. . T Ape gthe BY CLIFFORD V. GREGORY le irees CLARK 8CORE3 TARIFF. Minority Leader la Congress Show I'p the Payae-Aldrich Monstrosity "in All Ita Maana--tflrung Ari ganient Against , the Administra tion. . j , ' ' i ':' By Clyde H. Tavenner Washington Correspondent of The Gazette. WASHINGTON, May 13. The Payne-Aldrlch-Smoot Urlff revision was upward! It was upward by ap proximately 1.71 per cent! It has already resulted In increased prices all alonr the line! Thus did Champ Clark of MIsjou- rl, leader of the Democratic In the House of Representatlrea, thunder his reply to the speeches of Presi dent Taft and other Republican lenders who hare attempted to feed the public on the assertion that the Payne-Aldrich bill "'was the beat tariff bill" ever passed. Mr. Clark's speech had been care fully prepared. It was a complete and effective answer to the countless less bald misrepresentations that have been manufactured by the Re publicans, who are desperately In need of campaign material of any sort for use In the approaching Con gressional elections. The minority leader , denounced the proposed appropriation of $250,- 000 of the people's money for the purpose of enabling the Republi cans to gather data with which to prove that the new tariff law is a God-send to the country. He denounced the joker In the sugar schedule. He deplored a condition which permits the steel trust and other monopolies to sell their manufactured products cheap er to foreigners than to Americans. In short, -Mr. Clark's speech will go down as one of the great Democrat ic keynotes of this session of Con gress. "It is true," admitted Mr. Clark, "that we reduced the duty on lum ber, and that the lumber trust mark ed up the price of lumber $1 per thousand feet before the last of us got out of Washington; and if the department of justice had done its duty it would by this time have 'fill ed the jails bo full of lumber tru3t Balllnger,; , said Kerby,"was can celled 1 absolutely when, by his si lence he became a party to an at tempt , to smother the . truth.", , By jrakli.fi hie :posuretJ Krby w probably treacherous to Balllnger and Balllnger' plan ' for turning over Alaska coal land to the Morgan-Guggenheim syndicate. But it I difficult to see how he waa treach erous to the public in whose serv ice he wai employed. "The new tariff classifications In the cotton" schedule," say Senator Dolllver, Republican, ' "operate to Increase dutfes very materially on most cotton cloth used for women's and children' summer wear, and on all mercerised cottons, figured cur tain and upholstery goods, etc. In fact, the Aldrlch revision of this schedule was one of the most dar ingly inqultous features of the new tariff. The production of agricul tural implement I largely in the hands of a trust, and the trifling re duction of 5 per cent on these pro ducts was merely for the purpose of attempting to fool the farming community." In his speech on the tariff Champ Clark, of Missouri, declared that If President Taft bad vetoed the Payne-Aldrlch-Smoot bill, he could have written hie name among the country's greatest benefactors. "But he let the golden opportunity go by unimproved," added the mi nority leader, "and it will never re turn to him as long as the grass grows or water runs." nrr ivies ifiieiral rciianoiisc Yoa will find everything la general merchandise line tore. And the price are right. at to! yoa are not now a customer of mind give me a trial. . v vr' : - " - CWckena,' eggs and country pre! dace wanted; highest market price! paid for same. , Phone 211-3. D. B. Hanna OZARK MILLS. Saves an Iowa Man's Life. The very grave seemed to yawn before Robert Madsen, of West Bur lington, Iowa, when, after seven weeks in the hospital, rour of the best physicians gave him up. Then was shown the marvelous curative power of Electric Bittera. For, after eight months of frightful suffering from liver trouble and yellow Jaun dice, getting no help from other rem edies or doctors, five bottles of this matchless medicine completely cured him. Its positively guaranteed for Stomach, Liver or Kidney troubles and never disappoints. Only 50c at all drug stores. R. P. D. ENVELOPES. . I'eople living on rural free dell ery route should use return envel opes; It la safer and Insures return of your letter If addressee don get them. We have them printed for every route In Gaston county good quality :of envelope, the kind you pay 10 cent per package of 25 for at the stores blank. Only SO rent per 100. Mail order receive prompt attention. Use them once, you'll keep It up. Gazette Publishing Company, No. 236 Main avenue, Gas tonia, N. C. NOTICE A Delightfully Fresh and Clean Story of Simple Life. A Tale of the Farm and College Of Young Men and Girls . . . Read this Romance and Learn How the Apple Bios soms Were Exchanged for Orange Blossoms Begins In The Gazette Friday, June 3rd Watch For It CARD OF THAXKH. I take this method to thank all my friends and supporters in Gas ton county who so loyally came to my aid in Saturday's primary. While failing to secure the nomination for sheriff my defeat is made easy by the realization of the fact that I have In the county such a large num ber of loyal friends. W. N. DAVIH. J7-3c. GRAXD EXCUKSIOX TO JOHX HON CITY, TEXX., JUNE 8TH, VIA SEABOARD AIR LIXE AXI) C. V. & O. RAILWAYS. The Seaboard Air Line will oper ate a grand excursion to Johnson Crty, Tenn., and return going June n leaving cnariotte at 8 a. m., re turning leaving Johnson City noon, June 9th, stopping at Uneka Springs me hour en route home. This ex cursion will be run under the aus pices or the Dilworth Methodist Sunday School, and will be first class. It will be under the personal supervision of Mr. James Ker, Jr., Traveling Passenger Agent. Re served seat tickets are now on sale at Woodall & Sheppards Drug Store; and Seaboard City Office; out of town people can get tickets by writ lag to the undersigned, rate round trip is only 13.00; persons buying reserved seat tickets on or before Juae 4th will not be charged any extra.' after June 4th reserved aeats will be 60 cents additional. Obser vation car will be attached to train at Boetlc. 'Get your tickets early as we want to know howmany cars to provide for the crowd. Special ho tel rales at Johnson City for jthe ex-, earsionifltsv: Additional information win be gladly furnished by the com saittew or ; -JAMES KER, JR.. T. P. A. Seaboard. - Charlotte. N. C. Outwitting the Enemy. When General Cornwallla march ed on Yorktown to besiege It, Mrs. Nelson, the governor's wife, with her young children, fled to the up per country. Her carriage driver, Jimmy Ridout, had his horses shod at night with the shoes reversed, so that if they were followed their pur suers might be misled. When love Is practised and reveal ed, strife Is done away; when truth Is practised and revealed, the foun dations of enmity and division are destroyed. Men contend with one another for victory; they strive to subdue other cults In order that their own may predominate; but the wise man conquers by not contend ing; he strives to put away self In order that Truth may dominate; he puts away strife-and enmity, and exercises the spirit of love. Shall Women Vote? If they did, millions would vote Dr. King's New Lire fills the true remedy for Women. For banishing dull, fagged feelings, backache colds, imparting appetite and toning ip the system, they're unequalled. Lasy, safe, aure. 25c at all drug s Cures. RAILWAY WANTED The Government Pays Railway Mall Clerks $860 to i 1,200. and Other Employees up to $200 Annually. Uncle Sam will hold spring' exam inations throughout the country for Railway Mall Clerks, CustomjHous fitesographers,.. Bookkeepers, pirtmental. Clerks and other Gov ernment Positions: Thousands of as polntments will fce inade Any man or woman over It. la City or Conn try can get Instruction and free in formation bjr writing ai once to the Barean of Instruction! IS M Hamlla Building, Rochester, N. T. Lowell Locals. LOWELL, May 30. Miss Laura Featherston gave a pound party Friday night to her friends In hon or of her guest, Miss Allie Craven, of Cabarrus county. Dainty re freshments were served in the din ing room. Mss Edith Robinson visited Miss Melva Gulllck in Belmont last week. Mrs. C. C. Corriwell and Mrs. Loy Cornwell, of Dallas, were the guests of Mrs. Frank Robinson Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lay . visited friends In Charlotte last week. Mr. Howard Campbell, of Bethel, was the guest of Mrs. Mary Camp bell Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Nipper were Dallas visitors Friday. Mr. D. G. Hilton, of Charlotte, and Mr. Vance Hasty, of Marshville, who have been In school at West minster, stopped over here Satur day. Rev. and Mrs. M. D. Hlx were Gastonia Tlsltors Friday. Mr. J.W. Groves was a' business 'visitor to Gastonia Frlday.-Mr. C. A. Clif ford, .of Winston-Salem, was In town Friday on business. Mr. T. P. Rankin and daughter, Roberta,1 and Miss Mabel Leonhfcrdt were Gasto nia ahoppere:,FrIday. Mr. J.'C. Mayes, of Charlotte, was In town Frlday.-i-xfeasrs. dlaud Itman. (Jar- net ; Cox. George fclx and' Charter I n,n 'rV Gaston attended afparty ' 'at ' Mr. I ?relrlck H. Kerby, the young Pink ' Stowe's ' Friday w ight. &r. I k'krioV. flepartibent 1 stenographer. and 'Mrs. -J.-M. tfasion Vere Gastdi I wno dismissed because he 4 kd nia shoppers Friday. Mr. . 0.-" C. mima thMOscfcf Lwler,-4n -ap- Leonbardt has accepted a position TP01"19 of:ilBger had practically as telegraph operator 'at 'Kings ,?Uvted- ftMaat fiTaft's letter ex- Mouataln. .'v.'f l- -.-rU-Ai fill onratlng Balllnger, , was the , sol Rer. R. A. t Miller conducted ih V&Kyt'Ut,iit9 mI UU. funeral services pf .Mrs. Annie Moa- hAa"Vbrlted fiard and Vonscien- gomery at Mttlberry. Friday. . ttovMf -for-flt yeargl to reaca -the Mias Sallle Bell Fordr of Llncoia. 1 Vrf'onja occupied when dlimlsa- magnates that their arms and legs would stick out at the windows and the doors. "Mr. Payne, the Republican lead er, says that he and his cohorts will meet us In November. Glory be! glory be! I never looked forward to any day with such joy as I do to the first Tuesday after the first Mon day of November except to my wed ding day and the days on which my children were born. "My Democratic brethren, at last after hard trials and great tribula tions, thank God we stand here shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, solid as a stone wall, Inspired by the hopes of coming victory. Demo crat are getting together every where, while the Republican party presents to the astonished gaze of men the appearance of a dissolving view. "Oh, yes, my Republican friends, you will meet us in November, be cause you cannot help yourselves; aiid when you do meet us In Novem ber you will receive the bloodiest licking you have had Blnce 1892. 'Up, guards, and at them!'" Although the colossal sum of $5, 000,300 Is carried hy the sundry civil' appropriation bill for the main tenance of soldiers' homes, the Re publicans are forcing the old sold iers of the nation to subsist on from 11 to 14 cents cents worth of food per aay. An inspector or tne war depafment reported that the food in the soldiers' homes was no more in quantity than that supplied to prisoners In the federal penitentlar ies. An Idea of the wasteful ineth ods employed In conducting the homes 'may be had from the fact that although the cost of ' maintenance more than doubled in the 10 years between 1898 and 1908, the num her "of soldiers cared for had In creased but 7 per cent. ' "Let your Imagination spread this outlay of 14 cent over a day's " food supply, suggested Representative Cox, of Ohio, "and you " nave "kn accurate picture ' of how the nation's heroes are being fed. Observe the evening meal, and you will' appreciate what It waa that moved Inspector Brews ter t6 pity, and lnaplred -hi recom uHsuuiiiuu Mu mere -oe at least a bowl ot milk added to the scant er- Mr. George D. Huss, superin tendent of the John Manufacturing Company, Kings Mountain, and Mr. J. M. Rhodes, of the Rhodes Manu facturing Company, Lincolnton, were in the city Saturday. For Your Ice Phone 281 Ice and Ice Coupon Books Strictly Cash DriVers will have a supply of books. Positively No Credit Will Promote Beauty. Women desiring beauty get won derful help from Bucklen's Arnica salve, it banishes pimples, skin For further information phone 281 emotions, sores ana Dolls.. It makes tne skin soft and velvety. It glorifies the face. Cures sore eyes, cold sores, cracked Hps, chapped hands. Best ! for burns, scalds, fever sores, cuts, Druises and piles. 25c at all drug stores. Gastonia Ice : n ; & Coal Go. Sermon to the Juniors. The Gazette is requested to state that Rev. J. L. Shlnn, of Dallas, will preach a special sermon to Belmont Council No. 231, Junior Order Uni ted American Mechanics, Belmont, next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at the Baptist church. All are cor dially Invited to hear him. The members of the council will assem ble in the council chamber at 10 o'clock and go to the church in a body. DIRE DISTRESS. Joa, .Jf yfttttog'Wr aunt;' VrV&a8 1 MW osltivs he would be "tonMK Ernest Ford Via.. I discharged If h tii hi.' .f, vlaltdr.1 Boyd were Masr. f wujusm me - matter over carafniw - "d Pw0 of Mayeswortk, I for several weeks. "I eondnded that In town Satura.v I ... . . ... It Is Near at Hand to Hundreds of Gastonia Readers. Don't neglect an aching back. Backache Is the kidney's cry for help. Neglect hurrying to their aid - Means that urinary troubles fol low quickly. s Dire distress, diabetes, Bright's disease. Profit by a Gastonia citizen's ex perlence. Mill W. H. Rlnehart, 93 Loray House, ' Oaatbnta,' N. C; says: have no Hesitation in giving my name as - an endorser of Dnan'a 'KMum Pills, for I consider them to be the best kidney remedy on the market. Fbr-years I was the Tlctlm of kid ney trouble and the misery I endur ed from pains in' my back would al- almost be Impossible to describe tried many remedies and 'treatments but nothing gate tae'Dermanent . l.ef until i I procured Doan's Kidney PUIs rat the A1erliethy4Shlelds Drua vo. They strenathfenetl inV 'Mnr. t onoe and aksed! the . backache to disappear. " r si : ,i. 'I t;i;, For sale bv Avim. u Fuc4er4Qibm Co Baffalo, Kew Terk molm tjmiti tt k vr.Ma iiemeaaber the Important Word to Advertisers We wish' to remind advertis- ers that copy for change of ad vertisements In The Gazette must be in this office not later than 8 a. m. on Tuesdays sad Fridays in order to be sure of insertion in the papers of those days. Otherwise we cannot In sure insertion. When it comes ' In later than this 'it is impossi ble to give it the proper atten tion if it can be handled at all. 'Advertisers who get' their copy in by noon on Mondays and Thursdays will secure better dis plays and more satisfactory ser vice in every way - as we will then have more- time, to devote to them.. It la as much to the advertiser's Interest as It Is to ours to have a neat, well-jdls-played,, 'correct advertisement and 'to this end we ask "your operation by getting copy iatar :Iy ind giving tjs aufflclent time In v which to -properiir handle tt. New tmsiness 'wIH,:;6f course, fce handled a well as possible aad e3te as possible before go ing to press. .in - ' l f Penny: column 'advertisements can he handled as-late as 1p.m. . on Tsesdaya and Fridays, ' 7 ..-These regulations. are 'neces sary, because or thaconaUntly in creasiBg. demand on.Jhe Ga- . sette'g advertising department. ; Mr. Advertiser: ! ". Help .'is to give you the best possible result by giving us plenty, of time on copy. t f i . -GASTOXU PRODUCE MARKET. " Fry . i .v- . : -H. r. SOo v Hens ......a4e JJggs .... .vlOa Batter,. ...V. .....' .te Onions '.....o........YS.aa ts Peas...... ..... ...ins rlkh Potatoes .'. . , 9 ",. 1 . . g sweef Potatoes Cabbage ..... Cdaatry hams . .--....,.. .15. I , any allegiance I may hare owed Mr. and taka other. . ...... r..TIS Country Shoulder ..IS-1-Jo

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