" ' TUESDAY, JUNE CS, 1010. THE GA8TOXIA GAXKTTB. f AOB SIX. lit in 3j ll- ! 1 I' 111 S ' 66B (Si IL 9? The Twelfth Setia Gatoni Mutual Building and Loin Auodation Stock Will Open July 1, 1910 You May List Your Subcription NOW First Payment Due July 2. Get in the "Push" early. S. N. BOYCEPresident, E. G McLURD, Sec & Treat. Dont Hunt For Bargains Elsewhere till you see Us and get Our Prices on Groceries, Produce, Dry Goods, Etc. We carry the best lines of Flour, Coffee, Canned Goods, Etc and will sell as cheap for cash, according to quality, as anybody. Ford Brothers PHONE 24 220 Poplar Street. - - Opposite Modena MUls. Charlotte Bread Every Day. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Davenport College For Young Women is MKMOIU.IM . yy ' IRIS HOFFMAN, ? Somewhat mors than a month ago t the close of the commencement exercises of the graded achool, Irla Hoffman, a beautiful little six-year-old "girl, stood before the audience and In her graceful, childish, way won the herfrts of all when she aald ao feelingly: " " "Good night, dear frlenda, for now we clone And may your reat be aweet repoee. You've listened well and llitened long. To every speech and every song. And may the moon and stars shine bright To guide you home. Good night, Good night." None realized that night that the close of this beautiful little life would soon take place; that loved by her teachers and school-mates and all who knew her Iris would soon pass beyond to the great and loving Teacher to be taught of Him. The little red Primer was put away forever by the dimpled hands whose earthly tasks were finished. Monday night the commencement of the heavenly life of little Iris began In the Celestial City. The prayers of many hearts had ascended to heaven In her behalf that her life might be spared, but after several weeks of a weary Illness the little sufferer rested in a sweet repose. The moon and stars shone bright on Monday night, And guided her home. Good night, little Iris, good night. Dallas, N. C. June 23, 1910. IXMNO THEIR Dim'. I I Score , of Gastoni Readers Are GRAND EXCURSION' TO JOHNSON I Learning the Djities of the Kid To filter the blood la the kidneys' duty. , When they fall to do this the kid neys are alck. Backache and many kidney ills follow; Urinary trouble, dlabetea. Doan'a Kidney Pills cure them all Gastonla people endorse our claim. lrs. J. P. Turner, 286 Loray Mill House, Gaston la. N. C, says: "I feel that It Is my duty to recom mend Doan's Kidney Pills so that other sufferers from kidney trouble may know what remedy to use to ob tain relief. Kidney complaint had me in lta grasp for several yeara and at times my condition was serious. Doan's Kidney Pills were finally brought to my attention and aa I had 6btalned no relief from the sev eral remedies I had previously used. I procured a box at the Abernethy Shields Drug Co. They strengthen ed my kidneys and improved my health In every way. Since then I have had no symptoms of kidney trouble." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foeter-Mllbnrn Co., Buffalo, New York sole ajrenta for the United State. Remember the name -Doan's and tjUcn do other. , CITY, TENN VIA Seaboard and G. G, a O., Wednesday, Jul 0th, mo. - -. : .' There will be a grand excursion from - Charlotte to- Johnaon City, Tenn., July 6th, leaving Charlotte 8 a. m. arriving 4:30 p. m., returning leave Johnson City, July 7th, 12 Noon. The fare for the round trip will he only 63.00. Secure your re served aeat ticket early, at Blake's Drug Store, Seaboard City Office or from the Committee. This may be the last excursion to Johnson City this summer and all should take ad vantage of thla most ' magnificent trip, offered at ao low a cost. Per sons from Gastonla and points south and from Concord and points north can come to Charlotte on the eafty morning trains and have plenty of time to catch this train. Accommo dations at Johnson City are very re asonable and there Is plenty of room for all. List of hotels and boarding houses will be distributed on the train. The scenery along this route is the most magnificent In America. and it la worth the trip Just for the scepery. Johnson City Is a lovely city and you will enjoy your stay there. Mr. James Ker, Jr., will be In charge of train. Well conducted refreshment car will serve all kinds of good things to eat. Good order assured. For further Information see bill or address any of the com mittee. J. T. LA WING, Chm. "AWOUKCKIEIJTS. Cam Novelized by W. B. M. FERGUSON Fo, Tt Lenoir, N. C- ID'KVl. LOCATION HIGH GRADE FACULTY- SI'l.KN01I MUSICAL A D V A NT AG ES-COURS ES IN AR T AND EXPRESSION EXPENSES MOD ERATE SEND FOR CATALOGUE J. B. CRAVEN, President JMSc-0 t N Ideal Christian Home School. Preparatory and Collegiate courses. Art Uprewuon, rnyucai culture, rwiHusji tuun, vh uubctyb wry u Music High standard maintained by large Stanol experienced, college- trained Instructors. Takes only l uu poBruenuiaiemcaesineinaiviauai. iTnmimiusml health record. Brick building. Bteam heat. Excellent table. lArge gymnasium. Park-like campus. Concert, lectures, tennis, basket- bal 1, Write tor our catalog betoreaeiecnng ineoouege lor your aaugnter. HEN BY JEKOMB 8T0CKAKD, A. Free-, Belelfb, C IVleredith College Among the Foremost Colleges for Women in tie South. Course in Libera! Arts covering nine department and including elective courses in BrJaoation and Hible. wlieh count lor the A. H. degree. School ol Music including Piann PmeOri i Vu.hn and Voice Culture. School of Art including decoration. De- siguing end Oil I'HiutiiiK. School ol Elocution. Academy which prepares students lor college course's Physical Culture umler a trained director. Cost of literary course per ear including uliyMi lan. nurse anil ordinary medicines (every item, save books and laundry $210.50; hi the Club. 50 to iS5 less. Next session begins Sept. 14. 1910. Address. President R.T.VANN, Raleigh. N. C. The North Curolina COLUMN OF AGHKTLTURK AM) .MECHANIC AKTS. The State's college for training in dustrial workers. Courses in Agri culture. Horticulture, Animal Hus bandry and Dairying; in Civil. Elec trical and Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Milling and Dyeing; in Industrial Chemistry; and In Agri cultural teaching. Entrance examinations at each county seat on the 14th of July. I). H. HILL, President. West Raleigh, N. C. Jl 19 8. C. & N.-W. IU1LWAY. Schedule in Effect Sunday, June 12, 1910. NORTHBOUND. Train No. 10 (Passenger) Leaves Gastonla daily 9:30 a. in. Train No. 8 (Passenger) Leaves Cast on la daily, (except Sunday) $:40 p. m. Train No. 60 (Mixed) Arrives Gastonla dally, (except Sunday), 4:00 p. m. SOUTHBOUND. Train No. 9 (Passenger) Arrives Gaatoala daily 4:40 p. m. Train Ko. 7 (Passenger) Arrives Gastonla dally (except Sunday) 10:25 a. m. Train No. 61 (ilxed) Leaves . Gmatanla dally except Sunday) 12:25 p. m. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Wo men of North Carolina. Four regu lar Courses leading to Degrees. Special Course3 for Tecxher3. Fall Session begins September 14, 1910. Those desiring to enter should apply as early aa rosslble. For catalogue and other information address JUUUS I. FOUST, President, Greens, boro, N. C. Jl 8 p 8. CAROLINA & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY CO. and CALDWELL & NORTHERN RAIL ROAD OO. Fourth of July Excursion Fares. Date of Sale: July 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Final Limit Returning July 8th, 1910. For this occasion. Agents will sell Special Round Trip Tickets at rate of One and One-third Fares, ending In 0 or 5, Minimum 5Q Cents, be tween all statlona on these lines. Children over Ave and under twelve years of age, Half Fara. Effective July 2nd. Jrd and 4th, 1810. . E. F. RE ID, G. p. A., Ches ter, 8.C. "XX x A ,' it ' I ;,' ), ' - ' ' W s V' ' - "I i ' - y 1 I JL FOR REPRESENTATIVE. f I hereby announce myself a can didate 'for Representative of Oastoa county. In tha Lower Hons of tho naxt General Assembly subject, to the action of the second Democratlo primarlea to be held June 25th. a 8. MAUNET, ; FOR REPRESENTATTVE. I hereby announce myself a can didate for denomination for Repre sentative of Gaston county in the - tower nouse or the General Assem a . . .1 1 Diy, suoject to tna action of the ecuna ijemocrmc primaries , to be held June 25th. N. B. KENRRICK. FOR SHERIFF. wwaabj- 1 4va a . . . w me action or the -second TV. . . . . wwuvraiic primaries to be held June 25th. t J. D. B. McLEAN. FOR SHERIFF. rl Mita - . .. vaueav lUf rBDOml Tl al T Inta Fan M IHWil AUK I.UB III A a mm v urm uaicon county, tub- v iu mo sciion oi tne second Dem- nAatU - f Vv,l,v yuuianes xo be held June zbtn. T. E. SHUFORD. rxtujrjc.aiUIfAL CAED3 JONES A TTMBERLAKE. Attorneys and Counselors First Floor, Realty Building. GASTONLA. N. C. CARPENTER A CARPENTER Attorneys-At-Law DALLAS. N. C. Office over Bank of Dallas. P. WOODS GARLAND, JR., Attorney and Counselor . Office over Torrence-Morris Co'a. Main Ave. Gastonla, N. C JOHN F. BRADLEY Land Surveyor 430 W. Franklin Ave. rnone Z39-3 GASTONLA, N. a J. WHITE WARE Fire Insurance GASTONLA. N. C. (J men nitlznna Nnrlnnnl Rank RM, Phone 64. Another Great Booth Tarkington-Harry Leon Wilson Story Thtj said he was the worst man on the river, yet he showed them that the soul of a man and the heart of a man would not perish while the spirit willed that they should live. HIS romantic novel of life, love, war, intrigue and revenge on the Mississippi in the early Colonial days, captures SPECIAL NOTICES PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING. sic. Pianos in proper pitch and well tuned, inspire, and give new zest to an me nner reeiinga wnen run down low pitch injured Dy moths and action rattling, they paralyze. and some times kill. For ten days you can leave orders for work in this line at the store of A. J. Klrby & Co.. and your work arllt ha rlnna nrnmn f 1 v anrl nrnnarlv An experience or twenty years among the best colleges and the mnat nrnmlnAnt nannla f tha QtafA entities me to oeneve tnat i can please you. References: State Nor mal College. Greensboro Female n 11 - T7M n.. II J 1 i .in ihi;h. n.Hin i.rai nva ii i iiirn a :ri lege, Davenport College and Llnwood College. Very truly, A. W. PARHAM. CHAMPION MACHINES. reopie ouying macnines sucn aa Binders, Mowers, Hay Rakes. Hay Balers. Threshing Machines. Gaso line Engines, Sawing Outfits, Corn Harvesters, Corn Shredders, etc.. should see us before buying. We carry In stock Champion re pairs at all times. Would be glad to have you come to see us when In need of any of the above named articles. t Respectfully, GASTON FARMERS UNION WARE- HOUSE COMPANY.' Jl 22 c 1 mo. LADIES LOOK tne imagination, thrills the soul, arid illustrates that even an un principled gambler arid card sharper may yet redeem the life he has bartered for illicit gain. " ' We Congratulate Our Readers on the Opportunity to Read This Absorbing Narrative . .. , i tl4ftl tt :s2 ti:it&3 i ; " - Our ' '. Tuesday Serial Story The. 5th Gazette July Do you cut your own stencil pat terns? It's much cheaper than buy ing them already cut and you can find more desirable designs. . We have the stencil, card board, ,2 0x1 4 Inches, at 25 tvnts a sheet. A'so carbon paper, about aame ilse for 10 centa sheet. GAZETTE PUB. CO. . ' 238 W. Mala Ave. Phone 50. ' , GA8T0NIA PRODUCE MARKET. Frys ...,10c Hens IS "l-2o Eggs .... ........ 200 Butter ...... ........ 18e i Onlona ...... ......... .76 to 85o Peat ....( ..... ... ......82.15 Irish Potatoes . . . . . . . ... . k75e Sweet Potatoes ............ 7Bo Cabbage ........ 1 l-2clb Country hams ...... ...... . ',18c Country Shoulders .... ..12 l-2 ' f ,'T