, - 1 i ItUUSilED TWICE A WEEK- TUE8DAY8 AND FRIDAYS. SINGLE COPY 8 CENTS. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Intonate of tho County. 1.C0 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XXXI. GASTONIA, N. C. TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1010. NO. 17. The AZETTE OVER GASTON COUNTY. A LITERARY MEETING. Bessemer City Epworth League En- t tertalna Delightfully Fairview ' . School Close Mrs. M. L. Sellers Dead Other Briefs. Correspondence of The Gazette. monla. are Improving. Mr. Frank Harrison spent Saturday night and Sunday with bis slater, Mrs. John Lewis. Mr. John W. Lowry has been right sick, but Is getting bet ter. Misses Eliza Lindsay. Beth Lowry, Bess and Janie Jackson were the guests of Misses Mamie Torrence and Zoe Stowe at Belmont Saturday night. Mr. Frank Harrison attend ' BESSEMER CITY, Feb. 28. The " the play given Dy tne stuaents or monthly literary meeting of the Ep- St. Mary's College at Belmont Mon worth Leaaue was held in the Meth- day night. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence odlst church Saturday night and was Wilson visited Mr. and Mrs. John Lowry Wednesday. Mr. Lee Lewis Wanda Froneberger, chairman of the w" business visitor in Charlotte Aanartmont nf llfararv wnrlr with Wednesday. MrS. W. A. and MISS her committee, had charge of the meeting. Miss Froneberger's en thusiasm and untiring energy ac count very largely for the fine sue cess which attended the effort. The subject was "The Wesley's and Bess Jackson have been sick Owing to the severity of the weather there were no services at New Hope last Sunday. Miss Mamie Stowe spent Wednesday afternoon with her cous Ins, Misses Ethel and and Emma Methodism." Prof. D. C. Johnson Stowe. Mr. Raymond Bradley, of speaking on "Early Methodism," At torney S. J. Durham on "Modern Methodism," Miss Lizzie Kennedy on "Susanna Wesley" and Rev. J. F. Armstrong on -"John Wesley."- The music was a special feature, Misses Janie and Carrie' Morris, of Gasto- Pleasant Ridge, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bradley. Sat urday and Sunday. Miss Essie Lindsay, of Gastonla, Is spending the week-end with her sister, Miss Eliza Lindsay, at Mr. , Titman's. Mr. Frank Stowe, of Belmont, visited his nla, contributing very much to thla brother- Mr- LSan Stowe, Wednes- part of the program. The literary aay meeting was followed by a delight ful social hour when ice cream was 'a Tm mVZ ImVZi iUi served to the thirty-five young peo pie present. The closing of Fairview public school, on the Kings Mountain and Cherryville road, last Saturday at Correspondence of The Gazette. DALLAS, R. F. D. 1, Feb. 2 S. Oscar Cloninger was a business visi tor fo Gastonla Tuesday. Miss Ed tracted a very lare crowd from the na Cloninger spent Wednesday with community and surrounding towns. Mr8- Willlam Harmon. Mrs. El- notwithstanding the very cold raw mlna Pinner has been right sick for day. Miss Fannie Brown, of Ches- the past three or four weeks from ter. S. C. for the nRt v00,.. pneumonia but is improving, we are taught this school and It Is regarded as one of the best rural schools in county. ioe exercises were opened in the morning by a short address from Rev. J. Frank Arm strong, or Bessemer City, and S. J. Durham, Esq., also of Bessemer City, had been engaged to make an educa tional address but the inclement weather and large crowd without access to the overflowing house made It necessary to cancel this to the very great disappointment of the people. But the school exercises consisting of songs, recitations and dialogs, were interesting through out. .Miss Brown deserves mdeh credit for arranging and carrying out such an elaborate program. Mrs. Margaret Lackey Sellers, of Kings Mountain, route one, was buried at Concord church Saturday glad-to note. The pupils of Cost ner's school celebrated the 177th anniversary of the birth of George Washington last Friday afternoon. Mr. M. D. Clemmer made a business trip to Bessemer Wednesday after noon. Mrs. John LlneTberger spent last week with Mrs. W. C. Boat. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Clemmer were the guests Saturday night and Sun day of Mrs. S. S. White. Mr. J. J. O. Pasour has 'been on the sick list for the past two weeks. Mr. M. D. Clemmer and daughter. Miss Edna, spent Sunday in North Gaston, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ri ser. Cherryville Chat. Correspondence of The Gazette. Cherryville, Feb. 26. Rev. J. F. afternoon. She was 65 years old and Harrelson and family, of Mayes- the widow of Ell Sellers. The serv- wortn- nave returned home after Ices were in charge of Pastor Arm- BPendlnS several days with friends strong. here. Mr. u. V. Rhodes and family, Miss Lizzie Kennedy and Miss of LinclntD. visited at the home of Carrie Mauney left this week for a Mr- D- S- Thornburg Sunday. At visit to relatives in and near Dallas, torney John G- Carpenter, of Dai- Texas. These youn ladies will ias- was In t0WI1 in18 weeR shaking travel leisurely making several stops hands w,th his fr,ends- He'8 a can overs on the way. Thev will he dldate- yu know. Attorney L. E. nudism, or L,incomton, was In town this week. Misses. Mary Knight and Essie Lindsay, of Gastonla, were the guests of Mrs. Watt Tltman Thurs day night and. Friday. Mrs. Hay wood Johnston, of Belmont, was. a business visitor here Friday. Mr. T. P. Rankin was a Gastonla visitor Friday. Mr. Colt Robinson, a stu- MIS. W. H. CORNELIUS DEAD. TO ORGANIZE LAYMEN. Holland Dies at Statesvllle of Pneumonia Burial at Dallas This Morning. The many friends in Gaston and dent of Davidson, spent the week- elsewhere of Mrs. Julia Courts Hol- end here with homefolks. iand wm learn Wuh nrofnlin(, .nr. .Mr. Egbert Hutchinson, or Char- row of the death of her onl d n ioue, was a ousiness visitor nere ter Mr8i w H- CorneiiuBi wncn sad inursaay. sir. ueorge reamersion event occurred at th latter' renl- was a business visitor to Gastonla dence jn statesville Sunday evenlnit Friday. Mr. Robert Johnston and at 6 o'clork. nath wa rnH h Only Daughter of Mrs. Julia Courts Main Street Methodist Church Joins Great Movement for Foreign Mis sionsEnthusiastic Reports from Delegate Who Attended Dallas Convention. family spent the week-end with rel atives In Gastonla. Mr. Bert Lam bert, of Gastonla, visited friends here Saturday night. Dr. Al Stowe, a student of the .medical college, spent the week-end here with his mother, Mrs. Jane Stowe. Mr. Rob Price came home Saturday for a few days. Messrs. P. W. Hand, Holland Hand, S. J. Gaston and William Wright attended the funeral of Mrs. Sophia Elmore at New Hope Satur day. Misses Estella Rankin and Mamie Patrick were the guests of Miss Bessie Cox Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Leeper, of Belmont, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Saturday night. McAdenville Matters. Correspondence of The Gazette. McADENVILLE, Feb, 28. Rev. R. S. Howie's brother, of Mecklen- daughter of the late Dr. E. B. Hoi land and his wife, Julia Courts Hoi land, and was 4 2 years of age. She Is survived by her husband, two lit tle daughters, an aged mother and four brothers, of whom Mr. C. D Holland, of Gastonla, is one, the ojhers being Dr. George Holland and Attorney Lucius J. Holland, of Blue- field, W. Va., and Herbert Deceased was a member of the Presbyterian church from girlhood. She was a noble woman, faithful In every relation of life. She had en deared herself to a large circle of friends to all of whom her death Is the occasion of much sorrow Accompanied by the mother and other relatives the body was brought to Dallas via Newton yesterday af ternoon and taken to the home of burg county spent some time here Mrs. HoIlarft. from which the funeral At a meeting of the men of Main Street Methodist church , to be held In the main auditorium Thursday night it is proposed to effect an or ganization composed of every male member of the congregation fifteen years of age and upwards to carry on the local work of this denomina tlon in connection with the treat Mrs. Cornelius was the only ,aynien.B mifl8lonary movement. Ev- an attack of pneumonia and came after a brief illness. last week with him. Mr. James T McAden spent several days last week In Charlotte on business. Mr. J. T. Helderman moved to Lowell last week where he recently accepted a position. Mrs. J. T. Poag, of Rock Hill, S. C, spent some time here last week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs W. C. Barber. Mr. John Bowen and family of Huntersville, spent last week here with Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Bowen. Mrs. T. M. Bynum return ed to her home at Spartanburg, 8 C, last week after spending several days here as the guest of her moth er, Mrs. S. H. Manguni. The many friends of Mrs. M. R. Barber will be pleased to learn that her condition is greatly improved. She has been confined to her room for several days. In addition to her being sick was held this morning at 11 o'clock. The body was then laid to rest in the family plat In the Presbyterian cem etery at Dallas. Notices of New Ads. Robinson Shoe Co. Boyden and Howard and Foster shoes the best. Lebovitz Department Store The winning numbers in prize contest. Opera House The DeKoven Male Quartette Wednesday night. The Love Co. Seed Irish potatoes and garden seed. Abernethy-Shields Drug Co. Ny- al's Laxative Fig Syrup. H. Schneider Great combination sale closes Saturday. ery member of this church is cordial ly Invited and expected to be pres ent Sunday morning's service at this church was devoted to hearing a re port from one of the delegates sent to the laymen's convention at Dal las, Texas, February 19-22, this be ing Mr. J. H. Separk. In a most en tertaining and instructive talk Mr. Separk told of some of the things he heard and saw at the Dallas confer ence. He spoke or the many thrill ing addresses heard there, messa ges alive with the missionary spirit right from the lips of men who are sacrificing their lives to carry the gospel to heathen nations. At this conference there were present from 1500 to 2000 delegates from all sec tions of the Southern States and the program contained addresses by a large number of men in the fore front of the missionary work In Methodism and other denominations as well. In the brief time allotted to him Mr. Separk was unable to give more than a running account of the convention but he was heard with much Interest. He will be present Thursday night at which time he will probably tell the gath ering more about the great meeting. Wednesday evening at the mid week prayer service Mr. J. L. Beal, Main Street's other delegate, will make a report, giving his Impres sions of the conference. At the Sunday night service an open discussion was had relative to this missionary movement, with clothes. she suffered a very bad injury from me before you buy R. T. Padgett Now is the time to get measured for your new spring 8peclal reference t0 the part of the latest styles ana raorics; Inal rh..rph )n ,r be gone about a month. Misses Alda Phifer and Edith Fuller visited the FHday on Dusfns. Mr. T. B. Misses Pasour near Concord church eonnarai .nas movea in nis large Saturday and Sunday. Mr. J. Y. ounamg on .Mountain street and KIncald's family will move to Con- w 11 enier 1IUO ine DOtel DuslneBS on cord tomorrow. Mr. J. A Pinch- a ,arger 8ca,e The graded schools nere ooservea Washington 8 'birth- Messrs. Stephen back has gone to Texas. It la nrnh. able that he will spend most of his day Tuesday- time hereafter In the Lone Star State. Grady Kiser and Albert "Sellers, both of route two from here, spent the week-end with their parents. They are students in Rutherford College. Mrs. H. L.. Garrison was a Kings Mountain visitor last Friday Mr. -Roy Wolfe spent Saturday night In the home of Mr. M. R. Aker on route two. Mr. Ben Buragar ner's little child Is still dangerously ill though some hope for Its recov ery Is entertained. Mrs. Plato Dur ham, of Concord, is expected here today to spend the week with Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Durham. Mrs. Edith Hoover, of Hickory, Is spending some weeks with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Mauney. Mrs. J. L. Ri ser and two children are suffering from measles. Mrs. J. M. Odell, of Concord, was here Saturday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Durham. Miss Amel label Crawford spent the week end with her parents at I Belmont and Miss Maggie Hall vls ; Red In the home of Mr. Robert Or ? mand. i ii i - . a Ifc i New Hope News Notes. . I Correspondence of The Gazette. ' I NEW HOPE. Feb. 24. Mr. J. Lo ' gan Stowe and daughter. Miss Ethel, are Tight sick. Mr. Hearl Horsley went to Charlotte Wednesday on j buiiness-rThe children of Mr. Chal- mers Elmore, who' have had pneu- f ' . - ... Stroup and Evon Houser were In Dallas Thursday on business. Miss Alma Huss, of Kings Mountain, Is visiting Miss Vera Howell this week The graded school here gave an entertainment Friday night. Mr, Chesley McGinnis and wife, of Shel by, were among our visitors this week. The school at Fairview clos ed Saturday with an old time exhl bltion. Quite a large crowd from here attended. Mr. W. E. Gardner was In Charlotte Monday. Mrs. T. H. Bess, of Ky., is visiting home folks here this week'. Miss Flor ence Beam spent the week-end at High Shoals a fall some few days ago. Among the Gastonla visitors from here Sat urday were Mrs. F. J. McCauley, Miss May Mauney, Miss Reatha Sim mons, Mr. J. L. Webb, Mr. M. J. Ray and Mr. J. T. Ingram. Miss Mamie Ray was a Charlotte visitor last week. Mr. L. W. Jenkins was a Charlotte visitor Friday. Miss An nie Ford, of Lowell, spent some time last week in Charlotte as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Henry Cox. Mrs. Butler and mother spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives at Besse mer City. Mr. I. W. Shields was a Charlotte visitor Saturday. Mr. P. J. Palmer, of Charlotte, was on the street here Saturday. Mrs. I. F. Ma bry and Mrs. H. D. Roberts were Gastonla visitors Saturday. Mr. T. J. Hunt spent Sunday at Spartan burg with relatives. Mr. A. C. Kel ly spent Sunday at Monroe with friends. McAdenvllle has a smaller representation at Dallas court this T. L. Craig, Mayor To owners of land on Gastonla watershed. Poole Grocery Co. Buying groc- j erieB Is a matter of business. Mr. Wetmore not in the Race. GASTON COURT CONVENES. Judge Jones Delivers Strong Charge to the Grand Jury No Capital Cases on the Docket Large Crowd in Attendance. Gaston Superior Court convened Personals and Locals. Mr. L. B. Wetmore, of Lincolnton, has given out for publication a let ter in which he says he has with- at Dallas yesterday morning, Judge drawn from the solicitorshin race E- B- Jones of Winston-Salem pre- This leaves Mecklen'bure with two siding. This is Judge Jones' first i candidates, and Gaston with two court In Gaston and the first impres with a possibility of Capt. Childs, of slo1 made by him on Gaston coun- Lincolnton, entering. As the matter Mians ls most flattering to his honor now stands Gaston has most excel- Tne present term will consist of a lent chances for naming, the next so- week's criminal section followed by licltor for this district a weelt devoted to the trial of civil cases. The criminal docket is a Our Honor Roll. pretty large one, though It contains session yesterday Lowell Locals. Correspondence of the Gazette. LOWELL, Feb. 28. Rev. R. A. Miller conducted the funeral services of. Mrs. Sophia Elmore at New .Hope Saturday. Mrs. George Featherston and Miss Ethel Dilling attended the funeral of their cousin, Miss Ollie Jenkins, at Gastonla Friday. Mr. Qulnn Ford ls at home foV a few days. Mr. William Featherston, of Gastonla, was here Friday. Rer. Mr. HLr was a Belmont visitor Fri- day. Mr. W, R. Rankin, of Belmont, was here Saturday. Mr. S. J. Hand was a Belmont visitor Friday. Mrs. D. P. Stowe, of Belmont, spent a few days with relatives last week. Mrs. Elizabeth Harris, of Cooleemee, Is visiting her son, Mr. Cicero Harris, The Gazette's subscriotkn list is no cap,tal case8- The forenoon experiencing n mnat ca iiorntn.ir I ' was taken up largely with the judges growth. Without any. special solic- I .v. a . .v,.v. i viiai tv; tuc 5auu jui j , iu nuitu Ration or canvassing we are adding he deflned the law. touchinir at a gooo. large number of new sub- ipnirth - nilmhor rtf ,.rlmM week than was ever known. This scribers to our list each week. Since the punishment provided therefore. ppeano wen lor our xown. our last roll was DUblished two u tjj .i j .... ----- xirj picaucu esiuesu; niiu eiuqueuu; weeks ago today the following per- for an impartiai administration of sons have made payments on sub- Ju8tice and decried the prevailing scr.ption, a large proportion of them sentiment In the country today which Deing new suDscribers: R. C. Ratch- ford, J. Alonso Rhyne, Gilbert SEA WELL GETS JOB. Carthage Man Succeeds Harry Skin ner as District Attorney Tar Heel Postmasters Appointed. Friday quite a number of North Carolina appointments were made by the president and were transmitted to the Senate for confirmation. The one of most interest was that of Her bert F. Seawell, of Carthage, to be United States district attorney to succeed Harry Skinner. The Ob server's Washington correspondent says that this appointment came as a surprise in the face of the fact that Attorney General Wickersham and the President had said that Skinner would succeed himself. Following is & list of the appoint ments: Herbert F. Seawell of Carthage, district attorney; Postmasters Wallace W. Rollins, Asheville; By ron J. Luther, Biltmore; C D. Wal lace, Carthage; D. Luthern Yount, Lincolnton; Mary W. Yarborough, Loulsburg; George W. Prescott, Ay- den; Hayes S. Smith, Rowlaqd;-LInd ay M Russell, Troy;. Robert B. Col well. Wallace: A. W. Davis, Walnut Cove; Albert Miller, LaGrange; Al In S. Willis. Morenead City: Eliza' N. Hill. Scotland Neck; Benjamin T. Person, Wilson. Broom, R. C. Glenn, T. A. Wagstaff, F. C. White, S. S. Mauney, Cherry ville Hardware Co., Dr. W. H. Hous er, A. H. Huss. Ed C. Stroup, W. B. Lewis, T. W. Rankin, R. O. Clinton, John T. Pearson, G. H. Sherer, H. C. Johnson, W. C. Abernethy, R. L. Gar rison, H. M. Stephenson, G. W. Howe, W. P. McAteer, C. G. Lynch, J. N. Neely, F. A. Costner, J. S. Whitfield, W. G. Rhyne, Robert Mo- ten, J. T. Oates, G. B. Stowe, Ca leb A. Spencer, W. E. Todd, S. E. Foy, Mrs. W. W. McLean, Mrs. G. T. Gamble. Mrs. V. M. Hanner, W. L. Pegram, T. P. Lewis, A. L. Falls, A. T. Lindsay, J. P. Allen, Thomas Sparrow. Miss Annie Holland, W. T. Ford. G. C. Caldwell, M. J. ghetley, M. P. Shetley,, D. C. Bess, S. L. Par ham, Miss Nannie E. Rhyne, A. M. Millen, H. S. Sellers, W. A. Leeper, Sr., Mrs. W. N. Craig, Oscar John son. V. P. Rankin, C. M. Falres, T. T. Sanford, R. A. McArver, R. B. Riddle, Bennle T. Ifoleni Rer. L. M. Nolen. Mr. R. B. Riddle, of the Bethel section, is a business visitor In Gas-, tonla today? punishes the small offender and lets the big fry go scot free. The man who deals In cotton futures, he said, was Just as much a violator of the law as the little nigger who shoots craps in a back alley, and is just as deserving of punishment. He deplor ed the almost universal custom of pistol "toting," stating that during his seven years on the bench he had never presided at a term of court where the docket did not contain the concealed weapon case. He touched particularly on a nunrber of other gross crimes in the catalogue of law. breaking. The court house was packed to Its utmost capacity, while many scores unable to get In, took refuge In the court yard and jockey lot. Despite the very bad weather the attendance the first day was unusually large. There were candidates galore on hand and two or three street fakirs were able to gather around them good sized crowds of the curious. It is expected that the criminal docket will be disposed of by Wed nesday night and that the civil dock et will be taken up Thursday morn ing. A fuller Teport of the proceed ings will appear la Friday's Gazette. Mr. Carl Finger, of Stanley, candidate for county treasurer, waa in Gastonla Saturday. Mr. W. A. Leeper, of Belmont, was In Gastonla this morning en route to Dallas to attend court. Mr. Warren McGUl, of King Mountain, was a Gastonla visitor Sunday. Mr. M. Kiser, of Bessemer City, route two, was a business visitor In Gastonla Friday. Mr. W. H. Adams spent Sunday In Raleigh with his 'brother, Mr. Harry Adams. Mr. Rufus Pasour, formerly county treasurer, who lives near Dallas, was a Gastonla visitor Sat urday. Mr. L. L. Jenkins arrived from New York Friday night and attend ed the funeral of the late John H. Craig Saturday afternoon. The winning ticket at H. Schneider's sale was number 49, but It has not yet been brought In. A nice prize is waiting for the holder. Rev. J. R. Scroggs, presiding elder of the Shelby District, will preach next Sunday morning at Main Street Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kemp Dough- ton, of Raleigh, returned yesterday to their home after spending a few days in Gaston ia as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Moore. Messrs. T. B. Brown, of the J. M. Belk Company, and J. W. KIrk Patrick, of the KIrkpatrlck-Belk Co., of Yorkville, left last night for the Northern markets to buy Spring; goods. Rev. A. T. Lindsay and Dr. Lindsay, of Linwood College, left Friday night for Fayetteville, Tenn., in response to a telegram announc ing the serious Illness of their fa ther, Mr. John Lindsay. Mr. H. M. Lineberger returned! Saturday night from a business trip of several days to Rock Hill, S. C. Miss Annie Detwiler, of Ashe ville, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. L. Beal. -Messrs. John F. Leeper and A. R. Anders, as a committee appointed for that purpose by the board of county commissioners, have let to the York Bridge Co., of York, Pa., the contract for extensive repairs to the McAdenville and Armstrong; Ford bridges across the South Fork. -Mr. M. C. Fayssoux. yardmaa- ter for the Southern at Greenville, S. C, spent several days last week here with his brother, Mr. J. R. Fayssoux who, his many friends will 'be glad to learn, Is somewhat better, though still confined to his home. Mr. Fayssoux is an old Gastonian and his many friends were glad to see him here again. Mrs. G. E. Moore is still con- ' fined to her home at Pleasant Ridge as a result of an accident which oc curred a week ago Saturday. Mrs. Moore was getting off a train when the train started suddenly, throwing her rather violently against the rail ing of the car steps. She suffered no serious injury but was painfully bruised by the fall. Mr. Bishop J. Currence and Mrs. P. R. Currence went to-Char- lotte Saturday to take Mr. V. C. Cur rence's little one-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, to the Presbyterian Hos pital for treatment. A very delicate operation was performed on the child's skull, from which it seems to be recovering in a satisfactory man ner. Mr. H. C. Williams, of Char lotte, father of Mr. John H. Williams, of Gastona, ls oiya of four stock holders in and promoters of a com pany recently organized to manufac ture and put on the market a new patented extension car step for use on railway coaches. Mr. B. F. Mas sey is the inventor and the list of stockholders Includes himself, Mr. Williams, Mr. A. M. Beattle and Mr. John S. Blake, all of Charlotte. This car step is made to take the place of the stool which the conductor or flagman now carries from the car platform and places on the ground at every station. It ls simply an exten- . sion step worked either by a lever, from the platform or automatically. " The North Carolina Corporation ; : Commission has examined the In- ' ventlon and In a recent letter to Mr. Williams the clerk of that body states that It appears to the commls. . ' sion to be a good thing and that It will submit It to the railroads doing business In this State. '