; ' f. t t Vv'-- .'-v ' Friday, march fiiwiVjr P , , ' ,. t V.' 'If - A ; ''t -' . TAGE SEVEN. Legal Advertisements tHH CENSUS OF OCCUPATIONS. ' bM compiled with the requirement of Chapter 21. Revlsal of 1905, en titled 'Corporatlons." preliminary I Enumerators Questions WIU Apply to the tuning of thli Certificate of I to Everybody U the United State. J' .... I 'wiaHivnwvw n ji 'Miwh l a Wt the' onderalrned having been Dlaaolutloa: . . ' y ppolnted by the Heirs of. the BtUte ; Now,' Therefore, I, J. BRTAN Thd occupation" queatlon In the of Mr.'J. fi. F. Riddle, deceased, m GRIMES, Secretary of SUte ofjthe tBlte(, . state eentua population their Agent to wind up tho'eaiate Stat of North Carolina,: do hereby ,chedui b- rriei fcy the enuro- of the aald Mr. Riddle, hereby glr cerxuy wai tn aia corporation am, erator. dur.DC the Thirteenth Dec- notice that we will offer at public on the 17th day of February. ll.ennta, Ceniua, beginning April, 15 me in my orace a auiy uwa w Mlt( tpjleB tQ everyl)0,y llTjng lB eea coneeni m wrmng w the United State on the date men dissolution pr said corporation, m- tloned whlch tie "Census Day.' ecuiea oy an xne stocKnoiaers inere- al on the ' r 18Ui Day of March, 1910, , t the residence of the late J. B. F. ; Riddle, the fofllowlng personal property, vis: ' Three mules, one horse, 300 to 400 bushels corn, bne wagon, one buggy, household and kitchen furni ture and other articles too numerous to mention. ; Terms of sale: Cash. 15 p 3. 1 J. W. RIDDLE, W. B. RIDDLE, Agents. NOTICE. North Carolina, ; Gaeton County. In the matter of an application for pardon for John Clonlnger. 'Application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the of, which said consent and the rec ord of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file In my said offlo as pro vided by law. " :v Pi In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Raleigh, this 17th day of February, A. D. 1910. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of 8tate. Filed and recorded in Record of Incorporations, Book No. 3, at page 17. February 18th, 1910. C. C. CORNWALL, Clerk Superior Court. M 16 c 4. and all the population schedule questions relate to it only. In Its printed Instructions to enum erators the Census Bureau holds that the occupation followed by a child or a woman Is Just as important, for census purposes, as the occupation of a man. Therefore the enumerators are told never to tako It for granted without Inaulry that a woman or rhfid am noudi to work has no gainful occupation. It Is pointed out. however, that only gainful occupations are to be reported. By this Is meant any env ployment, work, profession, or tocb- ment or 'business; and It does not Include the foreman of a' room, the boss of a gang, . or the ; coal miner who " hires his ' helper. All., such should be returned 1 as employees, for, while any one of these may em ploy persons, none of them does so In transacting his own' business. Thus no. Individual-working for a corporation, either as an officer or otherwise, should be returned as an employer. A person employing domestic ser vants In his own home, but not em ploying any helpers In his business, Is not to be considered as an em ployer. But, on the other hand, a person who is the proprietor of a hotel or boarding house and employs servants In running, that hotel or boarding house, should be returned as an employer, because he employs these servants In his buslnesi. An employee Is defined as any per son wbo works for wages or a sala ry and la subject to the control and direction of an employer. The de ciding test 4s whether the person re ceives a wage or salary and Is sub ject to another'! directions. If so, PBOFEssiQHAL 0ABD8 The Sepia Print Hm hv -uthlrh tha Derson worKiDK regularly earns money or its equiva- Is an employee, whether he be . ! nroaMant rt a larva rnrnnraMnn CiT innf th ft thut it. trerson nnm no i " v""MV - By virtue of the power of sale gainful occupation 1. to be noted on only a day laborer; whether he be jmiu 111 1UU1JC Ul m niuu, MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. ONES A TIMBERLAKE. ' Attorneys and Counselors First Moor, Realty Building. GA8TONIA, N. C. , , . ... t CARPENTER A CARPENTER Attornejrs-At-Lw DALLAS, N. C. Office over Bank of Dallas. P. WOODS GARLAND, JR., Attorney and Counselor Office over Torrence-Morris Co's. Main Ave. Gastonla, N. C. JOHN F. BRADLEY Land Surveyor 430 W. Franklin Ave. Phone 239-3 GASTONLA, N. j. wnrrE ware Fire Insurance GA8TONIA, N. C. Office Citizens National Bank Bldg. Phone 54. pi 1-1 1 I J. I. GREEN represent the highest degree of perfection inartis tic photography. It is, therefore, a specialty of nry studio. The Sepia Print stands alone in its ability to render tone, color values and .texture with truth and artistic elegance. Exam ination of recent specimens is invited. vnota In ma hv a Hf nt-tcro oa. TtmA I ha arhAdllle. If a DCrSOn IB OD1J pardon of John Clonlnger, convicted 7f1 ,aw , (imnnnlrn, u-emnloved on account whether he be employed by his own at the February term of the Superior rw,w 1 ooq n nt iv vf work, or sickness, or oth- P- or by another. The term em- Court for Gaston county. In 1908, of hl8 w,f ,EItaab,ettf Dye and regis- er temporary reason, the occupation P'oee does not Include lawyers, 'the crime of manslaughter, and sen- tered , the offlce of the Regl8ter of whlch that person usually follows Is doctors, and others who render pro- tenced to the public roads Of Gaston n,a n. . . ,fi(MM tn rpnorted. less.onai serv.ees IOr iee, auu wuu, county ror a term or two years. n-A RnoU 7. n-A 18 Attfn,t hnv. if ner8on has two occupations. All persons who oppose the grant- ,n been made ln th vtLYmeDt ot the the enumerator must return only control and direction of those whom ing of said pardon are invited to for- bond Becured by Ba(d Mortgage tBe more important one-tbat Is. the they serve, it does include actors, ward their protests to the Governor Deed j wlu , t th h, h t D,d. one from wMcll the person gets the professors, and others who are en- witnout delay. ior fnr rh nt th onnrt tnn.o I mnm monT. If that cannot be This the 28th day of February, . , uuur iu imian, hi noon, on 1910. 15 c 4. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Department of State. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. To All to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satlfac by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary disso lution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that the Thomp son & Pegram Company, a corpora tion of this State, whose principal offlce is situated in the town of Stanley, County of Gaston, State of North Carolina (A, M. West being the agent therein and ln charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the re quirements of Chapter 21, Revlsal of 1905, entitled "Corporations," Monday, March 21, 1010, the following described tract of land lying within the corporate lim its of the town of Gastonla, Gascon county. State of North Carolina and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on B. G. Bradley's line, 75 feet eastward from a stone on the east side of Dal las street near the northern part of the town of Gastonla, which stone is the southwest corner of the land Mack Bradley bought from M. F. Rhyne November 15th, 1897; runs with B. G. Bradley's line N. 86 E. 50 feet to a stone; thence N. 1 W. 105 feet to the south edge of an al ley; thence with the south edge of said alley S. 85 2-3 W. 50 feet; thence S. 1 E. 108 feet to the be ginning; being lot No. 2 of the tract which M. F. Rhyne and wife deeded learned, then he fls to return the one at which the person spends the more time. As an illustration, the enum. erators are told to return a man as a "farmer u ne gets most or nis in come from farming, although he may also follow the occupation of a clergyman or preacher; but they must return him as a "clergyman' if he gets more of his Income from that occupation. ' In the case of a woman doing housework in her own home, without salary or wages, and having no oth er employment, the entry is to be that she has no occupation. But a woman working at housework for waxes should be returned as "house- keeper." "servant," "cook," or ' chambermaid," as the case may be, and the entry should state the place where she works, as "private faml ly," "hotel," or "boarding house." Or if a woman, ln addition to doing preliminary to the issuing of this Mack Bradley on November 15th, hou8ework ln her own home, regu Certificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 17th day of February, 1910, file ln my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, ex ecuted by all 1897, surveyed and divided Into lots by John F. Bradley ln October, 1904. This the 18th day of February, 1910. T. E. ROBINSON, Mortagee. M 11 c 4. larly earns money by some other oc cupation, whether pursued ln her own home or outside, that occupa tion should be returned. For in stance, a woman who regularly takes in washing should be reported as 'laundress" or "washerwoman." WOMEN DOING FARM WORK. A woman working regularly at gaged to render professional servi ces for wages or salaries. A domes tic servant should always be return ed as an employee, even though, as previously explained, the person em ploying a domestic servant is not al ways returned as an employer. OTHER SCHEDULE QUESTIONS. Persons who have a gainful occupa tion and are neither employers nor employees are considered to be working on their own account. They neither pay nor receive salaries or regular wages. Examples of this class are farmers and the owners of small establishments who do not em ploy helpers; professional men who work for fees and employ no help ers; newsboys; and, generally speak ing, hucksters, peddlers, bootblacks, etc. It Is stated in the Instructions that the purpose of the schedule inquir ies as to unemployment is to ascer tain the measure of enforced unem ployment that is, the extent to which men want work and cannot find it. The schedule question, "home renter or owned," is defined as mean ing whether a family owns the home in which it is living or rents it. If a dwelling Is occupied by more than one family it is the home of each of them, and the question should be FOURTH ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Philadelphia Life Insurance Company Of Philadelphia BALANCE SHEET, DECEMBER, 31, 1909 ASSETS. Investments ln Govern ment, "Municipal and other Bonds 1844,228.63 Mortgages on Real Es tate, First Leins 876,500.00 Deposited ln Banks and Trust Companies at Interest 32,579.47 Cash on hand at Home- Office 3,057.89 Premium Notes on Poli cies in Force 115,855.86 Loans to Policyhold ers 66,118.34 Premiums Due and Un collected and Defer red Premiums, less Loading 32,947.24 Interest Accrued 21,551.53 Photographer. INSURANCE that protects your life not In come only. Gowan's Preparation in the home insures against pneu monia, colds, croup, soreness in lungs and throat by destroying inflammation and congestion. External and penetrating. All Druggists. $1.00, 50c., 25c In sure today.. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator the stockholders of George B. Detter, deceased, late outdoor farm work, even thoueh she answered with reference to each fam thereof, which said consent and the or Gaston county. North Carolina, works on the Tinme farm for her record of the proceedings aforesaid tn,a ls to notify all persons having husband, son. or other relative and A bome ,s to be classed as owned are now on file In my said offlce as claims against said estate to present does not receive money wages, 1,11 ,s owned wholly or in part by Drovided by law. same to me on or before 1 .,u k j ram i the head of the family livinu In the " ' i - i nuuuiu JX3 i ciui ucu cro a laiui i - i r ... In Testimony Whereof. I have February 4th, 1011, borer." The enumerators are to din- home or Dy he wife of the head, or P" ocK 660.3Z0.00 haretn att mv han4 oni tfH-.aA m I Or this notice wlll tin nlaatot In v.. I I bv a Son. or a dailE-htpr nr nthor rpl- UnaSSlgneQ UnOS (bUT - '";u mjf i . i iiDKuisn. However, ine women wnu i - official seal, at ttaleigh. this 17th of the,r recovery. All persons in- work nn th hnm far from thn ative livIn8 In the same house with $1,992,838.96 LIABILITIES. Net Present Value of all Policies In force on December 31, 1909, as computed by the in surance Department of Pennsylvania on the American Exper ience Table of Mortal ity, with 3 per cent, interest $1,097,362.00 Claims for death loss es in process of ad justment 22,510.00 Dividends to the credit of Policyholders .. 53,831.00 Miscellaneous Liabili ties 5,291.15 Plus) 253,524.81 day of February, A. D. 1910. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. Filed and recorded in Record of Incorporations No. 2, at page 18, February 21st, 1910. C. C. CORNWELL, Clerk Superior Court, Gaston County, N. C. M 18 c 4. NOTICE OF SALE.' I will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, on March 12th, 1910 at 2 O'clock P. M., the remaining property of C. F. Line berger, trading as Oak Leather Com pany, Bankrupt, at the old Tan Yard, Gastonla, N. C, consisting of: 1 New' 3 H. P. Motor. 1 Tanning Wheel, Shafting and Pulleys. 1 Bark Mill. 1 Lot of Shafting, Hangers and Pulleys. 1 Lot of Tanning Tools. 1 Work Bench. 1 Feed Cutter. Any of the above named property can be bought privately before day of sale. S. S. MORRIS. Trustee. M 11 c 6.' debted to said estate will please who work away from home by writ- the head of the family. It is not make prompt settlement. This 4 th day of February, 1910. E. E. DETTER, Admr., Mllc6w. Bessemer City, N. C. In order to show that spitting on the sidewalks is dangerous to health, an Investigation has been made by Dr. John Robertson, Medical Health should be returned as an occupation Ing either "home farm" or "working out," as the case may require. A woman, wbo, nerselr, operates or runs a farm should be reported as a farmer," and not as a "farm labor er." If any child, of whatever age, is regularly earning money, the em ployment which he or she follows Officer of Birmingham, England, which shows that seven per cent of the "spits" collected in public places contained consumption germs. On the other hand tLe dust collected from the floors of the cottages of the Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium has been found to be free of tuberculo sis germs, showing that a careful consumptive is not dangerous. This applies also to a child working for his board away from home. Children, or even adults, attend ing school or college or any educa tional institution, and following no other employment, should be re turned as having no occupation. But necessary that full payment for the property should have been made or that the family should be the sole owner. Every home not owned, either wholly or in part, by the family liv ing In it or by some member of the family should be classed as rented, whether rent is actually paid or not. All owned homes which are not ful ly paid for, or upon which there Is an Incumbrance In the form either of a mortgaee or of a lien UDon which Judgment has been had in a court, are to be reported as mortgaged. The inquiry as to whether the per- WO- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Department of State. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. To All to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting: . T. . I nnereai, u appears vo mj satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary cissoiution tnereoi Dy ine unani mous consent of all the stockholders, aepositea in my omce, mai.me nen-drlck-Torrence Company, ' corpora tion of this State, whose principal office is situated at No." 135, Mala Street, in. the town of Gastonla, County of Gaston. State of North Carolina , f Ell Kendrlck belns the ngent therein and ln charge thereof, upon whom process may be served). WHAT EVERY WOMANLY MAN WANTS. One of the fondest desires of mil lions of women is to have beautiful hair. This desire can be gratified with out the slightest risk, for druggists everywhere, and J. H. Kennedy & Co. sell a hair tonic called Parisian Sage for 50 cents, that will turn dull, lifeless, unattractive hair into lus trous and attractive hair in two weeks, or money back. Put the name on your shopping list right now, and be sure to get the genuine. Every package has the girl with, the Auburn hair upon it. ' Since Its introduction in America, Parisian Sage has won unstinted praise from women of refinement who have learned what a delightful and refreshing hair tonic and dress ing Parisian Sage Is. Just . because the makers are ab solutely -certain that Parisian Sage Is the only preparation that kills the pernicious dandruff microbes, they are willing to guarantee It to banish dandruff, stop falling hair and Itch ing scalp, or money back. 4-11. if any person is attending schoo.1 or son enumerated is a survivor of the college and at the same time Is reg ularly earning money at some gain ful occupation, the enumerators are to return that occupation. In eith er case they must indicate the fact of school or college attendance. Children who work for their par ents at home merely on general household work or at odd times on other work are to be reported as naving no occupation. But children who materially assist their parents In the performance of work other than household work should be re ported as having the occupation In which they are so employed, even though they receive no wages. In the case of children who work for their own parents on a farm, that fact ls to be entered as "home farm." But for children who work as farm laborers fof others, the enumerator's entry is to be "work ing out." EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYEE. The Census Bureau Instructs the census takers that an employer Is one who employs . helpers, other than domestic servants, in transacting his own business. The term employer does not Include the superintendent, agent, manager, or other persons employed to manage an establlsh- I'nion oi- Confederate Army or Navy- is to be asked as to all males over 50 years of age who were born in the United States and all foreign-4orn males who immigrated to this coun try before 1865. The inquiry as to blindness ap plies only when a person is either totally or partially blind in both eyes, so as to be unable to read even with the help of glasses. Only per sons who are both deaf and dumb are to be reported under the ques tion "whether deaf and dumb." The question concerning school attend ance any time since September 1, 1909, relates only to persons of school age, between 5 and 21 years old. In case any person outside that age limit actually attended school, the fact is to be noted on the schedule. The local offlce of the Western Union Telegraph Company Is now accepting what are called "Night Letter Telegrams."-, Fifty words or less can be filed for transmission during the night and delivery next morning at the same rate as a day message of ten .words. Each addi tional ten words' or less 'costs one fifth c-f the day rate. .. $1,992,838.96 RECORD TO DECEMBER 31, 1909. Insurance in Force (paid for) .... Admitted Assets . . . Increase in Assets . . Reserve to Policy holders Dividends to credit of Policyholders .... Dividends paid Pol icyholders In 1909 Death Losses Paid in 1909 Death Losses Due and Unpaid .... Total Paid Policy holders or held for their benefit.. ANDREW J. MA LONE Y, PRES. JAMES H. PERRY, Manager of Agents. WILLIAM H. CLOWNEY, Superintendent of Agencies. L. L. TODD, District Agent Office, Adams Building Gastonia, - N. C. $20,250,914.00 1,992,838.96 429,172.77 1,097,362.00 53,831.00 46,359.03 127,160.60 None 1,613,106.00 A significant phase of the cam paign aginst tuberculosis in Sweden is the establishment, by various in dustrial concerns, of sanatoria for tuberculosis workmen from their own factories. The Vulcan Match Company, the Ljusne-Voxne Timber Company, the Sandviken Hardware Company, the Eriksson Telephone Company and the Stora Kopparsberg Company are among those who main tain . such institutions,- each ac commodating from fifteen to thirty patients. At these sanatoria the workmen are received free, and their families may .t be admitted for a small charge. ' CLAIM and Delivery papers added to our stock of legal blanks. Five cents each or 35 ceats per dozen. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Gazette Publishing Co.. 236 W. Main Ave., Gastonia, N. C. Legal Blanks Of All Kinds Warranty Deeds, Mortgage Deeds, Quitclaim Deeds, Executor's Deeds, Chattel Mortgages (North and South Carolina), Bonds to Make Title, Agricultural Liens, Attachment Blanks, and others. Mall orders receive prompt atten tion. Gazette Pub. Co. 236 Main Ave., Gastonia, N. C . SEABOARD AIR LINE SCHEDULE. These arrivals, departures and connections with other companies are given only as information. Schedule taking effect February C, 1910, subject to change without notice. Trains leave Charlotte as follows: No. 40, dally, at 5:00 a. m., for. Monroe, Hamlet and Wilmington, connecting at Monroe with 33 for' Atlanta, Birmingham; with 38 for Raleigh, Weldon and Portsmouth. With 66 at Hamlet for Raleigh,. Richmond, Washington, New York- No. 133, daily, at 10:35 a. m., fer Lincolnton, Shelby and Rutherford-ton. No. 44, dally, at 5 p. m., for Mon roe, Hamlet, Wilmington and all lo cal points, connecting at Hamlet with 43 for Columbia, Savannah and all Florida points. No. 47. daily, at 4:45 p. m., for Rutherfordton and all local points. No. 132, 7:15 p. m., connecting at Monroe for all points North, carries Portsmouth sleeper. Trains arrive In Charlotte as fol lows: No. 133, 9:50 a. m., from all points North, brings Portsmouth sleeper. No. 45, daily, at 11:55 a. from Wilmington and all local . points North. No. 132, 7 p. m., from Ruther- ' fordton, Shelby, Lincolnton and C.db N. W. Railway points, Johnson City. No. 46 arrives 10:20 a. m, from Rutherfordton and all local stations.' No. 39. daily, at 10:59 p. m., fraa : Wilmington, Hamlet and Monroe; ' also' from points East, North and Southwest, connecting at - Hamlet ' and 'Monroe. . . - r . . ' , . Cafe cars on all through trains. Ticket office Selwyn hotel. ' - All trains run dally.. For further Information call on or address James KER, JR., T. P. A . ' . ; . Chartotte,:N. C ;v H. S. LEARD. D. P. A.t " .'.-..V'.. V Raleigh, N. C. -C. BRTAN,G. P.jC 5 ; ?, Portsmouth, Ta, ' . ' 'I ......... . .