rxcs roun. , TUB OA STOMA GAZETTE. FRIDAY, JULY S3, 1010. Tee Gastonia Gazette Isms Wfrr Tuesday ud Friday ? T Gasetta Pabllsatnf Compaajr. fl. D. ATKINS, Editor. JL W. ATKINS, Business Manager. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: iQM year HH months Wnt months Dm month .IS GASTONIA Gouty Beat of GasUm County Af ter Jaaaary 1. No. 836 Mala Areaae. PHONE NO. 50. FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1010. MALICE OR IGNORANCE, WHICH? In the editorial column of The IwUab Adrocate of July 21st. we find thla paragraph: "We would like to know why the cltUens of Gastonia who subscribed money for the erection of a new court houBe there have not paid this money over to the county commis sioner It has almest been a year since the court house election and far we know, not a cent has been paid In to the commissioners "We want to know the reason and that pvptv taxpayer in the county also wants an explanation Is this a trick or Is it simply busi ness?" The Gaiette will not waste good pace to argue with Editor Houser lut will merely give the facts in the case, which are as follows, the In formation coming direct to us from TIr. A. G. Myers, cashier of the Citi zens National Bank, and Mr. J. Lee Hoblnson, vice-president of the First National Bank, both of Gastonia: On June 28, 1909. more than i month prior to the court house elec tlon. certain citizens of Gastonia de posited in each of the above-named toanks $21,500.00, a total of $43, 000.00 to the credit of the chairman of the board of county commission ra, payable to him on condition that the election carried for removal of the county seat from Dallas to Gas tonia. Even Mr. Houser, with all his display of ignorance as' related to the financial end of this transac tion, must know that at the August election in 1909, Gastonia won out, thus becoming the county seat of Gaston on and after January 1, 1911. On August 24, 1909, Chairman John F. Leeper, of the board of county commissioners, took up $5, 00.00 from each of these banks and paid to Mrs. E. C. Wilson the sum of $10,000.00 for the court house Bite. On the same day each bank Issued to him time certificates of de posit for $16,500.00 with Interest payable from that date. On April 5, 1910, these certificates were taken up by him and the $33,000.00 plac ed oa open account ia thesa two basks. Since, that time tb chatr maa of tha board baa been checking regularly oa these accounts'to make par menu on the aew court house and Jail, which are being construct ed, a large part of tbla money bar Ing already been cheeked out. Ia the face of the above facts there are only two possible conclu sions that can be reached: First, that Mr. Houaer is woefully ignorant of county affairs; or, second, he Is making a malicious attempt to mis lead and poison the minds of Gas ton county people. We can hardly believe the first proposition Is true, because Mr. Houser was very active In the campaign and could hardly have failed to know the facts re garding the money. We are con strained to believe that the second proposition is true. If so, this at tempt to mislead his readers is a most discourteous slam at their In telllgence and should be sufficient cause to lead every subscriber he has, be he Republican or Democrat, to at least write a big question mark at the end of every paragraph In the editorial columns of The Advocate from now on. No, Brother Houser, such at tempts as this to pull the wool over the eyes of the good people of Gas ton can but result in disaster to yourself. Come again. appearing la today's Gaietts oa page eight under tha beading "Chil dren ia Peril." It la reprinted from Good Housekeeping Magaslne by permission and reveals a state of af fairs prevalent la nearly all tba pub lic schools of tha country which Is Indeed appalling. This article tells of the deadly peril that lurks in tba common drinking eup that we find In almost every school house, on railway coaches, In depots, hotels and all public places. In this con- - nectlon It Is of Interest to note that Superintendent Wray of the Gasto nia public schools has Inaugurated a movement looking to the Installa tion in the Gastonia school houses of sanitary drinking fountains to re place the dangerous and deadly common drinking cup. TGeSasette Is heartily in favor of this step and sincerely hopes that the people of the town will lend him the necessary financial assistance to accomplish this end. tions and renewals. Look; at tba data oa your paper and t your sub scription expires In tba near future, come prepared to give It your re newal, and also to say a good word for us to your neighbor who Is not now a subscriber. ' 5 Governor KItchin . baa offered a reward of $200 for tba arrest of Le vy Maynard, the young white man wanted at High Point as an acces sory to the killing, of Bessie Thorn asson through a criminal operation performed by Dr. Vestal. Doctor Vestal and bis wife are In Jail at Greensboro and Maynard bas fled the State. A reward of $200 bas al so been offered for tha arrest of Claud Thomas, the negro who mor tally wounded Policeman J. II. Sing at Wadeshoro Monday. In: CIioosihe a . Ban! Quoting The Gazette's editorial paragraph which appeared in Tues day's issue relative to the placing of county officers on a salary basis, this week's Dallas Advocate calls atten tion to the fact that the recently pro mulgated platform of the Republi can party in Gaston county pledges that party to this measure. From the tone of his editorial, Brother Houser would evidently have the people of Gaston believe that this is a Republican measure, when in fact it is merely stolen campaign mater ial. Long before The Advocate was born (it is now In its swaddling clothes) The Gazette, the oldest Democratic paper of Gaston, was ad vocating this measure. The fact Is that six years ago the Democrats of Gaston put the treasurer of the coun ty on a salary and, if the people want it, the Democratic representa tives are ready, we are sure, to see that they get a bill in the next Gen eral Assembly placing all the other county officers on the same basis, Other counties in the State which now have the salary system In opera tion are under obligations to the Democratic party for it. Our con temporary will have to try some oth er line of argument. Gaston county folks don't have to vote the Republi can ticket in order to get the other county officers on a salary basis. Gaston county has at least two streams that need dredging Crow- ders and Long Creeks. If this were done many hundreds of fertile acred would be reclaimed and mosquitoes and malaria would be greatly reduc ed In this section. The Gazette notes with pleasure the awakening on this Important subject in the county. As mentioned elsewnere in today's paper the landowners on Crowders Creek have appointed a meeting to be held at Pleasant Ridge on the 30th for the purpose of dis cussing the dredging question. There ought to be a large attendance. We hope to soon see the landowners aloDg Long Creek making a similar move. NOTICE. The regular meeting of the Wo mans Home Mission Society of Main Street Methodist church, postponed from last Monday on account of rain, will be held in the ladies' parlor at the church next Monday, July 25th, at 4:30 p. m. MRS. J. W. ATKINS, Sec. in which to deposit your money, you should consider this will you be of fered . 9 ' ljiui ica w. niiinir: i ii ir-:. .i.ut-iv ,. We possess all three of these qualifications, and cordially invite those contemplating opening accounts to confer with us. - 15 Fir si National Bank ; Gastonia, N. C. Gajton County' Oldest and Largest Bank ' 1 - ' . -.1. ' L. L Jenkins, PresL, J. Lee Robinson, V-Pt, S. N. Bojce, Cashier. You Can Buy Men's $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 Suits at $5.00, $625 and $7.50 Here Saturday. Thoi ison Mercantile Company You Can Buy Men's $1.00 Shirts for 79c You Can Buy Men's $1.50 Shirts for $1.19 Here Saturday. Sstle MANY GATHERINGS. Every school teacher In the coun ty, together with every parent and school pupil, should read the article WHEN HllS IN THE BMEC t ' Ibb4 SBSjaVeflsi" Bank your money and rest easy. Burglars can't get it, and schemers and fair weather friends won't be so apt to make your money their money. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. We issue Certificates of Deposit payable with interest at 5 per cent if left three months, but may be withdrawn at pleasure. We invite your business. Citizens National Bank of Gastonia JL P. Raakin, Pres C N. Erins, Yke-rW, A. G. Mjres, Cashier. Next Week and the Week Following Will be Crowded With Picnics, In stitutes and Other Occasions for the Assembling of the People To gether. The latter part of next week and the week following will be crowded with gatherings of various kinds at different places in the county. Those who have their work out of the way will have ample opportunity to at tend some of the numerous picnics, farmers' institutes, and events of a like nature. On next Thursday, July 28th there will be a farmers' institute and an institute for women at Mount Hol ly. On the same day the annual pic nic of the Woodmen of the World will be held at Belmont, and the dis trict conference of the Methodist church for the Shelby district will convene at Dallas for a four days' session. On Friday, July 29th, there will be a farmers' institute at Iron Sta tion, across the line in Lincoln, and Eureka local farmers' union will hold a picnic at Union Presbyterian church, six miles south of Gastonia. On Saturday, July 30th, the an nual picnic at Old Furnace, between Bessemer City and Cherryville, will be held, Gen. Julian S. Carr, of Dur ham, being scheduled to make the principal address of the day. On the same day the farmers living on Crowders Creek between Baker's Mill and Riddle's Mill will meet at Pleasant Ridge to discuss the drain age question. On Tuesday, August 2nd, there are to be two farmers' institutes in the county, one at Cherryville and one at Gastonia. The annual camp meeting of the Wesleyan church will begin in Gastonia on Wednesday ev ening, August 3rd. to be in session eleven days. On Thursday, August 4th, Dallas will entertain both the annual meet ing of the Gaston County Bible So ciety and the annual Masonic picnic. battirday, August 6th, Is the date for Cherryvllle's big celebration, among the chief features of which will be a free balloon ascension and an ad dress on somw popular subject, not political, by Congressman E. Yates Webb, of Shelby. In this connection It Is well to mention Kings Mountain's big re union and celebration. Including the dedication of her new school build ing, which is to be held on August inn. Gastonla's turn will come on the first Monday in September when the Rural Letter Carriers' and the Farmers' Union picnic is to be held In Hanna's grove. Just at the e.dge of town. This promises to be one of the most largely attended of all the occasions of Its kind occurring this season. The publishers of Tha Qie&sa will attempt to haye a representative present at as many of these gather lags as possible, who will be glad to accept and receipt for new subscrlp- Judy Clearing . Closes Saturday, July 23rd Only one day more of The Thomson Mercantile Cos great Bargain feast Big crowds have visited our Sale and scooped up many bargains at unheard of prices Bargains are not yet all gone, some have been held for the last day, come and see, tell your friends about Saturday being the last day of Thomsons' great July Clearing Sale. Visit our store Saturday and save from 25 to 50 per cent at the closing of this Great Sale. You can't afford to miss these wonderful bargains. TABLE DAMASK. $1.50 Table Damask, the. Yd. $1.19 $1.25 Table Damask, the Td. ..98c $1 Table Damask the Yd 79c 75c Table Damask, the yard,... 6 9c 50c Table Damask, the yard, . . .89c WHITE BED SPREADS. $3.50 White Bed Spreads ...$2.98 $2.00 White Bed Spreads ...$1.48 $1.50 White Bed Spreads $1.19 $1.00 White Bed Spreads 79c VAL LACES. One lot good Val Laces and Inser tions on sale at 4e the Td. One lot 10 and 12 l-2c Val Laces and Insertions on sale at 8c Yard LADIES' WASH SUITS. All Ladles' Wash Coat Suits on sale at Half-Prlce. LADIES' SKIRTS. All Ladies' Black Voil and Panama Wool Skirts on gale at 1-3 off regular price. "Good Values." SHIRT WAISTS. Ladies' $1.50 Lawn Shirt Waists at $1.19 Ladles' $1 Lawn Shirt Waits ..79c Ladies' 75c Lawn Shirt Waists.. 6 9c Ladies' 50c Lawn Shirt Waists.. 39c LADIES' LINGERIE DRESSES. All Ladies' Lingerie $5.00 Dresses on sale at half-price. .. .$2.48 Ea MILLINERY, 1-2 PRICE. All Ladies' trimmed ready-to-wear Hats on sale at half-price. See our hat bargains here Saturday. MEN'S STRAW HATS, 1-2 PRICE. All Men's and Boys' Straw Hats sold here Saturday at Half-Prlce. PANTS. Men's Pants sold Saturday at 1-3 off Regular Prices. Boys' Pants sold Saturday at 1-3 oft Regular Price. Come Saturday and get BARGAINS HERE CLOTHING. One lot Men's Clothing on sale at Half-Prlce. One lot of Men's Clothing on sale at 1-3 off regular Price. OXFORDS. All Ladies' Men's and Children's Oxfords on sale at 20 per cent re duction. Saturday the last day; be here. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. All Men's Shirts, Ties, and Under wear on sale at a 20 per cent Re duction. Saturday will be your last chance; come. Dont forget Saturday will be Thomson's last day of this Great July Clearing Sale. Be here and get our last days bargains. Tell Your Friends to Come. Big Bargains Here Saturday for all Come and See. C Thomson Mercantile . 9 a r ' o m p a n y Bring Your Money Saturday for it is your last Bargain Chance at Thomson's Sale. Gastonia, N. C. July Clearing Sale