t FIUDAT,: JVLT 1, 1910.' FAGS SIX. TOT GA8T0XU,qA?lCTpG,, , Insurrection has broken out la Honduras, another Central Ameri can Republic J. M. Sing, marahal of the town of McFarlan. Anton county, died Wed nesday from the effects of wounds sustained Monday at the hands of Claud Thomas, a negro railroad hand. He was 38 years old snd leaves s wife and six children. Pos ses are still searching for Thomas. East Clereland appraisers have ralued John D. Rockefeller's Forest Hill estate at Clereland. Ohio, at fl.OSO.000.' : T 'Prof. A. C. Mcintosh, assistant professor of law at Trinity College, was Wednesday elected to a law professorship at the State University to succeed the late Dr. Thomas Ruf fln. He Is a graduate of Davidson College. SCHOOLS AND COLLE Catawba College and Preparatory School Both sexes. Private rooms snd board for ladies but under school super vision. Strong faculty. Special sttention to A. B.. B. S. and B. L. courses- FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS Expended on new Laboratory equipment. New furniture. Buildings reno vated. Location ideal. Healthfulness unsurpassed. Tuition rates very moderate. Board at actual cost on the club plan. :: :: :: Fall term begins Sept. 7, 1910. Write for catalogue. JOHN F. BUCHHE1T, A. M.. President. P22 Newton, N. C. HM5 mm AN Ideal ChrUtlw ITome School. Trparatory Expression. V hyalcaJ Cultur, Pedagogy, Bu liuilc. llign tnUrd maintained by large U OFFICIAL WUITKWASlC . THE OLD MILL. . . - (Written for The Qasetts.) TnaS wnas mr, vauingrr ww, A, .v. mnrnlnr .un.hlna . . , u -- - ' It sworn Secretary or interior to I Wer finned by a gentle breexe; be Kxoaerated aad IMachoi WUl I And glad were the Yokes. ringing be Ouademard. , I Under the spreaaing trees. An Assisted Press dispatch The Uy In friendly clusters. NBWS NOTES. Tomi wd County. from Chicago to the afternoon pa pers of Mondsy says, In part: According to a special story la the Chicago Tribune today under a Washington date line. Secretary R. A Rtlllnvop will ha VftitAratAil h at m.irtt ,nnrf nf th lotnt cni.tMi. A path toward the foot of the bill. : atonal committee which for Are We suddenly oame to the entrance months has been making an exhaus la pink, bloomed fresh and gay; And the wild birds' notes from their pretty throats. Made It one Ideal day. And as Bessie and I were treading Of an old neglected mill. tire Investigation of the conduct of We peered through the dusty cob- train Instructors. Take only 1 00 I niurunM neajin raoora. unci and CoUecUU eourm. Ark mine, eta. ConaerratorY ol tff Ol IIMTImii. enllam. nauwn ana ceacnea ma individual. k bonding. 8tem haat. Szoeilaut table. Large gymnasium. Fark-Uka campua. OonoerU, looturea, tennis, batket- aii, w nta tor our catalog peioraawiajming meoouege lot your aangntar. HSNKY JKKOMB STOCKAJUX A. M lseea BaUiSb, H. C BINGHAM SCHOOL 1793 1910 TBI BIHSHiM SCHOOL, IsWnlK C ku ! .4 tor W Wtm tot lit T1AB8. lanllf low o. Ut "!.. I miUt tnm city. Oquotfloa ILTTAIT tor DISOTUm. OnmOL mm4 CAMUOt. Bo?. iqM Irom Mho sthroli mm nalnl IMw htj IMinl aadMi oml a. mioham. Umpk.. an v Trinity Park School A Firat-Claas Preparatory School Certificates of Graduation Accept ed for Entrance to Leading Southern Colleges Faculty ol ten officers a-d teachers. Campus of seventy-five acres. Library containing more than forty thousand bound volumes. Well equipped gymna sium High standards and modern methods of instruction. Frequent lec tures by prominent lecturers. Expenses exceedingly moderate. Twelve years of phenomenal success. For catalogue and other information address F. S. ALDRIDGE, Bursar Durham, N. C S6clQw Trinity College Five Departments Collegiate. Gradu ate. Engineering. Law, and Education. Large library facilities. Well-equipped laboratories inall departments cf science. Gymnasium furnished with best appara tus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Teachers and Students ex pecting to engage in teaching should investigate the superior advantages offered by the New Department of Education in Trinity College. For catalogue and further information address R. L. FLOWERS, Secretary Durham, N. C S6c 10w BOILING SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL Shelby, N. C, R. F. D. No. 3 HEALTHFUL LOCATION. ATTRACTI VE SURI90UN DINGS. IDEAL MORAL AND SOCIAL CONDITIONS. LARGE AXD COMFORTABLE BRICK BUILDINGS. WATER WORKS. ROARD AT ACTUAL COST. TUITION VERY REASONABLE. ABLE CORPS OF TEACHERS. NEXT SESSION OPENS AUGUST 30TH FOR CATALOG, APPLY TO REV. J. M. HAMRICK PRINCIPAL. SHELBY, N. C, R. F. D. NO. 3. the affairs ot the Interior and of the bureau of forestry of the depart ment of agriculture. The Inrestlgators who concur In the majority report which carries a condemnation of the course of for mer chief forester Ptnchot, J. R. Garfield and Louis R. Claris, ac cording to the Tribune story are Senators Nelson, Flint, Sutherland and Root and Representatives Mc- Call, Denby and Olmsted. It also Is declared that a minority report will be filed declaring Secretary Ballin- ger guilty of the charges made a- galnst him, to which the signatures of Representatives Madison, James and Graham will be attached. It Is asserted that the majority was drafted by Senator Nelson and that of the minority by Representative James and that in addition. Repre sentative Madison has written his own opinion of the affair although he will sign the minority report. The majority report Is said to find Secretary Ballinger acted with in the record and displayed proper judgment with respect to the Cun- r.lngham coal claims; that he was w'se, honest and conservative in his actions and that he was justified In his criticism of the reclamation ser vice and his abandonment of the pol icy of Secretary James R. Garfield, The minority report. It Is asserted will conflict almost In every partic ular with the finding of the majority of the commission. Give your boy and erirl the best chance for the largest development and usefulness. That is to say, give them a LIBERAL EDUCATION. ERSK1NE COLLEGE, Due West, S. C. Offers the opportunity for such an education. Thoroueh work dor.e in all departments. Two courses leading to the A. B. degree. The VVYLIE HOME offf an excfr,ir''1;,l opportnnitv to voung women ready for the Freshman class. Write for illustrated catalogue to J. S. Moffatt, President. WHY aLVES FAIL TO CURE ECZEMA. Scientists are now agreed that the eczema germs are lodged not in the outer ksin or epidermis, but In the Inner skin. Hence, a penetrating li quid is required, not an outward salve that clogs the pores. We recommend to all eczema pa tients the standard prescription Oil of Wlntergreen as compounded In liquid form known as D. D. D. Pre scription. A trial bottle of this D. D. D. Prescription, at only 25 cents, will instantly relieve the Itch. We have sold and recommended this remedy for years, and know of won derful cures from its use. We rec ommend it to our patrons. J. H. Kennedy ft Co. J17-J122 CLAREMONT COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Girls and Young Women, Hickory, North Carolina. If you are thinking of entering school write for Catalogue. Special Advantages in Music and webs, To see what was there Inside; But silence there reigned, and no one complained Of the miller true and tried. Then we turned to the left our foot steps. Pausing to rest on a cool, gray stone, j And gased again at the structure Which seemed to say, I'm alone. I have faithfully rendered service, In the days that have long gone by; But now I'm neglected, and naught Is expected Of one so dependent as I. But I feel there Is yet work for me, If men were but willing to Turn to my aid the water Which now has nothing to do, But ripple along and frolic, And on to the ocean run; When asked if there's fame to give it a name, The answer comes back, there Is none. The story of the mill was touching, And I knew every word was tr,ue; Fr it rtood alqne without power The least bit of labor to do. vVhile the water kept swiftly run- o'ng In its same soft, musical tone; Without any sorrow, or a Joy to bor row. For pleasures it had of its own. Then I looked at the mill and won dered If the hands that had made it new. Were still busy with life's duties, Or like it, were silent too. And I said to myself while looking, When the wheels of my life stand still, Twill then be with me, as it now Is with thee.' Then "Bess" and I left the old mill. MRS. E. O. WEBB. Dallas, N. C. Jack Johnson waa fined:- IIS for , Mr. B. J Hand, of Lowell, spent driving his automobile 1 faster than rwterday in Gastoala as ,thevguest . . as ar a- n -n wt , i the speed limit in New Tor wea- n . uaiu. nesday. . ,1 -Mr. C. W. Puller,' of Bessemer 'A new Vl.6v0.000 postofflce and City, spent yesterday ti Oastonla on four Immense government 4 build-1 business. ings are to be erected la Washing-1 , lit, J. Flay Bess was a business ton. t I visitor to Charlotte .Wednesday af- A few days ago O. W. Darts, of ternoon.. Mint Hill, Union county, was bitten I. Mr. Ed T. Wilson returned Wed by a spider and became unconscious I nesday morning from a ten-days remaining so for 48 hours. I trip at Wrlghtsville Beach. . .. - . The town of King, Forsyths I j Mr. David P. Delllnger. of county, la to have a . new 93,000 I Cherryvllle, was a visitor In Oasto- school building. A site of four J nia Wednesday. acses. has been purchased for it. Richard L. Metcalfe, associate ed Jtor of Bryan's Commoner, has an nounced his candidacy for the Uni ted States Senate from Nebraska. Mrs. T. E, Summers, of Cherry " vllle, Is here with her sister, Mrs. H. 1 WT-. Prtu nfs who las at aI-si 1 w 111 DVa if vvuuwi w v si sroiivuaij uuy arrived Tuesday. . Miss Verona Harrelson, ot The eatlns plant ef the Troutman I Cherryvllle, la spending this week ai Buggy Company was destroyed by I the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 7. Har- 11 re at Troutman Tuesday morning, relson. The loss was about S5.000 with $J.- Mr a h. Marvin, of the Gas- wvw . i uiuia isOca,-L.oia, noxLiina: uomniDT. It Is the general belief in Virginia I spent yesterday in ' Charlotte and that Governor Mann will appoint I Salisbury on business. ex-Governor Swanson to fill out the! Master- Arthur Caldwell, of V unexpired term of tire late United I Blacksburg, S. C, Is spending a'few'- daya here with his grandfather, MrV' States Senator John W. Daniel The postmasters of the State will hold. their annual session at Win ston-Salem September 23 -and' 24 Some prominent postofflce official . A. Caldwell. Mrs. W. 8. Green, of Rock Hill, S. C. Is the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. M. Parker, on West from Washington will deliver an ad- I Long avenue. ureas. i -j (, t. t c ..... nuu aio. m ik. cuuiuiviruw In an Interview given out a few heft yesterday for Newton, where aays ago rresmeni lan siaiea mat they will spend ten days with rela- he will refrain from interfering In tives and friends. Republican State politics. He has his hands full, he says, looking after National affalss. Miss Alice Bostwlck Boyden, ot Hickory, returned home yesterday after spending some time here as the The Elliott Knitting Mill Compa- guest of MlgB Marle Hardln and oth- ny of Hickory, was granted a char- I er friends How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm. Walding, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken In ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the Art. Location Ideal. Buildings Well stem. Testimonials sent free. trice it cents per Dome, aoia dj furnished, Rates very Low. Fall Term Opens Sept. 6, 1910. JOSEPH L. MURPHY, President. J126 c 8. all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. ter Wednesday, with $25,000 capi tal. J. D. Elliott and H. J. Holl- brook are the principal incorpora tors. Mr. Robert L. Mills was almost instantly killed Monday at States- ville while trying to stop a runaway horse. His body was caught be tween the wagon and a box car and his head was terribly crushed. Four thousand Louisville shop employes of the Louisville & Nash ville Railroad were given a surprise Tuesday when they opened their pay envelopes and found therein an un solicited Increase of six per cent. State-wide prohibition Is the lead ing issue la a campaign now on In the Democrat!? party in Texas to select nominees for all State offices from Governor down to constable. Pri maries will be held on July 23, with about 180 candidates to be voted on. Maurence S. Baker, a-1 1-year-old boy of Jacksonville, Fla., was killed Tuesday while bathing in Lake Worth by a fish. One of the barbed spines which the fish carries on its tail pierced the boys' neck cutting the jugular vein. He bled to death in four minutes. In every town and village and county in Tennessee, the State's ser ious political situation has aroused intense feeling. Regular Democrats and insurgent Democrats and Re publicans are lining up their forces for the stnggle which comes in Au gust, when the State judiciary and county elections are held. Columbus Shepherd, a prominent young man of Washington, D. C, was set upon by two negro hlghway- Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Long left Wednesday night for Baltimore, Md., where they will spend several dsvs as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Martin. Miss Sadie Tate, of Morganton, who has been visiting Mrs. Robert A. Love, left yesterday for Char lotte and Durham, where she will visit friends before returning to her home. Rev. J. J. Kennedy, Mrs. Frost Torrence and Miss Helen Torrence, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kennedy and Miss Julia Galloway left yesterday for Catawba Springs, near Hickory, wtiere they will spend some time. Mr. R. D. Martin, formerly of Gaston but now residing in Mecklen burg county, writes The Gazette that he was on July 1st appointed coua- ty statistical correspondent of the United States Department of Agri culture for Mecklenburg couaty. Peaches and all other kinds of fruits are more plentiful this year than for any season in ten years. The quality, too, is most excellent. The very best home-rateed peaches can be had on the local market for 80 cents the bushel. Many house wives are taking advantage of the abundant supply to can and preserve plenty of fruit for the coming win- . ter. Esquire Jacob KIser, of Besse mer City route one, was in town Wednesday on business and paid the Gazette office a pleasant call. From him we learned that on July 8th Mr. John Absher, who lives on route one, Bessemer City, had the mis fortune to lose his home by fire. He Mr. E. L. Little spent Wednes day in Raleigh on business. Tuesday night at Cherokee sta tion a number of Indians of the Cherokee reservation, Transylvania county, engaged In a conflict as the result of which one of the number, Ober Lander Lee, was killed and an other, named HornbuckTle, was seri ously injured. They were drinking. men Wednesday night a mile east of J only saved from the flames about Spencer beaten into Insensibility S12 worth of household goods. Mr. and robbed of $200. The highway- I Absher's loss was partially covered men made their escape and so far I by $400 Insurance which he carried have eluded the officers. Shepherd,! in the Gaston County 'Farmers Mu is in a critical condition but the I tnai Pi Tnaurancn Horn nan v. Es- is the oldest (43 years) and first Business College in Virginia and second in the South to own its bunding one of the finest in Richmond. It is thus financially anchored, while its long and honorable record in preparing young men and women successfully for business, induces such tatements as the followiug: "DEAR FERRY: Your letter received. I have this a. m been some of the business colleges and I wouldn't advise you to go to any except the Sniithdeal. It is so much more widely and favorably known than any Other that it would be worth it if it cost a great deal more, which it does not. Its graduates find positions when those from other schools go begging." A Richmond business man. answering his friend, who handed us letter from which above clipping was made. "I could have gotten a scholarship at another business college in Richmond for half what it cost me at the Smithdeal, although the regular rates of all the business colleges in Richmond are about the same. When I reached Richmond. I inquired of several business men for the best business college in the city, and without exception thev all recom mended Smithdeal as the best." WILLIAM E. ROSS, Law Stenographer and Lawyer, Bluefield, W. Va. Kind but firm discipline; thorough, individual instruction by scholarly and experienced teachers (four of whom are authors of valuable books),are additional reasons why this col lege.,has been steadily advancing, while several similar schools have failed in Richmond. Bookkeeping, Stenography and Penmanship Taught by Mail Nojvacations. Lidies and gentlemen in all departments. Demand for our students to Ulce positions greater than ever before. Positively bright prospect for intelligent, ener geticyoaajJpijpie. Catalog free. For full particulars, address the President, A CURE FOR ECZEMA. Many people who have eceema and have tried repeatedly to be cur ed without obtaining the desired re sult will be interested in the follow ing statement by Mrs. Jas. E. Blair, of Boston, Mass. "My daughter has suffered from birth (for twenty years,) from ecze ma, and had tried many so-called cures and dozens of physicians' pre scriptions with little or no relief un til I was advised to have her try Bloodine and Bloodine Ointment, and I am thankfal today to be able to Inform you that she has been en tirely cured after using six bottles of Bloodine and four boxes of Blood ine Ointment." What Mrs. Blair says Is enough to physicians say there is a chance for his recovery. The young man was en route to the home of Mr. Lum Kesler, a relative, two miles out from Spencer. Dr. - George T. Winston, ex-presi dent of the A. and M. College and the University of North Carolina, was arrested In Ashevllle Wednes day on a warrant sworn out by Mr. quire KIser appraised the loss. ITCHING SCALP VANISHES. Under the Magical Influence of Par isian Sage. As a rule, one applicat'on of Par isian Sage will stop the worst case of itching scalp and make the head Stanley Howland, of the Asheville I feel cool and refreshed. & East Tennessee Railway Co. The . Used as directed, this wonderful charge sgakw't the doctor was that I hair tonic (which can now be ob- his chickens were allowed to tres-1 talned In every city and town In pass on Howland's property and that I America,) will stop falling hair and their crowing early in the morning I dandruff in two weeks, or money disturbed a tenant of Mr. Howlantl's who suffers from a nervous trouble. Dr. Winston is retired on the Carne gie foundation. Ira G. Rawn, president of the Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railway (the Monon route) died of a bullet wound at his summer resi dence in Wlanetka, a suburb ' of Chicago. Rta family elalms that he was shot by a burglar but there Is a back. ' Ask J. H. Kennedy & Co. Careful people who desire an lm- maoulatelv clean scalp and luxuriant hair, should not heBltate.td try this wonderful lnvigorator and hair beau tlfier, for nothing ever compounded can compare with It. Get rid of dandruff; stop your. hair frem falling out; start to grow an abundance of luxuriant hair; ' make your hair look lustrous, radi ant and attractive. ' , Parisian Sage will do It, and do It In an astonishingly short time. It general belief that he committed convince the most skeptical that "UICiae "d circumstances seem to RiruviiriA ni Rinntin. nixiont . I point to the truth of the assumntlon. ed together will positively cure anv h recently been greatly nl or greasy; u is ueucaie- ... ni.... worried because of thA nTeHtin I '7 perrumed, and m summer will v vciu. UIUUU1US CUDII UUl 1 I . .. fifty cents a bottle, six bottles, for P" ttadA lnto the car repair IUIUiea,Ilieiy ariVB WV ine aisa- PrtmidtmL Richmond, Virginia. two dollars and a half. Bloodine Liver Pills cure constipation. Mall orders filled by Bloodine Corpora tion, Boston, Mass.. '" - , . 22. ABERXETHT-SHIELDS DRtQ CO- SPECIAL-AGENTS.' frauds on the Illinois Central,' which reeable odor arising from perspira- took place while he was with that "0?-"' k , tA - , ... -Large bottle only 60- cents at road. , The shot that killed hhn was druggists everywhere and at J. ,'h. nrea .rrom big own pistol and there Kennedy ft Co's. were powder burns clothing. V on his night Mall orders filled,; charges prepaid, by GIroux Mfg. Co. Buffalo, N. T. il-29.