TV ETTE ! The Paper 1 Read by Gaaton People ? That's All i PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND, FRIDAYS. - Single Copy 5c. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. $1.50 a Year la Advance. VOLfXXVIH. OASTONIA, N.C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17. 1007. NO. 101 . ., ' .,. , t . , Try a Gazette , t t Want Ad They Bring. Results t OAZ u H'E PROFESSIONAL CARDS GARLAND & JONES ; Attorneys, and Counselors Over Torreuce-MorrU Compear. , i, K 5 - Gastonia, N.' C. , - . S. B. SPARROW ATTORNEY-AT-LAW - ; DALLAS, N. 0. Offica upatatra over Bank of Dalla JOHN 0. CARPENTER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW - DALLAS, N. C, Office over Bank of Dallas. DR. D. E. McCONNELL, ' DENTIST ' GASTONIA, N. 0. Offlca Flrat Floor T. M.' C. ' A. BW Phone 69. DR. T. A. WILKINS DENTIST GASTONIA ,N. C. Office in Adams Building , Phone 311 DR. P. A Pressly DENTIST CLOVER. - - - S. C. $. SOCIA L S litems intended for. .ibis col umn should be ,r!ioned to No, 50. ne f ojsf''"s,.,itny nocUI ' Up. Buy Your Christmas Jewelry from Wolfe Bros. i c Order Your Christmas: Photographs At Once Delay will mean Disappointment no better Christ mas remembr ance cam be found than a good photograph of a relative or friend. Frames Made to Order ; We have the largest and best assortment of picture mould ings ever shown in. Gastonia.: - -Pictures Framed N : . Promptly Phone 147 J. I. GREEN NOTICE OF SUMMONS. Superior Court. ' North Carolina. 1 -Gaston County. Before the Clerk. Ida Koxzelle and" W. B. Rat ledge, administrator of the es tate of Ben Hoke, deceased, y. Elixa Hall 'and her husband, Joe Hall. Irene Springs and her husband, Henry Springs, Omey Berry and her husband. Berry. Louisa McKane and - her hnsh&nd- Albert McKane. Lizzie MeCarthern and her ; hnsband. William MeCarthern. Sam Khyne. Kd Johnson, May Johnson, Charlie Johnson, George , Johnson and Ethel jonnson, visra martin, Sadie -i Martin. Martin, Martin, fiphraim Martin, Johnson. -The defendants, Irene Springs and her husband. Henry Springs, Omey Berry and 'her - husbdnd. Berry. Eph Martin Mam Khvtif. Ik. ' UaWa r 1. Hoke. Lizzie MeCarthern, and ber husband, - William . MeCarthern, will lasc notice un an action, entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, for the purpose of selling for partition among the plaintiff and def-ndani, that certain tract of land situated in South Point Township, Gaston County.-- North Carolina, adjoining the land of M. H. Khyne. Fred Armstrong and others, con taining about 15 acres more or less, ai.d which is fully described in the petition now oa file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gastoa County. North Carolina, and in which said defendants bare an interest: and said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gastoa County, at the court house is the town of Dallas, North Carolina, oa the - - 4th 4y t Janarr. 1908. and answer or demur to the verified petition which ta new oa file therein or the relief demanded in ssid petition will be granted. i bis the ZOth. day of November. 1907. J3c7w CCCobitwilu" ' Clerk So perk Court Gastoa County. Invitations reading as follows ' - ... . . ' . ... nave Decn issuaa. v. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Lt. Smith request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter ' Ze" ' , '- ' Mr. James Wilson West Thaisday afternoon, December twenty-sia ' nineteen hundred and seven .. - ' - five o'clock .- Christ's Evangelical Lutheran Church Stanley. 'North Carolina. Mot withstanding the very in clement . weather Friday night the entertainment tendered by Mrs. W. H. Reddish at her borne on Long street to the members of the Philathia class.of the First Baptist Sunday school, of which she is teacher, was a most enjoy able event. A number were, pre vented from attending on ac count of the rain but there were about thirty present. The evening was spent most pleas antly in the playing of games, in social intercourse and in the en joyment of refreshments pro vided by the hostess. A feature ot the occasion was a Christmas tree which occupied the centre of the dining table. It was decorated with candles and festoons and held on its branches little socks filled with candies- and other good things there being one for each invited guest. In addition to the tooth some edibles there was in each sock the owner's fortune written on a slip of paper. When the guests weie seated around the table the reading aloud of each one's fortune furnished a pleasant diversion. The refreshments consisted of cream and cake. After leaving the dining room a game of progressive conversa tion was indulged in to the de light of all. Mr. Augustus Cline and Miss Ethel Hicks won the distinction of being the best con- verstationahsts. Tbe score cards were in the shape 6f '-wedding bells. - " Mr. and Mrs. Reddish were as sisted in receiving by Miss Kate Padgett. The cccasion will long be remembered by all who were so fortunate as to. be the recipients of the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs Reddish. The following account of the Gray-Shepherd wedding is from The Greensboro Industrial News of the 12th inst: "One of the principal social events of the week in this coun ty was the marriage yesterday at Whitsett, when Miss Mayme Shepherd, daughter of Mrs.' A. F. Greeson, of that, place, was married to J. Lander Gray, of Gastonia. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. S. M. Ran kin, J of this city, in the Presbyterian church, which was decorated for the occasion in ferns and chrysanthemums. "Fust to enter the church were the ushers, Prof. J. Henry Joyner, of, Whitsett Institute, and Lee Wharton. They pro ceeded down the aisle and took their positions, one . on either side of the altar. Then came the bride down the left aisle, at tended by her sister, Miss Ora Lee Shepherd, of Wilmington, N. C, as maid of honor. Sim ultaneously, the bridegroom entered, coming down the right aisle, attended by his brother. Charles D,, Gray, of Trinity College, as best man. The bride and bridegroom , met in front of the altar. Miss Blanche Rankin, music instructress of Whitsett Institute, presided at the organ, and while the wed ding party was entering she played iar mellow tones Mendels- sonn's wedding march, un a slight elevation over the floor of the church, the" Rev. S. M. Rankin, the bride's former pastor, uttered the impressive words that made them man and wife, the - ring ceremony being used. : The bride wore a blue tailor made going-away .gown, with hat and gloves to match, while i the throat was a diamond brooch, the gift of the bride kroom. bne earned a shower bouquet of bride's roses -and asparagus terns, tier maid ot honor was attired in . silk laven der voile trimmed in lace. She wore a black picture hat and carried a bouquet of white car nations and asparagus ferns.; The happy couple was the recipient of numerous wedding presents, consisting of cntglass, silver,' furniture .and other articles.- Among -the presents was a statue and chest of . silver from the faculty and students of Whitsett Institute, ot which the bride is a frradnate. "Mr. Gray, the bridegroom is a vonne business' man of Gas tonia. being superintendent and general manager of the Gray Manufacturing Company, . of that town. The bride ac complished young lady and has manv friends. ; w - "After : the ceremony, the couole was driven to Gibson ville. where thev boarded the train for this city, arriving here ' at 5.15 p. m. They bad supper at the McAdoo hotel and left last night for the wedding tour. After December 20 they will jbe at Gastonia. "Among the guests attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Iseley. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shepherd, of Burlington ; Mr. and Mrs. Beal. of Liberty; Rev. and Mrs. S. M. Rankin, Miss Marir Louise Kendle and Miss Rosalie Smith, of Greens boro." Sunday's Atlanta Journal con tained. a half-tone cut of Miss Josie Blankenship. of Columbu Ga.. who is visiting in Atlanta, Miss Blankenship is known to many Gastonians, having fre quently visited Mrs. " W. J. Clif ford here. She is a popular young societVwomau of Colum bus. DURNO If you wish to please your sweet heart. Your sister or your mother. Or maybe one of the tiny" tots" Perhaps somebody's brother- Go to Torrence-Morris Company And certain 'tis that you Will find the very thing you want Presented to your view. DURNO To Santa Clans. The Gazette received the fol lowing letter Saturday for Santa Claus and, that be may see it, we are printing it here. Any of the little boys and girls in The Gazette's big family of readers who want to write Santa what to bring them should send their letters at once so they can be printed -before Christmas. Address them to Santa Claus, care The Gazette, Gastonia, N C. It had not been our inten tion to run a department of Santa Claus letters this year but as there are doubtless lots of our little boy and girl friends who would like to write letters to the dear old man, we will mint thein m Friday's and next Tuesday's Gazette, so send them along. Here is the letter: Gastonia. N. C. Dec. 14, '07. Gastonia Gazette, Dear sir: Please pnnr my eter aa Santa Claus will see it. want him to bring me a bicycle 'and a pair of red gloves. I am small boy so be will know what kind to bring. Santa, if you please, bring them so I can ride and get chips to make- a fire to keep sister warm. My hands' wont get chapped when ( go out in the wind it I nave gloves on. I know Santa is good and wilt bring them at Aunt Amety's. I must not for get. I want sister to have a pair of new shoes. That's all I will ask for. Your little boy, Grover Hudson. : . MR. D. J.'DOWE DEAD. Well-to-do Citizen of tht County ' Pastes Away After Months of . . Illness Buried at Olney . Where Ho Wit an Elder. W "... .. . . . . in the ipatn aunday -morning at 3:30 o'clock of Mr. D. J Howe at hi borne near Pleasant Ridge that community 'lost one of its bti men and the county a staum-h and loyal citizen.' Mr. Howe's death, thoogh not un expec'rd, broneht sadness to many hearts. Hexhad been ill since last July when he suffered a stroke of paralysis. He rt covered from this sufficiently to be up and about for awhile but suffered a relapse and had been confined to bis bed since Oc tober. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at Olney Presbyterian church, the services being con ducted in the presence of a large gathering of friends and relatives by the pastor- of the deceased, Rev. G. A. Sparrow. The body was laid to rest in Olnej Ceme tery. Among the Gastonians who attended the funeral were Mr. W. M. Nblen, Mr. T. W Wilson, Mr. Frank McArver, Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Huffstetler and Mr. Bradley Holland. David J. Howe was a native of York county, South Carolina, and was at the time of his death 56 years, seven weeks and seven days old . He was twice married His first wife was a Miss Quinn, and as a result of this union two sons survive, Mr. Robert Howe, of the Pleasant Ridge neighbor hood, and Mr. James Howe, of Clover. His first wife died October 29. 1882. and he was married again on December 24, 1885, to Miss Maggie Torrence. daughter of Mr. Robert Torrence, who survives him. He bad been an elder in the uiney rresov terian church since 1890. He was a loyal and consistent mem ber of the church, an industrious and prosperous farmer, and was held in the highest esteen by all who knew him. The commun ity and all who knew' him will mourn his taking, away. Mr. Howe was a brave Confederate soldier,-v- serving in the Fifth South Carolina Regiment. DURNO, of is DURNO Real Estate Deal. A deal was made last week by which the Gastonia Insurance & Realty Company acquired a valuable tract of land in South Gastonia contiguous to property already owned by them. The and fronts 300 feet on South street. 300 feet on York street and about 1,000 feet on Fifth street and was purchased from Mr. W. N. Davis, it comprises the remainder of a block t which the company already partially owned. When cut tip into lots this will make ..a number of pretty and most desirable build- less. ing sites for residences. SIMPLE HOME RECIPE. Victims Here Should Mix This Simple. Helpful Recipe at Home and Try it. Anyway. Get. from any prescription pharmacist the following: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one- half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; compound Sirup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take a teaspoonful dose after each meal and at bedtime. The above is considered by an eminent auinoruy, wno writes in a New York daily, as the finest prescription ever writ ten to relieve Backache, Kidney Trouble. Weak Bladder and all forms of Urinary difficulties. This mixture acts oromptly on the eliminative tissues of the Kidgeys, enabling them to filter and strain tne uric acid ana other waste matter from the blood which causes Rheuma tism. Some persons who suffer with the afSctions may not feel in clined to place much confidence in this simple mixture, yet those who have tried it say the results are simply surprising, the relief being effected without the slight est injury to the stomach or other organs. Mix some and give it a trial. It. certainly comes highly recom mended. It is the prescription of an eminent authority, whose entire reputation, it is said, was established bv it. A druggisTtere at home when asked stated that be could either supply the ingredients or mix the prescription for our readers. also recommends it as harm This is the . season of decay and weakened - vitality; good health is bard to retain. If you'd retain youis," fortify your system with Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea; the surest way. 35c, Tea or Tablets. ; ' - Dm Co. An unusual accident occurred near Scotland Neck last week when Sydney rope, .a young white man, in - bending over to tie his shoe string broke bis thigh bone, later dying from the wound. DURNO Commissioner of . Labor and Printing H. B. Varner, of Lex ington, it is reported, has lost sight of one eye.. Mr. Varner is editor of The. Lexington Dis patch and will have lbe sympa thy of all . the newspaper men of the State as well as of the balance of the citizenship of the commonwealth. Davidson is to nave a new cotton mill, capitalized at $100, 000. - -.: Col. A. G; Colyar, aged 90 , a . .a years, a wen known author and statesman, died last week at 'Nashville; Tenn. The chick Springs Hotel, a well-khown summer resort near Greenville, S. C, was' totally destroyed by fire Saturday night. DURNO LOCAL AND PERSONAL., Mr. H. N. Garrison, of Bes setner City, - was . a business visitor to Gastonia yesteday. . Supt. F.P. Hall, of Belmont, was in town on business jester day. ' " Mr. S. J. Currence, of York ville, route six.paid The Gazette office a pleasant call Friday. A. LfOwlwinkle. Esq . of the Dallas bar, was in town on business yesterday. -Dr. O. G Falls, of Kings Mountain, was in town tester- day on business. Messrs. J. R and R. S. Lewis, of Dallas, made a busi ness4rip to Charlotte yesterdav. -Mr. T. E Moore, general manager of the Loray Mill, made a business trip to Charlotte yes terday. m W-v mm a ivir, u. ai. Jones has pur chase i the J. . Glenn resi deuce on York street and moving into it to day. -Mr. Will B. Hunter is home from the University spend the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs J. A. Hunter. -Mr. C. H. Cavis and Mr Lean Adams went to Charlotte Fridav night to witness "Coiniu Through the Rye" at the Acad emy of Music. An important meeting Gastonia Lodge No. 188 Odd Fellows is announced for Thurs day night. A full attendance desired. Mr. Hunter Mauney, of Long Shoals, passed through Gastoni yesterday on bis return from Kings Mountain where he spent Sunday at home. -Messrs Marcus Carpenter and Bert Rudisill, of Kings Mountain, passed through Gas tonia yesterday en route to Lin coin county, on business con nected with the tin mines there Mr. Milliard A. McGimsey ot Morganton, who has been living in the West for some years, stopped over a few days last week while on bis way home to visit Capt; and Mrs. John F. Davis. Mr. W. C. Gladden.of Ches ter, S. C, arrived Saturday to make bis home in Gastonia and will be associated with Mr. H. J Parrish in the grocery and hard ware business in the Jenkin block, having purchased a half interest in Mr. Parrish 's stock. Mr. J.Oscar Shuford return ed Friday morning from Dallas, Texas, where he has been for the last two weeks visiting his uncle, air. J. K. Shutord. While away he also visited his two other uncles. Mr. William Shuford, of Hallsville, Texas, and Mr. Joe Carpenter, of Foney, Texas -A handsome calendar has been issued by the Greensboro Fire Insurance Companies, of Greensboro, of which the Gas tonia Insurance & Realty Co is local agent. The head of e massive St. Bernard dog in brown forms the pictorial part of the calendar and it is a pretty piece of work. Lapt. John JP. Davis cried a sale at the home Mrs. N.A.Rob inson in Lincoln county. Mrs. Robinson's sons expect to leave s m . - in a lew days ior mrmingnam, Ala., where they will make their borne in the future. Mr. Davis was accompanied on the trip by Mrs. Davis and by Mr. M. A. McGimsey, of Morganton. In to-day's issue of The Ga zette the reader win nnd an advertisement of the Gastonia Mutual Building and Loan As sociation. Attention is espe cially directed to the fact that the seventh series of stock will be open to subscribers on Jan nary 2d. . Barring only the churches and schools it i doubt ful if any other one agency in a community Contributes so much to the. upbuilding not only of the material life'of the town but to the improving of the citizenship by encouraging the home-loving instinct as the building and loan association. Mt helps many to build homes who would other wise never be able to live under their own vine and fig tree. .It also helps many wage-earners to save money, even if they do not intend to secure homes. . As a money-saving institution - it -is one of the very best. : The as sociation in question , has done much for Gastonia ' and ' the seventh series ought to te taken in a short. time after it is open. We are prepared to extend our customers every accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If yon haVi no account with us we invite you to open one. : . : ; SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 4 and compound the interest quarterly. j : . 5 R. P. Rankin, President I CITIZENS DAHK A. G. Myers, Cashier. DECEIPT Books 10 cents; blank IV notebook! 15 cents at Gazette Fublisbing Co'a. . . - M. Never can - tell when you'll mash a finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or scald. , Be pre pared.- Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil instantly relieves the pain- quickly cures the wound. Blue Mondays Never trouble our family wash natrons. Whv I f haflffllaPI" UfaVtl VartlflaW f A m f I UW WAalitnW ata. I A am am-Jfc . m mmb..a - mivii ;uhi lamiij Traoiii ii k ttiicii vvc van oaVC you all the worry for only five cents a pound. Snowf lake Steam Laundry. Phone No. 13. d. Opera House IK OneNightOnly Wednesday, Dec. I 8th, Guar&titeed Attraction The Beautiful Down East Play "ALONG THE KENNEBEC" Stage With All Special Scenery." the Realistic Snow Storm the Funny Duel Scene the Thrllllnt Explosion Scead With Band and Orchestra HEAD the Splendid Orchestra C C C CIC the Comedy Quartette n V the Good Singing J1" CLEVER CHARACTER SPECIALTIES BRIGHT MUSIC AND COMEDY Prices 25, SO and 75c Band Concert! Opera House, 5:30 and 7:30 Seats Now On Sale at Torrence's Drug Storej Pictures Framed to Order We have in stock an extensive and varied line of picture fraina moulding and we feel sure that we can furnish just what you want in this line. We want your order for Pictures and Frames for Christmr hi . i l a u;iTrucc rt rr t ttc tdiry a nice line ui i unto, ii.uii and JEWELRY at prices to suit everybody. Y can save money by seeing our line before buy! your Christmas presents. Send your friends us. It s worth their time. We will save th money. Watch, Clock and Jewelry pairing a Specialty HAYNES & HILL Ragan Building t m Announcement The Gastonia Mutual Building & Loan Associa tion will open its books .'for subscriptions' to series 7, on January 2, 1908. , ;, . There is no safer invest ment. All loans are made on first mortgage real estate security.". . There Is no more profitable Investment for. small sums of money. Profits are ac cumulating rapidly, and they belong to the stockholders. .Call to see me and let me explain details to you. You may give me name and. number of shares you wint nows t . . E.G.McLurd, v . Office at Gaatasi Laaa A Trust Ce. . II Ten Want Cttten Canary Wews S-! -r r If Yao Want Neat, UHPtH Stttierrry f t - pi at- at- -r-i-t- - a