PAGE EIGHT THE GASTONIA GAZETTE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1010, MIoinrns flBiroU: 2 While we are daily receiving new Spring Goods for every department we are not neglecting the matchless bargains we have and arc still giving in Dress Goods, White Goods, Men's and Boys' Suits, Men's, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes. Underwear for all ages and sexes. Fine Shirts wifh and without collars. Neckwear, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery etc. We want to say in addition to this: We have the very best and prettiest line of new Shirts that we have ever shown, and per haps the most attractive ever shown in Gastonia. Ask to see our "Red Cross" Shirts. orris Brothers' Department Store M as ESQ It's Wrong to Let the Children COUGH It's Wrong to Cough Yourself V.u know Ik w a couiih racks yu. Vou know how It weakens your cntiic tem. You know !i w u t'uli ran quickly ter minate into v, ricu liM-a- of i ! Lungs llroncliiul 1'n.ssa Si. j. I 'i. Children ( ouali-. at one giving them a few does of Syrup White Pine and Tar Thi a f-.nedy r'.irHl from ; :d old reliahle well known inured i nt- that have Ix-en unl i' r years by the Ix-st liji( ians in the w rlil. It is sM-eially ire;Mirel for fresh winter (Vuhs and it at very ijuitkly in unim relief to all who have Coughs, O.ULs or linmhial Troubles. Vou ran w ti r yourself that it is eoiiiN:s(l of safe ingredients lliit euiinot do you any harm an I eaeli one is easy to take and tjiste p . so (here w ill In- no tri ubie in giving it to ehildren. Always ke. . a Ix.tMe en hand. 'r!y U.V. the !ottle. Abernelhey-Shields Drug Company. Phone 130 L. D. No. 2. The Gastonia Gazette. fkidav, n r.! i i;v IS, nn. Death at Kins ,lt uniain. Tlie follow ii;p is from the Kinss Mountain cor!-i ni.lcn -e of The Charlotte Obs ivt under tint- of the 15th ins;.: "Mrs. Margaret BUir Brown, widow of ;'ie late 'apt I W. Brown, died a: !. home early Sun day morning following an illns of several weeks duration. Mrs. Br in was a native o: Mfi-Uenburg county and came to this .!a:P with her hus band and children about twenty-s-v-en years apo fruo the Steele rrek section. The iV is survive.) uy two brothers aiot '. o sisters. Mrs. Adeline Cathey iwi'l Mr. John B! i:r. of Mecklenburg. Mit Sallie Weiwr and Mr. Wilfe Blair, of (leoren T!ie children surv;v:fg ure: Mrs I l". Patrick. Mrs. f. '. O'Farrell and Mr. Mott Brown, all '' Kings Mount. tin. Mr3. Browns h'.iaml, Oapt 1 W. Brown, died at Ih pla-e last Mir !i. Hf. was one of the old residents of the tow n and v. us for many y- n's post master. began to circulate and her husband then disappeared. So far efforts to locate h i in have been futile. Her father. Albeit McCain, a highly re spected old negro, is very much wrought up over the matter and is advertising in the hope of obtaining some information as to her whereabouts. Photos, regular price 81.50, going at $;.." per dozen at Green's. McAdenville Ha Mystery. The negro population and the -tl-jacent territory is verv much exer cised over the dappraranre of A'rna McCain from her home a short dis tance from the town north of the river. She myufn-iouy disappeared from her home some time in the night of January 1st and so fir not the slightest trace of her h:i3 l.en found. She had betn cook in? In Charlotte and fane home during the Christmas holidays On the first day of the year she and h'T husbind hi J a difficulty. That night she di-ip-peared. Nothing much was thouzht of it at the time but recently whis perings of the possitiity of foul p'ay (iastonia's Debaters. Messrs. Judson Shannon and Fran cis Whitesides have been chosen to represent the Pierian Society of the (lastonia high ahool in the debate with the Shelby high scool at Shel by tonight, they having been chosen as the result of a second preliminary debate held last week at the Central school. They will leave this after noon for Shelby accompanied by a number of friends and members of the school faculty, including Prof, and Mrs. Joe S. Wray, Prof. J. B. Warren. Misses Nell McLean, Clara Armstrong. Violet Rankin and possi bly others. They will return to Gas tonia tomorrow. The debaters will be entertained by the Shelby boys and the young ladies of the party will be the guests while there of Miss Klva Wray. Prof and Mrs. Wray will be the guests of her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Barnett. Wednesday's Charlotte News con tained the following account of the wedding: "The marriage last ev ening of Miss Mary Hicks to Mr. J. K. Scott was intended by the young couple, to be a surprise, but love, like murder, will out. It was gen eral knowledge by noon, but in def erence to the bride s wishes the no tice. already in type, was held out until to-day. The marriage took place at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hicks, 4 00 East Oak Street, Rev. Dr. Hul- ten performing the ceremony. A pleasant company of relatives and friends were present. The bride is an attractive young woman who has many friends. She. was one of the most efficient and popular clerks at Purcell's. The groom is winning his way in the West, where all men's chances are even; where success rests with the Individual. At pres ent he is court stenographer in Fort Worth. Texas. He is studying law, and will soon be admitted to the bar. Mr. Scott is a native of Spencer, but formerly lived in Charlotte, being in the office of Yarborough & Bellinger. He and his bride went to Spencer last night to visit relatives. They go through here tonight en route to their Texas home. Goes to Mayes worth. Mr. Edgar Iewis and family move next week from Gastonia ill Examining Water Shed. City Health Officer B. W, Craig to i began yesterday his first quarterly Fancy sheet pictures, Fishers, firefe's, Vnderwood's and Hender son's. See them at Green's. Mrs. Padgett's Sister Weds. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Padgett and little daughter went to Charlotte Monday to be present Tuesday night at the marriage of her sister. Miss Mary Hicks, to Mr. J. E. Scott. Mrs. Padgett and child remained over for a visit of several days, Mr. Padgett returning to Gastonia Tuesday night. Fine Photos, $6.00 folder style, now $3.00 per dozen at Green's, Progress on Court House. The work of buidling the concrete foundation for the new county court house on South street is about com plete and it ia the intention of the contractors to begin laying brick early next week, provided the weath er will permit. The concrete foun dation is now being built for the jail, just in the rear of the court house. The contractors have on the grounds a large quantity of brick and some of the stone to be used for the trimming and expect to proceed steadily and quickly with the con struction. Gastonians and Gaston countians generally will watch its building with interest and anxiously await the time when it shall be com pleted and ready for occupancy. Mayesworth where Mr. Lewis will have charge of the farm and store of the Mayesworth Manufacturing Company.' He will also fill the posi tion of shipping clerk. Mr. Lewis has held a clerical position with the Loray Mills here for the past sev eral years. He will be succeeded there by Mr. Stacy Boyce. Fisher-Ballard. At the home of the bride near the Avon Mill Wednesday evening Mr. J. V. Fisher and Miss Ella Ballard were married, the ceremony being performed by Rev. J. J. Beach. The bride is a daughter of Mr. Alfred Ballard. Special cut price on frame mould ing and ready-made frames- See Green for prices. New Hotel at CherryvHle. Mr. T. B. Leonhardt, the popular proprietor of the Commercial Hotel at Cherryvllle. has just completed the erection of a handsome new ho tel building containing eighteen rooms, into which he expects to move next week. The new building is lo cated on Main street on the opposite side of the railroad from the build ing now occupied and used as a ho tel by Mr. Leonhardt. The new building is nicely finished up and well furnished, and when occupied Cherryville will have one of the best hotels to be found in a town of its size anywhere in this section. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of sal vested in me by a Mortgage Deed executed to me on the 7th day of December. 1908. by George Dye and his wife. Elizabeth Dye, and regis tered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Gaston county in Mortgage Deed Book 7 4, .page 18, default hav ing been made in the payment of the bond secured by said Mortgage Deed, I will sell to the highest bid der for cash, at the court house door in Dallas, at noon, on Monday, March 21, 1910, the following described tract of land lying within the corporate lim its of the town of Gastonia, Gaston county, State of North Carolina and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on B. G Bradley's line, 75 feet eastward from a stone on the east side of Dal las street near the northern part of the town of Gastonia. which stone ia the southwest corner of the land Mack Bradley bought from M. F. Rnyne November Huh, 1897; runs with B. G. Bradley's line N. 86 E 50 feet to a stone; thence N. 1 W 105 feet to the south edge of an al ley; thence with the south edge of said alley S. 85 2-3 W. 50 feet; thence, S. 1 E. 108 feet to the' be ginning; being lot No. 2 of the tract which M. F. Rhyne and wife deeded to Mack Bradley on November 15th. 1897, surveved and divided Into lots by John F. Bradley in October, 1904 This the 18th day of February 1910. T. E. ROBINSON, Mortagee. M 11 c 4. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF HOGS. Owners of hogs within the cor porate limits of the town of Gasto nia are required by law to have floors of pens at least 18 inches above the ground. A penalty is provided for non-compliance with this law. Notice ' Is hereby given that all owners of hogs MUST com ply with this regulation. B. W. CRAIG, Health Officer. F 18 c 1. examination of the watershed of the Gastonia water supply, a survey of which was made for the city by Mr. W. L. Law. of Rock Hill, S. C. sev eral months ago. The regulations of the State Board of Health require that this examination be made every three months and a detailed report submitted to the department at Ral eigh. This work will require a con siderable amount of time as the wa tershed is fifteen miles in length and several miles in width, covering a pretty large area or land on each side of Long Creek, from which the city derives its water supply. Ac cording to the survey there are 296 houses on the survey, outside of the towns in the territory covered but Mr. Craig says the number will ex ceed that figure considerably. He is required to visit every farm and ev ery house and on his first round will leave at each residence a copy of the State laws regarding watersheds. CATARRHAL ASTHMA, One Bottle of Pe-m-ua. I! MR. F. L. St.Littl Pig rug and drugget sale starts at Rimkin Furniture Company's Satur day. Don't fail to be there. Scratch from Mule's Tooth Makes Blood Poisoning. Monroe Journal. For nearly two' weeks, Mr. Bryce Rushing, son of Mr. A. E. Rushing, of Lanes Creek township, has been very ill from blood poisoning. The trouble came from a scratch made by a mule's tooth while Mr. Rushing was trying to give medicine to the animal, which had pneumonia. The mule died, and in a day or two the scratch on Mr. Rushing began to get so bad that a doctor was called in. He saw it to be a serious matter and went, to work. Mr. Rushing is now improving but for ten days he was confined to his bed. a very sick man A dispatch from Washington Wed nesday says: Senator Tillman of South Carolina, was taken suddenly ill on the steps of the Capitol today and had to be carried to his room by two Capitol employes. Later he was removed to his home, where he is now under the care of a physician. Rest Axmlnster druggets, sells the world over for $25, to go during our big sale at $17.85. No bigger bar gain ever offered. Mr. J. C. Plonk Vice President. Charlotte Observer, 16th. Mr. J. C. Plonk of Cherokee Falls, C, was elected vice president of the Chadwick-Hoskins Company at a meeting of the directors yesterday. Mr. Plonk is one of the most aggres sive and successful cotton manufac turers In piedmont Carolina and his election in this Charlotte concern was a most fortunate one. He takes the place of Gen. W. F. Draper, re cently deceased. MR. F. t BOULLIOUN. BOULLIOUN, state l I J ... I. A r Ir wvltM) 'I have been a sufferer with the asth ma for. about four years, and I tried different kinds of medicines and could not find any relief for it. "1 tried your medicines, bought a bot tle of l'runa, and after taking about half of it I must say that I have not had tlieasthmasince. Beforel took the med icine I did not know what it was to go to bed without having the asthma." Systemic Catarrh. Mr. Samuel Burden, 701 Springfield Ave., Summit, N. J., writes : "In the fall of 1!HX) I had repeated attacks of cold, which developed into iy.-Uemic catarrh. "It left me -very weak and all ran down. When I got up in the morning it would take about an hour to get my head and throat clear. "It also left me with a very weak, all-gone, empty feeling in my stomach. which I thought was dyspepsia, for which I tried dif ferent remedies Weak and All Run Down. with very little improvement. "I finally decided to give Peruna a trial. I felt benefited with the first dose. After taking three bottles I was en tirely cured. I cannot epeak in too high terms of your wonderful discov ery, Peruna." Perun is manufactured by tha Peruua Xrug Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio WANTS HIGH LICENSE. Over 50,04)0 Names are Signed to a Vetition Asking Amendment to Oklahoma State Constitution. Guthrie, Okla., Feb. 15. An in itiative bearing 59,486 names and asking an amendment to the State constitution striking out both Feder al and State prohibition provisions and substituting therefor a system of high license and local option was filed with the Secretary of State here yesterday by Dr. John Thread- gill, president of the Oklahoma local option and high license league. The Anti-Saloon League will oppose the granting of the petition toy the Gov ernor and will carry the question to the court 3. Big S'P & (Mr cial !50ay Ru&and Drugget Sale BEGINNING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, and CONTINUING TO MARCH 10th - s We have just purchased tie largest stock and biggest assortment of Druggets erer handled by a Gastonia firm, and we Bought them at such prices that we are able to offer them at prices heretofore unheard of in Gastonia: BIGEL0WS $30 DRUGGETS for $25. SMITH'S AXMINSTER DRUGGETS, $25 kind, for $17.85. This is one of the biggest bargains in draggets you're ever heard of. They are beanties and we bought them at a low price. DELT0X DRUQGETS, worth $11 to $12.50, to go at $8.50 to $10. Big lot of INGRAIN DRUGGETS going at bargain prices. Don't fail to come in and see these. Now is the time to buy that new rag or drugget which yon wiU need for spring cleaning time. Rankin Furniture Company, Gastonia, N. G