; . , . ' - - -, TON w PUBLISHED TWICE 'A WEEK TUESDAYS AXD FRIDAYS. SINGLE OOrY t CENTS. , Devoted to the Protection of Horn and the Interests of the County. $1.50 A YEAR UT AOTA1TCB. VOL. XXXI. UA8T0NIA. N. a TUE8DAY, MAY 8, 1910. No. 83. 1 A V 1 il OVER GASTON COUNTY. CHANGES AT MT. HOLLY. . . . - . ' Mr. Edwards' Resigns a Depot Agent uul'li Bureeeded'br Mr.' James Holland Graded BcImvU aoae :.- Pergonal Mention. ' Correspondence of J he iaitette.v MOUNT HOLLY. April SO. D. M, Edwards, for Abut depot agent and telegraph oporator for-the Boa- . board Railway at this place, nas re- signed to accept a more lucrative po- sltlon with the railway company . and Mr. James Holland has been ap- pointed agent with Mr. Guy .How- ard aa telegraph operator. Tho change will go Into effect May the 1st. Mr. C. E. Hutchinson Is having his summer cottage 4orn down to be re placed by a magnificent edifice of brick of the latest modern style. Mrs. J. A. Bowles entertained Misses Ida Rankin. Ola Caldwell and Carrie Potts at-a luncheon Thursday " evening. , Mrs. Thomas Springs and brother spent one day this week at Paw Creek on a visit to friends and relatives Miss Emma Holland visited in Char lotte during the week, spending a night with her aunt. y The Mount Holly graded school ..closed last Friday with public exer- clses at night In the Rhyne Half. Prof. M. H. Stacy, of the faculty of the University of North Carolina, de livered a splendid address. The Gastonia baseball team crossed bats with the Mount Holly team In the afternoon, the home team win ning. One of the twin babies of Mr. and Mrs. Alex West died Friday night and was buried at Stanley Creek Sun day at 11 a. m. The other twin is very ill and is not expected to live. , Friends of Rev. and Mrs. J. A. . Bowles have Installed elecrtic lights In the Methodist parsonage as an ad ditional evidence of their esteem and regard for them. Miss Mildred Rabington was called to Sunshine this week to attend the burial of her grandfather. Mr. J. W. Biggerstaff. ,.. Misa Ola CaldweHleft Monday for her home In Yorkvllle, and Miss Car rie Potts for the Steele Creek sec- ' tion near Charlotte. These young la- dies have successfully taught In our graded school for the past year, and our people give them up with regret but hope to have them with us again another year. The Methodise cor.rjg-it;on at Jhls place will oberm Lymeu's Mis8ldtaary- day next !(2d) Sunday J. S. Martin of Shelby, district leader, will speak in the morning with ser mon by jastor J. A. Boales In the afternoon addresses will bodellvered by J. H. Separk .nl George W. Wil son," of Gastoni. J McAdenville Matters. Correspondence of The Gazette. 1 M'ADENVTLLE, May 2. Our town deservea the credit for raising the largest Irish potatoes in the county. Mr. Noah J'. Pence broneht one of this season's potatoes to the store 'here last Thursday and it tip ped the scale at seven o nces. It came out of Mr. . Pence's regular patch and was not a prize potato at all. Mr. Pence advises that he has larger, ones than this. 'Mrs. Aimer returned to Charlotte Friday after being the guest here sev eral days of Miss Lottie Albea. H. L. Roberts and brother H. D, Roberts have purchased the store and 1 meat market of I. F. Mabry and Company. The new firm will be run under the name of H. L. Roberts ft Bro., Instead of I. F. Mabry ft Co. Mr. Mabry will engage In other busi ness.'. ' v Mrs. M. It. Wright and daughter Misa Jennie were Gastjnia shoppers Thursday. The little attractive Mas ter Robert Ray Glenn, son of Dr. and Mrs. L. N. Glenn of Gastonia spent last week here with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Ray Prof Andy Armstrong, of Belmont was here last week. Misa Stella Deaton was a Gastonia shopper: Friday-afternoon Mr. M. B. Albea and daughter Miss Lottie were Charlotte vlsitora Fri day. -Miss Mabel Abernethy of Stan ley, was 'the guest last week af Miss Blance Rumfelt. Mr. W. A. Bentley of the Grensboro baseball '.- league spent "Sunday here wltn his family. Mr. J. F. Leonard of Lincolnton spent soma time here last week with rela tives.' .' - . ' v Mr. R. H. Smith returned to Spaq. tanburg after spending several days here repairing the pinning la . mill Attorney A. I "Bui winkle of Dallas was a "McAdenville rlsltor Thuraday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Austin ' April S8tb. 1110, a son. Mrs. J. W. I chandler of the Flint Mill,. Gastonia, I .I.K.J ..J. II..-. kJ... 1... uiAub Vmt J. L. Webb la teaching a ten days alnglng school at Spencer Mountain. Mr.,B. R. Nicnois ana cnnaren were Gastonia visitors Saturday. Mr . i. ingram. uoosaetiw ir c McAden Mills was a Charlotte vhltor Saturday.-Mr. M. B. Albea and I. W. Shields were New Hope visitors Saturday arternoon. Mr. ana Jirs Morris of Gastonia spent Friday here Miss Maggie Wagitaff of Green boro is visiting her brother James H. Wagstaff. Miss Blanch Armstrong left Sundayto visit her aunt Mrs. G W. Norman in Charlotte. R. R. Ray, J. F. McAden, E. C. Ray. O. W. Tay lor, CT. W. Rumfelt and G. L. Webb attended the McAdenvIlle-Gastonta baseball game In Gastonia Saturday. Mr. David 'McQee who has been conducting a barber shop in the I. F. Mabry building has moved his shop to the east and of the post cfllcc. Mr. T. J. Hunter who has been master machinist here has returned to Spartanburg. Mr. and Mrs. 11. B. Shields of Lowell spent Sunday in town. Mr. Frank Philips vas a Charlotte visitor Friday. Mrs. C. F Stowe and children of King's Moun tain were visitors here last week. Mrs. K. P. Brltton returned to her home here after spending sovcra. daya with relatives in Lincolnton. SURPRISE WEDIUXO. Mr. Cadmus Stroup anl Miss Maude McGinnis Married t Cherrjrville Brief Local Items. Correspondence of The Gazette. CHERRYVILLE, April 30. Mr. Cadmus Stroup and Miss Maud Mc Ginnis, both of this place, were hap pily married Wednesday evening .at the residence of Esq. J. B. Houser. The contracting parties have kept the event a secret and much surprisn was occasioned when It was reported Mr.. Stroup Is the son of Mr. C. P. Stroup and Is well konwn In and around Cherryvllle. Mrs. Stroup Is the daughter of Mr. E. L. McGinnis and has a host of friends throughout. this section of the country. Attorney D. P. Delllnger was in Dallas Wednesday on business. Tho Lincolnton and Cherryvllle ball teams will cross bats here this evening. Messrs. D. R. and Kohn Mauney and Misses Lura Perry and Lethia Lan caster are plc-nlcing 'at Cleveland Springs to-day Quite a large crowd of our young people are attending the commencement at Ridge Acade my to-day. Mrs. Thersa Costner, of In that place Tuesday and was bur led here Wednesday. Mrs. Jack Os borne, of Lawndale, x Is spending some time in town. An election will he held here Monday to elect a mayor and seven. commissioners for an en suing term of two years. There are. tw pickets in the field and a hotly contested election is looked for, BESSEMER ROUTE ONE. Correspondence of The Gazette. BESSEMER CITY, R. F. D. 1. May 2. Rev. Mr. Caldwell was last Sunday called to the pastorate of Shady Grove Baptist church. Miss Vernie Beam, the youngest daughter of Mr. Sylvanus Beam, was carried to the. Lincolnton Hosplt- a la8' Saturday morning to be oper- tea on for appendicitis Mr. S. S. Black Is spending some time with her parents, Mr. aria Mr. Charles Putnam, of Shelby, Misses Cleo and Helen Paysour spent last Saturday night and Sunday with Misa Orabell Clark. Mrs. Gordon, ot C1ov,t. Is visiting her mother, Mrs. C. A. Clark, near Bessemer City. Rev. J. J. Pay- sour, of Seattle. Wash., and brother, Mr.' M. F. Paysour, of Bessemer City, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Paysour, of Alexis, last Tuesday. Mr. Hubert Beam was a vlsltor'to Lincolnton last Sunday. 'Mrs. Will Carpenter and little ton, ; Webb, of High Shoals, sepnt last Sunday with her mother. Mrs. C. A. Clark. Mrs. Ibble Black has been very sick "hut we are. glad to note that she is Im- proving very fast tMr. Hart Spencer was a business visitor to Gastonia I last Friday. ' ! The farmers of this section ( are about through planting and are get- ting ready to work their crops. . I GASTON 24 YEARS AGO. The Gaston Current, Published : at Dallas, Contained Items oft Intemtt From Over the County Some of the' Thing Thai Were Happening at That Time. -"' -. The Gazette la Indebted to MrR. W. Carson for a copy of The Gaston Curr.nt of j.-u.- 14. 18a, jt was DubnBned every Thursday at Dal ,ai b B p Tipton and L. E. Qulnn, at xj t year In glancing over jh, copy whlch volume 1, No 37 we flnd iome interesting Items'of ,0Cftl ews few of whIch are re. produced below, for Instance: Mr. R. M. Jenkins had a pig froKe.t to death last Sunday night. Mr. Craig Lewis will no, start for school until the weather moderates. The bridge across South Fork near Lincolnton was swept away by the late freshet. The Catawba ivet at Mount Holly was fourteen fee aoove low wate: uiari. ,at wtv-k Mr. Tr L. Craig, of Gascon la, brought a. I of Dnlla3 to the fr!ii door on i by di '. !. "boss team of Tmr horsi1 attached to a slelgti through tin- r.ivui Mr. Hear Uhy..e was iu lo srt- ps this morrPT. He ports the South Fork as being frozen entirely across, even under Hcyle's bridge, where the water Is swift. This has been the coldest snap we have ever experienced so far south. The themometer at Matthews' Hotel stood 13 degrees below zero on last Tuesday morning at daybreak. No train on the Western road last Tuesday owing to the Swannanoaa' tunne being frozei up. We learn tne track, the-water dripping from the walls having frozen over ir. On Monday, while out rabbit hunt Jenks McLaughen in the face. The fug, Legare Carson accidentally shot gun being loaded with bird shot and the young men being some distance apart no great damage was done. i .. . TO DANIEL BOONE. Memorial Erected at Boone's Onto Saturday Thousands Witm j- Dedii-ttticn of Huge Marble Shalt lo lienor roneer's Memory. News and Observer. SPENCER, April 30. With a vast throng of interested visitors in at tendance the first memorial In honor of Daniel Boone, the noted pioneer, was held at Boone's Cave, Davidson county, near Spencer to-day, the ad dress of the occasion being delivered by United States District Judge Jeter C. Prltchard. The crowd which was estimated at from six thousand to eight thousand people, came from Winston-Salem, Greensboro, High Point. T.Tlnp-fnn RnlinKi, r.. rh..in,t. Asheville and Davidson and some from other states. Roads in an directions were over crowded for miles with carriages and automobiles. Under the auspices of the Dania Boone Memorial Associa tion, chartered by the General Assem bly of North Carolina In 1909, Judge Prltchard spoke In splendid style. captivating (he immense crowd of listeners. He was Introduced by ex- Congressman John S. Henderson, of Salisbury, who also made a brief speech. Judge Pritchard's address which was .decidedly scholarly was an elaborate discourse upon the life of Boone, his work as a pioneer iu North Carolina, and the northwesr, making special mention of his con nection with the State of Frankland at one time a part of Tennessee as opposed to the federal government. Representative Robert N. Page, of the sixth district, delivered a historical address of much Interest giving many fact In connection with the work of Boone, his experience In North Car olina and what he did. Col. A. H. Boyden. - of Salisbury, spoke in be- half of Rowan bounty, thanking tho ladles of the D. A. R. many of whom were present for their interest in tbe celebration. Mr. J. R. McCrary, of Lexington, one of the leading work ers In the memorial association acted as master of ceremonies and in the course of his remarks gave much in formation relative to the accom plishments of Boone and explained the work of the association to which Mr. Phillip Sowers has donated a valuable. tract of land adjoining the old cave. ' The monument. a huge 'marble shaft erected to the memory of Boone as a donation from Rowan citizens, was viewed with great interest by the thousands of visitors. PRESBYTERY IN SESSION. Eighty or More Heoedor In Cltj to At tend Spring Session of First Pres byteryConference Yesterday on Scarcity of Ministers as Result of Heavy Inroads of - Death WU1 Close To-Mght. With eighty or more delegates In attendance and espec'-ti interest man lfested on the par of local members of the denomination, the regular spring seasih of the First Presbytery of the Associate Reformed Presbv terian church convened In Gastonia yesterday afternoon at 3 o'elork The sessions will close probably with to-night's meeting.. The first session was in the ra'nre of a conference for prayer anl con sultation on the unparalleled condi tion of affairs existing In the ranks of the ministry of the denomination, which have been greatly depleted within the past two years by the large number of deaths. Rev. K. J. .Viler, pastor of Sardls church, .Vi-c.x-lenburg county, presided at this meeting and brief.appropriae talks were made by some eight or ten members of the Presbytery. As a result of this conference a committee wad appointed to draft resolutions and present them to the Pidsbytery to-day calling upon aM tho members of the denomination to ooserve a day which will be set apart as one of fasting and prayer that a body of strong and vigorous your.. men will be raised up in the can a of the min istry to take the places of th.we who have been called to the Church Above A large congregation was present at this service, which wass moat solemn and impressive. Last night Rev. R. M. Stevenson, D. D., preached the opei.in sermon, selecting as his text the whole of the 133 Psalm. The three verses formed the three leadl.13 thoughts In the discourse. Dr. StewnBon Is one of the leading preachers of the denomination and his sermon last ev ening was greatly appr ;c,at.J by the bretheren attending the Praubyury. A large audience was preser.t nt this opening session The singing of the choir was a f?atur-s of the service. After Dr. JH'.ms.m's sermon Dr. J. C. Galloway, ren; ;:i.; .-Moderator of the Presbytery announced that the First Presbytery of the Associate Re- formed Synod would now come to order and' be constituted with prayer. Atter thifl Dr- R- M- Stevenson, be gan tne canine 01 tne roii. inis showed that an unusually large num ber of ministers is present, and that a large delegation of elders is also here, Dr. Gallaway then announced that he would turn over the moderator's chair to Rev. J. H. Pressly, of States ville. The reading of the minutes of the last meeting of the Presbytery, so far as they related to unfinished business was then enterd upon. Practically ail of the orders and recommenda tlons had been fulfilled. Pastorates had been established at Sharon and Tirzah, Hickory Grove and Smyrna First church of Charlotte and Colum bia. Calls had been moderated .at East Avenue Tabernacle, Charlotte. Back Creek and Prosperity, and at Plsgah. Rev. William Duncan had been granted a letter of ministerial standing. Dr. W. W. Orr, who is serving in the general evangelistic work was highly commended to all rrotestant denominations in a reso lution Introduced by Rev. A. S. Rog ers, of Rock Hill. All of this came up and was dispatched as unfinished business. The reports of the different con' gregatlons and sessional records were handed In to be placed in the hands of the proper committees. . The names of Mr. W. W. Boyce, of Rock Hill, and that of Mr. C. B. Betts, of the Neelys Creek congregation, were Presented as students of Theology arid candidates for membership in th Presbytery. Rev. Oliver Johnson, of Winnsboro; Rev. A. S. Rogers, of Rock Hill; and Elder John Sharpe, of Statesville, were appointed a com mittee to examine these young men ine moaerator appointed the dif ferent committees and Dr. Galloway, chairman of the committee on devo tions. Suggested that Presbytery con vent at 9 o'clock this morning and regular business be discussed till 10 o'clock, - when trial " discourses be heard from two of the students of Theology, and that adjournment be made at 12 o'clock. The closing prayer of the evening was made by Rev. Jno. A. Smith, of Charlotte. At I o'clock this morning Presby tery again convened and was opened with devotional exercises, conducted by the moderator. Some of the committees were ready for report. Rev. A. S. Rogers report ed for the committee on supplies, Rev. J. W. Blgham reported for the committee on minutes of synod. The committee to which the report of Mr F. R. Cates.tlthe secretary of the Presbytery, was referred was read amended and adopted'. Mr. Catea was asked to continue In as tithe secre tary, and that the deficit was ordered paid out of the fund of the Presby tery. Tbe zeal of the secretary was highly commended in short talks by Rev. J. A. Smith, Dr. J. C. Galloway Rev. J. P. Knox and Rev. J. M. Blg ham. The special hour for hearing two young men having arrived, Rev.' A S. Rogers ascended the pulpit with Messrs. W. W. Boyce and C. B. Betts The later presented the first dis course, taking as his textMatt. 12:42, and the former , had as his text Heb, 2:1. Owing to the fact that Mr, Betts has an appointment In Due West on to-morrow, these two dls courses were at once criticized. There was no unfavorable criticism. Elder J. C. Reld of Sardls read a resolution which grew out of the con ference held yesterday afternoon 1 nis resolution was adopted as a whole. It provided for the appoiV ment of the 3d Sabbath of fJune as a day of fasting and prayer. This special day is set apart owing to the heavy mortality among the ministers of the church, and the great need in the ranks of the ministry. All con gregatlons were called upon to ob serve this day and Tay the claim of the ministry before the young. During the morning a letter was read from Rev. J. H. Simpson, a member of the Presbytery who Is now sojourning in the State of Kansas, accounting for his absence at this meeting. This letter of brother Simp son is a feature of every meeting of Presbytery. The moderator named Revs. J. 1". Knox and Oliver Johnson for nex: moderator. Rev. J. P. Knox was cho sen, and New Sterling, near States ville, as the place of next meeting. Presbytery is still In session. II will closevwlth the session this after- noon. TBese young men are yet to preach trial sermons, viz., Mr. W. O. F" Orr of King's Mountain, who will also be licensed; Mr. R. N. Hunter and Mr. S. J. Hood of Mecklenburg county. Presbytery will meet again at 2 o'clock. At 3 o'clock a nierar rial, service in honor of Rev. Jas Boyce will be held. Rev. J. S. Kennedy, D. D., was re ceived into the membership of the Presbytery from the Allegheny Pres bytery of the United Presbyterian church. He becomes pastor of East Avenue Tabernacle, Charlotte. Rev. J. B. Hood was received from the Tennessee and Alabama Presbytery," to become pastor of Back Creek and Prosperity. Rev R. R. Caldwell was received from the Second Presbytery to become pastor of Steele Creek. Rev. W. H. Miller, of Spartanbjrg; Prof. G. G. Parkinson, of Erakine Theological Seminary, and Mr. . 5. Galloway, business mana&-tr of the Associate Reformed Presb ceri.in, are among the visiting brethren at Pres bytery. Mrs. J. . Kennedy and daughtsr are among i.r.o interea'.od vifcltDM up on -.. ved. '. Presbytery Dr. Kennedy supplied Dr. Galloway's pulpit for a month or more a few years ago. Rev. J. 'H. Pressly has made, an excellent presiding officer. He held a protracted meeting here a little more than a week ago. U. C. flub Entertained. The U. C. Club, together with oth er guests, met with Mrs. George W. Wilson Friday afternoon and enjoyed an interesting game of forty-two. The score cards were pretty hand- painted butterflies. The parlor and halls were profusely decorated with roses. Mrs. Wilson was assisted in entertaining by Miss Lowry Shuford and Miss Aline Reld, wbo served a delicious salad rourw followed by tea and wagers. Besides th club members the guests were Mesdames Reld, Page, Separk. Morris, Clifford. McConnell, McLean, Parker. Garri son, Marshall, Wray. WilKiua. Adams, Robinson, Moore and Johnson.' La ter a business meeting of the club was held when it was doc:ded to take vacation during the hot summer months and to :ke tip lltenry etudies In the fall. Mas Lowry Shu- frrd was elected president and Miss Laura Pago secretary of the club. Personals and Locals. Mr. and Mrs. J. Grler Love Are spending the day In Charlotte. Mr. A. J. Rankin, of Belmont, Is a business visitor in Gastonia to-day. : Mr. Charles CjvIs Is spending some time with home folks at Spar tanburg, S. C. Misses Ola and Minnie Herman, of Lowell route 2, were n the city shopping Saturday. Mrs. Mattle Groves, of OHn, N. C, arrived In Gastonia last Friday and will spend the summer here wlta her father, Rev. F. W. Bradley. Rev. J. J. Beach, pastor of th East Baptist church, left yesterday afternoon for McAdenville where he is holding a protracted meeting. Mr. James H. Walters report to The Gazette that be had new Irish, Potatoes from his own 'garden for dinner Friday. These are the first we had reported. 'Mr, L. E. Elseman, of Gn. iiv:1.'.. S. C. has accepted a position with, the Gastonia Furniture Company as salesman to succeed Mr. A. M. Bal lard. Remember the baseball gama on Loray Park to-morrow "afternoon between married men and the single men. The proceeds of the game go to the Woman's Betterment Associa tion. Spencer .Mt. Iojc tr- Iksbemer City in Saturday's game of baseball by a score of 12 to 1. The Spencer Mountain boys were in bad trim and the game was a poor one throughout, without any redeeming features. Mr. J. A. Settlemyer, who has been here for some time on a visit to his brother, Mr. S. Settlemyer, at the Loray, left this morning for Char-i.-.t:t, where he wl'' spend a few days? with his daug iter. Mr.' Jennie Ed wards, before returning 10 bis home at Troutman, Iredell county. ' Among those attending the meet ing of the First PreBbytery of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian church here this week are Messrs. W. E. Gettys, of Tirzah and G. A. Gettys. of Rock Hill, uncles of .Mr. R. W. Edwards. The former is an elder In the Tirzah church and the latter is an eider in tne Neeiey s ureeic church. Elsewhere In this Issue we pre sent with pleasure to our readers Mr. Frank McArvers formal announce ment for county commissioner from Gastonia township. Mr. McArver in making his announcement is simply yielding to the insistent demands of a large number of the best citizens and taxpayers of the township, who recognize his special qualification for the office and will use their votes and influence to secure bis nomina tion. OFF TO WASHINGTON. Ten Representative Citizens Left Last Night For Capital City to Appear This Morning Before Southern Railway Officials and Present Mat ter of New Passenger Depot For Town. If Gastonia does not secure from President Finley and the other of ficials of the Southern Railway a definite and unequivocal promise of a early move to give this town a decent and modern passenger station It will certainly not he because Gastonlans"' are lacking in zeal, enthusiasm and determination. A committee of rep resentative business and professional men, including representatives of the Commercial Club, city council, and -the citizens generally left Gastonia on No. 38 last night for Washington where at 10 o'clock this morning they appeared rbefore President W W. Finley, of the Southern Railway. according to appointment made some days ago through Congressman Webb, to present the claims of the town for a new and up-to-date passenger de-' pot. N The delegation vas composed of Mayor T. L. Craig aal Col. C B. Armstrong, who wer- already ; In Washington, having goae heai on other business; .Mr. S. A. Robinson Dr. R. M. Rel.l, Mr. R. II. Separk, Mr." J. Flem Johnson, Mr. W. T. Rankin, Mr.- J. KL. Dixon, Sr.. Mr. Frost Tor rence and Mr. J. O. White. ; ' - The delegation went fully prepar ed to present to the railway officials)' facts and figures that are Incontro vertible aa showing the demand for ' a new and modern depot at this point ' ' :' ' -