1 ....... -- ... a v. "flM .M ........... ,vv A ! i ! PUBLISHED TWICI2 A WIXXTUESDAYS AXD FTJDAYS. EIXGLE COPY 8 CENTS. Devoted to the Protection Hon tad the himu ol the Ooutf, .'; .'.- $UU A YEAR IN ADVAJTC3.- . ' . GA8TONIA. N. C. FRIDAY, JUNK 10, 1910. VOL. XXXL NO. 43. . . . i , . '..-( , i . ' OYER GASTON OtOTY.; ; ' Iloiint Holly Hatters. Correpondenc of The Gazette. . MOUNT HOLLY,., June.l,Mrt, iTandA Mirlett and ' little aoa re turned last Saturday from an extend ed Tlalt to her parenta at Baxapahaw Alamnnce "county. N. C. ' Mlas Ella ' Browie. lira. Marletfa aUter, came . with her to" ipend the eummer. Mlsa Catherine Weiterbaker, Hutch lnaon k' Datenport'a milliner, for the - aprlnf aeaaon,, haa returned o" her ', home. In. Baltimore. : .: The postponement ; of the Chlltt' - ren'a Home Pay program, was due to Mhe continuous downpour- of rain ' The manasera, Mlsaea Adapun and . Ida Ranxm, are arranging - io carir out the program next Sunday at the . i Methodist church Immediately after. 4 Sunday tchool.rMr,' Albert McCoy : and son. Springs, father and. brother ot Dr, T, M. McCoy, of Huntemille, ' ' are spending a few days on a. Visit to Dr. and Mrs. McCoy. ; Rer. J. "A. Bowles, pastor of the Methodist church, ' attended f MIs- alonary Institute at 'LIncolnton this week and made an address on-Frl "lay night .He began a protracted meeting , at Tuckaseege Saturday ' f night to continue a week or, more.; ' ServlceVonly'at night. ( Our people turned out In masses to trttnaM:ty;'eiraraBof'mtUtaiit ' automobillBts dash ,f through . our to,wn last Tuesday, v Main street was ' lined from one end to the otherwlth urldus spectators and their , curios ity was fully gratified ar the dusty, grimey, f goggled-eyed tourists dash ed through. It was a julet, well be- ' haved set of ' men and women; ; but ' we could scarcely suppress a feeling of commiseration for the partici pants.! . , - The school board for our graded . school has made the pleasing an nouncement of the faculty for the V next term as follows? v Prof. 4 J. .B. Henson, principal and teacher ot the ninth and tenth'grades: Mrs. Lou D - Henderson, the serenth and eighth ,sradea; Miss- Fay Davenport, the ' fifth . And sixth erades: Miss Jean .' Henderson, the third and -fourth rrjuifl: MisB Sarah Rutledge, the second grade, and Miss Ida Rankin, the. first grade. ; Prof Henson has aucceaafqlly I conducted our eauca' . tlona.1 interests lor the past three 4 .' yeaxa-and his re-election gives gen ' ral satisfaction. Mrs. ton Hender- ' son and Miss Ida Rankin have been , ' members of the faculty for a, num ber of terms and their re-election !vea uniform satisfaction and de light to both patrons and citizens. Misses' Davenport, Henderson and Rutledge ' are new ' members of the faculty, nut they have been thorough- j .ly prepared for-the responsible po , sltions to which they - have been as signed, at the State Normal College ,;.And It is a source of much satlsfac tlon that we have "home talent" so well . Qualified as these . young la- dies.; In fact out; faculty is made up " of home talent wjth the exception of the principal, and now since Hennas 4 Achieved the supreme Joy of . winning the hand 'r of .'one of -bur fairest daughters, we claim him as ours. Misses Miry and Eva Bowles 'gave ' a -delightful reception Thursday ev- , enlng from 8 to 1 1 at their ' home in honor of their bouse guest, Miss Bu- - la Coltes, of ' Guilford College. Greensboro. .; The Misses Bowles met their guests at the door with gracious cordiality, and.. In the parlor - they , were; greeted by. Misses Eula'Colten and Bess Grice and Mrs. Dr. McCoy. , Progressive baseball afforded . the . amusement , of the evening, ' dur ' lng, which chocolate fudge was serv ed. -, Vocal solos v and instrumental music were rendered during the ev--' enlng ' by .Irs. Dr. McCoy and Miss ' Eula Colten. Refreshments were7 ' served by the young ladies." The oc "caslon proved to be one ' of great pleasure to all present, , .h. Dallas Dots. Correspondence of The Gazette. DALLAS, June J .The Lutherans are preparing to place a farnace In their .church. The church in other respects la modern and np-te-date. .Prof. S. A. Wolfe is packing up his householdgoods and Intends moving ' to Concord la the near future. . He ias a home there near completion. This family will be greatly xmtased In our town. - ' Mrs. Ed Kirfcley aad children, of Kershaw, 8. are the guesU of their aunt, Mrs. Laura Sasser. Miss Willie 'v McLean'; and :;Mr,;, George Kicks, of Gastonla, are working in the printing office for Mr Houser. Little Iris Hotfman la sick with fe ver., We hope she will soon recover. -Mr. and Mrs.. F. H. Robinson re turned from Ashe villa t this . week, where they have been to' attend the Shrlner's meeting. Mr. O. B. Car penter, of Stanley, was, a business visitor in town Monday.- 'Mr. von L. Houser returned from Wilming ton today,' where he baa been to at tend the State Press Association. Mr. James Archer, of Mount Holly, was in town Jlonday. Mrs. . J. F. Anthony, of the Pisgah neighbor hood, is visiting Mrs. E. L.; Wilson and Mrs.r 8. Tk .WHson. Mr. E. L. Wilson was a Charlotte visitor yes terday. Mr. A; Q. : Kale, of High Shoals, .was In town Monday. Mrs. F. O. Davis and children are visiting relatives in Stanley. i NEWS FROM ROUTE TWO. ? r;; Correspondence of The Gazette. GAST0X1A, R, F, D. t, June Mrs. John Hoffman has been quite indisposed the past few days. Miss Euphemla Robinson, of Lowell,' vis ited her sister, Mrs. Will Falres, Sat urday ' night and Sunday. Mlss'es Mltn and Madaline Falres visited Misses Anna and Ernest Mitchell Saturday. The Woman's Betterment Association was delightfully enter talned by Mrs. Jt, Lee Falls Satur day evening. . Refreshments In two courses were served. Mrs. ' Parks Huffatetler spent one day last week with Mrs. C. P. Robinson. The Farmers Union of Tanyard had an ice cream feast Saturday ev ening which was enjoyed by all.- The little children of , Mr. Charles Falres have been right sick but are somewhat better at presents Rev, John Hall , visited his church people of this section last week. Mlsa Bes sie ' Robinson, r of Charlotte, will spend ' from Saturday till Monday with homefolks. Mrs. D. P. Hoff man 'wasa Gastonia shopper Tuea- day.-r-The farmers are right busy harvesting their wheat and oats. The Woman's Missionary Society of Olney' church wilt meet with Mrs, Raymond Robinson Saturday even ing. The remains of Mr. George W. Abernethy were laid to rest Tuesday afternoon at Bethesda church. . Games lor ' Next Week. The Loray team, which Is playing at Forest City " and -Rutherfordton this week, will hive six games on the home field next week. , The Univer sity of South Carolina team will play here Monday,' Tuesday and Wednes day, and "the Rutherfordton : team Thursday, Friday and ; Saturday. Both these are strong teams ' and next week promlsea to furnish prob ably the best games of the season so far. . ,' 'V'-r-V'Mi- 8MJTH-OLSON. Popular Pastor of Ozark Methodist Church Married to Miss Caroline ; M. Olson' at Roanoke, Van Tues day Night. : As announced . in Tuesday's Ga zette Rev. Harry C. Smith, pastor of Ozark, Methodist church at thia place, left Monday morning for Roanoke, Va. on the Vpleasant mission of claiming as .his bride Miss Caroline M. Olson. A dispatch from Roanoke dated June 7th, gives the following account of the culmination of an in teresting romance: ...: "A - romance which had Its be ginning in a church revival (a Gas tonla, N. C, many , months ago, cul minated tonight In the marriage of. Rev, Iarry Cleveland Smith, pastor of the Ozark M. E. Church, South,. at Gastonla, and Miss ' Caroline . M. Olson, a traveling evangelist, who for the pasi six years has been conduct ing revival meetings throughout the South and ' middle West .The mar riage took place at the First Metho dist church' and the ceremony was performed by Rev. John C. Pattie, pastor of the church, and a brother-in-law of the bride. Many months ago the bride conducted revival for Rev.' Mr. Smith In Gastonla and it was at that time tESt the romance which culminated in their- marriage tonight started." Rev and Mrs., Smith are expected to return to Gastonla' In about two weeks.. .-.'" . ; - Weather Forecast: Showers Fri day and probafblr Saturday; moder ate aouth winda. V . i;: UBRARY ASS0OAT10N.i;; Annual MeeUng , Held Thursday ' Nl&ht, June 2nd Ubrarian's An- . nual Report Blakrs Good Showing i for the Year's Work Some Inter. ' estlng Statistics. ' ' .'r ' ' ' ' i': The regular annual meeting of the Gastonla Library Association was hetd la the association's reading room st 8 o'clock p. m., June 2nd, 1910. ' . ;.---;'; ";' 'J--: "After the. meeting bad been duly called to order. Rev, J. C. Galjoway was nominated and elected to pre side as chairman of the meeting and E. B. Brlttaln was duly .elected sec retary of said meeting. VYT1. Upon request of the chalrmaa, Dr. D.' E.'v McConnell, treasurer, aub- mltted his annual report, which was duly approved, and ordered 'spread on the minutes of this meeting. ' Upon -request," Mia Blake,' librar ian, submitted ;. her annual report which was approved ' and ordered spread on the minutes of this meet 'ing. -' : ' V- -: ' v Upon motion, -Rev. J. C. Galloway was authorized to appoint, a - com mittee to nominate three members of the association te serve as direc tors for the ensuing period of three years; said directors to be elected to succeed Rev. R. C. Anderson, Mr. J F, Love and Rev. J. C. Galloway, whose terms have just expired. 'This committee consisting of Mr. J." H. Separk, Mr. A. G Mangum and Rev. W. H. Reddish, in making its report, stated that It could not unanimously agree upon three men and submitted six Instead. l " Upon ballot by meeting, Rer. J. C. Galloway, Rev. John Hall and Mr. S. A. Roblnsoa were elected to serve as directors for the ensuing period of three' years. '' '; Rev. J. C. Galloway, as a member, of the committee appointed to con fer with the board of trustees of the Y.. M. C. A. with reference to trans ferring the. property of the Gastonia Library Association to the Y. M. C. A., reported that the proposition of the Gastonia ' Library Association had - been rejected.- Upon motion, this report was adopted and ordered spread on the minutes of this meet ing, and the committee discharged. k Upon motion, the directors of this association were' directed to again meet with the trustees of the Y. M. C. A. and take steps looking toward the establishment of a free public library. Upon motion, these minrute were approved. . No other business being presented for action, adjournment was voted. . E. B. BRITTIAN, Secretary. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. To the Board of Directors, Gastonla, Library Association, "Gastonla, N. C. Gentlemen: I have the -honor to aubmlt the fifth annual report of the Gastonia Library Association for the year end ing April 80, 1910. On May 1, 1910, the library con tained 9(1 . volumes. ' During the year 53 volumes were added by pur chase, 18 by gift, increasing the number , of . volumes accessioned to date, to 1032. In February, 1910, 24 magazines .(18 monthlies and 6 weeklies) . were 'purchased for the year 1910. CIRCULATING DEPARTMENT. The library was open to the pub lie 809 days during the year, 1 Num ber of volumes issued, 3,004. Num ber of members at the close of the year, 139. ' ',. ' ... ' GIFTS. The library received a donation of 815 from the Daughters of the Con federacy for the yearly use of the reading' , room for their monthly meetings.' :M . "-f In November,' 1 9 0 9 , a .donation of $42 was given by fifteen of the busi ness men of Gastonla . for 4 the pur chase of a set of books. "The South in the Building of the Nation.'; : : In February, "1910, $38.75 .was raised by canvass by the Library Committee of the Betterment Asso ciation . to purchase periodicals ; for the library for the year 1910. ' In October, 1909, Rev. W. H. Har din gave to the library a set of books on Character Building by O. S.-'Mar den. ' . ' - STATISTICS FOR I 2 MONTHS. , Members May 1, 1909 T. . . . .125 New members ...vii 20 .;i--;.; ; -. ' Withdrawn from Library .- . , I - Total May 1, 1910 , ...;;ll39 CUNE5TA!.1EY. ! . Marriage of Popular Young Coaple Solemnised at; David's' Chapel , Lutheran Church, ' Near Belwood,' ,r Yeserdr Afternoosu ' , ' ...X ' At four o'clock .j yesterday after noon at David's Chapel Lutheran chutch, near Belwood, Mr: D. Au gustus CUne, of Gastonla and Miss Elolse Stamey daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Stamey, were united In marriage in the presence of a large assembly of admiring friends. . The church was beautifully decor ated for the occasion in cut flowers, potted plants, ferns, etc.;-and the bridal party entered to the strains of Mendelssohn's . Wedding March played by Miss Corrie Honeycutt. The ushers, Messrs. Claud and Thomas Stamey, brother and cousin of the bride, respectively, ; entered, first. Following them came Miss Emma Cline and Mr. Dathla Elliott, a cousin of the groom, ,. The . bride entered accompanied, .by her sister. Miss Mary Lou Stamey, as maid of honor, while the groom was attend ed by Mr. John H. Rankin, of Gas tonia, as best man. Bride' and groom met at the altar, where the 'solemn words of the wedding ceremony were most Impressively . pronounced by Rev. M. 11 Pence, , the bride's pastor. The bride wore a costume of white chiffon over- silk and carried white' carnations, while the : brides maids were also dressed In white and carried pink carnations.; y Immediately after the ceremony the hrldal party drove to the home of the groom's father, Mr. A, H Cline, where a sumptuous' wedding supper was served. Besides Mr John R. Rankin, who was best man. Mrs. W. J. Clifford and Miss Annie Clifford attended the wedding from Gastonla. Mr. and Mrs. Cline: will spend the remainder of the week with relatives in Cleveland county and will be at home after the first of 'next week at the Allgood House. Miss Bennle W. Atkins Is ex pected to return to Gastonla tomor row night from Barboursvllle, W. Va.,' where she has been director of the department of music in ' Morris- Harvey College during the past ses sion.'';" ; The GreenBbor Dally News of yesterday carried the following item "Mr, T. B. Brown, who has been with Belk Bros, company for the past 15 years, has arrived in the city' from Gastonia and will lmmedl ately assume the management of the local Store of that firm. Mr. Brown has purchased the Interest of B. p, Matthews, who has acted as mana ger since D. R. Harry sold out, and who will return to Charlotte tomor row. Mr. Brown has had considera ble experience in the mercantile bus iness and is fully competent to take charge of the store, which will be changed to the firm name of Brown- Belk Bros, company." Total enrollment for 6 years.. 226 (This Includes free membership cards given to the teachers of. the graded school by permission of the Library Board.) CIRCULATION OF" BOOKS. 000 Magazines ............. 679 200 Religion 13 300 Sociology 21 600 -Natural Science ...... ...t 8 800 'Literature 28 900 History .' .v......; 22 B Biography 114 J Juvenile ....484 F Fiction ....1.746 Total May 1909-1910 ......3,004 Total May, 1905-1908 ......3,740 Total May, 1906-1907 V. . ,. .3,098 Total May, 1907-1908 .....3.545 Total May, 1908-1909 ......3,123 The number of books circulated each month is shown by the follow ing table:, :-,Ui- 'jf-'-y--.'.- i'i-i-1 1909. ' V:i:x:l:U May,,;.;.; ZS7 June: '.;. V'.V.'iVii,.!' 220 .'. July , . . iV v.i iV. ilZTs 361 August . ;"i ; 807 September ; . . . . . . . 268 October ...i.. , . 318 November i .', . 229 December 162 1910. ji; vt-; v.. .- '?-;; ' January . t .... . . ,. 35 6 February 149 March .... . ,".V. . 207 April 207 Total . . ". ...V. . 3,004 Respectfully tubmitted. . - LOTTIE E. BLAKE, - '" . ' ' . ', , ' Librarian." CODNTY BUSINESS.; Complete Proceedings ; of Monthly : Meeting of County Commissioners .Held Monday In' Dalli List of Accounts Audited and Paid. The board of county commission ers met in .regular session at Dal las Monday, June 6th', with John F. Leeper, .'chairman,' presiding ' and transacted business as follows: 1 The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.', ', ' W. .H, Rhyne was released of the responsibility of keeping up ;,the bridge on the Yorkvllle road near Chapel church; ; ...,.-,vv-;. . :-T.. ' The boundarya of the Lucia and Mount Holly special school, districts were ordered placed on the minutes and description of same attached to original petition. P. S. Ballard, of Mount Holly, was released from paying poll tax on ac count of physical infirmities. .... Ella Moon was declared a pauper and allowed $10 per quarter with J. R. Carson, agent. Tom Cobb was declared a pauper and alio, wed $10 per quarter for one quarter only with Wiley Carroll, agent. The survey of the road from Bes semer City to Kings Mountain as made by S. T. Stowe, engineer, was accepted and approved. The report of Superintendent T. L. Ware on the Hardin road was ac cepted and approved and he was di rected to make repairs as suggested in report. Rachel Hoyle and Lizzie Murrlll were continued as outside paupers at $4 per quarter with J. Jenkins, agent. The monthly report of T, E. Shu ford, sheriff, was accepted,- approv ed and recorded. ' The monthly report of Superin tendent of Roads T. L. Ware was ac cepted and approved. An adjourned ... session of ' the board will be held June lfth, at which time the contract win be let for building a bridge over Long Creek between Bessemer City and Cherryville. ' . . .The following accounts were sub mitted 'and ordered paid: W. S. Qulbn, conveying lunatic to Morganton, $12.25. S. J. Gaston, work on roads, South Point township, $94.03. ; ' M. A. Rhynet work on roads, Gas tonla township, $87.39. C. C. Cornwell, stationery, lunatic expense, etc., $84.20. Gazette Publishing Co., stationery, .;iii; 1 A,-p.- Myers, two days service on auditing committee, $6. ; J.' QE.""Cloninger, work on roads. River Bend township, $40.65. P. J. Maxwell, work on roads, Dal las township, $29.50. A. J,' Smith, services as clerk to board,; $20.00.- . C. C Kiser, work on roads, Crow der Mountain township,' $109.r2. ; 'W. Meek Adams, warrants and ex pense; arresting Hulda Burgess, Joe Costner and John Davis, lunatics 38.20 , J ..;,;; o 'Dr. L N. Glenn, salary for May, smallpox expense and examination of lunatics, $132.66. " V J. R. . Rhyne, work on roads. River Bend township, $121.86. V , -' E. 8. Costner, work on roads,,, Dal las township, $50.75. ) f ti r-v C C, Cornwell, expenses of court, May term, $384.72. " . Tnif - T. E. Shuford, jail fees for May, $237.05. . I. S. Murray, work ojv roads. Cherryville township, $17.39. A, V, Summey, work on roads. Dallas. Township, $37.21. -' Brax Bost, smallpox guard, $36.- 25. ;Cv:- ; ;;' '; : -.- ' ; ; , W. H. Crawford, wToirk on roads, Gastonla township, $30.62. S. S.. Ratchford, work on roads. Dallas township, $83.05. : ,'T." L. Ware,' atone for LInwood College road. $685.55. " - '; K T. L. Ware," stone for Cherryville Bessemer City road,3700.33. , .- C. C. Craig, "'sals,-; for May and expenses county nome, $169.88. 'Houston . Hoover, work on roads, River Bend township, $103.25.' T, 1L Ware, expense N. G. Todd's grading force. Spencer Mountain road; $111.03. T .J'-V ' Lowell Mercantile' Co., smallpox expense, $11.20. -: ' W. W.-Bennett, coffin 'for pauper. W. G. Rhyne, rock for Mount Hol- ly-Rhyne road, $17.50." . T. L.4. Ware, chalngang exiense. .Personals aad Localx-r Mr. anS Mrs. T. L. Craig are spending the day In Charlotte. ; ' : Miss Marie Hutchings, of Ox- , ford, is the guest of Mrs. D. A. Gar-" rlson at her home on Dallas street. Mr. W. C. Barber, of McAden ' vllle, was a business visitor in Gas tonla yesterday.- .-, .; ; . Mrs. T. L. Ware and children.' of Mount Holly, arrived In Gastonla this morning on. a visit to lit, anH .. Mrs. J.. White Ware.' '';' Miss Margaret Hodges returned thla morning to her home in Dan- . . vllle, Va., after spending some time. ,. in Gastonla visiting Miss Susie Love and Miss Hallle Torrence. ' ', ' , . ' Miss Blanche ' Gray returned . Tuesday night from Lynchburg, Va,. where she has been- a sfudent dur ing the past session at Randolph-Macon Woman's College. 1 " Dr.'O. J. Houser, of Cherryville. , a graduate optician, announces ; ha . this issue of The Gazette that hs will be in Gastonia on Wednesday. June 22nd, one day only, at the Falls House. ' -Messrs. J. H. Kennedy, J. Lean Adams, Frank Costner, J. T. Abernn- ' thy and Norman Morrow represent ed the various drug firms at Char , lotte yesterday at the Druggists'. As- -soclatlon. , , Rev, J. C. Galloway returned. '", Wednesday night from Due West, S.' t C, where he attended the commence- . ment exercises ; of Ersklne College and the College for Women. At the ; latter he delivered an address on v Wednesday. ' !-' , Mr. A. W. Parham, an expert piano tuner, who is making his ' headquarters for the present at A. J. Klrby t, Co's.. music store, haa : something to . say in an advertise ment In this issue about his work and his qualifications. . Mr. Evon L. Houser, editor ot s The Dallas AdvdcaTe, returned yes-s terday morning from Wrightsville. where he spent two days in attend- ;, ance upon the sessions of the North Carolina Press ;s Association. Mr, Houser reports that there is a good attendance of the State 'editors, who , are having quite a pleasant and -profitable time but that the Atmos phere at the coast Is decldely chilly. camp No. 1, $1,127.55, , , , T. L. Ware,' chalngang expense, camp No. 2, $937.23. , , 1 R. O. Fordham, supplies for jail. $3.76. ; ' Mayes . Manufacturing Co., small pox expense, $85. 4L , v - t Q. W. Waring, estimate of work done on court , house and jail, $5,- D. F. Harrison, expense bringlnc prisoners to Dallas from Charlotte, 7- ';;;,',.'- . R. A. Ratchford, part pay for lum ber for Armstrong-Ford bridge $500.;';.:' L. H. Kiser, work on roads, Cher-v; ryrille township, $25.75. . yk IT. J. ; Elliott, work on roads. Crowders Mountain township, $27. 91, ; . J." F. Abernethy, work on roada : River Bend township, $27.85. , ' J. R. Carson, work on roads Crowders Mountain township, $37. 67. 1 . 1 W. H. Abernethy, work on roads. " River Bend township, $29.25. . S. S. Harrelson, work on roads,. Cherryville township. $25.42. ; Long Brothers, sewer pipe , for roads, $282.61. i " ;.." , . i ; W. R. Harrison, work on roads South Point township, $34.8?. - V A. R, Anders, services as commla- -sioner to date, $13.60. . v L .v J. C. Puett, .services as commis sioner to date, $15. f i T. L. Ware, salary for May, $95. t Jacob Jenkins, services as commis sioner to date, $18.60. . 1 ' v. J W, Kendrick, services as com missioner to date, $26.40. " i J. F." Leeper, services as commla- ; sioner to date, $22.25. . - O. G. Falls, services as conunls- ' sioner to date, $17.60. - J. M.: Shuford, salary Tor May. $100.- ;. s ' , . E. Hope Adams) .work on roads. Gastonla township, $71.05. - - ' E. H. Adams, note and Interest. $156.47. 5 : -(.. . i -'. ' S. T. Stowe) services as engineer. $89.59. : ' ' : - " W. R. Crouse, work, on xoada. Cherryville township, $89.30. E. L. Saadlfer, , conveying Joe Costner to Merganton. $14.90. ' - v j i .'i A. ' '

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