m.-M wt. i - w r . a mbbbi aFsaasr "saar BfTBsassF sasfsi i mb a t . -.. . ....... PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. M rr . U J .11, IW. , , . 1 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 " "' 1 " ; " 1 " 11 . . ' i 1 p i i . SINGLE COPY 8 CENTS. ' ' "I'' v.' .': , . i ; J ,1 ' " lvotl to tb IrotoUoa of Uoma and the IntrsU of Um CouDty. , " $1 JM) A YEAR Ef ADVAIfCfl. i - ' i ..,.. i i i . , ....,.,., t . ii i i .i i i i .1 j i i , t , "j ' . " ' 1 11 1 i , 'l ' i ' i . ' .J ' ' VOL. XXJU . . , A . ' . . , . ; - . 0A8T0NIA, N. 0. FRIDAY, JUNK IT, mo. s-' :-. ' Vv ' ' NO. 48. - OVER GASTON OUNTY. yr'' ' 1IEN80N-LENTZ. v;; 3Iiaa Maode Estolle Lfiita IKomci DrWo of, ' Prof. Joseph' Baacora nenaon In Pretty Chnrch Weddlag . .:. at Moodt Ilollf Other Matter of . News. -,r? '' . -I ' Correspondenc of Tha Qasette. . MOUNT HOLLT, June , l. weddlnc , ; of . uooiu&I interest was olemnlred at the Lutheran chnrch ' Wedneadajr eveninf , . Jane 15th, at ; ; 8:30 o'clock, trhen Prof, Joseph ; Baacom Henton and Miss Maude E- telle Lents were united In marriage. - The church was beautifully' decorat ed la potted plants and daisies, the ' color scheme being green and white. Six Iry-covered arches made the dec orations much more attractive, three panning the. central aisle, one In - front of the altar ior the bride and ' groom and two to the' right and left . for little girls carrying a daisy chain. I The ushers, Messrs. Garrison, of -Charlotte, and Oelllg, of Rock Hill, . S. C, entered first, followed by the ten little daisy girls, who were se lected from Mrs. Lents' former gra ded school class, as follows: Sarah Rankln, Madge Lents, Kathleen Dunn, Gertrude - Belk, Elizabeth Llneberger, Kathleen Lineberger, Mary West, Elizabeth Craige, Es ther Davenport, and Augusta Can- non. Next entered little Miss Lou ise Torrence bearing the ring on a beautiful white rose. ' Then entered the bride, leaning on the arm of the groom, advancing down the central aisle, passing under the three' aches and taking their places under the overhanging arch "where the officiat ing clergyman, Ren W. J. Boger, pastor 'of the bride,' awaited ' them. He pronounced the beautiful cere mony In a very Impressive manner which made them man and wife. ' During the ceremony Mrs. W. J. Boger at the organ played "Traum erle," with violin accompaniment by Mrs. J. A. Costner, prior to which the electric lights were turned off and the church illumn fated by num erous candles. The bride was beautifully gowned in white satin with ttilver and pearl trimmings and wore a becoming white chiffon veil wreathed with or ange piossoms ana gracefully car ried a white satin-bound prayer book covered with orange blossoms, The. little flower girls were dressed In white empire gowns while the ring-bearer wore white batiste, The out-of-town visitors were Mr. Garrison, of Charlotte; Mr, ; Geilig, of Kock Hill, S. C. f MIsb Potts of Steele Creek; Miss Caldwell, of Yorkville, S. C, a former member of the school faculty here; Mrs. E. M Asbury and Miss Marjorie Asbury, of Lowesville; Miss Janette Lentz, of Concerd ; Miss Delia, Rolen, of Gastonla; Miss Florence Rhyne, pf Lincolnton, and Mrs. R. L. Stowe, of Belmont. ."' Prof, and Mrs. Hen son will be at home, here after July first. Miss Essie Rankin delightfully entertained at a dinner party Wed' nesday evening. THe guests were Miss Potts, of Steele Crek;' Miss Miss Caldwell, of Yorkville;: Miss Cotten, of Guilford " College, and Misses Emma 'and Edith Holland, Mary and Eva Bowles, of Mt. Holly, - - Misses Essie Rankin, Bess Grlce. Eula Cotten, Mary and Eva Bowles spent Thursday In Gastonla on a pleasure outing. : t Mies Mary Henkle, of Lenoir, Is on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Henry Rhyne. Miss Mildred Jenkins has returned , to her home in Charlotte after spending a few days here on a visit to Miss Mary Rhyne. MRS. R A. OSMENT DEAD. While' on Visit to Daughter at Mt. Holly South Carolina Lady Be- comes Suddenly 111 and Never Ral- Ilea. ' ' . ; t. ' Correspondence of, The Gazette.!. MOUNT HOLLY. June 1 6,Fpl- I lowing an Illness of less than ten days from catarrh of the tomaca J Mrs. Rebecca A. Osment, of South Carolina,'' died Monday here at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. O. Gardner. Funeral services ' were held Wednesday at Mountain Island cemetery. ReT. S. L. Cathey officiat ing. The pall-bearers were W. . T. I Johnson, J. W, Tucker, J. H. Mar-I Ia u7. w. A. Marlette, W. F. Holland, I ' -r, ana arry Marietta.- - , I Airs. osment, sine the death f of her husband, the late Rev. John R. Osment, a Baptist "minister, two years ago, has resided with her chil dren at Spartanburg and Gaffney, 8. C' Ten days ago she cam here to spend some time 'with her daughter, Mrs. W, 0. Gardner, . Shortly, there after she became seriously, in and never rallied. .Surviving the deceased are two brothers and two sisters, viz: G. W. Tolleson, of Phoenix, Arizona; J; W. Tolleson, of Gaffney, 8. C; Mrs, M F. Hamilton, of Gaffney, S. C, and Mrs. F. F. Littlejohn, of , Spartan burg, 6. C; four children,' vis: Mrs. R. L. Buice, . Mrs. W. .0. Gardner, Mrs.. J. A. Holt and J. E. Osment Mrs.. Osment was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs; John Tolleson, of Un Ion county, South Carolina, and was born. March 26, 1846. Dallas Dots. Correspondence of The Gazette. DALLAS, June 15. Prof. S, G. Lindsay Is In Ashevllle attending the State Teachers Association. Mrs Lindsay Is boarding at the Hoffman Houhe during his absence. Mr. Carl Wolfe is at' home again. He has been for the past year at Newberry College, South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Welch Galloway, of Brevard, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. O Webb. A party of our young people went to Edgemont Saturday morning and returned Tuesday morning. - They report' a fine time, notwithstanding the dampness. Those in the. party. were Misses Emma and EWise Corn well, Georgia Connely, Fannie LitT tie, May Durham, Tessie and John nie Detter, Marie Sasser and Mr, Shelley Barfleld. 'Mr. Lloyd Can non, of Stanley, was a visitor in town Monday. -Miss Verana Dur ham, of Shelby, is the guest of her brother, Mr. R. J. Durham, this week. :MIss Fannie Davis, of Shel by, Is visiting Misses May and Lois Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Webb, of McAdenville, visited Mr. and Mrs, O. Webb a few days ago. Miss Stella Lewis has returned from Hickory .where , she visited Mrs Claudia Henderson. Miss Louise Mason, of Belmont, visited' relatives in town Sunday and Monday. Sen ator J. G. Carpentter Is in Cherrv- ville today on legal business, Mr, Jim Darby, of Lowryville, S. C, vis ited friends in town this week. Sir. J. L. Cooke, of Maiden, took charge of Mr. Barfleld's work dur ing his absence. Mr. Cooke return ed to Maiden Tuesday. ' ,.' NEW MACHINERY.5 Armon Manufacturing Company In stalling Twine Machines and Will Soon Be Running Full Time. Correspondence of The Gazette. MOUNTAIN ISLAND, June 15. Mr. C. E. Hutchinson has repainted and papered and has moved into the nice large cottage near the Moun tain Island Mills. The cotton mill is running almost full time and would run full time but for the fact that the W. J. Knox Net & Twine Co., which has been running the mill for the last five or six years, put in a large lot of new machinery and, when their time was out, sold the cards and spinning frames to the Armon , Manufacturing Company. The best twine machinery they ship ped to Baltimore. The Afmon Man ufacturing Company is now getting In twine machinery but has not enough yet to keep the carding and spinning going on full time, but the twine department Is on full time. day and night. Mr. Will Huffstetler has moved from Gastonla to this 1 place. Mr. Worth Autry went this week to Col umbia on business. Mr George Grlce went to Charlotte Saturday on business. Miss Bertie Rankin Is teaching a subscription school In the school house upon the road and has a nice little school of twenty-five or more scholars. Mr. Jake Stafford and Mr. L. W. YanPelt, of McAden- yllle, were visitors here a- few days ago. In the afternoon Mr. Van Pelt and Miss Ashlen Lowe, took a bua ST , ride . up to Mr. W, C. Cansler's, and were married. , On last Wednesday night about 3 o'clock one of Farrar Brothers' ten ; ant houses was burned down. . Mr. O. R. Rhyne, of Dallas, was Gastonla on traslness yesterday. .Mr. N. B. JCendrlck, of. Cherry- TUle, was a business vUItor in Gas- tonia yesterday. MASS MEETING HELD. Citizens Discuss Matter of Granting j ; IMcdmont' Traction ; Company an Extension ..'of One Year on Its . Pranchise City , , Council 'Hears ' Argunienta and Takes Matter Un- der Advisement. ..,'. If there was one fact brought Out more' strongly than any other at the mass 'meeting held In the city hall last night, the object of which was to discuss the advisability of grant lng an extension of time to the Pled mont Traction Company on Its fran chlse, it was that Gastonla wants this line to come: through and that the citizens are by.no means hostile to the project. It was the concen sus of opinion that the city as a whole would not object to the ex tension of time provided the rail road promoters would agree to some minor changes in the wording of the franchise as it now stands. Speaking for the railroad, of which he Is a director "and stock holder, Mr. Andrew E. Moore, of Gastonla, agreed to all the desired changes with the exception of "one. whleh appeared to be "the only feat ure of the "franchise on which , the railroad and the citizens are at var iance to any great degree. . This was In the matter of hauling ' through freights over Franklin . avenue There was strong opposition on the part of the citizens present, and es pecially those residing on Franklin avenue, to the council's granting an extension of time on the franchise unless the promoters were willing to agree to the elimination of the clause which, as it now stands. gives the company the privilege jof hauling.-through freights over this avenue. i Mr. Moore stated that it was not the intention of the company to use Franklin avenue for hauling through freights hut he did not believe the company would accept a charter containing . a provision prohibiting such use of this thoroughfare be cause It would entail difficulties in financing the scheme. ueiore tne meeting adjourned a motion was passed to the effect that, provided the officials of the road would agree with the city council to incorporate in the franchise a pro vision agreeing not to use Franklin avenue for hauling through freight, it was the sense of the mass meeting that the city fathers grant the re quest for an extension of one-year's time without calling another mass meeting; the motion providing that, In case an agreement cannot be reached, another meeting be held for the purpose of further discuss ing the matter. L,aat nigbts meeting was called to order at 8:30 o'clock by Mayor Craig. An organization was per fected by the election of Mr. Craig as chairman. The members of the city council were present to hear the discussion of the matter. The halK was full to overflowing by 9 o'clock and interest was manifested up to the hour of adjournment, about 10:45. ' At the request of the chairman, Attorney G. W. Wilson read the franchise for the benefit of those who were not familiar with its pro visions. - THE COMPANY'S SIDE. v To get the matter clearly before the meeting Mr. Andrew E. Moore, who is a director and stockholder of the traction company, -made a brief speecn m wnica he reviewed the history of the development of the Idea of a local trolley line giving Gastonla freight iconnection with the Seaboard at Mount Holly into the larger system 'now'! forming to con nect Anderson, S. C, and Durham, N. C, the distance between which points Is 300 miles or more. Here ferred . to the discrimination In freight rates against Gastonla by the Southern. Rallwajr and the Carolina Northwestern, . the latter, he claimed, being closely allied with the former. ,s - v 1- Mr. Moore was the originator of the idea of building, this line from Gastonla to Mount Holly and Char lotte and, the present'big project la an outgrowth of that scheme. The speaker reviewed the difficulties which had been encountered in se curing financial backing and told how the - vast Duke and Southern Power Company interests had been made to realize the possibilities of the plan and had agreed to- finance it. It will require the outlay, of something like 1 30,000,000, he said, and he stressed the point that I financial interests were not willing to put their money Into A thing of this kind where the people manifest a spirit of hostility by putting all sorts of conditions in the franchises they grant Taking up the franchise as it now stands, Mr. Moore acknowledged that there were some provisions in it which were put there unintentional ly and which the company was will ing to eliminate, For Instance: The franchise says that the company may use "electric or other motive- power and the public took this to mean tnat steam power could be used If the traction company so desired. Mr. Moore stated that they did not Intend to use steam and that they would agree to ellmlnatehat feat ure. Tne possible use of steam on this line was one of the grounds on which strong opposition to the grant ing of an extension of time had been made by many citizens. The speaker also said that his company would agree to an amend ment of the franchise binding them to give Gastonla a reasonable local passenger service. He reviewed at length the history of passenger trol ley lines, showing that in nearly ev ery town In the country they .were money losers. From a financial standpoint the. company did not care to operate a local passenger service but as a concession would agree to do so. Mr. Moore made an eloquent plea In behalf of the company In Its re quest for an extension of time and made a most favorable impression on the gathering. Gastonla has an op portunity, be said, that seldom comes to a, small town even once in its ca reer and he believed that we could not maintain our spirit of pitogres- siveness and refuse to make the con cessions necessary to secure the en trance into our town of this line of railroad. Incidentally Mr. Moore stated that of all the towns which have granted franchises to this company, Gasto nla was the only town to place upon it such binding restrictions. THE OTHER 'SIDE. Quite a number of citizens made speeches, among them being Mr. T. W. Wilson, Dr. H. F. Glenn, Mr. W. T. Rankin. Mr. I. R. McFadden, Rev, W. L. C. Klllian, Mr. A. C. Jones, Mr. G. A. Gray, Mr. J. Lee Robinson, Mr. E. G. McLurd, Prof, J. P. Reld and a number of oth ers. Every speaker agreed tnat Gastonla wanted this line of railway and that there was no spirit bf hos tility against its promoters on the part of the citizenship of the town. According to all of them the only matter at issue was as regards some of the privileges granted by the franchise which hey believed to be uio liberal for the good of the town. It was generally agreed by all the speakers that we do not want steam locomotives used on the line; that we do not want through freight hauled over Franklin avenue; that a double track and switches on Franklin avenue are not desirable; that we do want a reasonable passenger service; that we do not want all the streets of the town for ever closed to other traction com panies that might desire to build lines that the town might at some fu.vire time need. As stated above Mr. Moqre, speak ing as a representative of the com pany, stated that practically all of these provisions would be acceptable to his company with the possible ex ccptlon of incorporating In the fran chise an agreement not to use Frank lin avenue as a line for hauling through freight. As a matter of fact, he said, it was not the Inten tion of the company nor was it prac tical for them to haul through freight trains over the street .be cause of the Impossibility to obtain the necessary grade of one per cent. As to the exclusion of other compa-1 nies from ever entering the town it I was stated that, under the constitu Hon of North Carolina, - the town could not grant an exclusive-franchise.. . . , An Error. In the McAdenville letter publish- I ed In Tuesday's Gazette appeared an' I item to tne effect' that Dr. O. W. Taylor was called last Friday to North Wllkeeboro on account of the death of his brother. Our corres pondent asks us to state that this Is an error. Dr. Taylor's brother is ciltically ill but the latest informa tion from his bedside is to the ef- ift th&J he Is still living. ' GOOD BASE-BALL. ' ' Loray Tigers Defeat , Rntherfordton . Redlegs in Fastest Game Seen " Here This Season Score 2 to 0 . Same Teams Play To-Day and To Morrow. Lovers of baseball in Gastonla turned out in large numbers yester day to see the game between the newly re-organ lzed Loray team, now designated as the .'Tigers," and strong team from Rutherfordton, and the high expectations which had been aroused were fully met. In fast and snappy game, which only took an hour and ten minutes In the playing, Loray defeated Rutherford ton by a score of two to nothing. Ttnth teams did excellent work in the field,- and the batting was un usually good, only four men being struck out during the game, one by Tramwell for the Loray, and three hv Belue for Rutherfordton. The following is the score by innings: Rutherfordton 000 000 000 Loray 001 010 OOx The game was Interesting through out and was one of the best exhib! tlons of clean, fast playing ever seen on the Loray diamond. There wtre some pleasing features, among them being the all-round Work of Rudisill Loray's new second baseman, who did excellent fielding all the way from first to third. Tramwell, fo. Loray, made a pretty three-base hit The line-up of the two teams was a? follows: Loray: Tramwell, p; Clary, Brownlee, lb; Rudisill, 2b; FarrU, 3b; Stephenson, ss; Padgett rf; Miller, cf; Curry, If Rutherford ton: Belue, p; Lipscomb, c; Spain hour, lb; Weaver, 2b; Blanton, 3b; Billings, ss; Roberts, rf; McDaniel, cf; Smith, If; Umpire, Leslie Mc Ginnls; time ofv game, 1:10. The game this afternoon will br called again at 4 o'clock sharp, and on Saturday afternoon will be call ed at 3 o'clock to allow the Ruther fordton team to leave for home on the afternoon train. PYTHIANS BIG MEET. Fortieth Annual Convention at Charlotte Great Success Mr. S. A. Robinson, of Gastonla, One of the New Officers. The- Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias of North Carolina held Its fortieth annual convention in Char lotte this week, adjourning Wednes day afternoon. Ashevllle was chos en as the meeting place for next year. . A feature of Tuesday's session was the conferring of the Grand Lodge rank upon the largest class that ever assembled in North Carolina Among the number were the follow lng from Gaston county, viz: S. A Robinson, Gastonla; W. P. Fulton Kings Mountain; R. J. Morrison CherryvUle. Officers for the ensuing year were chosen as follows: Grand chancellor A. E. McCaua land, of Charlotte. Vice grand chancellor C. C. Mc Lean, Greensboro. Grand prelate Rev. W. B. Dut- tera, Salisbury. Grand keeper of records and seal W. T. Hollowell, Goldsboro. Grand master exchequer J. C, Mills, Rutherfordton. Grand master-at-arms C. H. Balne, Raleigh. Grand inner guard H. T. Powell, Henderson. Grand outer guard S. A. Robin son, Gastonla. Supreme representative T.. H. Webb, Durham. Orphanage trustees George L. Hackney, Ashevllle,. and J. D. Prldg- en, Durnam. When the reports of all the sub- ordinate lodges were read in Pvth- ian Castle ball, it was announced that North Carolina had passed the 10,000 mark in membership and was therefore entitled to a third su preme representative. The two present supreme representatives are Messrs. Thomas S. Franklin, of Charlotte, and J. L. Scott, Jr., of Graham. On motion to fill the of- flee of third supreme representative Mr. Thomas H. Webb, chancellor, was chosen. past grand -'Squire I.. F. Mabry, of McAden- tille was a business visitor in the city yesterday. . . . - - . -O. F . Mason, "'Esq., and A. L. Bulwlnkle, Esq of Dallas, were in Gastonla yesterday. ;, CITY FATHERS MEET. Hold Regular Session and Transact , Small amount of business Pied - mont Traction Company Asks for. ' ' More Time. The city 'council held Its regular monthly meeting for June at th . city hall Tuesday night. . , , It was ordered that Rankin street be opened from Pryor street east two : blocks to the branch or as far east a Morris street It necessary. It wan also ordered that Morris street bo extended to the corporate limits of the town on the north. The matter of allowing the use of the fire hose and chemical engine to, the school commissioners for use at the Central school was referred to the fire committee, Messrs. White and Dixon. , A license tax of 325 was placed on box ball alleys. The rear portion of the govern menc lot was declared to be a nuis-' a uce and it was ordered that the bill boards thereon be removed along with the rubbish which has accumu lated there. The city physician's report for the past month was received and accept ed. In the . matter of extending tha Fourth street sewer line, now being cqnstructed, across the railroad for connections on Broad street the su perintendent of water works was in structed to carry out the plans as previously ordered. Bills amounting to $2,158.88 wera referred to the finance committee for payment. Mr. Andrew E. Moore and Attor ney A. G. Mangum appeared before the board in behalf of the Piedmont Traction Company which desires an extension of time beyond July 1st. No action was taken at this meeting on the matter. ,At an adjourned session of the council Wednesday night the matter ' of the tax levy for the ensuing year was taken up and the amount levied ' is the same as for last year, vte: Poll $2; on the $100 worth of property. ' 61.40, divided as follows, for gener al city purposes 65 cents, for inter est on bonds 45 cents, for schools 30 cents. An ordinance was passed allowing automobilists to run their machines within the corporate limits of the town, outside of the fire limits, at a' maximum speed of twenty miles per hour. An ordinance was also Dae' ed making it a finable offense for am automobilist to leave his machine) standing with the engine running. the fine being $25 for each offense. ine cemetery committee was given one more week (of good weather) In which to have lota in the new cemetery ready to place on sale. TRIED TO DESERT INFANT. Woman Leaves Baby on Porch of Spartanburg Residence, But is Ap prehended Before She Leaves thV City Permitted to Depart With-1 out Prosecution. 1 ' Charlotte Observer. Spartanburg, s. C, June 15. Members of a family living on Nortn Church street were much surprised to walk out- on their porch this morning and find a three-weeks-old infant carefully, stored away in' corner of the porch. The baby was taken up and the police departmen t - notified. In a short time they had under arrest a woman who gave her name as Mrs. M. E. Scruggs, togeth-' er with a boy about 10 years old. ' who was totally blind. ' The woman and1 ; her blind v boy were attempting to walk out of the city, when placed under arrest. They were brought to police headquar ters and the woman told of ill-treatment received, at the hands of rela tives and saying that she wanted work in order to support her family. There was no case made against her. but -Mayor Lee instructed his offi cers to buy her a ticket to King Mountain, N. C., where she said she ' had relatives. Shei with both chll dren, left this afternoon for that town.. 'Mrs. Robert C Anderson, of Gastonla, Is the guest - of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Galtber. this ' week.' '. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Anderson will accompany Mrs. Galther on an extended trip North leaving Charlotte about June 80.- Charlotte Observer, 16th. vv . -

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