gold watch at depot getting off train No. 41, Au 31st. Return to Mary McLean, N. C. tf. FOR SALK. SALE—One Williams typewri make, in good condi J. Flem Johnson & Co. tf. Almanacs at The cents a copy. PERSONAL MENTION. —Mr. J. M. Wilson, of Lowell, was In town Saturday. —Mr. W. C. Abernethy spent yes terday in Charlotte. —Capt. Preno Dllling is over to day from Kings Mountain. —Mr. S. C. Cornwell, of Dallas, Is In Gastonia to-day. —Hon. 0. F. Mason was a visitor to Charlotte yesterday. —Mr. John M. Craig, of Charlotte, was a Gastonia visitor yesterday. —Mr. R. B. Babington made a bus in ess trip to Blacksburg, S. C., yes —Mr. Clyde Armstrong left thia. morning for Oxford to resume his studies at the Horner Military School —Messrs. Charles and George Leeper, of Belmont, were business visitors In Gastonia Saturday. —Supt. Joe S. Wray left Saturday' for Shelby tu spend a few days with homefolks. '_Mr. Wash Holland, of Mount Holly, was a business visitor in town yesterday. —Mr. R. L. {Swan returned Satur day from a three weeks' business trip to the North. —Mr. L. S. Caldwell, of Maiden, spent last night in Gastonia as the guest of Rev. J. A. Hoyle. —Mr. J. W. Stowe, buyer for the well-known firm of Stowe Brothers at Belmont, is in the Northern mar kets purchasing the stock of fall goods for his firm. —Mr. J. F. Armstrong, chief clerk for the Southern Railway here, left to-day for Concord where he will represent the road in the capacity of agent in the future. —Miss Margaret Crawford left this morning for Chicago where she will take a course'in the Moody Bi ble School. Miss Crawford is a daughter of Mrs. John Crawford who lives near Pleasant Ridge. \ , i - —Mr. T. B. Brown, manager of the J. M. Belk Co’s, store, left yes terday for New York and other Northern markets to purchase the fall stock of goods for this firm. HO will be absent from town for ten lays or two weeks. I U* Tnhn T Hroon fho nVintnP’ rapher, leaves to-day for Greensboro to attend the annual meeting of the Tri-State Photographers’ Associa tion. Mrs. Green will accompany him part of the way and will go to Davie county to visit relatives. They will be absent about a week. —Mrs. C. S. Goza, representing the Argo Red Salmon Co., with Sou thern headquarters in Atlanta, is giving an exhibition of the many ways in which this article may be made into tempting dishes. The ex ; hlbltlon is at Yeager’s and will con | tlnue through Thursday of this week. —Mr. P. A. Costner has accepted a position in the dry goods depart ment of the J. M. Belk Company where he will be pleased to greet all of his friends. Mr. Cpstner has had large experience in this line and is thoroughly at home when using the yardstick. —Mr. J. J. J. Robinson, of Hick ory Grove, York county, is spending a tew days in Gastonia with friends. He lives on the Broad river in the extreme western portion of the coun ty and says that dBMng the recent flood this Btr'eam^as 83 feet high, the highest ftiihas .lfljeh within the •memory of any living inhabitant of that part of the country. -—Mr.- ■‘Ftfbmafl-fttaham. of Tale quah, Oklahoma, left Gastonia last night for his Western home after a visit of several weeks to relatives and friends in Mecklenburg, his old home county. He was accompanied by Mr. Oscar Kirkpatrick, of Charlotte, who goes to make his home in Tale quah. Mr. Graham is associated in business there with Mr. J. W. Reld( formerly of Gastonia, who has also been here on a visit to relatives, hav ing returned home last week. NOTICE. All members of Gastonia Lodge No. 188 I. O. O. P. are requested to be present Thursday night, Sept. 3, 1908. Important business to be transacted. Don’t fail to come. J.E. MCALISTER, N. U. S. S. MORRIS, Secy. LIST OF ATTRACTIONS. Manager CavU. of the Gastonia Opera House, has booked the follow ing attractions for the coming sea son. The list Is only partial, aB he expects to secure other good shows, and Is not In the order In which they will appear: Polk Miller and Quartette, Sep- 17. Coburn’s Greater Minstrels, Oct. 1. Uncle Josh Jenkins, Oct. 3. Black Patti, Oct. 6. The Clansman, Oct. 7. Buster Brown, Victor's Band, 1 'rshua Simpkins, The Governor’s Pardon, Was She to Blame, A Texas Ranger, Midnight Flyer, Durno, Cav eny and Shungopovi, Demorest Com edy Company, Williams Comedy Company, Uncle Hex, Under Two Flags, Dixie Minstrels. Gastonia Cotton. These figures represent the prices: paid to wagon Aug. 28. Good middling.>. ....10di strict middling.10% Middling..10% cotton seed . 18c. LOWELL LOCALS. Correspondence of The Gazette. LOWELL, Sept. 1.—This beauti ful sunshine makes us feel Joyful af ter such a long rainy season as we have' had.—Miss Janie Baker has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Ba ker for the past week.—Mr. Law rence Wilkerson, of Charlotte, was in town Monday to see frienls.—The South Fork river. rose very high Tuesday, lacking about two feet of reaching the bridge.—Mr. Earl Pe gram, of Gastonia, was in town Tues day on business.—Among the visit ors from Gastonia Tuesday was Mr. W. L. Balthis.—Miss Bessie Costner, of Dallas, Is visiting friends in town this week.—Mr. Lester Dameron who has been visiting friends, returned home Tuesday.—Mr. Hall Mingus is visiting friends in High. Point this week.—Messrs. J. R. TItman, M. A. and G. A. Teague and W. F. Hug gins attended' the Republican con vention In Charlotte last week. Mr. A. R. Leonhardt, mail carrier on route No. 2, could not get any farther than Spencer Mountain Wed nesday and Thursday on account of the heavy rains.—Mr. Mitchell, our new barber, was in Charlotte on bus iness Wednesday.—Miss Mabel Leon harlt entertained a number of her young friends at her home Thurs day efqntng from 8 to 11. Every one naa an eujuj'auio —uwoo "***' Hudson left Thursday for her home hear Charlotte after a week's visit to Miss Virginia Robinson.—Mr. Colt Robinson was a Charlotte visitor Thursday.—Mr. T. P. Rankin waB in Gastonia Thursday- on business.— Messrs. Jim and Dave Mitchem were business visitors to Gastonia Thurs day.—Mrs. Mary Glenn, of Charlotte, is visiting Mrs. G. A. Baker, and Miss Jennie Baker, of Hopewell.—Mrs. A. R. Leonhardt and Mrs. T. P. Rankin were Chariotte -visitors Friday.— Messrs. Will Baker, and Colt Robin son will leave for Davidson College, where they will resume their studies. —Mr.L. E. Rankin attended the Re publican convention which was held is Charlotte last, week.—Mrs. Tom Ford’s two sisters, who are from Whitmire, and Miss Mary Wilson are visiting Mrs. Tom Ford.—Mrs. Sarah Reid has been confined to her bed for several days.—Mr. B. T. Leonhardt was in Charlotte on business Friday. _Mrs. B. F. Leonhardt returned from the hospital at Charlotte Sat urday. She is much improved.— Mr. Gilmer Leonhardt was a Gasto nia vlsitor-Saturday.—Mr. S. L. Bal lard, a tank contractor, was visiting friends iff' Lowell Friday.—Mr. Geo. -Ford attended the picnic at Bethes da Saturlay.—Mrs. Tom. Ford had a lawn party Saturday at her home.— Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Rankin visited friends In Belmont Sunday.—Mr. Rob Adams, of Gastonia, was in town on business Saturday.—Miss Myrtle McRnlght, of Lincolnton, is visiting Misses Aure and Pearl Ford. —Mrs. Lloyd Summerville, of Char lotte. Is visiting MrB. D. H. Cox.— Mrs. T. P. Rankin will leave for Greenville, S. C„ Thursday to visit her sister, Mrs. A. B. Julian. POLK MILLER QUARTETTE. Manager Cavls has an opportuni ty of securing the celebrated POLK MILLER and his QUARTETTE for one night, Thursday Sept. 17th, un der a guarantee. All who are Inter ested and will subscribe to one or more tickets please call at TORREN CE’S drug store as-early as conven ient aB this offer Is only for a limit ed time. This was the most talked of attraction that has ever played Gastonia, and when here last only had a very small audience, and as so many have expressed a desire to have Mr. Miller here again. There ought not to be any trouble In securing this date, as Mr. Miller only plays a town once in three years. This may be your last opportunity to hear the greatest delineator of the old South'* NEGRO dialect and his Famous Quai tette. Mall orders from out of town patrons will have prompt attention and will be reserved in the order re ceived. _AttenJ the Bryan-Kitchln Clul meeting at the city hall to-night at 8 o’clock. BRYAN THEIR CHOICE. M.ih -ch in (lie North Enthusiastic Supporters of Democratic Nominee —What a' Gastonia Man Saw and Heard in Northern Cities. Mr. R. L. Swan, owner and propri etor of the well-known clothing and gents furnishings store of Swan Blater Company and one of Gasto nia’s most Enterprising and public spirited business men, has Just re turned from a three-weeks stay in New York, Baltimore and other Northern market centers. When seen at his store, corner Main avenue and South streets yes terday, he was busily engaged In opening up new goods Just from the fashion centres but paused long enough to tell The Gazette man something about his trip. In re sponse to a question by the newspa per man as to how things are going in the North politically, Mr. Swan replied emphatically and without hes itatlon, ’’Everything is for Bryan." During his stay in New York he saw many evidences of the strong and growing hold that the Peerless Ne braskan has on the laboring classes and the middle classes; in fact on all save the possessors of predatory wealth—the trust magnates and the capitalists. "The folks who labor for a liv ing,” continued Mr. Swan, "are tired of the Roosevelt reign and the full dinner pail that Isn't full. They are tired of his demagoguery. They have lived to realise that all his rant ings against the truBts and grasping corporations are but the vain vapor Ings of insincerity. With all the de nunciation of the trusts they have heard for the past seven years they have not seen a single octopus put out of business.”' "Then again they don’t like this panic and.none of us are particularly pleased with it as for that. All the previous panlcs*In this country have been laid at the ‘doors of the Demo cratic party but the burden of this one must be borne, they say, by the Republjcans. They look to Bryan and. the Democratic party as their only means of salvation from the present deplorable condition - of af fairs. And they are going to vote the Democratic ticket. Bryan’s chances, as conceded by nearly eve ry man one meets In the metropolis, are splendid for carrying New York.” "In Baltimore, while I was there, there were several Bryan rallies and the enthusiasm, displayed was .an un mistakable evidence that that is a Bryan city. The traveling men are almost a unit for him and they are spreading the good news everywhere. My prediction is that Bryan will be our next President.” While Mr. Sw»n was talking poli tics The Gazette man had his eyes as well as his ears open and took note of the fact that his firm Is opening up a swell line of fall goods. In fact, he was thoroughly convinced that Mr. Sjran has purchased for bis fall trade without a doubt the-very best and most varied line of goods the firm has ever handled and that is saying much when the fact»ls con sidered that the firm of Swan-Slater Co. has one of the nobbiest and most up-to-date stocks In the State. Mr. Swan spent three weeks in selecting his goods and, taking his time, he was enabled to get the very latest ana UtJot iu iue uiai ftct, iuid ***»« evidently of the opinion that a reviv al-of business to a very marked de gree Is coming along with the elec tion of Bryan and they are prepared \ - . ' ' • — Mrs. Gunness. The wholesale murderess of Ba Porte, Ind., whose crimes startled the world, will be portrayed in life motion pictures at the AmuseU this afternoon and night. The most sen sational picture seen here. —Attend the Bryan-Kitchin Club meeting at the city hall to-night at 8 o'clock. / John D. Rockefeller .has offered Richmond College, at Richmond, Va., $160,000 on condition that the Bap tists of the State raise $360,000. i ~ \ , *-SV - _-9_____ - - well-dres»t|| 'man'J|H you meet, where he bought his new fall suit. We are reasonably sure he will say at THIS store =sr*si&imm Our large stock of HIGH ART CLOTHING for men is at tracting scores of them hereevery dav. The patterns please one, thfe fit another, the style a third, the workmanship a fourth --each chobsing for a different rea- f i son, yet practially all for the same reas ojj>^ ~~ :^Sh| The all-around satisfaction that a h,GHart8UIT HIGH ART CLOTHING*is stylish, *weii-made, perfect-fitting and guaranteed to give you service. Combine that with our moderate prices and you will have on the tips of your five fingers the rea sons why HIGH ART CLOTHING is sqfely worth buying! J. M. Belk Co. / SCHOOL OPENING POSTPONED. Much Sickness Among Children of Dallas the Cause—Misses Puett En , tcrtuln—A Revival. - Correspondence of The Gazette. DALLAS. Aug. 31.—Misses Bess and Corlnne Puett entertained a num her of their friends very delightfully last Friday evening. An Interesting contest was held In which several of the contestants were successful. The prize was, however, drawn for and won by Miss Ellse Hart, of Charles ton, S. C., who was the guest of the Misses Puett. At the conclusion of the contest dainty refreshments were served in the dining room, beautiful hand painted place cards being at each guest's plate. The remainder of the evening was enJoyably spent in playing games and listening to both vocal and Instrumental music. To-day was the time appointed for the opening of the graled school; but, owing to the fact that there is at present much sickness among the children of Dallas, the members of the School Board deemed it wise to postpone the opening of the school for two weeks. A revival meeting was begun yes- j terday morning at the Methodist i church. The meetings will continue throughout the week. The pastor will be assisted by Rev. Mr. Ware, of Gastonia. Mrs. Miles Hoffman and Miss Sa rah Hoffman have returned from a visit to relatievs at Caroleen. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ramsaur, of Lincoln county, were the guests last week of Mrs. Ramsaur’s mother, Mrs. Jonas Hoffman. Attention Fanners. We are now ready to gin your cot ton. Electric power; new saws; new bagging and second-hand bagging. Mr. Carson is with us again. Gas tonia Oil Mill. S 25 c lm. Mrs Gnnness. The wholesale murderess of Ba Porte, Ind., whose crimes startled the world, will be portrayed in life motion pictures at the AmuseU this afternoon and night. The most sen sational picture Been here. An Invitation. We are having a demonstration on Argo Salmon at our store. Will be glad to have every lady in town to call and get a sandwich. YEAGER MF(J CO. —Mr. W. G. Separk, of Raleigh, representing the Old Dominion Sta tionery Co.. Is here spending a few days with his brother, Mr. J. H. 8e park. k. ‘ \* . £ . ■ • . * £a ’ smnK ——^■ Attention Farmers We Are Now Ready to Gin Tour ' Cotton Electric power; new saws; new bagging and second band bagging; Mr. Carson with n# aeain. * 1§?3S Gastonia Oil Mill —-—v Gastonia, N. C. Sept. 25clmo. ■_m Owen by-Thornburg. At the home of the bride’* mother at the Modena Saturday night at 8: 30 o'clock Min Llnnle L. Thornburg wpk married to Mr. John C. Owenby.