FRIDAY, SLUT CO, 11110. The Household Hornet's Nest Favorite Remedy Liniment Is used by thousands fr and near. .tk yiur nrlbbtr what he thinks of HOHXKTS XKST L1X1MKXT. He wirl wy at cue llut, tnlernally for hwwrl complaints, such a diarrhoea, dyseiiU-ry and Mher liullr trou Mrs, there In nothing belter than Home: .Vent Liniment. KUernally it is m good as tlio bewt and better than the rot. Ftr sale by n?l druggists and country mcri'iants. W. N. MULLEN'S SON, Proprietor CHAKIiOTTK, X. C. mnTTDTfliarTMETMi .SIMGLES ARE FIRE PROOF 'T'HEV will not burn. Will not split or curl like wood shingles. Will not crack and roll off like slate. Will not rip at the seams like plain tin. Neither will they rattle during high wind storms. Thev never need repairs and last as long as the building. And last jl of all, they make the handsomest roof and are not expensive. LONG BROTHERS :-r Personal Mention. ; Mrs. Cora Spencer and children are here from Charlotte on a to the family of Mr. J. J. Spencer, Mr, O. W. Ragan haa purchas ed a handsome new Cadillac IS au tomoblle. which arrived Wednesday, He expects to leave with It SDon for Brevard where hU family will spend Exclusive Agents Gastonia, N. C. Queen City Granite & Marble Works CHARLES FORD, Gastonia Agent A Marble ir (irunite which shows lettering well is what you peed for a memorial. Our fine grained American Light Marble or our Winns hort Blue (iranite will give you very durable, handsome nu-numents and distinct inscriptions. the summer. The wails or tne new jail are up and ready for the roof. , On the court house the bricklayers are car rying the walls up from the second floor and two or three weeks will probably see this structure ready for the roof. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Glenn are here for a few days from MeComb City. .Miss. They arrived the first of the week, .Mr. Glenn coming to attend the sessions of the American Cotton Manu acturers Association at Charlotte. The Stanley Creamery Compa ny, extended mention of which was made in a recent issue of The Ga zette, was Tuesday granted a char- er by the Secretary of State. The authorized capital stock is $7,000 with $6,200 paid In. There are 62 stockholders. Messrs. Morris Bros, yesterday completed the work of moving the Dellinger stock of goods, which they recently purchased at receiver's sale, from the Heath building to i ineir own score, tney announce in today's Gazette that they will have a ; big bankrupt sale ad in next Tues day's issae. Mr. John T. Epencer, the veter an house-mover, moved a house on East Franklin avenue the first of the week for Mr. John Stubbs. The building was moved back on the lot and is being raised and placed on a brick foundation. Between his res- o'clock.' 125th aualveraary of the signing of the Mecklenburg Declaration of In dependence. It Is a legal holiday tn this , State ", and consequent! the banks are closed. In Charlotte the lay Is being celebrated with an au tomobile rata and . other contests This Id an off-year and hence the ueen City's celebration will be wall affair as compared with last year's. " ' '. ' ' : Mr. H. 0. Wlnget has received roni Mr. John W. Cruett, supreme i can ler of the Improved Order Heptasophs, notice that he has been appointed resident agent for North Carolina. This is a new position and was created to comply with a new State law which requlrea in surance companies to appoint an agent to appear be.'cre the State In sura nee in cases where the company for any reason loes not pay a policy. The Gazette Is indebted to President J. M. Rhodes for an Invi tation to the coirmencement exer cises of Littleton College, Littleton, .May 24 to 26. The class day exer- lses will be held Tuesday, the 24th, :he art exhibit on Wednesday, the annual sermon Wedresday by Rev. H. Broom, of Elizabeth. City; graduating exercises, literary ad dress by President W. S. Poteat, of Wake Forest, and the commence ment recital all take place on Thurs day, the 26th. Beautiful Spanish Dancer Gives Praise to Pe-m-nn- lyjEKVOUS prostration Is usually the Parana Is not a beverage nor a bitters, "XT IN result of aToeatlon whloh requires s eontianal strain 'on the nervous system. - - vv ' . : , In sneh eases tt would be wise It a change of vocation oould be made. V But this is not always possible and a good tonle becomes a necessity. , f . Peruna Is a tonia that invigorates without produoing a drug habit. but an honest, straightforward tonle, aa-es digestion. There 1 ft great demand lor tonloe during the depressing heat of summer. and Mnaela.ll in ununtHu wk. kn wuather la very prevalent ,A. Suoh ft demand 1 exactly met by' Peruna. -. '' .". " . : , . , lr. Bunting to Wed. The Statesville Landmark of Tuesday savs: "Invitations will be Issued this week for the marriage of Miss Catherine Copeland. of States ville, and Dr. R. C. Bunting, of Bal timore. The marriage will be at the Copeland home, on Walnut street, Wednesday evening, June 8, at 6 This announcement will idence on South York street to the j be heard with Interest In Gastonia as Stubbs house on East Franklin, a J Dr. Bunting spent several years here Large Mock mi hand at our works. Dilworth Street Tars. Phone 1018. Boulevard & Palmer Streets, Call and see them. Take the Charlotte, N. C. distance of eight blocks, 3fr. Spen cer says he counted nine houses that he had moved. The Gazette acknowledges the receipt of an invitation to the- com mencement exercises of Bingham School, Mebane, which took place May 15, 16, 17 and 18. The grad uating class this year numbered four. The commencement program was quite an elaborate one. Judge' J. C. Prltchard of the United States Circuit Court delivered the address Wednesday. in the practice of medicine. Moving Cotton In York. The Enqufrer, 17th. The rise to fifteen cent last week moved quite a let o' the York coun ty cotton that hag been holding back for higher prices. It was reported yesterday that between two and three hundred" bales were sold at Hickory Grove and Smyrna last Sat urday. It is understood that most of the cotton Una is- befog sold now befng taken for application on fu- Mm Pilar jffonterde Praiki Peruna at Tonic. A letter sent to the Peruna lmg Mfg. Co., from the popular Bpsoish dancer, kffen Pilar Monterde, is aa follows : -Today Is the 20th of May, the fore contracts. Temtro Principal, City of Mexico Nor. 3, 190S. Tke Peruna Drug Mfg. Co.r Columbus, Ohio, U. S. A. Gentlemen; Having used your Juitty celehrmteS remedy, Lm Peruna," toraome time, I have the pleasure of Informing you that t consider it the best tonle I have ever used. It la a wonderful fortifier of the nerve after exhaustion and It in creases the vitality of the whole body, and in my own case has produced the moat complete and permanent restoration, it is also pleasant to the taste. I do not hesitate, therefore, to recommend this remedy to all women as the best and most pleasant tonic that they can possibly take. Yours very truly, (Miss) Pi Monterde. Subscribe for The Gazette, $1.50 the yr. oanu t in Soidiat fji ,(glrpl UULju Commencing Saturday, May 21 We Will Offer Our Entire SlaeM at Cost Clothing, Furnishings, Etc We carry one of the swellest lines of cloth ing carried in this part of the country. If you want to buy something for your money in clothing buy a Hamburger or Lowman Suit from us. These lines are too well known for you to lose this opportunity of getting one at actual cost. Our line of furnishings is complete and up-to-date and will be sold at cost. At (C (Q - f; ir Odd Pants, Hats, Etc. Our line of odd Pants is complete and cut in the swellest styles. If you want a suit for the boy come and get it at and below cost. Also a nice and new up-to-date line of Hats to go at cost. No reduction in Stetson goods. If its a nobby straw you want, buy it here at your own price. No goods charged or sent out on approval. This "stock must and will be sold. U F1 i 135 West Brawley -. i Main Ave., I" Gastoniai Me 6 9 "IT n ' v..