) TIIE GA8TOMA GAZETTE. TUESDAY FEBRUARY 1, 1010. PAGE EIGHT 'I',' To si Go AH Since finishing stock-taking we find our stock somewhat out of proportion too much of certain lines to carryover such as Bleached Domestics, Tickings, Cheviots, Cotton Suitings, Cotton Flannels, WhiteJWool Flannels, Wool Dress Goods, Men's, Ladies' and Children's - ''-( Underwear, Shoes, Hosiery, Suit Cases, Men's and Boys' Suits, Men's and Boys' Pants, Men's and Boys' Suits. The best value in Men's Suits we've ever offered. There's a reason: New Goods are piling in on us and we just must have space at ijtoy cost. Morris Brothers' RUBBER At Special Prices WE ARE MEAIKirAKTERS FOR EVERY SORT OF RUBBER AR TICLE ISED IN TIIE SICK ROOM OR THE HOME. EVERY ARTI CIF H OF FRESH, DEPENDABLE RUiBER FROM THE MOST R.E I iVbIF MKEHS. SKILFl'L BFYINtS IN LARGE QUANTITIES ENABLES I'S TO SELL THEM TO Y(H AT PRICES THAT TOUCH BOTTOM. SURELY. WE CARRY A VERY LARtlE STOCK VARYING IN PRICES FROM THE LOWEST TO THE .MOST EXPENSIVE. HOT WATER BOTTLES, A SPECIAL EVERY ONE OF SOFT. PIUBLE AND NEW RUBBER EVERY ONE BACKED BY THE GUARANTEE OF THE MANUFACTURER. AN OPPORTUNITY THAT YOU CAN'CT AFFORD TO MISS - VT., $1.00 FOUNTAIN SYHIMiES, A SI'Ki'lAL BEST RUBBER. STOUT tAEAMS, HEAVY TUBiNil. THREE PIPES, PATENT STOP. A SYR INGE THAT WILL OUTLAST MANY Til AT YOU WOULD PAY TWICE AS MUCH FOR 2QT., AT $1.25 Abernethy-Shields Drug Company Phone 130 The Gastonia Gazette. TUESDAY. KEBIUAKY 1, HMO. eN U AIrInuiiu. Rev. V. Y. ljtve, of Mecklenburg, who lia3 been suipl in the pulpit of the Gastonia Associate Reformed Presbyterian church, will leave this week for Cannlen, Ala . where he will serve as pastor of the A. R. P. church for the next three months. H goes to supply the pulpit tem porarily with a view to a.iepting a al; a3 the regular pastor. This leaves the Gastonia church without a temporary supply pastor. Next Sunday morning ami evening Rev. Mr Young, pastor of the Kinps Mountain chun h will till the pulpit and on the following Sunday Rev. Mr. Griffith, of Bessemer City, will preach for the Gastonia congrega tion Rev. Dr I C. Galloway, the pastor of this church, has been con siderably benefitted by his reBt but had not intended to resume his ac tive pastoral duties for another month or two. Unless satisfactory arrangements can be made for a temporary supply paRtor, Dr. Gallo way will likely resur.ie his pastoral duties this month. SumnMr-Kendri k. Iast week's Cherryville Eagle says: "At ttie home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Ken drtck. last Sunday evening was sol emnized the marriage of their daughter, Bessie to C. C. Summer. Rev. iDeitz, pastor of St. John's Tutheran church, pronounced the oeremony in a most beautiful man ner. The bride is one of our choic est young ladies. From a little girl tftae has grown up in our midst, honored by old and young alike. She has ever been a liright star in Ihe 'home circles and now she has gone to reign as queen in her own home. The groom is one of our alert young business men and merits the good will of all who know him." To Inspect Bridge. Sunday's Charlotte Observer says that the county commissioners ex pect to spend Wednesday at the new iron bridge over the Catawba river at Roxzelle'e ferry inspecting the Structure, either accepting or reject ins; It. The bridge has been erected at a great expense and the county of ficials are expecting great results from the connection it affords with Oastoa county. It Is a fine piece of workmanship an 4 is altogether cred itable to the progressive spirit of the administration that has the glory of baring built it. GOODS Main Avenue. Cleared Neut Sum. The Woman's Betterment Associ ation realized $86.35 from the sales of oysters, cream, cake, coffee and candy Friday and Saturday. This despite the fact that the weath er was most unfavorable. The Ken- (jricK-Torrence store room was most attractively and conUortably fixed up for the occasion. The ladies de sire to return their hearty thanks to all who patronized them or contrib uted in any way to the success of the affair. They are now busily engaged in planning a chrysanthemum fair for next fall, concerning which more will be said in The Gazette at an early date. Already more than for ty of the members of the associa tion have promised to raise chrys anthemums for this fair which will undoubtedly prove to be a most In teresting occasion. A Voter at Least. Human Life. Aunt Spinsterly: "I hope that your opinions uphold the dignity of our sex, Mamie, and that you be lieve that every woman should have a vote?" Mamie: "I don't go quite so far as that auntie; but I do believe that every woman should have a voter." Dodging Her Duties. Pittsburg Gazette. The Modern Mother (to her daughter): "Look here, my dear, I am going to give a bridge party this afternoon, and I want you to stay and fill in." Daughter (wearily): "Oh, moth er, I " "That's it. You are all alike! Never ready to help me In my house hold duties." Nell Maude is the most careless girl I ever saw. Belle Yes, I heard her say she had forgotten more than you ever knew. GOOD-BYE DANDRUFF. A Clean Scalp for Everyone Who Wants One. Parisian Sage will kill all dand ruff germs and banish dandruff In two weeks or nothing to pay. It will stop falling hair or itching scalp in two weeks, or money back. It will stimulate the clogged up hair roots, will cause the hair .to grow, will prevent' the hair from turning gray, and the danger of be coming bald will vanish. Parisian Sage is sold by druggists everywhere, and by J. H. Kennedy A Co. on the money back plan. Try a 6(Xent bottle today, and leant tot yourself what a delightful tonic It la The girl with the Auburn hair Is on every package. Tl-t. Legal Blanks Of All Kinds Warranty Deeds, Mortgage Deeds, Quitclaim Deeds, Executor's Deeds, Chattel Mortgages (North and South Carolina), Bonds to Make Title, Agricultural Liens, Attachment Blanks, and others. Mail orders receive prompt atten tion. Gazette Pub. Co. 236 Main Ave., Gastonia, N. C It. P. D. ENVELOPES. People living on rural free dellv ery routes should use return envel opes; it is safer and insures return of your letters if addressees don't get them. We have them printed for every route in Gaston county; good quality of envelope, the kind you pay 10 cents per package of 25 for at the stores blank. Only 30 rents per 100. Mail orders receive prompt attention. , Use them once, you'll keep it up. Gazette Publishing Company, No. 236 Main avenue, Gas tonia, N. C. A Complete Library In One Volume r ON SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS WILL tell you something about ev erything and everything about a great many things; the army and na vy, population of countries, States and cities, the new tariff, the 1910 census, progress of Panama Canal work, census of Cuba, prosecution of trusts, party platforms of 1909, rise In prices of principal commodities, aerial navigation in 1909, Polar ex ploration in 1909 discovery of the North Pole, growth of the United States, Sixty-flrst Congress, about wars, sporting events, weights and measures, universities and colleges, religious orders in the United States, debts of nations, weather forecasts, fatality tables, commerce, taxes, moneys, banking, insurance, secret societies, prohibition move ment in 1909, report of national commissions on country life and conservation of natural resources and 10,000 OTHER FACTS A FIGURES of everyday Interest to everybody. No merchant, farmer, laborer, bus iness man. housewife, school boy or girl should be without a copy of this greatest compendium of useful Infor mation ever set In type. PRICE 83 CENTS. ' - For Sale by GAZETTE PUBLISHING CO, Gastonia, N. a Department JURY LIST. Names of Jurors Chosen for Feb ruary Term of Gaston Superior Court. The following are the names of the jurors drawn by the county commis sioners at their regular January meeting to serve at the February term of Gaston Superior Court, which convenes at Dallas on the 28th of February: FIRST WEEK. J. R. Ross, Mount Holly. E. B. Brfttain, Gastonia. C. E. Tucker, Belmont. A. F. Henry, Cherryville. E. L. Little, Gastonia. J. W. Bumgardner, South Point. W. H. Crocker, Cherryville. T. L. Craig, Gastonia. Math Quinn, Crowders Mountain. J. H. Garrett, Crowders Mountain. R. G. Brown, Cherryville. B. F. Ormand, Crowders Moun tain. George Wright, South Point. W. E. Farnsworth, Cherryville. J. W. Capps, South Point. W. H. Stowe. South Point. Lee L. Bryson, South Point. R. H. Thomas, South Point. W. V. Ramsour, Crowders Moun tain. J. W. Atkins, Gastonia. W. M. Boyce, Gastonia. S. C. Sipe, Cherryville. J. A. Hager, Cherryville S. Elmer Spencer. Gastonia. W. S. McKee, South Point. J. Boyce McGlll, Crowders Moun tain. J. O. Rankinf Gastonia. J. P. Brison, South Point. R. L. Rector, Dallas. P. R. Falls, Gastonia. D. A. Roberts, South Point. B. T. Morris, Gastonia. B. F. S. Austin, Gastonia. Perry Dover, Gastonia. R. B. Shields, Gastonia.51 SECOND WEEK. S. W. Wilson, South Point. E. O. Webb, Dallas. Charles Lineberger, Dallas. J. D. Cole, River Bend. L. A. T. McGinnas, Cherryville. E. Hope Adams, Gastonia. J. A. Smith, Crowders Mountain. P. R. Huffstetler, Gastonia. S. N. Craig, South Point. J. H. Curry, South Point. George F. Beam, Cherryville. John R. Hallman, Cherryville. W. E. Gardner, Cherryville. W. M. Costner. Cherryville. R. L. Stowe, South Point. W. D. Crawford, Gastonia R. A. Love, Gastonia. J. M. Williams, Gastonia. SE ABOARD AIR LINE SCHEDULE. These arrivals, departures and connections with other companies are given only as Information. Schedule taking effect January 3, 1910, subject to change without notice. Trains leave Charlotte as follows: No. 138. dally, at 5:00 a. m., for Monroe, Hamlet and Wilmington, connecting at Mdnroe with 33 for Atlanta, Birmingham; with 38 for Raleigh, Weldon and Portsmouth. With 66 at Hamlet for Raleigh, Richmond, Washington, New York. No. 133. dally, at 10:35 a. m., for Llncolnton, Shelby and Rutherford ton. No. 44, daily, at 5 p. m., for Mon roe, Hamlet, Wilmington and all lo cal points, connecting at Hamlet with 43 for Columbia, Savannah and all Florida points. No, 4 7, dally, at 4 : 4 5 p. m., tor Rutherfordton and all local points. No. 132, f:15 p. m., connecting at Monroe for all points North, carries Portsmouth sleeper. ;: Trains arrive In Charlotte as fol We are offering some very fine bargains JUST NOW in made-to-measure GIL OTOE Fit and workmanship are pledg ed to be the very finest and the fabrics are all pure wool and extremely beautiful s A Made in any style you wish. Ask for INTERNATIONAL FABRICS and you get the BEST. See us before you buy. Phone 222 for Cleaning and Pressing R. T. PADGETT lows: No. 133, 9:50 a. m., from all points North, brings Portsmouth sleeper. No. 45, daily, at 11:55 a. m.. from Wilmington and all local points" North. No. 132, 7 p. m., from Ruther fordton, Shelby, Llncolnton and C. & N. W. Railway points, Johnson City No. 46 arrives 10:30 a. m , from Rutherfordton and all local stations No. 39, daily, at 11:50 p. m., from Wilmington. Hamlet and Monroe; also from points East, North and Southwest, connecting at Hamlet and (Monroe. Cafe cars on all through trains. Ticket office Selwyn hotel. All trains run daily. For further information call on or address James KER, JR., T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. H. S. LEARD, D. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. C. B. RYAN, G. P. A., Portsmouth, Va. SPECIAL LOW RATES VIA SEABOARD to New Orleans, La., Mobile, Ala., and Pensacola, Fla., on account Mar di Gras Celebration. Seaboard Railway announces very low rates for the above occasion The following round trip rates will apply from Charlotte, N. C. New Orleans and return . . . .$23.05 Mobile and return .... ....$18.85 Pensacola and return .....$18.25 Dates of sale February 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. and 7th. Final limit to reach original starting point not la ter than mid-night of February 19, 1910. Tickets can be extended to March 7th 'oy depositing same with special . agent at destination on or before February 19th and upon pay ment of fee of $1.00. For rates from other points In State to above points or any Infor mation call on of address. If. S. LEAR, D. P. A., , ' ' Raleigh, N. C JMES KER, JR., T. P. AC ' Charlotte. N. C. . Plot Store Can't Fool the American People. Winston Sentinel. Republican writers may say all they please about the high cost of living being caused by the large In crease In the world's gold produc tion and the extravagance of people, but the average citizen is not likely' to be much impressed with that kind of argument as long as he knows that American farm products are sold cheaper abroad than they are in this country. That this is true was shown by Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, who testified to that effect before a committee of the House of Representatives. Mr. Wilson is au thority for the statement that the producer is now getting but little more than formerly for his products, while the ultimate consumer pays an excessive price. Mr. Taft's Political Troubles. Durham Herald., If Mr. Taft had made even a fee ble effort to stand up for his plat form promises he would not now find himself hedged about by so many political troubles. The peo ple were expecting . little from his party hut placed a great deal of con fidence In him. TRY THIS TWO MINUTE CURB FOR COLD fS HEAD OR CHEST: It Is Curing Thousands Dally, and Saves Time and Money, r Get a bowl three quarters full of boiling water, and a towel. - ; Pour Into the water a teaspoonful of Hyomel (pronounced Hlgh-o-me). Put your head over the bowl and cover both head and bowl with tow el. " . , - ' -v , ,;. v Breathe the vapor that arises for two minutes, and presto! your head Is as clear as a bell, and the tight- ' ness In the chest is gone. Nothing like ft to break no a heavy cold, cure sore throat or drive ' away a cough. It's a pleasant cure. Touli enjoy breathlnr HromeL YouH feel at once Its toothing, heal ing and beneficial effects as It passes - over, the inflamed and Irritated mem brane. Try tt. J. H. Keanedy ft Co. sell HyomeL . , , i fL.