♦ «Μ Π·Μ"Ι WWII II i Ί ΓΓ1ΤΙ IWITTIT I' *■ I'll I M HWWffWtrnt ll'ill 1111 MHttiftm Iff nm I tfi 1 i ' · - » .· · .Λ— ■' **5ξ> ν As the Summer Advances and the Fall Season Draws Ν We are putting forth every effort to make the coming year the banner year of our mercantile life. ÎNew goods are daily arriving and in onter to properly arrange the stock it is necessary to continue our sale drices for a while longer on the followinglines:--Clothing, shoes, .bleaching, cheviots, chambrays, ginghams, f-^canton flannels, pércalës and scores of other staples, ^ I M 0 R R I S B"R 0 S . Department Store Gastonia, N. C. *** 4.·Ι·.Ι··1·*'·Ι"Μ··Ι· i ·Μ"Η· Ή-Η"Η"Η* HOTEL CUMBERLAND NEW YORK 8. W. Corner Broadway. at J4U SI. Near 30th St. Subway Station and 1U St. Elevated HEADQUARTERS FOR SOUTHERNERS Ideal Location, Near Depots. Shops, atid Central Park. Only New York Hotel with Win N dow Screens Throughout New, Modère aad Absolutely Fire Proaf Mesffttractivt ——" Transient rates $2.50 with bath and up. Special Rates tor Summer Months. Send (or Booklet HARRY P. STIMSON, Fermerly with Hotel Imperial R. J. BINGHAM, Formerly with Hotel Wtodwird JMEDICINESHAVE MADE More CURES THAN \ REMEDY KNOWN TO. THEM ONCE. "PÂïNEIS COMING" Frost Terrence & Co. s ! r^JΣijiJÎ0^u KM&.4Ï OJ ' VJN , Washington, Niagara Falls, Toronto, Thusand Islands, Montreal, Quebec, Dpwn Lake George and Cham plain and Four Days in New York City, at Very Attractive Rates Leevee September Ist-Pereonally Conducted by Mr. C. H. Gettl* the SEABOAXU) announces their second ANNUAL TOUR, personal· ly conducted, by C. H. Qattis, District Passenger Agent, chaperoned by ■. O^H. Qattis, -same being nnder their personal supervision, throngh XtBÎ-yd Canada, taking la all the principal and most attractive Heaorts ia tfce East, leaving Raleigh September 1st, via Portsmouth— Norfolk, OU Point Comfort, up the historic Potomac to Washington, thence throngh Baltimore, Philadelphia and the scenic Lehigh valley to Niagara Falls, Toronto, taking in the Ο rand Toronto Exhibition, through the Thousand Islands, down ti»e St. Lawrence River to Montreal and Quebec, returning via Lake George and JUke Champlaln through Sara· -tog· and Albany to New York, where (our days will be spent. • <lama/1 stoan and Pnllmnn fa transfers, hotel aecoinmodatk^u, «'«Je tripe, etc., as (glows la iîiaarary in fact jrill Include practical)? *Ψ9Η necessary expense with the adap tion of a few meals en route and while In New York city, and Is made at the lowest possible amount.' · Jhlf route has been selected after the most careful considerate·, tctvj/m the best advantage for ^sight-seeing at inoet Interesting points. Nufllclent length of time will be spent at all stop-over polntH for sight seeing and all arrangements made f< r the pleasure and comfort of the 'j ·'- . -v ·. . ... C. H. Gattls, District Passenger Agent, will devote his entire time to |f ;WlHity and will look after all aecresary detail», etc., for the comfort §ad pleasure of alj, and this Is assured as the Seaboard ha# had con siderable experience in handling these tours, as qpy one who has been with them la the past will be glad t > tell you. Mr. aad Mrs. Gattls will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. James Ker, Jr., of Charlotte, Ν. 0. r_ For itinerary of tour write at once to the undersigned'and those who desire descriptive literature relative to route over which party will travel, etc., will be forwarded «âme upon receipt of request with 20 eeata in postage to cover mailing of same. The party is last fining ap and those desiring to join should make reaerratta— without delay. District Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. C. H. Gattls. Jas. Ker, Jr., C. P. Α., j&Wr*. ' ' ·'Vv Charlotte, N. C. What Wm Done on a North Carolina Farm. Southern Field. ■■r- ■ , "K clear profit of f 2,500 a year on the farm In the Sooth is aa good a· a $«,000 salary in New York City, and far.JMre eaaily made," la the statement of an agricultural writer. "Not only ha* the South a monopoly of cotton and of many typaa of to . bacco, but the farmer her· can get bo much higher price· tor all kind» of live stock and dairy products, hay and corn, that a Buckeye farmer who recently Tinted North Carolina (and will probably move here later) «poke of the matter with tome amaze meet. The average «Up 'of the farm* in thia state la «sore than 100 acre·, hot a Catawba county farmer cultivating only SO acres made/}2, 400 clear - profit last year raising ■ I hogs. He had three anclOMM· of five ψη· each for lolling crop·— one In cowpeaa, another In corn, and another in wheat and clover; on 3S acre· more he grew mature corn for feeding la' thé ear. * The hog· are marketed as soon as they weigh 180' poundvand. of course only improv ed, quick-fattening breed· are used." Older· bf mail for lob Prfatieg re cetve proapt atteiUoa at U* <Λφ> Β· .Η. Harrlman, the well-known New York financier, who bag been in Europe in search of health, since the first of June, has returned to the United States, having landed in New York last Tuesday. «100 Reward, *100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science hil* been able to cure In all It* itagep,. and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh 1 Core is the only positive cure now known., to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional dife, ease, require» a constitutional treat ment. Hall'à Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of Hi system, thereby destroying the foun» dation of the disease, and giving UW patient alrength by building up th# constitution and aaaistlng nature la doing its · work. The proprietors have ao much faith In its curattnt power* that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any caae ttyst^tt fail* cure. Send for list of teatimonlals : Address F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toi ledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 760. - ? 'Take Hall'* Family Pill* for coe stlpatlom. Personals and Locals. —Summer ends next Tuesday. —8oon will the picnic season be over. —Mr. Lewis Carroll, of Newton. Is here this week. —Mr. R. B. Bablngton spent yes terday In Shelby. —Mies Ella Lewie, of route two, waq'ln Gastonla yesterday. Mr. Hugh Miller, of Lowell, was a Gastonla visitor yesterday. —Sheriff Thomas E. Shuford, of Dallas, was In town yesterday. —Mr. W. L. C. Killian made a business trip to Charlotte yesterday. —Mr. H, W, McGinns», of Kings Mountain, was a Uastonia visitor yes. terday. . · —Three weeks more and the school children will again gather up the books they threw away last May. —Among yesterday's business vis itors In the city was Superintendent F. 'P. Hall, of Belmont.. —Attorney John G. Carpenter, of Dallas, was a Gastonla visitor yes terday. —Attorney A. L. Bulwlnkle, of Dallas, was In Gastonia on business yesterday. —(Messrs. David P. Delllnger and C. C. Beam, of Cherryvllle, were In Gastonla yesterday on business. ■—Mr, 'Robert Gardner, superin tendent of Baker's Mil) at Çrpwçlerg Mountain, was In Gastonla yesterday. —Mr. Sam Glenn, of the Bethel neighborhood, was In Qastonla on business Wednesday. —Dr. W. H. Hoffman and Mr. M. H. Shuford spent Wednesday in Char lotte attending the State Confederate —(Rev. R. C. Anderson is having hi» oottage op East Franklin avenue enlarged, repainted and otherwise improved. It will be occupied by Mr. Lacy Todd whtn completed, —Mr. W. W. Jenkins returned last Tuesday to his home In York ville af ter spending several day· in Gastonla as the guest of his daughter, Mrs. J. Y. Miller. —LI in wood College begins its next session September 16th. The new bulldlpg now being erected will not be ready (or occupancy, however, for several weeks after the session start» —An early fall and a bard winter is ; the prediction ope hears oftea. Just what the signs are on whlolj 'these predictions are marte we do not know, - φ Τ* —Mr. J. H. Carpon. carrier on ru ral routé number t#o. resumed lija work yesterday after a fl.fteep days vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Carson have just gone to housekeeping. —Dr. W. E. McllWaine will preach next Sunday morning at the First Presbyterian church. Dr. Mcll walne was formerly pastor here, and will be welcomed by bis former par ishioners. —In an hour's drive down the Un ion road a few days ago the reporter counted eeventeen two-horse wagon load· of wood coming to town. Somebody's getting ready for cold weather. —Mr. Hugh Miller, The Gazette's young Lowell correspondent, will leave In a few day· for Westminster School, Rutherford county, where he will pursue his studies the coming year. —Mr. W. N. Cooper, formerly with the Yeager Manufacturing Company, was In Gastonla yesterday for the purpose of shipping his household goods to Burlington, N. C„ where he resides. —The Gazette le inj receipt of a copy of the North Carolina anti-trust law as amended by the last Legisla ture, mailed from the office of Gov ernor Kitchin. We shall give our readers the full text of the law In a subsequent issue of The Gazette. —A small house belonging to the Loray Mill and occupied by a colored employe of the mill was destroyed by Are Wednesday night between β and 10 o'clock. Being" outside the city limits and out of reach of the Loray flre department, the house was entirely destroyed. —In the police court Wednesday morning Will Sutton, colored, was placed under a bond of $25 on a charge of stealing two pairs of pants from the store of Mr· P· Lebovitz. railing to give bond he was sent to jail to await his trial at the next term of Superior Court. Paul Partlow, al so colored, was fined $1 and the costs for an assault. —Manager Bablngton, of the Pied mont Telephone & Telegraph Com pany says lots of folks haven't yet learned to get a long-distance call through. When you want an out-of LUWII pari,/ van twi mug u·»»»»·"., give her jour call then bang up the receiver and go back to your work. It's not necessary to stand and bold the receiver. The company hae a special long-distance operator whose business tt Is to get your party and then cal| yoi). Usually if takes only a few minutes to get » call through, If the operator cannot get your par ty within twenty minutes she will no. tlfy you. You simply waste t time standing at the phone and your call Is not hastened any. —Several hundred people attend ed the annual union picnic of the Gastonla, Kings Mountain and Bes semer City and Plsgah Associate Re formed Presbyterian Sabbath schools at Linwood College Wednesday, dys tonia was well represented as were othe towns. There were no edrresses the entire day being spent In simply having a good time. Many of the ! · . ι . 1 . ; i\ picnicers climbed to the top of Crow ders Mountain, a feat that requires ; usually several hours. A sumptuous dinner was spread under the trees on the college grounds. The ladies so ciety of Pisgah church had a booth where lemonade, Ice cream, cigars, etc. were dispensed, the proceeds go ing to their church improvement fund. Altogether the da; was a most delightful on·. Billy Sunday, the famous "base ball" evangelist, was' injured In an automobile accident at Laporte, Ind., Monday The first frist reported from any part of the State this season occur red at Blowing Rock, forty miles northwest of Hickory. Monday morn ing. Editlr J. A. Thomas, of The Frank, lin Times, died at his home In Louls burg Tuesday night at 11 o'clock af ter a long Illness. APPLICATION FOR PARDON, of » πτττ * ητ AVrXiniTP C. W. COSTNER. Application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina (or the pardon of J. Will Cloninger, convict ed at February Term 1908 of the Su perior Court of Gaston County of the crime of manslaughter.and sentenced to the roads of Gaston County for a term of three years. At the time application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Charles W. Oostner, convicted at the February Term, 1908, of the Superior Court of Gaston County of the crime of man slaughter and sentenced to the roads of Gaston County for a term of one year. All person^ who oppose the grant ing of the said pardons are Invited to forward their protest* to the Gover nor without delay, This the 20th day of August, 19Θ9. ROBERT CLONINGER, ELI S. COSTNER. S 3 c 5 t. One of the Biggest décrets of Success In all walks of life the person who keep» Informed right up to the minute has a tremendous advantage over one who doe* not. He Is more capable of tftklng cafe of himself and those Who mar be dependent upon him In his dealing· with hli fellow· man. The man Who never reads a newspaper, or reads one that Is not reliable, Is at a disad vantage and, all else being •quai, I· going to be left behind In the rapid march of progress. 'CAREFUL REAWNa OF jk. RELIABLE NEWSPAPER Is one of the biggest secrete of success, and you may. h»ve the secret at ft very small cost by subscribing for one of The Observer publication·. Five Observer publication* and prices: THE DAILY OBSERVER Morning», Every Day In the Year. One Year « 18.06 Six Month» .. 4.00 Three Month» .' 2.00 One Month T5 THE SUNDAY OBSERVER Every Sunday Morning. One Year $2.00 Six Month» 1.00 Three Month» SO One Month -20 THE SEMI-WEEKLY OB SERVER. Twice a Week. One Year .. .fl.0· Sk Months 50 Three Month» 25 One Month ....... 10 THE EVENING CHKUmuua Erery Day Except Sunday. On» Year 15.00 Six Month» .. Ϊ.Ϊ0 Three Month· ...... .. 1.85 One Month 50 THE SATURDAY EVENING CHRONICLE. One Year 11.60 Six Mohtha 7 F Three Mentha 40 One Month ,16 Circulation Dpt. No. 2. The Observer Co. . CHARLOTTE, N. C. We send sample copie· on requeet. ■ Gastonia, North Carolina !··ί '^-*1'i"·" *<"v>" ", , - » 1, — New Arrivals-Ladies' Coat Suits at Clean Sweep Prices Go to Lebovitz' Clean Sweep Sale Il V t vrir Special bsrgalnitleiljr, People wondering and remarking, **How can goods be sold so cheap" ? Come see for yourself. We sell as advertised. ÀII goods marked In plain figures. ^ Don't miss this great money.saving CLEAN SWEEP SALE. DR. FRANCIS S. PAC OF GREENSBQBertftT Expert Physician, Surgeon and Specialist Will Visit Gastonia, Friday, Sept 3rd., and every fourth Friday regularly thereafter WILL BE AT THE FALLS HOUSE m Day Only-Mr" HoiliS: ttfri* BrltishCanadian Midioal Expert, !?. ^ Surgton led BHntmt >f TlagnoilloUn. j/gj ^ Um, ViMa Consultation It Examination at all timeé FREE end Invited. Χ eura t· «toy tmi «rary "M I **" treatment. Surtieal Ciwi I treat witheartOp· gSj™ « Ohio· reform, without detention Plea aura. Thia North Caroltaa I*etor, re«late»*lnnd fisBJsîntt* su» ew»aibiUty. H· tree ta the foliowin» Umm only: AU Nerroua Dteeaaea ench *1 Nimi pivplea, etc. H· want» to meet all ale* per ■ona who Buffer from Ohrqnio Oon'tipatlon, βίίτ β protruding or tat«r*elln -worm, Diaaaaea of the lirer. Diaaaaea of the Urer, aneh aa ao It dlaplacempnt, or oountUm. ■aib bardante» or enterrement. Dieeae Sratemic. Thl« eefemy of the human race. He ia now able to eure in a abort time by in original and aaw method of OamoaUer tbaorptioft. Aethma In all tta forma. Con sumption of the menr etarea. A Curejuar anteed If la the early Sttiaa, before daetrue tion of titinea haa aot in. beeSueaa oauaed by It I bar· eared traraçrtly in #0 min ute a. Sometimea aoMMMlad by Head noi.ea, Cured to etay Cured. Diaeeaea of Timi, Uterine or Oeurian ara moat aueoeeafelly •«ted. Diaplacementa in any torn ara ta H*4 *erer been kwnnk 1» itwwdi ||'i ^N^teoihle' with · r ANDES OftKAT PRESCRIPTION Qfcmrantoed and roamneaM by V1 ' FROST TORRENCE * OO., 0 Oamttmtu, H. C. "And all other goad drugflata." H y<m Uj «Cortri^itRoo/ γχη »ι ι i»'i MA ai bow «Ma yoe'l! tx rtpiiriaj, oc bow MO jroell U rt-rooéng. ht Gut. right Metal Shinjta outUrt ibc t*k drfjrâ» wind, now «ad M1"'·» If yen «ι* «boat Ιο φ*1 your miiy port yuantf fnl «boat «be ■e by teedhgW boel, *Cee nwf Tl«lRooi,' tadkaAowjn « Exclusive Agents In Pari· they call radium le metal conjugal, because It waa the joint discovery of hgaband and wife. It w*k Mme. iîurle who flrat auapectad that quelttlea of uranium and draw her Jriiaband'» attention to the tab M

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