TUI-;i)AV, JULY Cfl, 1S10. . . TUB OASTOX1A GAZETTE. 7 : : l ' ' .. . ; ; ' . , . . . - . . ; . ac3 FIVE. , The Gastonia Gazette i -" TTfrTTTT tt "r" -1 PEilHYCOLurm. in)' . n Jo Mo' BELK GOo ' I .cyvu:'ii. :vii-.-.-vvllllltb-l ' ' v - '. WANTED ' , ' ll- II WANTED To sell you a second hand buggy. W bar several la first class condition. J. H. Coffey. "V ; . Mel. LOUT LOST. Sunday oa Main avenue, gold link cuff button. Ed Knuckley. Hot Weather Specials at Special Prices. ran rent ,FOR RENT A dwelling houM and tor at Crowder's Crek, (or re maining part" of tbia year. Alio horse and mule for tale cheap. W. Glenn. MrAtp BLACKSMITH 8HOP for rent. W. H. Jenkins. - 2c8 FOR RENT OR SALE One piano In Al condition. J. White Ware, .CltUens National Bank building, tf. FOR RENT, Three four-room dwell ings. Gastonia, Insurance ft Real- tyCo. tf. r More pleasure added to your vacation if you carry a kodak with you. A complete line of Kodaks and Sup plies awaits you at our store. . Torrohce - Morris Go. Jewelers Opticians FOR SALE. FOR SALE: Robinson, Sow and pigs. W. M. Oastonla, route two. 29c 2. FOR SALE, one pair Stlmpson com puting -v scales, three show cases and other store fixtures. . A lot or hardware at cost. I. H. Stradley. 29 c 4. , FOR BALE Good six-year-old com bination bay horse. W. L. White- sides, Gastonia, route 1. 28 p 2. MISCELLANEOUS. HANNA'S Meat Market at 111 South street will be open for business again on Friday July 29th. Will sell for cash only. J. N. Hanna. 29 c 2. HAVE your fey'. - buggy painted at Cof 26 c 2. LADIES: We bare stencil board In large sheets at 25 cents. Also carbon paper, 10 cents a sheet. Phone us your order and we will de Pub. Co., 23 W. Main Are., Phone liver anywhere in town. Gazette No. 60. tf. I SMALL FARMS If you desire to purchase a small farm In South Georgia on easy terms, either for a borne or an investment, , write us. We lend customers money to im prove their property after they pay for it... NATIONAL LOAN ft TRUST CO., Tifton, Ga. 29 e 4. HOW' about a second hand buggy. we have them in good condition. J. H. Coffey. 26 c 2. I LET THE GAZETTE , follow you on your summer outing. We will I gladly change your address as often Ias you wish.. Phone 50 or drop us a postal card. tf. Mrs. Mary N. Grist ' Mr. Aubrey Costner, of Worth, manager of the Harden Manufactur ing Company's store, was a business visitor in Gastonia yesterday. On page three will be found the scholarship honor roll of the city schools for the session which ended in May. . Prof. P. L. Grier, of Ersklne College, Dne West, S. C, is spending several days in Gastonia and vicini ty in the interest of the college. Gastonia Lodge No. 369, A. F. and A. M., will hold a called meet ing and do work in the M. M. de gree tonight Mr. J. H. Separk, of the Gray Manufacturing Company, and Mr. J. O. White, of the Modena Mills, have gone North on business. Mr. Clyde C. Armstrong and Mr. Henry Boshamer returned last Friday from a trip to Philadelphia and New York. Mrs. Watt Nichols, of Chester, S, C, returned home yesterday after a pleasant visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. B. McLean. Mf. E. H. Rankin and son, Gray, and Mr. Henry Rankin returned Friday night from a pleasant visit to WrJghtsvIlle Beach. Mr. Robert E. Currence is back at his post in the First National Bank after a ten-days stay at Wrightsville Beach. Mrs. w! B. Knight and little Bon, Ewart, left Saturday for Rock Hill, S. C, on a visit to Mrs. Knight's brother, Mr. J. J. Hoke, and family. Mr. Robert Huffman, of Mor ganton, is visiting Rev. and Mrs. W. All of our Ladies Muslin . Underwear it UU going at reduced prices. 50c corset covers at 38 25c corset covers at 19 50c combination suits reduced to 38 $1.00 combination suits reduced to 79 Big Line of Ladies' Gowns all going Special Prices See ours before buvinz and we will .. save you money. All Ladies' shirt waists going at reduced prices. 50c waists reduced to 38 75c waists reduced to 68 $1.00 waists reduced to 89 $1.50 waist reduced to $ 1.1 9 $2.00 waists reduced to $1.79 A big line children's and misses' wash dresses, ranging i prices from 48c to $1.98 each, all sizes. Reduced prices remain on all women's ready-to-wear garments, meaning, it's a great opportunity to buy dresses and suits at half price & less. Our domestic department is complete. Good 40-inch sheeting at 4c 5, 6 and 7c Big line of bleeching to select from and town. This is done every summer. Parents can greatly facilitate, this work and aid the superintendent by having the required information as to age, etc., ready when he calls. Rev. R. C. 'Anderson, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will preach at Main Street Methodist church next Sunday night, the occas ion being the regular quarterly un ion meeting of the Presbyterians. Associate Reformed Presbyterians I Better quality at and Methodist churches. Workmen are busily engaged this week tearing down the old Le bovlts Department Store building on West Main avenue preparatory to the erection of a two story buildine of modern design. During the erec tion of the new building Mr. Lebo- vltz has his stock of goods in the Adams building in the room recent ly vacated by the Brawley Clothing Company. On page seven we are carrying a letter of Mr. T. B. Parker, Direct or in the State Department of Agri culture, in regard to the Farmers' Institutes which the department is conducting In various counties in the State this summer. Three insti tutes are scheduled for Gaston coun ty, as follows: Mount Holly, Thurs day, July 28; Gastonia, Tuesday, August 2nd; Cherryville, Tuesday, August 2nd. . Elsewhere in today's Gazette General Manager R. B. Bablnjtton. 1 ZSlZTJttZ . !2r: H6 and 118 West Main Ave. at prices that are right Rival 10-4 sheeting worth 30c per yard,' special at 25cts. Best grade oil cloth for 18c Our notion department is always com-' plete and attractive prices. Ladies' pure linen handkerchiefs at 5c Ladies' pure silk lisle thread hose at 19c Ladies 50c corsets at 39c Mennen's and Colgate 25c talcum powder at 15c Sweet maiden soap, 3 cakes for 10c Lana oil and buttermilk soap 3 cakes for 18c All low shoes remain at greatly reduced prcies. All ladies' tan oxfords and pumps must go. All $3.50 ladies' tan oxfords and pumps reduced to $2.50 All $3.00 tan oxfords and pumps reduc ed to $2J25 All $2.50 tan oxfords and pumps re duced to $1.85 Straw hats are still going at greatly re duced prices. $1.00 and $1.50 hats reduced to 48c One lot of men's $3.00 straw hats re duced to 98c Come to see us and we will save you money. We carry the largest and most complete line of Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery, Cloth ing, Shoes and Hats in Gastonia. Goods sent on approval, but nothing charged to any one. Money cheerfully refunded for any unsatisfactory purchase. See us before buying, we will save you money. qJJo 11) He is Mrs. Reddish's HAVE your corn ground at Aberne- ty's old-style burr mill In the Da- I vis block. Meal like you used to get from the old water mill. ' tf. JCLAIM aad Delivery papers added to our jitock, of legal blanks. Five j cents each or 35 ceats per dozen. ,MaIi orders receive prompt attention. jQazette Publishing Co., 236 .W. Main Ave.i Gastonia, N. C - TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1910. Personals and Locals. Miss Susie Love Is visiting Miss Myrtle Pemberton in Concord. Miss Hilda Way, of Waynes- ille. Is the guest for a few days of rs. Andrew E. Moore. Mrs. D. A. Garrison spent Sun day at Concord as the guest of her father, Mr. D. B. Coltrane. Supt J. 3. Wray of the city Schools was a business visitor to Hickory yesterday. Mr. J. E. C. Ford, of Lowell, oute one, was a Gastonia visitor yesterday. . Attorney' C E. Whitney, of Bes- ness yesterday. . Mrs. John- Shannonhouse, of i&elby, is visiting her sister, Mrs. I Mia . Lula Penney, of Abbe rlhe, S. C, is the guest of her cous n, Mrs. MC. Thorn, for a few days. Vn In o.JT. ' rC.7. J-. Mr- S. Wllklsson and chll vaa in Gastonia on business yester-1 . ..v . .-- . V, . ren. of Asheville, are spending H. Reddish brother. Miss Mary Branson Coltrane has returned to her h6me in Con cord after a pleasant visit to her sister, Mrs. p. A. Garrison. Miss Bess Thomasson and Mrs. J. B. Meacham and little son, J. B., Jr., spent several days In Yorkville, S. C, last week, visiting friends and relatives. j Mr. William Kftg, of Chester, S. C, spent Sunday and Monday fn Gastonia with Mrs. King,-who Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. B. McLean. Mr. G. C. Marvin, who has been the guest for several weeks of his nephew, Mr. G. H. Marvin, on West Airline avenue, returned Friday night to his home in Erie, Pa. Mr. Harold Shields came over from Greensboro last week to spend a few days with friends here. Mr. Shields is a son of Rev. M. McG. Shields, former pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Gastonia. Mr. J. L. Neill went to Char lotte yesterday afternoon on a visit to his nephew, Mr. Robs Ratchford, who was Injured last Saturday by having his foot crushed white engag ed la his duties as yardmaster. Miss Alma Howell, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Howell, who has been ill with fever for the past two weeks,, was taken yesterday to the City Hospital for treatment , Mr. W. Luther Grlce, of Nor folk, Va. arrived In Gastonia Satur day and will spend his vacation of several weeks here with his father, Mr. J. L. Grlce. at 410 Modena streett - gives notice that his com' pany has three scholarships in Lin wood College Which will be given free, on certain conditions, to three young ladles living in Gaston, Cleve land, Lincoln, Xatawba, York or Cherokee counties. Any young lady expecting to go to college this fall will do well to look up this notice and read the o'ffer. Mr. Andrew Cloninger, who lives above Dallas, has a kind of ap ples which he thinks cannot be beat en In the county. He can trace the strain back pretty nearly a hundred years, some of the trees having been on the land of his father, the late David Cloninger, entered that long ago. The apples are a cooking vari ety, somewhat like the Hoss apple, and ripen early. Mr. Cloninger has 18 or 20 trees bearing, and a num ber of young trees coming on. Erwin McLean, aged about 19 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McLean, was locked up at the city hall this morning for safe keeping, he having evidenced unmistakable signs of Insanity. Young McLean left home a few days ago and was locked up yesterday at Gaffney. On being released he came to Gastonia this morning. He will probably be taken to Dallas temporarily and ap plication made for his admittance to the State Insane Asylum at Morgan ton. . Sunday night about 10 o'clock Elliott Mack and Ell Forney, two negroes, engaged in a combai at the corner of Marietta street and Frank lin, avenue. Forney cut Mack with a knife or razor and the cries of "murder" from the wounded man attracted a number of pedple from the neighborhood. Both men, how ever, made good their escape - and are still at liberty. . Police officers gave them a lively chase but the fighters made good in getting away from town. Gastonia, N. C. DO YOU KEEP A SAVINGS ACCOUNT? Everybody knows the wisdom of depositing money In the banks. Sv rags Bank par Interest on deposit and the money Is just as available at all times as In other banks. Ours is the Only Savings Bank In Gaston County! We pay 4 per cent Interest, com pounded quarterly, on savings de posits. We solicit out of town business. Mall us your checks or money orders and we will open you an account. GASTON LOAN A TRUST COMPANY., Gastonia, N. a J. Lee Robinson, President; Thos. L. Craig, Vice-President; E. G. McLurd, Treasurer. Real Estate and Insurance. List your real estate with us! Farms and towns lots are wanted We represent million dollar In surance companies. GASTON LOAN A TRUST CO. Our Honor Roll. Since our last report, a week ago, we have received payments on sub scription from the following per sons: H. W. Oates, M. C. Thorn, Jacob Riser. W. H. Capps, Mrs. J. L. Bryan, Miss Mary Brawley, J. H. Pursley, E. G. Tally, J. R. Broom, Luther Bridges, M. E. McKnlght.J. A. Hill, 8. M. Jones, M. A. Stroup and W. B. Blggers. : ay. ! Mr. W. F. Holland aad little on, of Mount Holly, are visiting Mr. nd Mrs. A. R. Rankin." Mr. R. Lot Davl aad little on, O. W left yesterday for Le oir on a visit to Mr. Davis sister. week with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Ran kin oa Main avenue. Mrs. Wilkin son formerly lived in Gastonia and ha many friend here who are glad to see Tier again. Supt. Wrty will begin August 1 1st to take the school census of the j Up In the clouds there may be better Stoves aad Ranges than onrs. bat we don't believe It and havent the time to go np to see. Gastonia Furniture Company. The Gastonia Furniture Company want to sell yon your next Stove or Range, Satisfaction guaranteed or ! your money back. If yon want n good Stove or Range try the Gastonia Furniture Co. Complimentary to, her guest Miss Monita Scudder, of Vlcksburg, Miss., Miss Blossom Tayssoux will entertain at her bom on Long ave nue this evening at 9 o'clock. S2.00 Per Pair This is the price placed on our entire line of Ladies' Russia Calf and Choc Vici Oxfords and Pumps. We have them in any size Widths B. C D. ami Es. Robinson Shoe Company. See Window Display. WA 'CM Next Week's Gazette - . -. For big advertisement of AUC TION SALE OF LOTS on I. N. Davis Estate Accompanying cut will show size and location of lots. S.;N. JOYCE; ':; Executor if

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