enjoyable evening's pleasure. This company will appear on the 16th of December at the opera bouse. DURNO REPORT OF TUB CONDITION th ' ' - MT. HOLLY tttvtS: Correspondence of The Oasctta. Mount Holly, -Dec". 9, The fire that broke out on the second floor of the graded school build in? jasr. weanesaay was soon .j : t-j . i .a fni..t m-..i- I "uukuucu, put ine wau was --. badly torn up in order to con troi tne names. The smaller same Bank of Dallas, AT DALLAS , in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business; Dec. 3d, 1907. - MSOUBCES. Loam and discounts $46.903.28 Overdrafts unsecured Banking bouae, furniture and fixture Demand loan DR. P. A Pressly DENTIST CLOVER, ------ Due front Banka and 8ankera. Cash Items... , Gold coin Silver coin, including all minor coin currency . National bank notea and other V. c, note ... 533.80 6.000.00 117.50 4.800.31 916.02 497.50 1.001.71 3.400.00 s. c. See Volfe Bros, for Jewelry. Watch, Clock and Jewel ty repairing a specialty. Eyes Tested and '... Glasses Properly Fitted Total $65,070.12 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock . $ 10.000.00 Undivided orofita. leaa current es. pensea ana uzea paid.... t&al.ia Bills payable..-,. 9.0O0JK) Time certificates of deposit 16.901.03 Deposits subject to check 26,816.34 Due to Banks apd Bankers Cashier's Checks outstanding 310.00 ...So5.970.12 WOLFE BROS. Total state op north carolina, ma gaston county-m: j I, M. A. Carpenter. Cashier; of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. M. A. Carpenter. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 7th day of Dec. 1907. Robt. S. Lewis. Notary Public. Correct Attest: J. R. Lb wis. ) O. F. Mason Directors L. L. Jknkins. 1 . "DURNO lated by a noted authority, who claims that he has found a post tive remedy to cure almost any case of backache or kidney or bladder derangement, in the following simple prescription, if taken before the stae of Bngbt's disease r :-' 'Fluid Extract Dandelion, one- half ounce; Compound Kar con, one ounce; . Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. three ounces Shake well in a bottle and take in teaspoonfnl doses after each meal and again at bedtime. A well-known dru trees t here at home, when asked regarding this prescription, stated that the ingredients are all harmless, and can be obtained at a small cost from any good prescription pharmacy, or the mixture would be put up if asked to do so. He further stated that while this prescription is often prescribed in rneumanc amiciions wun . mm spienaia results, ne coma see no reason why it would not be a splendid remedy for kidney and urinary troubles apd backache, as it has a peculiar action upon the kidney structure, cleansing these most important organs and helping them to sift aud 5ker from the blood the foul acids and waste matter which causes sickness and suffering. Those of our leaders who suffer cau make no mistake in giving il a trial. CORN -FROM AZTEC SEED. Opposite Post-office it i i i i t "Ml r It Order Your Christmas Photographs At Once Delay will mean Disappointment no better Christ mas remembr ance can be found than a good photograph of a relative or friend". Frames Made (o Order We have the largest and best assortment o f picture mould ings ever shown in Gastonia. Pictures Framed Promptly Phone 147 J. I. GREEN RF.rORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Mount Holly Bank, AT MT. HOLLY. in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, Dec. 3, 1907 RESOURCES: Loans and discounts .. $43,350.04 Overdrafts secured 75.77 Furniture and Fixtures, .. S 00.00 All other real estate owned Due from Banks and Bankers 26.945.41 Cash items . Gold coin 170.00 birver coin, including all minor coin currency 600.49 National bank notea and other U. S. notes 1.385.00 Tota ., :.......$73.026.71 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock .J., $ 10,500 00 Kernels Canturies Old Found In Seal ed Jar In Ancient Mine. Tlirougti the experiment)! made liy Lou la sinitn or Duraugo, Colo., corn buried for t-eiiturleH ia the Aztec rultw of Colon-do has lieen made to pro!:ii-p remarkable new rarletles. Rays a Deu ver special dispatch to the Now York World,' Mr. Smith recently tlnlhed gathering a crop of corn which he raised from need found la the ruins of the Aztec. The yield la the heavies! ever reconi?d hi the dry familu ic jrlous In the vicinity of Put-nuo. tin- ears lelu of K'ftit .size. The coru Is if n variety unknown iu ruouoru rurmluK- Its Uernelx lire coul black, the ears much larger than tin oi-JIiuiry com. Lnt fall while dl:xin lu ouc of the Aztec uilues Smith came upon a large earthen receptacle tightly sealed, whkh on being oieued was UIs covered to contain shelled corn null) dent lu quantity to plant an acre of ground, and be sowed it early In the spring. PREPAID DIVORCES. Undivided profits, less current ex pennes and taxes paid .. Time Certificates ot Deposit... Deposits subject to check Cashier's Checks outstanding. Total,. 889.41 ..26.112.77 .35.519.53 5.00 .. $73,026.71 LIFE'S JOURNEY Is Burdensome to Many in North Carolina., ' Life's journey ia a heavy burden With a constantly aching back,, , vVith urinary disorders, diabetes, J - With any kidney ill. Doan's Kidney Pills relieve and core - ' J. H. Robinson, bricklayer, of ; 95 N. Tryon St Charlotte, ,N. C says:' "For a lonij time I suffered with a bad back, un doubtedly due to disorders of the kidneys. The secretions . were all out of sorts, very, dark and full of sediment. I heard of Doan's Kidney Pills and'ota . box at a druz- store, an I rav them a thoroueh trial. They re stored the secretions to their natural color, made the secre- tions normal and strengthened my back so that it does not pain me at all. In fact, I have nnt uau uu Hi.uc iulc i nsen inr .remedy.': - Foraalf by all 4ealersv - Hrtce -50 ceats. - Feater-MAbara Bfflo. New Yark. sola areata fr the Ualtel States. " . ; Rensember the aanjaDoaa'a . and take aa albcr. - , 2 STATU OF NOBTH CAROLINA. I GASTON COUNTY Jl! I I, J. A. Costner, Cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. A. Costnek, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 6th day of Dec. 1907. John M. Hoover, Notary Public. Cosrect Attest : H.A. Rrtnk. A. r. KHYNB. I Directors; REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Farmers and Merchants Bank, " At Stanley in the State ot North Carolina, at the closeof business, Dec. 3, 1907. RESOURCES. s Loans and discounts $1753.32 Pennsylvania Judgs In Futura Will In sist on Cash In Advancs. Judge Rlchuhl Holt of Bearer coun ty, Pa., announced In court the other day that hereafter any person who wishes a divorce In Bearer county will have to pay for it lu advance, say a Pittsburg social to the New York Times. Judge Holt has during the last few years granted many divorces and recently upon making an Investi gation discovered that not more than half of them had been lifted, the costs still being owed to the county officials. Many of the couples bare married without lifting the papers under the Impression that the decrees were Dual. Judge Holt declares that the decree Is not final nntil the costs are paid and the papers lifted and that he will com pel all couples In future to pay the costs In advance when they come to bis court for divorces. Thursday. A few dm I ago Mr. C. R Hudson ... special aeent of the U. S D iMrtment of Airricul- tnre, '.van here investigating sen timet t with a view of establish we c '-.operative work in Gaston county. . " A number , of business men and farmers ! with whom he talked, and ' to whom he ex plained the 'work, expressed themselves as very favorably impressed with it. He there fore . authorizes, us ' to sav that the work will be started as soon as a eood farmer can be em ployed to assist in the work. - ' Gaston county is thus one of the few counties in the State where this work will be taken up- It behooves the farmer to eet all the assistance he can from the Department. This work costs millions of dollars, not one of which comes from the farmer or the Department of Aericul ture but from the General Ed ucation Boird of New York. Farmers are. indeed, fortunate in having in the U. S. Depart ment' such a friend a Dr. S. A. Knapp who has procured this money from the Board. After years oj costly experi ments, close observation and a study of the methods of the most successful fanners over the country. Dr. Knapp now proposes to give farmers the best there is at present known about farming. He will pur chase from farmer seedmen and other seedmen large quantities (Si the very best native jrown seed, and will introduce a few ol tnese into various counnum-, ties in the counties. Alone with these will be taught the principles of plant breeding; and especially the methods of im proving by selection. It is de signed thus to have a few seed farms in each community. Records kept of this fork for several vcars in the South show conclusively that mii who hvr taken up this w,rk havt- been materially bt-m fi'.ed ihrn-by. Many of them make from ten to fifty per cent more than foimerly on their farms. In exceptional cases some have made one hun dred per cent or more than be fore without materially increas ing the cost of production. A meeting will be held at Gastonia next Thursday," Dec. 12th, at two o'clock, for the purpose of explaining the work and taking the names of all wlic wish to co-operate; We hope our farmers will show their ap pieciation of the movement by attending the meeting and avail ing; themselves of the aid offered oy the department. children were frantic in their efforts to secure their books and escape. ; School is suspended uuiil next Tuesday for the . re pairs on the building.' The fire otigmated in the tove flue in the room where Miss Ca rie P.'ts is tcscber. Edna, the little 8 year old daughter of Mr. Bert Rhyne while plavin? in the vard at the home of Mr. E. R. Cannon fel and broke her lg, last Monday afternoon Drs. Stewart and Rhyne were immediately sum moned, and performed the opera tion quickly and skilfully, then had the little sufferer carried on i cot to her home two miles from town. She is reported getting along fine Mr. G. D. Jenkins lost a fine mule a few days ago. The cause is unknown. The men at the livery stables worked with untiring efforts, but not single remedy administered brought the slightest relief. Mrs. Emma (Rhyne) Ken dall, who has been visiting rela tives here, returned last Wed nesday to ber home at Norwood Miss.Ethel Welch came home Wednesday after a short visit to friends in Charlotte. Misses CWu Patrick and Bettie Coon have ;jone to their homes to spend a few davs till school opens again next Tuesday. DURNO Constipation causes headache, nausea, dizziness, languor, heart palpitation. Drastic physics gripe, sicken, weaken the bowels and don't cure. Doan's Regulets act gently and cure constipation. 25 cents. Ask your druggist. DURNO Five hundred "night riders," masked and heavilv armed, en tered the town ol H .rkinvi'li Kv., Saturday .i.Qi d-uof( property valu t v $200 000 They took charge .A he lek- phone and tel. jjruph offL-es and the fire departui.-ut while tuak ing their raid ' DURNO We are prepared to extend our customers every accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If you havt no account with us we invite you to open one. : ' ; : SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ... ; y -!, : .... to . , We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 4 and compound the interest quarterly. : y . R. P. Rankin, President CITIZENS sfiaftsULsSBasBsla&BULl BANK A. (J. Myers, Cashier. Wash Day Means all day worry and trouble, hard tiresome work, unsatisfactory results. What's the use when we can save you the bother? Phone 13 Snowflake Steam Laundry. DYSPEPSIA and INDIGESTION, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Sick Aeadactre, Malaria, Billiousness, lorpia Liver ana jaundice are quickly relieved and permanently cured by father William's Indian Herb Tablets. They act directly on tbe Liver and Digestive orerans. causing perfect assimilation and Digestion of tbe food. Cleanses the Stomach. Resrulates the Bowels They are only 20 cents per box, and your money cheerfully refunded if not as we represent them. For sale only by Frost Torrence & Co. Gas tonia. N. C. 6 Overdrafts secured . Furniture and Fixtures All other real estate owned Deniasd loans , .. Due from Banka and Bankers.. Casb items ,,, , , ,. , Uold coin... , v , Silver coin, including aU minor coin currency. National bank notea and other V. S. notes 94.72 -472.99 87.50. 4.303.28 . 45.00 110.69 1.447.00 To AX LIABILITIES. Cip'Ul Stock.. S mlna fund.. Up to "yesterday, only 53 bodies bd been recovered from mines of the Fairmonnt Coal Company at Monongban, W. Va., which were wrecked, by an explosion last weeTc.- It is ielieved that fully. four hundred : ".inert perished in this disaster. Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid.,. Rills parable . ' Demand Certificates of DeposiU4.904.34 Deposits subject to check . 8.109.39 Cashier's Checks outstanding ' 70.00 S2U14.50 . S 9.500.00 500.00 30.77 1.000.00 Totax , S24.U4.50 STATS OF KOaTH CA lOLINA. 1 V i GASTON COCJfTT If. . I : I. J. St. Bernhardt. Cashier of the abo-c-aamed bank, do solemnly swear that the above atatensent In true to the best of my knowledge and belief. - ' . . : - J IM. Kxinhadt. Cashier. Subscribed and awora to before me, this 6th day of Dee. 1907. Q. B. Carpenter. Notary Pablic. CoktscT Attest: , BL F. CiWTII, ' . fc . IMrectots. E. I Pboeam J DURNO Train. of Kansas Products. -Kansas will send to the east In No vember the longest train of Its prod ucts ever seut lieyond the borders of tbe state, anjn the Kansas City Jour-' Dal. A tram of forty cars, hauled by two monster engines, will leave Tope- ka on Not. 10 for Chicago. New York and Boston. Tbe route selected la via the Santa Fe and rennsylranla rail roads. Stops will be tnnde at Gale, burg. 'Etrea tor. aud Joliet 111., and at Chicago tbe tram will be switched into the Polk street station for a day. Syl Dixon, tbe manager of the expedition. has secured the largest calliope in tbe United States for use on tbU trip. It can be heard Ave miles, and on ap proaching a town tbe operator will give tbe people one of the national airs with inspiring variations. The dead body of Alden Thomas Cushine. a prominent business man of Lancaster, N Y who disappeared a month ago trom riendersonvule, - was found Saturday in Laurel Park, near Hendersonville. It ; was lying: almost hidden under the undergrowtn. A coroner's jury rendered a verdict that he came to his death from some unknown cause. He was engaged to be married soon and came to Hen- dersonville for his health. He was known to be afflicted with heart disease. s The famous Gridiron club, of Washington City, held tbe first of the winter series of dinners in that city Saturday night. Two hundred men prominent in poli tics, diplomacy and business were present, including tbe vice president, Speaker' Cannon and Secretary Cortelyou. DURNO Secretary cf war Taft left Ber lin at noon Saturday and sailed from Cuxhaven for New York. AIM CREATURE WAS tlJETY FEET LONG Lto . I m 1 Recent Grewsome Experience of a Chicago Man Is Sample tf a Series of A Such Cases .To the Pumpkin Flower. Queen of the ' cardan, wondrous golden tning. - - - - , Tbou haat a. beauty that my muse shall sing! . S . .,- ... What flowermore modest In Its fullest - - bloom? Or what more bright hi aH thine acred roornf What -ears exotle can, with - priceless ;. power. - ... .. Case more tbe hungry footings of a taourT . . .- .. When ail tbe autumn, harresttna-a are br 7 ny memory iina-ra-ln the pampkln pie. Lurana ' W. Shrldoa . tat UoDtncott's aiagaaioe ror Norembar. ' " DURNO y John Clinard. ' a hfehlv re spected citizen of Centreville, a suburb of Winston, committed suicide Sunday ' mormne. De- spondeucy over financial affairs was the .cause... V During 1 T. Cooper's recent visit to Chicago, when his new preparation and theory created Uu usual sensation. many hundreds of people - brought enormous Internal parasites to the young Ban, which had left the tyitem after taking hia medicine. - Among these people was Mr. Emfl Winkler, who brought to Cooper a tapeworm that preved to be. over ninety feet In length. ' Mr.,-Winkler, who resides at 181 East Ohio Street, Chicago, had thl to soy of his expe rience: "For nve years I have been more or leas complaining. I have had seven headaches, and any food that I would eat would nauseate me. I would have bad dreams almost every night; dixiy spells would compel me to quit work. Black spots would appear be fore my eyes when stooping over and rising quickly. I would feel tired most cf the time; In fact, I had no life-la ma to speak ot for the last Ave years. X tried T&riooa treatments, aai one physician In fit Louis was recom mended to me, and I was under his treatment some time, but as usual I obtained no relief. - - - "So many people asked me to try Cooper's preparation that I decided to do so, and after using It for a few days, this awful thing passed from my system.- I feel much better already, and I want to say right here that I thank II r. Cooper a hundred times for what his medicine has done for me. .1 would not take f 5,000 and have that thins: back in my system again. Mr. Winkler Is a fair sample of the ' experience of many during Cooper! stay In Chicago, and this bo doubt helped to account for the enormous sale ot the Cooper preparation In this city and others, recently visited by the yottuV man. t " We sell and win be pleased to exolaln tha Coopea - DreparaUooa, r Frost Torrence at Co, - m. and mte. new- eoujifo:- know you thought aSoulK it a J Cong time &jAe you did lt Pv ij you haven't yet tfouyht the Cieente that you ae wmdeHng wheth&v ok not ti&o eon twe fy ekeafcCy ab one. iVo tinted one ti come eCotek to Selng one ifi you Suy that junltue foom u&. thib much junibh a home eomh&teCu. 10 now what ae you tfoing to do? r youte fouty 1 Williams Furniture Co. CRAIG A WILSON BUILDING Jnp. H. Williams. Manager. flLtillO(X:''.)U!ljl- ;Ia! Every summer you read if somebody's barn being struck by LtrJr, no insurancetotal loss. Here is the remedy Cortright Shing!ci arc r t .only L'ghtninj-proof and storm-proof, but they are easy to put on, rr r need repairs, and last as long as tye building itselC Adapted for re-i ! churches, schools or any other kind of building. Drop in and see , ' , or send for 56-page book,'." Rightly Roofed Buildings." LONG Exclusive Agents 1 4 I Qzzlr

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