FAGS BIGIIT THE GAST0X1A GAZETTE TUESDAT, JUNE 14, 181 C . 1 fl " " . .-'.Tr". T"".,v r If you have not yet 'gotten your share of these matchless' values .'we : are glad to say that your WMt3;crui':.l( -be supplied in all of these at half price: . DressVXibodsycies arid Embroideries, white' Goods,' &rcztza& Hosiery, UndemeaisShi BidAe;3rpucw' save jiist half oil hundreds of r ; V other articles not mentioned here for want of space. - ':''-r''''' ';1 ; ! - ' "r-i . WORM BRO IEKS Dept - Store-'" A Man's Worth is better estimated bv the little thinjrs he does than the larjre ones. Larsre affairs brin popular applause. Lit tle ones are in themselves the only reward. You may not know the scrupulous, exactness and carefulness that has to be exercised In Filling Prescriptions but when you give the medicine to the patient and see him rally, recover, and then resume his daily duties, that is the time you realize that half the battle was in ( Rood dnitfs, put up by a good druggist, giving a service KNOWN : BY : RESULTS Abernethy - Shields Drug Company McAdenville Hatters. The Gastonia Gazette. FRIDAY, Jl'XE 10, 1910. Recital by Miss Atkins' Pupils. The violin and piano pupils of Miss Lillian Atkins' classes will give a public recital in the auditorium of the Central school Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The public is invited to attend. could not hold down the heavy hit ting of the Bell's Park team and the tables were turned in the ninth. W. Price, as usual, got his three-bagger. Batteries: Bell's Park Rhyne and Price; Lowell Leonhardt and Robinson. More Teachers Chosen. At a meeting of the board of city school commissioners yesterday af ternoon four more teachers were elected, thus completing the faculty for next year. They were Miss Has sie Lee Ponder, of Mars Hill; Mias Mabel Graeber, of Concord; Miss Julia Bell Brown, of Marion, S. C, and Miss J. Marie Craig, of Lancas ter, S. C. Prof. J. B. Warren, the principal, has not yet signified his acceptance of re-election to his po sition, the board having given him till June 20th to give an answer. Ft Is believed that he will accept. His many friends here hope so at least. Hell's Park Defeats Lowel! Again. By a score of 11 to 9 Bell's Park on Saturday took the third straight game from Lowell. In the eighth In ning the score stood 8 to 6 in favor of Lowell. The Lowellites, however, The town of Seattle, Wash., was swept last Friday,, the 10th, by a disastrous fire, causing a loss of 1, 000,000. The police receipts for Charlotte for the fiscal year which ended May 31, show an increase of between 35 and 40 per cent, or J3.437.41. President Taft Saturday commut ed the sentence of Arthur Ipock who was convicted last October In court at Newbern for illicit distill ing, from 18 months In prison to one year. This action was taken because the man has old persons depending upon him for support and by mis fortune on the family. More than 200 census enumera tors In Kentucky have formed them selves Into Census Enumerators Un ion No. 1, with a view of making complaint to the United States gov ernment about the additional work they have had to do in April and the delay in payment of their salaries. The American delegates to the fourth International Conference of American Republics will sail from Xew York to Buenos Ayres Wednes day the 15th. Correspondence of The Gasette. McADENVILLE, June IS. ReT, R. S. Howie attended the reunion of the class of '95 at Trinity College, Durham, last week. Mrs. J. W. Jenkins, of Plneville, waj a visitor here last week. Messrs. J.' L. Web ber and O. L. Webb went on the ex cursion to Johnson Clt last week. Miss Corrllla Winkler, of Hickory, Is visiting at the home of Prof, and Mrs. J. L. Webb. Among those who went on the excursion from here to Charleston were Messrs. George and Hugh Cavin, Walker and George In gle, Grady Rumfelt, Fronle Brachel, Guy and Press Brittain and Henry Fisher. Mrs. R. F. Ezzell. of Char lotte was a McAdenville visitor Wed nesday. Mr. Geek Tate, of Rocking ham was a pleasant visitor here Thursday. Mrs. J. H. Wags taft was a Gastonia shopper Thursday. Mrs. Bessie Marshall, of Emporia, Va., spent last week here. Mr. L. L. Todd, of Gastonia, . was a business visitor here Thursday. Mrs. F. C. Lynch is spending this week with relatives at Barber Junction. Mr and Mrs. Gus Webb spent last week at Dallas and Gastonia with rela tives. 'Mr. J. M. Branch, of the Lo rav Mill. Gastonia. spent Sunday here with old friends. Mr. Branch was for ten years in the service of the McAdenville-Lowell Railroad, nmitpd. Mr. Robert Mayer, of Charlotte, was in town Friday. Mrs. William Mauney, visited relatives in Belmont last week. Misses Cather ine and Mamie Ray were Gastonia shoppers Friday. Rev. W. L. C Killian, of Gastonia was in town Thursday. Dr. G. W. Taylor re- received a message Friday conveying the sad intelligence of the death of his brother at North Wilkesboro. He left immediately to be present at the funeral. Mr. I. W. Shields was in Charlotte Saturday. Mrs. J.' H. Walters and children, of Gastonia, spent Sunday here. The Junior Or der and the Daughters of Liberty gave a public entertainment Satur day evening at 8 o'clock. Refresh ments were served, such as ice cream, cakes and other dainties. In cluding the members of the orders and the visitors there were about three hundred present. After the refreshments were served, interest ing speeches were made and thanks returned to the orders by Rev. R. S. Howie, and Prof. J. L. Webb. The farmers are beginning to harvest their wheat and cotton is looking fairly well. STATE NORMAL" COLLEGE. We desire to call attention' tb 'the advertisement of the State Normal and Industrial College which appears in this issue. Every year -shows a steady growth In this .Institution de voted to the higher education of the women ft North Carolina. ' The college last year had a total enrollment of 993 students. Nine ty of the ninety-eight counties of the State had representatives In the stu dent body. .. Nine-tenths of all the graduates of this lnstltulon have taught or are now teaching In the schools of North Carolina. The dormitories are furnished by the State and board is provided at actual cost. Two hundred appoint ments to the dormitories, apportion ed among the several counties ac cording to school population, will be awarded to applicants about the mid die of July. Students who wish to attend this institution next year should nake application as early as possible, as the capacity of the dor mitorles is limited. '.-Dr. Charles A. Dickey, .one of the best known Presbyterian clergymen of the United States, died at the Pres byterian hospital, in Philadelphia Friday. , ' It Is expected that Attorney-Gen-eral WIckerham will instruct his assistant, William S. Kenyon, to file salt In the United States Circuit Court against the Chicago stock yards for alleged rebating on freight rates. '' Dr.' Ferrell, assistant secretary of the State board of health and. having In hand the work of the; eradication of the hookworm in North Carolina under the direction of the Rockefel ler Sanitation Commission, says that he has now positively Identified the existence of the hookworm in eighty six counties of the State. Send lis Your Flat Work to Launder-- : ' 1 r,,,,i, -';-,, , ,-,, '! ( ': Wbyi,-8fi? lon with your laundry' iundle each, week, all the big, heavy-, flat -pieces from your family washing thA counterpanes, sheets, pillow cases, ' table cloths, napkins, fowels, handkerchiefs, etc We will wash and iron these piec es and deliver them to you all readyf ror use for only a trifle, t ,1 This service saves you all of the hardest, biggest and most bother- j some part of , your weeks .washing J and ironing and we . wash the i clothes cleaner and iron them bet-r ter than you would too. Tii of k;.ji. l . uuuuio mem up ior our" driver. 27. GRAND EXCURSION SPRUCE PINE AND RETURN JUNE 21ST OVER S. A. L. AND CLINCH FIELD ROUTE II E N E F IT THOMPSON ORPHANAGE GUILD The ladies of the Thompson Or phanage Guild will operate an eur- sion Charlotte to Spruce Pine, N. C, and return Tuesday June 21st pick ing up passengers at an stations up to Shelby. This is a grand oppotunity to see the most wonderful railroad construction in America, and the most beautiful scenery in the world. It is a one days' outing at a small cost, and for the benefit of a most worthy cause, the fare for the round trip is only $2.50; children over five and under 12 years, $1.50. Tickets are now on sale at Hamilton and Martins drug store, Jordans drug store and S. A. L. City Office, and at all stations by S. A. L. agents up to Shelby. Reserved seats can be se cured without extra charge by get ting them now. For further infor mation call on any of the ladies of the Thompson Orphanage Guild or James Ker, Jr., manager for the la dies of the Thompson Orphanage Guild. A CARD. As It has fallen to my lot to par ticipate in the second primary to be held June the 25th, 1910, for the nomination of 'Representative, I have taken this means to thank my friends for their support in the first primary and ask you to help me in the second contest, assuring you that if I am tha aiisaaafii 1 AovwIMaf a aAdvlnm will be at your command to do any"- OllOWTiaK P Steam 1 .3 11 fill ml . .w. . . . I ' - W J thing that it is possible for me to do for you. This is my first time to ask my friends for any honors in this way and I hope they will come out to the primary and give' me a good big vote. If I had the time It would be a pleasure for me to see In person ev ery voter In the county, but my time Is taken up on my farm and business and I feel like the voters haven't any time to waste with candidates, so I thank you In' advance for the support which I hope you will give me on the 25th and remain,- ' Yours- very truly, t S. S. MAUNEY. Cherry ville, N. C, June 13, 1910. A SAMPLE Phone 13. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself , a can4 dldate for Representative of Gasto county In the Lower House of the next , General Assembly, subjecf to the action of the secoud Democratic1 primaries to be held June 25th. Jj T 8. S. MAUNEY. 2 FOR REPRESENTATIVE. Ihereby announce myself a can-! didate for renominatlon for Repre senianve ox Oaston countv In the lower house of the General Asseml bly, subject to the action of the' Second TiomnnraHn ntn..t. . yl iuuoi ico ui Ut j held June 25th. N. B. KENRRICK. As a result of an all-night quarrel Allen B. Paul, of Richmond, Va. shot and killed his wife Sunday morning and then went to his room and blew his brains out with a re volver. A N Ideal rhrlntlan Rnm.i.t,,i tv. .. "W trained in-tructor .Take, onl TjoiT bderTdtefl'J?.??- unaurpasaea neaufc record. Brick budmgm,8teamhMPlV..Kr HCIfKY OE STKAa1 thfUee your daughter JEKOnS STOCKARD, A. M, Pr, BUftlgh. H. C. HOW ABOUT That Old BUGGY? MB,BSBBBSSSBSBSSMSIBBBBBJSaay-al 1 n MBSB MSBIa W It still has lots of good wear in it, but looks battered and worn because the paint has all "worn off. Have it painted over and get another year's use out of it We can make it look new and attractive at a small cost Our painters, and repairers are expert work- ; men and we guarantee a first class job. Even if you are not ready yet to lure the work done drop in and let os pit you a price. You will be . surprised to find it will cost you so little. WLy put f -it off longer ? R. G. WARREN Near lie County Court House : : ' GASTONIA, N. O EASY TO HAVE LOVELY HAIR. - Parisian Sage is the greatest dan druff cure and hair dressing In the world. It is not sticky or greasy, and is used by women of taste and refinement, who desire fascinating and luxuriant hair that will compel admiration. It is guaranteed to banish dandruff, stop falling .hair and itching scalp in twe weeks or money back. The girl with the Au burn hair Is car every package. Large bottle only 50 cents, at druggists ev erywhere, and at J. H. Kennedy ft Co's. (Mali orders filled by the American makers, GIroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs, Wm.; Stafford, 5 Eau Claire, Wis., wrote on Nov. 3, 1909; " mis last summer I naa a great deal of trouble with my hair. " It be gan to fall out and ' I tried various remedies, but none j helped me. -I uegmumg to oecome aiarmea, for I was nearly bald. " " - .-. i One morning I noticed "Parisian Eage" advertised,' so I bought a bot tle. The effect on my hair was as tonishing, i The' natural color was restored and' I now nave a -fine head of hair, 1 recommend Parisian Sage to everyone. It Is wonderful.' " . Mrs. George "Stork, 48 N. 6th St., La Fayette, Ind. on Nev. 1, 1909, wrote: MI used yonr hair grower Parisian Sage, and was pleased wtfh It It Is a scalp cleaner and hair grower." v . fr T-14. A movement is on foot to make successful farmers of the Indians. At all the Indian reservations through out the west carloads of farming Im plements or tne most modern type will be unloaded this week. Expert farmers In the employ of the Indian service will soon begin to Instruct the Indians how to use the imple ments. It is hoped that this step will make the Indian responsible for his own welfare. COPY of The GO RIGHT AT IT. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a can didate for Sheriff of Gaston county Duujcci io me action or tne second TlafVlf,.a A 1 f . . . .A "vuiun.ui, yniuaneB . to D6 flelC June 25th. J. D. B. McLEAN.. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a can1 didate for renominatlon for the of1 Ject to the action of the second Dem ocratic primaries to be held Jun 25th. Friends and t Neighbors In Gastonia Will Show Yon How. Get at the root of the trouble. . Rubbing an aching back may re lieve it, - But it won't cure it ,You must reach the root of it the kidney. '";! V''V loan's Kidney Pills go right at it; - Reach the cause; relieve the pain. : They cure, too, so Gastonia people say, Gazette E. SHUFORD. Mrs. G. W. Taylor. 221 Lorav Mill House,. Gastonia, N. C, says: received so much benefit from Doan's Kidney Pills that J am pleased tb''te tify in tbeir favor. . My kidneys were disordered and my back ached so se verely at times that I could hardly get about to attend to my housework., There was also a lameness through my kidneys and often pains radiated throughout my body. Hearing Do an's Kidney Pills highly spoken of, I procured a supply at the Abernethy Shlelds Drag Co.,- and 'after' using them a abort time, I was cured." For sale by all dealers. Price SO ata. Foeter-HUbor Co Buffalo, Kew Yonk aole ageoU for the raited States.'' " ) '.. - -, Remember the and Ulr no otber. Is An Invitation to You to Become a Subscriber. IfYouVant THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Si Maintained by the State for the Wolj men of North Carolina. Four ..regu Special Courses for. Teachers., - Fafj Session 'begins September 14, ItlCTj Those desiring to enter should appl. as eany as possible.. , For catalogu' and other information,, address O JULIUS I. FOUST, PresidentGreW " Uvi!?; u,..: boro, 'SJCri'.t ' : ir All the News of Gaston County You Ought? to Be; On biir List 'There is a plan on foot to develo, a water io'wer. ' near .'Morganton i to. an .electrical plant. It is though" that the Southern Power Company will perhaps be interested as It ha options on' various falls of the Llr ville' river near Morganton. At an( rate the town of Morganton is lool; lng forward to telng supplied "wit, electric power. , ' . : I. - uommniees rrom the severs Masonic lodges . of the county wi meet in the lodge room here tonlgq at 7 o'clock for the purpose of deel ing upon a, date and place for hoi Ing the annual Masonic picnic