FRIDAY, JUT 13, 1010. THE GASTOXlA GAZETTE. PACE FIFO, The GAstonia Gazette - PENNY COLUMN. ; ONE CENT A W02D They Brio Remits; try 'em. L08T LOST, two C. , & N-W, trip books, Reward fdr return to "Jr. Plem Johnson & Co. ' M 13'c 2 WANTKD WANTED- A young man with good business education - desires posi tion aa bookkeeper., Can give best of reference!. Address "Willing" car of flaMttei, , ,;V FOB 8ALK. FOR SALE, amall stock of groceries, good location. Apply to A. R. Leonhardt, Lowell, N. C. 13 p. FOR SALE Two fine pups, thor , oughbred Scotch Collies, register ed, three months old. R. W. Dunn, Mount Holly, N. C, Route 2, 17c2. , r o1TrENT ' FOR RENT. Seven-room bouse, 107 . E .Franklin Avenue Water and lights. Large lot, good . garden. Close in. Apply to O. M. Boyd & Co. , . tf. MISCELLANEOUS. LADIES, don't throw away those ; last-aeason plumes and feathers because , they are a little soiled. , I can make them look like new. and aave you money. Try me once and be convinced. Phone 176 and I will send for them. J. H. Walters, 517 W. Air Line. 13 c CALL FOR Charlotte Steam-baked Bread at the Elite Grocery. , tf. , i, ' 8TOLBN, I Wednesday morning, Hib bard. Spencer & Bartlett bicycle. Reward for recovery. Notify Ga zette office. tr. LET me make your old hat same as new. Cost is small. J. H. Walters, 617 W. Airline. Phone 176. Hats called for, 13 c 2. " THE ELITE GROCERY now handles Charlotte " Steam-baked bread, tf. FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1010. Personal Mention. 'Friday, the 13th. This morning was rather cool for May; the thermometer register ed below 50.' " Dr. R. M. Reid has returned from Philadelphia where he attend ed a special course of medical lectures. Mr. L. H. Long, Sr., of Kings Mountain, came up this morning on a visit to his sons, Messrs. V. E. and L. H. Long. Rev. W. H. Hardin,- rector of St. Mark's Episcopal church, spent Wednesday very pleasantly with friends at Pleasant Rfdge. There will be a total ecf ipse of the moon between midnight of Mon day, the. 2 3rd of May, and 1 o'clock a. m. or Tuesday, tne Z4tn or Mav. It wilL. be visible in this section. Do you say a good word for Gastonia as you so alone? It's the naaf tAiirn In 4- Vt Of a4a A man. woman ana cnna m it should . Miss Jennie Pegram and Miss Marie Torrence returned Wednes day , from -Charlotte, where they nave been attending th Presbyter ian College. ' Mr. L' F. Coon returned yes terday to his home at Blowina Rock after spending two days In Gastonia on a visit to nis Drotner. Mr. w. l. Coon. . . Loray and McAdenvIlle are T);aying tne secona same or tneir sa- ries at Loray Park this afternoon. The game at McAdenvIlle last Sat. ur.iay was cauea on account or rain. Mrs. W. N. Davis has been se riously ill for a week or more, suf fering from an attack of pneumonia. Her condition is much lmDroved. however, and her early recovery is hoped for. Morris Bros, have a 7 half-page advertisement In today's Gazette in which they mention a large number of special prices for their Challenge Sale. " Turn to page eight and read . . - - ' ".- ; Mrs. A. B. Williams will attend the. International "Sunday- School Convention which convenes next week in .Washington. She will be the guest there of her brother. Dr. Erskine Miller, ;,. "; , V -;- U ' " r-Mr. ana Mrs. j.. jr. rursiey, or Bowling . Green, 8. C, spent Tues day In Gastonia attending the Me morial Day exercises, and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Jackson- ' " . Mr. W. B. Morris, of the Tor- rence-Morrls Company, Mr. Robert I Adams and Mr. R. B. Bablngtoa at tended the grand Lodge of Royal Arch Masons at Salisbury Wednes day. ' Miss Rebecca Flanagan was the guest Wednesday of her cousin Miss Mamie Patrick. ,: She was en route to, her home at Bowling Green from Charlotte where she has been attending the1 Presbyterian College. ;'. ' - Rev. and Mrs. J. Frank Har relson and child left yesterday - for Cherryvllle to visit homefolks and attend the commencement exercises of the Cherryvllle graded school They will return to Gastonia Mon day. . . ; ; Elsewhere in today's , Gazette will be found 'a notice of the first. meeting of creditors of the Poole Grocery Company bankrupts, which is to be held in the office of Attor ney C. D. Holland here on the 23rd day of May at 7 o'clock, p. m. , -r-nAt . its meeting last night the city council went over and examin ed 'the preliminary report of Solo mon Norcross" ft Co., of Atlanta, en gmeers, on tne plana ror tne pro posed , septic tank for Gastonia. At a later meeting of the council the same will be taken up and adopted officially. Mrs. D. B. Coltrane, of Con cord, and Miss Lille Howe, of'Car- rollton, Ky., spent Tuesday night in Gastonia as guests, of Mrs. D. A. Gar rlaon and left Wednesday morning for Ashevllle. Mrs. Coltrane will spend some time In Asheville, while Miss Howe will go on after a few days to her home In Kentucky. Morris Brothers yesterday pur chased from Mr. W. H. Adams, the receiver, the stock of goods in the Heath building formerly owned by W. H. Bellinger, who recently filed a petition in bankruptcy. They will very probably consolidate this stock with their own In their building, corner South street and Main ave nue. We are publishing again today on page seven a list of the poll holders for the twenty precincts of the county for the Democratic pri marles to be held May 21st and al so section 28 from the State plan of organization setting forth the re quirements to be met by the candi dates for the various offices. Every voter should read this carefully. Have you seen Hailey's comet yet Is the usual greeting on the streets now. Every morning quite a large number of Gastonians are out from 3 a. m. on to witness the visitation of the comet. It can now be. seen very plainly with the naked eye and its tail, 15,000,000 miles in length, is also plainly visible. The comet will be nearest the earth on May 18th and on that day the earth will pass through its tail. Mr. R. S. Torrence, Mr. Felix Thomas and Misses Lena and Uel Quinn. were here Tuesday from their homes near Fort Mill. Mr. Torrence, who is a Gaston county man, came to attend the memorial day exercises The 'Misses Quinn and Mr. Thomas, tneir orotner-m-iaw, came on ac count of the illness and death of their father, the late Mr. Laban Quinn. Mr. Torrence says that there Is . More corn and wheat in his sec tich this year than ever before. An interesting suit has been in stituted In Charlotte against the Seaboard Air Line Railway by Mr. E. L. Mason, a former Gaston Ian, which will be watched with interest Inasmuch as it is an unusual case A few days ago Mr. Mason was put off. a Seaboard train at Lincolnton because he refused to show the con ductor his mileage book after hay ing given him his ticket. On the trip up the demand was made and Mr.! Mason showed his mileage book; on the return trip the same demand was made and he refused to Comply, whereupon the conductor put him off. Mr. Mason drove to Gastonia and took the Southern to Charlotte. No amount of damages has as yet been specified. mm B Order Your EES FLOW v ' .'.'. . " For Commencement Exercises NOW Torrence-Morris Go. J e w e 1 e r s . 'Phone 90 117 Main Ave. The Popular . MIDDY BLOUSE or Waist Big lot just received Price : : 50c Each Made of the best grade Linonette, and the cut and workmanship is equal to the ones you have paid a great deal more for All white trimmed with blue, your choice of two shades, fast colors. Sizes 10, 12, 14, and 16 years JUST THE THING FOR THE GfRLS NOW. Drug That Cure Your Ills Drags to cure must be pure they must be fresh, also, or they lack remedial virtue. Every drag must be selected with a thorough scien tific knowledge of its qualities, and Its accordance with a positive stand ard -ours are. QJO r Bring all yonr prescriptions here and know that they' will be compounded absolutely correctly with standard drags, by well-trained pharmacists. From the doctor to the dose, our understanding of pre scription compounding is all to yonr benefit. i. H. KENNEDY & CO. The White Front Pharmacy. 137 W. Main Avenue. Thone 84 :-: Gastonia, N, C. t Dressy Oxfords For Young Men Oat of oar stock of Oxfords for young men you can get style, quality and comfort, three things that are very essential, and yon will find oar prices very low when yon .' Consider the kind of Oxfords we sell. Robinson Shoe Company. Vudor Hammocks, Tudor Porch Shades and Lawn Swings at Gasto nia Furniture Company. Strong values in Suits, Sideboard. Hall Racks, and Rockers at Gasto nia Furniture Company. C. L. Lipscomb, of Gaffney, aged 30, was drowned in Thlckety creek while seining Monday. Big , line 0x12 Arminster Rngs from 912.00 and up, at Gastonia Furniture Company. John Aaron Steele, an escaped negro from the State prison, was captured in Spartanburg Tuesday. He had served only a few months of a 32 year sentence. A big; line of Wall Paper to select from at Gastonia Furniture Co. Strong values in Suits, Sideboards, Hall Racks, and Rockers at Gasto nia Furniture Company. - Robert Holt, of Spring Creek, Madison county, shot and killed Ed Brown the 9 th inst. on account of Improper attentions to his Bister. Go-Carts and Baby Carriages Ctastouia Furniture Company. at I Mrs. Virginia P. McDairmid. of Lumberton, who for the past six weeks had been undergoing treat ment in the Charlotte Sanitarium i climbed over the roof garden and leaped to the ground, a distance of 60 feet, Tuesday afternoon, instant death resulting. Go-Carts and Baby Carriages 62astonia Furniture Company. at ,' Vudor Hammocks, Vudor Porch Shades and Lawn Swings at Gasto nia Furniture Company. With the Sick. . Mr. Lean McLean is critically ill at his home on Chester street. He was operated on Wednesday for a head trouble. His condition has been desperate from the very start but shows improvement today and there is hope for his recovery. . Mrs. Bynum Long, who was re ported In extremis Tuesday, has alnce Improved considerably and her friends will, be glad to know that there are now stronger hopes for her recovery. " ;; ' : GASTONIA'S LEADING CLOTHIERS BETTER Clothes for LESS Money Now if you'll follow STEADILY the one idea that you want imart, stylish, well-made clothes at mod erate cost you'll find yourself in our store you'll reap the benefit of others' careful planning, study and skilL Take a look at our corner window. It will giye you an ideajof the bonafide values we are..offering in Big: line 0x12 from $12.00 and Furniture Company. Axmiaster Rugs vp, at Gastonia Henry Johnson, an aged negro, of Pasquotank viewed Halley'i comet Tuesday morning and then dropped , dead. v ' - 4r 1 L Good Opportunities Some have taken advantage of them, some have waited. As a rule the man who waits pays for waiting. I have for sale a few desirable properties which it will pay you to investigate now. How Would You Like an Investment Property Paying 15 Per Cent? I am offering for sale a few desirable va cant lots and improved properties. See, phone or write George E. Haithcock "Town and Farm Properties" Office upstairs in Glenn Building, Main Avenue ' Am often out of office moving around over town. Try Office Phone No. 288 or S. G. Fry's residence No. 264. A big line of Wall Paper to select from at Gastonia Furniture Co. Men's and Young Men's Suits at Special Prices $10, $12.50 and $15 Come in and let Us show you the foil lines. We hare pat terns to suit every taste and sizes to fit ever figure. Graded School Commencement. Sunday evening at 8 o'clock in the auditorium of the Central school Rev. W. H. Reddish will preach the annual commencement sermon for the city schools. Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock the class day exercises will be held and Monday night at 8 o'clock Hon. Clyde R. Hoey, of Shelby, will deliver the literary ad dress and the presentation of cer tificates and the awarding of prizes will take place.. SWAN-SLATER CO. Outfitters for Men, and Boys : Gastonia, N. C A CARD. To the Voters of Gaston County: After a full ar earnest consider ation from every view-point my self, friends and supporters and the public' interests with which I have been entrusted i:r several years I have decided that I owe it to, myself not to "enter the primaries for re election as a commissioner of Gas ton county. . In 'reaching auch de cision I am not forgetful of the great, debt of gratitude that' I owe to : my many staunch and lora." friends over the county who have unceasingly given me their support, encouragement and sympathy, there by enabling and Inspiring me to dis charge the arduous duties encum bent upon me. To these I have felt -under obligation to consider care fully and well the step that I deem ' best to take. Again it is my humble opinion that it Is to the highest interests of the county that young and vigorous men should he elected to the board of : county commissioners.: ' Mr. Frank McArver has offered himself in the primaries as a candidate for commissioner to represent Gastonia township. ; Such; being tree T can but confidently and heartily recom mend and support him for. election, believing, as I do, that he possesses in large measure the qualities that will insure to the county a faithful and efficient eervice. I ask for him the warm support of my friends. With a deep sense of the obligation 'due the people of the county for the . honors and trust conferred, apon me r am " ,'.x.- .. .' Faithfully Your. r A. R. ANDERS. . May 12th, H10.

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