- s" HUtMtMII(,IUIIHUUi Try a Gazette i: I ' U II l U t They Bring Results Thofa All PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAYS. AND FRIDAYS. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. Single Copy.Sc. ; $1.50 a Yt i In Advance. VOL. XXVIII. OASTOiyiA, N.C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27. 1907. NO. 104 Oastonia Gaz PROFESSIONAL OAEDS OAKLAND & JONES Attorneys and Counselors Orcr Torrenc-Morcli Company. . ' Gastbnia,' N. C. " S. 8. SPARROW ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS, N. C.a Office' upstairs over Bank of Dallas JOHN 0. CARPENTER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS, N. C, Office over Bank of Dallas. DR. D. E. McCONNELL, DENTIST OASTONIA, N. C. Office First Floor Y.'' M. C. A. BW Phone 69. DR. T. A. WILKINS DENTIST OASTONIA ,N. C. Office in Adams Building Phone 311 DR. P. A Pressly DENTIST CLOVER, S. C. CLAUDIUS D. HOLLAND ATTORNEY AT LAW Gaston ia. N. C. Feb. 20c2mo. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. North Carolina. Superior Court. Gaston County. Helore the Clerk. Ida Kozzelleaud W. B. Kut ledice. administrator of the es tate oi Ben Hoke, deceased, vs. Eliza Hall and her husband, Joe Hall. Irene Springs and ber husband, Henry Springs, Oniey Berry and her husband, Berry, Louisa McKane and her husband, Albert McKane, Lizzie McCarthern and her husband, William McCarthern. Sam Khyne. Ud Johnson, May Johnson, Charlie Johnson, George Johnson and Ethel Johnson, Clara Martin. Sadie Martin.1 Martin, Martin, ' Ephraim Martin, Johnson. ' The defendants, Irene Springs and her ' tiusband, Henry Spiings, Omey Berry and her husband. Berry. Eph Martin Sam Khyne. Oss Hoke. John Hoke. Lizzie McCarthern, and her. husband. William McCarthern, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Gaston County. North Carolina, for the purpose of selling for partition among the plaintiff and def ndants. that certain iract of land situated in South Point Township. Gaston County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of M. H Rhyne. Fred Armstrong and others, con taming about IS acres more or less, and -which is fully described in the petition mow ou file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County. North Carolina, and in which said defendants have an interest: and said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County, at the court house in the town of Dallas, North Carolina, on the 4th day of January, 1908, and answer or demur to the verified petition which is now on file therein or the relief demanded in said petition will be granted, This the 20th. day of November. 1907. J3c7W C. C. CORNWELL. Clerk Superior Court Gaatoo County. Notice of Sale oi Crowders ( Mountain Cotton Mills. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Ccurt of Gaston County, North Carolina, made at November term, 1907, in the action therein pending wherein J. M. Willia us is plaintiff and ..Crowders Mountain Cotton Mills and all its stockholders and creditors are defendants. I will sell to the highest biaaer. at puDlto auction, on. tne premises, at Pttilipsburg, Gaston County. North Car- olina. at noon, on Monday, January 20th, 1908, ' felt the real estate and tangible personal property of the Crowders Mountain Cotton Mills, consisting of about 208 3-4 acres of land,' on which is aituated a brick cotton tuili.dam .flume, water-wheel, flume, fire pro tection, steam plant, dynamo, 1 two- compartment warehouse. 1 brick store and . adjoining building, waste house, 38 cot tages, a stock of geocial merchandise, and the following machinery, viz; One two ,.. beater breaker lapper; one. single-beater finisher Upper; nine 40-inch Cards; twelve .. Delivery Framea; one Slubber, 68 spindles: two Intermediates. 174 apindles: five Pine Frames. 668 spindles: 19 Spinning Frames 3,952 spindles: 2 Spoolers, 160 spindles: 4 Keels: 2 Draper Beameia; 121 Lowell Looms with reed and harness: 1 Slasher; l urusa ana folder; i press: callers, belt . ing. shaftings, bangers &c. complete id now in operation; together with any and T7 other visible or tangible property now owned by said company. This Cotton Mill can be seen and ex- - amines at any time npon application to the : undersigned or to the Superintendent in charge. Terms of Sale: one-third of the purchase price to be paid in cash on th cwfirma tion of the sale, and one-third in aix in nnUs and one-third in twelve montha thereafter. . the deferred payments to bear interest from confirmation, with privilege to purchaser to anticipate said payments: the purchaser to deposit with the Receiver the sum of five thousand dollars on date of sale to guaran tee compliance with the terms thereof upon . confirmation by the Court. Upon confirma tion and payment of one-third of the price ' the property will be delivered to the pur- chaser (ia case he doe not desire to pay all casbj to be operated by him at his owa risk, but sack purchaser will be required to keep such property insured ia the ram for . which it ia now iasdred ia the name of the - Receiver so as to fully pro ect the parties ia interest from loss or damage, This the 27th day of November.1907, FJ17c8w. J. S. MAfKirr. Receiver an Commissioner. Subscribe for TUB GAZETTE. T Events of the Year Review. In THE FINANCIAL REACTION. Miscellaneous Affairs, Game aad . Races, aud Items of Personal and Political Interest Losses bjr Acci dents aud Explosions. Fire and Storms A Classified Summary. MISCELLANEOUS JANUARY. i. Gen. von der Launlts, prefect of no lle at St. Petersburg, assassinated. . Gen. Vladimir PavlofI, procurator gen eral of military tribunals, assassinated at St. Petersburg .17. Margaret Young, widow of President . Brigham Toung, dl.d at Deseret, Utah; aged M. 22. Trial of Harry K. Thaw for ths mur der of Stanford White begun In Nsw York city. 22. Tehuantepec National railroad, a Mex ican enterprise making a short cut be tween the oceans, inaugurated by President Dlas. rsDRUAar. ' 1 Lady Cadogan. a leader In ths ex clusive society of England, died In London. 22. Honduras declared war against Nica ragua. 26. Battle at San Marcos da Colon be tween Hondurana and Nlcaraguana, fa vorable to the latter. 17 Uvea lost by fire In a Montreal school. MARCH. 26. French troops advanced to occupy the Moroccan town of Oudja as a step to enforce reparation for the death of Dr. Mauchamp. a French subject killed at Morocco city In January. Nicaragua!! forces captured Tegucigalpa. capital of Honduras. 26. In a battle between troops and peas ants In Alexandria. Wallachla. 60 men were killed and 300 wounded. 29. Roumanian troovs fired on peasants at Stanesta. killing and wounding 1,000. Arniu 7. Gen. Barillas, former president of Guatemala, assassinated In Mexico. 10. James Davis, well known English dra matic writer over the pen name of Owen Hall and author of many popu lar comic operas. Including "Floro- dora." died In London. 11 The Honduran forces surrendered Amapala to the Nlcaraguana. 12. Standard OH found guilty In rebate I cases at Chicago. IS. Japan launched the Akl, the largest battleship In the world, at Tokyo. Denis Kearney, who led the agitation against the Chinese In California 30 years ago, died In San Francisco; aged 60. 26. The Jamestown exposition opened by President Roosevelt. MAT. The Irish International exhibition opened in Dublin. Opening of the trial of William D. Haywood at Boise, Ida. JUKE. IE. 2d International peace congress opened at The Hague. 17. Mayor Schmltx formally removed from office by the supervisors of San Fran- cisoo. S killed and more than 100 wounded In a political riot at Lisbon, Portugal. JULY. 6. Mayor Eugene E. Schmits of San Francisco sentenced to prison for f . years. 21. Riot In Seoul. Korea, on account of the change in the ruler. 21. An Inland tribe of Moors attacked th French port of Casablanca, killing 12 foreign residents. Including 6 French men. AUOCST. 2. In the United States district court at Chicago Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis fined the Standard Oil Company of Indiana $29,240,000 for accepting rail way rebatea in violation of law. 6. French and Spanish troops landed at Casablanca, Morocco, and, being fired upon by Moora, the French cruiser Galilee shelled the town. 2. Moors attacked Casablanca and wer driven back by the guna of th allied warships. Strike of telegraph operators began In 16 cities of the south and west. 11. William H. Edwards, on of th old time prize fighters, died In New Tork city; aged 62. 12. Telegraph operators In New Tork city Joined the strike. Robert A. Pinkerton, head of the noted detective bureau, died at sea. 4,000 Moors attacked Casablanca and were repulsed by French machine guns. 16. The Commercial Telegraphers' union ordered out on a general strike. 22. Mme. Lake, a pioneer slack rop walker and circus rider, died in Jersey City. , 22. A section of the great can tale ver bridge under construction on Bt. Law rence at Quebec collapsed, killing 24 workmen. SEPTEMBER. 2. "General" Pleasant Porter, chief of the Creek Indian Nation, died at VI nlta. I. T.: aged 67. Anti-Jewish outbreak at Kishinev. . 13. Cunarder Lusltanla cut the ocean rec ord by reaching New York In S days 64 minutes from Queenstown. French peace terms accepted by th Moors at Casablanca. 20. Monument to th lata President Wil liam McKlnley dedicated at Canton, C, OCTOBER. 10. Cassia Chadwlck died In-tb Ohio peni tentiary. II The armored cruisers Tennessee and Washington sailed from Hampton r Roads for th Pa- - dflo around the coast of South America. 17. Marconi's wireless , telegraph a.rvlc Inaugurated be tween stations In Nova Scotia and - Ireland. U. T h International - fac conference - closed at Th Hague. -I Marconi. McCoy, and Chandler la . the United States signal corpa balloon No. 10 woa the Lahm cop for ballooning by a flight of 4T miles from St. Louis to West Vlrclnla. The Illinois and Mississippi caaaL con necting the waterway of the Missis sippi with that of the HllnoU river, formally opened. ' Edward Parson West, long distanoa pedestrian, started from Portland. Ma, to slk to Chicago. Gen. T. E. Rosa, U. B A retired, wh I ' ted th tamoaa tunnel escape ec Fed- I era nrlsoner from 1 Jth aiim. I Richmond, in ISC4, died in Washington; I 22. D OF 190 UVlsaae Dsxt.r Marshall, wall known newspaper man, died la New York elty; aged 62. 27. Edward Payson We ton arrive at Chicago, having walked from Portland, Me., a distance of L2W mU.a. la las than 2t daya H. The Jamestown x position officially closed. etcBussa. I Flotilla of torpedo boat destroyers - sailed from Norfolk for the Pacific 1 United States troop arrived at Oold- fl.ld. Nsv to protect the mln.a. Bw oral tabs coo establishments In liop- klnsvill. Ky.. fired by raiders. 11 Boris SarafofT, Macedonian re vol u Uonlst, believed to have Instigated the "abduction of Helen M. Bton. In 1901, aaaaaslnated at Soda, Bulgaria. 1C Tb Pacific fleet aslled from Hampton Roads. - 17. Centennial axercUcs In honor of John Oreenleaf Whlttlcr. gifted American poet who waa born Dm 17, U07. FIRES JAMOAMT. u Moss A Co.'a tobacco warehouse burned In Lancaster, Pa.; loss 11,000,000. Loss of tl.000.000 by fire at Youngs town. O. 4 deaths and a loss of 2600.009 In a fac tory dr. at Dover. N. H. Plant of th Phelps Publishing Co. at Springfield, Mass., destroyed by fire; loss 11,000,000. Firs In the plant of th Baldwin Loco motive worka at Philadelphia caused loss of $1,000,000. . FEBRUARY. Fir destroyed I business buildings la Harrtsburg. Pa. ; loss f 1.000.000. Flames wiped out Lindenhurst. John Wanamaker'a country home near Jen klntown. Pa.; loss nearly 22.000,000. 1. IX 82 buildings burned In Pin Bluff. Ark.; loss 2260,000. Loss of 2800.000 by the burning of the Acker Co.'s plant at Niagara Falls. MARCH. Helicon Hall, home of th Upton Sin clair co-operative colony, at Engle wood, N. J., burned to th ground. The Morton aalt block In Hutcblnson, Kan., destroyed by fir; loss nearly $600,000. Loss of 21,000,000 by fir In the tobacco district of South Boston, Va il APRIL. L Fir destroyed the lighting plant of San Francisco, leaving th city In darkness; loss .22.600.000. L Plant of the Columbus Dispatch and other business properties burned at Co lumbus, O. ; loss over 2300.000. V Loss of $1,000,000 by the burning of th Amsterdam Broom Co.'s plant at Am sterdam. N. Y. I. The Indianapolis Frog and Switch Co. (owned by Vice President Fairbanks) burned st Springfield, O. ; loss 2360,000. V Loss of 2300.000 by the burning of a chair factory at Union City, Pa. JULT. I A 2600,000 blaze In th business section of Memphis. Loss of 11.600,000 by flames at Coney Island. 2s. 19 deaths in a tenement house flr In New York city. Long Beach hotel, a resort on the Long Island coast, accommodating 800 gueata. burned to the ground. AUGUST. 16. Flames swept the hotel section at Old Orchard, Me.; loss 2S00.000. 22. Loss of 21.000.000 by flames In Pitts burg's fashionable ahopplng district Fire in the business section of Cincinnati cauaed a loss of 21.600.000. SEPTEMBER. I The famous CHIT House on the beach at San Francisco totally deatroyed by fire. OCTOBER. f. Loss of 2300.000 by fir at Nome, Wash. NOVEMBER. L Loss of 2260,000 by th burning of Ryckman'a wine cellars at Brocton. N. Y. I. Loss of 22.260,000 by the burning of Elevator A and other properties at 8u perlor. Wis. ' DECEMBER. L Loss of 2400.000 by the burning of the Pullman Car Co.'a paint works at Buf falo. Br I PERSONAL AND POLITICAL JANUART. All Mlna recognised as shah of Per sia, to succeed his father, who died on the tth. Coronation of Mohammed All Mlna shah of Persia. FEBRUARY. 12. It King Edward open ed the British par liament. 21. Right Hon. James Bryce, British am bassador to th United States, ar rived in New York city. . -Th United States senate ratified the treaty with Santo Domingo. MARCH. End of the 69to congress. James Bryce. Opening of the 2d douma at SL Peters burg; serious riots in the Russian capital. APRIL. 2. The United States supreme court de cided that the Iale of Pines Is Cuban territory. 1L Lord Cromer, British agent and con sul general In Egypt resigned bis post. Political revolt In Montenegro. MAT. 10. A male heir born to th throne of Spain, taking th title of prince of Aa turlaa. JONa. 11 The Russian government demanded the expulsion by the douma of 64 of Its members on a charge of high treason. 11 Russian douma dissolved by edict of the crown; 700 political arrests in St Petersburg. JULT. Is. The emperor of Korea abdicated in favor of the crown "prlnc. 2s. By a convention between Japan and Korea Japan assumed entire control of th Internal administration of Koraa. 11 Charles G. Burton of Missouri elected commander In chief of the G. A. R ... OCTOBER., y 11 The first national Philippine assembly opened by Secretary Taf t at Manila. NOVEMBER. Crown Prmooas Cedlle of Germany gave birth to a son at Beriln.--1L Emperor William of Germany arrived - la London on a friendly visit to King Edward VIL 12 Queea Halana of taly gave birth t a daughter. ! 11 Th third Russian douma opened tn St Petersburg- " . .. , ! 11 President Roosev.lt signed the proc lamation admitting the tarrltorlea af rlklalwuiu and Indian Tarritorv totntlv Dr the American states. - pnnoe Charles of Bourbon wedded t iMma I vmiIm af Vranca In Political disturbance la Portugal. PBCBMBCft. (Oth cohgrcsa convene i Itaran Takahlra . named as Japanese American ambuaaadur to succeed Aokl President Moose vet t reiterated hla an nounc.m.nt of 1204 that be will not ac orpt another nomination. I NATURE'S FORCES JANUARY. Tldnl wvc Ind! Ear ma . j pi:rt t, di- I , t:J. Vvastated th Dutch Eaa ing th Island of 8lmali. Jlsasier st Kingston, Ja j I n ess city Incom- pK. nc;. ri-cjrds show 003 dead; Unl.cj statea na val vessels, under Admiral C. H. Da vis, carried flrsa, Be lief to the stricken city; property loss over 21S.OJ0.00U. 11 100 deaths In typhoon wh swept the Islands of Leyte and 8a- mar. In the Philip pines. Hurricane caused a, loss of 21.000.009 In Buffalo. Admiral j. C. II. Davis. MARCH. Flooded rivers at Pittsburg reached gauge of 20.6 feet, the highest In century; loss by flood estimated at 226.000.000; 24 deaths. APRIL. Tornado swept over Louisiana. Missis sippi and Alabama, destroying proper ty valued at 21000.000 : 26 persons killed and 100 Injured. Chllpanclngo and Chllapa and con' 14. tlguous towns In Mexico rated by an earthquake h-ck; 600 deaths reported. 17. Earthquake shocks In Spain and at Constantinople. MAT Many lives Inst in s tornado which swept over Texas. JUNK. 28 lives lost and 21 persons Injured from storms which swept over south ern Illinois. Indiana and Kentucky. An earthquake shack felt at Kings ton. Jamaica at 1 :20 a. m. and one on the coast of Chili. 600 miles south of Valparaiso, at 4:36 a. m. JUl.T 26 deaths In a tornado which swept the central counties of Wisconsin, OCTOBER Earthquake shocks In the United States and Canada. Town of Karatagh. Russian Turkes tan, destroyed by an earthquake deaths reported. 12.000 In Karatagh and vicinity. Earthquake shocks In the province of Calabria. Italy, destroyed 600 lives: vll lages destroyed by shocks In 13u6 again shaken. Eruption of Vesuvius. NOVEMBER. Mount Vesuvius in fresh eruption. DECEMBER. A worldwide wind, snow and rain storm culminated with severity on th Atlantic coast. a- I CONVENTIONS rBBRUART. 14. 39th annual convention of the Nation al Suffrage association opened Hi Chi cago. IPRIL. 18. 16th annual congress Daughters of the American Revolution met In Washing ton. MAT. 2. National convention of the General So ciety of the Daughtera of the Revolu tion opened at Wheeling. W. Va, 16. The lldtb general assembly of the Presbyterian church opened at Colum bus. O. 11 (th International Sunday school con vention opened In Rome. Italy. 20. National Association at Manufacturers met In New York city. 21 The United Confederate Veterans met In reunion at Richmond, Va. JULT. 1 16th annual convention of the National Education aaaoclation opened In Los Angeles. AUGUST. 13. The (3d annual session of the Typo graphical union opened at Hot Springs. 11 The International Socialist congress opened at Stuttgart SEPTEMBBR. 1. The 16th International peace congress opened at Munich. Bavaria. 41st annual national encampment of the G. A. R. at Saratoga. OCTOBER. 1 46th triennial general convention of the Protestant Episcopal church opened at Richmond. Va. 24. Biennial session of the Unlversallst general convention opened in Philadel phia. NOVEMBER. 1L The American Federation of Labor opened Ita 27th annual session at the Jamestown exposition. 11 Annual meeting of the transmlsslsslppl commercial congress opened at Musko gee. Okla, The National Municipal league convened at Providence. The American Civic association met tn Providence. 22. 26th International convention of the Y. M. C A. of North America at Washington. DECEMBER. 4. National rivers and harbors congress convened at Washington. 2. Meeting of the National Civio federa tion in Nsw York. JAKUART. 12. British ship Pengwern grounded craw of Cuxhaven, Germany; drowned. . 23 deaths In th wrecking of th Brit ish steamship Clav.ring off Scotland. rEBRCART. 17. British steamer Orlanda sunk In col lision off th coast of Wales; 14 drowned. 40 drowned by the loss of the Aus trian steamer Imperatrix on the ooast of Crete. MARCH. 24 persons drowned by the foundering of the Oerman steamers Wettern and Jorgensen In the North sea. MAT. By the wrecking of the French steam er Poltou, off San Jos Ignaclo, Uru guay. 109 Uvea wer lost. JURE. The'Brltlsh steamship Santiago foun dered off Corral. Chile; S Uvm out of 20 on board war lost. JVLT. H passengers of the steamer Colum bia drowned In a collision with a schooner off the Mendocino ooast OCTOBER, ' a tfVea toot by the sinking of the steamship Cyprus during a gale or Lake Superior. -Danish steamer . Alfred Erlaadsea wrecked off Scotland; 20 sailors were drowned. .- -. ? DECEMBER. Th - Dutch steamer ' Bcheldstroom fr i . a wrecked off Folkestone. a,ngla ' captain and 7 Bailors drowned. -f American schooner Thomas W. Lsw son wrecked off Bctlly Islands; 16 sail ors drowned. i FINANCIAL Jl'NB Mlllken Bros., steel manufacturers and constructors si Mariner's Harbor. N. V.. failed, with liabilities of t.LOOOX), JUI.T. 17 Thtbnud Pros., one of New York's oldest shlppipg concerns, failed for nearly 21.0uu.OJU. AUGUST The Pope Manufacturing Co.. main II talnlug several plm throughout the country, failed for 1.,a-,0U0 17. Curtis., i-t gfcutl & Co.. manufacturers of s' lr;. etc.. failed in Troy. N V. liabilities Sl.1iiO.M0. The On-tion Trust and Suvlugs bank of Portland, ore., placed In the hands of a receiver. SEPTEMBBR. Wstson a Co., stock exchange brokers In New York and Chicago, failed for $3,000,000. OCTOBRR. 11 Collnpue of United Copper stock In Wail street. II As a result of the collapse of cupper sti.ck In Wall street the Now York clearing house compelled the Mercan (lie National bank of New York to re organize. 22. The Knickerbocker Trust Co. of New York suspended payment: liabilities 270.000.000. Meyer & Co.. stock exchange brokers. failed In New York owing 26,000.000. 21 The secretary of treasury deposited 226.000.000 In New York city to relieve the money stress. 2 vt esilnghouse companies put In a re ceiver's hands In Pittsburg; liabilities 247.000.000. 24. 2 small banks In New York city sus pended. The government deposited a second 226, 000.000 In New York banks to restore confidence In the money market. 20. Kcsslcr A Co., Wall aireet bankers. failed owing Jl, 000.000. DECEMBER Chelsea Savings bank of Chelsea, Mich., closed Its doors by order of the stale treasurer. The National Bank of Commerce, Kansas City. Mo., closed Us doors. The Whitney - Stephenson Co. and 7. Whitney. Stephenson & Co.. broker age firms, failed In Pittsburg, with liabilities estimated at $10,000,000. MARCH. 23. Montgomery won the Crescent Derby tn New Orleans. APRIL. 16. Glorlfler won the Carter handicap at the Aqueduct track. New York. MAT. Glorlfler won the Metropolitan handi cap at Belmont park. New York. Superman won the Brooklyn handicap at Gravesend, New York. 1VK& Richard Croker's Orby won the Eng lish Derby. Pink Star won the Kentucky Derby. Sans Soucl II. won the Grand Prix de Paris. 2a 6. 6. 11 21. Nealon won the Suburban handicap at Sheepshead Bay. New York. i. Michael J. Sheri dan established a new world's record for throwing th discus tn New York city; distance 136 feet 10 inches. I Cornell won the four mile race for varsity eights at Poughkecpsle; time 20 minutes 22-6 seconds. Richard Croker's Or by won the Irish Derby at Dublin. Richard Croker. , Harvard won In the annual four oared contest al New London. JtJI.T. Nazzaro, an Italian, won the automo bile Grand Prix at Dieppe. France, breaking the world's record by an av erage speed of 72 miles an hour. 12 Peter Pan won the Brighton handi cap at Brighton Beach. New York. May Sutton, the California wonder, re captured the All England tennis cham pionship at Newport, Walea, AUUUST. 8. W. A. Lamed won the national tennis championship in singles at Newport, R. I. 31. Colin won the Futurity at Sheepshead Bay. aBPTKMniBR. 7. The United States rifle team won the Pa I ma trophy at Ottawa over Canada, .Australia and Great Britain; record breaking score 1,712 out of s possible 1.800. OC'TOUEH 12. Miss Marpsret Curtis won the national golf championship. Willi th score of 7 up and 6 to play, at C'lilcia The Chicago National kai.uc baseball team won the world's championship, defeating the Detroit American league champion, by the score of : to 0. a Derrolt. 11 Sweet Marie made new world's record for half mile track, trotting a mile In 2:08. at Allentown. Pa. The German ballojn 1'ominern won the second International balloon r:".ce and the James Gordon Ir.mtt cup u a flight of 872 miles air line from '. Louis to Asbury Park. N. J.. In hoilrs. Martin J Sheridan made a nen world s record by covering 23 feet It. pole vault at Madison Square Garden New York. 27. The Carlisle Indians defeated Penn sylvania at football. 26 to 6. In Phila delphia. Cornell beat Princeton, ( to (, at Ithaca NOVEMBER. I Princeton defeated the Carlisle In dians at football. 16 to 0. in New York. I. The Carlisle Indians defeated Har vard at football. 22 to 16. at Boston. II Yale defeated Princeton at football. 12 to 10. at New Haven. Dartmouth de feated Harvard. 22 to 0. at Cambridge. 22. Yale scored 12 to Harvard's 0 In the annual football contest at Cambridge. 28. Penn.ylv.nla defeated Cornell. 12 to 4. at football In Philadelphia. SO. The navy heat the army, 6 to 0. at foot ball In Philadelphia. DECEMBER t Tommy ' Burns of -America defeated Gunner Motr of England In the tenth round of a contest for th heavyweight championship of the world la London. 11 Rutt and Stol. the Germany-Holland team, won the six day bicycle race la Madison Square Garden; beat 1X12 miles I laps. (Continued on 4th page) RU3BER Stamps, nude "while yon . wait at the Gazette Publishing; Co'a. One-line stamp, 20 cents; X-line, 25 cents; 3-line, 30 cents. tf JSPORT We are prepared to extend our customers every accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If you have no account with us we invite you to open one. : : : SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 4 and compound the interest quarterly. : : : CITIZEtIS R. P. Rankin, President Name Does Count In giving a Christmas Present, remember that "Torrence-lVlorrls Co" on a box contain ing same adds a distinct value to It. Every article in our stock was purchased to suit the taste of discriminating buyers. Our stocks are at their fullest and offer many suggestions for the Christmas buyers. The latest creations in dainty Brooches, Brace lets, Lockets, Rings, Watches, Silver Novel ties, Art Goods, Gold and Silver handled Um brellas and canes and hundreds of other beau tiful gifts. Come and see for marvel at the variety displayed here. Torrence - Morris Co. Jewelers. Pictures Framed tb Order We have in stock an extensive and varied line of picture frame moulding: and we feel sure that want in this line. We want your order for Pictures and Frames for Christmas We carry a nice line and JEWELRY at prices to suit everybody. You can save money by seeing our line before buying your Christmas presents. Send your friends to us. It's worth their time. We will save them money. Watch, Clock and Jewelry Re pairing a HAYNES Kaftan 44.. There is no more for small sums of money.. Profits are ac cumulating rapidly, and they belong to the stockholders. . Call to see me and let me explain details to you. You may give me name and number of shares you want now. E. G. McLurd, Secretary A Treasurer. Office at Oaataa Laa A Treat Ca. Subscribe for THE OASTONIA GAZZT. A. G. Myers, Cashier. yourself and and beauty you will of goods we can furnish just what you of WATCHES, CLOCKS Specialty & HILL Building 7 Announcement ! The Gastonia Mutual Building & Loan Associa tion will open its books for subscriptions to series 7, on January 2. 1908. There is no safer invest meut. All loans are made on first mortage real estate security. . r profitable Investment

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