TUESDAY, AriUL 12, 1010. PAGB EIGHT mniniHi THE GASTONIA GAZETTE fly YOTLH TO) sn n.,rtore is too well known as the place to supply your needs in reKable merchandise at the lowest possible prices to require j calling your attention to the fact. But simply to remind you we want to say. There never has been a time when our store was so , full of attractive New Spring Goods as at present Every department is an attraction within itself: New Spring Suits of latest style and best fabric, Shirts and Underwear that beggar description, Shoes to tit allteet direct from the manufacturer and at old. prices, ana guaranteed both as to material and workmanship. Our Oxfords for Men and Boys, and our Oxfords and Strap Sandals, for Ladies, Misses and Children surpass all previous offerings. Our Dress Goods, White Goods and Wash Fabrics cannot but win. the approval of the'most exacting. Ladies' Muslin Underwear is one additional feature in our business; and Misses Blanche McAryer and Myrtle Jenkins wufbe pleased to wait upon you in this line. Brothers orris M H ITU Deparl meet Store RHEUMATISM "good reading" to sufferers. REXALL RHEUMATIC CURE This remedy is taken Internally, treating rheumatism by Its gen. eral action though the blood. A ts Hue on acute, chronic and in flammatory rheumatism, lumbago, swollen Joint, sciatic and scrof. ulous dieases of rheumatic origli. 50c $1.00. REXALL RHEUMATIC TABLETS This remedy is imposed of spec! lc Indicated in the natural treat ment of every for... of rl.eumatis but put up in this handy tablet form for convenient use. Try the n. Cost you 50c We are sole agents in CiastonU for Kexall Household Remedies. One remedy for each alment. Ask us about the remedy. Abernethy-Shields Drug Co. Phone 130 THE KEXALL STOHE 217 Kealty Building. The Gastonia Gazette. TUESDAY, Al'KIL 12, 11. MR. M. A. MrALLISTEH IEAI. Aged Citizen of I'nion Neighborhood Succumbs to Fatal Illness Served in llegiment of Tennessee Cavalry Buried at I'nion Sunday After- noon. Following an illness of several months duration Mr. Mabe A. Mc Allister, an aged ami highly respect ed citizen of the I'nion neighbor hood, died Saturday afternoon at 5:20 o'clock. Funeral services over his remains were held Sunday after noon at 2 o'clock at I'nion Presby terian church, of which he was a member. Rev. G. A. Sparrow, the pastor, officiating. Interment fol lowed in the cemKcry at that place. Deceased is survived by one son, Mr John McAllister, and three daughters, Mrs. Felix Howe, of York county, S. C; Mrs. W. C. West, who lives a short distance suth of Gas tonia. and Miss Lizzie McAllister, who lived with her father. His wife, who was a sister of Mr. Irani McArthur. of Gastonia, has been dead a number of years. Deceased was 7 5 years old. A short time before the civil war Mr. McAllister, who was then living in this section, went West. When the war came on he enlisted in a Tennessee regiment of cavalry and did valiant service for the Confeler aoy during the four yeais of conflict. He took great interest in the annual reunions of the wterans of the coun ty and was always present. At the close of the war Mr. Mc Allister returned to Gaston, married and settled In the Union section where he continued to live up to the time of his death. For many years he had been a loyal member of Un ion Presbyterian church. He was one of the substantial citizens of his community and his death Is the oc casion for sorrow among many friends. Enlarges Business. Mr. Robert C. Warren, the well known and popular blacksmith, is adding a second story to his shop in the rear of the Love building and near the nw court house and Jail. Mr. J. E. McAllister will do the brick work and Mr. R. L. Fite the woodwork. This enlargement is made to accommodate a new depart ment for trimming and painting buggies, wagons and other vehicles which Mr. Warren is adding because of an insistent demand from his large number of patrons. He has secured the services of Mr. William Brlerly, an Englishman, who is an expert In this line of work and who was formerly with the Coffey Wagon Works. Mr. Warren has been in business in 'Gastonia for 20 years and hi3 work is known all over the county. He is a Gaston county man and his hundreds of friends In this and adjoining counties will be pleas, ed to note this growth in his business. Gastonia Chapter, No. 66, Roy al Arch Masons, will hold regular communication tonight, and do work in the mark master's degree. Good Coffee- Is a requisite for an enjoyable meal, especially If that meal happens to lie breukfnst. If you want to get that indefinable flavor which is found In coffee of character and quality try our "HOTEL ASTOR," a new high-srade coffee In the class with "WHITE HOUSE." One pound tins at 35 cents. Try It one you'll keep it up. "WHITE HOl'SE," one and three pound tins at same price. ' . "LUZIAXXE" coffee and Chick ory goes as far as two pounds of most coffees . ne pound tin at 25 cents. We also have "French Market" in one pound tins at 25 cents; "Arbuiklcs" at 1T cents and "Old 76" in 12 ounce cans at 10 cents. M The Love Co. Sole agents for the famous "Jack Frost" Floor. :-: Phone 46. MH. JEXK1XS OUT? Kuiuor Has It That Gastonia Banker is an Aspirant for ItepubUcan Nomination for Congress in This DistrictMay be Mr. Webb's Op ponent in Coming Contest, Will Mr. L. L. Jenkins be a candl- , date for the nomination for Congress before the Republican congressional convention which meets at Shelby the last of May? The Charlotte Chronicle has heard it rumored that such will be the case and gave pub- J liclty to the rumor in its issue of j last Friday. The Gazette Is not able to give any further details or to con-1 firm the rumor as Mr. Jenkins has been out of town for several days. He is expected to return to Gastonia today. The Chronicle says: "There is another aspirant In the field for Congressman Webb's seat, if well-authenticated reports be true. "The congressional race in the Ninth district, represented by Hon. E. Yates Webb, of Shelby, has al ready assumed proportions that make it one of the moBt Important and crucial in the State, but with the latest development reported, the fight now promises to grow Into something real sensational. "Mr. L. L. Jenldns, of Gastonia, a prominent banker, and Interested in cotton manufacturing, and for many years a staunch Republican, will be a candidate to be reckoned with when the Republicans come to choose a man to oppose Mr. Webb, so it Is reported today. Mr. Jenkins, while in the city recently. Is report ed to have said to his friends that he was going Into the race and was go ing to fight too. "This certainly gives another complexion to affairs, and will Im mediately raise the question 'Mc Ninch or Jenkins which?' "For the past month the entire district has been busy speculating on the probable decision of Charlotte s ex-mayor on the question of making the congressional race on the Re publican ticket for Congress, and many of his friends have asserted that he would have a strong follow ing and a fine chance of election. "ThiB of course held good so long as the Republican lists were open to one man alone, but with the entry of another strong and able candidate into the race, and that too Just when some of the old-liners in the Repub lican party were calling for a life long Republican, who is furnished in the person of 'Mr. Jenkins, the situ ation immediately assumes a differ ent hue, and therefore something sensational Ib promised without doubt If Mr. Jenkins verifies reports and announces himself as a strict candidate on the G. O. P. ticket for Congress from the Ninth congres sional district. "There have been rumblings heard from the full-fledged Republi can counties since the announcement that Mr. S. 8. McNinch would run, to the effect that they wanted a man who would straddle the Republican platform to the last -splinter thereof, or a man who had ridden the Repub lican elephant ever since he UrBt saw the light, and there was some little political uneasiness in this section among the Republican leaders lest they should makan error in getting a man who not always held on to the Republican doctrine from start to finish. Of course Mr. McNincn was highly acceptable to Mecklenburg Remubllcans. and what la said ' is based on rumors and nothing more. than were heard from time to time, as to his candidacy, and jet no other names were suggested pr mentioned to such an extent, that they merited any special attention. Mr. McNinch haa an far hMn the man of the hour una mfwm - for the race; it is only the latest re port that Mr. L. L. Jenkins is going to make the race that tends to stir up and unsettle things, and there is no doubt whatever that his making the race, if he finally announces him self formally, will have Immense in fluence on the situation. "Of course this is all from a Re publican standpoint of view. Mr. Webb, so far as anybody knows, will have a clean sweep of the field, and will get the undivided Democrat support, no opposition to him being looked for In the Democratic hosts. "The Interest now centers about Republican headquarters and with the near approach of the time when all these matters will have to be set tled there Is a feeling of tenseness about Republican headquarters that can be easily experienced by anyone . visiting that locality. "In the meantime, the unconquer- ed and unconquerable, and 'doughty county chairman, Mr Jake P. New ell, rests on his oars, and with one ear to the ground, listens to the numerous voices that suggest this and that, and assimilates what he considers worth while, and lets the rest go by. "Friends of Mr. Jenkins think that he will set rumors at rest In side a few days by making a definite statement one way or the other as to his intention's." Laiw Interest in Meeting. Sunday was a great day In the revival at the First Baptist church,' the auditorium being crowded to its capacity at both morning and night services. Rev. Dr. Vines preached two splendid sermons and there were a number of conversions. At night his subject was "The Return of the Prodigal Son." Though a subject used In revivals perhaps of- tener than any other one theme it is one full of human Interest and Dr. Vines' treatment of it was both In teresting and helpful. At last night's service Dr. Vines preached to a crowded house on "Multitudes In the Valley of Decision." So ifar there have been afoout 45 conversions and 23 additions to the church. It is probable that the meeting will close tomorrow night though this is not certain and definite announcement iwill be made later. There will be services tonight and tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock as usual. Commencement Exercises. Saturday and Sunday, April 30th and May' 1st, are the days announced for the .commencement exercises of the Bessemer City graded schools. Prof. D. C. Johnson, the principal, has secured Rev. R. C. Anderson, pastor of the First Presbyterian church here, to preach the annual sermon "before the school at three o'clock Sunday afternoon, the 1st. Saturday night at 8 o'clock the graduating exercises will take place. The program for the exercises in cludes recitation and declamation contests by members of the graduat ing class, the valedictory' address and the presentation of diplomas and prises. There are ten graduates this year, viz: Jess Carr Williams, Sedalia Laurie Gould, Ruth Virginia Wilson, Nannie Malissa Kennedy. Zoe Audrey Ormand, Paul Batteaux Scott, John Franklin Williams, Ern est Leon Carson, John Perry Fuller, Carl Alexandria Thornburg. The marshals for commencement are: W. Roy Wolfe, Chief; Milton F. Arro wood, John E. Gamble, John O. Dur ham and Harry W. Ormand. The year just drawing to a close has been a most successful one. D. B. Hanna to Have Sale. Mr. D. B. Hanna advertises in this issue of The Gazette that he will have a great ten-day cash sale at his store, 1205 Ozark street, near the Ozark Mill, beglnlng Friday of this week and continuing through Satur day, the 23rd. Mr. Hanna has been in business in East Gastonia for nearly five years and this is the first sale he has ever put on. He says he is overstocked and to get the goods Your Lace Curtains Will Need Cleaning This Spring and you will make no mistake In sending them to this laundry to have the work done. We wash lace curtains very care fully, get them cleaner and whiter than you could at home, with even less wear, and we starch them to Just the degree of stiffness that makes them hang nicely and dry them up on frames that shape them exactly square and stretch them smooth and even. We know that you will like the work, and the promptness of our service. 12-15. Snowflake steam Laundry Phone 13. out of his store he has put prices on his goods that will move them. It will be worth your while to turn to page six and read his advertisement. Mr. W. C. Abernethy spent yes terday in Charlotte on business. Miss Mary Bowen, of Charlotte, was the guest Sunday of .Misses Myrtle and Delia Nolen. Fine Candies jf ' 'x-. ' t o Always CS . Fresh Shipped to us from the factory by fast Express When you want the very best go, or send, or telephone for Nunnally's the South's rmAv cranHarH for 25 vears. Pure delicious. "ST J. H. KENNEDY & CO. Normally W NOTDCE For Your Ice Phone 281 Ice and Ice Coupon Books STRICTLY CASH. Drivers Will Have a Supply of Books. rdjisiiiLiivoy i For Further Information Phone 281. . Gastonia Ice & Coal Co. Credit

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