THE C ill PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, SINGLE COPY 8 CENTS. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the Coast. 91.60 A YEAR IN ADVANGB. VOL. ' XXXI. GA8TONIA, N. C. TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1010. NO. 44. OVER GASTON OUNTY. JIBS. DORA L. I1UFTMAJT DEAD. highly Eateemed Mount Holly Lady Expires Suddenly from Heart ;s Failure Many People Coming ."' and GolngT'; : . , Correspondence of The Gazette. - MOUNT HOLLY, June 1. Mrs. Dora , Luts Huffman, whose Illness " v&a reported In our last communl- ' cation, died very suddenly on last .: ,v Friday, and was burled the day fol towing at Orace Reformed church, ' tiear Newton. A ahort service was -f conducted by Rev. W. J. Boger from v. her home Just before the burial par- ty left for Newton. Mrs.' Huffman was the wife of Mr. Robert Huff" y man, and was a native of " Catawba : county, but had resided at this place ,7 for a number of years. She was the mother of three children, two ions - and a daughter. These, together with her husband and several sis ' ters and brothers, are left to mourn , their Irreparable Mrs. Huffman was a very large woman, weighing at her death about 280 pounds. " Heart failure was the Immediate . cause of her death. She was a mem ber of the Lutheran church, and V was a faithful and devout follower of Christ. Peace De to her ashes, and when the Savior comes may she i be a bright gem In that beautiful casket of love. Mrs. Turner Johnson spent a day In Charlotte this week shopping. mIrr Bess Grlce Is spending the week In Newton,- attending the com mencement of Catawba College, and visiting friends and acquaintances ' Miss Ida Rankin, one of our pop ular graded school teachers, has re turned from a short Btay with her sister, Mrs. C. E. McLean, in South Point. The Presbyterian manse has been briehtened by the visit of a little ' stranger. Rev. Mr. Cathey Is wear 1 ing a broad smile. He says that the little gentleman Is taking vigorous exercise in vocal culture at unsea " sonable hours of the night. Mrs. Labe Smith, of Gastonia, is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. James F. Dunn, and Mr. Wll liam Dunn, of Mecklenburg county , Is also spending a few days with hia brother, Mr. James F. Dunn. Mr, Rufus Jenkins, our affable postmas ter, is confined at his home this week on the sick list. Mrs. John W. Patterson left "last Wednesday for Reldsville, where she goes as a delegate to the Woman's Foreign Missionary Conference which con venes at that place. While away she contemplates spending a few days on a visit to friends and rela tives In Greensboro. Mr. Robert W. Dunn, popular rural mail car- rler, route two, spent his holiday in Charlotte last Monday on business and Incidentally took in the ball came. Air. w. N. Cavin, the ac commodating rural route carrier on . No. 1, represented Mount Holly at the Rural Letter Carriers' Assoc! ation which convened 1 in Stanley List Monday. The children and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Howard, gathered at their cottage home . on Depot street last Sunday to spend the day in' family pleasant associa tion In honor of Fred, who recently returned from the State University at Chapel Hill and who was to leave Monday for Northwestern Missouri as a representative of the Home Ed . ucatlonal Company, of Concord. Mr.- Luther Bynum, who met with the serious accident of fracturing his hip a few days ago, is getting . along nicely. He has been receiv ing the very best of care and medi cal attention under Dr.. Rhyne; be- . aides his many friends have - been " uniformly kind and attentive. Miss Eula Cotton, of Guilford Col lege, Greensboro, Is expected on a visit Saturday to the Misses Mary ' and ; Eva Bowles. Mrs. -' Frank Helms, who has been suffering quite -, a while with a bad arm, the effect of blood poison, has1 sufflcientlyrecov- , ered to be carried to her mothers, near Monbo, Catawba county," -t The contractor Mr. J. Lee Fisher, with his faithful force of workmen. Is rapidly pushing forward to com- . pletion the home of Mr. and Mrs. Turner Johnson; ' Their beautiful cottage home has , been thoroughly remodeled and transformed Into a splendid modern two-story building with mansard roof, gothic windows, broad porch extending full length of front and around south end, where appears a spacious bay win dow. The interior Is beautiiully ar ranged for comfort and convenience When ""completed Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will be In possession of one of the prettiest homes In our town No more guessing now when two hearts shall be made one. The fol lowing invitation is a revealer of what was anxiously looked for: Mrs. Minnie M. , Lents requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter, i - Maude . to Mr. Joseph 'Bascom Henson on Wednesday evening, June the fifteenth one thousand nine hundred and ten at half-past eight o'clock Lutheran Church Mount Holly, North Carolina. At the Methodist church next Sunday morning, June 6th, a pro gram for Children's Home Day will be rendered by primary classes of the Sunday school under the man agement of Miss Ada Dunn, one of the best and most inspiring prima ry class teachers in our connection The program will consist of songs, responsive readings, recitations, concert recitals, etc. The program promises to be entertaining as well as edifying. The occasion Is in the interest of Children's Home at Win ston-Salem. Chief of Police John W. Patter son ran down to Charlotte Wednes day on business and returned in the afternoon. "Pat," as he is famil iarly known about town, has been on the sick list for several days, but we are glad to see him able to be on duty again. MRS. J. H. KITCHEN DEAD. Sister of Mrs. E. O. Webb, of Dal las. Dies at Horseshoe After Very Brief Illness Hnlda Burgess Ta ken to Asylum The Advocate Makes Its Appearance. Correspondence of The Gazette. DALLAS, June 2. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Webb received a message Sun day morning announcing the death of Mrs. Webb's sister, Mrs. J. H. Kitchen, which cccured after an ill ness of only a few hours at Horse shoe, Saturday, May 28th. They left on train No. 11, but failed to reach there In time for the, funeral which was held from the Baptist church at 2 p. m., as the message sent by Mr. Webb that they were going for some reason was not de livered. Mrs. Kitchen, prior to marriage, was Miss Dora Galloway and is survived by her husband and one child, Walton, age one year, fa ther and mother, five brothers and four sisters. Rev. J. R. Owens, pas tor of Brevard church, conducted the funeral services. Mrs. Kitchen has hosts of friends who will learn with regret of her death. She was a lovely Christian character and will be greatly missed by her loved ones and friends. We are especially sor ry for the aged father and mother. Mrs. Webb's many friends sympa thize with her in the loss of this sis ter. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mason, of Sal isbury, spent Sunday In Dallas vis iting relatives. They returned to Salisbury on No. 36 Monday. Mr J. G. Carpenter is In Gastonia today on business. Mr. Evon L. Houser published the first issue of The Dallas Advocate today. Mr. E. L. Sandifer, deputy sheriff, took Hulda Burgess, a young white woman of Gastonia, to the State In sane Asylum at Morganton. This young woman went insane on the subject of religion called "the un known tongue." This is a most pit- able case and should be an example to others who are in the habit of at tending these so-called religious services. Most of our young people have returned from the different colleges where they have been for the past year. We are gjad ' to see them back. : Miss Corrlnne Puett was In Durham Miss Anna Puett at Daven port College, Lenoir; Miss . Callie and Mr. Clarence Rhodes at Lenoirn College, . Hickory; MrT Laurence Rhyne at Lenoir College, Hickory, and Mr. George B. Mason at Chapel Hiii. . . . vV-. , " : , : Fayetteville papers say an effort will be made to hare the next Leg islature establish a new county out of Cumberland, with Raeford as the county seat. Hoke la the name pro posed. . : Mivrintiip nikinitrTrn Gaatonla Druggests . Entertain Doc tors With Delightful Affair . in Commercial Hub I looms Ban quet Served In Crown Cafe Oc casion First of It Kind Here and Tends to Promote Good Fellow ship Jletween Members of .Three Professions. The three D's. doctors, dentists and druggist held sway in Gas tonia Wednesday night. The occas inn wan a. banauet tendered the physicians and dentists of the coun ty by the Gastonia druggists, viz: Adams Drue Company, Abernethy- Shlalda brua- Company, J. H. Kenne dy & Co., Frost Torrence & Co. and the Loray Drug Company. Invita firms had been issued a week or more previous and while a few were unavoidably detained, there was a large attendance, there being 29 seated at the banauet table. The druggists, through their chairman, Mr. J. H. Kennedy, spared no pains in providing lavishly for the enter tainment and delectation of their guests and it proved to be all that could possibly have been anticipated either by guests or . hosts. The hours were from 9 to 12. Assembling in the parlors of the club room at 9 o'clock the guests spent an hour most pleasantly in so cial intercourse. At 10 they re paired to the dining room of the Crown Cafe on North Marietta street where Mr. S. S. Morris, the proprie tor, had provided a delicious repast, the following menu being served: MENU American Fruit National 01ive3 Pickles Carolina Trout, Cream Sauce Sliced Tomatoes Cold Ham Potato Salad Gastonia Ox Tongue Gaston Spring Chicken, Fried Sweet Peas Coffee Ice Tea Cigars The printed menu cards contain ed, besides the bill of fare, a num ber of appropriate toasts. Following an invocation by Dr. C. E. Adams, Mr. Frost Torrence, of Frost Torrence & Co., who occupied the seat at the head of the table as toastmaster, started the ball rolling and, as the repast progressed, a num ber of speeches were made. Mr. J. H. Kennedy, of J. H. Kennedy & Co., chairman of the druggists' commit tee, delivered the address of wel come. He spoke as ronows: Gentlemen: I have the pleasure of represent ing my fellow druggists of Gastonia in delivering our word of welcome to our guests of honor, the medi cal fraternity of Gaston county, the dental fraternity of Gastonia. We extend to each of you a most hearty and cordial welcome. We re member most pleasantly the ban quet the medical fraternity of Gas ton. gave in November, 1908, at the Falls House. We also remember that we were guests of honor on that occasion. We have often thought that we would like to return that honor and courtesy, but not until to night have we been able to consum mate our desires. " I trust that each of us will enjoy true fraternal fel lowship with the others here to night, and may it be truly said that it was good for us to thus meet and mingle on such an occasion. This "get together event" should result in friendly co-operation and more confidence in our fellows. For the most part each one of us has his own work to do, but there are times when we need you and you need us. Let's be true to ourselves and true to our fellows. We are all servants 'one of another, as for ex ample, the manufacturers are serv ants to the wholesaler and the whole sale' to the . retail druggists, and the retail druggists to the physicians and the physicians .to the patients, and in all we should be kindly pa tient . ' ' To the youth life is a dream, but to us it is the real thing. None of ns ever rises above his highest ideals. This is said to be a young man's era and our presence proves It. . I honor our old men and may we so live that the young men of to morrow will honor us for the right - I am proud of our triune frater nity - of Gaston county, the three D's. the doctors, the dentists and the druggists. - Let'a always rememeer that we are the custodians of the health of our fellow men. Let's protect them from the great' evil of habit-forming drugs. Let's be true men and true to our profession. May it always be said that our tri une fraternity represented here to night Is always for the best and highest in morals. Let's work to our mutual advantage, and that will be for the good of all. May we steadfastly stand for high morals, Sabbath observance, law and order, right against wrong, good fellow ship, speaking well and not ill of each other. Let us be fellow men. And now with this, I close: "A health to you, A wealth to you, And the best that life can give to you. May Fortune still be kind to you, And Happiness be true to you, And Life be long and good to you, Is the tpast of all your friend3 to you." Quite a number of impromptu speeches followed, among the speak ers being Dr. D. E. McConnell, who responded cn behalf of the dentists; Dr. G. R. Patrick, president of the Gaston County Medical Society, on behalf or the physicians; and Drs. C. E. Adams, D. A. Garrison, R. M. Reid, H. F. Glenn, A. Stovall, L. N. Glenn. S. A. Wilklns, H. M. Eddle nian, P. R. Falls, J. M. Sloan, 0. G. Falls, L. N. Patrick and others. The tenor of all the responses was the expression of a desire for a closer fellowship and completely harmon ious feeling of friendship and inter dependence between the members of the three professions represented. Several of the speakers dealt with the subject of habit-forming drugs, the extent to which their use ex tends and the best means of pre venting its growth. A variety of opinions, plans and theories were advanced and the discussion of this Important topic will no doubt result In good. Those who dwelt especial ly on this topic were Drs. Garrison H. F. Glenn, L. N. Glenn, R. M Reid, and S. A. Wilklns. In his address of welcome Mr Kennedy, adverting to the fact that during his connection with the drug business in Gastonia covering a period of twenty-four years, stated that this was the first time in the history of the town that the drug gists had played hosts to the physic ians and dentists and expressed the hope that this was but the first of a series of annual events of a similar nature that would prevail through out future years. From the interest shown by the banqueters last night and the evident enjoyment that all managed to extract from the hour or two of' mixing and mingling togeth er, it Is easy to understand that the physicians, druggists and dentists all agreed with him in this matter. Those present were: Drs. H. M Eddleman, C. E. Adams, L. N. Pat rick, H. F. Glenn, J. M. Sloan, D. A Garrison, R. M. Reid, L. N. Glenn, A. Stovall, D. E. McConnell, 3. F. Glenn, P. R. Falls, T. A. Wilklns, W, H. Hoffman, Frank Anders and J. E. Anthony, of Gastonia: Messrs. J. H. Kennedy, Frost Torrence, J, Lean Adams, J. T. Abernethy, and Norman Morrow, druggists, and W. D. Beam, of The Gazette, Gastonia; Dr. G. R. Patrick, Lowell, Route one; Dr. M. C. Hunter, Stanley; Dr J. A. Anderson, Lowesvllle; Dr. S A. Wilklns, Dallas, Dr. R. H. Gar- ren, Bessemer City; Dr. 0. G. Falls, Kings Mountain; T. H. Royster, Bes semer City. rne pnysicians wno were una voidably detained for one cause or another and hence unable to be present were: Drs. F. G. Wilson, W. E. Lindsay and Mc. G. Anders, of Gastonia; W. W. Davis, N. A. Orr, and P. B. Hall, of Belmont; J. W. Reid and Frank Robinson, of Lowell; Dr. C. J. McCombs, of Stanley; T. M. McCoy and R,. E. Rhyne, of Mt. Holly; J. H. Jenkins. of Dallas; L. G. sinlth, of Iron Sta tion; B. R. Hunter, of Kings Moun tain; R. D. Holt, of High Shoals; T. N. Dulin, of Clover; B. F. Falls, W. H. Houser and A. W. Howell, of Cherryvllle; C. E. McLean, of Bel mont; G. W. Taylor, of McAdenvllle, To Durham by Auto. Mrs. J. H. Separk, Mrs. Fred D. Barkley and Messrs. Charles and George Gray left Thursday morning in the Gray's auto for Concord. Mr. Separk and Mrs. Barkley will visit Misses : Grace - and Maude Brown there while the Messrs. Gray will motor to Durham where they will at tend the commencement exercises' at Trinity College.- They expect to be absent several days. FIFTEENTH COMMENCEMENT. Due West Female College Close An nual Session June Fourth to Eighth Clasa Roll Numbers Sev enteen The Program. The Gazette acknowledges with thanks the receipt of a handsomely engraved Invitation to the com mencement exercises of Due West Female College, reading as follows: The Faculty and Senior Class of the Woman's College request the honour If your presence at their Fifteenth Commencement Exercises June fourth to eighth nineteen hundred and ten Due West, South Carolina Following is the program: Saturday, June 4, 4:00 p. Cfass Day Exercises. oi. Sabbath, June 5, 11:00 a. m., Bac calaureate Sermon, Rev. George E. Guille, Augusta, Ga. Monday, June 6, 3:00 p. m., Al uninae meeting; 5:00 to 6:30 p. m., Annual Art Exhibition. Tuesday, June 7, 8:00 p. m., An nual Concert. Wednesday, June 8, 10:00 a. m. Graduating Exercises; Literary Ad dress, Mr. Lewis W. Parker, Green ville, S. C. The class roll is as follows: A. B. Degree: Rebecca Addison, Due West, S. C; Marilla Brooks, Due West, S. C; Ola Brown, New berry, S. C; Nenie Caldwell, Winns boro, S. C. ; Bunnie Kennedy, Troy, S. C; Janie Devue Sheffield, Fay etteville, Tenn.; Pearle Hill Ward- law, Due West, S. C; Flora Lois Young, Due West, S. C. B. S. Degree: Minna Mae Macau lay, Due West. S. C. Certificates: Martha Bethea Cheatham, Louisville, Ga.; Lois Ruth Falls, Pottsville, Ark.; Lucy Jane Sinclair, Pottsville, Ark.; Mar garet Rose Sinclair, Pottsville, Ark Voice: Gertrude L. Brownlee, Due West, S. C; I. Eva Clinkscales, Due West, S. C; Julia E. Wren, Wrens, Ga. Piano: Jennie Margaret McGee, Due West, S. C. Stanley Picnic July 1st. The annual picnic and old sol diers' reunion at Stanley will be held this year on Friday, July 1st. This date is a little earlier than us ual and was chosen for the reason that it is thought a better attend ance can be obtained before the fourth of July celebrations and oth er occasions of the kind begin. All the veterans In the county are cor dially Invited to be present and the occasion will very likely be one of the most largely attended held in the county. Efforts are now being made to secure some speaker of na tional fame for the occasion and an nouncement of the definite pro gram will be made later. Concert to be Repeated. So great was the success of the concert' given by Gastonia local tal ent at the school auditorium Wed nesday night that it will be repeat ed to-morrow (Saturday) night, in the Gastonia Opera House. This Is being done at the request of a num ber who witnessed the performance Wednesday night and of others who failed to attend and who wish to have an opportunity of enjoying this novel entertainment. All those who took part Wednesday night have kindly agreed to perform again. The price of admission will be 25 and 35 cents, children ' 15 cents. Doors will be open at 8:30, perform ance begins at 9. A full rehearsal will be held In the opera house Sat urday morning at 10:30 o'clock.' Walking Over National Highway. B. F. OPearse, the Atlanta man who is walking over the national high way, stopped in Gastonia Tuesday night on his way to Charlotte. Mf. Pearse walked the national highway from New Tork to Atlanta in six weeks and is now "hiking It" hack again. He gets the postmark at each pbstofflce as he passes through the towns. His walking attire la a suit of engineer's overalls. Mr. Pearse says that the highway b tween Kings Mountain and Gastonia is in good condition. He also says that the entire road from Atlanta to Gastonia la In good condition for the coming race which begins at At lanta on June 6th. SOCIAL AFFAIRS. At her home In Dallas yesterday Mrs. S. A. Wilklns entertained the members of the U. C. Club most de lightfully. There were twelve guests, who went over on the morn ing train and spent a most pleasant and enjoyable day, returning in the afternoon. . ' ; At her home on East Third are- nue Mrs. W. F. Michael was hostess ' Wednesday .afternoon from four to six to the members of the S. and O. Club and a lafge number ot icvlted guests. Upon arrival of the guests frappe was served by Miss Laura Page. A most delightful afternoon was spent in the pleasant game' of , trail, and at the conclusion of the game a delicious Ice course '1 was served. At her home on Chester Street Tuesday afternoon Mrs. A. M. Dix on gave a beautifully appointed course luncheon in honor of Mrs. O. Max Gardner, of Shelby, who has been the guest of Mrs. J. K. Dixon. Besides the guest of honor the fol lowing were Mrs. Dixon's guests: Mrs. Fred Smyre, Mrs. W. L. Bal this, Mrs. Henry Cleveland, Mrs. J. K. Dixon, Mrs. R. A. Love, Miss El len Blair Harvie and Miss Susie Hoffman. The decorations were nasturtiums. Mrs. J. ID. Moore, Jr., was hostess to the Tuesday afternoon Club and a number of invited guests at her home on West Airline avenue thla week. Besides the club members there were present the following' guests: Mrs. L. L. Hardin, Miss Mamie Chreitzberg, Mrs. Fred p. Barkley, Mrs. Samuel Farrabee, of Charlotte, Miss Mary Hlldebrand, Mrs. H. B. Moore, Mrs. J. C. Moore and Mrs. J. T. Abernethy. The af fair was a garden party, the guests being entertained delightfully on the shaded lawn. The game of forty-two was played and refreshments consisting of a salad course and cake and cream was served. ThU was the last meeting of the club un til fall. - FORESTE CITY WON. By a Brilliant Ninth-Inning Rally the Forest City Boys Tied the Score on Gastonia Winning Ron Made in the Eleventh. By a score of 6 to 4 Forest City defeated Gastonia in the first of a series of three games at Loray park yesterday afternoon. Up to the be ginning of the ninth inning the score stood 4 to 1 in favor of Loray. In this inning Forest City by making: , four hits, coupled with a base on balls and an error, scored three runs, tying the score. There was no more scoring until the eleventh, inning when Forest City made two runs. The features of the gama were the one-hand catch of Clarey of the Loray team and the hitting of Poag for Forest City, who secured four hits out of five times up. ,.,. Batteries: Loray VanPelt and Bumgardner; Forest City Clark: and Gaines. Hits: Forest City. 14: Loray, 8. . , The second game Is being played - this afternoon and third is schedul ed for to-morrow afternoon. ; . Want More Time. '.-' It is understood that the Pied mont Traction Company wiir ask the' city council, at that body's regular meeting Tuesday night, June 14th. for ah extension of the time limit on its franchise. As originally granted the franchise requires that this con cern,, have trolley, cars running by July 1st, 1910. Up to the present time the only- actual work done baa been the grading of Franklin avenue) between Tork and Broad streets, a distance of four blocks. It is stated that the company's request for more time is based on the allegation that it , has not yet been , able to close deals for all the rights-of-way be tween Gastonia and Mount Holly. Mrs. Bynum Long ; continue " quite ill, and was taken Tuesday enlng to the City Hospital. . t 'Dr. and Mrs D. A. Garrison ex' pect to go to housekeeping next week in one of the Craig cottages on Dal las street They are sow living at! the Falls House.- - r ' : -:- : As ; anti-Government riot took place In Chang-Chow, China. Jan 1st. as s result of the price of rica advancing 60 per cent