TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1010. The Gastonia Gazette ' Issued every Tuesday and Friday y The Gasette Publishing Company. B. ft ATKINS, Editor. f. W. ATKINS, Business Manager. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One 7ar ,l-B0 Its month T5 rnr months 60 One month .15 GASTONIA Omnty Seat of Gaston County Al ter January 1, 1011. No. S36 Main Avenoe, PHONE NO. 80. TCESRAY, JUNE 2. &TISFACT01ULY SETTLKP. It was a matter of unusual pleas ure for The Gaiette to be able to tell Its readers In Friday's Issue that the officials of the Piedmont Trac tion Company and the city council had been able to reach an agree ment and that the extension of one year's time asked for by the com pany was granted by the city au thorities. It was a pleasure because we feel and have felt all along that the com ing of this line of electrical railway would mean a great deal to this sec tion. No less do we believe that It will prove to be a paying Invest ment for those who are financing It. If there Is one thing that Gastonia and this section needs more than any other one thing it Is, we believe, relief from the unjust and discrim inatory freight rates that we have ever had to contend with. The pro posed line of electric railway prom ises this relief and the passenger service will tend to bind this entire section together with stronger cords of mutual friendship and business relations. In the recent controversy if such it might be designated between the town and the Piedmont company anent the granting of an extension of time, The Gazette did not hesitate to caJl attention to some features of the original franchise which this pa per, and a large number of our citi zens as well, deemed altogether too liberal for the ultimate good of the town. As chronicled in these col umns a mass meeting was held, the points of difference between the peo ple and the company brought out and discussed with the result that an understanding was reached which has, we feel sure, resulted in mutual benefit. The people, through the ac tion of the city council, secured what they were contending for largely, namely provisions In the franchise eliminating, after the expiration of two years from tne time cars are running, the handling of through freights over Franklin avenue, the binding of the company to give the town a reasonable passenger service and other less important conces sions. The Gazette Is not one of that class of papers which, once having taken a stand or made a statement, refuse, even when sufficient evidence Is presented to clearly demonstrate that a false position had been taken or a wrong done, to make amends and set matters straight. We are usually careful to make sure wo are right before "coin ahead" but all of us err at time. AH of which Is preliminary to the statement that we feel that. In one or two para graphs of our editorial on this sub ject Id our Issue of the 14th Inst great injustice was don Mr. W. S. Lee and Mr. L. C. Harrison to whom the franchise was originally granted The statement was made in that editorial that "this franchise was railroaded through and was secured by misrepresentation on the part of the company's representatives who engineered the deal." This state ment, of course, did the gentlemen involved a great Injustice as it was not founded on facts and was writ ten without proper Investigation or consideration. Whatever might be said of representations made to us at a later period by any person or persons connected with the compa ny in an unofficial capacity regarding certain Intentions of the company, it is a fact that Messrs. Lee and Har rison did not obtain this franchise by misrepresentations and The Gaiette gladly and voluntarily retracts that statement as It has never been our purpose or desire to do either of these gentlemen an injustice. In one other statement in the ed itorial referred to an injustice was done the Piedmont Traction Com pany, the successors of Messrs. Lee and Harrison as holders of the fran chise. It was therein stated that "the traction company had whiled away its time, evidently relying from the very beginning on being able to secure an extension of time." This was a mere matter of guess work on our part and should have been stat ed as a belief or supposition and not a fact. Now that the matter has been am icably adjusted and both the town and the traction company are satis Hed with the result, we feel It per tinent to remark that Gastonlans in general are glad that this line is to be built and harbor no animosity to ward the project. On the other hand we believe there is a very kind ly feeling toward the company and its Intentions on the part of Gas-tonians. The Warehouse la Gastoa County. On Thursday of next week, July 7th, Gastonia will have the honor of entertaining the Democratic judicial convention of the twelfth judicial district. The number of delegates appointed to this convention from the five counties comprising the dis trict Is 480 and In view of the fact that the nomination for solicitor was not settled in the primaries, but will have to be decided In the con vention, it is likely that the attend ance of delegates will be pretty near ly this large. The committee hav ing in charge the entertainment of the convention will therefore proba bly have to call upon the citizens of the town for assistance in their work and this should, and of course will, be cheerfully given. Mr. W. D. Beam, of The Ga zette force, returned yesterday from a two-weeks vacation spent at his home at Cherryville and at Wrights ville Beach. Mr. J. W. Sego was in town Saturday and reported to The Ga zette office that in the past two months twelve rattlesnakes have been killed on Pasour Mountain and that each snake averaged from nine to fourteen rattles. By O. B. Robinson la Carolina Un ion Farmer, llth. The agitation for a Farmers' Un ion warehouse began In this county during the early spring, of 1907.: The movement for this Institution was started at Local Union No. 69 by the assembled .representatives of seven or eight locals. In one year arter this most of the stock had been subscribed for and plans formulated for the erection of the building. The warehouse was completed in the early fall of 1908. Directors w?rs elected, and a warehouse man ager chosen, who began to grade and warehouse the cotton as soon as It was brought to him by the farm ers. To say that this Institution has made a success !n Gaeton county would be stating the fact very mild ly. It would make this article too long to give all the statistics regard ing the warehouse In this county, but you will get some Idea of the economical benefits we have derived from It by the following figures: One-fourth of the guano sold In Gastonia, tne place where our ware house is situated, was sold through the warehouse. The amount sold through the warehouse was nine hundred tons during the spring of 1909; consequently there must have been 3600 tons sold collectively by the warehouse and the various gua no dealers in Gastonia. The price of guano was reduced four dollars per ton by being sold through the ware house; therefore the saving on 900 tons was $3600. But this was not all the good which the institution was to bring about. The guano deal ers In Gastonia were conmelled to reduce their prices on guano to the standard set by the Union, hence there must have been a saving of four dollars per ton on the whole a- mount sold in Gastonia. As this a mlunt was 3600 tons the amount of money saved to the farmers in the vicinity of the warehouse was four dollars multiplied by 3600 tons. This would make the number of dollars saved be $14,400. This was, of course, an indirect saving, but the stockholders of our warehouse company got a direct re turn cn the money invested. This was in the shape of dividends. While the dividends have not been large, they were very good,, considering that it was the first year of the ware house and its usefulness. Mowers, rakes, riding cultivators, and other kinds of farm machinery were sold through the warehouse. On all of these articles the price was brought to a ' minimum. Details need not be gone into here as space will not permit. Cotton sold through this Institu tion brought from one-fourth to one-half cent more per pound, be cause it could be sold in lots of fifty bales or more. Considering that this institution is the backbone of the Farmers' Un ion, and the great good that it has done in our county and its possibili ties for doing good in other coun ties, the great importance of its re lation to the organization cannot be emphasized too much. ' Without it our organization cannot live any length of time, because it is the only way by which great amounts of money can be saved to the farmers, and unless the great mass of farm ers see a material return for their efforts they lose interest and will not support an organization which is useless in saving them actual dol lars. ' When our warehouse first began to operate it was shrouded in much of the darkness of an unsuccessful enterprise, but surrounded as it was, by many of the snares, which a hos tile community of merchants and business men contrived for Its down- f fall, and not supported as it should have been by the members of the Un Ion, it has emerged from the gloom of Its darkest hour 'and the second year after Its erection we find It fac ing a brighter future and helping to bring about a now era of prosperity for the farmers of Gaston county. Miss Lixiie , Farrls, saleslady for the Kendrick Mercantile Compa ny,' Cherryville, spent from Friday till Monday In the city guest of her uncle. Mr. M. L. Mauney. Mr. James Fayuoux came in Saturday night for a visit to rela tives. This Is his first tflp back to Gastonia since be left seven years ago. A portion of the time since he left has been spent In Panama. Mr. S. S. PIttnian. who has been quite ill for some days at the home of his father-in-law, Mr. Myers, on East Franklin avenue, is In a very critical condition this afternoon and it is feared there Is but small hope for his recovery. Friends of the family will hear this news with much regret. Miss Margaret Wharton, of Greensboro, and Misses Anna Forbes Liddell, Louise Blakeney and Susie Hutchinson, of Charlotte, are -expected to arrive in Gastonia Friday to be guests for about ten days at a house party to be given by Miss Ruth Boyce. Miss Boyce will enter tain in honor of her guests Friday night at her home on York street. The attention of uor readers is called to the half-page advertise ment of the Abernethy-Shlelds Drug Company (the Rexali Store) on page eight of today's Gazette. This is one of Gastonla's newer firms which is rapidly pushing Its way to the front by the utilization of up-to-date progressive methods. This firm be lieves strongly in the value of adver tising and the results they are ob taining thoroughly justify their be lief. Mention was made in The Ga zette of the. 17th of the release by Capt. C. M. Nolen on the day prev ious, the 16th, of 48 homing pig eons, shipped here by W. L. Shan non and others of Easton, Pa. In a letter dated the 20th Mr. Shannon wrote Capt. Nolen that one 6t the 48 reached Easton on the evening of the same day, thus establishing, it is believed, a new record. The dis tance from Gastonia to Easton is, in round numbers, 500 miles. On the 18 th, Capt. Nolen released 16 pig eons for D. J. Warner and others of Phillipsburg, Pa. They were re leased at 5 a. m. on the 18th and the first one reached Phillipsburg, 500 miles from Gastonia, at 6:19 a. m. on the 19th, others arriving there shortly thereafter. s w e Pay Interest Deposit -: 1 Don't let your money remain die let it work for yoo. We Issue certificate of deposit bearing Interest, for money left with v . . ; . ,.," ns period of three months or longer. Deposit your money with us and give as the opportunity of showing our apprecia tion of the confidence reposed In us. - The First .National Bank Gastonia, N. C. GASTON COUNTY'S OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK. CAriTAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS OVER ..... .$150,000. L.XL. JENKINS, PRESIDENT. S. N. BOYCE, CASHIER, V. Subscribe for The Gazette. An Old-Style Corn Mill. It is not generally known that Gastonia has an old-style burr corn mill on Main avenue but such Is the case. It is located in the rear of the Gastonia Roofing Company's quar ters in the Davis block and.is owned and operated by Mr. W. C. Aberne- thy. The rocks used were purchas ed from the old Morrow mill, opera.' ted until recently by B. H. Parker & Co. While there Is no running wa ter in the neighborhood the mill is run by water power to be more ex act it is operated by electricity which is generated by water power at Spencer Mountain. Mr. Aberne thy has had this mill in operation now for several weeks and is build ing up a nice business. ' He would be glad to see all his friends from the country who have corn they want ground into meal. Thomson Mercantile Co's 10 to 50 Per Cent. Off Sale will continue through this week. It will be interesting every day. Come to see us. It will pay you. homsonier.Co. Carolina & North -Western " Week End Rates. Railway On Sale Saturdays and Sundys, final limit returning Monday following. FOR FALLING HAIR. The Citizens National Bank Gastonia, N. C The bank that is not so large or old as to be forgetful of its customers' wants and needs, and is as strong as any of them. v Is the designated depository of the great state of North Carolina. It makes loans at the legal rate of interest when satisfactory balances are maintained, rr and every accommodation and courtesy Jex tended customers in keeping with sound banking. C . fiWe invite you to open an account' XL P. Rankin, Pres. A. G. Myers, Cashier. Capital and Surplus, $75,000 You Run No Risk When You Use This Remedy. We promise you that, if your hair is falling out, and you have not let it go too far, you cap repair the damage already done by using Rexali "93" Hair Tonic, with persistency and regularity, for a reasonable length of time. It is a scientific, cleansing, antiseptic, germicidal preparation, that destroys microbes, stimulates good circulation around the hair roots, promotes hair nour ishment, removes dandruff and re stores hair health. It is as pleasant to use as pure water, and it Is deli cately perfumed. It la a real toilet necessity. We "want you to try Rexali "ii" Hair Tonic with our promise that It will cost you nothing unless you are perfectly satisfied with its use. It comes In two sites, prices, 50c and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain Rexali Remedies la this community only at our store The Rexali Store. The Abernethy- Shields Drug Co. Pleasant Entertainment. At her home on South Oakland street last Thursday night Miss Haz ellne Love entertained a number of her young friends most pleasantly in honor of her guest, Miss Esther Bain, of Statesville. The affair was a porch party, the spacious porches of the residence being decorated for the occasion with Japanese lanterns Miss Lucy Boyce and Miss Clara Armstrong served punch, and the evening was pleasantly spent In play Ing games, after which cream and cake were served. About thirty guests were present. Dallas, N. C. Gastonia, N. C. Dallas, N. C. Gastonia, N. C. to Lenoir, N. C, Round Trip, $ 1 .SO to Edgemont, N. C. Round Trip $2.00 Call on your Ticket Agent. VOTE OP GASTON COUNTY IN SATURDAY'S PRIMARIES. Representative Thomas has secur ed a favorable report on a bill &p- propriatlng 1 3 0,0 00 for the erection of a monument to General Green on the Guilford battleground. CARD OP THANKS. The Junior Order, United Ameri can Mechanics, desire to express their grateful thanks and apprecia tion of the excellent sermon preach ed to them on Sunday, June 19th, by -Rev. J. J. Beach, pastor of the East Baptist church. B. V. ORMAXD, CHAS. C. JOHNSON, G. R. MILLEN, Committee. TAKEN UP, last week, white bird dog with one yellow ear. Owner apply to W. H. Rhyne. route two - 1 S b C 2; ? o i .2 S o o M o o S S A s g m la a u Gastonia No. 1 524 213 488 147 4801 188 9 Gastonia No. 2 230 123 203 83 213 99 4 Robinsons 5 14 10 9 12 7 Glenns 32 17 13 32 24 18 Lowell 73 101 80 54 121 37 McAdenville 14 96 83 Id 66 28 2 Belmont 118 75 121 35 69 90 South Point 53 16 32 5 45 Union 63 7 52 16 33 31 Mount Holly 64 52 29 58 32 68 Mtn. Island 8 43 29 78 32 62 Stanley 16 99 5 98 52 11 15 Cherryville 125 120 89 168 170 33 10 Carpenters 20 17 11 22 . 26 9 Risers 28 15 10 35 22 14 7 Bessemer City 59 86 53 73) 99 19 Dillings 19 71 51 13 61 11 Bakers 14 9 3 18 19 1 4 Dallas 62 299 70 233 139 115 46 Lucia 22 29 14 32 42 TOTAL 1549 1486'l439 1252 1717 877 106 PLEASE RENEW. Quite a' large number of subscript tions to The Gazette expire about July 1st, the middle of the year. We are writing, this Item to remind subscribers whose time expires then that all subscriptions are discontin ued when out, and to request that renewals be sent in BEFORE THE SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPIRE. - In this way you will avoid missing a copy of the paper and save us the trouble of taking your same off our mailing machine and patting It back again. .Renew Before Your" Subscription Expires. Look At The Date on Your Paper. ' '.- - ' A. and M. Catalogue. The latest catalogue of the Agri cultural and Mechanical ; College shows remarkable progress. The total enrollment -was 670 a gain of 124 ovep-the year before. One hun dred and eighty-two of these were agricultural students. In ; addition twenty-seven teachers attended tha May -school to equip themselves to teach agriculture In the common schools. Three new buildings have just been completed and a fourth Is now under construction. The Vacui ty for the coming year will number fifty technical expert. . The next session will begin on September 7th

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