- The Qastonia Gazette. PERSONAL MENTION. WANTS. WANlHU-Tu' W seed cotton. buy remnants of Will tiav highest market price. IIBNRY fie uhadlicy, " Gastonia, N. C. , - D20c4. LOST. Light tan overcoat X length Sunday afternoon between Oiark and Gray mill. Suitable reward for return to D. F. S. Auttin, Ozark mill. tf. COR KENTHeath store building v a on Main atreet near nrst Nation al ' Bank, Gastonis Insurance & Realty Co. tf. WE HAVE a pood second hand Mason & Hamlin organ which can be bought for $20 within the next few days. Can be used for church or parlor. A. J. Kirby & Co. ANTED For immediate delivery Pine Cord Wood. Apply at office, Arlington Cotton Mill. D27c3 I ANNOUNCE that I have resumed the practice of law. and can be found in office on second floor of Robinson Bros' Building, Main street, Gastonia. N. C. Claudius I). Holland, Dec. 20th, 1907. Jan7,c6t FRIDAY. DEC. 20. 1907. Cotton to-day, 10 7-8. Gastonia Lodge No. 369, A. F. & A. M., will hold regular communication to-night. Christmas day will be ob served at St. Marks Episcopal church with the Holy Commun ion at 7:30 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon, at 11 a. m. and a Christmas tree at 6 p. in. The city schools closed to-day for the holidays, to re open January 6tb. Most of the teachers who li'e at a distance left this afternoon for their homes. The program for special reunion services at Long Creek baptist church the fifth Sunday of this month comes to hand too late to appear to day. It will be published Tuesday. Mr. T. N. Kendrick. alter nate district deputy supreme organizer, will organize a con clave of Heptasophs at Clover, S. C, Friday night, December, 27th. Mr. L-, E. Kirby, of South Fork Baptist Institute, Maiden, stopped over on a short visit to relatives here yesterday on his way to Princeton, S. C. to spend the holidays at his home. y' Mr. Claudius D. Holland, who has for the past several months been on Lhe road for the Yeager Manufacturing Com pany, announces that he will resume the practice of law at once. Mr. Holland is an at torney of ability and was former ly engaged in the active practice of his profession here. Mr. R. R. Ray, ot McAden- vine, was in the city yesterday. ' Mr. Walter Lulling, of King Mountain, was iu Gastonia Wed nesday, ' , Geo. W. Wilson, Esq., made business trip to Asbeville Wednesday. Prof. Joe S. Wray will leave to-morrow to spend a few days at his home in Shelby. Mr. J B. F. Riddle of the Begonia neighborhood, was in tbe city Tuesday, sbakine hands j.t. t' j wuu ineuas. y Messrs. win and Fred Wet zell are at home from tbe Uni versity tor trie Holidays and are at Torrenee-Morris Company's - Mr. Jtff Hood, of Erskine College, will stop over with Mr Meek Boyce tomorrow en route home to spend the holidays. Mrs. R. C. Whitesides and Mrs. J. T. Stowe, of Clover, S. C, route one, were among yes teraay s ennstrrus s Hoppers in the city. Mr. W. C. Davis left this morning for Winston-Salem He will return Monday after noon accompanied bv Mrs Davis, who has now sufficiently recovered to make the trip. Dr. J. C. Whitesides, of Maiden, N. C, who has been in Gastonia on business since Monday, returned this morning to his home. While here he made a short business trip to Charlotte Tuesday. Mr. E. K. Hardin, brother of Mr. L- L Hardin and a stu dent in Princeton University, passed through Gastonia Wed nesday on bis way to spend Christmas at his home in Clover, S. C. Dr. A. M. Chreitzberg, whose illness was mentioned in our columns some days ago, is reported to be recovering very satisfactorily from the effects of the accident. He is at the home of his son-in-law, Mr King, in Columbia, S. C. VAS OTHERS THINK. aaaaM Everyone la Oastoola Hat ; EUht to Hit Own Opinion. While everyone bss a right to bis own opinion, yet tt is wise to always consider what others think and profit by their ex perience. Nothing makes life so mis erable, or interferes so widely with tbe usefulness of tbe average American, .as indices tion, and it is well for us to give fair consideration to what others think abcut this remark able affliction. J., ri. Kennedy & Co. are positive that in Mi-'o-na stomacb tablets tbey have an absolute cure lor indigestion and tbe many disagreeable symptoms that follow this direase, such as distress after eating, coated tongue, bad tase in the mouth, dizziness, flatulence, nervous ness and debility. ineir action in selling Mi-o-na on a guarantee to refund tbe money unless it cures, shows plainly their belief in the value of this remedy. Tbey take all the risk, and there will be no charge whatever for Mi-o-na unless you are satisfied that it has relieved you of indigestion. Dec 20 27 Are you thinking of what to give her At this happy Christmas time? Get a gold-headed umbrella For that old sweet-heart of thine. Torrence-Momi Co, Jewelers. -Mr. Brice Williams, of Matthews, N. C, will spend to morrow in Gastonia as tbe guest of his cousin, Mr. J. H. Williams Mr. Williams is a student at Erskine College, and will spend the Christmas holidays at his noise in niaitnews. Mr. Blair H. McLaughen is expected to arrive in a day or two to spend the Chiistmas holidays with his mother, Mrs. G. W. McLaughen. Mr. Mc Laughen is an experienced lino type operator and Molds a posi tion on The Star, the new after noon paper at Chattanooga, Tenn. If you wish to please your sweet heart, Your sister or your mother, Or maybe one of the tiny" tots" Perhaps somebody s brother Go to Torrence-Morris Company And certam 'tis that you Will find the very thing you want Presented to your view. College Girl Elopes. A gretna green wedding took place at Dallas this morning when Miss Bertha Biggers, of Charlotte, and Mr. Rich Jordan, also of Charlotte, were married. The bride is a student at Lin wood College and came to Gastonia this morning with a number of other students to go home for the holidays. Her lover met her here and they eloped to Dallas where the license was procured and the knot tied. They returned to Gastonia and are at the Falls House. When winds shriek high in fiendish glee, And enters winter with his key Protect yourself, from disease be free; Take Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. Adams Drug; Co. Killed by Train. Capt. S. G. Fry, proprietor of tbe Falls House, received a tele gram Wednesday conveying the sad intelligence that his nephew, Mr. Hugh Fry. was kill Tuesday night near Lynchburg, Va. Capt. and Mrs. Fry left yesterday morning f o i Greensboro t o attend the funeral which took place yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. To Our Subscribers. It is not often that The Ga zette duns its subscribers through the columns of the paper. For the past two months we have been too busy to send out state ments to our suDscnoers and we take this opportunity to say that we hope all who are in arrear ages will pay up if possible by the first of the year and renew for 1908 Recently we have been put to a heavy extra ex pense in moving our plant into a larger building. We have pur chased linotype machine which was shipped from New York this week and which will be in stalled early in January. We are putting ourselves iu shape to make 1908 by tar the biggest and best year of The Gazette's history. All of these things re quire money and we hope that our friends will lend us their asssistauce in carrying out our plans by promptly paying About tbe first week in Jan uary ve will mail statementes to all whose subscriptions have expired. We have a nice mem orandum book, containing cal endar for 1908, much useful in formation and blank space for making notes for each day in the year, and we are also print ing some nice calendars, both of which we will send out as soon as we have the time. The Gazette has more than 500 more subscribers to dav than it had a year ago and we expect to put on a thousand more during 1908. We expect to merit more than ever the already well earned title of "Gaston County's Lead ing Newspaper." 0 SOCIAL S ' ' ' Items intended for this col umn should be phoned to No. 50. If you know any social news please call us up. mm m. a a Miss bnsie lionman is away on an extended visit to Washing ton City where she will - remain uutil after the holidays. and Mrs. L. L (Hardin Mr. will leave to-morrow night for Clover, S. C, where they" will spend a part of the Christinas holidays with Mr. Hardin's mother, Mrs. Ida C. Hardin. Mrs. R. W. Carson and niece, Miss Martfit Simpson, leave this aftemon t Chester, S. C , where Carson will visit the famih- . t Mr. J. T. Bigham and other i' laiiyes. Before returning home -he will also visit relatives at Edgcinoor, S C. I WANTED 500 Ladies to use Wm. H. Brown & Bro's. New Perfume Pocahontas. "It's Great." For Sale by FROST TORRENCE A CO. This is the season of decay and weakened vitality; good health is bard to retain. If you d retain yours, tortily your system with Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, tbe surest way. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Adams Drug Co. Th Qasette for nrst-clasa printing DOORKEEPERS and business men D who have constant calculations to make can obtain pood unruled scratch pads, just the right size for the purpose, at The Gazette office at 6 cents the pound. tf Mrs. Joseph H. Separk H igbtfully entertained the Friend y Matrons Club on Thursday afternoon, when Mrs. Jr Lan der Gray was the guest of honor. The spirit of Christmas was ap propriately carried out in the decorations of this ever beauti ful home, and in tbe entertain ment of tbe guests. Garland-- and wreaths of evergreens with scarlet ribbons were suspended from doorways and windows. . Trail was tbe game for the af ternoon, the score being kept with small red silk stockings, nto which were dropped bon bons and nuts for each game I won. A delicious salad course was served, after which the dining room doors were thrown open and tne guests invited into a veritable toy-land. Here a Christmas tree, bright with can dles and gay with favors, tiuy toys and burlesques, carried each one back to childhood. These were given out amid much merriment. Around the fragrant wassail bowl many toasts, original and witty, were given. This was presided over bv Mrs. B H. Parker. Mrs. L. L. Jenkins of fered the Friendly Matrons; Mrs. L. L. Hardin, the bride; Mr-, t. R. Huffstetler, the absent men; Mrs. D. E. McConnell, Santa Claus; Mrs. W J Clifford, the yuletide, and Mrs. S. A. Robin son in behalf of the guests toasted the hostess, who had made such a delightful after noon possible. Mrs. Separk in her own happy manner, responded, wishing for each of her guests a joyous and merry Christmas. Mrs. J. A. i Page and Miss Ethel Gray ren dered many beautiful selections during the afternoon which added very much to the pleasure of the guests. Misses Blanche, Myrtle and Maude Gray and Miss Maude Separk assisted in serving and receiving. About thirty-six guests were present. I Ml "" YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Should be Done Now Before the rush you have more time, more to select from and we can give you more Attention Every Department has something to offer In suitable presents for the old and young. tt Teddy Bears" Dolls, Toys, Fancy Goods of every kind Furs! Furs! Furs! What could be nicer or more useful present for a lady than a nice Fur Scarl or Muff. We have them from 98c to $20.00 each. Ladies' and Children's Coats Priced Low A PAIR OF ELKIN BLANKETS FOR CHRISTMAS, YOU WILL HAVE THEM TO THINK OF FOR SEVERAL YEARS TO COME. A Handsome Silk Umbrella, from $2.50 to $5.00. Men's Both Robes, $3.98 to $7.50 Handsome Silk Suspenders in Holiday Boxes SOc to $ 1 .50 Beaullful line of Ties, new colors and patterns. Ladles and Men's Felt Bed Room Slippers 98c to $2.00. Millinery! Millinery! We are making sweeping reductions in all ready trimmed hats, now is the time to Buy That Hat. Agents Centemerl Kid Gloves Long & Short $1.00 to $3.50. We wil be pleased to show you thcough our stock and help you make your selection. J. M. BELK CO. Cheapest Store On Earth. Agents Ladies Home Journal Patterns 10 and 15c. 21 SOCIAL. Mrs. R. L. Swan left Tues day morning for Augusta, Ga., where she will spend the holi days with her mother. Mr. Swan will join her in Augusta next Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lander Gray returned Wednesday night from their honeymoon trip to the North and are the guests for a few days of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Separk. To Santa Claus. Gastonia, N. C. Dec. 19, 1907. Dear Santa: I will write you a letter to let you know what I want you to bring me. I want you to bring: me a little stove and a little carriage to roll my doll in. I have go the doll that you brought me last Christ mas. Please bring me some candy and oranges and some nuts and a lot of good things. Your little girl, Mamie Rhyne. Dallas, N. C. R. F. D. No 1, Dec. 18, 1907 Editor The Gazette: Gastonia, N. C. Deat sir: Please print my letter so Santa Claus will . see it. I want him to bring' me a rifle No. 22 and a box of cartridges. I would also like to have a little candy, nigger toes and some oranges. Your little Boy, Harvie Rntlege - ii CLAUDIUS D. HOLLAND " ATTORNEY AT LAW Gastonia. N. C. , Feb. 20c2mo. '- ' - ' - 1 aVM6l W R JH1F0R faer in 1 I POR SON H T 1 AJyM m G 0 0 D S Suits, Overcoats, Stetson Hats. Mufflers. Scarfs In a Individual Boxes, Gloves, Ttc Pvfrvfhinrf fnr t-ht a a VWS T v a J . a V Vaa Man or Boy. Swan-Slater Co. Christmas Clothlotf and Gents Furnishings. & The following joune ladies are at home from their respec tive colleges for the holidays: Miss Johnsie Adams, Converse College, Spartanburg, S. C. ; Miss Kathleen Boyce, Due West Female College, Due West, S. C. ; Miss Marie Tor- rence, Presbyterian College, Charlotte; Miss Bertha Long, Greensboro Female College; Misses Lula Whitesides, Bright Crawford, Mary Brown and Florence Carson, State Normal College, Greensboro; Miss Marie Hardin and Miss Edith Fayssoux, St. Mary's Ralegh. Mr. M. A. Rutledge, of Dallas, route one, was a business visit t to Gastonia yesterday and paid The Gazette office a pleas ant call. The Oaiette for flrat-clasi printing I I IMPOSSIBLE it I Incomprehensible in I OPERA HOUSE One Might Only For Sale by Frost Torrenee Co. Druggists. Tuesday Dec. 24th THE Scottish Singers of Glasgow One of the finest Female Quartettes in the World OPERA HOUSE One Night Only Monday. Dec. 23 Special Guaranteed Engagement DURNO In The WHITE HOUSE OF MAGIC Magic VENTRILOQUISM MUSIC 2S-SO-TS at at f ' at oeais now on oaie ... Torrence's at Seats Now on Sale Tor rence's Name Does Count In giving a Christmas Present, remember that "Torrence-Morris Co" on atbox contain ing same adds a distinct value to it. Every article in our stock was purchased to suit the taste of discriminating buyers. Our stocks are at their fullest and offer many suggestions for the Christmas buyers. The latest creations in dainty Brooches, Brace lets, Lockets, Rings, Watches, Silver Novel ties, Art Goods, Gold and Silver handled Um brellas and canes arid hundreds of other beau tiful gifts. Come and see for marvel at the variety displayed here. yourself and you will and beauty of goods Torrenee - Morris Co. Jewelers. A Look Over Our Stock of Christmas G i ft Will help you to make a selection. Dainty, Attractive, High Class Goods. We are sure that we can suit you in the matter of a Christmas present for either lady or gentleman, both as to price and quality. When one considers quality, our holiday goods are cheap at the price we ask. This then is to remind you to get your Christmas - Goods early. . ; A fresh shipment of Nunnlly' t received te4y by express. J. H. Kennedy& Co. Druggists and PhannacisJsV . . Pfcsae No. 84 Gastonia, N. G,. II Yoa Want Gaston Connry Newt SabscriSt for Tfct C ' II Yoa Want Neat. Up-to-Daf Stationary te bs-w t s t IV 1 Pi 3 D rug Store. Drug Store. est-'