THE GASTON ETTE rUDLISIIED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. SINGLE COPY 8 CENTS. I voted to the Protection of Home and the Interact of the Count. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XXXL GASTONIA, N, C. FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1810. NO. IS. A OVER GASTON COUNTT. MR. LARKIN JOHNSTON DEAD. , rassea Away After Brief Illnesa at Home in Lowell Other Items of Newi. "Correspondence of The Oaiette. LOWELL, March 3. Mr. Larkln Johnston died Mondar night . at his home after a brief Illness and was burled Tuesday at Sandy Plains. Mr. Frank Johnston, of Mayes worth; Mr. Charlie Trltt, of Belmont; Miss Charity Hardin, of Gastonla, and Mrs. Josie Johnston, of Gastonla, at- . tended the funeral. JONES-FAYSSOUX. SUPERIOR COURT. In Pretty Ceremony at St. Mark's Criminal Docket Completed Wednes- Episcopal Church' Miss Edith' I day Adjournment of Term Prob- Fayssoux Heroines Dride of Mr. able Saturday Cases Disposed of. Walter JonesWill Make Their The February term Of Superior Home in Canada. Court, which has been In session at One of the prettiest weddings of DaIla elnce Monday, will very prob- recent months in Gastonla was cele- Dl come 10 clOM "morrow, in brated In St. Mark's Episcopal tead ol finding through next church Wednesday evening at 5 week as was Indicated by the calen dar of civil cases prepared before the beginning of the term and published In The Gazette last week The crimfual docket was cleared Wednesday, and yesterday and to day are being given to the trial o o'clock when Miss Edith White Fayssoux, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mills Fayssoux and one of Gastonia'a most beautiful and ftt" tractive young ladles, became the hrMa nf Mr. Walter Raleleh Jones. Our town was represented with f Canad, The takInit of the UD. civil issues. Owig to the absence the following persons at court this tal VOWI WM wltne3sed by a large of several of the attorneys very few ween: Messrs. r. w. Hana. Houana . athering of the friend8 and reIa I cases were disposea or yesterday, nana. Man cox. a. r. ieonnarat, u. tlyeB of the contractlg partle8i the and It Is probable tnat a large nam church beta too small to admit all ber of case8 wl 06 nnuea who came Judge E. B. Jones, of Wlnston-Sa The color scheme -for the wedding ,em- who ,8 Presiding for the" first was Kreen and white and St Mark's tlme over tBe UMton superior court church was most bewitchlngly dec- 18 making a favorable Impression by orated for the occasion In these col- tne business like way In which he ors. ferns and other Dotted nlants dispatches the work of the court entering largely into the decorations. The following Is a list of criminal ro- a i ,iu cases finally disposed of at this E. Rankin, M. A. Teague, Rev. Mr Hlx, R. A. Miller. Jr. Mr. Raeford Harrell, of Gastonla, visited friends here this week. Miss Ethel Cox re turned Tuesday from a visit to rela tives in Charlotte. Messrs. T. P. Rankin and Frank Phillips were Gastonla visitors Monday. Miss Vir ginia Robinson visited friends In Charlotte this week. Master Chan dler Steele, of Monroe. Is visiting bis aunt, Mrs. Frank Robinson. Misses Mabel and Frank Leonhardt and Miss Nina Patrick spent Thursday night In Charlotte. The Misses Plonk, of Kings Mountain, were the guests of Miss Leila Baker at Mr. B. F. Leonhardt's this week. New Hope News Notes. were also used to advantage, the work of deft Angers having trans formed the Interior of the church In to a bower of loveliness. Just above the chancel hung a large wedding bell of white suspended from the ceiling by intertwined garlands of green. The altar before which the vows were taken was exquisitely decorated with ferns and otheY pot ted plants and had the white lace frontal used on festal occasions. It was also decorated with the brass and silver candlesticks, the soft lights of the candles lending much to the attractiveness of the Interior, term: John F. Leeper, R. K. Davenport O G. Falls, J. C. Puett, J. W. Ken- drick, A. R. Anders, commissioners for nogWt of public duty In not building a necessary court house for Grm county, nolle pressed. Ellen Anthony, retailing, nolle prossed with leave. N Samuel D. Cloninger, Thomas Ro by Sides, T. A. Houston, retailing, nolle prossed with leave. Everett Elliott, assault and bat tery, nolle prossed with leave. J. C. Crlsco and Jennie Kaylor, F aJ A., nolle prossed with leave. H. M. Setzer, larceny, nolle pross ed wixh leave. R. L. George, retailing, nolle Correspondence of The Gazette. NEW HOPE, March 3. Mr. Frank Harrison was a business visi tor In Dallas Wednesday. Miss Em ma Moore, of Statesville, ls visiting which was darkened, and to the sol- her cousin, Mrs. Thomas Allison. emnitv nf the no.inn Miss Emma Harrison has beea quite Before the bridal Dartv came in sick, but Is convalescing. Mr. J. W. Mr. Robert H. Westbrook.of Greens- Pro88ed wit& leave- Lowry was a Gastonla visitor Tues- boro. sane in anient ntvie nin "Because," the accompaniment be ing played by Miss Louie Fry. As Miss Fry at the organ rendered the Mendelssohn wedding march the par ty entered the church in the follow- day. Miss Janle Brandon visited Misses Emma and May Harrison Wednesday. Mr. Raymond Bradley, of Pleasant Ridge, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. u l n.. ji... iti w .... f v,m..i 0r,uley.-.1B8 mary craig lng order: Firat came tne U8ner8j visited her cousin. Miss Emma Mr. Kemp Nixon of LinColnton; Mr. Stowe Saturday night. The people John q Carpenter, of Dallas, and of New Hope were delighted to have Me88r8. x M Pay880UX( Jr- and Rev. Mr. Boggs with them laat Sun- Frank v, of Gastonia: then day.-Mr.. William A. Jadtson was came tne maldK,f.nonoi.( Mf88 Blo8. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James M. 8om Fays80UX( 8l8ter of the Drldei Adams, of Bowling Green. Tuesday wearmg a dreM of whlte mull and nlght.-Mr. John Craig, a student of carrylng a Douquet of lnk carna. Kings Business College at Charlotte. tlon. foeWfl(, hv thfl hrI,0 ,onnInir arWknit wiu1fAnJ kl. - I Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ratchford, of Gasto nla, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jackson Saturday. The new telephone line, gotten up by the bus iness people of New Hope, ls nearing completion. Mr. John Brandon, of Union, visited Mr. Ernest Jackson Saturday night. Rev. G. A. Spar row will preach here Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock. Miss Fannie Wilson, of Union, was the guest of Miss Beth Lowry Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. Frank Harrison spent the week-end with homefolks. Miss Ethel Stowe, who has been right tick with grip, is able to be up again. They were Joined at the altar by the groom and his best man, Mr. Grover C. Lovill, his nephew, of Mount Airy, who entered from the vestry room. They were met at the altar by the rector, Rev. William H. Har din, who spoke in a most impressive manner the words that joined their young lives together. The' bride wore a most becoming golng-away suit of blue, with hat and gloves fo match and carried a bouquet of bride's roses. Immediately after the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Jones left on south bound passenger train No. 41. They J. L. Alexander and Mary Wyatt. F. and A., nolle prossed with leave. Marlon or John Gullick, carrying concealed weapons, nolle prossed with leave. T. H. White, taking unlawful fees, nolle prossed. Will Martin, carrying concealed weapons, nolle prossed with leave. Mrs. C. A. Starne8, retailing, nolle prossed with leave. Zeb Kindley, retailing, nolle prossed with leave. Christy Anthony, retailing, nolle prossed with leave. Clifton Odom, assault with a dead ly weapon, nolle prossed with leave. Bert Baldwin, carrying concealed weapons, nolle prossed with leave. Jeff George, retailing, nolle pross ed with leave. Kirb Teague, keeping liquor for sale, nolle prossed with leave. George Burton, gambling, nolle prossed with leave. Martin Moss, gambling, fined $5 and costs. Wales Ballard, gambling, fined $5 and costs. West Bennett, affray, nolle pross ed with leave. Will Brown, larceny, nolle prossed with leave. Hnent the nlp-ht In Sna rtan Ki.u nnl I left the fnl Inwln V mnrnlnv tnr- nt T ,t -.I. ..Ml x .i . I " """O iii uu win duuu uiuve io ineir I . ... . . . v t ca and Minneapolis where they uoauDuuic ucit UUUIO 111 Dclunjatf will be greatly missed. ARLINGTON NEWS. Correspondence of The Gazette. ARLINGTON MILL. March 2. George Blanton, assault with a deadly weapon, nolle prossed with leave. will snend a few dva Wn. ,! wBe cmuion, carrying conceal- on to Nanton. Provide, nf Aiherto ed weaPas, nolle prossed with leave. Canada, where they will reside In AmzI Kennedv retailing, fined $25 the future. and cost8- The bride Is one nf the mnf n JaRe larceny, 12 months ular members of Gastonla's younger social set. Her beauty of Demon and cn the roads. Alfred Ramsey. Plenty of grip and warm slushy Bplendld MtSm prossed with leave nrao r n or rom nii it ha 4- i I I . UnmrA,, t weather; reminds us that the spring songs will soon be the music over the meadows the brooks and the trills. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Z. P. Lee, Monday, February 28, 1910, a son. Other news In this line which we failed to learn earlier: Some three weeks past a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hamilton, of the Gray Mill; about the same time a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John How ell, of this place; about a week later a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cloninger. As much evidence In the past has proven to be a fact, the claims made f by the "Unknown Tongue" preach ers la a failure. We learn that come of the tame fakirs of this brand ,w ho were formerly here are now operat ing around the cotton mills at Lin- colnton. trying to delude the poor laborers of that place, with the same Relief or claims that they nsed here. We would advise the officials and drawn to her a large circle of ad miring friends, all of whom, while regretting that she ls to make her home elsewhere, wish for her and her husband a long, happy and pros perous life in their far north-western home. The groom is a native of Mount Airy, this State, but ls now engaged -in the real estate business in Canada, where he has been most successful. He spent a year or more Lhere, having a position with the Gas tonla Insurance A Realty Co. and has many friends In Gastonla. Mr. and Mr. Jones were the recipients of many handsome and useful pres ents which attested the love and es teem of many warm friends. larceny, larceny, nolle others of that, place, for the good of their people, to shut them out at once. Gordon Davis, who was born a slave to Jefferson Davis, died Tues day in Boerne, Texas, aged 60. Dur lnf the war he was taken by Union soldiers and was made a corporal in the Union army and was afterwards long known as "Corporal Davis." frrtscrlbe tor The Oasett. J. , : Harvey Fressly. larceny, nolle prossed with leave, Will Queen, retailing, 6 months on the roads, and Judgment suspended for five days, with capias to Issue. Will Willard, carrying concealed weapons, nolle prossed with leave. Joe Crump, disturbing a nubile gathering, fined HO and costs. Marcus Patterson, assault and bat- tety, not guilty. leander Oates, assault and bat tery, fined $15 and costs. L. Mobley, forcible trespass, nolle proBftd. Joe Gamble, carrying concealed weapons, fined $15 and costs. Horace Hudson, larceny, plead Wilty and Judgment suspended on payment of costs. Marshall Smith, larceny, fined $10 and costs. Ben Tribble. rocking a train, not guilty. - J. Lena Hoover, carrying conceal ed weapons, not guilty. Buss Corn well, larceny, six months on the roads. Nelson Hayes, affray, fined $5 and costs. Klczle Hayes, affray, nolle prossed with leave. John Tate, larceny, ndt guilty. George Sheuherd. larceny, not guilty. Jeff George, retailing, nolle pros ed. Jeff George, retailing, plead guilty and judgment suspended on pay ment of costs. Clarence N'abers, larceny, 60 day In Jail. Paul Partlow, gambling, fined $15 and costs. Jim Froneberger. affray, not guilty. Will Wardlow, affray, six months on the roads. Charles Fox, carrying concealed weapons, plead guilty and fined $15 and costs. Frank Blackwood and Will John son, gambling, fined $10 and costs each. David Smith and Jack Rivers, as sault and battery, $5 and costs each Doris Houser. larceny, not guilty John Young, larceny, two years on the roads. John Young, larceny, plead guilty and Judgment suspended. Pink Tate and Bud Toney, gamb ling, judgment suspended on pay ment of coats. Giypr nR8y eg'sG W-yRf ).fFfo Sam Havnes. false pretense, six months on the roads. Ed Campbell, larceny, six months on the roads. Sampson Hudson, larceny, four months on the roads. Ol Cook, larceny, six months on the roads. Jacob Johnson, appeal, fined $10 and costs. Monroe Hall. retailing, nolle prossed with leave. William Smart, assault and bat tery, fined $10 and costs. Charley Bess, retailing, 12 months on the roads. J. S. Elmore, retailing, not guilty John Bradshaw, false pretense, udgment suspended on payment of costs. Ernest Bailey, retailing, fined $25 and costs. Chivis Wells and Thomas John- Bon, larceny, not guilty. Henry Durham, abandonment, two years on the roads. Wiley Hart, gambling, $10 and costs. John Ross, gambling, fined $15 and costs. W. M. Rick, carrying concealed weapons, fined $15 and costs. H. Durham, carrying concealed weapons, plead guilty and judgment suspended. Ceb Helderman, larceny, fined $25 and costs. Will Wilson, procuring an abor tion, fined $50 and costs and $200 damages to plaintiff. Elliott Mack, receiving stolen goods, not guilty. Anderson Griffin, larceny, twelve months on the roads. John and Marshall Mitehem, as sault and battery, fined $10 and costs each. John Shlves, assault and battery, J fined $10 and costs. Bob McCoy, carrying concealed weapons, not guilty. Andy Morrow, carrying concealed weapons, fined $10 and costs. Charles Martin, gambling, fined $10 and costs. The Jury in the case of Henry Steward and wife, charged with re tailing, was unable to agree after being out all might Wednesday night, and was discharged. The case was continued to next term for a new trial. TUBERCULOSIS EXHIBIT. Personals and Locals. American Tuberrulottls Exhibition to be in Greensboro the Flfteentii Htate Association Also to Meet I Gate City. Correspondence of the Gazette. THOMASVILLE, Mch. 1. Active leadership In the county by county tuberculosis campaigning In this State Is provided through the fol lowing county chairmen, who have accepted appointments from the North Carolina Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis: D. A. Garrison, Gastonla. J. M. Turner, Wllkesboro. W. A. Bradsher, Roxboro. K. P. B. Bonner, Morehead City. Spencer T. Bass, Tarboro. D. J. Hill. Lexington. Richard E. Lee, Goldsboro. J. E. McLaughlin, Statesville. T. F. Stevenson, Hickory. P. J. Macon, Warrenton. A. H. Rose, Smithfleld. H. MeD. Little, Blowing Rock. W. W. McKenzie, Salisbury. Arthur Greene, Ahoskle. B. K. Hays, Buffalo Lithia Springs. E. B. Harris, Rutherfordton. W. O. Spencer, Winston-Salem. I. E. Bumette, Mars Hill. W. E. Warren. Wilmington. J. F. HIghsmlth, Fayetteville. T. H. Mann, Durham. R. H. Bradford, Burgaw. J. P. Monroe, Sandford. John C. Rodman, Washington. D- A. Dees, Bayboro. A. Bascom Croom, Maxton. G. H. Cooper, Clinton. A. S. Harrison, Enfield. I. H. Manning, Chapel Hill. Stewart Mann, Moyock. Robert E. Slocum, Wilmington. Edwin F. Fenner, Henderson. E. B. Lattlmore, Shelby. B. R. Graham, Wallace. C. O. Laughlnhouse, Greenville. R. W. Petree, Lincolnton. J. M. Covington, Jr., Wadesboro. S. P. Burt, Loulsburg. W. R. Kirk, Hendersonvllle. M. C. McBryde, Semora. I. M. Taylor, Morganton. Albert Anderson, Raleigh. E. T. Dickinson, Wilson. J. M. Parrott, Kinston. Peter McLean, Laurinburg. These physicians are vigorously preparing for the coming convention Mr. J. H. Tarry, the Insurance man, Is here from Oxford for a few days. Mrs. George G. Olenn Is spend ing some time with relatives at Lex ington, S. C. Mr. O. W. Abernethy, of Lowell, was a business visitor In Gastonla yesterday and paid The Gazette of fice a call. Mrs. W. M. Brlson and Mrs. R. B. Dameron, of route one, Lowell, were among yesterday's visitors to Gastonla. Mr. Joe Abernethy, of the Aber-nethy-Shields Drug Co., ls spending: x few days In Ashevllle with rela tives. Chief of Police J. W. Carroll left yesterday afternoon for Lenoir whither he was summoned as a wit ness in a criminal case. Mr. and Mrs. J. Oscar Shuford and child, of Lincolnton, are hereon a visit to Mr. Shuford's parents, ex Sheriff and Mrs. M. H. Shuford. Miss Elva Wray has returned to her home at Shelby after a visit to her brother, Prof. J. S. Wray, and wife. Mrs. J. R. Grigg, who has been at a local hospital for treatment some time, was able Wednesday to return to her home on East Frank lin avenue. Mr. Noah Mclntyre, of Kings Mountain, who has been at the City Hospital for treatment for some time, returned Wednesday to his home. Miss Kreglow has returned front" her home at Hedgeville, Va., to re sume her duties as head of the mil linery department at Belk's, a posi tion which she has filled with great satisfaction for a number of seasons past. His many friends have been de lighted the past few days to see Mr. J. R. Fayssoux able to be out. He has driven up town several times and, though still not very strong, the Improvement in his condition is such as to warrant hope that he will soon again be himself. The law firm of Jones & Tim- berlake has moved its offices from the second floor of the Torrence Morris building to the first floor of at Greensboro when every county in the new Realty building, being lo- the State will be heard from. am or ureen8boro is being re minded today that the American Tu berculosis Exhibition Is coming to town. Saturday the various com mittees had mailed to them from Columbia many plans for the work eated Just In the rear of the new of fices of the Clara and Dunn Manu facturing Companies. Rev. J. R. Scroggs, presiding elder of the Shelby district, will hold Quarterly Conference at West End Methodist church tomorrow (Satur- whlch will be taken up from today day) night and at Main Street church with great vigor. In a few days all Monday. He will preach at Malm of North Carolina will be hearing street Sunday morning and at West about the exhibition and the con- End Sunday nleht ventlon which will open simultan eously In that city the evening of the 5th. SEED CORN SELECTION. Entertained by Mrs. D. A. Page. At her home on North Marietta street last Tuesday afternoon from three to six, Mrs. D. A. Page very de lightfully entertained the members of the S. and O. and Friendly Ma trons Clubs. Despite the Inclement weather there were about thirty la dles present. The parlor and dining room, where the popular game of forty-two was played, were attract ively decoraed with the club colors, the dining room being In pink with numerous vases of pink carnations, while the parlor was in green. Dain ty refreshments were served In two courses. Besides members of the clubs there were present a number of other Invited guests. . ARE TOU GOING TO NEW YORK. During the month of March?" If so you can save fifty per cent on your hotel bill at ar first-daas hotel by see ing The Gaxette before yon go. Presiding Elder J. R. Scrogg of the Shelby district, will preach at Main Street Methodist church Sun day morning and at West End church Sunday night. While in Gas tonla he will hold the regular quar terly conferences for both these charges. Rev. J. C. Harmon, at West End, Gastonla, is planning for a re- Interesting and Well-Attended Exer cises Held in Opera House Last Friday. There was an Interesting gather lng of farmers at the Gastonla Ope- vival campaign soon to begin and ra House last Friday, February 25, hopes to have the new church dedi- a large gatherin pfl .oSa3 b. . bb cated In the spring. Rev. J. HL a large number having assembled to I Bradley, a former pastor, Is expect- hear the addresses on the selection ed to preach the dedicatory sermon, of seed corn and other topics of Im- Brother Harmon ls one of our useful portance to farmers. and promising young preachers and During the morning Mr. J. T. '8 doing a splendid work at Gasto- Broom, of Union county, spoke on n,a- North Carolina Christian Ad- Soll Preparation," outlining the best methods of getting the ground ready to receive the seed. In the afternoon Mr. E. S. Mill- Baps, oi ireaeu county, spoke on "Seed Selection," and at the conclu- vocate. Mr. W. R. Harrison, a well-to- do farmer of route one, Lowell, Is a visitor In Gastonla today and was a pleasant caller at The Gazette office this morning. Yesterday Mr. Hap- Sion of this adrireon the umnlm nf I .1 . ...... .... noou ana BDoui inirty otner mem seed corn brought In. about fifty In bers of the Union Presbyterian, number, were examined, the beet church met t the .. - ears being selected from each exhib- short time re- i - w . v . -wv i j a muiisws stands close by the Union church, which is one of the handsomest country churches in this section of the State. It to be used for seed. Public Meeting. Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock the Sunbeam Society of the First Baptist church will give a public meeting. For the past several weeks the society has -been making a special stndy of missions in Africa and this will form the subject for Sunday night's meeting. The uro gram will consist of songs, recita tions, essays and readings. A col lection will be taken to help the lit tle folks in their society work. Mr. S. A. Robinson is having some Improvements made on his residence on South. York street. In cluding some additions. This week's North Carolina. Christian Advocate says: "Mr. Geo. W. Wilson, of Gastonla, a native of Caldwell county. Is a candidate for solicitor of his district. He n s young man of uncommon attain ments and knowing his antecedents so well and favotabry, we can bet hope that the people of his district will rally to his support and elect him. We say this notwithstaadlnc a vivid recollection of trouble iat which we got ourselves on one oc casion by espousing the cause of sv candidate when there were othersJ