Semite Clleos rr sima c:-or--: :. ' Good At Our Ghri OtOCI KF Cf- 3.- ' The grandest display of Holiday Specialties ever shown by us. All previous efforts com pletely eclipsed by this season's offerings. i Is so varied and comprehensive that it beggars description; and nothing short of a visit of in spection, which we guarantee will be one of pleasure this wonderful display of beautiful and useful Christmas Presents, Our bargain sales of Clothing, Shoes, Dress Goods, Underwear, and in fact all staple merchandise, still continues M ir it fl IT ft D e p a rtm ent St o r e YORK AND YORKVILLE Whit's Doinf Anion our Neih bors Jasl Across the Line. Vorkville Enquirer. 10th. Mr. E. VV. G'.-ud of Bullock's Creek township made this year 185 bushels of on two acres of land without the use of ferti lizers. Mrs. J. C. Burge was called to Gastonia this morning' on account of the death of her brother, Mr. Thomas Smytbe, who died at his home in Gas tonia last nifcht of pneumonia. Mr. J. McFadden Spann, has is sued invitations to the marriage of his daughter Miss Anna Bar ron to Mr. Samuel Chiistopher McKeown, the ceremony to take iilace in the First Presbyterian church of Sumter on December 19 Mr. Thomas Garrison well known citizen of Ebenezer township died at his home near Rock Hill last Sunday morning : t about 6 o'clock of paralysis. He was 84 years of ate Hi surviving children are Messrs. J, I , J. T. and W. A. Garrison, and Mrs . Cynthia Reindbardt, the latter of Forest City. N. C. The interment took place in Laurelwood cemetery. Mr. C, T. Crook of Fort Mill township, who was in Yorkville last week on jury duty, said that along bout the first of September his section was flooded with cards from Theodore H. Price assert ing that cotton would sell at 8 cents a pound by the first of December and requesting that the cards be held to that date as evidence of the predicition. "It has been suggested," remarked Mr. Cook, "that all of us that kept the cards get them up and send them back to Mr. Price." The closing down of the oper ations of the Southern Power company at Ninety-Nine Island has had quite an effect on busi ness over in the western side of the county. While the works of the power company were in full blast, Hickory Grove, King's Creek and even Smyrna felt the good effects. The closing down was principally on account of the tightness of the money mar ket, and it is hoped that it will only be temporary. The power people say they hope to get to work again by the first of Febru ary. They may be able to ar range matters before then. Mary Ellen Smarr and Jack Good, two negroes, plead guilty last Saturday to the charge perjury. These are the witness es upon whom the State lejied some time ago to prove that Will Bryant burned Mr. Luther Wbitesides's barn. At the pre hminary examination the two negroes gave testimony that would have been sufficient to have convicted the accused. At the trial, however, they claimed that their original statement were made under duress and that they were not true. Be cause ot thin there was no ev idence aeainst the detendant and he was acquitted. The witness es were prosecuted on the charge of perjury and convicted. The court, however, granted a new trial on a trivial technicality. This time the negroes gave it up and plead guilty. The circutn stance suggests something out of joiut in connection with the whole matter. If it is true that these negroes are guilty of per jury, then does it not ionow mat Will Bryant is guilty of that burning? Under the constitu tion be cannot be tried again Anyhow, he is gone. He left mtnediately after his acquittal. and that was well. Where the nefficiency of the law is proved so clearly as in this case, tne people at interest are liable to provide other remedies. TO BUILD NEW CHURCH. WORSE THAN ONIONS. DURNO Subscribe for THE GAZETTE. Tax Notice! I will be at the following places on dates named for the purpose of collecting your TAX: LOWELL. Tuesday, Dec. 10, 9 to 12 a. m. McADENVILLE. Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2 to 6 p. m. BELMONT. Wednesday, Dec. 11, 9 to 12 a. ui. MT. HOLLY. Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2 to 6 p. m. MTN. ISLAND. Thursday, Dec. 12, 9 to 12 a m. LUCIA, Thursday, Dec. 12, 2 to 4 p. m. ' STANLEY, Friday. Dec. 13, 9 to 12, a. m. ALEXIS. Friday. Dec. 13, 2 to 4, p. m. DALLAS, Saturday, Dec. 14. All Day. HARDEN MILL, Monday, Dec. 16, 9 to 12, a. m. HIGH SHOALS, Mondav, Dec. 16. 2 to 4 p. in. CHERRYVILLE, Tuesday, Dec. 17. All Day. DlL,L.lNli mil,l,, Wednesday, Dec. is, y to iz a. m. BESSEMER CITY, Wednesday. Dec. 18, 2 to 5 p. m. CROWDER'S CREEK. Thursday. Dec. 19, 10 to 12 a. ra. PLEASANT RIDGE, Thursday. Dec. 19. 2 to 4 p. m. SPENCER MOUNTAIN. Friday, Dec. 20, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. GASTONIA. Saturday, Dec. 21. All Day. This is my fourth round. Your tax MUST be paid. Meet me this round and avoid trouble and ex pense. The Gastonia Tax Book will be at Rankin Fur nlturc Co., all day Saturday, Dec. 14 and 21. Tlios. E. Shiiford, West End Methodist Congrega tion Sells Property and Will Rebuild Nearer the Loray Work to Begin January First. The Vyest End Methodist congregation has sold its boue of worship on West Air Line street to Mr. W. T. Rankin for $1,100 and will tyiild a hand some new structure on Frank lin avenue at a cost of $4,000 The new edifice will be located on a lot donated by the Lorav Mill management, which also generously donates $600 to the building fund. Plans and specifications tor tne new building will be prepared at once and it is expected that active work on the building wil commence January first. Ar rjngements have been made whereby the congregation wi continue to worship for the next five months in the old churcl building. This action on the part of tin West End congregation is a de cided forward step. By moving the location of the churcb build ing it is easy of access to mem bers living both at the Loray and Trenton Mills. New life will no doubt be infused into the work at this point and Methodism will strengthen its influence in this particular quarter. The new pastor, Rev. J. Calvin Harmon, is a Gaston boy and is making an excellent start in his new work. DURNO Dr. Cbreitzber III. Dr. A. M. Chreitzberg, the oldest member of the South Car olina Conference of the M. E. Church, South, and probably the oldest preacher in that State, is seriously ill at his home in Rock Hill as the result of a fall which caused the fracture of the hip bone. Dr. Chreitzberg has reached a very advanced age, being 87 years old the 17th of this month, and has been in the active ministry since he was 19 years of age until 1892, when he retired from the regular work, taking the superannuated re- atton. Dr. Chreitzberg is known to many here, being the father of Dr. H. F. Cbreitzberr. form erly pastor of Main Street Metb odist churcb, and grandfather of Mrs. L. L. Hardin. His many friends hope for him a speedy recovery from the effects of the accident. - Bad Breath From Indigestion Cannot be Overcome With Perfumes. All of us suffer from bad breath sometimes our own, but oftener that of our friends. Nine-tenths of this bad breath comes from some stomach trouble, and cannot be over come by breath perfumes or any other palliative measures. If you occasionally have a bad breath; if there is heart-burn, flatulence and acid gulpiugs of undigested food; if the stomach burns' or smarts; if there is sleeplessness, nervousness, head aches or any other of the many symptoms of indigestion, use Mi-o-na stomach tablets and get well Mi o na is not a mere diges tive nor a phMc, but a tonic remedy that strengthens the muscles of the stomach and bowels so that the flow of gas trio juices is increased, and the food is digested naturally and does not stay in the stomach to ferment and poison the breath. J. H. Kennedy & Co., have seen so many cures made by Mi-o-na stomach tablets that they give a guarantee with every au-cent box that tne money will be refunded if the remedy fails to give satisfaction. They take the whole risk, and a box of Mi-o-na will not cost you a penny unless it cures you. D6 13. DURNO lne uazette is again com fortably settled down in its new quarters in the Armstrong build iag on the opposite side of Ma H street from the old building and its friends and readers ate cor dially invited to drop in and see ns. Our new linotype tnachit e will be shipped from New York this week and will be installed and-ieady for business early in January. DURNO DURNO Sheriff. D20c4 Cures Blood, Sklo Diseases. Cancer, Greatest Blood Purl fer Free. If vonr blood is . impure, thin. tseased. hot or full of humors, if ou have blood poison, cancer, car buncles, eating sores, scrofula, ec zema, ltchinjr. risings and bumps, scabby, pitnplv skin, bone Dsins. catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin diseases, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B ). Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich. Drug gists or by express $1 per large bot tle, three Dottles for $2.50 or 6 bottles for $5.00. Samples free by writing Blood Balm Co., Alanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially advised for chronic, deep-seated cases, as it cures after all else fails. F J18 8. DURNO - In Pickens county, - Alabama, Sunday afternoon, a! constable who had arrested a negro named Will Love was met by a mob of fifty armed negroes. The mob opened fire and the negro prison er whom they were seeking to release was instantly killed, while the constable received only flesh wonnds, although left for dead. It is feared that the occurrence will cause a serious race riot."- . DURNO Trains XMos. ll and i are now only local trains to and from Charlotte, and a slight change has been made in their schedule; beginning last Sunday. No 11 arrives at 12:10 instead of 11 o' clock and No. 12 a: 5 instead o 5:37. It if rumored that 35 and 36 will also soon be changed to local trains, but no offical an nouncement Has been made in regard to them.' DURNO It is understood that the work of laying concrete side walks on Main street; in the business section of town, will not begin until the first of the year. As recently noted in these columns the contract for this work has been let to Mr. J. W. Haas, of Charlotte, and was to have been commenced December first. DURNO W. B. Thomas has been elect ed acting president of the Ameri can Sugar Refining Company to succeed Henry C. Havemeyer, recently deceased. DURNO Mrs, M. B. Shoaf. of Thomas ville, who has been confined in the Mecklenburg fail for some weeks charged with mistreating little Jennie Fields, ; was re leased Tuesday on a bond of $500 furnished by ' certain citi zens of Tbomasville. Her hus band is still in jail, but expects to be able to make bond in a few days. ,Y; ' .. DURNO FINE YIELD OF CORN. A Cleveland County Farmer Gives Some Advice 19C8 to be a Good Wheat Year. Shelby Star. Mr. Chauncey C.Grigg, our good friend and prosperous farmer of New House, was ""a most welcome caller last week and talked interestingly on the culture of corn and wheat. He is recognized as one of the very best and most farsighted farm ers of his section, and between himself and his good neighbors there exists a generous and friendly rivalry as to who shall lead in. the greatest production to the smallest acreage. Mr. triirt "id that in a ten-acre field of corn he counted 720 stalks of corn in one row from which he gathered 1,811 cars He advises the planting of "doubled eared" corn, and guarantees an increa e of from five to ten bushels per acre rle propnesies that next year will be an uncommonly good wheat year, and backs up his prophency with , these infallible signs: "Those who formerly sowed early are now sowing late, and those who heretofore sowed Jate are now sowing early," a sorter "getting 'em a comm and gwme" performance He furthermore adds that he is not iu the race this -vear, h is content to rest upon his well earned laurels until some of the other competitors catch up with him. He says when they beat raising- cotton, corn and wneat, he win get in the race again. So it is up to "his farmer neighbors to bestir themselves and get Brother Grigg to hum ming agaiu lest bis enforced ease-taking result injuriously to him. fj . J ft. ml f FV"J PUT MaT- I M I M I W WI - , . xa; . ' lb" i i - - When winds shriek high in fiendish glee, And enters winter with his key Protect yourself, from disease be free: Take Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. Adams Drue Co. DURNO President Roosevelt has at last made public his attitude on the third term proposition. In yes terday's dispatches he reiterates bis announcement made on the night after bis last election and declares that his position is un changed. Congressman Webb has asked for free delivery for Hickory and Gastonia in bis district and ac cording t,o yesterday 's dispatches will get free delivery for -both places about May or June, when the appropriations are made. Both cities have reached the re quired growth. DURNO r m. md mb. new eoujyfa:- m . i&e know you thoafM aSoid It a oonff irinu wuit yvu uu vv W vj- yvt I haven't yet Sought the tfieenbe that uou ae mdelnf whethek h not two eon we ab eheajyfy ab ctne: two timed? one vUCC eonie eCotek to ApJaisz 4vu it ufu uu that tttfiMAttiihe a v o o v . - Aom thib mam wlCC janUh a home eoftiMeteSu. front J&fj. 00 jfc 0.00 now what ae you yointf to do? Williams Furniture Co. CRAIG & WILSON BUILDING Jno. H. Williams, Manager. The stores of Mr. ley, at Edith,' and Walter AI Brown and Cornelius, at Sherrill's Ford, Catawba co'untv.were entered by robbers Tuesday ! night. The safes at both stores were cracked and $100 taken from the first and $400 from the second. It is presumed that the. work was done by one and the same man. FOR SALE me louowinjf property tor sale on the land of T. A. McGill, property Belonging to O. C. Tate: .300 Bushels of Corn 4,000 BandlesTot Fodder Two Good Milch Cows . . Two hogs, one buggy and harness. fanning. tools, household and kitchen fixtures. . . . Date of Sale 1 20th day of December, 1907 O. C. Tate. D17c2. . s . . Notice ol Sale of Crowders Mountain Cotton Mills. B Tlrtue of a decree of the Superior Ccurt of Gaston County, North Carolina, made at November term, 1907. in the action therein tending wherein J. M. Williams is plrinti raid Crowders Mountain Cotton Mills auU all its stockholders ana creaicors arc defendants, I will sell to the hiRhest bidder, at public aucttou. on the premises, at Poilipsbur. Gaston Countr. Noith Car olina, at noon. on . - MowiMj. January 20th, 1908, 11 the real estate and tangible personal nronert of the Crowders Mountain Cotton Mills, consisting; of about zua a- acres oi land, on which is situated a brick cotton ruill.dam.flume. water-wbeel, flume, fire pro tection, steam plant, dynamo, 1 two- compartment warehouse, 1 brick store and dtoinins baildinv. waste none. 4a cot' taxes, a stock of general merchandise, and the following machinery, viz: One two beater breaker tapper; one single-beater finisher lapper; nine 40-inch Cards; twelve Delivery hrames: one Slubber. C8 spindles tw Intermediates, 174 spindles; five Fine Frames. 60S spindlesr 19 Spinning Frames. 3.952 spindles: 2 Spoolers. lW-pindles; 4 Keels: 2 .Draper Beamets; 121 Lowell Innma wi h reed and harness: 1 Slasher: 1 Brash and Folder; 1 press: pulleys, belt- ing. shaftings, hangers Bic, complete ana now in operation : together with any and all other visible or tangible property now owned by said company. This Cotton Mill can be seen and ex amined at any time npon application to the undersigned or to the Superintendent fa charge. - . - . , . Terms of Sale : one-third of toe purchase pne to be paid in cash on the c tiarma tioa of the sale, and one-third in aiz months and ooe-third in twelve months thereafter. the deferred payments to bear interest from confirmation, with privilege to purchaser to anticipate said paymenta: the purchaser to deposit with the Keceiver the ansa of five thousand dollara on date of sale to guaran tee compliance with the terms thereof npon confirmation by the Court. TJpon confirma tion and payment of one-third of the price the property will be delivered to the pur chaser (in case he does not desire to pay alt cash; to be operated by him at his own risk, but such purchaser will be required to keep such property insured in the sum for which it is now insured in the name of the Keceiver so as to fully pro ect the parties in interest from loss or damage." " - This the 27th davol November lonj. '. Tjl7c8w. t . J. S. MAUNRV. t? .ma rn ...... i.n.A. MM WUIIUI.CIUIIl.ll Senator Jeff Davis , o f Arkansas, violated the .Jong .,.v.i:.i . J 4 s... csiauuaucu uicicucni ivuiui mi- poses silence npon. new numbers of that body Tuesday by dtliv ertng " a red hot speech on the trust question.. He has intro duced a bill which . he says, if marie a law and tnforced. will wipe the trusts Ironi the lace oi the earth. - : " . d , DURNO Frauk Denton, a white- man thirty 'years of age, as fo-:nd dead with his v skull ' crushed Tuesday tnorhino; at the foot of the Norfolk nd Southern' high tresile in Raleijjh. He bad ev idently fallen from the trestle, a u !. ..-. i t r supposed to have been drinking at the time of his tragic death. ; DURNO V The Gaxetts (or first -class printing.