GAS TV 1 IL Ji 11 JG I1T1LISHED TWICE A "WKEK -TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. . single: copy s cents. ; IV voted to tUe Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. (1.50 A YE All IN ADVANCE. VOL. XXXI . GASTONIA, N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1910. NO. 4 j! ; ... , .. , . ., , ' .. . i .. . " THE LAYMEN. : A GOODYEAR. FOUND DEAD- Delegates from Every Section of Gastonia Baals , Did Satisfactory Body of Victor E. Relnhardt of Lfn COUNCIL MEETS. I Personals and Locals. Prof. F.v P. Hall, of Bemlont, OVER GASTON. ' ...... ' - H. - Lowell Locals." , Correspondence of The Gazette. LOWELL, Jan. -14. There hate . een very few changes In business circles'. The .merchants have finish' ..ed taking stock. Mr.' Rone Hlx has .accepted a position with Mr. A. R Leonhardt. Mr.'- Henry Ursery has opened up a' meat market in his stores-Mrs. G. A. Baker . returned last week from a visit to relatives in CharlotteMr. J, JJ. Lutz, of Ca tawba county, was In town on busl ness Monday. MIbs Mary Reld was a Oastonla visitor ' Monday. -Mrs Sadie Warren la .recovering from n attack" of pneumonia. Mr, 8. . - Hand waB a Belmont-visitor Jaen- day. Grady Hilton is ill with pneu moala. Misses Mabel and Mamie , Ford were Gastonia BhoppersTues- day. Miss Virginia Robinson visit ed friends In Charlotte last week. Mrs. T. P. ' Rankin end daughter, Roberta, visited Mrs. Lloyd McCon nell at Derita this week.rMrr S. M Robinson made a business trip to Charlotte Tuesday.r-Rev, R. A. Mil ler was a Gastonia visitor Tuesday Miss Alice Jenjdns is sick ? this week. Miss .Annie Ford is visiting ' Mr. and Mrs. , Henry Cox in Char lotte this week. Mrs. Tom Ford left .Wednesday to spend some time with relatives at Whltmire, S. C Mrs M. J. Campbell, who has been ill for the past three months, is steadily Improving. . ..s,r ' MAYESWORTH USIXGS. Correspondence pf The Gazette.. : MATESWORTH, Jan. 13. Miss Stones, of Dallas, visited the family of Mr. Z. G. Holdaclaw last week. Mr. L. A. (Dodsworth and family, of Charlotte, were here last week Rev. J. Frank Harrelson was a Mc- AdenTille visitor Friday. Mr.: and ' Mrs. Cv-D. Skldmore spent Saturday In Charlotte. Mr. Will Boyd spent . Saturday night In ' Charlotte. Mr. L W.- Jenkins and Mr. Albea, of , McAdenville. were pleasant callers here Sunday. , ' . Among som of our young men who spent Sunday afternoon in,Gas- -' 'tonia" were Messrs. C' C. Dawson, ' 'Bright Duncan and C. Welsh.-Mr. A.' E. Moore, and Attorney A. O. - Mangum, of Gastonia,' were In our little ' burg " a while Monday. Mr. ' "Moore has acquired a large interest 4 In the mill here, and was recently - ' elected secretary , and treasurer to succeed Mr.; I A. Dodsworth, Miss - Evelyn Boyd, .'who " Is. attending "school in : pharlotte, spent Saturday and Sundlay here with her parents, ft Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Boyd. Mr. Geo, f McGinnas, of Monroe, Is-Visiting at . the home of Mrr C. D. Skidmore. . Mr. L. L. Todd, of Gastonia. passed through Tuesday en route to Bel mont. Miss Lizzie Pressley Is spend lng this week in the. country .Mr. J. C. Niell. of Gastonia, was in our " town Wednesday. Mr. L." B. Rog ers was a' Mount Holly 'visitor this week. Mr. J.- R' Gbeen, who has been Indisposed for , several "days'," Is able to be out again. Mr.. Ed Lew is,: of Gastonia, is here Uh Is week helping to Inventory the . stock of the Mayes 'Manufacturing Co. Dallas Dots. , Correspondence of 'The Gazette. DALLAS. R. F. D. 1,'Jan. 13. Mrs. Laban Quinn, of Gastonia, . spent Sunday' night in this section , ; with Mr. and Mrs. I. : L. Clemmer. " . Master Ray Ratchford is very sick with pneumonia. Miss Julia " . McAllister, of Dallas, penta part of .this week on route one, the guest of Miss Florence Pasour Little Miss r Carrie Dixon, after spending the hol idays with her grandparents in this ' section, returned to her home in V Gastonia to resume school duties. Mr. Z. N. Ratchford, who has heen , -in Ashland, Va.. for the past three . months returned to Gaston last week Miss Mabel Dixon Is on the sick , list Little Mlsa Nellie Clemmer ' and Masters. Cloid and Hasker, of . Bessemer TisRed their grandfather, .' Mr. TV. D. . Clemmer, last week. -. Lee'Pasour Is suffering with a light . attack .of pneumonia. Mn. C. P. . ..Ratchford has - been Tight sick for the last few days. ' . ' '.' XIcAdenville Hatters. . Correcpondence bf The Gazette.- ' McADENVILLE, Jan. II. Mr. T O. L. Wright left Monday for Ral eigh to attend the annual meeting SUte Begin Enthnsiaatlc Conven- tlon la Greensboro ,. . . ' Charrotte Observer. ' Greensboro, Jan. IS. The con- vention of the Laymen Missionary Movement, In session In West Mar- ket Street Methodist church here, is one of the largest and most en- thuslaatlc. rellgfous gainenngs ever assembled In the State, adoulj- Tne 0. made by the officers 1,500 delegates have been enrolled from all sections of .North Carolina, representing practically all tne pro- teBtant denominations..; The attend- ance Is so much greater than, was expected that the. women have been asked to vacate the gallery or " church auditorium. - It was stated that this was the first time in the history of the -Laymen s 'Movement that such a request "had heen neces- eary. ? . ' , ' At tonight's aesslon Dr. J. H. Ap- pie of Frederick. .Md., spoke on ine Laymen's New Horizon" and Rev. Or. A. P. Parker, a returned mis- sionary, delivered a stirring address on "The Progress of Christianity in China." Rev. A. S. Folyd or Alex- andria; Va., made an address on "The Field is the World." At thla afternoon's session Rev. W. L. LInr gle of Atlanta spoke on "Prayer and (Missions," and Dr. J, T. Renerson of Bristol, . secretary of the Laymen s Movement In the Southern Baptist Convention discussed "The Ade-, quate Missionary . Policy." Hon. W. B. Stubfas and Dr. J. O. Reavis .of Nashville made addresses on "The Missionary Committee the Right Hand , of the Laymen's Movement" and "Business System In Missionary Finance. - ' Rev. Dr.. Neal L. Anderson of Winston-Salem announced that Mrs. C. C. McAIister of Asheboro would establish a fund for the support ofa missionary In memory of her son, John Worth 'McAIister, who died a few months ago. The convention offered special prayers, for the stricken families of Rev. Dr. Sam- uel M. Smith of Columbia and 'Rev. John Wakefield of.Barlum Springs. of the Grand Lodge of the- Masonic order. Mr. Wright went as a repre- sentative of the South Fork Lodge here. Mrs. M. E. Cashion and daughter, Mrs. Mandie Rhyne, are spending some time in Danville, Va., as ' the guests of Mrs. Cashion's aaugnier, Mrs. u. mrner. nr. H. M. 'McAden and Dr. C. A. Bland, of Charlotte, were 'business visitors, here Tuesday. Mr. Fred F. Fletch- er. of Charlotte, spent Wednesday here with frtends. Mr. James T. McAden is back at his home" here af ter spending several days with rela tives . and friends in Charlotte. - Mrs. A. M. Dixon spent Tuesday af ternoon here as the guest of her mother, Mrs. R. R. Ray.T Mr. S. B. Brymer was a Gastonia visitor Thursday. Mr. W. B. Craig is rap- idly' recovering from a very severe attack of pneumonia. Mr. I. W. Shields . has been confined to his room for several days with grip. Prof. J. L.. Webb spent .Wednesday with friends In Dallas. Mr. and Airs, i B.rKew, or Forest City, at- tended the funeral , here Sunday of the latter father, Mr. R. A. WI1- Son. : " I The seven-months-old child : of Air. ana Mrs. Tip Clark died here Sunday and was buried at Hickory orovev air. j. w. uraasnaw ana family moved to Gastonia Wednes- I day. . : , . I Funeral services" were conducted mt n'tvAlr Cn.J.. .1 rZnZ r7 heesidence of Mr , J . M. Wilson, U1W1, Vl father, , Mr. . Robert A. - Wilson, I whose death occurred Saturday at a hunit.i i- n.t..!. m. I hnnttftl 'in' flflfltanla ' fhA unHAa I - and Rev. R. S. Howie. The deceas- ed was -o years or age, haying been born in Greenville county.Sbuth Car olina, on June 10th, 1849.. He Is umvea. dj one sister, Mrs. james i o,., , ... children, as follows: Mr. James M. I Wilson, of Lowell ; Mrs. J. B. Reld, - 1 and Mrs. R. A. Wilaon, Jr., of Me- Adenvilie; Jlrs. IT B. Reid. of Tor- J est CKr. and Messrs. W P. and S. E. . Wilson, of Austin Montana. Following the funeral services the remains were laid to rest Is the Low ell cemetery. Mr. T. M. McEntyre was a fcus- iness visitor to Gaffney Tuesday. . I Jiosbiess ' During . 1000 Stof k holders and Directors Met Tues day No Changes in Oflicers. .Tuesday' the Citizens ; National Dank and the First National Bank i - held their annual stockholders' and Sectors meetings, this helng the day on whlcn an tne national banks hold their meetings. of thft citizens National ank to the stockholders ' of that institution ghowed it to be In most excellent shape, the past year - having been the be8t ln ltg history. In addition to payin the regular semi-annual dividend of three per cent, the neat gum no.OOO was: passed to the Burpiug fund and the undivided profl4s were considerably augment- ed . ."."xil of the old directors were elected and the directors in turn re- erected all of the old officers, as fol iOWB. President, R. P. Rankin; vice president, C. N. Evans; cash ,f( ,A 0 nyers; assistant cashier, w H. Adams: directors R. P. Ran ki( C- N Evans, A. G. Myers. J. M sioan and W. T. Love. I The year Just Dassed has also j heen a most satisfactory one with the First National Bank and! the stockholders exDressed themselves I afl being greatly pleased with its 1 condition. v The meeting of the 8t0Ck holders of this institution, as wen as the meeting of the board of directors which followed, was taken nD lnrcelv with routine matters The old board of directors was re-e- ited as follows: L. L. Jenkins, J. L. Robihson A. A. McLean G. 'A', Gray, R. R. Ray. H. M. McAden, t. r,. A. vi. Mnore J. o. WhiN ani j.-k. Dixon. The directors re- elected the old officers as follows: l. L. Jenkins, nresident: J J Robinson, vice president: S. N Boyce, cashier; M. T. Wilson, assist- ant cashier; J. K. Dixon, Jr., teller, The out-of-town stockholders pres- nt were Rev R A Millpr of Low- cn: p n p.. nt MoAdonviiio- h McAden and Dr. C. A. Bland of Charlotte and C R Pasour of Dal-1 iafl , LUCIA LOCALS. Correspondence of The Gazette. LUCIA, Jan. 12. Mr. William Lockman, of Lowesville, has pur- I chased the Mr. Nal Beatty property j at Lucia. He has gone in the mer chandlse business with Mr. A. U, stroup and will make this his future home. His many friends welcome him in our community. Miss Stroup, of Alexis, is visiting her brother, Mr, A. U. Stroup. Miss Robena Mcintosh visited 'Miss' Fannie Carpenter Saturday and Sun day. Miss 'Mabel Mcintosh, of Charlotte, is spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Mcintosh. Miss Lula Belle Black ani Miss Iver Mcintosh returned to Davenport College last week to re- sumo their studiels. Mr. and Mrs. Mac M. Grice have been visiting rel- atives at Belmont and Mount Holly Miss Bessie Morris, teacher of the Mountain Island school, visited at the home of Mr. S. H. Black Friday and Saturday. Mr. Conrad Black and family, of Triangle visfted his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Black, fitrinar tha Imlltava Vf !oa Wfflo I Hooven of Dallas visited here last week. Mr: and Mrs. S. H. Black spent the beginning of last week at I the home of Mr. Walter Cavin, at Mount , Holly. Messrs Earl and Jimmie ConnWll innt tha hnlMava with . their grandmother- in (Thar- . .. .. .... I ,r' DI Mr8' ROtrt BarH foot will make their home for the present at vpen view farm in River Bend. The Infant iiiM f mnA Mr.. William Allen, who died on the ... . - I J 4 v . ' ... . ..... , m i rai in ue now friends eympathlze witn them in I their great sorrow. , Jack Edward not tim , nr Lincoln County,.TIme, 11th. v. ... u svwa. Liiai, jici rwiwarni wn i dead, -but such is not the case. He Is confined to his room with then- matism and seems to have lost a I good ' deal of trenth he had be-j fore the attack. Three persons 4 were turned to death in a fire which destroyed sev eral of the smaller bulldlngf on the Jamestown Expoaltion grounds at I Norfolk Vs., . Wednesday. :, ( ruin ton, lFoiind In PhlladephW Death Due to Amte Kidney Troa We Nephew of Bin. John O. Ran kin, of Gastonia. i j - . . . Yestenday morning's Charlotte I Observer carried the following trag- Ic atory under . a Philadelphia date line of the 12th: In a lodging house at No. 44 North Eleventh 'street, where he had rented a room last nluht. the dead body of Victor E. Reinhardt wfs found at noon by the proprietor; Thomas Murphy. The body lay across the bed fully clothed and the I arms and legs were drawn up as though In defense and the facial features were rigid in lines f In tense fear. At first It was thought that the man died either from pois- on or foul play. The police deny this, after an Investigation, and the physicians of Hahnemann hospita.l, vhere the body was taken immedi ately after discovery, say that death was caused by uraemia. Reinhardt was about 21 years old and the son of R. S. Reinhardt, a wealthy cotton mill owner in Lin- colnton, N. C. He left home for a I pleasure trip about a week ago. Murphy says Reinhardt came to his lodging house about 8 o'clock Tues day night, rented a room for which he paid in advance and was not seen again until the door was broken in at noon today, when the proprietor became suspicious that something was wrong. A condition contribut- toward the poison .theory was Mne fact that tne entlre 'body had turned blue. 'The hospital physic- laiJS that this was due to thena ture of the disease from which he suffered A wallet found in a pocket con- I talned only 6 cents. Papers com pleted the Identification, and in the evening a friend in this city carried out instructions from the parentsto have an undertaker take charge of the body which had been at the morgue. Despite the absolute de n'a' ' any suspicious circumstances connected with the death, the de- I tectives and coroner's office are in vestigating all the circumstances. The news of young Relnhardt's death cabled forth many expressions of sorrow In Gastonia yesterday morning. The family has many friends here whose sympathy goes out to them In their great sorrow. The unfortunate young man was a nephew of Mrs. John O. Rankin who w 111 8 Q LIncolnton to attend the funeral. Mr. W, A. Fair and Mr, Rudislll, of LIncolnton, went to Philadelphia and will return with the body this afternoon. Kfncaid-Spencer. The following is from The Lenoir Topic of the 12th: Today at noon at the liome of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Spencer, one mile east of Lenoir, Mr. Theo. P. Klncaid and Miss Mary Spence were united in marriage, the ceremony be lng performed by Dr. C. C. Weaver, president of Davenport College. The wedding was a quiet home affair and only a few relatives and friends Wfro nrAflpnf. Th ihrtria Anjf cmnm left on the afternoon train today for a few days visit to Gastonia. Char- lotte and other points in the State. Many friends will Join in sincere congratulations and good wishes, Ann.ud Moiff. " Wednesday the etockholdefs of the Trenton Cotton Mills neld their i m,H i m . . ST. TZunltZi.r luo vut ui 1wt.rtn.ar7 ana treasurer was changed t that of Tiroaldnt inz made a aenarate offlcn Fnllnw. ing is the list of officers elected at the dlrectora. . meeting: President and treasurer,' J. K. Dixon, Sr.; vice president, L. L. Jenkins; . - x uiieuuu. . jftniini. h w Forbes, E. N. Uneberter. K. Dix- on. Mr. A Id. . Dixon was re-elected superintendent. Reports from the officers showed he condltioiuof the mill to be good. , During 1909 two new twisters and one , tall . warper have been added. ' " Attorney - George W. Wilson went to Geffney n professional bus iness Tuesday. City Father Hold Regular Session and Transact Small Amount of Busineas. ' ' The regular monthly meeting fcf the city council for January was held Tuesday night at the city hall no 'business of especial importance being transacted, . Permission was granted the Sou thern Railway to lay a aide track across York street provided the lay ing of said track does not interfere with or in any way damage the street. Tne following resolution was adopted: The mayor and board of aldermen express their appreciation of the efficient services of the ap praisers appointed In the condemna tion cases and disclaim any inten tion to reflect upon their motives or Intelligence as appraisers in any of the orders or resolutions set forth In the minute's of the hoard. The treasurer is ordered to pay them the ordinary fees allowed by the stat ute for appraisers of $3 per day. Supt. H. Rutter, of the water and light department, was authorized to publish in the local papers, a no tice to the property owners on Franklin avenue between Broad and Chester streets to make all their water and sewerage connections be. fore the grading and macadamizing of this street is completed for the new electric railway. Bills amounting to $1,461.54 were referred to the finance committee for payment. A few other matters of minor im portance were disposed of. BACK AT WORK. Westminster School Resumes After Holidays With Old Boys Bark and a Few New Ones. Correspondence of The J3azette. RUTHERFORDTON, Jan. 13.- Our holidays are over and most of the old boys are hack to resume their Btudies. All report that they had a. fine time Christmas, some in hunting and others in various kinds of sport. They have all buckled down to study once more and have started on the home stretch toward June. All of the teachers are back and report a splendid time during the 'holidays. Six new students have registered since the first. . The erection of a new dormitory and a president's house will begin early in the spring. The dormitory is to stand to the left of Rutherford Hall and the president's house will stand opposite. The 'boys are hard at work on the new ball ground leveling it down. They are counting on getting out a good team this season. A meeting of the ball players was held last week ' and Mr. J. B. Sibe, Jr., was chosen captain. Mr. Robert Moore and Mr. Quinn Huffstetler are confined to their rooms with grip. Attention Veterans. - The following veterans who have applied for Crosses of Honor will will be cmfwpy shrdlu shrdlu shrdu please he present to receive them Wednesday, January 19th, at 10.30 a. m. at the Lee-Jackson exercises, viz: W. D. Delinger, J. M, McGin nas, John; Lindsay, John A. Payne, J. P. 'Wallace, M. L. Furr, M. J Mauney, W. A. Falls, J. A. Nell, E. M. Anders, T. N. Alexander, B. E. Benfield, M. L. Beam, Samuel .-Cau-ley, E. M. Ford, E. B.s Garrison; R. B. Harvey, N. Hullender, Philip Hevener, John Lowe, L. K. Leon- hardt, David Morrison, Moses Stroup, I. N. Price, D. A. . Parker, Ambrose Rhyne, Henry Elmore, W. M. Robinson, J. B. Carson, David t7?' 'T 1' UT r Tjni!v. W fjmW Tnfc Lowe, A. M. Pasour, J. C. Stowe, J. R. Underwood. - MRS. H. M. EDDLEMAN, i' . ' Custodian. Building Permits in 1909. ' I During the year ending Decem ber 3l' 1909, building permits were issued In Gastonia ln a total sum of $202,750.00. This - was the . first year in the town's history that an accurate record of building permits has heen kept but R Is probably tne best year ln Gastonia's history in this line. The coming year wll no idoubt show even a better record. Mr. J. M.' Hampton made . a business trip to Gaffney, S. C, Wed nesday. " was among yesterday's business vis itors in . Gastonia. V , , , Mr. W, T. Rankin and Mr,"R. B. Babington are attending the lay--men's meeting at Greenshoro. . Mr. J. R. Price, a prominent at torney, of Albemarle, was a business visitor in Gastonia Wednesday. ., Hon. O. F. Mason, of Dallas, was ln Gastonia on business ', Wed- nesdav. . . . -i . Prof. J. L. Webb, of McAden vllle, was a business visitor ln Gas tonia Wednesday. The front of the Citizens Na tional Bank building Is receiving a new coat of paint. Mrs. J. M. Hampton is suffering from grip at her home on Long av enue. Mr. G. M. Rhyne, of route three, killed a hog Monday which, was only nine months old but weighed 350 pounds net. 'Miss Emma Henderson, of ML Hoolly, is spending some time with her niece, Mrs. I. F. LIneherger. Lincoln County News, 11th. A minstrel play Is being gotten up to be presented on February 22nd. The boys expect to make It a sue- cess. The many friends of Mrs. E. C Wilson will be glad to learn that she has recovered from quite a se vere attack of grip, and Is now able to be out again. Mrs. S. H. Myers, who has been visiting her son, Mr. A. G. Myers, and her daughter, Mrs. M. F. Kirby, Jr., returned yesterday to her home in Charlotte. . v v ; Mr. T. N. Harmon of Los An- ' geles, Cal., who has been ' spending Kings Mountain, is spending the day with friends 3ff Gastonia. . .... ' Dr. Wrfji, JSoffman left yester? day for Bradentown, "Fla., where he will spend several weeks. He was accompanied ias far as Atlanta ty his daughteiid'ismv Susie Hoffman. Mr. 0. riuffman, of ifork- ville, route one, passed through Gas- tonia Wednesday en route to Char. lotte, where he will make his home in the future. . Miss Ida McAllister, of Dallas, was a oleasant visitor at the home . of Mr, and Mrs. G. W. MoAlllstef last Saturday and Sunday. Lincoln County News, 11th. , -Rev. Brady L. Stroup, pastor of 1 the Lutheran church at .Newton, spent Tuesday night and Wednesday here on business. While here he paid a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Stroup, on route two. , At the opera house Wednesday night a good audience was 'present and enjoyed the fourth attraction in the lyceum course, which was "The Honolulu Students," an aggregation of Hawaiian musicians. 1 J . ' Judge John Calvin Reld, a noted lawyer, author and scholar, of At-' lan ta, died Wednesday at Montgom- . ery, Ala., aged 73. He was a Con federate veteran and was an active leader in Ku Klux circles during the j Mrs. Alice Harbin left this morning for LIncolnton to attend the ' funeral of her cousin Mr. Rein- t hardt, an account of whose death In Philadelphia Is given on another " page. ''-i v- f' Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Klncaid are expected . to arrive in Gastonia today to he the guests for a short . time of Mr. and Mrs E. H. Hahn. They are en route home to Lenoir from their bridal trip. They expect to leave for Lenoir tomorrow. ; Tuesday's Cleveland Star says that Mr W P flomm fnm.Fl ' Gaston's superintendent of roads, has begun the work of constructing the macadam . road system for No. six township in that county. The amount to be expended is $100,000. ' "The Gazette hears, on good an- . . .... thority, that Mr. J. Madison . Ken drick will be a candidate for sher- ' iff at the next Democratic primary.. Mr. Kendrlck is at present a deputy' ' sheriff, having had considerable ex perience In this line. He is a vigi lant officer and an all-round hustler. If nominated and elected he would make the county a good officer. Ills numerous friends, at whose solicits tlon ft is understood he has deel s i to make the race, will lend him gen erous and loyal support. ' ' i