tags two. tvbsday. Arum 5, 1010. TUB GASTONIA GAZETTE. Schneider's Greater Store, Millinery and Dress Goods Our Spring models in Ladies' Hats are the most beautiful ever shown. Our display is now complete. Our hats possess such charm and effectiveness as to attract everybody's attention. See them before buying. Silk Special J" Why does GrCtt Brldin buy I King." said' Bobby .'eagerly." "And Im sv.he.l 9 t.0 ' a 1 mean ly wueu uau- VM V llllli MV Wl f l IHJ We have a beautiful line of Milks ; complete line of China, TaJTrta, other silks and sal ins. SO to 75 rent silks, our price 39 cents 88-In wide fancy sflks, patterns in pink, green, blue and white, $1.40 value, our price 05 cents 38-in Mescaline satin, the klntl tnal wears. Hi not slip nor pull, an ideal fabric for dressy dresses, our price only SI. 19 27-ln slrippel satin duchess, hi all the latest colors, our price only K5c 60-in voile, $1.25 value, our price only 89 rents 40-ln itrny and tan voile, $1.25 kind for 85 rents 44-fn fine Gray all-wool Dress Goods, in strijx's and plaids, in the latest patterns at 75 and 85 rents 46-in gray and tun voile, $1.50 kind for $1 44-in fancy invisible striped Mohair, $1.75 kind for only $1.39 CO-in Iironzo Brown voile, $2 kind for $1.35 44-in Finest Mark voile, $2 kind for $1.39 40 and 50 cent voiles for 29 rents M) rent voiles for 47 rents 36-hi dotted in plaids and in Mohair, 60c kind for 49 rents 38-in Motiairs and Oavennettes, regular priee 50 and 75c for . .47 rents SO-in Uncn finish r laxon, most beautiful colors at 20 and 25c We hve hundn-ls or the most desirable fabrics such as Taffetas, Crepe de Chine, Foulards, fine Serges, Panamas, ltatfstes, Albatross, all colors; Heatherbloom spun-glass Mecerized goods of different kinds. It ls.impossioie to mention all tne kinds or merchandise we handle for lark of space. The chances are that by calling at our store you will find just exactly what you want and tlio price is right. Certainly It teems Iflce carrying coals to Newcastle to speak ol export ins; oatmeal to Scotland and yet, every rear toe Quaker Uats Company sends hundreds of thousands of cases of Quaker Oats to Great Britian and turope. The reason Is simple; while the English and Scotch have for centuries eaten oatmeal in quantities and with a regularity that bas mads them the most rugged physically, and active mentally of ail people, tne American has been eating oatmeal and trying all the time to improve the methods of manufacture so that he might get that desirable foreign trade. How well he has succeeded would be seen at a glance at the export re ports on Quaker Oats. This brand is without a rival: is packed in regular packages, and in hermetically sealed una ior not climates. 51 truly didn't" tie was having dim. colty In keeping back the tears. 1 shall deliver the message, your highness," said Truxton. his heart going out to the unhappy young ster. "Americans always do what tbey will, said the boy, bis eyes snapping. We are sending out a few sam ple copies of each Issue of The Ga zette now. If one falls into your hands and you are not a subscriber, we ask that you examine It careful ly and ask yourself candidly If It would not be worth $1.50 to have the paper come to your address 104 times a year. If you reach such a conclusion, why not Bend us a check or money order for that amount and let us send it to you twice every week? TRUXTON KING V v vw -ol l Story of By GEORGE BARR MCUTGHEON Cpvriht. 1909. my Gear Bur McCotekao Cprriht. 1909. by Dsrid. Mm Company sfetllt III! IIHHIH I M Schneider's Greater Gastonia, N. C. Store DR. FRANCIS S. PACKARD OF GREENSBORO, N. C. Expert Physician, Surgeon and Specialist Will visit Gastonia on Wednesday, April 13th. Hotel Falls House, and every month t"- r Olio Day WtftSOP lloniS: LVltUhCintdlan Cidicil Expirtf Svf ion and Plagnostlclin. Br. PseksnJ has bees teste is ui sritf tatci im ft best sILsiIm vl tmttt fascial EissrissrO sites' CsessHstissssi Exam isatiss Free. Invites Strict! CnfidentitL la cases tskes sr trettei without a per asesl cuaisstisa ces sans tins sr iatsrview. ft ''Vi I I tlidlcal Exptrt In Triatmint tf Chronic Distant of Uin, Vomin and Childrtn. Or. Psekarf has stats start resiihtaUe cares is tfct SeBtbera States fluiai living pbvtt- cias. Ms irwnble esses taken tor treatment all esses tskes fnt treatment will be guar snteetf a cure, I see sP patients ir smsa. Mo substitutes or assistants employes' ertrastel Mm Sm ut shsVy. H in an m ftt htsttt, sirs it t a ski brrwi ana will ass ants ar vriws wlnwl tlitv ilttS t camHattaa ki Consultation & Examination at all times FREE and Invited. I enre to tty cured erery cse I tke for mediately rrptared in Try tew rainntei. treatment. Burgiral Casea I treat without Op- Diseases peculiar to men, or any complicate ration or auflferini?. Without Ether or Chlo- trouble beyond the aid of the general Prae- rfonn, without detention from Buaineaa or titioner. And if yon hare tried ererythiirfr JPleaanra. else and failed, and if you want to get well Ttaii North Carolina Doctor, registered and again. Then Go and See this advanced and Beenaed by the State for the Cure of all Ner- progressive Specialist of experience and rep- weua. Special and Chronic Discasea of Men, utation Who, If there ia a cure for you. wul Women and Children, Treats all bis Paticnta bring it about and produce it with the aid of im person. No hired Assistants to split the re- the greatest Scientific achievements of modern aponsibility. He treats the following Diseasea times, which ha haa mastered and has at his aJy: All Nervous Diseasea such as Neuras- commands. Mania, neuralgia, jneiaucnona, nervous jje- nu mattek what your ailment may fcility. Spinal Irritation, Hysteria, Paralysis, be; NO MATTER what others may have told Epilepsy, Fits or xsiuuiesi tailing Sickness, Chorea, you. No Hatter what Tour exDerience mv jii- nave Deen witn utner tra a. Sleeplessness, Headache cl Mi- have been with Other Phvsiciana. Hosnltala. "lne. Heart Disease like palpitation, gen- Sanitariums. Institutions or Patent Medicines, rW'kna,J!. or ,nl'ing spells. Diseases of it will be to your advantage to aee this re- the Blood or Skin like Anemia. Scrofula. Ecse- markable Doctor of ENGLAND, everywhere aaa. Ulcers, Tumors, Growths, Swellings, acknowledged to be the greatest cent- of limples, etc He wsnta to meet all sick Der- iledicml I.e.rninr in th. wnrM a. I who suffer from Chronic Const ipation, then, and have it forever settled In your mind ions VOSMnation. intestinal Irritation. Indirection, if vn, im a,ki.k . . ' Dyspepiia, Ulceration or Dilation of the be had. If your ease ia curable, he will pot Stomach or Intestines, Hernia, Rupture of you on treatment at onee, and give you all the Jewels. Appendicitis, Piles, itching.bleed- such medicines or remedies and preparations log retruding or internal in Character, needed to effect your Cure. If Incurable, He Tapeworm, Diseasea of the liver, such as en- will tell yon so, and rive yo such cou- torgement or ditplacement, or congestion, sel snd advice as may prolong your life. 2,?l,, v"Jd,nmu or ien,f rFement- Diseaa- eREMEMBEB This ia not a scheme er eateh a of the Kidneys like Bright s Disease, pia- or snare to get your money and run, as la !2fc!u?$&GIiH.Y.,:,e Ac'f Scldin too often the casi This la i legitimate prop- burning : Urine. Bed wetting or too frequent osition and you deal with your Doctor Tor- prtion,Seaual Impotence weakness or lrri- self and direct. Every Statement here made tabt ity. Diseases of the b adder. CaUrrh in is guaranteed aa Trie. A visit for CoZ T1 X. . Tfc- 1 a, j . miuiwCTi ItUV. A Till IDr llOMVA SJ-M'rjf:!:.0?.? J'1'0"" emin.Uon win coat.yo. rr; . . ,v" a,"" . Ti, jj 'ir , '. ana implies no ooiigatioa wnaterer. It tubes. Stemach, Bladder. Kidney or treatment be decided on and rrven you. it Syetemie. This enemy of the human race. will restore you to perfect health, and may He ia now able to cure in a short time liv Mn th. - il. ' i 'i . . 7 , . ' A. U1U1 Ul 11 tioa of tisraea haa set in. ky it. I hare cured freouei mrm. uuwrt m nwwy.Bini vf new, ooiara, liaeate ana prOC V" "7 J,Drea- fiaeasee 01 oonra, Ufe instead of Pleaeura btoomoa a aaiarrs CteriM .er Ovarian are most sseeeasfulIzOila mnd n.itifnl n iarv , -t . .. n,i. iw caouiy, your mtaoi ana you Deafneaa cbumI A -------------- ......... -mv ww wr mmmj it itlr la 80 mil h aTri km.. . m i.ti i-. r. v. ;u' eIT r ore Health without whk Aemember the Date anal PUoe. Subscribe for The Gazette, $1.50 the yr. SYNOPSIS. CHAPTER I Truxton King ar rives In Edelweiss, capital of Grau- stock, and meets the beautiful nelce of Soantz, a gunmaker. II King does a favor for Prince Robin, tne young ruler of the country, whose guardian Is John Tullls, an Ameri can. Ill Baron uangioss, minister of police, Interviews King and warns aim against Olga, the gunmaker's niece. IV King invades the royal park, meets the prince and is present ed to the lad'B fascinating Aunt Lor- aine. V ine commiuee 01 xen, conspirators against the prince, meets in an underground chamber, where the girl Olga Is disclosed as one who is to kill Prince Robin with a bomb. VI John Tullls calls on the beautiful Countess Ingomede," who warns him that her hated and notorious old husband, Count Mar- lanx, Is conspiring against the prince. VII, VII, IX and X King visits the house of the, witch of Ganlook gap and meets the royal household there. He sees an eye gleaming through a crack in a door, and while searching for the person he is overpowered and dragged into a loft. He Is confront ed by Count Marlanx and then taken to the underground den of the com mittee of ten. XI Olga defends King before the committee of an archists. XII Loraine Is brought to the den and thrown Into the same room witti King. XIII King fells a jailer, dons his clothing and, dis guised, carries Loraine Into a boat at night in which several of the anach ists are about to depart. XIV King manages to get Loraine, whom he loves, ashore, and they hide in a freight car. XV Olga waits on a street corner with a bomb to kill Prince Robin as he passes in a pa rade. King and Loraine are car ried off Into the country In the car. They start back In an ox cart and warn the prince when almost in front of the girl Olga. XVI The bomb is thrown, but the prince es capes to the castle. MarlanxHs in control of the city. r . r CHAPTER XVIII. BT THX WATKB QATX. T was a vast, lofty apartment. regsi in its surxiuea iignu. An enormous golden bed with gor geous . hangings stood far down the room.. 80 hog was this roysl couch that Truxton it first overlooked the figure sitting bolt upright In the middle of It An old woman advanced from the bead of the couch and motioned Trux ton to approach. "I am deeply honored, your hlgbA ness," said the Tlaitor, bowing rery low. The prince's legs were now hanging orer the edge of the bed. Ills eyes were dancing with excitement "I want yon to find Uncle Jack. ir. "THEN OOODBT, AND GOD BLESS TOTJ," SAID TRTJXTON. "Here's something for you to take with you, Mr. King. It's my lucky stone. It always gives good luck." He unclasped his small fingers. In the damp palm lay one of those pe culiarly milky, half transparent peo ples common the world over and of value only to small, impressionable boys. Truxton accepted it with pro found gravity. "And when you come back, Mr. King, I'm going to knight you. I'd do It now, only Aunt Loraine says you'd be worrying about your title all the time and might be 'stracted from your mission. I'm going to make a baron of you. That's higher than a count In Graustark. Vos Engo is only a count." Truxton started. "I shall be overwhelmed," he said. Then his hand went to his mouth in the vain effort to cover the smile that played there. "My mother used to say that Amer ican girls liked titles," said the prince. with ingenuous candor. "Prince Robin, may I" he glanced uneasily at the distant nurse "may I ask how your Aunt Loraine is feel Ing?" "She acted very funny when I sent for you. I'm worried about her. "What did she do. your highness V "She rushed off to her room. think, Mr. King, she was getting ready to cry or something. You see, she's in trouble." 'She's worried about her brother, of course, and you." I Just wish I could tell you No, I won't It wouldn't be fair." Bobby said, checking himself resolutely. She's awful proud of youT I'm sure she likes you. Mr. King." "I'm very, very glad to hear that." Truxton bent his knee. "Your high ness, as it seems I am not to see her and as you seem to be the very best friend I have, I should very much like to ask a great favor of you. Will you take this old ring of mine and wish it on her finger just as soon as I have left your presence?" "How did you know she was com ing In again?" in wide eyed wonder. 'Excuse me. I shouldn't ask ques tions. What shall I wish?' It was the old ring that had come from Spantz's shop. The prince promptly hid it beneath the pillow. "I'll leave that to you. my best of friends." "I bet it'll be a good wish, all right. I know what to wish." "Then, goodby and God bless you," said Truxton. "I must be off. Your Uncle Jack is waiting for me up there In the hills." Truxton found Mr. Hobbs in a state bordering on collapse with Colonel Quinnox and Haddan. "I say, Mr. King, there's no more chance of getting out of the" "Listen, Hobbs, we're going to swim out," said Truxton. "Swim! Ob. I say! By hokey, he's gone clean daffy!" Hobbs was eying him with alarm. "Not yet Hobbs. Later on, perhaps. I had occasion to make a short tour of investigation this afternoon. Doubt less, gentlemen, you know where the water gate Is. back of the castle. Hobbs, you and I will sneak nnder that slippery old gate like a couple of eels. I forgot to ask if yon can swim." "To be sure I csn. Under the gate! My word.1 "I seer cried Quinnox. "It csn be done! No one will be watching at that point" The sky was overcast the night as black as ebony. The four men left the officers' quarters at 1 o'clock, making their wsy to the historic old gate in the glen below the castle. "God be with you," said Quinnox fervently. The four men shook bands, and King slipped Into the water with out a moment's hesitation. -Right after me. Hobbs." he said, and then his bead went nnder. A minute later he and Hobbe were on the outside of the gate, gasping for breath. Standing In water te their necks. Quinnox and Haddan passed the equipment through the barred open ings. . There were whispered gootV byt and' then .two Invisible heads bobbed off In tae night, wading in the swift1 flowing canal op to their china. Swimming" would have "been danger ous on account of the noise. Holding their belongings nigh above their heads, .with their hearts in their SPECIAL NOTICES S ' .Go To , ' 3. Y. MILLER'S ',' For Wood's Seed Irish Potatoes mouths. King and the Englishman felt I onion sets and garden seeds. IU their way carefully along the . bed f keept only the beet. ' ' the stream. A hundred yards from the gste they crawled ashore and made their wsy np over the steep bank Into the thick. wild underbrush. They stealthily stripped themselves of the wet garments and after no end of trouble succeeded in getting Into No. 113 Booth Street. BIO BOOK BARGAINS. ' One set of "The Dictionary Cyclo pedia'.. 40 volumes, practically new "the dry substitutes. Then they lower- t0 at leM than Balf Dr,!e lf takwi ed the wet bundles into the water and Que Dy casn ouyer. mis ih quietly stole off through the brush to brary of universal knowledge and an the king's highway, a mile or two unabridged dictionary of the Eng- above town. llgh lnarune-a under nna aln'ha.hnt. A We take this path here for the .nlfln,!(, Pfifrnc Mhrirv In nif BpJTd.flDa"y U- ",t,, Bound in cloth, good paper and a good two hours' walk up the moun- , I" . . . . " tain to Rabot's. where we get the c,ear Print- A nr Bargain at 10. horses." I sample votume may ne Been ai oar At 4 o'clock, as the sun reached I office. Good stand, made to hold np with his long red fingers from be-1 this set, goes with it nina tne Monastery mountain. Trux- Also a complete set of Chambers top King and Hobbs rode away from Encyclopedia, bound In leather. 10 Rabot's eottage high In the hills, re- . , J. freshed and sound of heart. .Rabot's V1Uf8' U8ed BOme exce"ent son rode with them, a sturdy, loyal condition, to go at $12.50, consider- lad, who had leaped Joyously at the aDiy ieBS inan na P"c chance to serve bis prince. I These are genuine bargains. If Now let us turn to John Tullls and I you want them don't delay as they his quest In the hills. It goes without will go quickly at these prices saying tnat ne round no trace or bis sister or her abductors. On the fifth day a large force of Dawsbergen soldiers, led by Prince Dantan himself, found the fagged, disspirited American and his half starved men encamped In a rocky defile in the heart of the wll derness. That same night a Graustark moun talneer passed the sentinels and GAZETTE PUBLISHING CO., No. 230 W. Main avenue Phone 50. It. P. I). ENVELOPES. People living, on rural free deliv ery routes should use return envel opes; it is safer and insures return brought news of the disturbance in I of your letters if addressees don't Edelweiss. I t rhm. Wa have them nrinted In a flash It occurred to John Tullis fn ftV nllt Canton counts: that Marlanx was st the bottom of . , ,i. f, t, . this deviltry. The abduction of Lo- qualIty of rawloP; k,J raine was a part of his plan! Prince Jon PaT 10 cent8 I' PckaRe ' 25 Dantan advised a speedy return to the city. His men were at the com mand of the American. Moreover, the prince himself decided to accompany the troops. Before sunrise the command, now five or six hundred strong, was pick ing its way down the dangerous moun tain roads toward the main highway. Fifteen miles below Edelweiss they came upon the company of soldiers for at the stores blank. Only SO cents per 100. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Use them once, you'll keep It up. Gazette Publishing Company, No. 236 Main avenue, Gas- NOTICE. of the Gaston County Members Democratic Executive Committee are sent out to preserve order in the rail- hereby notified that a meeting of the roaa camps, wnicn was. or course, s committee will be held at the court runner re-enrorcement. . . ,. . m,. , u .1 . .... I uousw in uaiiaa m u a. m. uu oaiur- tance struck their ears. Instantly the day,' April 9th, to transact Important entire force was alert A dozen shots I Business. ah memDers are urgent- mi were fired in rapid succession, then single reports far apart. The steady beat of horses' feet were now plain to the attentive company. There was a quick. Incisive call to arms. A squad stood ready for action. A small group of horsemen came thundering down the defile. Three minutes after the firing w a 8 first heard sentries threw their rifles to their shoulders and blocked the approach of the riders. A wild, glad shout went up from the foremost horseman. He bad pulled bis beast to its baunches almost at the muzzles of the guns. "T u 1 1 1 s!" h e shouted, waving his hat John Tullis ran toward the excit ed group in the road. He saw three men. one of "THA1TK w,f,VE whom was shout- FOxmi YOu! ing his name with all the power in his lungs. Thnnb (InA we've fnnnri von!" cried the horseman. "King!" exclaimed Tullis. suddenly recognizing him. A moment later they were clasping bands. What bas happened. King? Where have you been? We looked for you after your disap" "That's ancient history," interrupted the other. "How soon can you get these troops on the march? There's not a moment to be lost." "Good glory, man, tell me what it Is! What has happened? The prince what of him?" cried Tullis, grasping King's arm in the clutch of a vise. He sends his love and rescinds the order of exile." said King, smiling. then Berlously: "Marlanx has taken the city. It was all a game, this get ting rid of you. The prince and the others are besieged in the castle. Thank God. we got to yon in time! Back here a couple of miles we came upon a small gang of robbers. We bad a bit of shooting, and. I regret to say. no one was bagged." "Loraine where is she. King?" "Don't tremble like that old man. She's safe enough in the castle. Oh. It was a fine game Marlanx had In his mind!" " While the troopers were making ready for the march Truxton King and Hobbs related their story to eager, horrified groups of officers. Finally the battalion, augmented by the misguided company from the de serted railroad camps, moved swiruy Into the defile, led by young Rabot I Truxton Kin rode beside the brother I if 70n iikt, xhe Gazetta anA Of the girl ne loveo. uuenng woru. tnjnk ,t ,f a goQd county naner. cneer ana encourKeurui. IMlk . rnnA tn mnmm "The Countess Ingomede-bas any-1 . 'ZZ. V. vfn KaMm frrtm lwe7 UkM I - ""viivcf. Al s - . a g M . m Tnnta. Ha had been thinking of her I uwucsaim to take and for dsys and nights. read Tho Gaxette you will be doing "Well, nothing definite," saw lung both him and tho caper a faor wvavty.- - WhicH will be aimreclated h f .11 parties concerned. ly requested to be present. C. B. ARMSTRONG, Chairman. A 8 c 5. PRICE & FAYSSOUX South Street, Next toCity Hall HARNESS MAKERS Buggy and wagon harness kept in stock and made to order. All kinds of repairing done. Orders executed promptly and satisfaction guaran teed. Give us a trial. We can please .you in work and price. South Street, Next to City Hall A 29 elm. Important Word to Advertisers We wish to remind advertis ers that copy for change of ad vertisements in The Gazette must be in this office not later than 8 a. m. on Tuesdays and Fridays in order to be sure of Insertion in the papers of those days. Otherwise we cannot in sure insertion. When it comes in later than this it Is impossi ble to give it the proper atten tion if it can be handled at all. Advertisers who get their copy in by noon on Mondays and Thursdays will secure better dis plays and more satisfactory ser vice in every way as we will then have more time to devote to them. It is as much to the advertiser's interest as It is to ours to have a neat, well-displayed, correct advertisement and to this end we ask your co operation by getting copy in ear ly and giving us sufficient time in which to properly handle it. New business will, of course, be handled as well as possible and as late as possible before go ing to press. Penny column advertisements can be handled as late as 1 p. m. on Tuesdays and Fridays. These regulations are neces- sary because of the constantly In creasing demand on The Ga zette's advertising department '" Mr. Advertiser: Help ' ns to give you the best possible results 4 by giving us plenty of time on your copy. (To bo continued.)

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