0fmmmm ' H U , 1 -.; vC"-,-". J .'V PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. ' I. SINGLE COPY 8 CENTS. -Vf , . . ' . .-4, V . : . r v., . Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interest of the County, ..." ' -. ' . f. ; ,V 9iJH A YEAR IN ADVANC3. VOL. XXJLL GASTONIA, N. C. TUESDAY, MAY 81. 1910. y NO. 48. TT ' TTTn ' TO A - TIC OVER GASTON OUNTY. Albea la very sick at bef homi 1b CONCERT TO-MORROW; NIGHT, Aiuaaay low a. Messrs, a. v. Jtvef MOORE-CAPPS. RURAL CARRIERS MEET. R.7t V!! Attrtlvo Prognun Arrged' for wiwi i turn j, -itiioB fieivu wuiiau 2An.i.Annn. mhf nt oAtan returned Friday to her home at v, . i 4P.i a. Thomaavllle -after being the guest . County RaraJ Letter Carrlera' As- " . . ' for several daya of Mlaaea Kather . aoclatlon Held Yeaterday at ,ne Md Mam,e RyMr. A. P. . Stanley Proposition to Hold I Earney, who la doing some wqrk In Concert at Auditorium of Central School Wednesday Night. . Tommorrow ' night, beglnnlnir promptly at nine o'clock, a concert will be given . In the auditorium of Grand Rally and Picnic on Labor I Charlotte, spent Sunday , here with I the Central school building by local Hay' Considered. Correspondence of The Oaiette. . , STANLEY, May 80. The Rural Letter .Carriers' semi-annual meet- lng was held here today, being call ed to order at 1 o'clock p. m. by the president, Mr. T. C. Smith. Mr. A. B. Klser, the regular secretary, be ing absent, Mr. J. D. Derr, of Dal las, acted as secretary of the meet ing. Business was taken up In the following order; - Considerable discussion was in dulged In with regard to paying the expenses of delegates to the nation al convention,. The bone of conten tion was the matter of whether this county was in favor of the jpresent system or the old system In effect up to the past year. The present sys tem Is for the national association to pay the railroad fare of the dele gates. The old system required each State association to pay the railroad fare. ' It was unanimously agreed to instruct delegates to work for a change to the old system. Postmaster John Shelton, of Stan ley was elected an honorary mem ber of the association. The next question taken up was that of hold ing a grand rally and picnic on the first Monday in September, which is Labor Day and a holiday for the his family, Mr. H. M. McAden, of talent. The young people who are Charlotte, was a McAdenvllle visi- to take part have been rehearsing tor Friday. Mr. W. M. L. Harvey, diligently for the past two weeka or of Winston-Salem, spent a few more, and there ia every indication hours here last week on business.- that those who attend will have a Mrs. T. A. Stewart, of Mayesworth, most enjoyable evening's entertain apent Friday here with friends. ment. The 'curtain will rise at nine Mrs. H. D. Roberts is vlsltinc 1 o'clock, so that the performance - friends at Gaston la this week. iiiss Lottie Albea is visiting In Charlotte this week. Prof. J. L. Webb and Rev. G. P. Abernethy at- will not interfere with the various prayer meetings held on Wednesday night. For all of the musical numbers tended the Baptist union meeting at Mrs. Fred D. Barkley ha kindly Dallas Saturday. Dr. G. W. Taylor consented to act as piano accompan is visiting homefoiks at Wilkesboro this week. Dr. Taylor also has a very sick brother at his home there. Carl Reid was a Gastonia visitor Saturday. Mrs. L. N. Glenn, Mrs. J. Q. Holland. Mrs. RalDh Falls and 1st. The following is the program: Overture, by Gastonia Orchestra. Vocal Solo, by Mrs. H. B. Moore. Violin Solo, by Miss Lillian At kins. Male Quartette, by Messrs. Her, Mrs. S. N. Boyce, of Gastonia, were Wetzel 1, Hampton and Frazler. the guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Ray. Mr. J. T. McAden and Mr. Ralph Ray were Cl&rlotte visi tors Friday. The ' baseball game played here Piano Solo, by Mrs. Fred D. Bark- ley. "Jinricksha Chorus," from "Fan- tana," soloist, Mrs. B. M. Graves. "I Want To Go Back To London" laBt Saturday between the first and from "Bizzy Izzy," by Mr. Sam Shu- second teams, the score being 3 to ford and Chorus. "Hold Your Horses, Mister,", from "A Yankee Circus on Mars," by Miss Marie Hardin and Chorus. "Life is a See-Saw," from "A Knight for A Day," by Mrs. Grier 4 in favor of first team, was very in teresting and was witnessed by a very large crowd. Mr.' Charlie Smith, of Gastonia, spent Sunday here wKh his brother, Mr. Mack Smith. Misses Vernie Funderburk, Love and Mr. M. R. Her. Hiatal 1 a Sh I am a an A din Trv-4 I . f Cnnnv r.. i... rv. co-operation of the farmer, and ru- We11' ,Tnt ,Surday and Sunday c 8ung by Mrs' Grier Love and Hope, of Athens, Ga., spent Sunday here with his family. Mr. W. P. Cavln returned Saturday from Chaun cey, Ga., where he spent several days with friends. . rai patrons, together with any other citizens who might wish to take part. It is the Intention of the as sociation to make an effort to se cure some of the best speakers in the State for this occasion. The place for holding this picnic is as yet undecided, and each carrier In the county was appointed as a mem ber of a committee to investigate and see what the sentiment of the people is In different parts of the county In favor of the proposition The carriers are to report at an ad journed meeting to be held in Dal las at 8 p. m. on the 16th of July, at which time the place will be de cided on. Delegates were elected to the State convention which meets in Raleigh on July 3rd and 4th as fol lows "Daisies Won't Tell," by Miss Al ice Bostwick Boyden and quartette We Are A Gallant Regiment," from "Sergeant Kitty." by Miss M- from RMtnnU Mrt' 4-4 1 T71 . I uuiuuu riy sua wuuruu. Miss Mattle Moore and Mr. Blamark Capps Were Married at SUaaton Va., in February Event a Great Surprise to Bride's Many Friends. A romantic marriage in which prominent young Gastonia society lady and a young Salisbury lawyer were the principals came to light Saturday morning when members of the family of Miss Mattle Moore re ceived a letter w from her, dated Richmond, Va., informing them that she was married to Mr. Bismark Capps, of Salisbury, on February 18th. The ceremony was performed at Staunton, Va., where Miss Moore was visiting, by Rev. William M Scott, D. D., the 'only witness pres ent being Mr. William McChesney, grand master of the Masonic Lodge in Virginia. The news came as a distinct surprise to the young lady's family and her legion of friends here and elsewhere. It is under stood that the young lady's mother, Mrs. Mattle J. Moore, objected to hei marriage, hence the secrecy Maintained by the bride for more than three months. Miss Moore left Gastonia Wednes day presumably to visit friends at a distance. She was joined by her husband, probably at Salisbury and they went to Richmond and other points to spend their honeymoon, after which they will make their home In Salisbury. Miss Moore is a daughter of the late Capt. J. D. and Mrs. Mattle J. Moore and is a young lady of cul ture and refinement. Last year, In company with a party of her school companions and friends, she made a tour abroad, visiting many European countries. She is popular in local social circles and has a host of friends who will regret to lose her A PITIABLE CASE. SOCIAL AFFAIRS ' Young Woman Goes Insane on Sub ject of Religion as Result of Lis tening to Unknown Tongue Preachers Only One of a Num ber of Lives Blighted by These Religious Montebanks and Fakirs Committed to Jail and Will be Sent to Asylum. Barefooted, her black hair stream ing loosely down her back, Hulda Burgess, an attractive looking girl of perhaps eighteen years, sat In a surrey in front of the city hall yes- HENSON-LENTZ. Miss Maude Lenta and. Prof. J. B. Henson to be Married! June 15th. Invitations reading ja 'follows : have been Issued:,, , '. Mrs. Minnie M. Lents , . , requests the honour of your presence at the marriage of her daughter . Maude to '..;,;'.-',;; Mr. Joseph Baacom Henaon . on Wedneaday evening, June the AN teenth, - terday afternoon and gave utterance I one thousand nine hundred and ten. at half after eight o'clock, Lutheran Church, Mount Holly, North Carolina. to the wildest ravings of a maniac. She had been brought from her home at the Loray Mill and was taken, as quickly aa Magistrate W. Meek Ad ams could write a commitment, to The Dainty Tea Club, 'composed the county jail, where she Is incar-1 of five little girls, vis: Barney cerated pending application for her Boyce, Mary LaFar, Ethelda -Arm-entrance Into the State Insane Asyl- strong, Christine Sloan and ; Sadie urn at Morganton. She wore a plain Thomson, had a picnic at: Loaf white dress and when not talking Creek Monday, May 23rd."" They loudly and wildly was engaged in went in automobiles, accompanied munching on a lunch of bananas, by their larger sisters. This club of cakes, etc., which had been provided little folks meets every two weeks for her. I and has a literary as well aa a social This is another case traceable di- feature. At each meeting they have rectly to the influence of the "un- recitations, music, readings, etc known tongue" tribe which contin- These meetings are held at the ues its operations In this immediate homes of the members where reJ section unmolested. It is hence all fresbments are served and games are the more a case for supreme pity as I played. her present plight might have been prevented had this aggregation of One of the most enjoyable social fakirs been sent away from Gas- events of the past week was the re- tonia some time ago. This Is only ceptlon given by Mrs. Robert Julian one of quite a number of cases amora last TTiaay aiternoon at tne Stanley Happenings. Correspondence of The Gazette. STANLEY, May 30. Mrs. E. L Pegram. of Jackson Springs, is vis itlng her many friends and relatives at and near Stanley. The high es teem In which Mrs. Pegram is held was evidenced by the many glad hand-shakes and words of welcome she received. This was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pegram, they having gone to Jackson Springs just before Christmas. Mr. Pegram is Interest- Mr. J. D. Derr as delegate 6(1 ln exten8,ve 'arm and lumber op- and Mr. T. C. Smifh as alternate. The meeting then adjourned and all went home apparently glad that; they had been present. Among the-1 most pleasant features of the day eratlons there Mrs. B. F. Carpenter is visiting Mr. Robert Carpenter in Shelby. The congregation of Chris ts' Luth eran church is taking steps toward was the sumptuous dinner which all building a home for t5e pastor, the carriers in attendance enjoyed at the home of Mr. James Rankin. McAdenville Blatters. Correspondence of The Gazette. McADENVILLE, May 30. Mrs, J. E. Lineberger left Tuesday for Richmond, Va., where she will be " joined by her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Lineberger will make Rich' mond their home in the future. Mrs. David MfGhee attended the Davenport College commencement and was accompanied home by her daughter, Miss Meta, who has been a Btudent there this session. Mr R. H. Smith, of Spartanburg, S. C, spent some time here last week on business. Messrs. I. F. Mabry and G. L. Wright attended court last week in Dallas. Rev. E. S. Ivey, of Salisbury, spent some time here last week visiting friends. Mrs. R, R, Ray visited her daughters, Mrs. L. N. Glenn and Mrs. A. M. Dixon, In Gastonia last week. Mrs. Alma Ez sell, of Charlotte, apent Wednesday In McAdenville. Rev. W. L. C. Kil- llan. of Gastonia, waa a business visitor here last week.: Mr. A. K. Lof tin, of Llncolnton, spent some time here last week visiting friends. Mrs. W. B. Craig, of Belmont, spent some time here last week with relatives. Dr. Frank Anders, of Gastonia, Is with the . Taylor Drug .Co; here for a few days. Rev. and Mrs. O. P. Abernethy 'of Maiden, are spending the week here with relatives. ' '. . . .. . The'two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnhlll died here Thursday morning at 5 o'clock and wa buried Friday at Hickory Grove cemetery. Mrs. J. A. Walker, of Salisbury, visited her father . here last week, Mr. W, H. Brasweil. -Mrs. M. " B. The mill here has closed down in definitely. The operatives are get ting work wherever they can. It is right amusing to see the boys grab a hoe" and "go to the cot ton," and it Is interesting to see how quick they can adapt themselves to necessary circumstances. Miss Kate Lewis, of Dallas, is visiting Miss Katie Carpenter. Poultry yards yes they are here -six of them, Just getting into bus iness. Some order the little chicks one-day old, some incubate them by the old hen method, one has an in cubator. They do say "he chicks." 'TIs real interesting to hear the dis cussions of the desirable qualities of the various breeds, Politics? Who are the Republi cans going to put upT Will they be good men? A Kiss for Every Day in the Week," from "The Runaways," by Mr. Charlie Gray and Misses Nancy Watson, Lucy Boyce, Ruth Boyce, Louie Fry, Lois Torrence and Essie Lindsay. Comical Quartette, ? ? ?. Fan Drill. The choruses are made up of the following young ladies and gentle men: Misses Ruth and Lucy Boyce, Nancy and Lillian Watson, Hazeline and Susie Love, Mary Gordon Fry, Janie Morris, Margaret Morris, Lil lian S to vail, Jennie Stedman Culp, Loie Long, Mrs. Grier Love, Nellie Rose Sloan, Louie Fry, Lowry Shu ford, Willie Bell Early, Marie Har din, Wilma Long, Lavinia Hunter, Pauline Fayssoux. Blossom Fays 8oux, Nell McAllister, Essie Lindsay, Lois Torrence, Myrtle Gray, Alice Boyden, and Messrs. Fred Wetzell, W. R. Her, Sam Shuford, Charlie Gray, Luther Hampton, Lawrence Jones, Grover Page, Charlie Costner, G. L. Frazler and Tollie Little. Mrs. Fred D. Barkley, accompanist. The price of admission to the en tertainment will be 25 cents, and the proceeds of the evening will go to aid in paying off an out-standing indebtedness on the rectory of St Mark's Episcopal church. Since her marriage in February Miss Moore, or Mrs. Capps, has been here and, though the fact of her en gagement to Mr. Capps was known, it was not dreamed that the mar riage ceremony had already actually taken place. Gave Officer the Dodge. John Blackwood, the young man su spec ted of having made an at tempt to assault Miss Carrie Bell on her father's farm near Bessemer City last Thursday afternoon and who was hunted by a posse Thurs day afternoon and night, was ar rested at Waco, about twelve miles from Bessemer City Friday after noon by Policeman John Hoard The latter phoned to Bessemer City and an officer started at once for Waco to bring the vounz man back but before he arrived Blackwood had upon her by tne8e pePle which have come to light In Gas- home of Mrs. J. C. Latham on South tonia within the past year ln which Marietta street. The guests were lives have been blighted in one way greeted at the door by Mrs. J. K. or another by the baneful influence Dixon and the cards received by llt- of these near-religious montebanks. tIe Ml8S Myrtle Warren. The guests The girl who was taken to Dal- were then shown Into the reception las Jail yesterday afternoon is the room by Mrs. W. J. Clifford and one who, on the night of May 18th, were presented to the receiving as chronicled ln The Gazette of May line, which consisted of Mrs. Sif- 20th, gathered a large number of ford, Mrs. J. C. Latham, Mrs. Eliza- people at her home on the supposl- beth Caldwell Wilson, Mrs. L.' L. tlon that she was to be married that Hardin and Mrs. D. E. McConnelL' night to a certain young man ln the The guests were then ushered Into community. He failed to show up the dining room by Miss Zoe La- and on investigation it was found tham, where delicious refreshments that he knew nothing whatever of were served by the following ladiea: the matter and her only explanation Mrs. Robert C. Warren, Mrs. W. F. was contained ln the declaration that Michael, Mrs. J. Y. Miller, Miss Ell "the Lord told me we were to be Rankin and Miss lda Pursley From married tonight." It was found the dining room the guests were then that she was laboring under a conducted to the punch room by mental cloud and since that time she Mrs. B. T. Morris. Here Mrs. J. W. has grown steadily worse until lt Moore, of Spencer Mountain, and was found necessary to place her In Misses Salenah Latham and Mamie confinement. It is asserted positive- Cabiness served delicious punch. ly by those In a position to know The rooms were most tastefully and that she was an attendant at the beautifully decorated for the occae servlces of the "unknown tongue" ,on w"h roses and sweet peas. Dur! people and her insanity 1b directly lnS the afternoon Miss Lillian At traceable to the Influences exerted k,ns rendered several violin and pi " ano selections and Miss Evelyn Pyle, Cherryville Chat. Correspondence of The Gazette. CHERRYVILLE. May 28. Dr, Will Petree, of Llncolnton, was In town yesterday on business.- Mr. P. S. McGinnis, of Kings Mountain, is ln town today. The Cherryville Hardware Company Is having a glass front put In Its building. This adds much ; to the' appearance of the structure. A goodly number of the Baptists of this place are attending a singing convention at Ross Grove church, near Shelby today. Miss Ellen Houser went to Shelby today, where she will spend ' a few days among friends. Miss Pearl Jones. of High Shoals, Is here on a visit to homefoiks. The Cherryville Meth odists were . well represented at the quarterly conference held at Beulah church, of Waco, today. Miss An nie Lee Craft returned home yester day from Newton, where she has been visiting friends. Quite a good i Notices of New Ads. Morris Brothers Say that their big bankrupt sale has aroused more interest than Halley's. comet. J. M. Belk Co. Have a lot of new wash dress goods and suits priced very low. Brawley Clothing Co. Offers Its entire stock of new and up-to-date clothing at actual cost. -esj a Going to the Northwest. Mr. William M. -FronebergeTf and daughter. Miss Wanda, of Bessemer City, are here spending a few days with relatives and friends. They ex pect to leave Thursday for Everltt, Wash., where they will spend some time with Mr. Froneberger's daugh ter, Mrs. R. H. Carroll, They are going on a prospecting tour and it Is probable that they may decide to re main permanently in the northwest. Senator Ben R. Tillman, of South Carolina, U In an Atlanta hospital, suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism. crowd of Cherryvilleites were at Long Shoals plcnicing and fishing Monday. Mrs. Callle Beam . and Miss Lucy McGinnis are spending the week with friends at Maiden. Miss Ophelia; Wilson retained home from Statesvllle this week. escaped from his captor. From the best information obtainable it seems that Hoard took Blackwood to his house to keep him till the Bessemer officer arrived. Leaving his prisoner on the porch Hoard stepped into the hall to get his coat and when he re turned a moment later his prize was hotfooting it down the road. It is understood, also. At present the "unknown tongae people are holding services in the neighborhood of the Clara and Dunn Mills. CHAMP CLARK'S CHALLENGE. (Editorial In The New York World of May 23, 1910). It is a fair challenge that Champ that Blackwood I Clark, the Democratic leader of the acknowledged to Heard that he was I House, flings at Mr. Taft. Toe the man wanted. So far vonnsr I President has admitted in his Blackwood has succeeded in evading I speeches that the tariff on woolen his pursuers, though it is believed goods should be reduced. Very that he is still some where ln that I well, says the leader of the mlnorl section of the county and that his I ty; send a special message to Coa- arrest is just a matter of time. I ffress .demanding a reduction in the woolen schedule, and if Chairman Sunday School Rally Day at Loray I Payne will report the bill the Demo Baptist Church. (Omitted from Friday's Gazette.) On the 22nd Inst, we had a rally day in our Sunday school. Each class gave as much aa they felt able to do except those who forgot the special offering that was to be made on this day. Class No. 1. G. W. Nance, teacher, . contribution, $3.00. Class No. 2. C. L. Chandler, teacher, contribution, $1.72. Class No. 3. W. V. West, teach er, contribution, $1.64. ? ! Class No. 4. Mias Arrte Bowen. Class No. 5. L. J. Waldrop lfaW i. 'Tk. K .BLII.1L . , . .. .. I " - -- " 'U40- leacner, coninouuon, rtaAVu.r.t AA . T.I. i r f-i... xr tit ... """"" - e - v. . a. uu, wacn- , th Conf1.r.. , .. . .-41 .1.- mm mw I - . Class No. 7. Miss Essie Gayles, I Tn it r,tr (MphtiT tvtntrfhntlnn 41 ': I ... - . ,i . . ... . . . Claas No. . W. H. Nolen. (Ba- WU1 ine ore" W raca) teacher, contribution. SC. 00. I tem l Loray prk Thursday, Claaa No. 9. Miss Bessie Gaines, I Friday and Saturday ( this week. teacher, contribution. .25. J tne games to e called at 4 o'clock. Claa. ioi - . ror" CIty U said to. be a mm a vstUtyirCUf crats will offer no amendments. That is a fair proposition. It dis poses of the plea that the excesses of the Payne-Aldrlch bill cannot be corrected without opening up the whole question of tariff revision again'. The woolen schedule which Mr. Taft himself refuses to defend can be revised downward without touching another rate in the Tariff act. If Mr. Taft Is wise he will accept Mr. Clark's challenge and help give the American people cheaper cloth ing at once. teacher, contribution, .50. R. G. SHORT, Supt strong one and the levers of dia mond sport have the promise of see ing three' good games. ot Charlotte, who is the guest of Miss Willie Jenkins, gave several delightful recitations. Sermon on Sabbath Observance. "Remember the Sabbath day,' to; keep It holy. Six days shalt thoa , labor, and do all thy work: but tie seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy thy gates: for ln six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the seaVand all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore . the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hal lowed It." (Exodus 20.) Taking; the above, the fourth commandment as his text Rev. R. C. Anderson, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, preached a vigorous : aer- - mon on "Sabbath Observance" to si large congregation Sunday morning. He denounced Sabbath-breaking as . one of the most far-reaching sins of the present age. Among the things.' which ere responsible for this great and growing evil tne speaker dwelt especially on the Sunday', newspa per, which, he declared to be pro- , ductlve of great evil. The Gazette, will present the full text of Mr. An- derson's sermon in 'an early issue. .Officers Elected.: : , At the regular meeting of Gas.4 tonia Lodge No. 18 8, 10. O. F last, Thursday night, the following . of- fleers were elected for the term be- ginning July 1st: Marshall Dilllng N. O , B. H. Craig. V. O, E. D. At- kins, recording secretary, J. E. 1Io- - Alllfter, financial secretary, C JL Nolen, treasurer. . ' : .V-

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