ft.,'. : ' A1 ASTRONOMERS' TELL US the Cleanliness Order Your . COMET is COMING- i EE v II Uiere is one thing we -. pride ourselves on, it is cleanliness at our Foun- Uin. i , : ' : ' ''v;'' --I-- v'.-; ' You will like our service," yon will like our Foun tain drinks. . .: Let us convince you to day. ' .'' : : : J. H. Kennedy & Co. Hi Whit Front Drug Store 137 W. Ifaia At GASTONIA, N. C The Gastonia: Gazette PENNY COLUMN. ONE CENT A WORD They Brin Results; try 'em. POUND. iroTTMn A DiK. Owner can get same by describing and paying for this advertisement. L. M. Batcn- ford, R. F. D. 3. Gastonia, N. C. FOR SAUfl. w sale One two-seated Sur rey. Used very little. Apply to O. W. Ragan. MISCELLANEOUS. CALL FOR Charlotte Steam-baked .Bread at the Elite Grocery. tf. THE ELITE GROCERY now handled Charlotte Steam-baked bread, u. FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1010. Weather Forecast: Showers Fri day and Saturday. Personals and Locals. Dr. A. W. Anderson, of Blacks- burg, S. C is spending the day In Gastonia on business. wMr. Tom Wright, of Whitnel, was a business visitor in Gastonia Wednesday. Mr. P. M. Rhyne, of Dallasthe real estate man, left this morning on a business trip to Mocksvllle. Mr. C. C. Craig, of Dallas, su perintendent of the county home, was in Gastonia on business yester day. Mrs. E. 31. Hayes and Miss Ivey Hayes, of Morganton, are guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Ed- dleman on West Main avenue. Mrs. David A, Rlppy left yes- - terday on a visit to friends In Con- enrA and Greensboro. While in Concord she will attend the com mencement exercises of the Concord city schools. Misses Madge and Sarah Wil- kins, who have been guests at the home of their brother, Dr. T. A. Wilkins, will leave tomorrow for their home in Rutherfordton. Messrs. B. J. and Miles Hoff man, of Philadelphia, are spending a few days here with their father. Dr. W. H. Hoffman, and, their sis ter, Miss Susie Hoffman. They have been attending the meeting of . the American Cotton Manufactures As sociation in Charlotte.. Mr. Perry Dover and , little . daughters, Hurdla and Ovella, left yesterday morning for Charlotte on a visit to car. Dover s aaugnter, Mrs. R. L. Whisnant. Mr. Dover will re turn Saturday, while the little girls will remain a week or more. : -Mr. W. 8. Manney, of Kings Mountain, route three one of the from Crowders Mountain township. spent yesterday in Gastonia greeting his many friends. Mr. Manney Is a brother of our townsman, Mr. M. L. &fauney. . '' Miss Alice Bostwick Borden, of Hickory, is the guest ' of Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Hardin. While here Miss Boyden, who Li an excellent V(Val(at will itnr at rnnrarf tn VA s given probably ' in the auditorium next week. The exact date will be announced later. - r '-. ; A special .from Washington to The Charlotte Observer of yesterday t says that, at the request of citizens f the town; the confirmation by the Senate, of Mr." Hambrlght to' be EMM ' Commencement Exercises NOW Torrence 0 J e welers 'Phone 90 Dostmaster at Kings Mountain is being held up by Senator Simmons and others. It Is stated that charges against Hambrlght's character have been filed. ' 'Mr. J. N. Hanna, the meat-mar ket man, made his report the other day to the census man and the blank showed that during the year 1909 he "butchered 225 beeves, 70 veals, 151 hogs, two goats and one lamb, a total of 449 animals. This num ber did not include, of course, a large number that he had butchered for other people. A successful protracted meeting is in progress at the Flint Mill school house. Rev. H. C. Smith, pastor of Ozark 'Methodist church is doing the preaching. The meeting began last Sunday and will proba bly continue into next week Servl ces are held each night and the at tendance is good. There have so far been five conversions. The friends of Mr. and Mrs, Locke Shelton will regret to learn that their son, Charles G. Shelton, has been quite ill for some weeks at Huntsvllle, Ala., where he has held a position for about a year past. Word received from him a few days ago, however, was to the effect that he is improving, and will possibly be able, to return home within a short time. iMr. J. L. Niell returned Wed nesday night from Greensboro where he had been since Monday on a visit to his niece, Mrs. E. P. Ross. Mr. Niell had the misfortune last Satur day to have his left hand badly hurt by its being pierced by a large splin ter from the moulding machine at which he was working in Page's shop, and will be unable to return to work for several days. Mr. Frank P. Mllburn, of Wash ington, D. C, of the firm of Mil- burn, Helster & Co., architects of the new county buildings, was. In Gastonia yesterday Inspecting the work on the court house and Jail. He found the work moving forward In a very satisfactory manner, and states that the buildings will easily be completed within the contract time. At Loray park next Wednesday High qualify and low prices go hand in handt ' . Outfitters for -. .. , .... J For Morris Go 117 Main Ave afternoon at 4 o'clock, the second game in the series between the mar ried and single men for the benefit of the Woman's Betterment Associa tion will be played. The line-up will be the same as for the first game. An admission fee of 25 Lcents will be charged. Davis' liv ery stable will again carry specta tors to the grounds and back for 20 cents. 'Mr. R. C. Warren has Just com pleted the addition of a second story to his wagon and carriage repair shops near the new court house. He has thus doubled his space and now has a most convenient aid up-to-date repair shop. Mr. Brlerely, an expert trimmer, repairer and painter is in charge and is assisted by several expert workmen. When the newspaper man dropped in yester day to pass the time o' day he found workmen busy repainting Mr. G. A. Gray's automobile and It look ed like it was Just from the factory. Several buggies were in process of being overhauled, repaired and re painted. Mr. Warren has been In the business in Gastonia for the past twenty, years or more and his business has grown constantly till it reached the point where additional room and a larger force of work men were required. As a further evidence of hisenterprise Mr. War ren has Joined The Gazette's family of regular advertisers and will have something of interest to tell his friends every week. Primaries To-Morrow. Tomorrow, Saturday, from 2 to 7 p. m. the Democratic county primar ies will be held for the purpose of naming candidates for county, town ship and legislative offices." The list of candidates on the county and leg islative tickets has already appeared in The Gazette. The contest for several of the offices promises to be quite spirited. Gastonia Cotton. These figures represent the prices: paid to wagons, May 20th: Good middling 15 Strict middling 14 7.3 Middling . . . .- 14 3.4 Gaatonia's Leading Clothiers. Do You MM Better Clothes For Less Money? Don't have to think twice to answer that question and it's as easily carried out if you'll just go about it in the right way. The way is sim ple and cirect leads right to this store. You can solve the problem of how to dress stylishly and becomingly with moderate means. - - SpediDy priced Suits $10, $12.50, $15, $18, $20, $22, and $25. Men and Boys' - We tell you thkt the bargains listed below are here. You will not heed a telescope to find them. Gome and we will be pleased to show you 15c Lonsdale Cambric : 12 1-2 Nainsook finish 12 l-2c Bleached Domestic 12 yards for : : 1.00 Hill, Androscoggin or Fearless 40 in. light wt. Sheeting 4c 90 m.or 10-4 Sheeting, part linen : : 48c 36 in. all linen thread Cambric 25c 36in. Linen Lawn, very sheer, 23c 36 in. Dress Linen, special : 25c J Vudor Porch Shades, Vudor Ham- :s and Porch Rockers at Gasto nia Furniture Co. John C. Davis, a former attorney of Wilmlngtoni has been found guilty of fraud and embezzlement, with a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment. White Maple Kitchen Cabinets, Extension Tables, Hall Racks and Sideboards at the Gastonia Furni ture Co. Washington Alexander, a negro about 22 years of age, who was un der arrest in Pender county, for the killing of Hugh Garner, escaped Monday. A reward of $25 is offer ed by the Norfolk Lumber Co., of Wallace, for'hls capture. Big line 0x12- Axmlnster Rugs from $12.00 and up, at Gastonia' Furniture Company. The North Carolina Agricultural Society has awarded a contract for the erection of a fire-proof, con crete building on the State fair grounds at Raleigh, to cost $6,725 Vudor Hammocks, Vudor Porch Shades and Lawn Swings at Gasto nia Furniture Company. A contract has been let to W. L Harbin, a contractor of Lexington, for the construction of the lew Baptist church at Shelby. It Is to cost about $35,000. Vndor Hammocks, Vudor Porch Shades and Lawn Swings at Gasto nia Furniture Company. An Eggstraordinary Egg. Mr. H. S. Sanders,. second hand in the slasher room at the Loray Mill, brought to The Gazette office "last night an egg the shape of which was so entirely different from that of the ordinary egg that It was a real cu riosity. This freak product of the poultry yard was laid by a brown leghorn hen belonging to Mr. San ders, who in addition to his work at the mill is something of a fowl fan cier. The egg for such it' was, the shell being perfect so far as its com position was concerned was some what of a crescent in shape. So the poultry editor described it. The scientific editor said it looked very much like the pictures the papers are publishing of Halley's comet since it has developed a curved tall. It was laid Wednesday, the day on which the earth was scheduled to pass through the tail of the comet and it was suggested that perhaps thattevent had something to do with the peculiar formation. Mr. San ders left the egg at the Abernethy Shields Drug Co's. store whereany one may see it Comet Visible To-NIghC. The comet will be visible tonight Just after sunset; so the astrono mers tell us. We are told that when It appears Just after sunset It will (be much more brilliant than It was in the morning sky. Look for it right over the spot where the . sun goes down and after the first night or two look for a shaft of light ris ing up into the heavens Until It seemi like a rainbow cut in two. 'Mrs. D. A. Garrison has return ed from Concord, ' where she spent several days" visiting;. , her parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. B. Coltrane. M Brown Dress linen, would be cheap at 10c, special price 81-2c Val and Torchon Laces 4c Worth double the price asked 36 in. printed Etamine, price 15c Worth 20c; beautiful patterns Plain cream Scrim : 15c 75c ladies' Waists : 48c White and colored 1.00 white embroidered Waists 75c Special prices ladies' Dresses and Suits. Eelk 1 We have just received a new lot of ladies' arid children's White Canvas Ankle Strap Pumps. Prices : : 75c to $1.75 Robinson Shoe Company. Good Opportunities Some have taken advantage of them, some have waited. As a rule the man who waits pays for waiting. I have fof sale a few desirable properties which it will pay you to investigate now. How Would You Like an Investment Property Paying 15 Per Cent.? I am offering for sale a few desirable va cant lots and impi .-ved properties. See, phone or write George E. Haithcock 'Town and Farm Properties" Office upstairs in Glenn Building, Main Avenue " Am often out of office moving around over town. Try Office Phone No. 288 or S. G. Fry's residence No. 204. A big line of guaranteed Stoves and Ranges at the Gastonia Furni ture Co. Notices of New Ads. Frost Torrence & Co. Velvet Ice creams. R. C. Warren Buggies, wagons and other vehicles over-hauled, trimmed and painted. 'Misses Ruddock Millinery clear ance sale begins tomorrow, the 21st. Morris Bros. Big bankrupt sale; watch for big ad in Tuesday's Ga zette. Brawley Clothing Co. $15,000 stock of clothing and gents furnish ings to be sold at cost beginning Sat urday, May 21st. J. H. Kenredy ft Co. Pride themselves cn cleanliness at their fountain. Abernethy-Sfc.'lds ' Drug Co. - Good soda, good drugs. First National Bank Co-opera tion one secret of building up a good solid banking business? Your pa tronage solicited. Swan-Slater Co. Better clothes for less money. Petticoats priced low. 38c CorsetjCovers : '25c Made of goodJmateriaI,niceIy trimmed. Big line children's muslin Un- - hi' derwear : 10, 15,25c ''v:' '" "i Ladies' Home Journal Patterns. Buy the summer style book now. Fashion sheet free. New. Queen Quality Oxfords, Ties, Pumps. C White Slippers Torrence-Morris Co's. Prizes. - In the account of the commence ment exercises of the city schools in Tuesday's Gazette we failed to; men tlqn the fact that the gold medal won by Mr. John Edgar McLean for the best oral reproduction of stories was given by the Torrence-Morris Company. This enterprising firm also gave two other prizes, each a handsome picture. One was for the best fitted up school-room and went to room No. 10 at the Central school, Miss May Withers, teacher. The other, for the mill schdol hav ing the best kept school house and' grounds, was awarded to the Tren ton school, Miss Carrie Morris, teacher. Have you seen those White Maple Suits at the Gastonia Furniture Co. 7 CARD OF THANKS. I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to all those friends who were so kind, considerate and help ful during the last Illness and, at tha death of my wife. .-May GojJ. eve deal mercifully and tenderly with them Is my prayer. 7 V ; J. M. BEACHAM.

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