1 muyinuiinuiuin ; The Paper 1 Rcod by Gaston People 't ' Thot'o All i 4. t Try a Gazette J Want Ad HE ME m NIA t They Brlntf Results PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. - E. D. ATKINS, Editor! Devoted to the Protection of Home and the-Jntcre&ls of Ihe County. $1.50 a Year In Advance, f Utile Copy Sc. VOL. XXVIII. OA8TONIA, N. CnFRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1907. NO. IOO t as . - . - - t - PROFESSIONAL CARDS t - ' - GARLAND & JONES Attorneys and Counselors 1 Over Torrenc-Morris Company. - Gastonia, NT 0. S. B. SPARROW ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS, N. 0. Offlc DDiUlm over Bank of Dallas NEWS N0TES Slate $ General JOHN 0. CARPENTER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS, N.C Office over Bank of Dallas. DR. D. E. McdONNELL, J)ENTIST N ' GASTONIA, tf. 0. Office Flrat Floor T. M. C. 0. phone 69. : BW DIL T. A. WILHNS- DENTIST . GASTONIA ,N. C. Office in Adams Building Phone 311 DR. P. A Pressly DENTIST CLOVER, v S. C. Lexington suffered a $25,000 fire Tuesday night. ; - It is rumored that Charlotte is to have s new bank. Ex Senator Malloy, of Florida, is critically ill at his home in Pensacola. State Auditor Dixon on Tuesday sent out the fifteen thousand State pension warrants, which aeerezatej$400,000v The financial situation has improved so much in Durham that the banks of that city will discontinue the use of scrip and pay all checks in currency. Two more North Carolina towns, LaGrange and Pikeville, have voted out saloons, elec tions being held d urine the past week. North Carolina's junior Sena tor. Hon. Lee S. Overman, has been appointed on the Senate Judiciary Committee, one of the most important of the commit tees of the Senate. Senator Tillman, of South Carolina, it is said, is gathering material for a speech be will deliver on the financial situation in which be will go after the Treasury Department and Sec retary Cortelyou with gloves off Up to yesterday 141 bodies had been taken from the mines of.tbe Fairmount Coal Company at Monoehan. W. Va., where a terrible disaster took place last week when it is believed about 400 persons perished. The -municipal election in Boston Tuesday, which was one of the closest and hardest fights of recent vears. resulted in the elsction of George A. Hibbard, Republican, as Mayor, over J. F. Fitzgerald, Democrat. A new railroad - bridge in course ot . construction across the Susffffehanna river at Mil- WHITE D n A C Iflmvtlle, Pa, collapsed lues II I T T K K IL Jdav. killine seven men and iniurin? a score or mure. t uc rapid rise of the river caused the callapse. Henry E. Youtsey, wno is servine a ine sentence in ine Kentucky State penitentiary tor complicity in the murder of Governor Gobel, was put on the stand Tuesday in, the trial of Caleb Powers at Georgetown, Kv.. and testified that Powers was an accomplice in the deed for which he is being tried. In the $100,000 damage suit ot R. P. Foster against K. b. How land at Asheville the plaintiff was Tuesday awarded damages in tne sum ot jh,uw aoiiars. The suit grew out of an alleged breach of contract with refer ence to the Howland railroad at Asheville. The Oklahoma Legislature Tuesday formally selected Rob ert Latham Owen and Thomas Prior Gore to represent it in the United States Senate. Owen is a native of Lynchburg, Va. Gore is a native of Mississippi and has the distinction of being the first blind member of - the Senate. He is also the youngest member of that body, being only 37 years old. Wolfe Bros, for Jewelry. Watch, Clock and Jewel ry repairing a specialty. Eyes Tested and Glasses Prooerlv Fitted Opposite Post-ofTTce Order Your Christmas - . Photographs At Once Delay will mean Disappointment no better Christ mas remembr ance can be found than a good photograph ot a relative or friend. Frames Made to Order We have the largest and best assortment o f picture mould ings ever shown in Gastonia, Pictures Framed Promptly Phone 147 J. I. GREEN CITT COUNCIL MEETS. Town Fathers Transact ; Smil Amount ot Cosiness at Refa Itr December MeetloK. The regular monthly meeting of the city council for December was held Tuesday v flight. Al of the aldermen were .present and Mayor Armstrong presided. Police J. L. Hicks' resignation to be- effective from now till the first of April was accepted by the board with regret and Mr. S. E. Mauney was elected to nil tne temporary vacancy. Mr. Hicks asked for release from duty for a few months that he might re cuperate and build up bis health. He has been on the night force for five and a half years con stantly and feels the need of a rest. He has made an excellent officer and it is hoped that be will be in good shape to resume bis duties next April. M. J. Hall was released from paying poll tax for the year 1907 on account of disability. It was ordered that $7 be re funded Mr. S. M. Pearson tor taxes erroneously collected for the year 1903. Street Commissioner S. M Morris was ordered to have Ma rietta street between Main street and Franklin avenue put in good shape. Ordinance No. 39 relating to the sale of fire works was amend ed so as to require dealers in this class of goods to pay an an nual license fee of $25 in stead of $10 as heretofore. Bills amounting to $2,260.54 were referred to the finance com mittee of the board for pay nient. DURNO EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY. Frost Torrence & Co., the reliable Drueeists of Gastonia, are having calls for "Hindipo." the new Nerve Tonic and Vitahzer. Cures Nervous Debility. Insomnia. Restores Lost Vitality, that they are selling under a positive guarantee. Its merits are becoming: the talk of the town arid everybody wants to try it, and why not? It costs noth ing if it don't do you good not one cent. Thev don t want vour money if it does not benefit you, and will cheer fully refund the money. Try it to day. 1 DURNO N2. 0. M. ARMSTRONG DEA DEAD.L T County Well-to-do Cltiiets! the Succumbs' to Pneumonia Foneral and Burial Yesterday Mr. George M. Armstrong, well-to do and . highly esteemed citizen of the county, died Wednesday morning at his home at Belmont from pneu morii.t a ficr an illness of about two wu-ks, aged fifty-five years The (uuer'al services over lys reiui'ts were held at the late residence of the deceased yes terday morning at 10 o'clock and interment followed at 12 o'clock in the cemetery at old Goshen church, three .miles from Belmont. - Rev. Mr. Pur- nell, pastor of the Belmont Baptist church, conducted the services. Mr. Armstrong was twice married. His first wife was Mis. Ford and as a result of this union tnree cnuaren survive, viz: Mr. John Armstrong, who lives in Tennessee; Mr. Thomas Armstrong, of Belmont, and T ? t Tl airs. louis meDerger. oi iei mont. His second wife, who was Miss Mollie Smith, survives, together with the following children: Andy, Luna, Osca', Kay and Ralph, tie leaves one full brother, Mr. J. Math Arm strong, and two half-brothers. Mr. Jasper L- Armstrong and Mr. Justice L. Armstrong, also one half-sister, Mrs. J. R. Gas ton, all of Belmont. Deceased was a successful farmer, a good citizen and i valued man to his community He was a loyal and consistent member of the Baptist church tiis deatn is a source ot sorrow to a large number of friends DURNO 3 L Mrs. Math Smith Dead. Mrs. Easter brnitn, wne o Mr, Math Smith, died, at her home at Belmont Tuesday morn ine at 1 o'clock from pneumonia aeed about fifty years. Funera services were conducted Wed nesday at Ebenezer church by Rev. W. V. Honeycutt and in terment followed in the cemetery at Goshen church. Mrs. Smith was a loyal member of the Metb odist church. Deceased is sur vived by ber husband and five childisn, Lewis and William Smith, Mrs. Maggie Mellon, Mrs. Will Hand and Mrs. De- Witt Foster; her mother, Mrs Onnie Leeper; one brother, Mr. Robert Leeper. and three sisters, Mrs. W. W. Davis, Mrs. John M. Armstrong and Mrs. J. A McKnight. and a large number of other relatives and friends, all of whom are grieved over her death. DURNO SOCIAL. 1 NOTICE OF SUMMONS. Superior Conrt. North Carolina. 1 Gaston County. Before the Clerk. Ida Kozielle and W. B. Rut- ledge, administrator ot the es tate oi Ben Hoke, deceased, v. Elixa Hall and her husband. Joe Hall. Irene Springs- and , her husband. Henry Springs, - : Omey Berry and her husband. Berry, Louisa McKsne and , her - husband. Albert McKane,CES9C22 Luiie McCarthern and her husband, William McCarthern. -, Sam Khyne, Ed Johnsou, May Johnson, Charlie Johnson, . George Johnson and Ethel . . Johnson, Clara Martin. Sadie 5 Martin. Martin,-: Martin. Ephraim Martin, - Johnson. The defendants. Irene Springs andher nusoana. Henry riptings, Omey Berry and her husband.. Berry, Eph Martin bam Kbyne. - Oss Hoke, John Hoke. Lizzie McCarthern. '' and her Tiusbsna. William McCarthern, will take notice mat an action entitled above has been commenced in the Superior j Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, j ior me purpose oi selling lor partition among 'the plaintiff and del ndants. that certain tract of land situated in Soutn - Point Township. Gaston County, ' North Carolina, adjoining the lands of M. H. Khyne, rrea Armstrong and other iv coa . taiaing about 15 acres more or Um, and which, is fully described in the petition , "How on file in the office of the CIctI of the ; Superior Conrt of Gaston Connty. North Carolina, and in which said defend nts have an interest: and said defendants will further take notice that they are reanired to appear at the office of the Clerkf the superior Loan ot oaston connty. at the court bouse in the tows of Dallas. North - Varoltna. pa the - - , 4th Jy of Jaaoary, 1908, and answer or demur to the verified petition which is now on file therein or the relief demanded in aaid petition' will be granted. 1 Bis ue zuta. day of November. 1907. " J3c7w C, C. Cotirwaix. , Clerk Superior Court Gaston County, ' DURNO ; Fubacrlbe. tor THE GAZETTE. OPERA HOUSE , MONDAY December I6th, ;Mahara's Greater Minstrels 20 Years of Success Musical, Comedy, Vaudeville, Mia trelsyvGrand Flrat Part of Big Musical Singing Number. 6 Great End Men 6 SINGERS, JOKERS. DANCERS 12 Good Looking Girls That Sing Beautiful Olio of Strong Vaude- " yille Stunts. IJANl) AM) ORCHESTRA SEC STREET PARADE AT NOON Pr!ce&;Chatr Seats 50 and 75c. Entire back Seats for Color ed people : ' First 8 rows reserved 75c. Balance 50c. Children 25 cents. Scats Now on Sale at Torrence's Drug Store. V DURNO ... Cards reading as follows have been issued: Dr. and Mrs. Ben Franklin Dixon request the honor of , your presence at the marriage of their daughter Pearl to Mr. William Leonard Baltbia. Jr. on Saturday the twenty-eight of December, at twelve o'clock at Bndenton Street Methodist church. Kaleigh. North Carolina. At home after the fifteenth of January, Gastonia. North Carolina. This announcement will be read with interest in Gastonia where both of the contracting parties have hosts of friends. The groom elect is a well-known Cotton broker , here while the bride to-be i- a very popular young .adv. She has visited in Gastonia frequently and will be a welcome addition to Gastonia's social circle. DURNO Governor A n s'e 1 , of South Carolina, has announced his candidacy to -succeed himself as Governor, and will therefore not run for the Senate,' in spite of the urging of his friends. durno r ' A Newport , News ' drummer named W. C. Hall, Jr., was robbed of $35 on a1 Southern train between ; Danville and Greensboro Tuesday night. Three men whom he suspected of the robbery escaped on another train just leaving for Salisbury, . ' Special Term. Ljovernor Lrlenn has ordered a special term of the Gaston Su perior Court to be held for the trial of civil cases, beginning January 6ih and continuing two weeks. Judge Justice, of Ruth- erfordton, will preside. Alonf the Kennbec. No class of plays seems to have firmer hold on the American public than good rustic plays, and none seem to prosper like those which have a New Eng land background for a founda tion on which the story is built. We need look for no better proof than "The Old Home stead" or "The County Fair", and in the same class as these will be presented at the Opers House Wednesdy, December 18, the latest success, "Along the Kennebec", which, while using the New England village and its people for plot and story, is entirely different in theme. The play is the storyofa waif, the fruit of an ill-favored marriage, a heartless father, a daughter driven from home and a child's battle with a "sometimes" cruel world. The company carry the scenic production complete, and good, bright, sparkling comedy is promised in plenty. The com pany carry their own band and orchestra. Watch for parade. TOWN AND COUNTY. -Get the Christmas spirit. Only twelve more days un til Christmas. New Year's resolutions will be next in order. Mr, Sam Wilson, of Dallas, .was in town on business Wed nesday. Mr. J. L. Burke, of Besse mer City, was a business visitor to Gastonia Wednesday. "Nothin D.,i" is theti"t!e of a handsome calendar for 190S gotten out by the Jno. F. Love, Inc., stores. The attendance at Sunday school, the reporter is told, is looking up; in fact is larger than at any time for nearly a year. "Along the Kennebec" band will give a free concert at ad vance sale Wednesday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock and at the Thea tre at 7:30. Mr. W. W. Boyce. of Rock Hill. S. C. was in town shak ing hands with his many friends Wednesday. Mr. Boyce is cousin ot Messrs. o. in. ana Meek Boyce. The premium list for the second annual exhibition of the Gaston Poultry Asssociation has been issued. The show is to be held December 31st and Jan uary 1st, 2d and 3d. Nineteen and seven is spending her last quarter: eighteen more days and her record will be writ, her history made, and she will go to loin the great silent majority of dead years that have preceded her Mr. W. H. Jenkins, who has been confined to his home for the past three or four months by injuries received while doing a a" 11. some hauling, is again ao;e to be out with the aid of crutches. H's many friends are delighted to see him on tne streets once more. The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement o Haynes & Hill, jewelers. This is a new hrm in Lrastonia ana The Gazette welcomes it to its advertising columns. The firm is composed of Messrs. W. E. Haynes and C. E. Hill, both ex perienced men in their line. The four churches at the oray Mill and the White church are making preparations to have Christmas entertainments. In most, if not all. these instances the chiel feature will be a tree with presents for the young peo ple of the respective congrega tions. The live and up-to-date mer chants in any town are those who advertise in the local pa pers. When looking arouna tor places to purchase your Lhnst mas goods consult the columns of The Gazette and you will find that you make no mistake by trading with the firms you find represented there. They are the best and will give you the most for your money. HUMAN STOMACH HAS BECOME DEGENERATE Animals Are Healthier Because of Strong Digestive Apparatus. An Interesting Interview was re cently obtained with L. T. Cooper, the young man whose theory and medl clnes have created such a sensation during the past year. Mr. cooper, in epeaking or the re markable success of his medicine, had this to say on the subject: "My medi cine regulates the stomach. That is why it is successful. The human stom ach today baa become degenerate, and Is the cause tor most ill health. In the horse, the dog, and the wild ani mals generally, you see no nerve ex haustion, no chronic debility. They are not shut up day alter day with practically no exercise, and they are not able to stufluhemselTes with rood when their bodies hare not had enough work to Justify it -The hum an race has been doing this for years, and look at the result half the neoDle are complaining of poor tealtb, not real Illness Just a half-sick, tired, droopy feeling. They dont really know what is the matter with them. - - I knew that all thr-troufcle Is caused by weak.- overworked stom achs. I have proved -this with my medicine to many thousands of peo ple In most of the leading cities ot this country. I expect to de the same thing la Europe next year. . This Is the real reason for the demand for any preparation." Among thosa who hire recently beea eon varied to Cooper's theory Is Mr. Monroe Brown ot , 8 FwV Street Winchester. Mass. Mr. Brown tea this to wi t tla cxperiesca frith the new medicine: Tor oxer seven years I suffered with catarrh ot the stomach, and for the past year I was lame with rheumatism. I attributed this to my stomach trouble, as my cir culation was very poor. What food I ate would turn to gas almost at once.: I would hare a sensation of bloating, and would hare to belch frequently to relieve uus. mj neaix aiso oecame - h affected, and I would suddenly become dizzy and hare palpitations. I was tired and dull and despondent at all times. I lost a great deal of flesh, and was nervous and depressed. This went on for over seven years, although I spent hundreds of dollars trying to get relief. - "When Cooper was In Boston X heard a good deal about his Ideas on stomach trouble." -Next, one or two friends told me thU his medicines had greatly helped ' them. - I purchased some of the New Discovery medicine. Today I am perfectly well; I sleep like a boy, can cat anything and have no rheumatism or heart trouble. X no longer hire any gas on my stomach. and feel as t did years ago. No one could ba. mora astonished by these facts than myself. 1 They are remark able, but true. . This is Indeed a won derful medicine." v The Cooper preparations tare been mors widely sold and discussed sine being Introduced than anything of the kind erer before, sold by druggists. We sen them and explain their nature Frost-Torrenes CSV We are prepared to extend our customera evtryaccommoda trotr and courtesy their business will warrant. If you ban no account with us we invite you to open one. : : - j SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 4ft and compound the interest quarterly. : : . . R. P. Rankin, President CITIZEMS A. C. Myers, Cashier. Blue Mondays Never trouble our family wash patrons. Why bother with your family washing when we can save you all the worry for only five cents a pound. Snowf lake Steam Laundry, Phone No. 13. ft Opera House W OneNightOnly Wednesday, Dec. 18th, Guaranteed Attraction The Beautiful Down East Play "ALONG THE KENNEBEC" With Band and Orchestra. Stage With All Special Scenery. HC A D the Splmdld Orchestra C CC the Realistic Snow Storm the Comedy Quartette hr the Funny Duel Scene " the Good Singing w w sw ,he Thrmlnfl Explosion Scene CLEVER CHARACTER SPECIALTIES BRIGHT MUSIC AND COMEDY Prices 25, SO and 75c. Band Concert! Opera House, 5:30 and 7:30 Seats Now On Sale at Torrence's Drug Store. Subscribe for THE OA STONIA GAZETTE. Our Annual Holiday Display Our Holiday Stock of Gift Jewelry awaits your inspection. You will won der at it's variety, it's freshness and it's scope. It bristles with suggestions of correct, "givable" things gifts to suit all tastes, all purses and all circum stances. Should you contemplate gift-purchasing and during the next few week who will not? drop in. Our goods will satisfy you ; so will our prices Torrence - Morris Co; Jewelers. Oan't Forget Our Holiday Opening Thursday Evening. Dec. 12th, 7:30. vw--swlH4.wSJeJ.... no Every summer you resd of somebody's bam being struck by lightning, insurance total loss. : Here is the remedy Cortright Shingles are not only lightning-proof and storm-proof, but they are easy to put on, never need repairs, and last as long as tne building itseu. Aaaptea tor residences, churches, schools or any other kind of building. Drop ia and see sainj U , or send ibr 56-page book, "Rightly Roofed Buildings." ; ' LONG Exclusive Agents Gastcnt

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