. The Qastonia Gazette. PERGONAL UEimOirr MRS. J. P. NEAGLE EZAIK WANTS. ' Gazette Want Ads Pay Try ' 'em And Get Results.',', . ' Advertisement Inserted under this tiend at the rate of ten cents a. line for the first Insertion Anil Jive cents line for each subsequent Insertion. - . Phone No. MX . " , In . the future The Oasette will make chaws for all notioea tf fairs, suppers, ntertalnmenta, etc., the object of which la to make money. A charge will also " be made for cards of thanks and obltu- artes. The rate la five cents a Jin. An , extra charge will he made when copy la ' prepared In this office. LET US atore your cotton and save you worry and risk from fire and damage. B, H. Pa.tker & Co. D17c3 COR SALE A jrood horse, We for (T a ladv to drive. Will sell at bar- uavis - tf gain, iiorse can ne seen at table. v WANl'ED-To VT buy remnants of seed cotton. Will pay highest .. market price. Henry & BhadLEy, Gastonia, N. C. D20c4. LOST. Light tan overcoat X length Sunday afternoon between Ozark and Gray mill. Suitable reward for return to 0. F. S. Austin, Ozark mill. rjOR RENT Heath store building a . on Main street near First Nation al Bank, Gastonia Insurance & Realty Co. tf. I OST OR STAYED from my prem- , JL ises at . Dallas, last Thursday two Essex Dies, about 35 or 40 lbs in weight. Suitable, reward for their return to T. E. Shnford. Sheriff. WEDDING invitations We can furnish them, . either printed on nice stock or engraved, at reasonable prices and promptly. Give us your order." Gazette Pub lishing Company, Gastonia, N. C. tf VOUR PRINTING -This is to re- 1 mind the business- man and others who use printed matter that we do all kinds of commercial print ing. Let us send you samples and quote prices on envelopes, letter heads, note heads, bill heads, state ' ments, pay envelopes, church envel opes, shipping tags, programs, bus iness and visiting cards, report blanks, hand bills, circulars, circular letters, prescription blanks, receipts, special blanks of all kinds, booklets, pamphlets or anything else that you may need. Prices right, delivery prompt, satisfaction guaranteed. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Gazette Publishing Company, Gas tonia, N. C. tf. Mr. X. I. Jenkins made a business trip to Charlotte yester day. . . Mr. S. J. Gaston; of route one Lowell, was a business visi tor in town yesterday. ; . Mr, Henry Van Onsen, colporteur for the Gaston Conn ty Pastoral Association of the Lutheran church, i here. . A Mr. Walter C. Adams, lino, type machinist Jor The Observer, was-over from Charlotte yester day with home folks. Messrs. . Dan and Vernon Grier, Mr. Perry Dover and others who went" to Keota, Oklahoma, a week or two ago have returned home;, Mrs. George Turner and Mrs. R. C. Mnllinax, of Grover, were among yesterday's shop persiu tne city. Mrs. Faire Alexander, of Charlotte, was the guest yester day of the family of her brother, Mr. J. A. Hunter. . She was en route to Belmont from Dallas where she had been visiting. Miss Helen Jenkins is at home for the Christmas holidays from the Oxford Seminary. Miss Lola Jenkins, who is at tending tbe same institution, is expected home Friday. Mrs. B. E. Atkins will leave to-morrow for her home at Rus sellville, after a visit to her sons, Messrs. E D and J. W. Atkins. She will stop en route at Cleve land, Chattanooga and Nash ville, Tenn. S M . ams uertruae btowe re turned yesterday from Belmont where she had been at the bedside of her father, Mr. Man gum E. Stowe. His condition, we are glad to be able to report, was somewhat improved yester day. Well-Koown Lady of Belmont Passea Away at Advanced Afo-Body Laid to Best at .'. Ebenezer. -V J , v ' Mrs. Adeline Neagle. widow of the late Mr. John Price Neagle, died Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Haywood Johnston, near Belmont, at the advanced age of 75 years. Mrs; Neagle ywas born -.jC Rhyne, daughter of the late John Rhyne, who died many years ago. ' She vwas twice married, her first union being with a Mr. Lineberger. As a result ol her first marriage two chllartoi sur vive,Mrs. Lent vof Mount Holly, and Mrs. Frank , Hender son, of Charlotte. Her second marrige was to Mr.' John Price Neagle, who preceded her to the grave. Of this anion one child survives, Mrs. Haywood Johnston, with whom deceased made her home. Funeral services over her re mains were held at the home Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock, eing conducted by Rev. W. V. Honeycutt, of Belmont, and Rev. R. A. Miller, of Lowell. Interment was made in the cemeterv at Ebenezer church. Mrs. Neagle was held in high regard by a large circle of friends and acquaintances who mourn her death. 'Jury List. Following Is the Dttit itirv for tne special term of Uaston Coun ty bupetior Court, which meets January 6. 1908, as drawn -by the board of county commissioners in adjourned session yesterday: You know as well as any one wflen you need something to regulate your system. If your bowels are sluggish, your food distresses you, your kidneys pain, take Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea. It always re lieves. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. Adams Drug Co. ' FIRST WEEK. ' II. B. Moore J. V. Hannah - f J. R. Withers John Gater Robert A Falls 'W. B. Pnett S. M. Robinson Geo. Swift . V J, L. Roper Luther Davis C. C. Sipe S A. Wolfe J. II. Underwood G R Lewis J. D B McLean Georiit- B. Huss A. R Holland V E Long K L. Pegram J hu McGill J .hn M. C. Stroup Chas P. Huiley Jake Kiser J. D. Bradley SECOND WEEK W. C. Harrelson G. Logan McKee VV. A. Mason B. H. Roberts W. RV Ford J. E. McArver H. M. Houser J. L. Rhyne Thomas Arrowood Sidney L. Kiser Jas H. Wilkerson G. A. Howell J. N. Dixon B. R. Ramseur T. H. White F. A. Costner G. G Howell M. W. Thomas r Gastonia Hens.... Prys. Eggs Butter. Produce Onions Peas ". . Corn Sweet Potatoes Cabbage ..... Country Hams Market 10c 10c. 25c 20c. 80c! $2.50. 80c. 80c 125 14c 11 1-2 Rev. J. K. Hall, of McCdn- nells, S. C, occupied the pulpit of the A. K. r. church Sunday, preaching two able sermons. Mr. Monroe Whitesides and Mr. E. L. Wilson returned Fri day night from a several weeks' trip west. They visited points in Oklahoma and spent some time with Mr. Whitesides' rela tives in Polk county, Arkansas. They were much pleased with their trip. Died of Bloodpoisoning. A very sad death occured near Lowell Sunday when little Miss Annie Adeline Wallace, aged eight years and daughter of Mr allace, who lives on tne old Teakue place, succumbed to bloodpoisoning after an illness of only one week, having taken sick on tbe Sabbath previous. The funeral was conducted Sun day by Rev. R. A. Miller and the body laid to rest in the Low ell Cemetery. Are you thinking of what to give ber At this happy Christmas time? Get a gold-headed umbrella For that old sweet-heart of thine Torrence-Morris Co, Jewelers. The Gasette for flrst-cls prlntlns Country Shoulders Homemade Molasses 45 to 50c Cranberries .. 15c qt. Gastonia Cotton. - These figures represent the prices paid to wagons: Dec. 17th. Good middling 11 1-6 Strict middling 1 1 Middling 10 7-8 Cotton Seed . 28c Cotton Receipts. September .: 950 bales. October. . 2.046 bales. November 752 bales WANTED 500 Ladies to use Wm. H. Brown & Bro's. New Perfume Pocahontas. "It's Great." For Sale by FROST TORRENCE A CO J stands for jewels and rare To grace the form of fair, A bracelet, a brooch or a some ring, Are for Christmas presents very thing so lovely your lady hand- the Torrence-Morris Co. , Jewelers. Just ten days after his store and stock of merchandise was totally destroyed by fire, Mr. R. E. Johnston re opened his general merchandise business in Begonia. This was last Wed nesday and he is dointj busi ness right along in his old store Building. TUESDAY. DEC. 17. 1907. TOWN AND COUNTY. Along, the Kennebec" at the ; opera house to-morrow night. Register cf Deeds A. J. Smith was a busiucss visitor to Charlotte; yesterday. Cotton receipts at tbe local platform to-day, j&0 bales. Total since Friday, 122 bales. A child of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L?e pet, of Belmont, died Saturday and was buried Sunday. Judging from the rush fof money orders, the past few Mays Cbristtrias booz will be roliing in in big quantities before long Work was resumed vesterday on the Gaston Loan & Trust Co's. new addition. The bad weather of last week rendered it mpossibje to work. The ladies of the Baptist church will give an oyster sup per Friday night in the store building adioinint Mr. A. P. H. Rhyne's store in Dallas.The pro ceeds will go toward the parson age Jund.l he public is cordially invuea 10 attend. In police court vesterday Mayor vance and Viola Jack, son, negroes, were tried for dis .J 1.. . J . T uiucnv tunuuci. vance was fined $10 and the costs and the Jackson woman was fined a penny and ost. Both are old offenders. . Saturday Chief of Police J. Wiley CarrolK received a. Mr gram from J. F. Wplfe, of I ri den, Miss., requesting him to locate and: send home cne Charlie Wolfe, whom tbefoimer supposed to be here. So far the police have been unable to locate Wolfe. ' : . Yesterday all the merchants' and business, men on Main street were notified by the city authorities not to sweep any dirt or trash from their places of business on to the paved street. This is a good rale and will materially aid the city in keep ing Main street clean. RE JOLVED THATThE QUtR W JUDGE.D BYMI6 GIFTS. YOU MAKC OTHERS HAPPV VlTH Yovi GIFTS' AND BBW HAPPINESS WTO YoURSar. DoNT BUYTCASH For. Presents jheh you cak buy sns&le m men Ji 6W TMKtK OLIMOIDUL rrttOLiHlO ArCL GOOD THINGO TOR. -SENSIBLE PEOPLE To GIVE .SENSIBLE PEOPLE. V I rt eM M m asjsj a mmm a . VI ln lov l jo an iniwoo 10 WEAR. AND CAN YOU NOT GET THE BE.ST PREJENT-5 TOR MEN AT ANIENS STOKE? WE SPECIALLY INVITE THE LADIE-5 OF THI CITY To CpME AND JEE WHAT BEAUTIFUL PRESENT NECKTIE5, PRESENT U5 PENDERJ PRESENT HO-5IERY, AND PRESENT EVERYTHING THEY CAN BUY FOR THEIR MEN FRIENDS AT OUR' .STORE, AND THEN IN WHAT WAY YOU CAN MAKE YOUR' LITTLE BUTTER BROWN HAPPIER THAN BY 6IVING HIM A NICE NEW -SUIT OF CLOTHE-5 OR A 600D OVERCOAT? YOU WIJH TO JEE THEJE THINGS BEFORE YOU BUY THEM, SO COME AND L00K AT THEM AND THEN GET OUR PRICE J. COME To THE "QUALITY .STORE." WE ARE .SHOWING A NEW BLOCK IN 5TETaSoNS BROWN HAT J. - SWAN-SLATER GO (HEAD-TO-FOOT OUT-FITTERS FOR MEN AND BOYS) Banquet the 31st. The annual banquet of the Gaston County Alumni and Stu dents Association of the Univer sity of North Carolina will take place at the Falls House on the night of luesday, December 31st. Dr. C. Alphonso Smith, of tb chair of English at the University, has accepted an in vitation to be present and deliv er the principal address. Mr. A. G. Mangum. of Gastonia. will act as toastmaster. This promises to be the most largely attended and the best banquet yet held by this association. Fuller details of the program will be published later. When winds shriek high in fiendish glee, . Ahd enters winter with his key Protect yourself, from disease be free ; Take Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. Adams Drug Co. Whiskey Prescriptions. following is last week's record of whiskey prescriptions: Williams Drugr Co 9 Adams' Drujf btore. 25 Torrence's Dmg Store 23 Total . 57 Issued by: McG Anders 3 II. M. Eddleman 12 L. N. Glenn 2 C. E. McLean.. 4 F. G. Wilson 5 J. M. Sloan .t 7 C. E Adams 2 H. F. Glenn 7 R. M. Reid 2 Loud (colored) 7 Out-of-town physicians 6 YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Should be Done Now Before the rush you have more time, more to select from and we can give you more Attention Every Department has something to offer In suitable presents for the old and young. Dolls, Toys, Fancy Goods of every kind 'Teddy Bears" Furs! Furs! Furs! What could be nicer or more useful present for a lady than a nice Fur Scarf cr Muff. We have them from 98c to $20.00 each. Ladies' and Children's Coats Priced Low A PAIR OF QKIIN BLANKETS FOR CHRISTMAS, YOU WILL HAVE THEM TO THINK OF FOR SEVERAL EARS TO COME. A Handsome Silk Umbrella, from $2.50 to $5.00. Men's Bath Robes. $3.98 to $7.50 Handsome Silk Suspenders in Holiday Boxes 50c to $ 1 .50 Beautiful line of Ties, new colors and patterns. Ladles' and Men's Felt Bed Room Slippers 98c to $2.00. Millinery ! Millinery ! We are making sweeping reductions in all ready trimmed hats, now is the time to Buy That Hat. n Agents Centemerl Kid Gloves Long & Short $1.00 to $3.50. We wil be pleased to show you thcough our stock and help you make your selection. J. M. BELK CO. Cheapest Store On Earth. Agents Ladles Home Journal Patterns 10 and 15c. 21 Mr. W. Harvey Overcash has been engaged by tbe Cataw ba College Choral Society, of Newton, to sing the tenor solos in the comic opera Pinafore to be given Thursday evening with a chorus of sixty voices under the direction of Prof. S. S. Losh. Mr. Overcash sang the solos in the oratorio Gaul's Holy City, last year with tms same society. (fi 2C Total ..57 DURN0 The man who makes you laugh, the greatest magician of America, will be at the Opera House one night only, Monday, December 23rd. He has crossed tbe continent six times in the last four years and has the rep utation of never having missed a date. The company comprises a jolly bunch of fun makers and six live animals. The company is not composed of lecturers or concert entertainers. They are fun-provokers and entertain by mystifying,, astonishing ventril oquism, singing comic songs. playing various stringed instru ments, etc. Magic illusion.", music, comedy, ventriloquism make every moment full of in terest. DURNO makes the im possible seem possible, causes vou to see what you do not se and not to see what you think you see. Don't miss this great snow. . Monday night. Dec. 23d. "Had dyspepsia or indices tion for years. No appetite, and. what I did eat distressed me terribly. Burdock Blood Bitters cured me.w J. H. Walker, Sun Dury, ynio. - OPERA HOUSE One Night Only Special Guaranteed Engagement DURNO In The WHITE HOUSE OF MAGIC Magic VENTRILOQUISM MUSIC 4? ifts A Look over our Stock of hristmas Will help you to make a selection. Dainty Attractive High Class Goods. J. H. Kennedy & Co. Druggists and Pharmacists. J Phone No. 84 J Gastonia, N. C. r- Jr 25-50-75 Seats Now on Sale at Torrence's Drug Store. SOCIAL. Invitations reading as follows have been issued: Mrs. W. A. PrarsoB will iv in marriage ber daughter - ' Jaaie ' . .. to - '." Mr. Charles Lewis Spencer Tnesdar. creninc. the twenty-ton rth of Ifecember. aineteea hundred and seven At Home Gastonia. N. C. " The honor of oar presence is requested. FOR SALE The following property for sale on the land of T. A. McGill, property belonging: to O. C. Tate: 300 Bushels of Corn 4,000 Bundles ot Fodder Two Good Milch Cows ' Two hogs, one buggy and Ifamess, farming tool, household and kitchen fixtures. Date of Sale 20th day of December, 1907 O. C. Tate. ' D17c2. jUUJMl m, llimlamMWl,Ml . m - NipjinjtnmsM ' I III 1l I Name Does Count In giving a Christmas Present, remember that "Torrence-Morris Co" on a box contain Ing same adds a distinct value to it. Every article in our stock was purchased to suit the taste of discriminating buyers. Our stocks are at their fullest and offer many suggestions for the Christmas buyers. The latest creations In dainty Brooches, Brace lets, Lockets, Rings, Watches, Silver Novel ties, Art Goods, Gold and Silver handled Um brellas and canes and hundreds of other beau tiful gifts. Come and see for yourself and you will marvel at the variety and beauty of goods displayed here. EVERYBODY Wants their Mail, Fruits, Candy, Stationery, ' Maga- , zines, Tobacco etc. First ' door from the postoffice you w i Li find ' the little store of Moore. & Shelton We are just now trettine in the prettiest line of stationery and fine candies that we have ever attempted to carry. Also fruits of the very finest qualities. Everything we carry fs the best of what is going. We thank yon for tbe trade already given as and solicit a continuance. Moore & Shelton Torrence - Morris Co. Jewelers. a is A Child's Life Always la Danger ; .. ' nl Cronp or Pneumonia unless 'yon have in the home a bottle of GOWAN'S PNEUMONIA CURF. Then you are safe. Keep a bottle in the home. Croup, Pneumonia, Colds, La Grippe, anything where inflamation w. GOWAN'S Cures. All Dm? jristf. External. 25 and 50 cents a bottle. BUV IT TO-DAY and feel aeenre. , l Subscribe for THE QASTONIA OAZETIi:. II Yoa Want Gaston Cocary News Sabscriy f or Tf f II Yon Want Neat, Up-ta-Data Stationery in m-wg t , to Ceremony at I lx -thirty. Next Door to Postefflc TD31