s onto Our ; Stock ;of Ghriste At f II r.,t i 4 aceg (Efleiui The grandest display of Holiday Specialties ever shown by us. All previous efforts com pletely eclipsed by this season's offerings. TNI ..fx Avt is so Varied and comprehensive that it beggars description, and nothing short of a visit of in spection, which we guarantee; Will be one of pleasure also, will afford the faintest idea of this wonderful display of beautiful: arid useful Christmas Presents. V Our bargain sales of Clothing, Shoes, Dress Goods, Underwear, and in fact all staple merchandise, still continues M rr ir S s IT Department Store. w- y- y- Come to-The Great Sale At LEBOVITZ DEPT. STORES, Get Dry Goods, Clothing, u Shoes, Cloaks, Furs, Ladies' nats and a car load of Christmas Toys, such won derful bargains you will re receive, at THE GREAT SALE at the Baltimore Racket Stores Gastonia, N. C. RtY. W. B. GWALTNEY DEAD. AAAAA-AA AAAAAA Tax Notice! I will be at the following places on dates named for the purpose of collecting your TAX: DILUNG MILL. Wednesday, Dec. 18, 9 to 12 a. tn BESSEMER CITY, Wednesday. Dec. 18, 2 to 5 p. m. CROWDER'S CREEK, Thursday. Dec. 19. 10 to 12 a. m PLEASANT RIDGE, Thursday. Dec. 19. 2 to 4 p m SPENCER MOUNTAIN. Friday, Dec. 20. 10 a. m. to 2 p GASTONIA, Saturday, Dec. 21, All Day. This is my fourth round. Your tax MUST be paid. Meet me this round and avoid trouble and ex pense. The Gastonia Tax Book will be at Rankin Fun niturc Co., all day Saturday, Dec. 14 and 21. Thos. E. Shuford, Sheriff. D20c4 A SUGGESTION FOR CHRISTMAS A suitable Christmas present for any member of the family or friend either in the county or who has gone to some distant State to cast his or her lot anion a strange people would be .year's subscription to THE GAZETTE, Gaston county's leading paper, its best and most reliable newspaper. It would remind them of you lOHimes, twice a week for a whole year, and would cost you only $1.50. It would give the recipient more pleasure than anything else you could stfnd them for the same cost. Send as $1.50 with the name of your friend to whom yon want the paper to go and we will start it at once, send it till January 1, 1909, and send them a nice Christmas card telling them to whom they are indebted for such a nice present. DO IT TO-DAY. present. The Gazette will be better daring 1933 thin it has ever been. Address all orders to ' The Gazette Publishing Company, Gastonia, N, C. Pastor o! Baptist Church at Hick ory Snccambs to Illness of Several Weeks-Was Well Known in Gastonia The Funeral. Much sorrow was occasioned in Gastonia by the announce ment Sunday that Rev. Dr. W. R. Gwallney, pastor of the Bap tist church at Hickory and well known here, had died at his home early Sunday morning Having visited Gastonia often be was known to many here and his friends were numbered as were bis acquaintances. Rev W. H. Reddish, Miss Mattie Moore and Mr. and Mrs. J. C Moore went to Hickory vester- day morning to attend the fu neral. The following account of his illness and death and sketch of his life is from the Hickory correspondence of The Charlotte Observer of yesterday: "The people throughout the city of all denominations, as well as his own church followers, mourn the death of Rev. Dr. W R,. Gwaltney, the much beloved, saintly and able minister, in his 71st year, who answered death call at 1 o clock this morning at his home on Eleventh avenue, after several days of intense suffering. D r . Gwaltney's death will bring sadness to many of his old comrades as well as to the Baptists throughout the State, among whom he had so long and earnestly labored in be half of the Master's cause. "Mr. Gwaltney, being a North Carolina subject, volunteered at the beginning of the war and spent four years of the early part of bis fiftv years of ministerial life as chaplain in the Confederate Army, ministering to his com rades by whom he was so much devoted. The aged clergyman was recognized as one of the ablest men among the Baptist of North Carolina, having served for a number of years as trustee both of the Baptist University for Women and of Wake Forest College as well as in other offices, where his wise judgment and foresight were sought after. "Dr. Gwaltney located in Hic kory in the early 90's and under bis leadership his church had continued to grew, and within the last few years has erected one of the finest Baptist church edi fices in the State. "He leaves a widow and large family of children to mourn his death five daughters and four sons all of whom were by his bedside in his dying hours.They are Mrs. F. L. Crutchfield, of Spartanburg, S. C. ; Miss Min nie Gwaltney, of Wake Forest; Mrs. K. C. Menzies, Misses Pauline and Katherine Gwalt ney, of Hickory: Mr. Will Gwaltney, of Atlanta; Robert Gwaltney, of Wilmington ;E. C. Gwaltney and Philip Gwaltney. of Winnsboro, S. C. The fu neral will take place tp-morrow at Z o'clock from the church nere wbere he has been pastor since its erection, and the re mains will be laid to rest in the amily plot in Oakwood Ceme tery. Much sympathy is felt here for the bereaved family. TO MEET AT DALLAS. Call Issued lor Meetine of Gas ton Farmers Next Saturday. The Gazette is in receipt of the following notice which Mr A. M. Henderson, president of the Gaston county Cotton Grow ers Association, requests to be published: Charlotte, N. C. Dec. 16th, 1907 Mr. A. M. Aenderson, Pres. Gaston Co. County Cotton As sociation. Dear Sir: You are requested to call the farmers of Gaston county to meet at Dallas 1 p. m. on Satur Dec. 21st. This is a very important meet ing and we urge every farmer in your county to be present, while we can not say that Pres. Moore can be with you, we shall try to arrange for him to be pn hand. At this meeting, the officers to serve another year shonld be elected and delegates to attend the state convention on Jan. 21 and 22nd at Charlotte should be elected. The great good accomplished j already through the cotton as sociation should prompt every farmer to give his hearty support and encouragement to the move ment. I therefore Vail on every farmer in Gaston county to at tend the meeting at Dallas. Yours truly A. J.McKinnon, Chairman, Ex. Com. CANNOT AGREE ON LINE. asaaae Dispute Between Gaston and p Lincoln Counties No Jfearer v Settlement Location vl Line Will Doubtless be Lelt to Legislature. There seems to be no prospect of an amicable settlement of the discussion as to the location of the dividing line between the counties of Gast6n and Lincoln ana tne present indications are that the matter will be held over till the next session of the Legis lature when the State fathers will . be asked to take some further action looking to a final determination of this question Last week's Lincoln County News says regarding the subject : Mr. T. E. Clins Chairman of the Board of Lincoln County Commissioners, met in consulta tion last Tuesday, with Messrs John F. Leeper and 'Squire J. Kiser, who represented Gaston county, over the matter of es tablishing the County line be tween ' Lincoln and Gaston After a lengthy discussion these gentlemen failed to agree. The Gaston county men insisted on establishing the old line and Mr. Clme held out strong for survey art s.n - li lira you ean do no ijOU eon Ulme held out strong for survey- . , . n ing strictly according to the pro- ftp- pW&CfU 10 ifOtW f00& iHftC visinna laid A nam in t h eta! 11 rc 0 U ' ' , - " "'wvU) NOTHING COMPARES to Father William's Indian Herb T&blets for all diseases of the UVER, K1D.VEYS. STOMACH and BOW ELS. Frost Torre oce & Co. It causes a vijroroos action of the LIVES, digesting the food and caus ing a regular free movement of the BOWELS, cleanses the KIDNEYS, paniei the BLOOD, makes yon well, keeps yon well. It only coitsyoa 20 cents to try it. Money cheerfully refunded if not Mtisfied. 2 TO THE PRIESTHOOD. Rev. William II. Hardin, Rector ot St. Nark's Episcopal Church to be Ordained Next Sunday by Bishop Horner Ordination Sermon by Archdeacon Web ber. On next Sunday, December 22d, at 11 a. in. in St. Mark's Episcopal church, Gastonia, the Bishop of Asheville, the Rt. Rev. Junius M. Horner, will ordain to the priesthood the Rev. Wil tarn H. Hardin, who for the past year has been serving this church as a deacon. The . ordi nation sermon will b preached by Archdeacon Perry C. Webber, of Boston, Mass. Archdeacon Webber is an eloquent and at tractive preacher and is very popular with Gastonians, having preached bere to the delight oi mauy on several occasions. The order of services for the day will be as follows: Holy Communion, 7.30 a. m. iuormng prayer,, sermon, or dination services and Holy Com munion at 11 a. m. livening prayer and sermon at 7 30 p. ui. The Bishop : will probably preach at the evening service. Pews are free and a cordial invitation is extended to all. strip ot Gaston's present tern tory. As the matter now mere is nothing lelt tor tne au thorities of both counties to do but to wait and bring the matter up bifore the next General As sembly. SAYS IT IS FACT. which would in all Drobababilitv. I j.t V L0oio j AitssP a -fci . J result in Lincoln getting a nice yvvwi, rw W rnwr w A fVH stands, h&i mown Id co w ou &toe and M he au- U a borne fyAnitiPiz pi fo&i hpm&. - v you do tfrkr it fril St gdtln tometfiinf that A w&oSe jamify enjoy, ifou t(ioaeajato$j $ami& m&. faotmCov&i do you not tome oj tfotee thintfi!? - , Is not oa iutfyestion pi thelefoistmas fie&ent food? Constipation causes headache, nausea, ; dizziness, languor, heart palpitation. Drastic physics gripe, sicken, weaken the bowels and don't cure. Doan's Regnlets act gently and cure constipation, cb cents. Ask your druggist. LAND POSTED Notices for sale. Three cents each, 2 for 5 cents, 5 for 10 cents, 12 for 20 cents, " 100 for I $1.25. ' Address orders to Gazette Pub. Co., Gastonia, N. C. . , tf. J. H. Kennedy & Co. Conlirm Guarantee on Hyomei, Cure lor Catarrh. The question having been raised as to.wbether or no J, H. Kennedy will refund the money if a Hyomei outfit does not do all that is claimed for it in cur ing catarrh, they want to state positively that this guarantee is an absolute fact. A guarantee like this is best proof that can be offered as to the curative powers of Hyomei in all catarrhal troubles You do not risk a' cent in test ing its healing virtues, J. ti Kennedy & Co. take all the risk. If you have catarrh, try this wonderful medicated air of Hy omei. It does not drug or de range the stomach, but is breathed through a neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit, so that its medication reaches the most .. remote air cells in the nose, throat and lungs, where any carrbal gejms may be lurking. It quickly de stroys them, heals and soothes the irritated mucous membrane and vitalizes the tissues so that catarrh is no longer possible. You can lose nothing by giving Hyomei a trial, nothing but :, the catairh and that is a good rid dance. -. ' ' The ' price of the complete outfit is but $1.00 nothing if it fails to : cure. . Get an outfit from J. H. Kennedy & Co. ; to day and begin its use at, once Williams Furniture Cc CRAIG A WILSON BUILDING Jno. H. Williams, Manager. DURNO BOOKKEEPERS and business men , -who have constant calculations to make can obtain good unruled scratch pads, lust the right size for the purpose, at The Gazette office at ox cents the pound. tf. RUBBER Stamps, made while yon wait at the Gazette Publishing Co's. . One-line stamp, 20 cents; 2-line, 23 cents; 5-line, 30 cents. tf H NOTICK . . St. Mark's Episcopal church. Rev. W. H. Hardin, rectoi i Services first, third and : fonrth Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school at 9 45 a. ni. every Sunday.. Evening prayer and litany, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. - A cordial welcome is ex tended to 11 to attend. v DURNO Th Out(U for ant-elui printin. Notice ot Sale o! Crowders Mountain Cotton Mills. By virtue of decree of the Superior Ccnrt of Gaston County. NortTT Carolina, made at November term. 1907. in the action therein pending wherein J. M. Williams is plaintiff and Crowders" Mountain Cotton Mills and all its slocknoioers ana creauors re defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder, at public aucttou, on the premises. at Pi.Uipsbora, Gaston County, North Car olina, at noon, on ; Monday, January 20th, 109, all the real estate and tangible personal property of the Crowders Mountain Cotton Mills, consisting ot about sua 3 4 acres ot land, on which is situated a brick cotton mill.dam.fiume, water-wheel, flume, fire pro tection, v steam . plant, dynamo, 1 two- compartment warehouse. 1 brick store and adtoinins; building, waste nease. ' 38 cot tages, a stock of general merchandise, and the following machinery, via: One two beater breaker tapper: one single-bealer finisher Upper: nine 40-inch Cards: twelve Delivery Frame : one Slubber, 68 spindles: two Intermediates, 174 spindles: ne Fine Frames. C68 spindles; 19- Spinning Frames, 3.952 epiudlea: 2 Spoolers, 10Opindle: 4 Reels: 2 Draper Beamera; 121 Lowell Looma with reed and harness: 1 Slasher; 1 Brnsh and Folder: 1 press: pulleys, belt ing, shaftings, hangers &. complete and bow in operation: tngether with any and all other visible or tangible property now owned by said company. Thia Cotton Mill can be seen and ex amined at any time upon application to the undersigned or. to the Superintendent in charge. Terms of Sale: one-third of the purchase price to be paid in cash on the confirma tion of the aale. and one-third in six months and one-third in twelve months thereafter. the deferred payments to bear interest from confirmation by the Court, Upon confii tion and payment of one-third of the p the property will be delivered to the chaser I in case he does not desire to all cash; to be operated by him at his risk, but such purchaser will be require! keep such property insured in the sum which it is now iuanred in the name oi Receiver so as to fully pro ect the pai in interest from loss or damage. i This the 27th day of November, 1007. I FJ17c8w. .;.-.-; . : J. 8. Mapkkv ' Receiver and Commission confirmation, with privilege to purchase anticipate said payments; the purchase deposit with the Receiver the sum of f thousand dollars on date of sale to gur. tee compliance with the terms thereof t. SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY' I will sell at mv residence r. Lowell tu tbe-highetV bid' for cash - ? . ' i ; On Saturday Dec. 2Ut, 19. one Miicb Cow," one Horse, Mule," one 2 Horse Wagon, Tcp buggy jAVagon harness gears, Farnnug Tools, Corn a Fodder, some Household go and 'Kitchen . furniture,. goods not mentioned.- Will I any of the above privately oi; before date of sale. - J G. h. McKes, R. P. D. No. 4t Lowell, N. C