;tto. PICOITAL I.IEHTIOIT. STA2 tnzAizz luhneei SIGNS CF CC2ISTMAS. WANTS. Gazette Want Ada Pay. Try 'em And Get Results. A1vrtlmtnta - tnrt4 unilxr thla irnd at th mi of Ian cants m tin tut h flrat Insertion anj flva crnif a Una or oncti subsequent Insertion. l'hona No. 10. In tha fulurs Tha Caaetta -wH maka i t burns lur all hoilces of fairs, suppars, nlm lHlnrtmnla, ata, tha oijot of wnlcn a to maka muiwy. A chars will a I no iia ma' fur cards of thanks and olUU- trlra. Tha rata la flva cents a una. An nitra rharaa will hm mail wban eopy ta prepared in thla of flea. LET US store your cotton ana lave ou worry and rlirk from fire an4 damage. 13. II. Pa.TKEv& Co. D17c3 COR SALE A (rood horse, aafe for r a lady to drive. Will sell at bar rain. Horse can be seen at Davis' stable. .. .. - rll WANTED To bay remnants of aeed cotton. . Will pay highest ' market price. Hsnry & BradLEy, Gastonia. N. C. D2Pc4. LOST. Light tan overcoat H length Sunday afternoon between Ozark and Gray mill. Suitable reward for return to B. F.-S. Austin, Ozark mill. - ' . . ; " : tf. rjOR RENT Heath store building on Main street near First Nation- ' al Bank, - Gastonia Insurance & Realty Co. ;.; ' - tf. LOST OR STAYED from my prem ises , at Dallas, last Thursday two Essex jips. about 35 or 40 lbs in weight. : Suitable reward for their return to T. E. Shuford, Shuford. invitations We can furnish them, either 'printed on nice stock or engraved, at a at a reaaonaDie pnees ana promptly. Give us your order. Gazette Pub-..,.- lilhing Company, Gastonia, N. C. tf YOUR PRINTING This ts to re ' mind'-the buuiei'S man and others who use printed matter that " we do ail kinds of commercial print- ' ing. Let us send you samples and . quote prices . on envelopes, letter heads, note heads, bill beads, state- - menis, pay envelopes, cnurcn cnvei- opes, eailpping tagsv programs, bus . iness ana - visiting- cards, report v blanks, hand bills, circulars, circular special blanks of all kinds, booklets, . pamphlets or anything else that you may need. Prices rigb't, , delivery prompt, satisfaction guaranteed. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Gazette' Publishing Company, Gas- . r- w : Tuesday, dec. io. 1907. ' TOWN AND COUNTY. WEDDING in The city council meets regular session to-night. Gaston Conclave 391, I. O. H. will hold regular meeting ,', Friday night for the election of omcers. - IJonl fail to attend annual Holiday opening of Torrence ... Morris Co., Jewelers, Thursday ... Dec, 12th, 7:30 p. m. Every one will be at Tor-rence-Morris Co's. Jewelry store -.'Thursday evening at 7.30 .' o'clock. Why not you? ' Tani1 . TtnYii ' ntl tfir Trail'' at the.Ooera House last night was a good show and' was - attended by a good house in spite of the inclement weather. Mr. John Hoffman and Miss Alice Nelson, of the Old Mill, '' were married last night at 8 o'clock, the ceremony being performed oy Rev. J, A. Hoyle. - Attention of our readers is called to the annual statement of the. Clerk of the 'Superior - Court which appears in full on ;.; page four. Reports of other county omcers will appear m subsequent issues. .: An event of social- interest - will be the wedding tomorrow afternoon of Miss Edith Adams and Mr. E. W. Gilliam. Mr, and 'Mrs. Gilliam will leave on No. r 40 on a visit to Mr. Gilliam's -ilt.l! XT r - DURNO ' ; ' Mr. Holland Morrow is with the .Torrcnce-Morris Comply during the holidays. -Mr. W. P. McPalls, of Car oleen, was in town on business Saturday, returning to bis home Sunday, ' Mr. Harrison Ferguson, of Yeager'a retail department, spent Sunday with bomefolks at Cowpens, S, C. Mrs. JVW. Fink, of Char lotte, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Sbelton. .... Mr. B. T. McAloine, of Charlotte, soent Sunday ; here with bomefolks, v :v, . Mrs. R. J. Sifford has re turned . from a "visit to her parents, Rev. and Mrs. 7. L. Stokes, at North Augusta, Ga. Mr, and Mri. W. T. Love, of Spencer Mountain, spent Sunday in Gastonia. x Mrs. Minnie Arnold Atkins and little daughter, Janice Jack son, of China Grove, spent Sunday with the families of Messrs. E. D. and J. W. . At ns..; ;-' Mr. James M. Wilson, of Lowell, was a business visitor in Gastonia Saturday. Mr. John L. Bryan left Fn day for Aberdeen. Miss., in response to a - message that his sister, Mrs. M. W. Holmes, was quite ill. . -Messrs,' Will Ormand and Lee Ramseur, of Bessemer City, were in town on business yester day. x SI Miss Susie Gilliam and Mr. George Gilliam, of Henderson. N. C. and Miss Adelaide Erwine, of Morganton, arrived yesterday and will attend the Gilliam-Adams wedding to-morrow. Mr. Will C. Garibaldi, of Charlotte, spent Sunday with Mrs. Garibaldi, who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Costner. Mr. James Wylie returned Saturday from Fort Valley, Ga., wberevfae visited relatives. - Mr. S. D. Youngblood, of Clover, S. C, was a business visitor in town yesterday. Mrs. J. C. Latham left this morning on No. 36 for Green ville, N. C, where she will visit her sister, Mrs. L. Griffin. Mrs. R. C. Anderson went to Charlotte on a shopping trip this morning. Sam, the young son of Mr. enti- Miss Katie Beam, sister of Mrs. J. F. Bryson, left yesterday morning for Bloomington, Illi nois, where she will make her home wtih her 'sister, Mrs. Van Mannev and her brother, Mr. Sidnc5 Beam, both of whom have been living in Bloomington for Early Saniajr Hernia Claza Causa Heavy Diaajja to Mot In ricture Show-fire Accl- dentally Set by Street Wail ' Coy Turned iver to f"her, wnat . came Dear pro v Jig a disastrous fire occured Sunday morning about 7:30 o'clock in the building occupied by the Star Theatre, H. G. Nelson own- er, next' door . to the Gazette office. The theatre management suffered the loss of three reels. valued at $400 and their moving picture machine, together , with other items which bring their tbtal loss up to SGOO or more. The fire wasfaet accidentally by a small boy named roteet, a borne less street waif, who was per sumably accidently left. sleeping in the building when it was lock ed up Saturday night. He was endeavoring to run the machine and having no knowledge of how - M to operateii, camca a ore xrom the electnc current. Fortunately the flames were discovered be fore the building proper was ignited, though the partition and box office was burned. The Po- teet boy was arrested and kept in the lock-up till Monday morn ing. Manager H. H. Myers notified Mr. H. G. Nelson the owner, at Laurens, ' S. C. , and the . latter came it once to Gastonia. There was no insurance on the burned property and the owners and managers nave the sympathy of the public in their loss. The theatre will not be re-opened at present. , The Poteet boy is only about nine years old and the authorities were confronted with a serious problem. His mother who lives at the Loray and whose repu tation is not of the best came to the police court Monday morning and offered to take the boy and f.a was turned over to her. Sunday night, it is reported, she became involved in a difficulty at her home as a result of which she cut the throat of Collins Webb. So far no arrests have been made and it ts not known now serious the wound inncted is. Holiday Displays In Various Show-Windowi. Christmas Trade Eefilnoln. Although it is vet two weeks until Christmas Eve, there are many signs of the near approach of the merry Holiday season to be seen ou-ihe streets ' and ' in the various stores, and the boli day trade is evidently opening up almost if pot quite as briskly as usual. . . , In the department stores of Jno. F. Love, Inc., there are four of the large show-windows tastefully arranged in a ' way very suggestive of the seaspu One represents ' the home ' of Santa Clans, being a beautiful . , ... snow scene, ana including a figure to represent the Saint beloved of the children. ' The other three ire replete with sug gestioi.n x suitable gifts for yountr m.d . old, representing Chrisimas in the; Forest 4V- VI WS is And Lucas Company has an attractive display in its West window, showing a profusion of dolls, Teddy - Bears, and tovs of all descriptions. - The Gastonia Book store, as usual, has a very large line of Christmas goods and not only the windows, but the whole store, contains an extensive dis play. - Other firms are makinc their disp'ays to-day and it is safe to say that in a day or two the Christmas rush will be on in earnest. - it ii rr ri t sr i ' 1 1 t-vstn i i HAND MADE ? We have Just received a big ship .ment of these splendid Blankets, and they are priced to meet your approval 10.4 Elktn 10-4,Elkln 10- 4 Elkln 11- 4 Elkln Natural Gray White Best Grade -Best Grade $2.75 Per Pair 2.98 Per Pair 3.98 Per Pair 4.98 Per Pair DURNO When winds. shriek high in fiendish glee, And enters winter with his key Protect yourself, from disease be free; Take Hollister's Rocky Moun . tain Tea. Adams Drue Co. An Ideal Christmas Present They Last Many Winters -Come and Inspect Them Si. 3elk Co. DURNO DURNO and Mrs. W. W. Davis, is cally ill with pneumonia. "Had dyspepsia or indiges tion for years. No appetite., and what I did eat distressed me terribly. Burdock Blood Bitters cured me." J. H. Walker, Sun- bury, Ohio. Whiskey Prescriptions. Following ' is the record of whiskey prescriptions filled by the local drug stores during the week-ending Monday, December 9th: William's Druj Co ...... 22 Adams' Drujr Store. , 32 Torrence's Drug Store 32 Cotton Receipts. Receipts at the local plat form up to two o'clock to-day were 36 bales. Total since Dec. 3rd, 269 bales. The best price to-day was 11.50. DURNO Nr. Tom Smvthe Dead. Mr. Tom Smythe, well-known to many Gastonians, died last night at the home of Mr. W. N Davis after a week's illness from pneumonia. Mr. omytne was in the employ of Mr. Davis as a salesman in the meat market. He is survived by a wife. The funeral arrangements are not known at this writing. - - Mahara' Minstrels. Mabara's Minstrels, which will , shortly i be seen at the opera house : : December" 16th, come heralded and recommended. The show numbers 35 people, A new innovation with the Mahara Minstrels is ladies. They carry a dozen pretty women and put On a j big chorus. ; Musical numbers,; marches and singnig ensemble are the strong features. ,.The show-opens with a grand . scenic first part, displaying all the members in their entertain- v ing singing, dancing and vaude ville stunts. . Six funny end men help out the opentngptogramme of mirth andiollitv. Th sprnnri part an alio consists of pleas ing musical numbers, up-to-date singing, comedy, vaudeville spe cialties and minstrelsy, - and . if there would be any complaint it would be that, there was ."too muchn-6how for the moneys but as this is an affair which con cerns only the owners rf ibe show, it is not likely-that any complaint will ;be' made. " The Maharas carry a fine band and will give a free street parade-at noon on the day of the show. . DURNO - This is the season of decay and weakened vitality; good health - is hard : to retain. If you'd retain youis, fortify your, system with Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, the surest way. 35c, Tea or Tablets. . . - Adam, Dm Ca several years. . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lee Rhodes, who spent several days last week with Mrs. Rhodes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. . Page en route to their home at Mont gomery, Ala., from Pennsylvania where they spent their honey moon with relatives of "Mr. Rhodes, have gone to Marietta, Ga., where they will spend sev eral days with relatives. From thrp thev trn in Montcomprv to reside permanently. y Mr. J. Lander Gray left yes terday morning for Gibson ville, where he is to be married - to morrow ' afternoon at 3:30 o'clock to Miss Mamie Shepherd. He was accompanied from' Dur ham by his Brothers, Messrs. Charles and George Gray, who will act as best man and usher, respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Gray will leave immediately after the ceremony for a ten days trip to Washington,- Baltimore and other Northern points, after which they will be at home in Gastonia. ; Total .86 l ne record tor tne week pre vious was 77 or 9 less than for the past week. Following is the list showing the number written by each physician: McG. Anders 7 H. M. Eddleman 17 L. N. Glennz 2 C. E. M. McLean 15 F. G. Wilson S J. M. Sloan C. E Adams - .' ,...1 H. F. Glenn . S R. M. Reid . 4 Loud (colored 3 Out-of-town pnysicians. 16 Total ! 86 SOCIAL. Neatly printed invitations reading as follows were issued Saturday: v The Torrence-Morris Co. a home to their friends Thursday evening. December twelfth seven-thirty Christmas opening Gastonia,' N. C. Trinity Glee Club. The Glee Clul of Trinity Col lege gave a performance at the Opera House last Thursday night to a good audience. The program was varied and inter esting and all the numbers were well rendered. The readings and songs by Mr. J. Leon Wil liams seemed , to especially please the audience, and he was repeatedly encored as were nearly all the numbers. The entire evening's entertainment was excellent in every respect. GIVPS A PERFECT SKIN. Sulphur in Liquid Form Adds to the Beauty of Women. "Beauty is only skin dreD,"but you can not be beautiful if yon have any Skin Dis ease or a bad complexion. HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR quickly curea Bcaema. Tetter. Sorea. Eruptions. Blotches, and all Skin Diseases. Apply HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR OINTMENT to the face Just as you go to bed. and it will soon give you a smooth, velvety skin. Taken internally. HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR purifies the blood and clears up the complexion. A few spoonfuls in hot water makes the finest of sulphur bathr. All druggists sell it. Sulphur Booklet free, if you write HANCOCK LIQUID SUL PHUR CO., Baltimore. Dr. W. W. Leake, of Orlando. Fla.. who was cured, says: "It is the most wonderful remedy (or Ecietna I have ever known." TJ19. OPERA HOUSE MONDAY December 1 6th, Mahara's Greater Minstrels 20 Years of Success Musical, Comedy, Vaudeville, Min strelsy, Grand First Part of Big Musical Singing" Numbers. 6 Great End Men 6 SINGERS, JOKERS, DANCERS 12 Good Looking Girls That Sing Beautiful Olio of Strong Vaude ville Stunts. BAND AND ORCHESTRA SEE1STREET PARADE AT NOON Prices Chair .Seats 50 and 75c. Entire back Seats for Color ed people First 6 rows reserved 78c. Balance 80c. Children 25 cents. Seats Now on Sale at Torrence's Drug Store. Amzi Helms, who confessed to the killing of Miss Ella Pryor ear Huntersville about ten days ago, was Saturday convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. DURNO DURNO .You know as well as any one when you need ; something to regulate your system; ' ' If your bowels are sluggish, your i food distresses you, your kidneys pain, take Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea. It always re lieves. 35 cents. Tea or Tab lets. - ' '. v"'i-! v .. Adams Xru; Co. - Secretary Cortelyou Saturday announced the allotment of the Panama canal bonds to the var ious national banks. that bid for them. The average price paid for them was about 103. RETSOLAED J YOU CAN TELEPHONE fOR GROCERIES DRUGS-BUT WHEN YOU CUT CLOTHES tf0 ftUSTtiO AMD SELECT- FOR A FJRSTCLA5S PLACE HAS AVARIETOFSTYLESAN PATTERN S THAT YOU MUST ,5 EE To APPRECIATE BVSTErVBROWtf . Subscribe StltTTK '.; . for the Gastonia ' .Just a little reminder about that new ; , - Perfume, Win.- H. Brown A Bro's.. Pocahontas. Next -time yoa visit our store, ask to see it. " Por Sale by FROST TORHENCB A CO. HELLfllf rir--i i '1 - - - -.-s- t'jm II II 11111111111 l YOW CAM T nutiR ia timtwrnt IF YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN INTO OUR. -SToKt. HAVE YOU NoT :J)oNE YoURSELr AN INJUSTICE BY NOT COMING IN AND -SEEING WHAT WE CAN PO rOPL YOU HOW WELL WE CAN TIT BOTH YOUR. EYE J, YOUR. BODY, AND YOUR. PURJE; N-SMTER CO REPORT OF The Condition of The Gaston Loan $ Trust Co. AT GASTONIA in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business Dec. 3, 1907. RESOURCES Loans and discount. $42,578.45 Overdrafts . 12.14 Bauking house $3,000; Furniture and fixtures t l.OOO.... 4 .000.00 Demand Loans , 2.093.21 Due Iron Banks and Bankers 10.599.57 Cash stems '. 326.59 Gold coin 310.00 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency .. . 494.00 National Bank notes and other U. S. notes 1,58500 Insurance Department . 856.73 Our Annual Holiday Display Our Holiday Stock of Gift Jewelry awaits your inspection. You will won der at it's variety, it's freshness and it's scope. It bristles with suggestions of correct, "givable" things gifts to suit all tastes, all purses and all circum stances. Should you contemplate gift-purchasing; and during the next few week who will not? drop in. Our goods will satisfy you; so will our prices. Torrence - Morris Co. Jewelers. Don't Forget Our Holiday Opening Thursday Evening, Dec. I2lh, 7:30. Gastonia's Greatest Sale! At The Baltimore Racket 3,000 Yards Ginghams at 3 l-2c a yard For Saturday 12 l-2c Ginghams 36 in. Wide Only 5c. Lebovitz 2 Large Department Stores .2 -Will Continue Until Tuesday, Dec. 3 1st, 1907 Total. LIABILITIES Capital Stock . Surplus fund Undivided profits, less current ex penses and taxes paid Bills payable.. . Time certificates of deposit Deposits subject to check . Demand certificatea of deposits. Treasurer's checks outstandings. Insurance department ,. , . .$66,255.69 ..$15,000.00 . 2.000.00 53751 5,000.00 6.864.86 35.61157 25.00 404.95 811.70 Total. $66555.69 State of North Carolina, County of Gaston, is: I, B. G. McLord, treasurer of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.. E. G. McLckd, Treasurer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of Dec. 1907. L. C. i eg a am, Notary Public. Correct Attest: S. N. Boycb ) J. Leh Robinson Directors. L.L. Jkkkins J Just received a car-load of Christmas Goods to go In this sale at sacrificing prices. See great Window Display. Join the crowds and go to the greatest sale in the history of Gastonia at the Baltimore Racket Stores Gastonia. N. C. SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. I will sell at my residence near Lowell tu the highest bidder, for cash . Oa Satartfay Dee. 2it, 19.7 one Milch Cow, one Horse, one Mule, one 2-horse Wagon, one Top-buggy, Wagon harness and gears. Panning Tools, Corn and Fodder, some Household goods and Kitchen . furniture, ' and goods not mentioned. Will sell any of the above privately on or before date; of aale. . G. L. McKek, R. P. D. No. 1, 4t : ' : ' Lowell, N.C. " EVERY B O DY Wants their Mail, Fruits, Candy, Stationery, Maga rines, Tobacco etc. First door fioui the postoffice you will find the 1 ittle store of Moore & Shelton We are just low getting in tie prettiest line of stationery and fine candies that: we have evt r attempted to carry. Also fruits of the -very ' finest, qualities. Everything we carry is the I t t of what is going. We thick j i for the trade already civ; 3 it and solicit a continnsce. Moore C f: " Next Vr ta Pastaf. (HEAD-TO-FOOT OUTFITTERS FOR MEIf AND BOYS) DURNO

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