Vrr t ZET PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. 1. v.' v - SINGLE COPY 8 CENTS. ' Devoted to the Protection of llome and the laterest of the County. 1JH A YEAR IN ADVANCX VOL. XXXL GASTONIA, N. C. TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1910. NO. OT.'v OYER GASTON OUNTY. 0 IN INTEREST OF HOSPITAL COMES TO GASTONIA. KILLED BY UGHTMNG. v NEWS NOTES. - - : Personals and Locals. Ay j3 -1 lL-o .' 1 . tar ivn rntMS. ' Correspondence of The Gazette. - ' MOUNTAIN ISLAND. July 16. t ' The annual picnic here wai as usual a moat successful and enjoyable oc casion, although the crowd ' wu much larger than baa been, here on such an occasion for many years. To the credit of this. large gathering of people It can be said that only one drunk man was seen and be passea through, the crowd and ; kept kj bls mouth, shut, something strange for ' drunk man to do. When the candldatae began to ar- the crowd : ' began to move Around but when the speakers took the stand all was 'quiet. All were waiting, to hear ; what Congressman Yates Webb had to say and his ma tflrfm address on "Good Citizenship was heard with the best of attention and interest. Much good f 111 no doubt result from tne seed sown by via ahindld BDeecn here on that day.,, : While Mr. Webb was speaking five or sir boys stole a crate of pep- al-Cola, carried It off and drank It. They were kind enough, however, to return the crate. ; In their cases the nnii aown by ' tha.' speaker fell on atony ground, as la always the case. It Is the duty of every man to sow good seed, let them fall where they may. For "whatsoever a man sow- eth that.shall he also reap." ; Some seed may fall on stony ground or by the wayside ;but be .it known to all that some wui nna a Mating in eood soil and will bring forth much fruit." NEWS FROM GASTONIA, R. F. D. 2 Correspondence, of The Gazette. GASTONIA, R. F. D. 2, July 18. Cotton is looking fairly well how, though - it i Is rather late. Missea Mabel and Nell Rhyne- entertained a number- of their friends with pound supper one night last week. A . aeries of meetings began a4 New Hope church Sunday andP'.(Ct nnt1nuA throueh the week. Servl ces at li and eight o'clock dallt Mr. William Moton, who-has been confined to his home for some time. is not much Improved.: Miss Eu nice Robinson is visiting Her. sister. Mrs Lee Lineberger, at Gastonla Mrs. Sarah Ford visited her brother, Mr. Marcus Kendrlck, laet week. Messrs. H. Lee and Clarence" Line berger. of Gastonla, spent Sunday with their parents.' Mr. and Mrs. A . B. Llneherger. Mrs. Robert HarrI son Is not much improved. '- Miss Mamie Lineberger, of Ashe- , villei is spending some, time with her sister, Mrs. John Harrison Mrs. Jeff Rhyne and Mrs. Barbara Ken- drick and granddaughter. Miss Eth - el Kendrick, 'spent Thursday night with - Mrs. : Brown Lineberger. ,.-r There Jwill will be communion services at the Lutheran chapel Sun day. Preparatory services Saturday at eleven- o'clock. MIsa Minnie Prather," of Gastonla,' la spending some time with Miss Stella Lineber ger. Mrs. Hugh B. Stowe and lit tle son, Logan; of Belmont, spent last Week with Jber father, Mr. Per ry Lewla. BESSEMER ROUTE TWO. Correspondence of The Gazette." , i BESSEMEH"rCITY,: R.?,P, - D. ..2, - July 18. Miss Bettle Gamble enter tained her Sunday school class of trlrls irt Saturday : night, July 9. , The friends ' of the class were at . Miss Gamble's to help the young la ' dies have a good time. A few games f aV"sv played, ' refreshments were 12 1882 3n 'ew recllations, decla- Now, )an1 Piano solos were enjoy- KaneDei muctt 'tDe ues?- :r Mp- r Af fhA tlfy that i literary way and also in of Gastonr-'-. w a, w vrj In the Co(ee Mr Wagstaff for they of North f 1 - aVw" Ter7 mo,inS- have succble h" flne clft8 oftirls fierf in nloy being with v their ''. riaHon ivery much.- '.All of -Miss . business o? tfiestn enjoyed the even jn- itgti wish to thank her tot her hand and' ' -. ' r ' day of Jniln ot tn,s tion are X. P. "KXl Preyrul y y meir Comptroiye3r wr $m to. see the Currency V- Tne ronnd is very partment CiJ1 flr enoogh in a few sion No. tiii"- Young Peoples Vl . .a. v ler of tha Curi"5" mei " Mr- J' a' i.e Saturday night nre- e summer work.. JL v i -' .' -". v ' Organisation of. Ladles Formed for ' the Purpose of Promoting later ests of Gaston Hospital. ' On Tuesday afternoon, Julyvltth, a meeting of the ladles Interested in the work of the Gaston Hospital was "held and a permanent organisation effected with the following officers Mrs. H.. B.' Moore,, President; Mrs. D.R.LaFar,, First Vice President; Mrs. R. C. McLean, Second Vice President; vMlss . Selenah Latham, Secretary and Treasurer;. Mrs. RJ. 8lffoid,V' Assistant - Secretary and Treasurer.' . " : ' Mrs. D. . M. Jones was elected chairman of the soliciting committee with the following - assistants: Mrs. John C. Moore, Mrs. W. H. Hardin, Mrs. C I. Loftln, Mrs. L. I Jenkins, Mrs. H. B. Moore, Mrs. J. P. Reld, Mrs. R. . M. Johnston, Mrs. V. E Long, Mrs.' R. C. McLean, Miss Low nr Shuford and Miss Salenah La tham. :' ' . The committee to select a name for the organisation is composed of Mrs. L. L.. Jenkins, chairman, Mrs. C. V. Blake, Mrs.' B. T. Morris, Mrs; D. A. Pace.' and Mrs. 8. A. Robin son. It was decided to hold regular meetings on the third Wednesday in each month.' The following is an outline of the purposes oL the organization as adopted at the meeting: The purpose of this organization is to increase the opportunities and facilities of Gaston Hospital for ad- mlnlgterlng to the Beedi and de. mands of suffering humanity, when even and wherever the arises; v necessity 'To solicit subscriptions and do nations for this purpose and to aee that said subscriptions and dona tlons are not used to further: the reputation, influence or financial Interest of any individual, or set of individuals, connected with same, 'To give needed treatment to the deserving poor, to furnish suitable opportunities to the more able, who desire It, and to guarantee to all the most refined, courteous and skillful attention within- Its power. It is not our purpose to create a money-making or dividend-paying organzat,onf ut to organlze that all who are Interested, personally or financially, may help maintain an in stitution .that will meet the require ments of Its friends and the necessi ties of diseased unfortunates; hence charity enters largely into It. by rea son of the Inability of so many to pay for the necessary medical and surgical work done by the physic. lans, which work makes the de mands on charity unjustly burden some to them; but upon this work hinges the incalculable benefit of such an Institution tothe communi ty. -. " V;;,H v.v:- - ' "It is not the purpose of this or ganization to antagonize or do' In justice to any similar organization or institution anywhere, nor to di vorce any family or individual from their, family - physician, for this In stitution promises . equal ' privileges to all reputable physicians, here or elsewhere, and the same attention to all patients under the direction of their attending ; physician, without regard :vto financial ability, social standing or religious creed." : ) Cotton Seed Flour Bread. Gastonla people are now having an opportunity to test the value and palatableness of bread made from cotton seed flour. They have been reading about this bread for quite a while but the 'rst seen. In Gastonla was last 'week when Todd's Steam Bakery placed it on the -market. . It is baked in loaves the 'shape and size of the regular loaf bread and is of a ginger-cake color. It has - a tempting odor and a most palatable taste. . Mr. Todd informs The' Ga- Mtta that h0 B ,oId qaU a gQod dea, of tne new Dread aad tha the mand for It i is increa.lnr. , it seems not at aU imnrobable that cotton seed flour bread will soon be a staple article on the market. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McLean and sons returned last week from a very pleasant visit to Mo re head City, few plans were suggested, i ." . The wheat crop of this aection was very, good and so was the oats. Miss Mary Gamble visited Miss i Alma Griffith at Bessemer City Sun- nnday. Rural Letter Carriers Association to Hold Annual Celebration ' Here First Monday in September Far. mers Union Cooperates With Them - Several Well -v Known Speakers to Be . Present A Big ' Day Promised. ,tT Monday, September oth, will be a big day in Gastonla a regular, red letter day. so to speak; The occas ion will be the annual picnic and celebration of the Gaston County Rural Letter Carriers Association In conjunction with the Gaston Conn ty.Farmers Union, which latter or ganization has formally indorsed the project and. signified their intention to Join In helping to make the day one long to be remembered In the county.. . Final action in the matter was ta ken at a meeting of the letter car riers at Dallas Saturday night, when a majority vote maicaiea mai um- a at a A. ton la was , the choice of the body There was some good natnred rival rv between Dallas - and Gastonla each town striving to secure the eel ebratlon for Itself. It had been ex- pected tha'Riverbend- would put In a bid for It and for that reason Dal las had made no effort to secure It until Saturday afternoon, hence had not made the preparation that Gas tonla had to pull for it. The Gastonla carriers presented to the meeting a subscription, list showing that the business men of Gastonla had subscribed the sum of $75 to defray expenses; the Dallas carriers presented at subscription list showing that they had raised $30 "for the same purpoqg. In jus tice to Dallas, it should be stated that they had only one afternoon in which to raise this fund Following is a list of the Gas- tonians contributing to tha enter tainment fund r Thomas L. Craig, E. Grant Pasour, A. L. Jenkins, J. F. Thomson, the Rexall Store, F. L. Costner, Love Co., D. E. McConnell, Morris Brothers, Robinson Shoe Co., Rankin Furniture Co., D. B. Hanna, D. & L. Lebovltz, Torrence-Morris Co., Carson & Kendrick, I. H. Strad ley, J. H. Walters, M. T. Parham ft Co H. Schneider, J. D. Morton, Craig ft Wilson, J. Lee Kobinson, S N. Boyce, Long Brothers, Ford Un dertaking Co., Rockett & Hargett, J. M. Belk Co., S. S. Morris, Craig ft Head, Elite Grocery, Thomas & Pearson, Swan-Slater Co., Coca-Co la Bottling Co., Gastonla Hardware Co., Shuford. Co., J. Flem Johnson ft Co., J. Q. Holland, Gastonla Insur ance ft Realty Co., A. G. Myers, A. J. Kirby, J. White Ware, Boyd ft Wilson, W.. C, Davis, Geo. L. Rawl logs, , Snowflake Laundry, Adams Drug Co.. J. H. Kennedy ft Co.;. Lumina, City? Hospital Co., R. M. Reid, F. D. Barkley ft Co., A. C. Stroup, P. R. .HuffBtetler, Piedmont Telephone ft Telegraph Co., Joe S. Wray, W. H. Adams, E. G. McLurd, J. D. B. McLean, Gastonla Livery Co., H. B. Moore, George W. Wilson, T. A. Wilklns. R. T. adgett, F. W. Bra wley, McLean Brothers, Frost Torrence ft Co., Gazette Publishing Company. . Definite arrangements have not as yet been made as to the place of hording the. picnic but" it is . very probable that It will be held on the Hanna property Just south of Oak- wood Cemetery. 'V: The committee on arrangements Is now engaged In securing speak ers for the occasion and it is certain that there will be at least two or three good addresses. Mr. A. C. Shuford, of Hickory, has consented to be present and make an. address. President Howard of the State. Ru ral Letter Carriers Association, of Robeson county,; has been invited but has not yet been heard from. A speaker of , national reputation has been asked to be present and dellv- er an address and now has the mat ter under consideration. ... '. , . This event , promises to be by all odds the largest of the kind In the county this summer and It is hop ed that every person in the county who can do so will be present.' Ev erybody will be expected to bring baskets and a big , dinner will be spread under the trees. Music will be furnished by a good band and ev erything . possible ' will be doae.'to make the day both interesting and pleasant and profitable. ' . : Let every man in the county lay hf. plans to be here On Monday. September 5th. '--..- Mr. JT, C. Barnwell, Brother of Mr. 8. B. Barnwell, of Gastonla, and . His Soa Killed Sunday at Banco, VaJ No , Particulars ; Known Was Native) of Alamance County, This State. ; , - Mr. S. B. Sara well received yes terday morn Irig . from his slsfer-ln- law, Mrs. J, C. Barnwell, of Banco, Va., a telegram conveying the dis tressing intelligence that her hus band and son -were killed by light ning Sunday. Beyond the bare fact of their tragic death nothing U known, as no particulars whatever were given. The telegram came too late for Mr. Barnwell to leave Gas tonla on No. 36 and hence he did not go, fearing he could - not reach the place in time for the funeral. The telegram did not give the name of the son killed, but It is sup posed to be James-Barnwell, Jr. inougn mere were two or more boys in the family. Deceased was a well-to-do farmer and merchant at Sanco, a small town near Farmvflle, where be had resided for the past fifteen years. His widow is a cousin of Rev. R. C. Anderson, of Gastonla. She sur vives, together with two or more children. Surviving the dead par ent are also three brothers, viz: Mr S. B. Barnwell, of Gastonla; Mr. R L. Barnwell, of Burlington, and Mr W. A. Barnwell, of Mebane, and two sisters, Mrs. A. D. Frederick, of Bur lington, and Mrs. A. W. Hedgepeth, of Durham. Deceased was a native of Alamance county, this State. Mr. J. C. Barnwell was in Gasto nla on a visit to his brother some eight years ago, that occasion being tbe last time the two had seen each other. Particulars of the sad event are anxiously awaited by the sorrow- stricken brother here who has the sympathy of many friends in this shocking bereavement that has come to him. MILL MAN SUICIDES. Mr. James T. Tate, Formerly Con nected With Mountain Island Cot ton Mills, This County, Ends Life at Home of Brother-in-law, Mr. Charles N. Vance at Black Moun tain. Despondent over continued 111 health, from the ravages of which he had been able to find no relief, Mr. James Tate, of Greensboro, at one time connected with the man agement of the Mountain Island Cotton Mills at Mountain Island, Gaston county, committed suicide Saturday night at the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. Charles N. Vance, a son of the late Senator Zeb Vance, at Black Mountain. A , special dispatch from Black MountainTo The Charlotte Observ er of yesterday says that the rash act was committed about 11:30 o'clock Saturday night. Mr. ' Tate shot hifnself through the head with a. revolver and died within an hour after Inflicting the wound upon him self.- When he retired at 10:30 there was, it is stated, nothing in his manner to indicate that he con templated ending his life. He was, however, habitually despondent over his 111 health. ? Deceased was 65 years of age and had for a number of. years past re sided at Greensboro where " he ; ac cumulated quite a good . deal of property. His estate Is valued at 50,000, largely consisting of ; real estate.;-. yi'i'f'' Mr. Tate was a half-brother o? Mr. J. Caswell Tate and a brother-in-law of Mr. Miles P. Pegram, of Charlotte. He was an uncle of Messrs. R. L. and John A, Tate and Messrs. Thomas Pegram and" M. P.J Pegram, third. . "Falsa' Hal.n ; r (Wrltten for The Gazette.) God bless our nobto women ' I love them I declare ' ; f c But, Great Scott, what a' change It V makes " . , : . ! .: When they take off their hair' Meeting Closed. ... ''v "t;.-.-; The ;". protracted meeting which was in progress at Franklin Avenue Methodist church last week came to a close Sunday night and Rev. J. H. Bradley, who did the preaching, re turned yesterday to his home at Weddingtoa. The results of ,. the meeting were very satisfactory. ; , Mr. Larry Moore, ? one of - New hern's most prominent lawyers, was OTercome by heat while sitting In his office Saturday and Is In a crit ical condition. .; ,( k .Two Seaboard trains, 'a freight gtnd a passenger, collided at Wat -t, ... . . i . i demolished, and several trainmen and passengers Injured, none fatal ly. r ;' - ' Representative Samuel . Gllmore of tbe second Louisiana congres sional district, died yesterday atAb- 111 Springs, La., after a long illness, He was born in New Orleans In 185$, Dean C. Worcester, American sec retary of interior of the Philippines was set upon by renegade Moros on the Island of Palawan yesterday and escaped assassination only through the alertness of his bodyguard who shot down the outlaws, killing three of them outright. Near Hawesville, Ky., Sunday night a landslide struck a fast pas senger train on the Louisville, Hen derson and St. Louis railroad, kill ing the fireman, wounding a- num ber of passengers and damaging the coaches considerably. The train was passing under a high bluff. At McFar'fn station, 15 miles from Wadesboro, yesterday after noon Constable J. M. Sing was shot and seriously wounded by Claud Thomas, a negro employe of the At lantic Coast Line. Tbe negro escap ed and a posse with bloodhounds went in pursuit. Senator Lee S. Overman has re ceived bis commission from Presi dent Taft as one of the six repre sentatives from the United States to Mexico on the occasion of the cele bration by that country of the one hundredth anniversary of its exist ence as a republic. The celebration begins September 7th and continues till September 21st. In the presidential yacht May flower President Taft and party left his summer home at Beverly, Mass., yesterday afternoon for a ten-days cruise In Maine waters. He Will make three speeches on his trip, though they will not be of a politi cai nature. The cruise was planned wholly as an outing for the Presi dent. J. B. Allison, in Jail at Asheville charged with the murder of Floyd McGee some days ago, has Implicat ed Porter Webb, a well-known young Asheville man, as being his accom plice, and the latter was arrested and placed under a $2,000 bond pending a preliminary hearing. The killing was a most brutal one. Webb is a member of the Arm of W. A, Webb ft Co., liverymen. John C. Davis, tbe North Carolina attorney who swindled Washington people, mostly women, out of some $200,000 or more, was Saturday sentenced to 16 years in the Federal prison at Leavenworth, Kansas. He Is a native of Beaufort, N. C, and at one time swindled many people in this State. He posed as a pious churchman and plead insanity as his defense. e H. F. Zachary, aged 50, a miser living In the suburbs of Roanoke, Va., and said to be a native of Yad kin county, this State, was found yesterday murdered, his body lying in a pile of. fodder. There were two pistol holes in his head. Robbery was the motive and the police are looking for Mack Vaden, a negro suspected of the crime. ' It Is believ ed the murderer secured a large sum of money. More than $600 in cur rency was found sewed in the lin ing of the trousers worn by Zach ary. A heart-rending tragedy occurred at Oxford yesterday afternoon when. Otis Brown, youngest son of the late S. Brown, in a fury of rage shot his step-mother and then killed him self. The shooting occurred in the front hall of tie Brown home. : The tragedy followed Mrs. Brown's re fusal to give young Brown a' sum of money that he demanded. - Her hus band died a few years . ago leaving an estate of $40,000, the same to be useTV by his wife during her life time," She had been .'very liberal with young Brown, having "only re cently given him $1,000 and hence me rerusai yesterday. The town of Oxford was greatly shocked at. the sad event. " ' , Home-grown cantaloupes are on, . 1 the market; watermelons come next. : w 4 . n ' a at a. A. ur. v. Bt. Aaauis weui o vnaii lotte on business yesterday, "V- i.-f-v ;--Prof. Little, of Lenoir College,' ',:;: nirsiirv. swaim am iiiibiiihhb wiaiuir in Gastonla yesterday. ,?v.V;: -Miss Blanche McArver spent . Sundav with friends In Klnri Monn '. tain. .. . ,;''.'...'?, : ''h - I ,' . Mr. , Campbell Dickson is still . very in irom lypnoia -iever at ma v father's home on route three. . ; , Mr. Fred Robinson, of Dallas, made a business trip to Charlotta ' - yesterday. Messrs. W. Y. Warren and A. -G. Mangum were business visitors : to Charlotte yesterday. Mrs. W. . T. Adams has been, confined to her bed for the past tea m An tha nfTerlna' from tha Inllrml. ties Incident to old age. Mr. Charlie Faires has a field of corn it will pay any oneto go to ' see. It is three miles south of Gas tonla on the Union road. s ' , Mrs. W. L. Kellett, of Spartan , burg. S. C, is spending some time in Gastonla as the guest of her sister, . Mrs. J. N. Reeder, at her home on East Franklin avenue. Ul" The latest thing in the free de livery line can be seen at Bob Co ble's, on route thren. TherA ink , five mail boxes mounted on a bug gy wheel. Mr. Ed Hawkins, who lives on route three, and Miss Anna Kirkaey, ' . who lives at the Loray, were mar ried at Bowling Green last Tuesday morning at 2:30 o'clock a. m. Mrs. J. R. Henderson and Mr. Ciaire Henderson left this morning for Lincolnton and Hickory where they will spend several days with friends. " Miss Addie Rendleman, one ot the popular teachers in the Besse mer City graded schools, returned to her home at Iron Station Satur- ' day after a two weeks visit to Miss -Margaret Hall in Belmont. air. ii. vv . vsaieB, ui oessteiuer City, route two, raised forty-thre ouaneis or wneai on one acre mis year. This was the measured acre on which he raised his prize eorn last year, having made a yield of a little over 86 bushels. . Mr. John F. Davis, a former Lincoln citizen who now lives and is doing business in Gastonla. spent a few hours in town on last Wednes day en route home from the Demo cratic convention at Newton. Lin coin County News, 16th. , ' Dn L. L. Self, of Cherryvllle. leu luesaay zor ew rora wnereaa wil? take a post graduate course In medicine. After a few months at the medical college, he will locate in Cherryvllle for the practice of his profession. Lincoln County News, 16th. Mr. and Mrs. J. BJ Meacham and little son, J. B., Jr., arrived Sat urday from Hamer, S. C. ' Mr. Meacham returned to his home yes terday. Mrs. Meacham and , son will spend several weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. . B. Thorn- asson. At Lutheran chapel church next Wednesday, "the 27th, there, will bo addresses by President R. L. Frits, of Lenoir College, Hickory, on ""Ed ucation," and by Rev. W. J.' Boger. of Mount Holly, on "Mlssiona., Those who attend will no doubt ho fully repaid for their troutte. The editor of The Gazette ac knowledges with thanks a SDecial Invitation from ,; Euraka Local ".. No. 167, of the Farmers Union, td at tend Its annual picnic which Is to ba held July. 29th at Union church south of Gastonla. Everybody is In vited to come and have a good time. The Union folks know just how to give a picnic that will please every body and the one 'this year will ba one of those that will repay going a long way to attend. K 1 Rev. John Hall. 1 pastor of tha Gastonla 4 and' Chapel Lutheran churches, received a severe pound ing at the hands of a company of his parishoners last Friday even In jr. ' A large quantity of good .things was deposited la the larder. - This evi dence, on the part of his people cf of thelr warm affection . for the.'r pastor was greatly appreciated an ! the welcome received by the caller- left no doubt in their minds as ti hp genuineness of the hospitality vhich always awaits them at their pastor's home. ' . h 4 . i i .